Recursive CMR problem in J2EE RI 1.3.1

I have to create Category EJB in my project. Which is recursive object because it may be root category or branch category.
In my Bean Class, I declared:
// CMP Fields
//CMR Fields
public abstract Collection getSubCategories();
public abstract void setSubCategories(Collection categories);
And in deployment descriptor, I declare recursive relationship for this bean:
At my knowledge, the container has to create relationship table corresponding to this relationship. This table has two columns, which are stored PK of parent and its children. But in my deploytool, it has only one column. What is happen? Any one help me, please..:(

I have been trying to solve the very same problem for some time, could you let me know the answer to this. If you are feeling extremely generous, could you post/email the source code for the category EJB to me.
I would be eternally grateful
Anthony Miller
[email protected]

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    Reflection uses the classloader as well so it should work fine.
    A common cause of a NoClassDefFoundError is something in a parent classloader that refers to something only available in a child loader.
    For instance, do you have any of your application classes which are in the $CLASSPATH but reference something that is only (now) in the business.jar in your ear?
    -- Rob
    -- Rob
    WLS Blog

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    I dont know how useful my reply would be since the question was posted about 2 yrs back, but just wanted to reply in case somebody faces the same problem.
    If you change the web port to some other port (other than 8000) then please check the sun-j2ee-ri.xml files. Actually the CatalogDAOSQL.xml is read using a url which includes the port you are running the server on. So, you need to change the port even in the sun-j2ee-ri.xml file.
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    It's a good idea to set the minimum and maximum heap size to the same value. In any case, don't let the minimum heap size exceed the maximum.
    Stop Tomcat server, set environment variable CATALINA_OPTS, and then restart Tomcat.
    Look at the file tomcat-install/bin/ or catalina.bat for how this variable is used.
    For example,
    set CATALINA_OPTS="-Xms512m -Xmx512m"  (Windows)
    export CATALINA_OPTS="-Xms512m -Xmx512m" (ksh/bash)
    setenv CATALINA_OPTS "-Xms512m -Xmx512m"  (tcsh/csh)
    In catalina.bat or, you may have noticed CATALINA_OPTS, JAVA_OPTS,
    or both can be used to specify Tomcat JVM options.
    What is the difference between CATALINA_OPTS and JAVA_OPTS?
    The name CATALINA_OPTS is specific for Tomcat servlet container,
    whereas JAVA_OPTS may be used by other java applications (e.g., JBoss).
    Since environment variables are shared by all applications, we don't want Tomcat to inadvertently pick up the JVM options intended for other apps. I prefer to use CATALINA_OPTS.
    You have specified size by a capiital "M" ?(3072M) use "m".
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    I copied and pasted your code as well as made c08 and c09 directories. I had no errors compiling. I am using NT, but it appears that your problem is Classpath related. You can try to CD to the C:\Java directory and compile using "javac c09\" That's the command I used.

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    Target URL -- http://localhost:8988/myApp-myProject-context-root/MyWebServiceSoapHttpPort
    06/06/12 13:34:17 Web service MenuWebService has been started on the embedded server
    06/06/12 13:34:17 Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( initialized
    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Take care.

    here are the classes:
    service class:
    package com.test.service
    public class MenuService {
        public MenuService() {
        public String echo(String payload) {
            return payload;
        public ViewRight echoViewRight(ViewRight viewRight) {
            return viewRight;
    }view right class:
    package com.test.service
    public class ViewRight {
      private Integer id;
      private String name;
      private String description;
      private String members;
        public ViewRight() {
    }Here's the exception I get (if I just try to inovke the string echo method):
    java.rmi.RemoteException: Error parsing envelope: (1, 1) Start of root element expected.; nested exception is:
         javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Error parsing envelope: (1, 1) Start of root element expected.
         at menusproject.proxy.runtime.MenuWebServiceSoapHttp_Stub.echo(
         at com.test.gui.menus.service.MenuWebServiceSoapHttpPortClient.<init>(
         at com.test.gui.menus.service.MenuWebServiceSoapHttpPortClient.main(
    Caused by: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Error parsing envelope: (1, 1) Start of root element expected.
         at menusproject.proxy.runtime.MenuWebServiceSoapHttp_Stub.echo(
         ... 2 more
    Caused by: oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParseException: Start of root element expected.
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLError.flushErrors1(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseRootElement(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseDocument(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParser.parse(
         ... 9 more
    Message was edited by:

