Reg: Please share... [OFF TOPIC]

Hi Experts/Gurus,
Please share any of the toughest challenge(s) you faced in your long (Oracle) career.
Like some time back I saw a discussion between some biggies (Guru & ACEs) regarding the Y2K problem. They said about the server room, New year eve and the problems they faced. It was really nice and great inspiration for new folks like me. :-)
I know this is going very off-track, but just for a break.
This 'll also surely act as an inspiration for juniors like us. We would love to hear some interesting/tricky/innovative problems from your experiences.
Looking for an active participation. Frank, could please start this. ;-)
Ranit B.

I'm sure most, if not all of us herethat have been around for a while, would have lots of war stories about someone or something blowing up the database and the trials and tribulations of getting it put back together properly. Many of us would also have lots of stories about that really tricky report/ETL job and all of the tricks we used to get it to work correctly and fast enough. However, for me the biggest challenges I face regularly have to do with the types of things that come up on this forum every day.
Basic things like not understanding correct datatype, dates are a real biggie here but storing/passing numbers as strings is right up there, and relying on implicit type conversions. Developers who do not think in sets and resort to cursors and row by row processing for (almost) every task. Misusing dynamic sql when it is not required, personally I rarely use execute immediate in my code, and when I do it is almost always for set up/re-set type activities in ETL code like truncating a staging table or disabling constraints/indexes prior to a data load.
These types of things can have an impact on performance, not only for the particular task that the piece of code is designed to accomplish, but quite possibly database wide. Flooding the shared pool with hundreds of copies of a sql statement that differ only by the literals used in a predicate (or worse as one app I dealt with only in literals in the projection) is detrimental to the health of the whole database, and when the app has hundreds of sql statements it gets reall bad for the well behaved developers inthe database.
Worse than the performance impact is the subtle bugs these types of things can introduce in the code. How many questions on this forum essentially boil down to "I put data in my table now when I try to query for a date range I get no rows, but I know I put it in" and the answer comes down to at some point in the process inserting the data or querying the data someone relied on an implicit string to date conversion and the date in the table (or perhaps the predicate) is actually 19 something or 00 something instead of the expected 20 something.
I cannot tell you how many hours I have spent debugging other people's code (usually after the data has been well and truly corrupted) asking how did that value get in that column because (so I'm told) it's impossible for that to happen. In the vast majority of the cases it is due to implicit data conversions.
Inspiring stories are all well and good, but if you are looking for inspiration to become a better developer/DBA look at the mindset of the people like Frank, Blushadow, Solomon and Billy that allow them to see the set-based solution to a problem (there is almost always one), to see the "correct" data types to use etc. And, to paraphrase Billy, programming is programming, basic good practices are the same in any language, so look at well-written code in other languages, not just PL/SQL.
But, if you want in inspiring story for a "junior", here is mine.
We had a very trick bit of ETL code that involved joining 5 or 6 tables. Complicating matters, because of the nature of the source system, one of the tables had to be pivotted, one had to be unpivotted and we needed a top-n query for one of the others. At the time, we were using 10 something, so no PIVOT/UNPIVOT, so I wrote a several hundred line query with
sub-queries over sub-queries, analytic functions and hierarchical queries. This produced correct results, and the run-time was more than adequate (about 3 minutes for 6.5 million rows as an insert append). I gave that query to one of our junior developers for integration into the ETL package we were creating. She looked at that monster and said "Huh?". I told her, as I tell everyone, break it down into pieces, run each of the bits alone to see what they do then build it back up again to see how it all fits together.
The next day, she came back to me and said "I spent a lot of time playing with your query, and I think I understand how it works. If I do understand, then I think this is an equivalent query, can you check it for me?" What she gave me was a fifty or so line query with two sub-queries, no analytics and no hierarchical queries. At first glance, it could not possibly work, but I checked it anyway and much to my surprise it was correct (and faster than mine). Sometimes, knowing too many tricks is not a good thing :-)

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  • Reg : Knapsack problem - [Off Topic] -

    Hi All,
    Few days back, there was a post which was a practical implementation of the 'Knapsack Problem'.
    And, I remember somebody actually posted a query which solved this.
    Can anybody please give me the link for it?
    Or, if have the query?
    I searched the OTN but not getting the post.
    Ranit B.

