Reg:outbound exception

Hi All
In the attendance claim application   when I am approving attendance claim for 3rd Time.
It is giving following error can you please help out ,how to resolve it.
Previously it is 2 approving time,
but we changed it to 3 in r/3 function module.That it can be approved for 3 times also.
ERROR:Exception incomplete Controller Java.lang.stringindexOutOfBoundsException:string index out of range 0 in attendance claim application + sap enterprise portal.
Thanks in Advance
Edited by: deepika_indian on Jul 8, 2011 1:03 PM
Edited by: deepika_indian on Jul 8, 2011 1:19 PM
Edited by: deepika_indian on Jul 8, 2011 1:53 PM

HI Deepika,
You must be getting an empty string value from the function module so its giving this kind of exception.
So if string is empty it will not find any value at index 0.
Please print the values which are coming from the  r/3 function module and check wether any empty string is coming.
Check the string value wether it is empty or not by using isEmpty() function.
Check this link for more info.
Hope this helps you.
Saleem Mohammad.

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    Hi All,
    I am trying to preview the iView, "Portal Activity Report Editor" located under Portal Content -> Content Provided by SAP -> Admin Interfaces -> Admin iView Templates -> Portal Editors under Content Administration role.
    But, when I previee the iView, I get a RunTime Exception as follows:
    #1.5<User_ID>#152806##n/a##b3602110468111dd9e8e0014c2635462#SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_56##0#0#Fatal#1#/System/Server#Java###wizard session No: 429: could not instantiate pane instance of type com.sapportals.admin.wizardframework.core.ClassNameAndConstructorArgs@1663bd## #1.5<User_ID>#152806##n/a##b3602110468111dd9e8e0014c2635462#SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_56##0#0#Error##Plain###Jun 30, 2008 4:51:18 AM            [SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_56] Error: Exception ID:04:51_30/06/08_15351_4495550
    #1.5<User_ID>#152806##n/a##b3602110468111dd9e8e0014c2635462#SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_56##0#0#Error#1#/System/Server#Java###Exception ID:04:51_30/06/08_15351_4495550
    #1#com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentException: Error in service call of Portal Component
    Component : pcd:portal_content/
    Component class :
    User : <User_ID>
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         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
         ... 29 more
    This happens for all Editor iViews.
    Kindly let me know what could be the problem.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Sandeep,
    Thank you for your inputs.
    I had raised an OSS Message with SAP some days ago on this issue. SAP has replied back saying that only users with Content Administration role can have access to configure portal acyivity report. All other users can only view the results.

  • Reg: Runtime exception occurred during application mapping

    Dear SAP Gurus,
    This is Amar Srinivas Eli working currently on SOAP to SOAP Scenario on PI 7.1 Server.
    I Would like to inform you that I have done all steps regarding DESIGN and CONFIG and also regarding SERVICE REGISTRY part successfully.
    While Testing the data in the WS Navigator by giving the input parameters I am getting an error that
    *<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>*
    *- <!--  Request Message Mapping*
    - <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP="" xmlns:SOAP="" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1">
      <SAP:P3>on: Cannot create target element /ns1:PI_ListRefer</SAP:P3>
      <SAP:P4>ral_Response_MT. Values missing in queue context.~</SAP:P4>
      <SAP:AdditionalText />
      <SAP:Stack>Runtime exception occurred during application mapping com/sap/xi/tf/_HRS_LISTReferral_Response_MM_; Cannot create target element /ns1:PI_ListReferral_Response_MT. Values missing in queue context.~</SAP:Stack>
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    1. Importing the XSD's successfully
    2. Developed the design and config part and also checked nearly 3-4 times regarding both REQ and
        RESPONSE Mappings.
    3. I already checked the link of WSDL once again...
    4. Even I found REsponse Interface once again...
    Still I am not getting where the error was ? Please guide me in detail in a right way in this issue.
    Amar Srinivas Eli
    Edited by: Amar Srinivas Eli on Jan 13, 2009 7:53 AM

