Redevelop oracle forms login screen in adf

hi i have the login screen in my oracle forms application which do the following
-able the user to login in the application,by the username,password which are store in the table
-in my screen i got the following username and password column and the login button.
-the login button got two trigger> when-button-pressed and when-new-item-instance
-i also have an option for new user to type new password and confirm the password when they start,every new user got default password and is force to change the password before login in the application
-when the application start it does not show the new password column only if the user is new and when user password has been resert which is done by system admistrator.
-i have one screen which list all the user in the application where system administrator can resert the password by clicking the button
-i also have change password button which come if the user is new under this button i only have one trigger when-button-pressed which got
-the user is the only person who enter the new password the system admistrator only resert the password he does not have option to enter new password
if :logon.pwd is null then
sms_code.error_message('SMS-'||to_char(0000002)||': '||'Password must be specified','', 'E', 'SMS');
end if;
under my when-button-pressed trigger i got
:logon.logon_ind := 1;
and under my when-new-item-instance trigger i got
if nvl(:logon.logon_ind,0) = 1 then
     :logon.logon_ind := 0;
if :logon.usr_id is not null
and :logon.pwd is not null then
:logon.logon_ind :=1;
end if;
end if;
and my perform_sdms_logon sp is below. which is in the form programm unit
PROCEDURE perform_sdms_logon IS
error_message varchar2(100);
usr_id integer;
fail_cnt integer;
fail_limit integer;
pwd sms_users.pwd%type;
pwd_dt date;
pwd_dt_period integer;
sysdt date;
msg_lvl varchar2(20) := :system.message_level;
cursor usr is
select id,pwd_change_dt,sysdate,pwd,login_failure_count
from sms_users
where user_id = :logon.usr_id
-- and pwd = sms_secure.crypt('USR',id,:logon.pwd)
if :logon.usr_id is null then
     error_message := 'User id must be specified';
sms_code.error_message('SMS-'||to_char(0000001)||': '||error_message,'', 'E', 'SMS');
end if;
if :logon.pwd is null then
     error_message := 'Password must be specified';
sms_code.error_message('SMS-'||to_char(0000002)||': '||error_message,'', 'E', 'SMS');
end if;
pwd_dt_period := sms_global.ref_code('SMS','PWD_PERIOD',30,1);
fail_limit := sms_global.ref_code('SMS','PWD_FAIL_LIMIT',3,1);
open usr;
fetch usr into usr_id,pwd_dt,sysdt,pwd,fail_cnt;
if usr%NOTFOUND then
close usr;
,:global.clnt_host_name ||':'||:global.clnt_ip_addr
,'Not SMS User'
     error_message := 'Logon to SMS Denied';
sms_code.error_message('SMS-'||to_char(0000003)||': '||error_message,'', 'E', 'SMS');
end if;
close usr;
if fail_cnt > fail_limit then
,:global.clnt_host_name ||':'||:global.clnt_ip_addr
,'Logon - PWD'
,:logon.usr_id ||':'||fail_cnt||':'||fail_limit
,'Password retry limit exceeded'
     error_message := 'Password error limit have been exceeded contact the Administrator';
sms_code.error_message('SMS-'||to_char(0000014)||': '||error_message,'', 'E', 'SMS');
end if;      
if pwd <> sms_secure.crypt('USR',usr_id,:logon.pwd) then
     update sms_users
     set login_failure_count = nvl(login_failure_count,0) + 1
     where id = usr_id
     :system.message_level := 15;
,:global.clnt_host_name ||':'||:global.clnt_ip_addr
,'Logon - PWD Error'
,:logon.usr_id ||':'||:logon.pwd
,'Wrong user Password'
     :system.message_level := msg_lvl;
     error_message := 'Logon to SMS Denied';
sms_code.error_message('SMS-'||to_char(0000003)||': '||error_message,'', 'E', 'SMS');
     if fail_cnt > 0 then
     update sms_users
     set login_failure_count = 0
     where id = usr_id
,:global.clnt_host_name ||':'||:global.clnt_ip_addr
,'Logon - PWD Correct'
,'Reset Failed count'
     :system.message_level := 15;
     :system.message_level := msg_lvl;
end if;           
,:global.clnt_host_name ||':'||:global.clnt_ip_addr
,'Logon - PWD Correct'
end if;
