Referenced or Library Choice ?

I have about 8000 images, stored in an external folder hierarchy managed by iView Media Pro with exports to iPhoto for books, web , prints etc. I also use Capture NX for editing NEF's. I have now got Aperture to use as a single app for my workflow. Aperture is installed and i have played with test images and messed about with it for a month now and feel ready to migrate.
Before i do however, i thought i would seek any advice as to reference the images or to incorporate into the library. I have three firewire drives ( one offsite backup), ( one portable for use with Macbook) and one large permanently attached to iMac. Working in IT i am obsessive about backups ( too many bad experiences ) and the vault is a huge plus in my book, but i do like the option of keeping files outside of an application too. In my experiments i find that the previews create a big internal library ( too high a setting probably) and that i would still use the vault extensively anyway ....
Any thoughts or advice gratefully received before i make my move?
iMac G5/MacBook 2GZ RAM Mac OS X (10.4.8)

You have few possibilities depending on your needs. 8000 images are not that many to have them all in the library and backing them up using Vault.
If you are gonna be adding images constantly to the point of filling the internal HD in a short period of time you better use referenced files, using previews for offline viewing. This will allow you to use many external hds to store the masters, and when one is needed Aperture will tell you in which volume it is. Backing up this referenced masters has to be done separately from Vaults.
Another option would be to have the recent images or those you are working on in the internal HD and move them to an external HD once you are finish with a particular project or don't need to access to them that often.
The possibilities are almost endless.

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    I just ran into this issue and found your post from a search. Maybe too late for you, but for anyone else who finds this, here is the solution:
    In the export dialog when exporting "Originals...", select "Don't Include IPTC" for "Metadata".
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    Well that's for iPhoto 09 or earlier. In those versions the amount of space used was even greater with Referenced Libraries... (all those aliases take up space too...)
    The installation consists of your Master Photos, plus thumbnails, Previews, database files and caches. In a managed Library the Masters are stored within the iPhoto Package File. In a Referenced Library the Masters are stored outside the iPhoto Package File. That's the only difference. So the total amount of space used in the Installation is... The same. Masters plus thumbnails, Previews, database files and caches.
    Running a referenced Library offers no extra functionality, no extra capability and significant pitfalls. And it takes up the same amount of disk space.
    For more on the pitfalls:

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    Do you have auto-rotate on your cameras? If so, this is just a flag, the files are not rotated. However, on import, iPhoto sees the flag and reads it as an instruction to rotate the image, which it does - hence a modified version of the pic.
    Solution? Rotate before importing or turn off auto-rotate on your cameras.

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    Clearity is critical
    End goal is when I click open on iPhoto for it to show me my photos on my external drive.
    But your desire is not clear - iPhoto does not "show photos" unless they are imported into the iPhoto library - do you have photos on an external drive you wish to view? Then import them into iPhoto. 
    Do you have multi[ple iPhto libraries including one or more on the extrernal drive? Then to switch libraries you sue the switch library command under the file menu (iPhoto '11) or depress the option key and launch iPhoto and use the resulting select library window
    When you click to open iPhoto is always opens the last opened library
    I am trying to accomplish this by taking the photos in my iPhoto library (internal HD) and transferring them into the Referenced iPhoto Library (3TB external HD).
    Again exactly what and how you are doing this is critical to getting teh correct answer - you can not sucessfully take photos form an iPhoto library and do anything with them - you must export photos from the iPhoto library to use them else where - and in you are importing them into a referenced library( once again you did not answer my question - is this a library when you have unchecked the iPhoto preference to copy imported items?) you are going to have major problems - this is strongly not recommended
    In the event I need to pick up and go (fire, break-in etc.) I want to just be able to grab my external HD and go.
    All you need to do this is to have your iPhoto library on the external drive - the EHD must be formatted Mac OS extended journaled) and you simply drag  your iPhoto library from the internal drive intact as a single entity to the external drive, depress and hold the option key and launch iPhoto using the select library command to set the new default location
    it is that simple

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    Thanks so much!