    I already checked all those queues and context fields////
    Based on my Observation I found
    1) As I am unable to view the SOAP BODY I increased the RUN TIME Trace Level to 3 and LOG_VAlue to 3
    2) ANother most Important that I found later doing these settings are....
        I found Receiver Pay LOAD and I copied that entire pay load and pasted it in
        REceiver Message Mapping> Test Tab and Code->PASTED...and compared all those parameters
        in the TEST TAB and DEFINITION TAB in Tree View whether all the mandatory receiver mapped
        elements are  coming I mean passing from source or not...
    I found that for nearly 3 fields there is a difference when I compared on Tree View in DEFINITION TAB and also parallely in the TEST TAB Tree View which I got by copied from MONI,,,,
    see for example ::
    CENTRE <----
    For going to I found that in DEfiniition TAB...
    Control Act Event-->Subject->document-->Component>Structured body> component> Section>Component>PatientCareProvisionEvent->EffectiveTime-->CENTRE
    But immediately I have gone to TEST TAB and TREE VIEW and I found that respective field CENTRE is posting I mean passing any value or parameter to Discharged Date or not...
    But I found that...
    Control Act Event-->Subject->document-->Component>Structured body> component> Section>Component-->_PatientCareProvisionEvent_
    This Implies that Effective Time and Centre are missing in the XML and I mean no values are passing to receiver right..
    In PI XSD 's it is there but in I think after Compiling REQUEST MAPPING and while in returning to RESPONSE MAPPING I mean whenever the Response is posting to SOAP WEBSERVICE it is unable to found those target elements and I think due to this...
    Am I Correct ?
    If that is the case...Let me know where the issue is whether in the data present in the WEBSERVICE created on target side or in PI Side..any issue...
    Amar Srinivas Eli
    Edited by: Amar Srinivas Eli on Jan 13, 2009 10:00 AM

  • Reg:(uncaught Exception :width/offset argument cannot be negative or exceed the text length)

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        I just completed my application and import the COD File in Blackberry simulator 8300 . In my mobile after login click on button it throws error and exit the application.
    It throws "uncaught Exception:width/offset argument cannot be negative or exceed the text length"
    Kindly give suggestion

    You should ask in the
    Lightswitch forum.
    If this WAS in the Lightswitch forum, I suppose you should ask in Microsoft's ASP.Net forums:
    When you see answers and helpful posts, please click Vote As Helpful, Propose As Answer, and/or Mark As Answer.
    My Blog:
    My Book:Windows PowerShell 2.0 Bible
    My E-mail: -join ('6F6C646B61726C40686F746D61696C2E636F6D'-split'(?<=\G.{2})'|%{if($_){[char][int]"0x$_"}})

  • Reg:Outbound Queues are strucked in CRM

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             After Extracting Data from CRM source system,the rercords are still displaying in the outbound queues of the CRM Source system.what might be the issue?In outbound queues the status is NOSEND or is it maintaining one more copy of the records.what happens manually if the queues are  deleted.if any queues are deleted the posting to BI  is stopped.If any data is missed by deleting the queues ,shall we recover the data back.what are the steps to schedule the those jobs in BI.
    Thanks & Regards,

    I would check the customizing in SPRO. It seems that your System is customized to distribute billing numbers.
    My guess is
    Customer Relationship Management
    Country-Specific Functions
    Official Document Numbering
    Transfer Official Document Numbers to Accounting Documents
    Check whether there is an entry somewhere there forcing the System to behave the way it does.

  • Reg Runtime Exception

    What is the Mechnizm in handling Runtime Exceptions by JVA

    As Josh Bloch says: Runtime exceptions should be used only to indicate programming errors, such as precondition violations.

