Referencing host class from a thread?

Hello, I need some help with the logic of this. How would I reference the host class (the class that created the thread) from the thread. I want to send a string from a thread (where it is grabbed from the command line) to the class which made the thread.. Thanks!

Just like when any object of one class needs to access another object. Somewhere you'll have to pass the "host class" (actually "host object reference" is more close) to the thing that implements Runnable or extends Thread (however you designed it), so that the object can hold and use a reference to it.

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    public Text log;  // Text is SWT component
    log = new Text(...);Here is a Thread code:
    ...while((line = br.readLine())!=null) {
         try {
              log.append(line + "\r\n");
         } catch (SWTException swte) {
              ErrorMsg("SWT error: "+swte.getMessage());
    }Error is: org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Invalid thread access
    When I replace log.append(...) with System.out.println(..) it works just fine, so my question is do the log.append(..) the right way.

    This is NOT a Java problem but a SWT specific issue.
    It is listed on the SWT FAQ page
    For more help with this you need to ask your question on a SWT specific forum, there is not a thing in these forums. This advice isn't just about SWT by the way but for all specific API exceptions/problems. You should take those questions to the forum or mailing list for that API. This forum is for general problems and exceptions arising from using the "core" Java libraries.

  • How to refresh a JTable of a class from another thread class?

    there is an application, in server side ,there are four classes, one is a class called face class that create an JInternalFrame and on it screen a JTable, another is a class the a thread ,which accept socket from client, when it accept the client socket, it deal the data and insert into db,then notify the face class to refresh the JTable,but in the thread class I used JTable's revalidate() and updateUI() method, the JTable does not refresh ,how should i do, pls give me help ,thank you very much
    1,first file is a class that create a JInternalFrame,and on it there is a table
    public class OutFace{
    public JInternalFrame createOutFace(){
    JInternalFrame jf = new JInternalFram();
    TableModel tm = new MyTableModel();
    JTable jt = new JTable(tm);
    JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane();
    return jf;
    2,the second file is the main face ,there is a button,when press the button,screen the JInternalFrame. there is also a thread is beggining started .
    public class MainFace extends JFrame implements ActionListener,Runnable{
    JButton jb = new JButton("create JInternalFrame");
    JFrame fram = new JFrame();
    public void performance(ActionEvent e){
    JInternalFrame jif = new OutFace().createOutFace(); frame.getContentPane().add(JInternalFrame,BorderLayout.CENTER);
    public static void main(String[] args){
    ServerSokct ss = new ServerSocket(10000);
    Socket skt = ss.accept()'
    new ServerThread(skt).start();
    3.the third file is a thread class, there is a serversoket ,and accept the client side data,and want to refresh the JTable of the JInternalFrame
    public class ServerThread extends Thread{
    private skt;
    public ServerThread(Sokcet skt){
    this.skt = skt;
    public void run(){
    OutputObjectStream oos = null;
    InputObjectStream ios = null;
    Boolean flag = flag;
    //here i want to refresh the JTable,how to write??
    4.second is the TableModel
    public class MyTableModel{
    public TableModel createTableModel(){
    String[][] data = getData();
    TableModel tm = AbstractTableModel(
    return tm;
    public String[][] getData(){

    Use the "code" formatting tags when posting code.
    Read this article on [url]Creating a Simple Demo Program before posting any more code.
    Here is an example that updates a table from another thread:

  • Help! how to refresh the JTable of a class from another thread class

    there is an application, in server side ,there are two classes, one is a class called face class that screen a JTable, another is a class the a thread ,which accept socket from client, when it accept the client socket, it deal the data and insert into db,then notify the face class to refresh the JTable,but in the thread class I used JTable's revalidate() and updateUI() method, the JTable does not refresh ,how should i do, pls give me help ,thank you very much

