Regarding jar file checkin in CRM ISA 6.0

I want to checkin some java files in CRM ISA using NWDI but these java classes have dependency on some third party jars which i need to checkin as well.
I am unable to find the location where i can checkin the jar files so that these files can be compiled and build without any error.
Please reply ASAP.

1) create an Extneral library DC
2) import the JARs to the libraries folder of the External Library DC project
3) Right-click on each of the JARs imported to the project and add them to the public part.
This DC is now ready to be used as a build-time reference that will allow CBS to build the DC that will use the external libraries. Next, we have to create a new DC to hold the class files here are the steps:
1) Create a new DC
2) Create a new public part, selecting the "Can be packaged into other build results" option
3) Rename the JARs as Zip files and extrct the full content (folders and class files) to your root folder
4) Import the folders and files to the src/packages folder
5) Expand the public part node that was created and select the "Entities" node, right-click it and choose Edit
6) In the Entity Type list select the "Folder" option then in the selected entities tree pick each of the folders that you imported in step 5 (above)
7) Now do a DC build and a DC deploy of the project
Then check-in, activate, and release any activities you have associated with creating these two projects. In the DC perspective, refresh the Active DCs and Inactive DCs to ensure that both new DCs appear in the Active list. Now we have to setup the references to these DCs in our main Web Dynpro application. To do this, follow these steps:
1) Open the respective perspective and right click the Used DCs node then choose "Add Used DC.."
2) Pick the public part of the External Library DC that we created (first) and set it to have a Build Time dependency
3) Again, right click the Used DCs node and choose "Add Used DC.." then choose the public part of the DC that we created to hold the classes  and give it a Run Time dependecy (weak) and click finish.
4) Now, due to what I think is a bug. You must right click on the Web Dynpro "used DC" that you just added in the previous step, and set the run time dependency again (it seems to revert to the default values for some reason)
5) Now do a DC build and a DC deploy on the "main" DC application.
6) Check-in, activate, and release any activities associated with adding these references and then others on your team may use the classes in the external libraries within the Web Dynpro project.
I think this will work this is working perfectly for webdynpr DC's
Thanks and Regards
shanto aloor

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    I can suggest a workaround that,  Use different ViewContainer UI elements for each Graph Type and Hide all the ViewContainers by setting the Visible Property to a node of type IWDVISIBLE. And in doinit method just set that node to VISIBLE_NONE.  So on seleting the graph type, capture the value and write if conditions and set the VISIBLE_TRUE for the View Container as required.  Like
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  • Help regarding jar file

    hi all,
    i have jar file called com and i placed jar file in lib/ext
    in that i have two class say for ex. class a and class b.
    And class b extends class a.
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    required .class files
    i don't no what the error is
    please help to solve this problem
    thanks in advance

    i have jar file called com and i placed jar file in lib/ext
    The type SQLPropertiesFN cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
    i don't no what the error is please help to solve this problem
    ...Where did you get that com.jar? Maybe there were also other jars or README file bundled with it?
    The error means that some class in "com.jar" needs another class that's not available, so probably you should add some other jar too...

  • Regarding JAR files.