if trunc(pwd_dt + pwd_dt_period) < sysdt then
,:global.clnt_host_name ||':'||:global.clnt_ip_addr
,'Logon - PWD Expired'
,'Password use Expired'
     error_message := 'Password Expired. Please change password.';
sms_code.error_message('SMS-'||to_char(0000004)||': '||error_message,'', 'E', 'SMS');
end if;      
:global.User := :logon.usr_id;
validate_usr_profiles (:logon.usr_id);
and my validate_usr_profiles is
PROCEDURE validate_usr_profiles (i_usr varchar2) IS
cnt number := 0;
clnt_user varchar2(80);
clnt_ip_addr varchar2(30);
clnt_host_name varchar2(80);
novell_user number;
single_terminal number;
found boolean;
l_usr_id integer;
select count(*) ,
into cnt,l_usr_id
from sms_user_roles urol
,sms_users usr
where user_id = i_usr
and = usr_id
group by
if cnt = 0 then
     sms_code.error_message('SMS-'||to_char(0000020)||':No profiles have been granted.', '', 'E', 'SMS');
end if;     
novell_user := sms_global.ref_code('SMS','NOVELL_USER',1,1);
if novell_user = 1 then
     if lower(:global.clnt_user) <> lower(i_usr) then
,:global.clnt_host_name ||':'||:global.clnt_ip_addr
,i_usr ||':'||novell_user
,'Not Novell User'
          sms_code.error_message('SMS-'||to_char(0000019)||':User id not same as Host User.', clnt_user, 'E', 'SMS');
     end if;
end if;      
single_terminal := sms_global.ref_code('SMS','SINGLE_TERMINAL',1,1);
if single_terminal = 1 then
     found := false;
     for c_uscon in (select * from sms_user_session_controls
     where usr_id = l_usr_id ) loop
     found := true;      
     if c_uscon.status = 0 then -- not logged on
     update sms_user_session_controls
     set status = 1
     ,status_date = sysdate
     ,computer_name = :global.clnt_host_name
     ,ip_addr = :global.clnt_ip_addr
     ,connections = 1
     where usr_id = l_usr_id
     if c_uscon.computer_name = :global.clnt_host_name
     and c_uscon.ip_addr = :global.clnt_ip_addr then
     update sms_user_session_controls
     set status_date = sysdate
     ,connections = connections + 1
     where usr_id = l_usr_id
,:global.clnt_host_name ||':'||:global.clnt_ip_addr
,c_uscon.computer_name ||':'||:global.clnt_host_name||':'||c_uscon.ip_addr||':'||:global.clnt_ip_addr
,'Multiple Session Failure'
          sms_code.error_message('SMS-'||to_char(0000021)||':User Logged onto computer ', c_uscon.computer_name, 'E', 'SMS');
     end if;
     end if;
end loop;
     if not found then
          insert into sms_user_session_controls
     end if;
end if;      
if there is more information you like from me ,you can ask
my login_pwd_title sp is
PROCEDURE login_pwd_title IS
set_item_property('logon.CHANGE_PWD',label,'Login & Change Password');
and my perform_sdms_new_password sp ;
PROCEDURE perform_sdms_new_password IS
error_message varchar2(100);
usr_id integer;
fail_cnt integer;
fail_limit integer;
pwd_dt date;
pwd varchar2(50);
pwd_dt_period integer;
pwd_history sms_users.pwd_history%type;
sysdt date;
pwd_length integer;
pwd_special integer;
pwd_numeric integer;
pwd_alpha integer;
pwd_list integer;
o_aplha integer;
o_number integer;
o_special integer;
new_pwd sms_users.pwd%type;
prev_pwd sms_users.pwd%type;
new_pwd_history sms_users.pwd_history%type;
msg_lvl varchar(20) := :system.message_level;
cursor usr is
select id,pwd_change_dt,sysdate,pwd,pwd_history,login_failure_count
from sms_users
where user_id = :logon.usr_id
--and   pwd     = sms_secure.crypt('USR',id,:logon.pwd)
if get_item_property('logon.new_pwd1',visible) = 'FALSE' then
if :logon.usr_id is null then
     error_message := 'User id must be specified';
sms_code.error_message('SMS-'||to_char(0000001)||': '||error_message,'', 'E', 'SMS');
end if;
if :logon.pwd is null then
     error_message := 'Password must be specified';
sms_code.error_message('SMS-'||to_char(0000002)||': '||error_message,'', 'E', 'SMS');
end if;
pwd_dt_period := sms_global.ref_code('SMS','PWD_PERIOD',30,1);
fail_limit := sms_global.ref_code('SMS','PWD_FAIL_LIMIT',3,1);
open usr;
fetch usr into usr_id,pwd_dt,sysdt,pwd,pwd_history,fail_cnt;
if usr%NOTFOUND then
close usr;
,:global.clnt_host_name ||':'||:global.clnt_ip_addr
,'Not SMS User'
     error_message := 'Logon to SMS Denied';