    thank you very much !
    i tried it ,but the TableModel i used like this ,and how to change the TableModel?
    here the files of mine ,pls give me some help,thank you very much
    1,first file is a class that create a JInternalFrame,and on it there is a table
    public class OutFace{
    public JInternalFrame createOutFace(){
    JInternalFrame jf = new JInternalFram();
    TableModel tm = new MyTableModel();
    JTable jt = new JTable(tm);
    JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane();
    return jf;
    2,the second file is the main face ,there is a button,when press the button,screen the JInternalFrame. there is also a thread is beggining started .
    public class MainFace extends JFrame implements ActionListener,Runnable{
    JButton jb = new JButton("create JInternalFrame");
    JFrame fram = new JFrame();
    public void performance(ActionEvent e){
    JInternalFrame jif = new OutFace().createOutFace(); frame.getContentPane().add(JInternalFrame,BorderLayout.CENTER);
    public static void main(String[] args){
    ServerSokct ss = new ServerSocket(10000);
    Socket skt = ss.accept()'
    new ServerThread(skt).start();
    3.the third file is a thread class, there is a serversoket ,and accept the client side data,and want to refresh the JTable of the JInternalFrame
    public class ServerThread extends Thread{
    private skt;
    public ServerThread(Sokcet skt){
    this.skt = skt;
    public void run(){
    OutputObjectStream oos = null;
    InputObjectStream ios = null;
    Boolean flag = flag;
    //here i want to refresh the JTable,how to write?? }
    4.second is the TableModel
    public class MyTableModel{
    public TableModel createTableModel(){
    String[][] data = getData();
    TableModel tm = AbstractTableModel(
    return tm;
    public String[][] getData(){

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    To use the utility classes from a war you have to place them under the web-inf/classes directory.
    webApplication(WAR directory)--->WEB-INF--> classes (put your utility classes in this directory)

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    sorry I also forgot to mention that I'm putting in values for _gameModel.scroll_Vx, and Vy from another class, the scroll class. When I try to reference the var from other classes it works but not the FirstEnemy Class.

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    Thanks so much,

    Hi Rhesus21,
    A (sort of) similar question: can a component invoke methods of it's parent container? If so, how?Yes, simply this way :
    public class MainFrame extends JFrame {
        private MyPanel panel;
        panel = new MyPanel(this);
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        private MainFrame frame;
        public MyPanel(MainFrame frame) {
            this.frame = frame;

  • 2 Threads issues. How to return data from a thread located in other class

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    This is the context. From main I start one thread that does a little job then starts another thread and waits for it to end to continue.
    1) The last started thread needs to return a string to the Thread started from main. How can I accomplish that, because I read that I cannot use
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    Is that correct for waiting for the created thread to finish ?

    1) The last started thread needs to return a string to the Thread started from main. How can I accomplish that, because I read that I cannot use
    synchronized methods outside different classes (and the threads belongs to different classes).Threads do not "belong" to classes. Class code executes in a particular thread. The class instances exist as long as something, somewhere, holds a strong reference to them.
    So when you start a new thread, hold a strong reference to the object being executed by that thread. When the thread is done, retrieve your data from that object.
    Even better, don't subclass Thread to create your objects. Instead, implement Callable, and use a ThreadPoolExecutor to execute it.

  • How can I kill all Threads of the same class from within the run() method?

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    is this possible?

