Recordset filter error with form

I have a good working recordset which views my records good.
When I change this to a recordset with a filter (form value)
it doesn't work anymore (I did a test in de recordset window with
the same value)
In my browser I get: (dreamweaver closed and database isn't
locked anymore)
HTTP 500.100 - Internal Server Error - ASP error
Internet Information Services
Error Type:
Provider (0x80004005)
Unspecified error
/spxcrm/slsklantselectie.asp, line 16.
What could this be?

I found that the problem must be in security and rights.
I've set up in the folders that IUSR_[username] should
havefull rights. This solves the problem, but not 100%.
Now I can run my page 2 times. The 3rd time I get the same
Hope somebody has a better idea.

Similar Messages

  • Template.fmb  error  with  Forms 9i

    Hi, please could someone explain how the following error can be solved.
    I have been given a Form as an .FMB file which I need to modify slightly and then compile to an .FMX file. However when I load the .FMB file into Forms Builder 9i an error dialog appears containing the message:
    FRM-18108: Failed to load the following objects.
    Source Module:Template.fmb
    Source Module:Template.fmb
    Source Object: WHEN-WINDOW-CLOSED
    etc, etc, etc.
    This is followed by a second error dialog stating:
    FRM-10102: Cannot attach PL/SQL library Form. This library attachment will be lost if the module is saved.
    FRM-10102: Cannot attach PL/SQL library Company. This library attachment will be lost if the module is saved.
    Can someone please explain this? I can find no trace of a file called 'Template.fmb' anywhere on my machine!
    Many thanks for your help. I will be very grateful for any clues!

    Thanks for your reply Professor Yaffle. Originally I assumed that 'Template.fmb' (plus other library files) must be something specifically developed by the people who gave me the .FMB source file, however I then did a search with Google and came across several references to a file called 'Template.fmb' (usually in the context of an older version of Forms, 6), which suggested that this file may be a generic Oracle file which ships with Forms (or an old version of Forms).
    Unfortunately none of the hits that I obtained with Google were particularly useful in telling me what this file is or where I can get a copy (if it is a generic publicly available file). There were several comments along the lines of, "download files from the $AU_TOP/resources directory to your local disk", but what is $AU_TOP?
    I am now beginning to think that perhaps 'Template.fmb' really is something that was developed by the people who gave me the .FMB source file, as you suggest.
    By the way Professor Yaffle, I see that you are in Bath, UK which, by coincidence, is only about 14 miles north of where I am (Frome)! Small world, as they say.

  • Invalid number error with Form on table page

    We used the "Form on Table..." wizard to create a simple page to update the SCOTT.EMP table. When we submit the page we get the ORA-01722: invalid number error. When I view the data in the WWV_FLOW_DATA view in the FLOWS_010500 schema, I can see all the data from our form in long format with the actual values that were submitted. But I can not track down where this error is coming from.

    What data did you enter in each field? Could it be as simple as you tried to enter character data into the deptno column?

  • Please debug my javascript (error with form.submit())