    Dear sir,
    I have given the following coding as an assignment from my college.Please help me to solve it.I have to submit in few days. please reply me as soon as possible.
    And assignment is:
    h3. Problem Statement
    You are trapped in a room full of zombies. Luckily the room is pitch black and, while the zombies can't see, you have night vision goggles. To get out though you will have to be careful, since bumping into a zombie is hazardous to your health.
    More specifically, each zombie will have x and y coordinates between 0 and 99 inclusive. You start at (0,0). If you can get to (99,99), you can take an elevator to safety. You may not leave the room any other way. Get there as fast as you can!
    You must implement a method move. This method takes two int[]s, zx and zy, giving the locations of all the zombies, along with ints x and y giving your location. Your method should return "S" to stand still, or "R", "L", "U", or "D" for the four cardinal directions, and "RU", "RD", "LU", or "LD" for the four diagonal directions: {noformat} LU U RU
    L S R
    LD D RD
    {noformat}Moving right increases your x coordinate, while moving down increases your y coordinate.
    After each of your moves, the zombies will all move randomly. Each zombie will chose a random direction (from the 9 including no move) and attempt to move in that direction. If a zombie wants to move outside of the box defined by (0,0)-(99,99) it will stay where it is instead. Note that while the initial locations of all the zombies are distinct, they will not stay that way -- multiple zombies may occupy the same location.
    Each test case will be generated by first choosing a zombie density in [0.05,0.15]. All locations with x or y at least 5 will then contain one initial zombie with probability equal to the density.
    The simulation will be run for a maximum of 10,000 time steps. You may run into zombies at most 10 times -- the 11th one will kill you. If you fail to reach the exit but you manage to stay alive for T time steps, your score will be T. If you make it to the exit at time T, your score will be 30000 - 2 * T plus 1000 per unused life. In other words, you have 10,000 steps to escape, and you get a bonus of 2 points for each time step you don't need to use. Your final score will simply be the average of your individual scores.
    A simple is provided . To use it you need to write a program which communicates via standard IO. Your main method should first read in N, the number of zombies. For each call to move, you should read in N integers for zx, then N integers for zy, and finally two integers for x and y. You should simply output the move you would return. You can run it with something like: {noformat}java -jar Zombie.jar "java Zombie" -delay 1 -seed 1
    {noformat}"java Zombie" is the executable, and should be replaced with whatever command will run your program. The -delay parameter sets the delay in milliseconds between moves. The -seed parameter specifies the random number generator seed (the examples are 1-10). There is also a -novis parameter which causes the simulation to be run with the visualization. Be careful not to output anything other than your moves to standard out. Standard error may be used for debugging purposes"
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class BrownianZombies extends JFrame{
    int[] zx, zy;
    int x, y;
    int[] idx;
    boolean[][] visited;
    double p;
    Random r;
    int delay = 100;
    boolean novis, history;
    void generate(String seed){
    r = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");
    } catch (Exception e) {
    int[] tx = new int[10000];
    int[] ty = new int[10000];
    idx = new int[10000];
    visited = new boolean[100][100];
    int ptr = 0;
    p = r.nextDouble()*0.1+0.05;
    for(int i = 0; i<idx.length; i++)idx[i] = i;
    for(int i = 0; i<100; i++)for(int j = 0; j<100; j++){
    if(i >= 5 || j >= 5)if(r.nextDouble() < p){
    tx[ptr] = i;
    ty[ptr] = j;
    zx = new int[ptr];
    zy = new int[ptr];
    for(int i = 0 ;i<ptr; i++){
    zx[i] = tx;
    zy[i] = ty[i];
    public void move(){
    for(int i = 0; i<zx.length; i++){
    int s = r.nextInt(i+1);
    int t = idx[i];idx[i] = idx[s];idx[s] = t;
    for(int i = 0; i<zx.length; i++){
    int xx = zx[idx[i]] + r.nextInt(3) - 1;
    int yy = zy[idx[i]] + r.nextInt(3) - 1;
    if(xx < 100 && yy < 100 && xx >= 0 && yy >= 0){
    zx[idx[i]] = xx;
    zy[idx[i]] = yy;
    int lives = 10;
    int T;
    public boolean ok(){
    for(int i = 0; i<zx.length; i++)if(x == zx[i] && y == zy[i])lives--;
    return lives >= 0;
    public String checkData(String s){return "";}
    public double runTest(String lt){
    int time = 10000;
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    int score = 30000; T = 0;
    if(history)visited[0][0] = true;
    while((x != 99 || y != 99) && T < 10000){
    for(int i = 1; i<zx.length; i++)
    sb.append(' ').append(zx[i]);
    for(int i = 1; i<zy.length; i++)
    sb.append(' ').append(zy[i]);
    sb.append('\n').append(x).append(' ').append(y).append('\n');
    String dir =;
    }else if(dir.equals("R")){
    }else if(dir.equals("L")){
    }else if(dir.equals("U")){
    }else if(dir.equals("D")){
    }else if(dir.equals("RU")){
    }else if(dir.equals("LU")){
    }else if(dir.equals("RD")){
    }else if(dir.equals("LD")){
    System.out.println("Invalid Direction: "+dir);
    return 0;
    if(x < 0)x = 0;
    if(y < 0)y = 0;
    if(x == 100)x = 99;
    if(y == 100)y = 99;
    System.out.println("Brains... Score = "+T);
    return T;
    System.out.println("Brains... Score = "+T);
    return T;
    score -= 2;
    if(history)visited[x][y] = true;
    System.out.println("Score: "+(score + lives * 1000));
    return score + (x != 99 || y != 99 ? 0 : lives * 1000);
    }catch(Exception e){
    return 0;
    class Vis extends JPanel{
    public void paint(Graphics g){
    if(zx == null)return;
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
    g2.setColor(new Color(200,200,200));
    Font f = new Font(g2.getFont().getName(),Font.PLAIN,20);
    FontMetrics fm = g2.getFontMetrics();
    int th = fm.getAscent();
    int mul = Math.max(1,Math.min((getWidth()-1)/100,(getHeight()-1-2*th)/100));
    int[][] cnt = new int[100][100];
    for(int i = 0; i<zx.length; i++){
    for(int i = 0; i<100; i++){
    for(int j = 0; j<100; j++){
    if(cnt[i][j] == 1)g.setColor(;
    else if(cnt[i][j] > 1)g.setColor(Color.magenta);
    else if(visited[i][j])g.setColor(Color.cyan);
    else g.setColor(Color.white);
    if(i == x && j == y)g.setColor(;
    String txt = "Moves Made: "+T;
    txt = "Lives left : "+lives;
    static Process pr;
    static Scanner input;
    static InputStream error;
    static DataOutputStream os;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
    BrownianZombies b = new BrownianZombies();
    String exec = null;
    String seed = "1";
    for(int i = 0; i<args.length; i++){
    b.delay = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]);
    }else if(args[i].equals("-seed")){
    seed = args[++i];
    }else if(args[i].equals("-novis")){
    b.novis = true;
    }else if(args[i].equals("-history")){
    b.history = true;
    exec = args[i];
    if(exec == null){
    System.out.println("Please enter an executable");
    //for(int i = 0; i<b.zx.length; i++){
    //System.out.println(i+" "+b.zx[i]+" "+b.zy[i]);
    b.add( Vis());
    b.addWindowListener(new Closer());
    pr = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(args[0]);
    input = new Scanner(pr.getInputStream());
    error = pr.getErrorStream();
    os = new DataOutputStream(pr.getOutputStream());
    new ErrorReader().start();
    public String displayTestCase(String s){
    return "p = "+p;
    public double[] score(double[][] d){
    double[] ret = new double[d.length];
    for(int i = 0; i<ret.length; i++)
    for(int j = 0; j<d[0].length; j++)
    ret[i] += d[i][j];
    return ret;
    static class ErrorReader extends Thread{
    public void run(){
    byte[] ch = new byte[50000];
    int read;
    while((read = > 0){
    String s = new String(ch,0,read);
    //System.out.println("err: "+s+" "+s.endsWith("\n"));
    }catch(Exception e){
    //System.err.println("Failed to read from stderr");
    static class Closer implements WindowListener{
    public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e){}
    public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e){}
    public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e){}
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){
    public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e){}
    public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) {}
    public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) {}