sms_code.error_message('SMS-'||to_char(0000003)||': '||error_message,' Password can only change after a successful logon', 'E', 'SMS');
end if;
close usr;
if fail_cnt > fail_limit then
,:global.clnt_host_name ||':'||:global.clnt_ip_addr
,'Logon - PWD'
,:logon.usr_id ||':'||fail_cnt||':'||fail_limit
,'Password retry limit exceeded'
     error_message := 'Password error limit have been exceeded contact the Administrator';
sms_code.error_message('SMS-'||to_char(0000014)||': '||error_message,'', 'E', 'SMS');
end if;      
if pwd <> sms_secure.crypt('USR',usr_id,:logon.pwd) then
     error_message := 'Logon to SMS Denied';
     update sms_users
     set login_failure_count = nvl(login_failure_count,0) + 1
     where id = usr_id
,:global.clnt_host_name ||':'||:global.clnt_ip_addr
,'Logon - PWD Error'
,:logon.usr_id ||':'||:logon.pwd
,'Wrong user Password'
     :system.message_level := 15;
     :system.message_level := msg_lvl;
sms_code.error_message('SMS-'||to_char(0000003)||': '||error_message,'', 'E', 'SMS');
end if;
if :logon.new_pwd1 is null then
     error_message := 'New Password must be specified';
sms_code.error_message('SMS-'||to_char(0000005)||': '||error_message,'', 'E', 'SMS');
end if;      
pwd_length := sms_global.ref_code('SMS','PWD_LENGTH',6,1);
pwd_special := sms_global.ref_code('SMS','PWD_SPECIAL',1,1);
pwd_numeric := sms_global.ref_code('SMS','PWD_NUMERIC',1,1);
pwd_alpha := sms_global.ref_code('SMS','PWD_ALPHA',1,1);
pwd_list := sms_global.ref_code('SMS','PWD_LIST',24,1);
if length(:logon.new_pwd1) < pwd_length then
     error_message := 'New Password must be of length ';
sms_code.error_message('SMS-'||to_char(0000009)||': '||error_message,' ' || pwd_length ||' characters', 'E', 'SMS');
end if;
if o_special < pwd_special then
     error_message := 'New Password must contain at least ';
sms_code.error_message('SMS-'||to_char(0000010)||': '||error_message,' ' || pwd_special ||' special characters', 'E', 'SMS');
end if;      
if o_number < pwd_numeric then
     error_message := 'New Password must contain at least ';
sms_code.error_message('SMS-'||to_char(0000011)||': '||error_message,' ' || pwd_numeric ||' numeric(s)', 'E', 'SMS');
end if;      
if o_aplha < pwd_alpha then
     error_message := 'New Password must contain at least ';
sms_code.error_message('SMS-'||to_char(0000011)||': '||error_message,' ' || pwd_alpha ||' alphabetic charater(s)', 'E', 'SMS');
end if;      
if :logon.new_pwd1 = :logon.pwd then
     error_message := 'New Password can not be the same as old password';
sms_code.error_message('SMS-'||to_char(0000006)||': '||error_message,'', 'E', 'SMS');
end if;      
if :logon.new_pwd1 <> nvl(:logon.new_pwd2,:logon.pwd) then
     error_message := 'New password are not equal values - retry';
sms_code.error_message('SMS-'||to_char(0000007)||': '||error_message,'', 'E', 'SMS');
end if;      
for i in 1..pwd_list loop
     if utility.get_field(i,pwd_history||'~~','~') is null then
     end if;
prev_pwd := sms_secure.decrypt('USR',usr_id,utility.get_field(i,pwd_history,'~'));
     if :logon.new_pwd1 = prev_pwd then
,:global.clnt_host_name ||':'||:global.clnt_ip_addr
,'Logon - PWD Used'
,'Password have been used'
     error_message := 'New password was found in history list - retry';
sms_code.error_message('SMS-'||to_char(0000012)||': '||error_message,'', 'E', 'SMS');
end if;           
end loop;
new_pwd := sms_secure.crypt('USR',usr_id,:logon.new_pwd1);
new_pwd_history := utility.put_hash(pwd_list,'~');
for i in 1..pwd_list loop
     new_pwd_history := utility.put_field(i+1,utility.get_field(i,pwd_history,'~'),new_pwd_history,'~');
end loop;
new_pwd_history := utility.put_field(1,new_pwd,new_pwd_history,'~');
update sms_users
set pwd = new_pwd
,pwd_history = new_pwd_history
,pwd_change_dt = sysdate
where user_id = :logon.usr_id
,:global.clnt_host_name ||':'||:global.clnt_ip_addr
,'Logon - PWD Change'
:global.User := :logon.usr_id;
validate_usr_profiles (:logon.usr_id);
end if;
i hope this will make it clear of what am trying to achive your help will be appriciated
Edited by: user603350 on 2012/01/04 10:48 AM