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    Create a multi-threaded prime number calculator that is based on the producer-consumer model
    using semaphores. Your program should be able to check for prime numbers in a range specified
    by the user and with a variable number of threads. Example:
    $ java PrimeFind 3 5000 10000
    should use 1 producer and 2 consumers (3 threads in total, obviously the minimum is 2) to find all
    the prime numbers in the range [5000,10000].
    The producer should: use a buffer to store candidate numbers that have to be checked for
    Consumers should: read from the buffer, check if a number is prime and update the status of the
    program accordingly (e.g. show the number on the screen, or save it to a file)
    import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
    public class Assign1 {
    static int fromThisNumber;
    static int toThisNumber;
    static int numberOfThreads;
    static int buffer[];
    static Semaphore ready;          /*This semaphore is used by the Producer to signal
                                         an "OK" to the consumers*/
    static Semaphore critical;  /*This is a Mutex semaphore. It allows only 1 consumer
                                         to enter his critical section.
    static Semaphore counter;     /*This semaphore acts as a counter.
                                        Instead of having a global variable
                                         incremented each time, we just release()
                                         this semephore when we find a prime number
                                         Because remember that release() increments permits
    static Producer prod;
    static Consumer cons[];
    static int in=0;
    static int out=0;
    static PrintWriter outFile;
         public static void main (String args[]){
                   outFile=new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("primes.txt"));
                   }catch(Exception e){}
              buffer=new int[Integer.parseInt(args[2])-Integer.parseInt(args[1])+1];
              ready=new Semaphore(0,false); /*We initialise it to 0 because we wait
                                                      for the Producer to produce atleast a
                                                      item. Suppose ready was 1 and if
                                                      Consumer ran first he would be in an
                                                      empty buffer */
              critical=new Semaphore (1,false);/*We initialise it to 1 because when
                                                         the first Consumer thread tries
                                                         to enter its critical section, it
                                                         should be allowed to;
                                                         Subsequent threads will have to
                                                         wait since only 1 thread can
                                                         access its critical section at a time*/
              counter=new Semaphore(0,false); // duh!
              cons=new Consumer[numberOfThreads-1]; /*numberOfThreads-1 because 1 thread
                                                                is taken by the Producer*/
              //Creating Producer object
              prod=new Producer();
              //Creating the Consumer object and start the thread.
              for(int i=0;i<cons.length;i++)
                        cons=new Consumer();
              //Printing to screen and file
    /*          for(int i=0;i<buffer.length;i++)
              System.out.println("Total primes found between "+args[1]+" and "+toThisNumber+": "+counter.availablePermits()+"\n primes.txt written");
              outFile.println("Total primes found between "+args[1]+" and "+toThisNumber+": "+counter.availablePermits());
    static class Producer extends Thread {
         public void run(){try{
              while(in<buffer.length)     /*'in' should always be more than 'out'.Oherwise the consumer will try to access an empty index*/
                   {     System.out.println("producing");     
              catch (Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
              System.out.println("ALL PRODUCING DONE");
    static class Consumer extends Thread {
         int tempout=0;
         public void run(){try{
              System.out.println("before while"+this.getId());
                   System.out.println("before ready"+this.getId()+" "+ready.availablePermits()+" "+in);
                   System.out.println("before critical.acquire"+this.getId());
                        {System.out.println(buffer[tempout]+" by "+this.getId());buffer[tempout]=0;}
                   else {counter.release();System.out.println("prime added: "+buffer[tempout]+" by "+this.getId());}
                   System.out.println("tempout:"+tempout+" of "+this.getId());
              System.out.println("ALL CONSUMING DONE"+this.getId());
         catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
         //Prime number-checking method     
         public boolean isPrime(int n){
              for(int i=2;i<=(n/2);i++)
                        return false;
              return true;
    import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
    /* 3 questions to ask Barlas
    * Why error if I start the Consumer threads before Producer
    * Why does the counter semaphore always give a +1 result at the end
    * Is there a way I can verify that all the work is not being done by only 1 consumer thread? In other words, the workload is being shared properly
    * if I put ready.acquire() outside or inside the while loop, its not making any difference, why?
    * Strangely, its not making any difference if I playing with the release() and aquire() of the semaphores, WHY?!?!
    public class Assign1 {
    static int fromThisNumber;
    static int toThisNumber;
    static int numberOfThreads;
    static int buffer[];
    static Semaphore ready;          /*This semaphore is used by the Producer to signal
                                       an "OK" to the consumers*/
    static Semaphore critical; /*This is a Mutex semaphore. It allows only 1 consumer
                                       to enter his critical section.
    static Semaphore counter;     /*This semaphore acts as a counter.
                                  Instead of having a global variable
                                       incremented each time, we just release()
                                       this semephore when we find a prime number
                                       Because remember that release() increments permits
    static Producer prod;
    static Consumer cons[];
    static int in=0;
    static int out=0;
    static PrintWriter outFile;
         public static void main (String args[]){
                   outFile=new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("primes.txt"));
                   }catch(Exception e){}
              buffer=new int[Integer.parseInt(args[2])-Integer.parseInt(args[1])+1];
              ready=new Semaphore(0,false); /*We initialise it to 0 because we wait
                                                      for the Producer to produce atleast a
                                                      item. Suppose ready was 1 and if
                                                      Consumer ran first he would be in an
                                                      empty buffer */
              critical=new Semaphore (1,false);/*We initialise it to 1 because when
                                                      the first Consumer thread tries
                                                      to enter its critical section, it
                                                      should be allowed to;
                                                      Subsequent threads will have to
                                                      wait since only 1 thread can
                                                      access its critical section at a time*/
              counter=new Semaphore(0,false); // duh!
              cons=new Consumer[numberOfThreads-1]; /*numberOfThreads-1 because 1 thread
                                                                is taken by the Producer*/
              //Creating Producer object
              prod=new Producer();
              //Creating the Consumer object and start the thread.
              for(int i=0;i<cons.length;i++)
                        cons[i]=new Consumer();
              //Printing to screen and file
    /*          for(int i=0;i<buffer.length;i++)
              System.out.println("Total primes found between "+args[1]+" and "+toThisNumber+": "+counter.availablePermits()+"\n primes.txt written");
              outFile.println("Total primes found between "+args[1]+" and "+toThisNumber+": "+counter.availablePermits());
    static class Producer extends Thread {
         public void run(){try{
              while(in<buffer.length)     /*'in' should always be more than 'out'.Oherwise the consumer will try to access an empty index*/
                   {     System.out.println("producing");     
              catch (Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
              System.out.println("ALL PRODUCING DONE");
    static class Consumer extends Thread {
         int tempout=0;
         public void run(){try{
              System.out.println("before while"+this.getId());
                   System.out.println("before ready"+this.getId()+" "+ready.availablePermits()+" "+in);
                   System.out.println("before critical.acquire"+this.getId());
                        {System.out.println(buffer[tempout]+" by "+this.getId());buffer[tempout]=0;}
                   else {counter.release();System.out.println("prime added: "+buffer[tempout]+" by "+this.getId());}
                   System.out.println("tempout:"+tempout+" of "+this.getId());
              System.out.println("ALL CONSUMING DONE"+this.getId());
         catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
         //Prime number-checking method     
         public boolean isPrime(int n){
              for(int i=2;i<=(n/2);i++)
                        return false;
              return true;
    BTW, when I tried to change extends Thread to implements Runnable I got some kinda of error.
    Actually, my program is pretty complete... its just that something if messed up in my Consumer's run() method's while loop... I think
    I know guys its crazy to ask ya'll to look at so much code, but.... I'd really appreciate it. This assignment is killing me, been at it since 10 hours now....

