Best way to remove crowd noise in an interview

If any one knows the best way to take out or reduce background crowd noise in either soundtrack pro or FCP that would be great. I am kinda a novice with soundtrack pro so if you could dumb down the directions that would be great.
-Wesley Summers

The error message that I was receiving...Field COBL-KOSTL. does not exist in the screen SAPLKACB 0002, was coming from function module EXIT_RFEBBU10_001 and include ZXF01U01. The programming code was attempting to default a cost center when the external transaction code = 661. The coding was removed and the default acct assignment cost center was added to the cost element master data. The substitution also worked correctly as it should.

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    According to my experiments, you have removed all line terminators from the file, and replaced those between lines with a space.
    That is to say, you have turned a multi-line file into one long line with no line terminator.
    If that is what you want, and your files are not very big, then your echo statement might be all you need.
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    print "
    " if $n++ != 0;
    ' file.txt >newfile.txt
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    ' file.txt >newfile.txt
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    I need to keep duplicate rows in a side table and not load them into table1...table6
    Does that mean that you don't want ANY row if it has a duplicate on your 6 columns?
    Let's say I have six records that have identical values for your 6 columns. One record meets the condition for table1, one for table2 and so on.
    Do you want to keep one of these records and put the other 5 in the side table? If so, which one should be kept?
    Or do you want all 6 records put in the side table?
    You could delete the duplicates from the temp table as the first step. Or better
    1. add a new column WHICH_TABLE NUMBER to the temp table
    2. update the new column to -1 for records that are dups.
    3. update the new column (might be done with one query) to set the table number based on the conditions for each table
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    2. -1 if a record was a DUP
    3. 1 - if the record went to table 1 (2 for table 2 and so on)
    This 'flag and then select' approach is more performant than deleting records after each select. Especially if the flagging can be done in one pass (full table scan).
    See this other thread (or many, many others on the net) from today for how to find and remove duplicates
    Best way of removing duplicates

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    Ciao. ogle&utm_medium=cpc_S&utm_term=ASJ-294&utm_campaign=GoogleAW&CAWELAID=1323111033 &utm_content=pla&adtype=pla&cagpspn=pla&noappbanner=true
    I clicked the reply button too early.
    Message was edited by: OGELTHORPE

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    Never mind...
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    "Thomas Christen" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3e35795d$[email protected]..
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    If you can still boot to OS X, use the freeware AppDelete @ to delete your applications & associated files.
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     Cheers, Tom

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    First I did Juergen's method and merged down the two layers.
    Now to improve the lighting...
    1. Add a Level adjustment layer. These were the original Levels settings:
    2. I moved the sliders like this to lighten the whole picture.
    3. I went one step further to lighten the background. Added another Levels and moved the middle slider left. This however also lightened the men further which I did not want to do, so on the layer's mask I painted over the men with black to mask out that portion of the Levels adjustment and reveal the previous Levels adjustment.
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                             Re: Best way to remove smudges off the screen?                       
                                                    Jul 17, 2010 12:28 PM                                                    (in response to Crazychazza7)                                                               
    A guy at a camera store showed me this trick. Take a strip of scotch tape, the frosty looking kind, and lay it across the iPhone screen... then pull the tape up. Pulls smudges, oils and dirt off the screen. Repeat as many times as needed to traverse the entire surface. Works better/ easier than anything else I have tried.
                                    iPhone 4, iOS 4                           
    Best suggestion here. Really works!  Scotch "Magic" tape stickiness just right.  Removes smudge and grease.  Use Magic tape and then finish with micro-cloth.

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