Regarding OOQA Transaction

hi all,
   i need to get the information from OOQA transaction. I want to display the same hierarchy in my iview. I wnat to know from where i can get this information. Can anybody help me about this problem. It is very urgent.
Thanks & Regards,
Sreelatha Gullapalli

Hello Sreelatha.
Try to see if tables can help you:
For example, enter PLOGI and search for entries with OTYPE attribute equal to 'QK' (qualification group).
Then with that 'objid' (object identification), see in table HRP1000 it's details, and in table HRP1001 it's hierachy representation.
Kind regards,

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    Is it the field name or the field value which u have given? Did u add custom fields to this table?

  • Regarding CS03 transaction

    Hi friends,
    I have a simple query regarding the transaction CS03. When I give the Material Number, Plant and BOM Usage as input, I would get the list of components for this material.
    Inside the transaction, is a CHECKBOX field ASM - this Indicates that the component for this material has its own BOM or has further components).
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    Thank You.

    hi gayathri,
    the bom can exist for HALB or FERT .
    u can dimnish the material not having a bom on this category .
    i.e to say material type 'RAW' dosent hav  a bom .
    like check out for table "MVKE" (Sales Data for Material) and in here check the fields
    MVKE-MTPOS (Item category group from material master)MVKE-DWERK(Delivering Plant).
    now giv the material and execute for initially dont giv a plant , and execute .
    proceed with parent-matrial in bom  and execute ,
    u'll see the list of materials assigned in a particular sales area now check for MTPOS status this will have a category called LUMF ( this u will hav only for parent)
    now say that the parent have 4 child materials (say)of which one has subassemblies so as u said it will hav a ASM check box ticked in CS03, now take this material and goto mvke and repeat the procedure and check the MTPOS status this will have item category like 'NORM'
    remember for parent it was 'LUMF'
    now for child(having subass;les) we got'NORM'
    now check for same which dosent have a subassemblies from the child items it will be like 'ZATP' or 'XXXX' but not LUMF or NORM.  to tell that it dosent hav further bom.
    generalise the conclusion for all the materials(parent childorphans)if found okay apply this logic.
    second alternative is ,
    check the transaxction cs12.
    give  BOm material and observe that the first field(dglvl) ...
    it indicates the level of that material in thta BOM.
    exact indiaction is whether it has sub assemblies in that Material is the
    field (BOMFL) If it has sub assemblies then it will be' X'.
    see if u can make any hit in the tables using this relation above

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    Thanks & Regards,


  • Doubt regarding SHDB transaction

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                I have a doubt regarding the Process Tab in the application tool bar of SHDB transaction. What is the use of the following check boxes?
    1)       Default Size
    2)       Cont.after commit
    3)      not a batch input session
    4)      END: Not a Batch Input session
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    Basically these are the properties for CALL TRANSACTION using. You need not worry about these unless you really need those.
    1) Default Size: it will set the Default screen size for CALL TRANSACTION USING...
    2) Cont.after commit : it will set indicator that CALL TRANSACTION USING... is not completed by COMMIT. after commit also the process will continue
    3) not a batch input session: sets indicator that present session is not batch input
    4) END: Not a Batch Input session
    5) Simulate Background mode : session will be run in foreground. but similar to back grpund
    you can see the documentation by placing the cursor on these and click f1.

  • Regarding FBL1N transaction

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    The output of  the name is 'just' possible until the 35th character.                                                                               
    The reason is the following:                                                                               
    In the creation of the master data, the 'address' data is stored in        
    two different areas, first in the master data table (LFA1) and in the      
    specially created 'address information' tables.                                                                               
    Out of the technical design of the 'header setup' for the line item        
    display transactions, 'only' the LFA1 master data table is accessed.                                                                               
    As the field only contains 35 characters in this table LFA1, only these    
    will be displayed.                                                                               
    The restriction within some functions about the 'display' length of        
    the address information is also mentioned in a warning message you         
    receive, if you store a value which is 'bigger' then 35 characters:                                                                               
    The use of the last 5 characters in field NAME1 is restricted (40 of 40)   
    Message no. AM228                                                                               
    The address data in field NAME1 exceeds the 35th position (40 of 40        
    characters occupied).                                                                               
    System Response                                                            
    In this form the data can be saved and used up to the complete length      
    of 40 characters.                                                          
    In some scenarios, the system only uses the first 35 characters of name    