  • How to access static variable from a Thread class

    Kindly help me.......
    here's the code.....
    class Thread1 extends Thread
    int j=0;
    myClass2 mc = new myClass2();
         public void run()
              for( int a=0;a<6;a++)
                             { Thread.sleep(5000);
                             catch(Exception e){System.out.println("Interrupted Exception");}
    } System.out.println("Thread1 executes "+j+" times");
    class Thread2 extends Thread
    int k=0;
         myClass2 mc1 = new myClass2();
         public void run()
              for( int a=0;a<6;a++)
                             { Thread.sleep(5000);
                             catch(Exception e){System.out.println("Interrupted Exception");}
    }System.out.println("Thread2 executes "+k+" times");
    class myClass2
    static int i=5;
    public synchronized void change1(int s)
    System.out.println("New value of i:"+s);
    public synchronized void change2(int s)
    System.out.println("New value of i:"+s);
         public static void main(String args[])
    Thread1 b1 = new Thread1();
    Thread2 b2 = new Thread2();
    I am unable to pass the variable i in my method call in Thread1: mc.change1(i); and similarly in Thread2:mc.change2(i);

    You can declare your i variable in myClass2 as public static and then simply call there
        mc.change1( myClass2.i ) ;

  • Error-- Referencing classes from project 1 in project 2 using libraries option

    Using JDev 9.0.3
    I'm struggling with an error that's occuring that I know should not be...
    I have two projects (SessionUtils & TradingSumStruts).
    SessionUtils has 4 java files all of which have a package name of: com.arca.sessionutils.
    TradingSumStruts has 3 java files all of which have a package name of: com.arca.tradingsum.
    One of the java files in TradingSumStruts imports a class from SessionUtils
    import com.arca.sessionutils.SessionUtil;
    In TradingSumStruts project I have created a new user library and called it: SessionUtilsLib. This lib points to the classes directory of SessionUtils, and the src directory of SessionUtils in the same workspace.
    I've shut down the oc4j server, deleted any existing class files for the above two projects, and recompiled both projects. When I run the app, I get the following error:
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/arca/sessionutils/SessionUtil
         void com.arca.tradingsum.TradingSumInfo.<init>(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)
    when I attempt to call SessionUtil.xxxMethod().
    I have double and triple checked my spelling, my library entries, my class files, and even re-booted my machine.
    ANY ideas would be greatly appreciated!
    [email protected]

    Don't use libraries for this. Define a project dependency for your project using the project properties dialog. This will automatically include your project classes without hardcoding the path into a library.