  • Reg: Uncaught Exception:$AnIPCException

    I am developing programs using sun studio 12 on SunFireT1000 Server having Solaris 10 OS .
    My program is getting compiled and running well but i have probems in profiling.
    When I try to profile, I got the following error
    "Uncaught Exception:$AnIPCException
    er_print exited due to internal error
    Exception in thread Window_thread."
    Even for the programs that I profiled earlier I am now getting the same error.
    If I login with a different user name I am able to profile the same project without the above error but I cannot modify the source code.
    Kindly suggest a solution to overcome the above problem.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Mahendraarman,
    Thank you for the report! Usually this error message (exception) indicates a problem in "er_print",
    or in the dialog between "analyzer" and "er_print". Could you please check if there is a "core" file
    from "er_print"? If there is no 'core" file, please, make sure the limit on coredumpsize is unlimited,
    and start analyzer again:
    % csh
    % limit coredumpsize unlimited
    % limit
    cputime unlimited
    filesize unlimited
    datasize unlimited
    stacksize 10240 kbytes
    coredumpsize unlimited
    descriptors 256
    memorysize unlimited
    % analyzer
    If you get a core file from "er_print", please, run "pstack core" and post its output.
    You wrote that you can view the experiment using another user's account. This is
    very important detail. Do you have ".er.rc" file in your $HOME directory?
    If yes, could you, please, rename it and start analyzer again?
    % mv $HOME/.er.rc $HOME/.er.rc.0
    % analyzer
    If you cannot get a core file, and there is no $HOME/.er.rc file, could you please
    run analyzer under truss, and send me the truss output?
    % truss -a -e -f -o /tmp/ analyzer
    When the problem happens, send me this file: /tmp/
    My email address is: Nikolay dot Molchanov at Sun dot Com
    Thanks in advance,

  • Reg: JMS Exception sending to queue null

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    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Tom,
    Thank you very much for your help. This is the error i am getting now. exception caught in proxy
         at $Proxy2.processOrderPublishing(Unknown Source)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    --- nested --- JMS Exception sending to queue null
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
         at $Proxy2.processOrderPublishing(Unknown Source)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    --- nested ---
    javax.jms.JMSException: MQJMS2005: failed to create MQQueueManager for ''

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    I am deploying an application in a test env which is working perfectly in our dev environment and which doesnt need any code changes.I am getting an exception while deploying.The same code is working in our dev environment.
    Please help me in this.Thanks in advance.
    Mar 8, 2009 3:45:32 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke
    SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception
         at org.apache.jsp.index_jsp._jspInit(
         at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.init(
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.getServlet(
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
         at com.core.test.test1.CachePreventionFilter.doFilter(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(
         at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(
         at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.process(
         at Source)

    What happens when i copy and paste the jar file in my application's lib directory?What happens is that you have the classes appearing twice in your class path.
    It will normally use the first version of the class that it comes across.
    For a web application, the Standard Tomcat resolution order is something like
    jar files in WEB-INF/lib (alphabetical order of filename)
    jar files in [TOMCAT]/shared/lib
    jar files in [TOMCAT]/common/lib
    If it finds it in one of the earlier spots, it won't go looking further.
    For the server itself, the classpath is just the [TOMCAT]/common/lib and [TOMCAT]/server/lib directories.
    Thus jsp-api is in two different places - and will be retrieved from the two different places depending upon who is doing the loading - the web app or the server.
    As you have found, this can lead to issues.
    Bottom line - don't have servlet-api.jar, jsp-api.jar (or any other of the servlet classes) in your WEB-INF/lib directory.
    In fact if you can eliminate duplicate classes entirely from your classpath, you can prevent a lot of issues.

  • Reg: outbound file for  Autolock box

    Hi Consultants,
    we have requiremnet to send back a file to bank with unapplied and unidentifed payments.
    bank is providing the data filed sequence nuber for each payment records as 1,2,3...
    this data we are populating the item_number column in the ap_payments_interface_all table now i want to get this data feom the oracle so i want to know where it is saved on database table.
    Please advice me

    Thanks for yours reply Anil,
    Acutally after we loaded the lockbox to oracle then we need to send a file back to Bank with unapplied and unidentified payments.
    for this we need to provide the recerod sequence number for the receipt in outboubnd file. Generally bank will provide the sequence number in bank file for each record this sequence number is loading to item_number in ap_payments_interface_all table so i want to know this item_number data going to which standard table(destination).
    Please advice me.