  • CMR problem

    Hi friends
    I am using weblogic,ejb ,XDoclet...Doing one CMR relation program
    I have tow tables
    In order_detail table i have PK serial number and FK po_no
    In order_header table i have PK po_no
    It is like order has many items program
    Im CMR relation i gave
         * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
         * CMR Field items
         * Returns the items
         * @return the items
         * <!-- end-user-doc -->
         * <!-- begin-xdoclet-definition -->
         * @ejb.interface-method
         * view-type="local"
         * @ejb.relation
         * name="order_header"
         * role-name="Order-contains-Items"
         * target-ejb="OrderDetail"
         * target-role-name="item-contained-in-order"
         * target-cascade-delete="yes"
         * foreign-key-column="po_no"
         * key-column="po_no"
         * <!-- end-xdoclet-definition -->
         * @generated
    public abstract java.util.Collection getItems();
    * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
    * Sets the Items
    * @param java.util.Collection the new items value
    * <!-- end-user-doc -->
    * <!-- begin-xdoclet-definition -->
    * @ejb.interface-method
    *           view-type="local"
    * <!-- end-xdoclet-definition -->
    * @generated
    public abstract void setItems(java.util.Collection items);*bold*
    I am getting the error of
    When a cmp-field and a cmr-field (relationship) are mapped to the same column, the setXXX method for the cmp-field may not be called. The cmp-field is read-only.
    Please help me to sort out this.
    thanks in advance

    i had this same problem of recent. i never included the cmp(setter and getter of fk). i worked with the cmr
    setter and getter. it worked but do not know if this was a standard.

  • Jsp taglib problems in J2ee server  of j2sdkee1.3

    Fresh from solving the problems with usebean in jsp, I again got a problem with the custom tags of JSP
    I am using Jdk1.3 and j2sdkee1.3, windows98
    The class file is stored in a package called my in the c:\j2sdkee1.3\lib\classes\my folder
    and the tld and jsp file stored in c:\j2sdkee1.3\public_html folder
    when I access the atm.jsp page, I got this error message
    A Servlet Exception Has Occurred
    org.apache.jasper.compiler.ParseException: End of content reached while more parsing required: tag nesting error?
    Here is the ATMJsp.tld code
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE taglib PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN" "">
         <info>a tag library for the atm details</info>
              <info>Outputs of the ATM Counter</info>
    I try:
    When I put the <bodycontent> tags below the <info> tags, I got the error message that the tag doesn't allow "bodycontent" here
    I don't know what caused the problem ... is there some mistake in the above code?
    Include other file to make it more clear---* atm.jsp and
    <%@ page import="my.atmtag" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="ATMJsp.tld" prefix="atmjsp" %>
    <%@ page errorPage="errorpage.jsp" %>
    <!DocType HTML Public "-//W3C//DTD// HTML 4.0 Translational//EN">
    <h3 align=center>ATM counters that need cash</h3>
    package my;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.math.*;
    import java.util.*;
    //tag handler
    public class atmtag extends TagSupport
         Connection connect=null;
         Statement state=null;
         ResultSet result=null;
         public atmtag() throws ClassNotFoundException
         public int doStartTag() throws JspTagException
              return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE;
         public int doEndTag() throws JspTagException
                   JspWriter out=pageContext.getOut();
                   String strquery="select cCounter_id, cAddress, mCashBalance from Counter where mCashBalance<=10000";
                   ResultSet result=state.executeQuery(strquery);
                   String sid=null;
                   String saddress=null;
                   String sbalance=null;
                   Vector v=new Vector();
                   for (int i=0; i<v.size();i++)
                        String str=(String)v.elementAt(i);
              catch(Exception ex)
              return EVAL_PAGE;
    Pls help me to get through this hurdle

    1) To handle <bodycontent> you should inherit from BodyTagSupport
    2) You should use your bean like: <td><atmjsp:ATM/></td>
    with closing slash - it's bodyless tag - this mistake
    causes JSP compiler to report error

  • Problem with J2EE

    Hi, I am new to Java Enterprise Edition. I am trying to install J2EE 1.3.1 on Win 2000 with service pack 4, and I am getting the following error
    16 bit Windows Subsystem
    c:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MSDOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application.
    Plz help me to solve this problem.

    Open that autoexec.nt and check if it matches with this:
    @echo off
    REM AUTOEXEC.BAT is not used to initialize the MS-DOS environment.
    REM AUTOEXEC.NT is used to initialize the MS-DOS environment unless a
    REM different startup file is specified in an application's PIF.
    REM Install CD ROM extensions
    lh %SystemRoot%\system32\mscdexnt.exe
    REM Install network redirector (load before dosx.exe)
    lh %SystemRoot%\system32\redir
    REM Install DPMI support
    lh %SystemRoot%\system32\dosx