On your login page have 2 fields for username and password. On the button click call a AM Impl method which calls your above procedure passing the required fields.
This is the way you can call a prodecure/function from AM IMPL
cstmt = getDBTransaction().createCallableStatement("{call pkg.procedurename(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}", getDBTransaction().DEFAULT);

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    In Forms 10g you can set the userid parameter to something like "@DATABASEID LOGON_SCREEN=YES", where databaseid is your database server.
    In Forms 11g this doesn't work so well, but I got round this by doing the following in our menu form, if you haven't got a single menu form then you may need to do this in all your forms where the user isn't already logged on when the form opens.
    First off you need to set the userid parameter to something like "@DATABASEID".
    Next an on-logon trigger is required in your menu or first form, I used the following:
    on-logon trigger
    cn VARCHAR2(80);
    ** Get the connection info
    ** If userid paramater in formsweb.cfg is set to '@<database>' or
    ** '@<database> login_screen=true' then this will put <database> into database field
    ** in default logon form
    cn := Get_application_property(CONNECT_STRING);
    if instr(cn,' ') > 0
    cn := substr(cn,1,instr(cn,' ')-1);
    end if;
    if form_success
    then :global.login_success := 'TRUE';
    end if;
    Also, to deal with the situation where a user decides to click cancel in the logon screen, you need to put the following at the start of your wnfi trigger.
    when-new-forms-instance trigger
    if :global.login_success != 'TRUE'
    end if;
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    As I noted before, when you seamless, if you mean the user will be unaware that he has switched from a Forms app to an ADF app then I think he will notice - some clever integration of things like JS maps and Graphs might be seamless but a complete ADF app would be obvious to a user. Physically the Forms widgets are a different technology to ADF Faces - you can get the colors the same, you can event get the widgets the same size but it will pretty much be impossible to get the same because you are not comparing apples and apples.
    Regarding your questions
    1) Do you mean the time it takes to start up the applet? Possible longer than ADF but not necessarily
    2) Each form runtime process will have its own database connection and each user has his own applet.
    3) "Considerable" is subjective - it will involve some work but we specifically built the JS api to help
    Your last point - are you refering to "evolve core business logic into a common layer" what I mean here is that if you have a business process (e.g. hire_employee) which involves creating a new record,ordering a laptop and getting a security pass - then you could take that code out of Forms and put it somewhere else. You could then call that code from Forms (your old apps that you still need) and also call it from your new apps (so calll that code rather than calling the Forms application to do the job). - Of course, there is effort involved there...
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    unless you defined the TWO_TASK in your environment, you might need to provide it during the login. The typical Forms login screen has 3 fields, username/password and TWO_TASK , which is the alias used for the database server in the tnsnames.ora file on your end. If you are using iAS forms, then a proper RAD (Resource Access Descriptor) needs to be created by the DBA or whoever manages the iAS server. This is only if SSO is utilized, if not, then you need to provide TWO_TASK as well.
    Hope this proves useful
    R/ Zafer

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    You can write your own "logon"-fmb. start if giving a "dummy-connection", retrieve the SID using GET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY(CONNECT_STRING) and offers the fields for username and password (and of course, the logon-button). When user clicks on Login, do a LOGOUT and LOGON again using the enterd values and the formerly retrievred SID.

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    Did you start Managed servers like WLS_FORMS .. Well when I go to the AdminConsole for the FormsDomain, I see 3 servers with a status of "RUNNING": AdminServer, WLS_FORMS, WLS_REPORTS. Then when I go to the Enterprise Manager for the FormsDomain I see all domains with all the servers (AdminServer, WLS_FORMS, WLS_REPORTS), in a green status up and running (100%).
    I made sure I started the NodeManager, WebLogicServer scripts.
    FormsEleven wrote:
    What is the ports you are using to run the form.?8888
    FormsEleven wrote:
    Did the test Form came up fine?No. I even created a simple form to look at the default Oracle "emp" table, and nothing comes up.