  • Not able to run a simple RMI server

    I am running an RMI program like follwing
    import java.rmi.* ;
    import java.rmi.registry.* ;
    import java.rmi.server.* ;
    public class CallBeanServer extends UnicastRemoteObject implements ICallBeanServer
         public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
              int port = 1000 ;
              Registry reg = null ;
              if( args[0].equals("true"))
                   reg = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(port) ;
                   System.out.println("Successfully created registry") ;
                   reg = LocateRegistry.getRegistry(port) ;
                   System.out.println("Connected to existing registry") ;
              CallBeanServer callBeanServer = new CallBeanServer(reg) ;
         public CallBeanServer(Registry reg) throws Exception, RemoteException
              super() ;
              reg.rebind("CallBeanServer",this) ;
              System.out.println("CallBeanServer Object bound") ;
         //my public method
         public String callBeanServer() throws RemoteException
         {          return "Success" ;
    I have run the rmiregistry at port no 1000 like
    rmiregistry 1000
    I have compiled ICallBeanServer also and run rmic also over CallBeanServer like
    rmic CallBeanServer
    when I run this program using
    java CallBeanServer false
    it gives the follwoing errors
    Connected to existing registry
    Exception in thread "main" java.rmi.ServerException: Server RemoteException; nested exception is:
    java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is:
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: CallBeanServer_Stub
    java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is:
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: CallBeanServer_Stub
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: CallBeanServer_Stub
    at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.exceptionReceivedFromServer(Unknown Source)
    at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.executeCall(Unknown Source)
    at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.rmi.registry.RegistryImpl_Stub.rebind(Unknown Source)
    at CallBeanServer.<init>(
    at CallBeanServer.main(
    Can you please tell me what is the error?
    Prashant Gupta

    Add the classes (the stubs included) to the classpath when you start the registry.

  • New WSUS install does not respond to clients over ports 8530 or 8531

    I've recently installed WSUS on a Server 2012 machine, and am struggling to get it to respond to requests from other hosts. I cannot get it to respond to any host in any manner, except for requests from itself.
    My setup is as follows:
    WSUS installed on a Server 2012 domain controller, DC01.
    Other roles installed include AD CS, AD DS, DNS, IIS, and Print Services.
    WSUS is using all default settings.
    The firewall has inbound and outbound exceptions for ports 8530 and 8531
    A bit of information about what's happening:
    IIS will respond over port 80. I can open a Web browser from my workstation and connect to http://dc01/. If I attempt to connect to http://dc01:8530 (which I know should not work, but
    should respond with a 403 error), it times out. Identical behavior is observed over port 8531 with https.
    IIS will respond with a 403 if I make this same connection in a browser on DC01, it will work if I connect using either the loopback IP or hostname, but will time out if I attempt to make the connection using the server's local IP (IPv4).
    If I try to connect from my workstation using the WSUS configuration snap-in, I get an error: The remote server could not be contacted. Please verify that IIS on the server is correctly configured and is running.
    If I try to connect from DC01 using the WSUS configuration snap-in, it works correctly.
    The above is true for both http (8530) and https (8531).
    IIS logs show inbound connections from my workstation and show that IIS is responding with a 200. However, Wireshark running on DC01 shows three attempts by my workstation to open a connection -- three SYN packets, one initial attempt then two identical
    retries -- over a period of about ten seconds, with no responses from DC01. If IIS is responding, the responses are getting lost sometime before they hit the NIC.
    Bindings in IIS are correct, 8530 for http and 8531 for https.
    Given that everything works fine when making a local connection, I think I can safely assume that WSUS itself is running properly, and the issue is related to IIS. Nonetheless, in the hopes of this simply being a failed install, I have uninstalled and reinstalled
    both IIS and WSUS multiple times. (One thing to note, though I doubt it's related: WSUS consistently fails to set the path for the local update cache, failing the post-deployment configuration. I have to manually edit the UpdateServices-Services.xml file to
    include the path for the local cache. Everything goes fine after I do that.)
    I'm pretty stumped on this, and would happily accept any help. Thanks!

