Refreshing listview when we invoke an operation in server-initiated workflo

we are developing a server-initiated workflow where we have scenario like user will get a notification from server and we are showing a listview of tasks ready  for approve/reject. After approval/rejection operation, listview should be reflected by ignoring approved/rejected tasks.
can you please help me regarding this...

There's a couple of different ways you can do this.
You can configure your application so that the approve/reject operations are sent as a batch.  In this scenario, you would take the individual approve/reject operation menuitem and make it of type Delete Listview Row/Delete Key Collection (what its named depends on what release you are using). This marks the row as having been deleted, and thus it will be removed from the listview when you go back to it.  Then, put a Submit Workflow menuitem on the listview screen and have it do a Parent Update.  This will then, asynchronously, send to the server a request to go through the listview and, for each row, visible or not, invoke the corresponding operation on each row, depending on what the state of that row is ("add", "update", or "delete").  In this case, you'll have mapped the "delete" state to your approve/reject operation.
In the other scenario, you want the approve/reject operations to be invoked right away, as online request (necessitating an active connection to the server).  To support this, you'll want to write custom code to mark the current message value collection's state as "delete", which will be a cue to the listview not to display it.

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    <br> <p>
    ..................................... <br>
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    Hi Peter,
    From the example in MSDN, It means when you  declare a variable within a try or catch block, the variable is instantiated upon entrance to the block and marked for fear-down as the logic exits the block.This means any variables declared within a try
    block will only be visible in the try block and not outside of it- like in the catch block.
    The following links will help you understand more.
    >> I think putting a "return" in the catch block above may make the compiler error go away. 
    No, the return statement terminates execution of the method in which it appears and returns control to the calling method. If the method is a
    void type, the return statement can be omitted. The best way is Declare your variables before the try block.
    Best wishes!
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    true, // Retain AM
    Parameter pass (in property parameter):
    txnId     ${oa.current.FaoBudgetTransactionId}
    detailId ${oa.current.BudgetDetailId}
    periodId ${oa.current.BudgetPeriodId}
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    } else {
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    String detailId = pageContext.getParameter("detailId");
    String periodId = pageContext.getParameter("periodId");
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    Best regards,

    Hello Sprice,
    Browse the shipping examples according to “Directory Structure” and then select
    DAQ to find the Traditional DAQ examples. 
    There a lot of examples that are written for counters (Counter >>
    daq-stc.llb >> Count Edges (DAQ-STC).vi). 
    What kind of signals are your photons creating?  Are they TTL compatible at a certain
    frequency?  You don’t care about overwriting
    your buffer?
    Rob F
    Test Engineer
    Condition Measurements
    National Instruments

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    Thanks in advance.

    Your usecase should be no problem. The error java.util.NoSuchElementException seems to indicate you are refering a non existing element somewhere. Are you sure the service gets invoked with the correct message content? From the enterprise manager website you can increase the logging of esb. Go to your esb oc4j container, administration, Logger Configuration. Search for soap loggers and increase the log level. You should now see the entire xml soap messages in the log.xml file.
    Kind Regards,
    Andre Jochems

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    tks & rgds

    As you may already know not all views can be refreshed with FAST method, especially the complex ones that select data from more than one table.
    So the only refresh option for those views is COMPLETE REFRESH.
    With all database versions older than It is true that when you refresh the MV using complete method it does TRUNCATE the data before it refreshes it. This is true even though ATOMIC_REFRESH parameter is set to TRUE when you call DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH (It is a known bug).
    What is Atomic Refresh?
    If this parameter is set to true, then the list of materialized views is refreshed in a single transaction. All of the refreshed materialized views are updated to a single point in time. If the refresh fails for any of the materialized views, none of the materialized views are updated.
    If this parameter is set to false, then each of the materialized views is refreshed in a separate transaction.
    But, if you refresh the materialized view using a refresh group you can force Oracle to do DELETE instead of truncate.
    In general when you refresh with refresh group, your MV views will be transactionally consistent.
    But make sure you have at least two views in the refresh group, otherwise Oracle will truncate data again.
    So if the database link is broken, the refresh will fail and the transaction will be rolled back. None of the end users will notice anything unusual.
    Message was edited by:

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    Hi Dave,
    That is a local workbook setting.  The setting is stored in the workbook on the sheet named SAPBEXqueries (see earlier postings on how to make this worksheet visible).
    If there is only one query in the workbook, then look at at cell U4.  This cell will read TRUE if the setting is check (do refresh on open) and will read FALSE if the setting is not checked (do not refresh on open).
    One way to be sure that this setting is not altered would be to create a subroutine for the Workbook_BeforeClose event.  The user then can make any selection they like, but you will over-ride it when they close the workbook.
    Hope this helps.
    - Pete

  • Rich Client keeps refreshing docs when opening them

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    this behavior I'm facing is systematic and does not depend on universe, document, objetc or whatsoever.
    It happens when I create a brand new doc using demo universe (eFashion for instance). I use a prompt in the query; then I save the document locally as a .WID file making sure that option 'refresh on open' is uncheck. However when I open this newly created document, the prompt dialog box shows up meanign that the doc was refreshed.
    This behavior is happening wiht only one machine. that' what made me think that it might be related to some configuration within that machine.
    Thanks in advane for any input you might have to resolve this issue.
    Best regads,

    I have got a question with regards to this thread.
    I understand the new option that has been added u201CDisable Automatic Refresh on Open for all documentsu201D
    In this instancce all reports refresh when opened in WRC and not in Infoview?
    Is this right specific to WRC or Webi in Infoview as well?
    With BO administrator, the report does not refresh as u201CDisable Automatic Refresh on Open for all documentsu201D right is granted by default.
    However, with a non-admin user, the report will refresh.
    If the aforementioned right is  granted to the non-admin user then the auto-refreshes stops.
    Therefore, my query is:
    Is this functionality of refreshing all documents specific to WRC or does it also applies to Webi in Infoview?
    If specific to WRC then is it documented somewhere?

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