    help!! help!! i have used form.submit() where form = document.forms[0] but this time it gives me an error, please help, i will give you $10
    var sw;//switch
    sw=true;//default true
    var str;//string used if invalid data
    //validates all required form fields
    function validate(form){
    sw=true;//default true
    str="The following errors occurred while processing...\n";
    form = document.forms[0];
    //check name
    str += "-You must enter your Full Name\n";
    str += "-Your Full Name must consist of only letters\n";
    //check company name
    str += "-You must enter your Company Name\n";
    //check address
    str += "-You must enter your Address\n";
    //check city
    str += "-You must enter your City\n";
    //check state
    str += "-You must enter your State\n";
    //check zip
    str += "-You must enter your Zip Code\n";
    str += "-Your Zip Code must be digits only\n";
    //check email
    str += "-You must enter your E-Mail\n";
    str += "-You must have a valid E-Mail address\n";
    //check dayPhoneNumber
    str += "-You must enter your Day Time Phone Number\n";
    if(form.dayPhone.value.length < 10 || form.dayPhone.value.length > 14 )
    str += "-You must enter a valid Day Time Phone Number (XXX)XXX-XXXX\n";
    //check evePhoneNumber
    str += "-You must enter your Evening Phone Number\n";
    if(form.evePhone.value.length < 10 || form.evePhone.value.length > 14 )
    str += "-You must enter a valid Evening Phone Number (XXX)XXX-XXXX\n";
    }//end validate
    // whitespace characters
    var whitespace = " \t\n\r";
    // non-digit characters which are allowed in ZIP Codes
    var ZIPCodeDelimiters = "-";
    // our preferred delimiter for reformatting ZIP Codes
    var ZIPCodeDelimeter = "-";
    // U.S. ZIP codes have 5 or 9 digits.
    // They are formatted as 12345 or 12345-6789.
    var digitsInZIPCode1 = 5;
    var digitsInZIPCode2 = 9;
    var defaultEmptyOK = false;
    // Returns true if string s is empty or
    // whitespace characters only.
    function isWhitespace (s)
    {   var i;
    // Is s empty?
    if (isEmpty(s)) return true;
    // Search through string's characters one by one
    // until we find a non-whitespace character.
    // When we do, return false; if we don't, return true.
    for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
    // Check that current character isn't whitespace.
    var c = s.charAt(i);
    if (whitespace.indexOf(c) == -1) return false;
    // All characters are whitespace.
    return true;
    // Check whether string s is empty.
    function isEmpty(s)
    {   return ((s == null) || (s.length == 0))
    // isAlphabetic (STRING s [, BOOLEAN emptyOK])
    // Returns true if string s is English letters
    // (A .. Z, a..z) only.
    // For explanation of optional argument emptyOK,
    // see comments of function isInteger.
    // NOTE: Need i18n version to support European characters.
    // This could be tricky due to different character
    // sets and orderings for various languages and platforms.
    function isAlphabetic (s)
    {   var i;
    if (isEmpty(s))
    if (isAlphabetic.arguments.length == 1) return defaultEmptyOK;
    else return (isAlphabetic.arguments[1] == true);
    // Search through string's characters one by one
    // until we find a non-alphabetic character.
    // When we do, return false; if we don't, return true.
    for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
    // Check that current character is letter.
    var c = s.charAt(i);
    if (!isLetter(c))
    return false;
    // All characters are letters.
    return true;
    // Returns true if character c is an English letter
    // (A .. Z, a..z).
    // NOTE: Need i18n version to support European characters.
    // This could be tricky due to different character
    // sets and orderings for various languages and platforms.
    function isLetter (c)
    {   return ( ((c >= "a") && (c <= "z")) || ((c >= "A") && (c <= "Z")) )
    // isZIPCode (STRING s [, BOOLEAN emptyOK])
    // isZIPCode returns true if string s is a valid
    // U.S. ZIP code. Must be 5 or 9 digits only.
    // NOTE: Strip out any delimiters (spaces, hyphens, etc.)
    // from string s before calling this function.
    // For explanation of optional argument emptyOK,
    // see comments of function isInteger.
    function isZIPCode (s)
    {  if (isEmpty(s))
    if (isZIPCode.arguments.length == 1) return defaultEmptyOK;
    else return (isZIPCode.arguments[1] == true);
