Red spot on black screen of iPhone 6 plus

I have an annoying 3mm irregular shaped red spot on my iPhone 6 plus screen when using apps with black background. Anyone having the same issue? Is this a hardware problem? Help please.

I've never seen that. The only way to rule out hardware is to perform user troubleshooting. First step is a restart. Power the phone off/on. If it returns, then a reset. Hold the sleep/wake and home buttons together until you see the Apple logo and then release. The phone will reboot. If it returns, make a backup of the phone and restore the phone to that backup. If after that, it still returns, then make a backup of the phone, however this time restore the phone as new, not from the backup. Do not add any additional content to the device and see if it returns. If it does, then you have a hardware issue and you need to make an appointment at the nearest Apple Store or your Authorized Apple Service provider. The restart, reset and restore from backup will not affect your data. However, a restore as new will delete all data from the device. Make sure everything is synced to a supported application to recover and import your photos and other data.

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    Don't know until you troubleshoot. First step is a reset:
    hold down the home button along with the sleep/wake button until the screen goes black and you see the Apple, then let go. (No data loss)

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    To solve most of iPhone os problems you can perform a soft reset which will not change anything inside the phone
    It'll simply remove the errors
    To do that
    1.Hold power button for 5 seconds
    2.without releasing power button press home button and keep both pressed till the apple logo comes up
    3.Now release both buttons
    Your phone has now been reset

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    If your iPod Touch, iPhone, or iPad is Broken
    Apple does not fix iDevices. Instead, they exchange yours for a refurbished or new replacement depending upon the age of your device and refurbished inventories. On rare occasions when there are no longer refurbished units for your older model, they may replace it with the next newer model.
    ATTN: Beginning July 2013 Apple Stores are now equipped to do screen repairs/replacements in-house on iPhone 5 and 5C. In some cases while you wait. According to Apple this is the beginning of equipping Apple Stores with the resources needed to do most repairs for iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches that would not require major replacements. Later in the year the services may be extended as Apple Stores become equipped and staffed with the proper repair expertise. So, if you need a screen repaired or a broken screen replaced or have your stuck Home button fixed, call your local Apple Store to see if they are now doing these in-house.
    You may take your device to an Apple retailer for help or you may call Customer Service and arrange to send your device to Apple:
    Apple Store Customer Service at 1-800-676-2775 or visit online Help for more information.
    To contact product and tech support: Contacting Apple for support and service - this includes international calling numbers.
    You will find respective repair costs in the appropriate link:
    iPod Service Support and Costs
    iPhone Service Support and Costs
    iPad Service Support and Costs
    There are third-party firms that do repairs on iDevices, and there are places where you can order parts to DIY if you feel up to the task:
    1. iResq or Google for others.
    2. Buy and replace screen yourself: iFixit

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    Sorry, but we can't answer this question, we are all users here, just like you, and don't know anything about Apple's service repair plans for other countries.
    If you would like to let Apple know about your wishes, use this link:
    Apple - iPhone - Feedback

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    Contact Apple Support and let Apple do this for you, but this is not covered in the warranty:
    Screen repair service pricing
    Repair and replacement costs depend on your iPhone model and your AppleCare product coverage. Apple will run a diagnostic test to determine whether your iPhone has experienced additional damage. If it has, or if it needs other repairs, you may need to pay an out-of-warranty service fee. Accidental damage isn't covered under the Apple One Year Limited Warranty.
    Screen repair cost
    iPhone 6
    iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5
    Plus a $6.95 shipping fee, if required. Fees are in USD and exclude local tax. Pricing is for service through Apple. The final service fee we charge will be determined during testing. Pricing and terms vary for service through an Apple Authorized Service Provider.
    copied from Service Answer Center - iPhone

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    This is my 3rd MB after a series of exchanges for other problems. So far this thing is flawless.
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    I think everything has flaws; it's just whether or not they're visible. The irony is you could have one that has one or two cosmetic defects and it lasts you 10+ years; however, could have one that is cosmetically perfect, but go through two or three logic boards in its lifetime. Anything is possible.
    I can't say that you are or are not having problems that are "normal" b/c computers are almost synonimous w/ cars these days as far as defects, warranties, and repairs.
    My first blackBook had a slight bulge in the bezel, next to the isight--took it back to Apple three days later, they exchanged it no problems. The new Blackbook they replaced it with had a bad Return key (the scissor was broken). They replaced they key, no problems so far and I'm very happy w/ it. I have AppleCare not b/c Apple would tell me to buy it, but b/c I plan on keeping the computer for 3 years at minimum and don't want to deal w/ repair cost (if any).

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    Your phone is still covered under warranty. Contact Apple Support to get it serviced:
    iPhone - Contact Support - Apple Support

  • Screen problems - black screen and lock-up (plus HDMI issues)

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    How can I fix these problems, especially the first?