  • Regarding XK02 transaction in SAP ECC 6.0 Version

    Hi All,
    I am working with an object which calls a transaction <b>XK02</b> to modify the name and contact details fields in  Version <b>SAP ECC 6.0</b>.
    The problem is that, when the transaction is run manually and saved or when an SHDB Recording is created, the data is getting updated.
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    The data is getting updated properly when it is done in Version SAP 4.6b.
    Central Address Management System is used here.
    Can anybody please help me in this regard?
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Prabhu,
    The call transaction statement is running smoothly. The SY-SUBRC is 0 for this.
    The thing is, there is a Check Box at the end of the screen called 'Use Central Address Management' when the SHDB is created.
    If this is checked, the contact details are stored in ADRC and LFA1 tables and only in LFA1 if not checked.
    In the new version SAP ECC 6.0, the data should also get populated in the ADRC table.
    There is a slight change in the logic in SAP ECC 6.0 version.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Regarding F110 Transaction - Check printing

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       I switch on debuggin for the form of check printing and set a break point in the print program. then when i am going thru the process using F110 tanasaction by providing the variant and other details exactly, then it is not stopping in the form or in the print program, directly it is creating the spool request.
       kindly help me how to debug the check printing form and print program using F110 transaction

    Hi Jilan,
    After activating the debugger in the form and putting break-point in the print program restart the transaction F110.It will stop there.
    If even then it is not getting stopped there then check in the Transaction NACE which form and Print program is configured with the output type of your application.
    OR Go to SE37 transaction display the FM 'OPEN_FORM'.
    put the break-point at the line 
    check co_perform-active <> true.
    Restart the transaction F110.Check the value of 'FORM' in debugging mode that will be the form configured to your transaction.
    Mukesh KUmar
    Message was edited by: mukesh kumar

  • Need Information regarding JTA Transactions

    Hi all,
        I have written session beans with out transaction.But now i want to apply JTA Transactions to that session bean methods.Can you pls send some code,Examples and related links regarding this.

    Hi Kiran,
    But it was discussed so many times, check:
    Problems while providing Transaction  for a method in EJB
    Problems while giving a transaction attribute to a Method in EJB
    EJB transaction concurrency issue
    Best regards, Maksim Rashchynski.

  • Regarding New transaction in BPM's

    Hi Everyone,
    1.Are there any Prerequisites for defining BPM's?
    2. In the Block Step Type,we have option as New Transaction. Can anyone tell me the use of this. please site some examples.
    3. In some step Types like Send, Transformation, Receiver Determination, We have an option with Check Box as Create New Transaction. Is it the same function as in Block step New Transaction when do we use this option.
    4. How to check the errors in BPM.
    5. What are the different Error codes in BPMs.
    I have found some information in SAP Help as well, please provide with some suitable Examples so that It would be much easy to Understand .
    Thanks & Regards,

    Create New Transaction
    Create New Transaction in Block step, is used mainly for Error monitoring. If any error then can restart block. use below thread.
    New transactions in BPM
    To monitor BPM process use this guide
    Various Error TCode
    SXMB_MONI_BPE -> To monitor Integration Process.
    SWWL->To Know open BPM Instances

  • Regarding VX22 Transaction [Change License Data]

    Hi All,
    I have a issue related to <b>VX22 Transaction [Change License Data]</b>.
    Do anybody knows the wether any <b>BAPI</b> available for <b>Change License Data[VX22]</b>.
    I actually have to perform a BDC for change license data some times for <b>Multiple items for single Sales Document number</b> at a time.
    I have Done the recording[SHDB] and added the following code to main program.
    Can anybody tell me wether this code will perfectly work for <b>Multiple Items of Single Sales Document Number</b> in <b>VX22 Transaction</b>.
    <b>  PERFORM f_bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV52G' '0100'.
      PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
      PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
      PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'VBAK-VBELN'
      PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'RV52G-SELKZ'
      LOOP AT i_pdata.
        PERFORM f_bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLV52E' '0500'.
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'RV52G-SELKZ(08)'
        PERFORM f_bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLV52E' '0520'.
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'VBEX-ALNUM'
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'VBEX-EMBGR'
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'VBEX-GENNR'
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'VBEX-MODCO'
        PERFORM f_bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLV52E' '0520'.
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'VBEX-ALNUM'
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'VBEX-EMBGR'
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'VBEX-GENNR'
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'VBEX-MODCO'
      PERFORM f_bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLV52E' '0500'.
      PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
      PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
      PERFORM f_bdc_transaction USING 'VX22'.</b>
    I have make use of Session Method for it.
    I had run through it against VX22 in all 3 modes and it is working fine for single line item for a sale order.
    If any changes required for it to work for Multiple line items please suggest.
    If any body knows <b>BAPI</b> for the same process please post.
    Thanks in advance.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi All,
    Anybody worked on above kind of scenario,
    If yes please sujjest!
    Has Anybody worked with <b>VX22</b> Transaction
    If worked please reply to above post!
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Regarding im52 transaction