    I've recently installed WSUS on a Server 2012 machine, and am struggling to get it to respond to requests from other hosts. I cannot get it to respond to any host in any manner, except for requests from itself.
    My setup is as follows:
    WSUS installed on a Server 2012 domain controller, DC01.
    Other roles installed include AD CS, AD DS, DNS, IIS, and Print Services.
    Fundamentally you have two issues here:
    The first is the question of co-existence between WSUS and AD CS.
    The second is whether this machine was a DC before, or after, you installed WSUS.
    With Windows Server 2003 systems, running 'dcpromo' after installing IIS (and WSUS) would break IIS (and thus WSUS). With Windows Server 2012, installing WSUS with the AD DS role present results in a broken WSUS installation (if not an outright installation
    failure). This is because on a WS2012 Domain Controller, there are GPO restrictions on "Log On As A Service" which impact the ability of certain LOCAL accounts to do so ... one of which being the Network Service which is required for WSUS and another local
    use account, which is used for WID.
    Regarding ports and IIS -- WSUS is designed to work on port 8530 by default on a Windows Server 2012 box. It can also be made to work on port 80, but you have to use the correct utilities and procedures to make that change. As for your observation
    that "port 6000" seems to be a cutoff.... I'll (re)direct your attention to the installation of Active Directory Certificate Services, which I suspect is a contributing factor, and in general firewall configuration rules -- which are probably the most likely
    culprit on the port range of 6000+ (not including 8530 which I promise you is open by a rule explicitly created by/for WSUS).
    So, here's my suggestion:
    Install the WSUS role first.
    Install the AD DS role if you must (but Domain Controllers should not also be web or application server).
    Install the AD CS role elsewhere.
    Lawrence Garvin, M.S., MCSA, MCITP:EA, MCDBA
    SolarWinds Head Geek
    Microsoft MVP - Software Packaging, Deployment & Servicing (2005-2014)
    My MVP Profile:
    The views expressed on this post are mine and do not necessarily reflect the views of SolarWinds.

  • CS6 Production Pro W8 install fail "OS requirements not met"

    Hello. Have failed install of CS6 Production Premium.
    Currently have CS-4 Master, LR-3, LR-4 installed on this machine. Because of Adobe nightmare install issues I have had on W8 with CS4 though have SN for CS6-PP have attempted install as trail.
    The install failed, in the majority of cases, because "OS requirements not met", and in others as installer claimed it cannot find files.
    Given my system hardware, and that an running W8 with the latest patches it is inconceivable to me that "requirements are not met".
    Here is relevant system info:
    OS: Windows 8 Professional (x64) (build 9200)
    CPU: 3.60 gigahertz Intel Core i7-3820
    BIOS: American Megatrends Inc. 3305 12/25/2012
    RAM: 32710 Megabytes Usable Installed Memory
    Hard Drive Capacity: 10321.23 Gigabyte
    Hard Drive Free Space: 5881.41 Gigabytes
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660
    Main Display: DELL U3011 (29.7"vis, s/n XX-0PH5NY-XXXXX-0BA-275L
    I have the error log of the failed install (a few excerpts below). I also have the Belarc system profile summary available.
    Tried to solve this on "Chat". but for the past 20 minutes have been reading "All representatives are actively assisting other customers. Your estimated wait time is 0 minute(s) and 1 second(s) or longer. Thank you for your patience." in the chat window.
    ========= some excerpts from failed install log
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {CC006FD6-00EF-46FC-ACA0-7A28EFF44D20} Adobe Media Encoder CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {C7B1C1B3-368D-4C32-A818-83F1554EB398} AdobeColorCommonSetRGB CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {0C4E7429-E920-4125-980E-029A87AE0A4D} AdobeColorCommonSetCMYK CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {51C77DC1-5C75-4491-8645-A17CC33F5A36} AdobeColorEU CS6
    WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {26F763C9-076F-473D-9A0E-4050C973737C} AdobeColorJA CS6
    WARNING: DF054: Unable to read Adobe file version for file path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Color\Profiles\Recommended\USWebCoatedSWOP.ERROR: DF012: Unable to find file(Seq 16)
    ERROR: DF024: Unable to preserve original file at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Color\Profiles\Recommended\USWebCoatedSWOP.icc" Error ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteFileCommand failed.(Seq 16)
    I think that the below may be a summary of the failed installs
    ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:
    ERROR: DW050: - AdobeColorCommonSetCMYK CS6: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050: - AdobeIdeaPluginCS6 x64: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050: - Adobe Illustrator CS6 Core: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure
    ERROR: DW050: - Adobe NPS Panel: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050: - Adobe Illustrator CS6 Core_AdobeIllustrator16en_USLanguagePack: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050: - Adobe Illustrator CS6 Core (64 Bit)_AdobeIllustrator16en_USLanguagePack_x64: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050: - Adobe Illustrator CS6 Core (64 Bit): Failed due to Language Pack installation failure
    ERROR: DW050: - AdobeIdeaPluginCS6: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050: - Adobe Illustrator CS6 Support32: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050: - Adobe Illustrator CS6 Support: Install failed