    SQL isn't the best tool for the task, but.... And there are many variations of knapsack task. Anyway, below is combination (MODEL + hierarchical) solution I posted on one of SQL forums while back for the following knapsack task:
    There are n items. We know weight and cost of each item. Task is to fill knapsack with items so that total weight doesn't exceed knapsack weight capacity and get max possible total cost.
    DROP TABLE knapsack PURGE;
    CREATE TABLE knapsack(
                          item_number NUMBER PRIMARY KEY,
                          volume      NUMBER NOT NULL,
                          value       NUMBER NOT NULL
    INSERT INTO knapsack VALUES(1, 77, 2);
    INSERT INTO knapsack VALUES(2, 99, 1);
    INSERT INTO knapsack VALUES(3, 19, 3);
    INSERT INTO knapsack VALUES(4, 91, 1);
    INSERT INTO knapsack VALUES(5,  6, 3);
    INSERT INTO knapsack VALUES(6,  6, 1);
    INSERT INTO knapsack VALUES(7,  3, 1);
    INSERT INTO knapsack VALUES(8, 92, 6);
    VARIABLE capacity NUMBER;
    EXEC :capacity := 92;
    SELECT  'Will take items ' ||
                             trim(sys_connect_by_path(case max_item_mask when 0 then null else item_number end,' ')),
                             ' +',
                            ) ||
              '. Total value will be ' || max_total_value || ' (' ||
                             trim(sys_connect_by_path(case max_item_mask when 0 then null else value end,' ')),
                             ' +',
                            ) ||
              '). Total volume will be ' || max_total_volume || ' (' ||
                             trim(sys_connect_by_path(case max_item_mask when 0 then null else volume end,' ')),
                             ' +',
                            ) || '). Total iteration count is ' || (iteration_cnt + 1) || '.' best_pick
      FROM  (
             SELECT  i item_number,
               FROM  knapsack
                 DIMENSION BY(
                              item_number i
                          count(*) over() cnt,
                          0 item_mask,
                          0 current_volume,
                          0 current_value,
                          0 total_volume,
                          0 total_value,
                          0 max_total_value,
                          0 max_total_volume,
                          0 max_item_mask,
                          1 item_set_mask,
                          0 iteration_cnt
                 RULES ITERATE(1e9) UNTIL(item_set_mask[1] >= power(2,cnt[1]))
                    item_mask[any]        = bitand(item_set_mask[1],power(2,cv(i) - 1)),
                    current_volume[any]   = sign(item_mask[cv(i)]) * volume[cv(i)],
                    current_value[any]    = sign(item_mask[cv(i)]) * value[cv(i)],
                    total_volume[1]       = sum(current_volume)[any],
                    total_value[1]        = sum(current_value)[any],
                    max_item_mask[any]    = case
                                               when     total_volume[1] <= :capacity
                                                        max_total_value[1] < total_value[1]
                                                 then item_mask[cv()]
                                               else max_item_mask[cv()]
                    max_total_volume[any] = case
                                              when     total_volume[1] <= :capacity
                                                       max_total_value[1] < total_value[1]
                                               then total_volume[1]
                    max_total_value[any] = case
                                             when total_volume[1] <= :capacity
                                               then greatest(max_total_value[1],total_value[1])
                                             else max_total_value[1]
                    item_set_mask[1]     = case
                                             when total_volume[1] >= :capacity
                                               then item_set_mask[1] + min(case when item_mask > 0 then item_mask else null end)[any]
                                             else item_set_mask[1] + 1
                    iteration_cnt[any]   = iteration_number
      START WITH item_number  = 1
      CONNECT BY item_number  = PRIOR item_number + 1
    Will take items 3, 5, 6, 7. Total value will be 8 (3+3+1+1). Total volume will b
    e 34 (19+6+6+3). Total iteration count is 59.
    SQL> Keep in mind, solution is "optimized" to skip combinations when we already are at or over max capacity.