    Dear PS consultants,
    While processing the transaction IM52 i am getting an error message as NO MEASURES FOUND. Can any one help me out, where i had done misatake.
    I created project and wbs elements and activated availbility control and budgeted.
    and also invest program created. assigned to wbs elements also.
    Kindly help me out.

    i think you should post this message in PS as this forum is for MM.
    use below link.
    /community [original link is broken]
    qsm sap

  • Regardding CAll Transaction  where i will get return value

    Dear Expert ,
    My Requirment is  i  am Passing parameter to call  transaction it is working fine , but
    i want to get data which is displayed  after calling that transation  .
    Such as
    sel_data-program = 'gp3umn8b57fzlorwxdm2y9lqq7e'.
        sel_data-dynpro = 1000.
        sel_data-dynbegin = 'X'.
        APPEND sel_data.
        CLEAR sel_data.
        sel_data-fnam = 'S_FICTR-LOW'.
        sel_data-fval = fund_cntr .
        APPEND sel_data.
        CLEAR sel_data.
        sel_data-fnam = 'FIPEX-LOW'.
        sel_data-fval = 'OS001' .
        APPEND sel_data.
        CLEAR sel_data.
        sel_data-fnam = 'PAR_01'.
        sel_data-fval = 'BFL'  .
        APPEND sel_data.
        CLEAR sel_data.
        sel_data-fnam = 'PAR_02'.
        sel_data-fval = '2010' .
        APPEND sel_data.
        CLEAR sel_data.
    After Executing this code it calls this code 'FMRP_3FMB4004'  with output  such as  Available budget and etc  ...
    this out put i want to return through call transaction which i am calling through RFC .
    I Dont want to use SUBmit Report  .
    Deepak Dhamat .

    i have  included  that program  name   as a include program name 
    and  accessed that  table to get data  .
    Problem Solved  .

  • Issue regarding Receiving Transaction Processor (ROI)

    Hi Experts,
    We have EBS 11i ( .
    At the time of PO Receipt thru application, the following 3 concurrent processes are running.
    (1) Receiving Transaction Processor
    (2) Receipt Traveller Concurrent program
    (3) Journal Import
    After creating the receipt thru application, we can modify the taxes at receipt time also.
    Now, same thing we are doing with Interface.
    In this scenario, the receipt is created successfuly thru Interface.
    Right now, we are running the process : *'Receiving Transaction Processor'* manually for the same.
    After running this process, the second process: *'Receipt Traveller Concurrent program'* is not running. In place , process : *'India - Receiving Transaction Processor'* is running.
    Also, For receipt created thru interface, we cannot modify the taxes
    Can anyone guide me , what we have to do to run the process: *'Receipt Traveller Concurrent program'* and to change the taxes.
    KFI, the we have taken processing_mode_code = 'BATCH' in RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE table.

    Hi PS,
    Thanks for reply.
    we want to control the receiving transaction processor .
    when we are running the process : ' receiving transaction processor ' through interface, another process : ' India - Receiving Transaction ' is automatically fired that we do not want . Due to this , the taxes are freezed at receipt level and we cannot modify the same.
    I hope you understood the scenario.

  • Regarding Call Transaction and Session Method in BDC.

    If there are 50 records and 25th row data is having error.
    What will happen when we run it in Call Transaction and Session Method in both Foreground and Background methods ? Can anybody explain me in details ?

    Hi Naresh,
    If you are using call transaction,
    if executed in Foreground, 24 records will be posted and for 25th you will have option to correct data or skip.
    if executed in background,
    if mode is N,  24 records are processed 25th is skipped and 26th onwards is processed again.
    if mode is E, 24 records will be posted and for 25th you will have option to correct data or skip.
    For Session also it should be same the difference is that the error would be there in sessionlog and you can re-process it.
    Hope it helps.

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