    Thanks, However, did not have good luck with the Adobe Cleaner Tool with CS4 install last month (am bringing a new computer to life).
    Had the same odd color-profile problems (and others)  with CS4 install. First tried the adobe suggested remove all profiles, then tried the Adobe Support Advisor,  etc etc. Eventually gave up and ran the suggested ACT - this did allow for CS4 install to succeed (except for Flash).
    However, though had chosen only CS4 clean, the ACT wiped out lightroom-3 and in addition screwed with other parts of the registry so that i had to reinstall several programs (for example Launchy) and it also wiped out everything in the create new docs reg key except for Adobe products - fortunately had backed up the reg and so was simply able to export/import to get these back (though without the adobe doc creation context menu entries!)
    I have NEVER had an Adobe "Creative Suite" product install without complication - which is why I went with the trial version, as in the past have had to call Adobe because of "too many" (but all failed) installs. One time ... well no one really wants to hear about how Adobe was moving its support center, and I could not get through, and had a deadline.
    Looking through the log ii see that several failed installs were of 32-bit components. As the installer correctly id'd this as a 64-bit OS (and installed BOTH the 64 & 32-bit versions of PS) perhaps this is not important (so, why then did the installer attempt to install them??)
    What worries me most is the first line of the error file "WARNING: DW066: OS requirements not met for {CC006FD6-00EF-46FC-ACA0-7A28EFF44D20} Adobe Media Encoder CS6" as I have had problems with the AME before. Notably, after an update to CS4 (XPP) although the AME would load - it would not actually ENCODE anything for output but just sit there unresponsive. One wonders what "OS requirements" W8 Pro-64 does not meet.
    Really, after all this time, and given how expensive the applications are one would think that Adobe could come up with an installer which works better than this.
    So - again - thank you. Have poked around a bit, and as PS and PP both launch, perhaps they will work. Have not yet had the time to try encoding from CS6 - if I have problems, I will be back.