    return (isInteger(s) &&
    ((s.length == digitsInZIPCode1) ||
    (s.length == digitsInZIPCode2)))
    // isEmail (STRING s [, BOOLEAN emptyOK])
    // Email address must be of form [email protected] -- in other words:
    // * there must be at least one character before the @
    // * there must be at least one character before and after the .
    // * the characters @ and . are both required
    // For explanation of optional argument emptyOK,
    // see comments of function isInteger.
    function isEmail (s)
    {   if (isEmpty(s))
    if (isEmail.arguments.length == 1) return defaultEmptyOK;
    else return (isEmail.arguments[1] == true);
    // is s whitespace?
    if (isWhitespace(s)) return false;
    // there must be >= 1 character before @, so we
    // start looking at character position 1
    // (i.e. second character)
    var i = 1;
    var sLength = s.length;
    // look for @
    while ((i < sLength) && (s.charAt(i) != "@"))
    { i++
    if ((i >= sLength) || (s.charAt(i) != "@")) return false;
    else i += 2;
    // look for .
    while ((i < sLength) && (s.charAt(i) != "."))
    { i++
    // there must be at least one character after the .
    if ((i >= sLength - 1) || (s.charAt(i) != ".")) return false;
    else return true;
    // isInteger (STRING s [, BOOLEAN emptyOK])
    // Returns true if all characters in string s are numbers.
    // Accepts non-signed integers only. Does not accept floating
    // point, exponential notation, etc.
    // We don't use parseInt because that would accept a string
    // with trailing non-numeric characters.
    // By default, returns defaultEmptyOK if s is empty.
    // There is an optional second argument called emptyOK.
    // emptyOK is used to override for a single function call
    // the default behavior which is specified globally by
    // defaultEmptyOK.
    // If emptyOK is false (or any value other than true),
    // the function will return false if s is empty.
    // If emptyOK is true, the function will return true if s is empty.
    // isInteger ("5") true
    // isInteger ("") defaultEmptyOK
    // isInteger ("-5") false
    // isInteger ("", true) true
    // isInteger ("", false) false
    // isInteger ("5", false) true
    function isInteger (s)
    {   var i;
    if (isEmpty(s))
    if (isInteger.arguments.length == 1) return defaultEmptyOK;
    else return (isInteger.arguments[1] == true);
    // Search through string's characters one by one
    // until we find a non-numeric character.
    // When we do, return false; if we don't, return true.
    for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
    // Check that current character is number.
    var c = s.charAt(i);
    if (!isDigit(c)) return false;
    // All characters are numbers.
    return true;
    // Returns true if character c is a digit
    // (0 .. 9).
    function isDigit (c)
    {   return ((c >= "0") && (c <= "9"))
    <form method="post" enctype="text/plain" action="mailto:[email protected]">
    <table border="0" bgcolor="yellow">
    <td width="150">Name*</td>
    <td width="250"><input type="text" size="30" maxlength="60" name="fullName"></td>
    <td width="150">Company Name*</td>
    <td width="250"><input type="text" size="30" maxlength="50" name="compName"></td>
    <td width="150">Address- Line1* </td>
    <td width="250"><input type="text" size="30" maxlength="50" name="add1"></td>
    <td width="150">Address- Line 2</td>
    <td width="250"><input type="text" size="30" maxlength="50" name="add2"></td>
    <td width="150">City*</td>
    <td width="250"><input type="text" size="15" maxlength="30" name="city"></td>
    <td width="150">State*</td>
    <td width="250"><input type="text" size="10" maxlength="25" name="state"></td>
    <td width="150">Zip Code*</td>
    <td width="250"><input type="text" size="5" maxlength="10" name="zip"></td>
    <td width="150">E-mail*</td>
    <td width="250"><input type="text" size="30" maxlength="50" name="email"></td>
    <td width="150">Day Phone*</td>
    <td width="250"><input type="text" size="15" maxlength="25" name="dayPhone"></td>
    <td width="150">Evening Phone*</td>
    <td width="250"><input type="text" size="15" maxlength="25" name="evePhone"></td>
    <td width="150">Fax Number</td>
    <td width="250"><input type="text" size="15" maxlength="25" name="fax"></td>
    <tr><td><input type="button" value="next" size="20" name="submit" onClick="validate(this.form)"></td></tr>

