Recreating animation effect with actionscript

I found a nice gallery and I was wondering how I would create
the side to side animation on hover.
The link is here:
On one hand it looks fairly complex and on the other it seems
quite simple
Suggestions appreciated

Thanks for that, it's looking great!
I just had a couple of small questions. When I increase the
interval for the ease, say from 50 to 300 (because I want the
images to slide across slower) they appear jittery and don't really
move smoothly across the screen. I also notice a delay after you
hover over the image before it moves. This gives the impression of
a slow and unresponsive interface. Do you have any suggestions for
over coming this?
Secondly (and I may be being too adventurous here) The
gallery in the example had a nice effect where when a series of
images are moving to the left (but are staggered because of their
easing) and you move your mouse over them again (they go to the
right) but they give a nice cascading feel (I guess because they
are staggered). I wonder if the above fix will make this effect
happen too?

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    Cheers and Thanks,

    Have you taken a look at the Dazzle filter? You may be able to recreate that effect with just the Dazzle filter and some object opacity keying plus adjustments and key framing to Dazzles Amount and Brightness parameters.

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    Hi -
    Yeah, saw that. I guess that's fine for now; here's to hoping for much more object control in the next version!

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    best regards

    This has been an ongoing issue for me since I switched from Powerpoint to Keynote. Most of the animated gifs with transparent backgrounds that I used with Powerpoint are no longer transparent in Keynote. You may want to search for those earlier threads on this topic...
    To summarize: I've had to open up my animated gifs in After Effects and use the Color Key effect to restore transparency, with mixed success.
    Good luck!

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
                   xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
                protected function application1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                    import spark.components.Button;
                    var asBtn:Button = new Button();
                    asBtn.label = "actionscript";
                    asBtn.x = 200;
           = "asButton";
           = "asButtonName";
                    trace("mxmlButton="+this["mxmlButton"].label); // returns: mxml  label
                    //trace("mxmlButton="+this["asButton"].label); // returns runtime error: ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property asButton not found on TestId and there is no default value.
                    //trace("mxmlButton="+this["asButtonName"].label); // returns runtime error: ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property asButtonName not found on TestId and there is no default value.
            label="mxml label"

    Hi Dan,
    It is a very rare occurrence when I miss not being able to access an object (object property, really) using the ["name"] notation for objects created using actionscript.
    In MXML the compiler is conveniently adding an attribute to the class with the same name as the id, so you can conveniently refer to it using the [] notation. While we explicitly specify an application container to use, the MXML compiler creates a custom container which is a derivative of the base container and to that it adds properties for the children declared in MXML. I guess it also effectively calls "addElement" for us when  the container is being constructed.
    Your example assumes that using "addElement" to add the button to the application container is the same as declaring a variable (ie property ). It isn't, so there's no point in looking for an property of the name "as3Button" using the [] notation, because it doesn't exist. The container is managing a collection of children in it's display list and that's not the same as being accessible as properties of the container.
    Generally speaking, accessing properties using the ["name"] syntax isn't necessary.
    [edit: you may wonder why "addElement" doesn't conveniently also add the "id" attribute to be an property of the container class. Unfortunately, it can't because the container class would need to be dynamic and it's not. A further complication would be that adding properties at runtime would invite naming clashes at runtime with associated mayhem. MXML can do this because the compiler generates the class and can trap name duplication at compile time.
    Great question, BTW.
    -last edit changed my "attributes" to be "properties" in line with Adobe's terminology]

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    Do I do something wrong in Keynote ?

    This has been an ongoing issue for me since I switched from Powerpoint to Keynote. Most of the animated gifs with transparent backgrounds that I used with Powerpoint are no longer transparent in Keynote. You may want to search for those earlier threads on this topic...
    To summarize: I've had to open up my animated gifs in After Effects and use the Color Key effect to restore transparency, with mixed success.
    Good luck!