  • Sorry this is way off topic...NYC Petition, please have a look

    I know this is WAY off topic for this forum, but this is the only forum I follow and contribute to. And since we will ALL be affected by this at some point or another if we visit NYC I think it is worth all of our attention.
    Here is the text from the email I got from the APA...(link at bottom)
    The Mayor's office in New York City is seeking to instate a new rule that would require permits and proof of insurance for any group of 2 or more persons using a camera in a public area. The regulations would require that anyone using a tripod or shooting in one location for more than 30 minutes (including set-up and break down time) must obtain permits and show proof of insurance of at least 1 million dollars per occurrence. Read more about the new rules here:
    We all need to act now to fight these proposed regulations which will place absurd restrictions on the freedom to photograph in New York City's public spaces.
    This affects not only professional photographers but the First Amendment rights of anyone with a camera to spontaneously document what happens on the streets of this city.
    Due to pressure from advocacy groups, the Mayor's Office has agreed to extend the period that it will allow public commentary until August 3rd.
    Picture New York has initiated an online petition opposing the new rules, which over 12,000 indidivuals have signed so far. The petition is closing on August 3rd. Please take a moment to sign if you have not already done so.
    Here is the link to sign the petition:

    you have to be careful with your variables:
    the declared variables inside the actionlistener(s) are not these in your main class!!
    what you might do:
    a) let your main-class implement ActionListener
    public class MainClass extends PARENTCLASS implements ActionListener {
       public static void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
    }b) create your own event handler
    public class MainClass extends PARENTCLASS {
       public MainClass() {
          insert.addActionListener(new YourActionListener(this));
    public class YourActionListener extends ActionListener {
       private MainClass main;
       public YourActionListener(MainClass parent) {
          main = parent;
       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
          main.year = "abc";
 = "id";
          // or implement setXXX methods -> main.setYear("abc"); main.setId("id"); ...
    }hope it helps...

  • Reg: Just for fun [Off-Topic] -

    Hi All,
    Has anybody ever seen Mr. Thomas Kyte over here?
    Or, Steven Feurstein behind the 'The PL/SQL Challenge'?
    Just getting curious to know because I've never seen those biggies over here.
    @Mod - Sorry for getting off-topic.
    - Ranit

    Re: DISTINCT not working with  wmsys.wm_concat

  • Off topic: General comment

    I know this is totally off-topic but this is the best way to send a very important message.
    One of those days, someone called to us to offer Solaris support services, because that person was reading this forum and saw our entries. I guess, if we are here asking for help, and helping others, the idea is to use the community to achieve better results.
    I understand that every business needs to make money, but there are some limits as well. If we had any interest to hire a consulant and pay for him/her services, we would not be here making posts.
    Also, what is much more important, is to share information and knowledge about a product, Solaris, which is open source now.
    So, if there are any other business digger here, please do not contact us in anyway, unless we ask for that contact. Right now, that person and his company are on my personal "avoid contact at any cost" list.

    Printers are the Demon Seed, the work of Beelzebub. While my Epson R340 will of course print for weeks on end just fine, if I suddenly need to print something urgently, it is 100% guaranteed to print it in purple. Or, the heads will need cleaning, resulting in two hours of listening to "neeeeeeeeh neh-neh-neh-neh-neh neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh neh neh neh'. Or, the DVD's doesn't get drawn into the printer properly, the resulting label is half off the disc, and it's just made a nice coaster.
    I broke my last Epson while leaping up and down upon it in an apoplectic rage in such circumstances. Really.
    But it seems you are right, we have no option. Finally, Print Shop by Broderbund is probably like a high-tech wunderkind chrome robot when compared to the Official Worst Appplication of All Time, Epson Print CD, which closely resembles a turd.
    Rant rant rant.

  • Request to have off-topic posts moved

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    Generally they've been posted by people that care to not read anything nor drill down to an appropriate forum and just dump a question.
    I've done the "report abuse" routine on a number of them but that seems to have been ignored.
    Thus this new post.
    These are from the last 60 days:
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    How to start Galssfish when computer start
    Glassfish 3.0.1 updatetool
    war for modify domain.xml in glassfish 3
    Glassfish 2.1 + JPA 2: need some Sun/Oracle expert advice
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    Performance Testing tool
    ORA-00202 and Fractured block found during control file header read
    Performance Monitoring
    Reg : Weblogic Server Installation
    how can export from 11g to 9i
    What's wrong with oracle database11g? Is it a serious problem?
    Client download link needed
    Oracle 10G on VMware Redhat Linux
    I Can't Connect to Oracle
    what is the function of autoextensible field in dba_data_files?
    databse copy
    Advice needed regarding Database design practice
    enterprise manager
    Problem with granting privileges
    Inatalling IDM 11g on WondowsXp machine
    Any good resources for info on specifications for a new 11g install?
    During installation EMCA trows an error: Error uploading configuration data
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    problem installing mod_plsql oracle 11g linux
    Best practice for install oracle 11g r2 on Windows Server 2008 r2
    ORA-12535: TNS:operation timed out
    move datafile/tablespace in a partitioned table
    Orace 11g CRS installation ( windows server 2008 64 bit )  Error
    Datapump import from a map drive
    Oracle Startup/Shutdown with SQLPLUS and ORADIM in Windows...

