Reduce Crowd Noise

Can anyone point me to a tutorial on removing crowd noise.
I recorded my brother;s band at a band and would like to reduce crowd volume.
I know it's not possible to completely cut it out because it will share the same frequencies, but maybe it can be reduced??

Use mics with better off-axis rejection next time you shoot? Or better yet, get a board feed and mix it with the camera nat.
As for what you're already shot, my feeling is that whatever you try will adversely affect the music, which has such a broad bandwidth. If it were just one guy speaking to the crowd, that'd be different. But music...

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    HP Photosmart Premium C309G, HP Photosmart 6520
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    Mickey Oksner wrote:
    Is there a filter/effect that will reduce wind noise while retaining voice reception?
    HI -
    Are you talking about general wind noise as in "Wind in the Background" or are you referring to wind which is directly hitting the microphone capsule and thus causing extreme plosives and distortion.
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    The first scenario; one can use a either an advanced denoiser which will literally remove the noise from the audio signal. In the case of wind, this would probably remove lots of the vocal too and cause unwanted side effects.  I myself would use a gate (AKA Noise Gate) or expander effect. The gate sets a threshold @ which it literally opens and lets the audio signal pass thru'. One would set that threshold to open when the person is talking. And close when he is not. In most cases the wind will be a little quieter in level than the speech (If the material has been recorded correctly).
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    Hi guys,
    I know that it is a bit late to reply but that is the perfect topic for what I am looking for!
    I am currently working with acquisition systems using either PCI-6221 or PCIe-6321. Those systems are exactly the same but the results are different (see picture enclosed). We can see spikes and noise with the PCIe-6321 while we have the same conditions of measurements. 
    Here is the NI setup:
    - PCI-6221 + connector block CB-68LP + cable SHC68-68-EPM
    - PCIe-6321 + connector block SCB-68A + cable SHC68-68-EPM
    In one of the system equipped with PCIe-6321, I replaced all the devices like cables, detectors, motors and it doesn’t change anything. I also swapped the computer for one equipped with PCI-6221 and it works fine. It means that the problem really comes from the acquisition card.
    So my question is: why is there such a difference between those models? Do I need to change the configuration in the card?
    Thanks in advance.
    Difference PCIe6321 and PCI6321.jpg ‏136 KB

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    I don't think anyone can tell you exactly which filters and what settings to use as it all depends on your particular noise.
    Try the EQ filters and experiment raising and lowering the different sliders to see if you can accentuate the voices and reduce the noise ........ though very often little can be achieved.
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    you can have a look here:

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    If you really want a circular buffer, how much data do you want it to hold? One acquisition? Two? Three? Once this is decided, you will need to create the waveform and then continuously strip the old data out and place the new data in. This will add a bit of overhead to your VI.
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    Lastly, if there is a lot of noise, you may want to consider an SCXI system which will filter out most of the noise as the data is being acquired.
    Randy Hoskin
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    I couldn't listen to your file because the upload site you used is full of pop ups and  wants me to install some extra software--something I'm not willing to do unless I know a lot more about it.  You might want to consider using something like
    However, as a generic answer, in Audition have a look under Effects/Noise Reduction & Restoration.
    Basically, you find a section of pure noise (i.e. no useful recording going on) and capture a noise print.  Then you select the whole file, adjust the amount of noise reduction to a compromise between artefacts and how quiet you go then run the process.  FYI, best results are often obtained by doing  several subtle passes rather than trying for dead quiet all at once.
    However, the above implies electronic hiss/noise.  Your options are different/more limited if you're talking about trucks driving by outside or something.

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    Depending on the frequency range of the background noise, there might not be much, that can be done. However, this ARTICLE gives some tips, that might be useful.
    Good luck,

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    I am using  a2012 MacBook Pro running Mavericks (10.9.5) and iMovie 10. I have been using the "reduce background noise" feature in iMovie 10, with movies where audio is detached, and I have a series of clips stitched together (the result of editing, or adding voiceovers). I'll add 4% reduce to the first clip, and it sounds great. I do the same to the second clip and it sounds as though the setting is at 100% — even if it's at 0%. In other words, the audio is really distorted.
    I have tried relaunching iMovie and the MacBook itself, to no avail. The first clip is fine, all those that follow sound horrible, no matter how I change the setting.
    Again, any and all advice or suggestions would be very welcome. Thanks!

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