    That's how Jedi Masters talk, seems perfectly clear to me
    Just put a babelfish in the ear

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    Hi all. I am reading this post and thinking why would you want one huge library. I'm going through a nightmare right now with a corrupted massive library that houses my family's memories.
    I had several time machine back ups. But it is only good as the data backed up. If corrupted then the backup has corrupted data. Garbage in, garbage out.
    So I guess I'm asking. If you have 50k pics. Ranging, for example, from years 2005-2012. In all one library. When you open up iphoto to work with current pics, why stress it out to also bring in 5 years of pics that you probably almost never use.
    Trust me. I love having all the pics at my disposal too.
    But I've learned over the last two days that this seems like a huge risk.
    If you have say 7 libraries ranging from 2005-2012. One of them gets corrupted. Only one gets corrupted ;)
    The others are probably fine.
    This whole rebuild and repair = totally worthless in my opinion. It not only didn't fix it, but it some now mysteriously added pics i previously deleted (like months ago)and rearranged other events. My library is totally shot. If I had several libraries I would be dealing with a disaster on a much smaller scale.
    I also tried to rebuild with iPhoto library manager. Didn't work.
    I'm a complete novice. But I'm sold on multiple libraries.
    And for what it is worth, I spoke to a few apple senior techs. They told me they don't recommend libraries more than 40-50 gigs? Certainly not over 100 gigs.
    Anyway I admit.... Part of me is also venting ;)

  • Moving original images when using a "referenced" iPhoto library...

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    Any advice would be appreciated.

    I've had a test alias library find all of the files automatically when the move was to a different location on the same hard drive. Moving to another hard drive it was hit or miss as Terence mentioned. Sometimes re-pointing to a single file in a folder got the whole folder, sometimes not.
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've written an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 08 libraries. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

  • Redirect referenced iphoto library??

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    I looked at "manage referenced images" page but not very intuitive to know what to do.

    Steve - it's the iPhoto Library that's been moved, not the Aperture one.
    In Aperture, select the images that have been 'lost' and navigate to File>Manage Referenced Images... There you should be able to navigate to the new location and reconnect the files.

  • Copied vs. Referenced iPhoto Library

    I'm new to iPhoto, have two Canon cameras, 20D (DSLR) and SD850 (pocket Elph). I use Adobe Lightroom for my 20D photos and love it. But I use the SD850 for snaps everyday, carry it with me wherever I go and grab shots of life. For this I thought it might be faster easier to use iPhoto to manage my photos but didn't want to exclude the opportunity to use the same photos into Lightroom.
    At first I wasn't aware of a "copied" vs. "referenced" mode. In fact to be frank, I think the definition of "copied" mode is counter-intuitive... to me copied means leave the file where it was placed on the disk and copy it into the iPhoto catalog database. But I digress... So I was in copied mode by default. Apple doesn't exactly make the "referenced" mode easily discovered, the docs don't mention it that I could find. I finally found it in these forums.
    So after a few sessions of using copied mode I switched to referenced and loaded one card session of about 20 images. I then opened the "package" and looked in the Originals folder. All the images were there, no aliases, and each image was about 3MB, indicating a full image, not an alias. This was true for all the pictures.
    My questions:
    1. Why does the referenced mode still copy the image files into the Original folder?
    2. What are the upsides and downsides between the two methods? I've read a few threads and it sounds like using referenced mode isn't a good idea, too many things that can go wrong. So in my case how else could I use the copied mode and still use the photos in Lightroom?
    3. Is it easy to Export images back out of iPhoto library? Do they come out as they went in (JPG) and with/out changes? metadata? captions? I'll assume it would be like starting over in Lightroom with each photo re-modifying the images for changes, re-captioning, etc.
    As for why I don't use Lightroom for everything... I would except iPhoto is more compatible with iWeb for fast web postings, blogging, etc. and iPhone display. If only Lightroom could do more... maybe it will in 2.0.

    1. Why does the referenced mode still copy the image files into the Original folder?
    I don't know, but I would try trash the file from the home / library / preferences folder and reset things to the way you want them and test again.
    2. What are the upsides and downsides between the two methods?
    a. Import and deleting pics are more complex procedures
    b. You cannot move or rename the files on your system or iPhoto will lose track of them
    c. Most importantly, migrating to a new disk or computer can be much more complex.
    Always allowing for personal preference, I've yet to see a good reason to run iPhoto in referenced mode unless you're using two photo organisers.
    Frankly, there are two issues using iPhoto and Lightroom. Both want to manage the files, and Lightroom adds metadata that can cause problems too. But most of all, neither application is aware of the other (unlike iPhoto and Aperture, for instance). Personally, I would go for one or the other.
    3. Is it easy to Export images back out of iPhoto library? Do they come out as they went in (JPG) and with/out changes? metadata? captions? I'll assume it would be like starting over in Lightroom with each photo re-modifying the images for changes, re-captioning, etc.
    Yes it is. If you want the Original file, just go File -> Export and under 'Kind' select 'Original'. If you want the changes or metadata you can export including those in the same dialogue.
    If only Lightroom could do more... maybe it will in 2.0.
    My own impression is that Adobe is trying to create a 'enclosed eco-system' for its' apps, where they are tightly integrated with each other and ignore the OS and others. You might like to explore Aperture 2.