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    database postings to the SysAdmin forums
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    How can convert Oracle 10g trial to License
    Visual Web Developer 2010 Express and Oracle ODAC - Oracle data provider
    Huge amount of "db file sequential reads" while INSERT APPEND operation
    Oracle Universal Installer - Toad - Virtual Machine Windows 7 on Mac
    What to check or can say from where to start?
    Where and how does oracle store tables?
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    Problem with silent install of 11gR1 on Windows 2008
    ORA-01991: invalid password file
    Sequences incorrect after exporting and importing a scheme
    Again, the community moderators don't have permissions to do that.

  • Please share experience with new Webroot for iMac, iPad, etc.

    Webroot has expanded its malware product beyond just spyware to a full-featured product for both PC and apple products. We have a 3-seat license and have installed it on our 2-year old iMac (on Lion), our original iPad (on iOS 5), and our PC. On the iMac, it scans for malware periodically, and I think it does continuous monitoring, but I have not yet figured out how to initiate an unscheduled scan.  On the iPad, it appears as two apps, one of which appears to be a browser, which I haven't used yet. If you have this new Webroot on your Apple products, please share your experiences and thoughts about it, how you use it, and whether you think it is effective. Thank you.

    I have done those things. I tried the same with an older ibook and three clicks and the airport icon showed an arrow (signaling it now is a base station) no problem but not on either of the leopard machines. is there a problem with sharing using leopard?
    When I set the imac to share the ethernet connection and choose by airport the red Button changes to green. the preference window says "sharing your ethernet connection" but no change at the icon on the upper right menu bar. (I've always thought it changes to an arrow over the "radar" icon) if I close the sharing window and then reopen it or turn the airport on/off the internet sharing box becomes unchecked and sharing is turned off. I can't seem to get the radar icon to change and the sharing settings to stay "set".

  • Suggestion​: General Discussion​s\Off Topic Section

    it would be great to have an off topic forum/section here for us to interact and have general discussions. almost every forum i'm a member of has an Off Topic section. we can get to know each other much better and share useful information and opinions about various topics, technology and others also. we can do the same through PM's, but getting everyone involved will feel much better.
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions, by marking my answer with \'Accept as Solution\' if it solves your problem.
    Click on the BLUE KUDOS button on the left to say "Thanks"
    I am an ex-HP Employee.

    if they start posting technical questions or spam here, then they should be banned!
    EDIT: in other news, my reputation level increased!
    Message Edited by DexterM on 01-07-2009 11:44 PM
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions, by marking my answer with \'Accept as Solution\' if it solves your problem.
    Click on the BLUE KUDOS button on the left to say "Thanks"
    I am an ex-HP Employee.

  • As i am fresher Please share the doc of ECMA script using java script in SharePoint 2013 also how we can insert,update,delete records in list using ECMA script.

    As i am fresher Please share the doc of ECMA script using java script in SharePoint 2013 step by step also how we can insert,update,delete records in list using ECMA script.
    Thanks and Regards, Rangnath Mali

    According to your post, my understanding is that you want to use JavaScript to work with SharePoint list.
    To create list items, we can create a ListItemCreationInformation object, set its properties, and pass it as parameter to the addItem(parameters) function
    of the List object.
    To set list item properties, we can use a column indexer to make an assignment, and call the update() function so that changes will take effect when you callexecuteQueryAsync(succeededCallback,
    And to delete a list item, call the deleteObject() function on the object. 
    There is an MSDN article about the details steps of this topic, you can have a look at it.
    How to: Create, Update, and Delete List Items Using JavaScript
    Thanks & Regards,
    Jason Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • HTC Trophy Accessories - Please share what and where!