    haytony, let me give you a word of advice. The more work you show, the more work the volunteers are often willing to give. For instance, if you've done a ton of research, wrote most of your own code but were stuck on specific points and posted this, the folks here will bend over backwards to lend you a strong hand to help you as much as possible.
    If on the other hand, you simply post your entire assignment and don't show that you've done one speck of work, often we ignore you at best or ridicule you at worst.
    C'mon, it's up to you. Step up to the plate and show us your work, and your worthiness for help. If you can prove yourself to be a hard-working studious type, then I personally will do all in my upmost to help you. If on the other hand you repeatedly spam these forums with pathetic attempts at getting others to do homework where there is absolutely no evidence that you have done a lick of work yourself, then I will ridicule, flame, and bother you to know end.
    So which is it to be? Again, it's all up to you. Time to go to bat.

  • How to add third-party jar in CRM ISA application?

    Hello SDN!
    I need to add third-party jar in CRM ISA application. I know how to add such jars in common case and for local DCs. But for CRM I can't determine which DC should contain this third-party jar.
    Please tell me ASAP which DC (e.g. crm/isa/home/ext) I should use.
    Help will be appreciated.
    Regards, Lev.

    To add third party jar you need to create new DC which contain your third party Jar. Once you have new DC with your Jar file you can add as Used DC in required DC.
    Please refer [Using External Libraries for Development with NWDI|] for more infromation to create DC with Jar File.
    eCommerce Developer.

  • Exact SCA files for CRM ISA.

    Hi Experts,
                       we are implementing CRM ISA scenario to our client. please give the details regarding required SCA files for customization.
    Highly appreciated for valuable answers
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Sree,
                 SCA files required for CRM E-Commerce implementation is
    hope this definetly helps you...

  • Regarding the creation of common jar file ......!