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    Until today.
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    So now that you know my problem, please help with a solution. How do I pursue repairs on my Zen V Plus? Where would I send it within the UK? Is my warranty still valid now that I've moved? If not, what will the price be to repair? Etc etc.
    Don't get this letter wrong. The times that I've used my Zen V, I've absolutely loved it. It's a very nicely packaged mp3 player with some equally nice features. Trouble is, I expected it to hold out a bit longer than /3 of a year.

    Yep. Tried that. A few of times, actually. I tried to 'update the firmware' also. I did this blindly (more or less) as I couldn't actually see the screen. I just followed the physical instructions and tried each possible thing you could. I'm not actually sure if I ended up repeating myself. Did it about eight to be sure. I think there are only four options on the menu where you can access the firmware.

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    i restored and reset all settings of my phone but nothing has changed. i want help from apple world....

    Is the portrait lock on control panel off or on Is the lock switch on side of iphone off or on Have you tried this press & hold power button & menu button hold both down Until you see Apple Logo you wil not lose any data. If all the things do not work take iphone Back to Apple Shop or the shop where you bought the iPhone. Bsydduk

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    Thanks for answering. Cheers

    Hi tuoleado!
    They look quite similar Actually. Only difference is mine is right in the middle and looks more like a machine mark. Your mark looks more like the screen is letting dirt under the screen and are large blobs, which is probably worse! But my mark is more a large C shape in the middle of the screen.
    And well done taking a picture, I couldn't quite get the right angle, I'll have to try again when it's sunny outside!
    Call Apple Support and get the iPhone replaced as soon as possible, when you spend the money we have for a product this premium this just isn't good enough. Problem is I was told on the phone I would receive a phone in a very short time, while a confirmation email about an hour after says 3 to 4 weeks. I'm worried ill be without a phone for a little while (which in my business is bad!) so if you still have your old phone, keep hold of it for a while just in case.
    Let me know what happens! And thanks for posting. Best of luck!

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  • Black Screen on iPhone for a LONG time During Restore to Back Up?

    I am in the process of trying to sync my iPhone 5 to my computer which just had a brand new hard drive installed.  I followed these directions below that I found in one of these discussions.  Everything was going great, but when I completed step #8, and selected "Restore from Back Up",  I saw a message telling me to keep my iPhone connected to my computer.  My phone then turned off and went black.  That was at least two hours ago.  It is still connected to my computer.
    What should I do?  Try to turn it on, or leave it black in hopes that there is some kind of work happening 'behind the scenes'?  Can anyone help?
    Here is the procedure I followed:
    This is for those of you who have no backup of your current iTunes library, and are replacing the computer your phone normally syncs with or are just replacing the hard drive. Again, no backup.
    By design, the iPhone will sync iTunes content with one computer at a time. Any attempt to sync such content with a second computer will result in ALL iTunes content being first erased from your phone & then replaced with the content from the second computer. This is a design feature and cannot be overridden. Because you replaced your computer, or hard drive, your phone will see this as a "new" computer. The iTunes content sync is one way: computer to phone. If you have photos that were synced to your phone or music ripped on your own that were not backed up, you will first have to extract them from your phone using third party software, before you do anything else, as Apple makes no provision to do so:
    If on a Mac, use this:
    If on a PC, use this:
    Once you've done that, do the following in the order specified:
    1. Disable auto sync when an iPod/iPhone is connected under iTunes>Preferences>Devices(under Edit menu if using Windows).
    2. Make sure you have one contact & one event in the supported applications on your computer(iCal & Address Book on a Mac, Windows Address Book or Outlook if using Windows). These entries can be fake, doesn't matter, the important point is that these programs not be empty.
    3. Connect your phone, iTunes running, do not sync at this point.
    4. Store>Authorize this computer.
    5. File>Transfer Purchases(To make sure all purchased content on your phone will be in your iTunes library).
    6. Right click your phone in the left device pane & select "Reset warnings".
    7. Right click again and select "Backup".
    8. Right click again & select "Restore from Backup", select the backup you just made. When prompted to create another backup, decline.
    9. This MUST be followed by a sync to restore your iTunes content, which you select from the various tabs, You'll get a popup regarding your contacts & calendars asking to merge or replace, select "Merge".
    Your phone should look just like it did when you started, with no data loss.
    You should be good to go.

    You should be posting in the iPhone forum here:

  • How do i get rid of black screen on iPhone simulator

    im makg a game on Xcode for iOS buterytime i try to run the app the iPhone simulator goesBlack    could still see the app icon but not the applcation it self it   l   team fixes this problome to lauch it n the near winter. We have it updated to iOS 7 SDK  but that still hasnt soved the problome as well as resting the iPhone our only wa of   ning the app is to upload it to an ipod 5 but i want to hare the progress by screen share using OS X server scinc my team is scatterd all around town. So please reply to any remody to this problome im sure im not the only one.

    You are posting this question in an iWeb forum exactly why?
    Try posting this in the iPhone forum and you might get more help.

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