    With this changes your program works:
    function validate(){
    return true;
    else {
    return false;}
    <form method="post" enctype="text/plain" action="mailto:[email protected]" onSubmit:"return validate()">
    <tr><td><input type="submit" value="next" size="20" name="submit"></td></tr>
    (also, note that you should advice that you need 5 digits in the ZIP field.
    Fill the field with 3 digits to see what I mean).
    �am �am duke duke duke :) dollarssss

  • Unexpected error with form submittals

    We have end users at various locations. I created a form for them to fill out and submit back. Some locations have no problems submitting the form and others get an "unexpected error." It's pretty clear that the locations that are not able to submit the forms are being blocked somehow. We can ask the administrators to let the forms go through but I'm not sure what to ask them to do. Can anyone help me out?

    Can you share the URL of the form with me and the appoximate time of any of the failed submissions?  We'd like to investigate on our end.  Mail to [email protected]
    Are the users entering large blocks of text?  Attachments?

  • Error in form trace

    Hi all,
    with 10 g database, 11i and os is AIX.
    Getting error with form trace something like
    Dump of memory from 0x0FFFFFFFFFFAA6D0 to 0x0FFFFFFFFFFAA6E6
    oacdty=11 mxl=16(16) mxlc=00 mal=00 scl=00 pre=00
    oacflg=10 fl2=0001 frm=01 csi=00 siz=16 off=0
    kxsbbbfp=ffffffffffab080 bln=16 avl=16 flg=09
    WAIT #142: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 11513 file#=481 block#=233521 blocks=1 obj#=4060507 tim=18467017003805
    EXEC #142:c=10000,e=12809,p=1,cr=1,cu=1,mis=1,r=1,dep=2,og=4,tim=18467017003893
    also have taken tkprof but not able to see any error .......
    And the most important thing is, this form is running on PROD but not on TEST and UAT.....
    Please suggest what could be the posssible reason and how I can run this on TEST .....??????
    Thanks in ADV !

    Getting error with form trace something likeWhat is the error? I do not see any error in your entries.
    also have taken tkprof but not able to see any error .......What is the command you have run?
    And the most important thing is, this form is running on PROD but not on TEST and UAT.....What is the issue with this form? Did you try to regenerate the form manually and check then?
    Please suggest what could be the posssible reason and how I can run this on TEST .....??????Run what? If you mean trace, then please refer to (Note: 296559.1 - FAQ: Common Tracing Techniques within the Oracle Applications 11i/R12) and decide what trace option you need to go with.

  • Compiling error ORA-00600 with Forms 6 and Database 10g

    I am using "Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release" and "Forms [32 Bit] Version " with patch 17, when i compile a form that works with some tables in another database under dblink the error ORA-00600:internal error code, arguments:[16203],[],[],[],[],[],[],[] is displayed.
    If i word with reports or sqlplus no error is displayed.
    Before we installed 10g everything worked ok
    What is wrong with forms or do i need to configure something else?
    Yuri V. López Manrique

    I searched for this error on Google and found the following blog:
    Is there a tool to troubleshoot ORA-00600 and ORA-07445 errors?
    February 27th, 2006 By Fahd Mirza
    ORA-00600 and ORA-07445 errors are the most esoteric errors in Oracle.
    There is a tool called “ORA-600/ORA-7445 Troubleshooter” available at Metalink. It asks for the first argument of ORA-600 error with an optional database version number.
    For example, to see the description of the error:
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [723], [25908], [25908], [memory leak]
    You enter 723 in the “ORA-600 First Argument” field. The first argument is a pointer to where in the code the error was caught and thus is the key information in identifying the problem.
    You can also embed (copy/paste) the “Call Stack Trace” there, and, when you click on the “Search Call Stack” button an advanced MetaLink search is performed to find documents containing relevant sections from the call stack.
    Call Stack extracts from the following files are supported:
    * Generic foreground and background server trace files located in background_dump_dest and user_dump_dest
    * OpenVMS NETV2 and BEQ log files located in ORA_ROOT:[NETWORK.LOG]
    * WINDOWS CORE.LOG files
    * GDB (debugger) backtrace call stacks (best endeavors)
    Of course you will need a login to Oracle's Metalink site.
    Hope that helps,

  • Fatal error distributing forms with Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro

    Fatal error distributing forms with Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro.
    I click
    "Adobe Acrobat Pro/Formularer/Distribuer formularer/"
    ("Adobe Acrobat Pro/Forms/Distribute forms/")
    and chose a form for distribution and in the picture "Distribute Form" chose
    "Automatically download & organize responsees with".
    I then click "Next" and write an email-address to send it to (i.g. to my own)
    and then click "Send".
    The program quickly writes
    "Authenticating email-addresses"
    and then gives the following error message
    "Borland Database er ikke installeret. Kan ikke indlæse tjenesteudbyder af Corel-adressekartotetek."
    ("Borland Database is not installed. Can not read load service provider of Corel address directory.")
    When I clik "OK" I get the error message
    "Adobe Acrobat has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."
    I have undeleted and reinstalled Adobe Acrobat many times without any effect.
    The same procedure has been tried on another computer without any problem.
    What is my problem and how do I resolve it ?
    Operating System Windows XP
    Has worked may times before
    Same results with other files
    No recent system hardware or software change

    This is the image that I have plus....
    Reader 9.0 AcroRd32.exe caused Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library error
    Preinstalled Adobe 9 Standard doesn't work on a new Dell out of the box - why would it?
    Need help in creating a batch file that will add and remove some registy keys.

  • Getting "Error in sieve filter" message with each incoming mail and cannot recieve or send mail to or from iCloud account apart from Apple emails!! Please help!

    Since approx 7am GMT I've been getting "Error in sieve filter" message with each incoming mail, worse though, since about 12 noon I cannot recieve or send mail to or from my iCloud account apart from I've been getting  emails from Apple (ie I've just received a welcome one from Apple Support Communities...)!! I've had this account for years, never had a problem - it can't be the OSX Mail server because the problem is the same when I log directly into iCloud. I've tried sending emails from my Hotmail account to my iCloud account (a .mac) and just get undeliverable messages back. I'm really in the s**t now at work. : (  I just set up a Smart TV yesterday with a wireless dongle - that's the only thing I've done out of the ordinary. I've spoken to Sky who are my ISP and they say all's fine with them (although the router kept kicking my off the internet this morning which was strange...). Router seems fine now though.  I'm really hoping someone here can help!!
    Many thanks!!

    Do you think once Apple sort this out I'll get my missing emails back?

  • Error when creating a Report with Form component

    I am trying to create a new report with form component but when I try to choose the Table/View name I get a web error "404 web not found". I know for a fact that the list is working because I see the list when I create a "simple form". Is this a bug or i need to do something to get it working? thanks

    It is a bug that has been identified and will be corrected in an HTML DB patch. There is nothing you can do to correct it.
    This bug is specific to Internet Explorer and utf-8 encoding. It is not a bug with IE, it is a bug with how we handle this for IE.

  • Error with Drop -down UI elements in my HCM PF Form

    Hi All,
    I am facing some error with Drop -down UI elements in my HCM PF Form. I have some 2-3 DD elements, which are not binded to any backend field, so i am specifying their values in the UI Properties itself.
    I am able to see my drop-down list values when the form first displays initally. On selecting the values from drop down, when i click on 'Check and Send' button, the form refreshes itself, and all the drop down values dissappear, along with the selected value.
    Can anyone tell me if i am missing anything here ? Do i need to define my DropDOwn field in the Generic Service of HCM PF and then Bind it in the form ?
    Any inputs on this would be welcome !
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Christopher,
    Am also having the same issue like when am testing the process and clicking on check button, my do_operation method is called and the table SERVICE_DATASETS is getting updated. I am getting success message and all the fields are getting cleared. But when am clicking on second time the CHECK button am getting error's, because of the fields getting cleared in the screen.
    But after executing the process all the fields getting refreshed. Even what ever values I have entered that too is getting cleared. I have debugged and not able to figure it out why its getting cleared.
    I have activated the ISR context mapping and activated the Adobe Form too. I dont know where am going wrong.
    I will be doing the context mapping for ISR via IMG path by clicking the "Compare Form Fields button" also using Tcode HRASR_DT also i have tried.But the form is consistent.
    Do we have any note or patches regarding this issue.
    Please help me out form this as i could not process further in my development.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Internal error in FORM/FUNCTION get_prkexx(saplckmo) in position 10 with RC

    When we try to post good movements in MFBF, the system gives the error message C+099 which says "Internal error in FORM/FUNCTION get_prkexx(saplckmo) in position 10 with RC".
    We have been implemented the sap notes which are shown below:
    However, it doesn't solve our problem.
    Can you please help us to solve this problem?