  • Login Screen in Oracle forms builder 6i

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    Inserted the following values:
    VALUES (1,1010);
    VALUES (2,2020);
    Created a MENU canvas with a LOGIN button TI_USER_ID and TI_PASSWORD text boxes.
    In the LOGIN button i have inserted the following WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger:
    END IF;
    When i try to compile that it gives an error Bad bind variable LOGIN.TI_USER_ID
    Bad bind variable LOGIN.TI_PASSWORD
    What am i doing wrong?

    989056 wrote:
    Ok i changed the button to contain only the following:
    when i now press login it gives an error FRM 40735: WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-01403
    i tried to reffer to several items in several blocksi suspect that when you removed the exception it ends up with the no data found error. you need not to remove the exception clause try to bring that back. then try in SQL*Plus to see if your query returns any rows with the same data that you are attempting to use in your TI_USER_ID and TI_PASSWORD block item. if it does not return that is the cause of your issue it will not execute the GO_ITEM() command it will simply go to the exception clause.

  • Calling Java screens from Oracle Forms application

    I am working with a client that has a large Oracle forms application. Since rewriting the entire application in Java is not an option at this time, the strategic direction is that any new modules that are to be created for the application are to be done in Java and called from the Forms menu. The decision as to what tool to use to develop the Java modules is still under debate. What is the best (most seamless) way to do this...calling a Java screen from a Forms application? If anyone has any experience in this, or can direct me to some literature on it, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    This is a web app in Forms/Reports 10g R2 running off Oracle AS and an Oracle db. The challenge for us is that the direction is that any new enhancements (screens) are to be built using Java (in either ADF Faces or Swing, another point for debate later) and then called from the Forms app. The business client is only paying for the enhancement. They don't care about moving off Forms to Java, so any extra work on the part of IT to do this, has to be fairly minimal and doable within the project budget. The movement to Java is an IT direction. Is there a way to do this without having to build a java framework for the entire Forms application (which I assume would take some time and involve retesting the entire app)?

  • How to convert oracle forms to adf

    I want to convert oracle forms to adf
    Edited by: user4435615 on 2013-3-22 下午8:23

    ADF Equivalents of Common Oracle Forms Triggers
    Case Study: Redeveloping an Oracle Forms application using Oracle JDeveloper 11g and Oracle ADF 11g
    Migrating Forms to Java or ADF, the truth and no FUD

  • Integration oracle forms with ADF

    Please provide me the steps for integration of oracle forms with ADF or any live example.
    It is very urgent. Please help...

    Please watch the below video. This will help you to get started .
    ADF Insider - Redeveloping and Oracle Forms Application using Oracle ADF

  • ADF form login vs. press enter

    I use the default ADF form login, however, it requires a mouse click, and not responding to the "press enter/return". Any idea?

    Thanks, Frank. I actually used a custom LoginPage.jspx, NOT the default HTML form login:
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
    < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
    <af:document title="Form Login" id="d1">
    <af:form id="f1">
    <af:message id="m1"/>
    <af:panelBox text="Login" id="pb1"
    inlineStyle="width:300px; height:200.0px;">
    <af:panelFormLayout id="pfl1">
    <f:facet name="footer">
    <af:panelBorderLayout id="pbl1"
    inlineStyle="height:20.0px; "
    <f:facet name="start">
    <af:commandButton text="Login" id="cb1"
    <af:inputText label="User Name" id="it1" required="true"
    <af:inputText label="Password" id="it2" required="true"
    <f:facet name="toolbar"/>

  • Opening and Oracle Form (D2K) from ADF

    Hi, We have requirement for developing new module in ADF, in parallel with our Oracle Application instance.
    I would like to know, if there is any option to Open the Oracle Apps Sales Order form directly from the new ADF module, by clicking on a button.

    I could get the URL, but the URL contains an ICX_TICKET number, which is generated dynamically by Oracle Apps. So I can't use a static URL for this.
    Do you know how I can use or generate an ICX_TICKET in runtime? My user will have an active Oracle Application screen opened along with ADF web page. He want to navigate to Oracle Apps screen from ADF page. Hopes this makes the requirement more clear.
    Thanks for your time,

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