  • Activation: Compiling setup

    I am trying to compile set up , I am getting following errors:
    Djava.rmi.server.codebase=file:\\D:\javaprogs\misc\rmi\Activation\NoInit\ Reg
    Exception in thread "main" java.rmi.StubNotFoundException: unable to load cla
    whitney.rmi.examples.activation.HelloServer; nested exception is:
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: whitney.rmi.examples.activation.Hel
    at sun.rmi.server.ActivatableRef.getStub(Unknown Source)
    at java.rmi.activation.Activatable.register(Unknown Source)
    at Register.main(
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: whitney.rmi.examples.activation.
    at$ Source)
    at Method)
    at Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
    at sun.rmi.server.LoaderHandler.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at sun.rmi.server.LoaderHandler.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoader$2.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    ... 3 more
    My setup code is:
    import java.rmi.activation.*;
    import java.util.Properties;
    public class Register{
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception  {
          System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());
          Properties policyFileLocation = new Properties();
          ActivationGroupDesc.CommandEnvironment ace = null;
          ActivationGroupDesc exampleGroup =
             new ActivationGroupDesc(policyFileLocation, ace);
         ActivationSystem localActivationSystem = ActivationGroup.getSystem();
          ActivationGroupID agi =
          ActivationGroup.createGroup(agi, exampleGroup, 0);
          String classLocation = "file:\\D:\\javaprogs\\misc\\rmi\\Activation\\NoInit\\";
          String serverClass = "HelloServer";
          MarshalledObject data = null;
          ActivationDesc desc =
             new ActivationDesc(serverClass, classLocation, data);
          Hello mri = (Hello)Activatable.register(desc);
          System.out.println("Got the stub for the HelloServer");
          Naming.rebind("Hello", mri);
          System.out.println("Exported HelloServer");
       }I am using the following command:
    D:\javaprogs\misc\rmi\Activation\NoInit>java -
    Djava.rmi.server.codebase=file:\\D:\javaprogs\misc\rmi\Activation\NoInit\ Regist
    I dont know how to specify codebase? Can somebody help me?

    I am NO expert with RMI, but I recognise a few things that are wrong:
    1) You need a semi-colon at EOL:
    String classLocation = "file:\\D:\\javaprogs\\misc\\rmi\\Activation\\NoInit\\"
    2) You do not want two '\\' after file in your command, see '3', below.
    3) You will probably need to add a security policy to the line; like:
    Djava.rmi.server.codebase=file:\\D:\javaprogs\misc\rmi\Activation\NoInit\ Register URL
    ... Where URL is your URL

  • Having trouble passing a getter method in a PreparedStatement

    Basically I've got it so that the user fills in their name, dob etc and when they click on register it inserts their information in a registrations table. However, I'm having trouble getting this working (NullPointerException) so any help would be greatly appreciated :)
    public void writeToTbl() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
              DBase d = new DBase();
              GUI g = new GUI();
              i = 0;
              String regStr = "INSERT INTO REGISTRATION VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
              PreparedStatement st = d.getConnection().prepareStatement(regStr);          
              st.setInt(1, i);
              st.setString(2, g.getName()); //Exception error points to this line
              st.setString(3, g.getDOB());
              st.setString(4, g.getRoad());
              st.setString(5, g.getCity());
              st.setString(6, g.getCounty());
              st.setString(7, g.getPhone());
              st.setString(8, g.getEmail());
    btnReg.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {               
                        if (ev.getSource() == btnReg && (agree.isSelected())) {
                             writeToFile(f, bWriter);
                             RegisterDetails reg = new RegisterDetails();
                             try {
                                  reg.writeToTbl(); //Exception error points to this line
                             } catch (SQLException e) {
                             } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                        else {
    // JTextFields return their results
    public String getName() {
              return name.getText(); //Exception error points to this line
         public String getDOB() {
              return dob.getText();
         public String getRoad() {
              return road.getText();
         public String getCity() {
              return city.getText();
         public String getCounty() {
              return county.getText();
         public String getPhone() {
              return phoneNo.getText();
         public String getEmail() {
              return email.getText();So essentially I'm trying to get the information from the textfields and insert it into the registrations table but nothing seems to work. I've followed numerous tutorials on how to do it, but all of them use "fixed" values e.g., setString(1, "James") etc but I need the value of the JTextFields as they will be different every time. I'm completely at a loss with this at the moment so any help would be magnificent. :-)
    Thank you!

    so any help would be magnificent.Write a class that accepts the values that you want to insert. I would suggest passing an ArrayList. It opens the connection, does the insert, closes the statement and the connection.
    It does NOT have any GUI code in it.
    You then debug that class and verify it works.
    THEN, after you have verified it works, you write ANOTHER class that does the gui. It uses the class above to do the database work.

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