Regarding ios 6 Installation.

I am using ios 5.1 in my ipd touch. I want to install ios 6 to my apple ipod touch. So can i simply switch on my wi fi in ipoc touch and install it? without backing up any files, applications and music. Will i loose all the files which is now in ipod touch if I install ios 6 with wifi? Please let me know. Thank you in advance.

You need about 2.4 GB of free storage to update via wifi.
If all goes well you will not lose anything. However, things happens sometimes.
I would backup to both iCloud and iTunes before the update just in case.
iOS: How to back up
The iTunes backup does not included synced media like apps and music.
You can redownload iTunes purchases by:
Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

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    caryblack wrote:
    Unfortunately, it's not a bug. The installation process pulls from the last backup and if the file you're looking for isn't there, it wouldn't be replaced. I learned the same lesson the hard way. I would make sure you have redundant backups for important files via Dropbox or a similar service. I know the frustration.
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                                                                                    Thanks in Advance
                                                                                    Tejo Ravi
                                   Points are rewarded....

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    [Sagent error code:  PlanMgrEnv -- 0x1, PlanMgrEnv -- 0xE]
    [Sagent error code:  TP -- 0x2, TP -- 0x17]
    [Windows error:  10061]
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