    Hi All ,
    I need to create a new Jar file which consists of the generic code which we can use for connecting to the database. The class in the jar file should have methods like u201CExecuteSelectu201D. u201CExecuteInsertu201D, u201CExecuteDeleteu201D and u201CExecuteUpdateu201D.  which  should pass the required parameters to these methods so that they can execute the corresponding query. My  UDF should use this class file and call the methods above to run any SQL statements.
    any one having any idea about how to create the above requirements .....?
    Thanks in advance

    >> class in the jar file should have methods like u201CExecuteSelectu201D. u201CExecuteInsertu201D, u201CExecuteDeleteu201D and u201CExecuteUpdate
    For developing your requirement, you can use Eclipse or any other IDE which is supported for writing Java codes. Write the codes of your requirement in IDE and compile it. Make a .jar file of classes. and then create a new Imported archive and upload your .jar file. Then relevent  class has to be declared in the import statement. This way you can use your all classes in UDF.
    Aashish Sinha

  • Help required regarding sending jar files using bluetooth

    I want to send jar file from Nokia 7610 (S60), or any other phone for that matter, to any other phone using bluetooth. The problem is that, when I look at the options available for the jar file (which is saved in the Inbox), the send option is not visible.
    I looked at the previous postings on this topic. Is it due to "Closed Content List" (CCL)??? What are the possible workarounds, other than using getResourceAsStream or some software like FExplorer???
    Also, this problem is not encountered in Sony Ericsson phones. Plz help regarding the same...

    You might wanna look take a look in the JSR 82 Specifications. There is a method like agent.startInquiry(); that starts a search for nearby BT devices. All you have to do is place each found device in an array of type Vector.
    It would have been easier if your code or a snippet of it was available to see what the problem was.
    PS: A client application application starts a connection on a server application. Where you put them is up to you.

  • Regarding recreating jar file

    I am new to ejb.
    i used jcreator to develop session bean.i created jar file after going to command prompt.and deployed it using weblogic builder and worked fine for me.
    But now i want to add more functions to ejb.So i need to create jar file again and its v long procedure.
    So can anyone guide me proper approach to save time.
    Any reply will be highly appreciated

    The best possible way to speed up the process of ur development is to write a small build (ant) script......which does everything for u. The task seems tedious if manually done......writing ANT script is not a difficult task......U can try this...............
    For ANT u just visit
    I felt it is the best tool for developers............if they don't use any IDE's
    Hope this helps and if u need further help .......get back.......

  • How to display total "items" and "amount " in header.jsp in CRM ISA B2B

    I am modifying “header.jsp” in standard CRM ISA B2B application.  Here we have summary of total number of items and total amount but it is coming in to button and for that below code is there in “header.jsp” and it display it as button text.
    if (!ui.homActivated) { %>
    !!" alt="" border="0" height="16" width="20">
    <td class="vertical-align-middle" name="miniBasket" value="<isa:translate key="b2b.header.minibasket.default"/>" >
            <form name="basketForm" action="javascript:show_basket();">
         <input class="green" name="miniBasket" type="button" value="<isa:translate key="b2b.header.minibasket.default"/>"/>   
    <% } else { %>
    <!-- HOM scenario - minibasket displays collective order -->
    <td  class="vertical-align-middle" align="right">
    !!" alt="" border="0" height="16" width="20">
    <td  class="vertical-align-middle" name="miniBasket" value="<isa:translate key="b2b.header.collorder.default"/>">
    <form name="basketForm" action="javascript:show_collective_order();">
        <input class="green" name="miniBasket" type="button" value="<isa:translate key="b2b.header.collorder.default"/>"/>   
    <% } %>
    Now I want to display total number of items and total amount separately in two different <td> element.
    How I can get total number of items and total amount in “header.jsp” I tried below code but did not get any success.
    Insert below line in “header.jsp” with respective page import statement for class or let me know which class I have to import.
         HeaderSalesDocument  hdr =
                (HeaderSalesDocument) request.getAttribute(MaintainBasketBaseAction.RK_HEADER);
        ItemList items =
                (ItemList) request.getAttribute(MaintainBasketBaseAction.RK_ITEMS);
    And then I use
    <td><%= hdr.getNetValue() %></td>
    <td><%= items.size() %></td>
    But it is not printing any thing and header page not display at all.
    Pl. tell me how to get total amount and number of items in header area. Which class or object I have to use here.
    I really appreciated any help from any one.
    Thanks and regards.
    Ashish Patel.

    Hi, I tried another logic. I took value from  Standard button, in which B2B application display total items and amount and I hide this field, to another text element.
    Now I Am breaking that value in words and stored them in array  and then trying to display that array with particular number which contains total item and amount through Java Script on Focus.
    But problem here is, It is not getting updated automatically I have to click on new text files to trigger Onfocus event. How I can achieve effect like as soon as Standard button changes it's value which is now hidden filed my new text box should update automatically.