    Evidently, Verizon does not really care about this missed revenue opportunity.  I have yet to stop by a Verizon store (retail or partner) where there are any Trophy accessories in stock.  That includes major cities like Tampa, Boston, and Atlanta.  Shame on you.  Thank goodness for Amazon.
    Picked up some cool cases during the holidays:
    PDair Luxery Silicon Case - Coolest case I have seen for the Trophy yet.  Found this through a coworker in CA who purchased one for his Trophy.  $20 - no holla.  Just be aware that the case does ship from China.  Doesn't cost more, just takes a little longer to get your order.  Worth the wait!  Covers all of the phone except for the screen. Button access is good, as is access to all of the speakers and ports.
    Case Mate Safe Skin - Started off as a favorite, until I found the PDair.  The case is black, silicon, covers the phone corners, and provides good button and port access.
    And while reading some screen-film reviews, I came across this:
    Skinomi TechSkin - If you like bubbles on your screen, I can hook you up!  I am the WORST at putting on screen protectors.  That is probably the main reason why I like the Skinomi so much.  IT IS as advertised.  Spray the provided liquid on the film and place the film over the Trophy screen.  Allow 48 hours to set and dry.  You can still use the phone at that time, but after 2 days there will be NO BUBBLES.  The film texture does not bother the responsiveness of the phone and the texture is very forgiving with scratches.  Had my Trophy in my hoodie pocket with my car keys.  While there were a few scratches or indentations on the screen, they were gone by the next morning.  I can't say enough good things about this protector.
    If you get a moment, please share what accessories you were able to find and where!

    Um, okay, Anthony...  I hit your "Trophy" link and found a 2 Trophy batteries and an HTC backplate.  Out of 73 items in the "Trophy Store", 3 are HTC/Trophy specific and the rest are DROID accessories and surplus.
    Trolling the forums for unhappy Verizon customers is, I am sure, a thankless job.  Here's a helpful hint.  HTC, Case Mate, and several other companies carry skins, authentic/customized leather cases, and screen shields.  It would be a lot less insulting to your Verizon customer to point them to a page with HTC, or Windows Phone stuff in inventory and not a bunch of DROID garbage.  Again, no offense to you - not your decision to overcommit on undesirable DROID accessories.
    In addition, I am thinking that you would get a much warmer reception in the Trophy and/or Windows Phone Forums if you could get your Executive Management Team to carry something more than DROIDS and iPhones,  Not everyone likes, is going to like, will like, or has to like the DROIDS.  And your decision to carry the iPhone seems to now be a big no-profit hardware deal that has done nothing but clog our network with Angry Bird players and questions to Siri.  Nice going.     Difference here, Anthony, is that we DO know who to blame for this screw-up.  Let the guilty parties know that they need some Nokia, HTC and Samsung Windows Phones added to the inventory.  Thanks for trying to help out.

  • Slightly off topic: Read-only tables pre 11g

    Hi gang
    I'm just writing up a database quiz for a local user group and I was hoping I could get a bit of inspiration from the database experts.
    One of the questions will be "prior to 11g with the introduction of read-only tables, how could you make a table read-only?". The answers I've come up with:
    1) Security priviliges (schema + grant SELECT)
    2) Triggers
    3) Create a check constraint with disable validate
    4) Read-only tablespace
    5) Read-only database (standby)
    6) (Slightly crazy) Create view, and instead-of triggers that do nothing (similar to 2)
    7) Write the query results on a piece of paper and then turn the database off
    Anybody have any other answers, real or slightly off topic like mine please? ;)

    Check constraint and trigger solutions may have problems with sqlldr direct path operations, so using it together with alter table disable lock may be mandatory depending on the needs. Especially if DDLs are also wanted to be avoided.
    This topic was once mentioned on Tom Kyte's blog or asktom but I couldn't find the source to link here.
    SQL> conn hr/hr
    Connected to Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release
    Connected as hr
    -- cleaning objects
    SQL> drop table tong purge ;
    Table dropped
    SQL> drop view vw_tong ;
    View dropped
    -- creating the demo table
    SQL> create table tong ( col1 number ) ;
    Table created
    SQL> alter table tong add constraint cc_tong check ( 1=0 ) disable validate;
    Table altered
    SQL> alter table tong disable table lock;
    Table altered
    -- some DDL tests
    SQL> drop table tong ;
    drop table tong
    ORA-00069: cannot acquire lock -- table locks disabled for TONG
    SQL> truncate table tong ;
    truncate table tong
    ORA-25128: No insert/update/delete on table with constraint (HR.CC_TONG) disabled and validated
    SQL> alter table tong parallel ;
    alter table tong parallel
    ORA-00069: cannot acquire lock -- table locks disabled for TONG
    SQL> lock table tong in exclusive mode ;
    lock table tong in exclusive mode
    ORA-00069: cannot acquire lock -- table locks disabled for TONG
    -- some DML tests
    SQL> select * from tong ;
    SQL> update tong set col1 = col1 + 1 ;
    update tong set col1 = col1 + 1
    ORA-25128: No insert/update/delete on table with constraint (HR.CC_TONG) disabled and validated
    -- creating dependent objects test
    SQL> create index nui_tong on tong(col1) nologging ;
    Index created
    SQL> create view vw_tong as select * from tong ;
    View created
    added comments to the code
    Message was edited by:

  • Off Topic: DAQ 5102 PCMCIA version no longer available / searching for used ones

    Since some time, the DAQ 5102 oscilloscope PCMCIA card version is no
    longer available from NI.
    Does anybody know where to buy one. (I already searched ebay for
    Or does anybody want to sell ? via ebay ?
    Please let me know.
    Sorry for this off topic, but i found no better group.

    Maybe it is this bug:
    The decisive effect is 'Improved window management' - if this effect is enabled kwin works normally.
    Last edited by May-C (2008-02-13 01:16:48)

  • Auto tab focus method is not working in iOS devices please share the ideas why its not working?

    Auto tab focus method is not working in iOS devices. Please share the idear i am facing this issue while developing code for devices.

    Hi there,
    I can confirm this bug.
    Not sure if this info is relevant, but this is my experience:
    I am on the FIDO network, and so are two other people I know.
    We all tried blocking numbers, and calls ring right through. Text messages are blocked successfully. (never tried facetime)
    I also tried a ROGERS device running IOS7, and was successfully able to block my phone call from ringing through. HOWEVER, my call was forwarded to their voicemail, I was able to leave a voicemail for the person, and they did get an alert that they had a new voicemail.
    I have not yet had a chance to test this on Bell, Telus, or any other carriers.
    Spoke to Apple, and they advised me to do a hard reset (hold both buttons to shut off and reboot the phone), and if that fails to do an iOS restore.
    I have yet to try this, but hopefully someone will have a better solution.

  • MQ, eSQL and CLOBs (Off Topic)

    Apologies for this way off topic post, but I figured someone here may know the answer to this one and save me some time digging / testing.
    We're designing a middleware hub using WBIMB (MQ) v5 and have the option of
    a. Sending a message to a JMS Listener that will write an entry in a database via JDBC
    b. Having the broker flow insert the record using a compute node / java node.
    If we choose option b my preference would be to use eSQL, but the database table has a CLOB column and I'm not sure whether this is supported.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks for your help,

    Hello Huffer Many thanks for your prompt reply. I have been doing a bit more research and came across an old spec for a "lenovo" hard-disk (HDD) with 320GB capacity used in numerous ThinkPads. Unfortunately it does not include the X300 model that i have. The full details can be found HERE. The height of the HDD is 7 (SEVEN) mm. I may be paranoid but can you please just confirm that the lenovo X300 ThinkPads (see full details above) with the 320GB HDD really have a height of 9.5mm and so will be able to take the HDD 2.5" with 2TB that I plan to buy. If the height really is only 7m then I have a problem.  Then I think that i will have to go up my idea of increasing the storage space. If you cannot answer the question with 100% certitude then I will have to reopen the laptop and measure the space available but that is a pain since I am new to all this and afraid of damaging the HDD. Thanks. Cheers. Steve.  

  • *OFF TOPIC* Two copies of Spy Mouse to whomever wants them.

    Hello, I realize this is off topic but I couldn't find a forum anywhere else to place it. I have two codes here (curtiousy of Starbucks a few months back) with a code for the game Spy Mouse on the App Store. I already redeemed one so two other people may have the others.
    Merry Christmas!

    Im right there with you Mike. I'm having the same issue. I've looked everywhere for a solution but does not seem to be one. Seems like your local pictures and photo stream copies are one in your iOS 8 devise. Erase the picture from your phone and it's gone from photo stream as well. You can delete a picture via a Mac or PC from you photo stream and it will stay on your iOS 8 device. That is all I have been to find a work around. I suggest using Dropbox like we are. It works great.  All your pictures are automatically up loaded, you can share files with your wife and friends or just share the whole account with your wife. App can be password protected. It's the best solution in my opinion.
    Use my link to open your account and we both will get an extra 500mb of storage space!!

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