  • Option button doesn't open iphoto library choices when depressed

    Specs of my Mac are:
    Mac OSX
    Version 10.7.5
    processor 2.4 GHz
    Memory 4 GB
    External Hard drive are:
    WD My Passport for mac 2TB (which I formatted using the disk utility to Mac OS X Extended
    I bought an external hard drive to move my photos from iphoto off my Mac Book Pro (its' about 2 years old) so that I can free up some hard drive space.
    I photo often freezes as I have over 22,000 photos on it. It opens fine though. I tried copying it to the external but when I try restarting it holding down the option button no window to choose the libraray it opens.
    Any ideas why this isnt working?
    Command option does work to repair iphoto but I'm not sure what do with that or if that can help me to fix this problem
    Any suggestions are welcome and appreciated.

    Do not delete anything until you know exactly what you have and what you want to keep
    what exactly is your question?
    you posted
    I tried copying it to the external but when I try restarting it holding down the option button no window to choose the libraray it opens.
    Any ideas why this isnt working?
    I answered
    double click on the library on the EHD to launch it
    and now you ant to trash things which has nothing to do with either post
    you also posted
    External Hard drive are:
    WD My Passport for mac 2TB (which I formatted using the disk utility to Mac OS X Extended
    I bought an external hard drive to move my photos from iphoto off my Mac Book Pro (its' about 2 years old) so that I can free up some hard drive space.
    To do that
    Moving the iPhoto library is safe and simple - quit iPhoto and drag the iPhoto library intact as a single entity to the external drive - depress the option key and launch iPhoto using the "select library" option to point to the new location on the external drive - fully test it and then trash the old library on the internal drive (test one more time prior to emptying the trash)
    And be sure that the External drive is formatted Mac OS extended (journaled) (iPhoto does not work with drives with other formats) and that it is always available prior to launching iPhoto
    And backup soon and often - having your iPhoto library on an external drive is not a backup and if you are using Time Machine you need to check and be sure that TM is backing up your external drive

  • Aperture seeing changes to referenced iPhoto library

    I am a newbie with Aperture 3 having used iPhoto for a couple of years. I have 3 or 4 older iPhoto libraries and a current iPhoto library. My wife uses the same iMac and likes iPhoto.
    I have set up Aperture to reference all the iPhoto libraries.
    My question is simple: what do I need to do to make sure Aperture is able to see any new photos that get imported to iPhoto by my wife? It doesn't seem to see the changes. Surely I don't need to re-import each time she adds a couple of shots?

    I have set up Aperture to reference all the iPhoto libraries.
    No you haven't, because Aperture is not able to do that. What you've done is set Aperture to import files while leaving them in their current location, which happens to be inside an existing iPhoto Library.
    The only integration between Aperture and iPhoto is to assist you to migrate from iPhoto to the more powerful app. There is no dynamic relation between the two apps, iPhoto has no ability whatever to read the Aperture Library and what ability Aperture has towards the iPhoto one is designed for migration.
    what do I need to do to make sure Aperture is able to see any new photos that get imported to iPhoto by my wife?
    Nothing. There's nothing you can do.
    It doesn't seem to see the changes.
    See above.
    Surely I don't need to re-import each time she adds a couple of shots?
    Surely you do. File -> Import -> Show iPhoto Browser will allow you to bring over individual pics/ Events or Albums. However this will only work in Managed mode, the files will be copied to the Aperture Library.

  • Relative referencing using library items

    I use a menu which is a library item. When the library item
    is imported into the html pages, DW changes the relative references
    to web pages. Specifically, a link to a page in the main directory
    is changed from "../link.htm" to "/link.htm" as the library items
    are located in a subdirectory to the main folder.
    However, for the links to work, the code needs to be
    "link.htm" for the link to work - the "/" confuses the browsers.
    Is there any way of changing the settings in DW to not insert
    the "/"?

    IF it is a plain html A HREF link in the library item, IF
    it's the correct
    path IN the .lbi file, dw will manage the path and it will
    work anywhere in
    the site.
    Open the .lbi library item file.
    do a link check, File-->Check Page-->Check Links.
    fix any broken links so they work IN the .lbi file.
    A second possible-
    "../link.htm" to
    /link.htm is a site root relative path.
    IF /link.htm doesn't work- what should it be?
    Does this site have it's own domain name, or is it hosted in
    a subfolder of
    another domain?
    example urls with the broken links please if things aren't
    Adobe Community Expert, dreamweaver

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