  • Intermittend connection problem from J2EE (separate) engine to ABAP

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    Any ideas would be helpfull.
    The error i get on the java side is : IO error detected while opening DEST connection:
            at Source)
            at Source)
            at Source)
            at<init>(Unknown Source)
            at Source)
            at Source)
            at Source)
            at Source)
            at Source)
            at Source)
            at com.adobe.BaseADSRequest.doWork(Unknown Source)
            at com.adobe.AdobeDocumentServicesWorker.processRender(Unknown Source)
            at com.adobe.AdobeDocumentServicesWorker.execute(Unknown Source)
            at com.adobe.AdobeDocumentServicesEJB.processRequest(Unknown Source)
            at com.adobe.AdobeDocumentServicesEJB.rpData(Unknown Source)
            at com.adobe.AdobeDocumentServicesLocalLocalObjectImpl0.rpData(
            at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor339.invoke(Unknown Source)
            at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( Code))
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( Code))
            at SoapServlet.doPost(
            at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
            at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
            at Code))
            at Code))
            at Code))
            at Method)
            at Code))
            at Code))
            at Code))
    Caused by: org.w3c.www.protocol.http.HttpException: org.w3c.www.protocol.http.HttpException: <b>Unable to contact target server after 1 tries.</b>
            at org.w3c.www.protocol.http.HttpBasicServer.runRequest(Unknown Source)
            at org.w3c.www.protocol.http.HttpManager.runRequest(Unknown Source)
            at org.w3c.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.connect(Unknown Source)
            at org.w3c.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.a(Unknown Source)
            at org.w3c.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source)
            ... 41 more
    p.s. I changed the real server name for in the output

    After restarting the entire J2EE engine, this strange problem disappeared.

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    The errors I receive:
    Launching OC4j...
    Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE initialized
    2003-03-18 09:40:36 ApplicationModuleProvider - unspecified properties:
    password drivertype user sid connectionstring host encryptiontype port
    at oracle.cle.persistence.ConnectionProvider.getConnectionString(Connect
    at oracle.clex.persistence.bc4j.ApplicationModuleProvider.createModule(A
    at oracle.clex.persistence.bc4j.ApplicationModuleProvider.getConnection(
    at oracle.cle.persistence.ConnectionProvider.getConnection(ConnectionPro
    at oracle.cle.persistence.ConnectionManager.getConnection(ConnectionMana
    at oracle.cle.persistence.DeploymentConnector.getConnection(DeploymentCo
    at oracle.cle.persistence.DeploymentConnector.getConnection(DeploymentCo
    at oracle.jheadstart.persistence.bc4j.handler.DataSourceHandlerImpl.getC
    at oracle.jheadstart.persistence.bc4j.handler.DataSourceHandlerImpl.getA
    at oracle.jheadstart.persistence.bc4j.handler.DataSourceHandlerImpl.getD
    at oracle.jheadstart.process.GetDataSourceSet.retrieveSimple(GetDataSour
    at oracle.jheadstart.process.GetDataSourceSet.persist(GetDataSourceSet.j
    at oracle.jheadstart.process.PersistingDataSource.start(PersistingDataSo
    at oracle.cle.process.CLEStateMachine.start(
    at oracle.cle.process.Process.start(
    at oracle.cle.process.GenericProcess.start(
    at oracle.cle.process.ParentProcess.start(
    at oracle.cle.process.DisplayGroup.start(
    at oracle.cle.process.CLEStateMachine.start(
    at oracle.cle.process.Service.start(
    at oracle.clex.process.controller.HttpServletController.doPost(HttpServl
    at oracle.jheadstart.process.controller.JhsHttpServletController.doPost(
    at oracle.clex.process.controller.HttpServletController.doGet(HttpServle
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(ServletReque
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(Ser
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(HttpReques
    at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$
    at Source)
    ApplicationModuleProvider: ApplicationModuleProvidernull
    GetDataSourceSet Exception: A Connection could not be made for class: oracle.emp
    depdemo.resource.Department and sessionId: e3c568a09dec48d7b5a6cb86d041d22b orig
    inal message is: ApplicationModuleProvider: ApplicationModuleProvidernull
    See also thread MySQL at the JHeadstart forum.
    data-sources.xml (oc4j\j2ee\home\config):
    <provider name="EmpDepServiceProvider" class="oracle.clex.persistence.bc4j.ApplicationModuleProvider">
    <property name="persistencebase" value="oracle.empdepdemo.persistence.bc4j"/>
    <property name="modulename" value="oracle.empdepdemo.persistence.bc4j.Bc4jModule"/>
    <property name="failover" value=""/>
    <property name="scope" value="request"/>
    <property name="managestate" value="false"/>
    <property name="configuration" value="Bc4jModuleLocal"/>
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
    <AppModuleConfig name="Bc4jModuleLocal">
    <ConnectionDefinition name="ScottTiger">
    <ENTRY name="JDBC_PORT" value="1521"/>
    <ENTRY name="ConnectionType" value="JDBC"/>
    <ENTRY name="HOSTNAME" value="localhost"/>
    <ENTRY name="user" value="Scott"/>
    <ENTRY name="ConnectionName" value="ScottTiger"/>
    <ENTRY name="SID" value="orcl"/>
    <ENTRY name="JdbcDriver" value="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"/>
    <ENTRY name="ORACLE_JDBC_TYPE" value="thin"/>

    Thank you Dhiraj,
    On my Oracle database it is working. But on MySQL I still have the same problem.
    I'm still ivestigating it.
    Thanks anyway.

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