  • Stop and Play All Child MovieClips in Flash with Actionscript 3.0

    I am stuck with the ActionScript here. I have a very complex animated flash movie for eLearning. These contain around 10 to 15 frames. In each frame I am having multiple movie clip symbols. The animation has been created using a blend of scripting and also normal flash animation.
    Now I want to create pause and play functionality for the entire movie. I was able to create the pause function but when i try to play the movie it behaves very strange.
    I was able to develop the pause functionality by refering to the below mentioned links: /
    Any help in this regard is highly appreciated as i am approaching a deadline.
    I am pasting the code below:
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
    import flash.utils.Timer;
    import fl.transitions.*;
    import fl.transitions.Tween;
    import fl.transitions.easing.*;
    import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
    // function to stop all movieclips
    function stopAll(content:DisplayObjectContainer):void
        if (content is MovieClip)
            (content as MovieClip).stop();
        if (content.numChildren)
            var child:DisplayObjectContainer;
            for (var i:int, n:int = content.numChildren; i < n; ++i)
                if (content.getChildAt(i) is DisplayObjectContainer)
                    child = content.getChildAt(i) as DisplayObjectContainer;
                    if (child.numChildren)
                    else if (child is MovieClip)
                        (child as MovieClip).stop();
    // function to play all movieclips
    function playAll(content:DisplayObjectContainer):void
        if (content is MovieClip)
            var movieClip:MovieClip = content as MovieClip;
            if (movieClip.currentFrame < movieClip.totalFrames) // if the main timeline has reached the end, don't play it
        if (content.numChildren)
            var child:DisplayObjectContainer;
            var n:int = content.numChildren;
            for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++)
                if (content.getChildAt(i) is DisplayObjectContainer)
                    child = content.getChildAt(i) as DisplayObjectContainer;
                    if (child.numChildren)
                    else if (child is MovieClip)
                        var childMovieClip:MovieClip = child as MovieClip;
                        if (childMovieClip.currentFrame < childMovieClip.totalFrames)
    function resetMovieClip(movieClip:MovieClip):MovieClip
        var sourceClass:Class = movieClip.constructor;
        var resetMovieClip:MovieClip = new sourceClass();
        return resetMovieClip;
    pauseBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickStop_1);
    function onClickStop_1(evt:MouseEvent):void
    playBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickPlay_1);
    function onClickPlay_1(evt:MouseEvent):void
    Other code which helps in animating the movie and other functionalities are as pasted below:
    stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, mascot);
    function mascot():void {
    // Defining variables
    var mc1:MovieClip = this.mascotAni;
    var sw:Number = stage.stageWidth;
    var sh:Number = stage.stageHeight;
    // resizing movieclip
    mc1.width = sw/3;
    mc1.height = sh/3;
    // positioning mc
    mc1.x = (stage.stageWidth/2)-(mc1.width/2);
    mc1.y = (stage.stageHeight/2)-(mc1.height/2);
    // keeps the mc1 proportional
    mc1.scaleX <= mc1.scaleY ? (mc1.scaleX = mc1.scaleY) : (mc1.scaleY = mc1.scaleX);
    stage.removeEventListener(Event.RESIZE, mascot);
    this.mascotAni.y = 100;
    function mascotReset():void
    // Defining variables
    var mc1:MovieClip = this.mascotAni;
    stage.removeEventListener(Event.RESIZE, mascot);
    mc1.width = 113.45;
    mc1.height = 153.85;
    mc1.x = (stage.stageWidth/2)-(mc1.width/2);
    mc1.y = (stage.stageHeight/2)-(mc1.height/2);
    // keeps the mc1 proportional
    mc1.scaleX <= mc1.scaleY ? (mc1.scaleX = mc1.scaleY) : (mc1.scaleY = mc1.scaleX);
    var interval:int;
    var myTimer:Timer;
    // function to pause timeline
    function pauseClips(secs:int, myClip:MovieClip):void
    interval = secs;
    myTimer = new Timer(interval*1000,0);
    myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, goNextFrm);
    function goNextFrm(evt:TimerEvent):void
      myTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, goNextFrm);
    // function to pause timeline on a particular label
    function pauseClipsLabel(secs:int, myClip:MovieClip, myLabel:String):void
    interval = secs;
    myTimer = new Timer(interval*1000,0);
    myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, goNextFrm);
    function goNextFrm(evt:TimerEvent):void
      myTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, goNextFrm);
    MovieClip(root).pauseClips(4.5, this);
    // function to fade clips
    function fadeClips(target_mc:MovieClip, next_mc:MovieClip, from:Number, to:Number):void
    var fadeTW:Tween = new Tween(target_mc, "alpha", Strong.easeInOut, from, to, 0.5, true);
    fadeTW.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, fadeFinish);
    function fadeFinish(evt:TweenEvent):void
      fadeTW.removeEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, fadeFinish);
    // function to fade clips with speed
    function fadeClipsSpeed(target_mc:MovieClip, next_mc:MovieClip, from:Number, to:Number, speed:int):void
    var fadeTW:Tween = new Tween(target_mc, "alpha", Strong.easeInOut, from, to, speed, true);
    fadeTW.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, fadeFinish);
    function fadeFinish(evt:TweenEvent):void
      fadeTW.removeEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, fadeFinish);
    // function to show screen transitions
    function screenFx(target_mc:MovieClip, next_mc:MovieClip):void
    //var tweenTW:Tween = new Tween(target_mc,"alpha",Strong.easeInOut,0,1,1.2,true);
    var tranFx:TransitionManager = new TransitionManager(target_mc);
    tranFx.startTransition({type:Iris, direction:Transition.OUT, duration:1.2, easing:Strong.easeOut, startPoint:5, shape:Iris.CIRCLE});
    function doneTrans(evt:Event):void
    // function to show screen transitions inverse
    function screenFxInv(target_mc:MovieClip, next_mc:MovieClip):void
    var tweenTW:Tween = new Tween(target_mc,"alpha",Strong.easeInOut,0,1,1.2,true);
    var tranFx:TransitionManager = new TransitionManager(target_mc);
    tranFx.startTransition({type:Iris, direction:Transition.IN, duration:2, easing:Strong.easeOut, startPoint:5, shape:Iris.SQUARE});
    function doneTrans(evt:Event):void
    // function to zoom in
    function zoomFx(target_mc:MovieClip):void
    //var tweenTW:Tween = new Tween(target_mc,"alpha",Strong.easeInOut,0,1,1.2,true);
    var tranFx:TransitionManager = new TransitionManager(target_mc);
    tranFx.startTransition({type:Zoom, direction:Transition.IN, duration:3, easing:Strong.easeOut});
    /*function doneTrans(evt:Event):void
    // Blinds Fx
    function wipeFx(target_mc:MovieClip):void
    var tranFx:TransitionManager = new TransitionManager(target_mc);
    tranFx.startTransition({type:Wipe, direction:Transition.IN, duration:3, easing:Strong.easeOut, startPoint:9});
    // Blinds Fx Center
    function fadePixelFx(target_mc:MovieClip):void
    var tranFx:TransitionManager = new TransitionManager(target_mc);
    tranFx.startTransition({type:Fade, direction:Transition.IN, duration:1, easing:Strong.easeOut});
    tranFx.startTransition({type:PixelDissolve, direction:Transition.IN, duration:1, easing:Strong.easeOut, xSections:100, ySections:100});