  • Can not access the Instance Data of a Singleton class from MBean

    I am working against the deadline and i am sweating now. From past few days i have been working on a problem and now its the time to shout out.
    I have an application (let's call it "APP") and i have a "PerformanceStatistics" MBean written for APP. I also have a Singleton Data class (let's call it "SDATA") which provides some data for the MBean to access and calculate some application runtime stuff. Thus during the application startup and then in the application lifecysle, i will be adding data to the SDATA instance.So, this SDATA instance always has the data.
    Now, the problem is that i am not able to access any of the data or data structures from the PerformanceStatistics MBean. if i check the data structures when i am adding the data, all the structures contains data. But when i call this singleton instance from the MBean, am kind of having the empty data.
    Can anyone explain or have hints on what's happening ? Any help will be appreciated.
    I tried all sorts of DATA class being final and all methods being synchronized, static, ect.,, just to make sure. But no luck till now.
    Another unfortunate thing is that, i some times get different "ServicePerformanceData " instances (i.e. when i print the ServicePerformanceData.getInstance() they are different at different times). Not sure whats happening. I am running this application in WebLogic server and using the JConsole.
    Please see the detailed problem at @
    I see related problems but no real solutions. Appreciate if anyone can throw in ideas.

    I am working against the deadline and i am sweating now. From past few days i have been working on a problem and now its the time to shout out.
    I have an application (let's call it "APP") and i have a "PerformanceStatistics" MBean written for APP. I also have a Singleton Data class (let's call it "SDATA") which provides some data for the MBean to access and calculate some application runtime stuff. Thus during the application startup and then in the application lifecysle, i will be adding data to the SDATA instance.So, this SDATA instance always has the data.
    Now, the problem is that i am not able to access any of the data or data structures from the PerformanceStatistics MBean. if i check the data structures when i am adding the data, all the structures contains data. But when i call this singleton instance from the MBean, am kind of having the empty data.
    Can anyone explain or have hints on what's happening ? Any help will be appreciated.
    I tried all sorts of DATA class being final and all methods being synchronized, static, ect.,, just to make sure. But no luck till now.
    Another unfortunate thing is that, i some times get different "ServicePerformanceData " instances (i.e. when i print the ServicePerformanceData.getInstance() they are different at different times). Not sure whats happening. I am running this application in WebLogic server and using the JConsole.
    Please see the detailed problem at @
    I see related problems but no real solutions. Appreciate if anyone can throw in ideas.

  • How to kill one class from another class

    I need to dipose one class from another class.
    So that first i have to find what are all threads running in that class and then to kill them
    Assist me.

    Subbu_Srinivasan wrote:
    I am explaining you in clear way
    No you haven't been.
    In my application i am handling many JInternalFrame.Simultaneously i am running working on more than one frame.
    Due to some poor performance of some thread in one JInternalFrame,the thread is keeps on running .
    i could not able to proceed further on that screen.
    So i have to kill that JInternalFrame.Yoinks.
    To be begin with your problem sounds like you are doing everything in one thread. So stop doing that. Second when you get it split up and if a task is taking too much time then interrupt it. No kill. Interrupt. This means the worker thread needs to check sometimes if it has been interrupted.

  • How can I pass an exception from one thread to another thread

    If I create a new class, that will extends the class Thread, the methode run() can not be use with the statement Throws Exeption .
    The question now: Is there any possibility to pass an exception from one thread to another thread?

    It really depends on what you want to do with your exception. Is there some sort of global handler that will process the exceptions in some meaningful way? Unless you have that, there's not much point in throwing an exception in a thread, unless you simply want the stack trace generated.
    Presuming that you have a global handler that can catch exceptions, nest your Exception subclass inside a RuntimeException:
    public class NestedRuntimeException extends RuntimeException
        private final m_nestedException;
        public NestedRuntimeException(final Exception originalException)
            super("An exception occurred with message: " + originalException.getMessage());
        public Exception getNestedException()
            return m_nestedException;
    }Your global handler can catch the NestedRuntimeException or be supplied it to process by the thread group.

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    I have an external DVD drive connected to my mac. I am burning my IPHOTO library to DVD. Everytimte I burn a DVD, it take a really long time to complete. And I get this error... The disc did not verify correctly and is unreliable. Because this disc i

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    Does InDesign CC recognize table fields as form fields when creating fillable form PDFs - or do I have to create individual text fields on top of the InDesign table and assign form field text field characteristic in the buttons and forms menu?

  • Linux - Gettings Errors

    Hi , Please advise me the solution. I am Runing Red Hat 4 U 4 on 64 bit intel server. I installed the oracle 10g R2 RAC. Every thing is working fine but I am getting following errors in /var/log/messages. Using ASM over RAW devices. I am also providi