  • Error in JSP's for custom project created for SAP-SHRAPP crm/isa/web/b2b

    Hi All,
    we have NWDS 7.3, NWDI 7.3, JDK 1.6.
    Imported the track, created a new custom b2b project. Added the corresponding dependencied on the project folders.
    On build of the custom project, build was finished with some warnings. The depolyment was completed successfully.
    We are able to open the XCM settings of the custom project. And even the application for the custom project is running fine, ordes are being saved, without any error.
    However, when i open any JSP say order.jsp. It has some set of warnings and errors. The error description says ISACORE jar file is not accessible.
    Kindly help, how to solve this issue?
    PS. example of one of the error
    Access restriction: The type OrderChangeUI is not accessible due to restriction on required library D:\NWDS
    when i go to this location the JAR file is available.

    all the SC are of version 7.01
    o      SAP_JTECHS      7.02 SP8 (1000.
    o     This is DTR component it will be in NWDI(DI BUILD TOOL)
    o      SAP-JEE      7.02 SP8 (1000.
         SAP SHARED JAVA COMP. 7.01//
    SAP-SHRJAV      701 SP4 (1000.701.
    SAP-SHRWEB      701 SP4 (1000.701.
    o      SAP-SHRAPP      701 SP4 (1000.701.
         CRM JAVA COMPONENTS 7.01//
    SAP-CRMWEB      701 SP4 (1000.701.
         CRM JAVA WEB COMPONENTS 7.01///
    SAP-CRMWEB      701 SP4 (1000.701.
                    SAP-CRMAPP      701 SP4 (1000.701.
    o      SAP-CRMDIC      701 SP4 (1000.701.
         CRM IPC MOBILE 7.01///
    SAP-IPCMSA      701 SP4 (1000.701.
         This was for only CRM 5 I think you should ignore this SC    Note 917001 - XCM configuration failes on OS/400
    o     This was for only CRM 5 I think you should ignore this SC   Note 900660 - TeaLeaf RealiTea Version 4.5 for CRM 5.0

  • How to Create Track in NWDI for CRM ISA 5.0

    can anyone please suggest me how to create track in NWDI for CRM ISA 5.0 for different archive files which consists of source files like(ex: SAP-SHRAPP.SCA,SAP-SHRWEB.SCA, e.t.c.) and as well as empty source files like(ex: SAP-SHRAPP.SCA,SAP-SHRWEB.SCA, e.t.c.).
    As far as i know SAP does not deliver sources for SCs SAP-JEE,SAP_BUILDT and SAP_JTECHS so we cant have them as "Developed Software Components" when we eg:want to modify the SCs SAP-SHRAPP.SCA or CUSTCRMPRJ.SCA.
    here what i want to know is depending on which SCs we actually want to modify, based on that our track want to be Configured differently.
    My question is how to configure the Track in NWDI for this kind of scenario.
    If the source is not given and only required software components are given then how to create track in NWDI. for example in CRM ISA 5.0

    SAP documentation is there in service market place for NWDI setup under netweaver. If you dont find document post your email id, I will send you the document.

  • How & where to get Javadoc for CRM ISA 5.0?

    Hi, SDN Fellows.
    I read a forum blog, knowing that to get the javadocs of CRM ISA applications, I should perform this step: when building the internet-sales-ear-file, the sources are included as zip-file within the ear-file. after unzipping the sources you can generate javadocs on your own.
    In fact, what I really want is the Javadocs for the standard delivered CRM package, i.e. the default BOM, BaseAction classes (,, com.sapmarkets.isa.isacore.action.EComBaseAction,,, jsp, UILayout tags, message classes, and config-file javadocs.
    Can anyone point me where I can get this?

    Hi Kent,
    If you have the Java Component of ISA, then you can extract the javadoc which is supplied in it.
    Please check whether you have the SAPSHRJAV<version>.sca, if not download it from SAP Market Place.
    You need to open this software component using Winzip and inside it you will another zip file by name, ""
    When you open it you'll see a javadoc.ppa file  rename it to and extract it within a folder.
    In the extracted folder you'll find all the required Javadocs along with API's and Interfaces.
    Hope you'll find the required documents inside it.

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    Hi, I have a problem when I configure probe snmp and My Server W2K3 dual core, snmp comunity public has an oid cpu ., the output is: access-list anyone line 8 extended permit ip any any probe snmp was interval 4 faildetect 2 pas


    Hi, We have APS ( Advanced planning and scheduling ) and EBS(OM) on separate servers and we are importing orders through Open interface with ATP OVER RIDE flag set to Yes. Still the import is making a call to this API on APS server for every line bei

  • Pdfs to ibooks

    How can I transfer a pdf I've downloaded from the internet to ibooks on the same computer? (10.9.1) On the ipad there is an option 'open in ibooks'; surely the computer has this too? If so, where is it? thanks,