    This movie is an animated movie from the start to end. I mean to say that though it stops at certain keyframes in the timeline it stops for only a certain time and then moves on to the next animation sequence.
    Its not an application where the user can interact.
    On clicking the play button i want the movie to play normally as it was playing before. If the user has not clicked on the pause button it would anyhow play from start to finish.
    Is there anyway where i could send in the fla file?

  • SWF movie export on frame-by-frame basis WITH actionscript

    Hi there,
    I know they're two ways of exporting flash movies:
    Export the whole timeline. This only allows timeline animations and gets messy because you have to cram up everything on the main timeline.
    Realtime-Export via Quicktime. This is a "full blown" export, but heavily dependent on CPU power or speed of harddrive, depending on resolution.
    I also work a lot with music programs and there is an option called "mixdown". This will render the whole song - as fast as the processor is capable - to a WAV-file. So time doesn't matter anymore, notes don't get skipped, etc.
    I would like to see something like this in flash, too. WITH actionscript.
    I just want flash to export one frame for each "onEnterFrame" event, NOT when the timer tells you, it's time for a "next frame". So this would mean not to trigger the onEnterEvent when the appropiate time has passed, but to trigger it, when the next frame can be exported.
    Libraries like "TweenLite/Max" are capable of doing frame-based animations, independent from the timer, so everything on that end is pretty fine.
    Would be so great if that was possible in any way.
    Is it already in CS5? Or maybe an option in CS6... argh, so many years to wait...
    until then, I have to measure the fps, look out for the lowest number, export at THAT framerate (in most of the cases just 4 or 5 fps, even on a very fast computer - just because 2 or 3 frames happen to render slower than the other 200) and afterwarts set it to 25 again (I use Blender to do this)

    Good Lead - Thanks.
    I learned that having skinned components (which this uses)
    keeps this preloader from working properly. The results were
    unstable. It looks like a great little preloader for other things
    I also learned that it's a problem that others have
    encountered and that hasnt been solved yet...
    ...."hello Adobe?"
    Thanks again for helping me understand this.

  • HTML animation effects doesn't work after last update

    After last update my html animation that have different effects with different time: fade, translate, rotation, scale, ecc... plays but some effects doesn't play.
    Various animated png in html project appears immediatly without shows transitions or deformations.
    I have made html animation with Motion Composer that have time curve for each effect.. and all work fine with previous dps desktop tools...
    I don't use Hedge because folios with hedge animation is mooooooooore large than folios with motion composer animation.
    A single complex animation (10 .png(1024x768) with multipe effects fo each) made with composer produce a 1MB folio...
    The same animation made with Hedge produce more the 100MB folio.
    why new version of dps don't show my html anim correctly ? I hope adobe correct this proble. 

    We just released an update to the DPS tools that addresses the issues around HTML/iFrame and buttons in release 25. You can download the updated components by following the links at

  • Animation effects not playing correctly in captivate 6 (playing last frame first?)

    Hi there,
    Currently in captivate 6 I have a problem where when an item is coming in using an animation effect the image is flashing up very breifly, dissapearing then playing the animation as it should. it is almost as if it is playing the last split second first then looping round. This only applies to some of the items and not all of them, I have tried redoing them only for the same problem to occur. There is only 1 entrance effect playing on each item and there are 4 items on screen, the second and third images are the ones causing problems although the text and fitst image is fine. I have tried toggling sync with project. This also occurs both in publish and in preview
    Any other ideas?

    Hi Vish,
    All of the items in question are set to display for the rest of the slide and the effect lasts less then a second where each item is on screen for 10+ seconds so there is plenty of the for the entrance effect to play out.
    I have noticed however if I set all of the items with effects to start on the start of the slide the effect plays correctly but that means it isnt synced to the voiceover.

Maybe you are looking for

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