    Just debug the program and check it.
    Also pls check these NOTES,
    414204, 933809, 390655

  • Internal error in FORM/FUNCTION CKMC_REVALUATE_ENDING_STOCK in position 1 with RC

    Hello SAP Gurus,
    I am getting this error while trying to close a material in Material Ledger Cockpit
    Internal error in FORM/FUNCTION CKMC_REVALUATE_ENDING_STOCK in position 1 with RC
    Message no. C+099
    Please inform your system administrator.
    CKMC reports no inconsistency.
    Does anyone have any suggestion?

    Thanks for your suggestions.  Thanks for taking the time to help.
    I was able to resolve these issues using the following steps in our sandbox/test environments.  I have also included other problems I faced in material ledger month end closing steps for the benefit of readers.
    **** Caution:  Do not do the following steps in production environment.  You will destroy your production data irretrievably.  Material Ledger is unforgiving!!! ***
    1.  For the materials with "Internal Error in Form/Function etc issue, I performed a CKMM in the respective plants changing for 3S to 2S and then did the same in reverse (2S to 3S).  Then ran the ML close.  This seems to have temporarily solved the problem.
    2.  I was also getting a short dump -- either during MMPV or during period close in the cockpit.  The message at both times was "Error in MLCCS ...".  I realized it related to Cost Component Split.  I identified the company codes of the materials that caused the errors, then got all the plants within each of these company codes.  I ran MLCCS_RESET and then MLCCS_Startup in SE38.  Then ran MMPV/ML Close.  This seems to have resolved the issues at least temporarily.
    3.  Occasionally I noticed some "material valuation is inconsistent in valuation area xxxx" error.  I executed steps 1 and 2 above in succession.  This seems to have resolved the issue temporarily.
    4.  There was also the issue of "duplicate entry in CKMLKEV" while performing Single/Multi-Level steps in the closing cockpit.  This pointed to MLCCS.  So I ran step 2 above.  Again this seems to have fixed the issue temporarily.
    I was able to accomplish all of these using the steps above because these were in our test environments.  The reasons as to why these happened are manifold:
    MMPV was not carried out for a long, long, long time in certain plants within a company code.  When ML is active, it is necessary to close previous period.  In cases where MMPV was not carried out for a long time, I ran CKMHELP program to set the material status to 70 for the immediately preceding posting period.  This helped run the ML cockpit for the current/previous periods.
    Users were processing too many transactions with unrealistically large quantities and prices resulting in overflow errors.  I carried out reversal of movements for each process category to reduce the inventory balances to reasonable quantities, and ran MR21 to set the prices correctly.  This helped resolve the overflow issue.
    Reckless, repeated running of CKMM and MLCCS_Reset/MLCCS_Startup also contributed to these problems.  Every time a standard had to be released, but the material status in ML is "30-Quantities and Values entered", would prevent users from doing that. So they resort to CKMM and then reset status using CKMHELP program to set the status to 10 and then release the new cost.  It works, but wreaks havoc on ML as a whole eventually.
    Hope my comments are useful for some!!!

  • Internal error in FORM/FUNCTION CKML_F_BUILD_INDEX in position 1 with RC 4

    Whenever I am trying to post a GR against PO I am receiving the following error message:
    Internal error in FORM/FUNCTION CKML_F_BUILD_INDEX in position 1 with RC 4
    I am not able to understand what this message is telling.
    How to resolve. Pl suggest.

    error is because of a program bug,
    fix can be found in OSS note 1015263

  • Internal error in FORM/FUNCTION OUTSPLIT_SCLAE_UPDOWN in position 1 with RC

    Hi All,
    when I try to do MFBF with reporting points I'm getting error "internal error in FORM/FUNCTION OUTSPLIT_SCLAE_UPDOWN in position 1 with RC4" can anybody give me some idea to how to comeout of this error.
    Thanks and Regards

    we have contacted SAP and they have resolved the issue.

Maybe you are looking for