Regex for html

I have this code:
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("<div class=\"center_side\">(.*)</div><!-- end center_side -->");//("<div class=\"center_side\">(.*)</div><!-- end center_side -->");//(@"<div class=""center_side""[^>]*>(.*)</div>\s*<!-- end center_side ->",
            Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(fisier);
            boolean found = false;
            while (matcher.find()) {
                System.out.println("I found the text " "starting at " +
                   "index "+matcher.start()+ " and ending at index "+ matcher.end()+".%n");
                found = true;
                System.out.println("No match found.%n");
            }it checks if a pattern like:
<div class="center_side"> bla bla </div><!-- end center_side -->
exists in the fiser string variable. the problem is it never works. what heva i done worng? is the regular expression good? the same expression works under c#, so i don not think that this is the problem. pls help!

(.*?) doesn't work eighter. it prints "no match found".
the file i wanna check is: (i want the text in red)
<noscript><div style='display:inline'><img src='' width='160' height='600' style='border-width:0' alt='' /></div></noscript>
<!-- right~ -->
{color:#ff0000}<div class="center_side">
<div class="center">
<div class="rezultate">
<h3>Arhiva pentru data 02.04.2008</h3>{color}
<span class="num_result">1 - 20 din <strong>175 rezultate</strong> </span>{color}
{color:#ff0000} <div class="result_item">
1.<a class="result_title" href="{color}[{color:#ff0000}{color}|]{color:#ff0000} al-Zawahri, numarul 2 in Al Qaeda: Vom ataca evreii in Israel si in afara lui</strong></a>
<span class="stire">Ayman al-Zawahri, numarul 2 in Al Qaeda, a declarat in cadrul unei sesiuni de raspunsuri pe internet ca organizatia sa va ataca evreii in Israel si in afara lui. al-Zawahri a deschis unul dintre site-urile afiliate Al Qaeda pentru intrebari din partea presei, termenul-limita pentru trimiterea acestora fiind 16 ianuarie.</span>
<div class="actualitate_footer align_text">
<span>Miercuri, 2 aprilie 2008, 23:53
&icirc;n <a href="{color}[{color:#ff0000}{color}|]{color:#ff0000}"
title="Actualitate | International">Actualitate | International</a>
<div class="result_item">
2.<a class="result_title" href="{color}[{color:#ff0000}{color}|]{color:#ff0000} - Liverpool 1-1/ Remiza titanilor (VIDEO)</strong></a>
<span class="stire">Duelul britanic al sferturilor s-a incheiat la egalitate in prima mansa: Arsenal a deschis scorul prin Adebayor (23), insa Liverpool a egalat imediat prin Kuyt (26). In a doua repriza, arbitrul a refuzat un penalty lui Arsenal (interventie neregulamentara a lui Kuyt asupra lui Hleb). Spre final, atacantul londonezilor Bendtner a impiedicat o minge a coechipierilor sa intre in plasa, oprind-o pe linia portii. Fara sa vrea, fireste. </span>
<div class="actualitate_footer align_text">
<span>Miercuri, 2 aprilie 2008, 23:53
&icirc;n <a href="{color[{color:#ff0000{color}|]{color:#ff0000}"
title="Sport | Fotbal">Sport | Fotbal</a>
<div class="result_item">
3.<a class="result_title" href="{color}[{color:#ff0000}{color}|]{color:#ff0000} Campionilor: Fenerbahce - Chelsea 2-1</strong>
<span class="stire">Echipa turca Fenerbahce a furnizat surpriza sferturilor de finala, castigind cu 2-1 mansa-tur disputata contra lui Chelsea Londra. </span>
<div class="actualitate_footer align_text">
<span>Miercuri, 2 aprilie 2008, 23:38
&icirc;n <a href="{color[{color:#ff0000{color}|]{color:#ff0000}"
title="Ultima ora">Ultima ora</a>
<div class="result_item">
4.<a class="result_title" href="{color}[{color:#ff0000}{color}|]{color:#ff0000}: Purtatorul de cuvant al NATO: Nu ma astept ca Ucraina si Georgia sa primeasca MAP; Albania si Croatia au unanimitate, Macedonia - probleme din cauza numelui</strong>
<span class="stire">Purtatorul de cuvant al NATO, James Appathurai, a declarat miercuri
noapte ca nu se asteapta
ca Ucraina si Georgia sa primeasca joi Membership Action Plan (MAP). Appathurai a mai declarat ca in cadrul NATO exista un consens privind adresarea invitatiei de aderare pentru Albania si Croatia. In ceea ce priveste Macedonia, aceasta nu beneficiaza de o sustinere unanima din cauza divergentelor cu Grecia pe tema numelui.</span>
<div class="actualitate_footer align_text">
<span>Miercuri, 2 aprilie 2008, 23:36
&icirc;n <a href="{color[{color:#ff0000{color}|]{color:#ff0000}"
title="Actualitate | Esential">Actualitate | Esential</a>
<div class="result_item">
5.<a class="result_title" href="{color}[{color:#ff0000}{color}|]{color:#ff0000} Campionilor: Arsenal - Liverpool 1-1</strong>
<span class="stire">Mansa-tur a duelului britanic din sferturile Champions League s-a incheiat la egalitate: Arsenal - Liverpool 1-1.</span>
<div class="actualitate_footer align_text">
<span>Miercuri, 2 aprilie 2008, 23:34
&icirc;n <a href="{color[{color:#ff0000{color}|]{color:#ff0000}"
title="Ultima ora">Ultima ora</a>
<div class="result_item">
6.<a class="result_title" href="{color}[{color:#ff0000}{color}|]{color:#ff0000} Hurezeanu: Romania si Bulgaria nu au fost niciodata verigi strategice pentru Rusia</strong>
<span class="stire">Nicioadata Romania si Bulgaria nu au fost verigi strategice pentru Rusia, ca dovada sovieticii au parasit Romania ca adoua tara ocupata din rasarit, a declarat Emil Hurezeanu in cadrul emisiunii The Money Show (The Money Chanel). Hurezeanu spune ca pe romani nu-i va costa in plus suplimentarea trupelor romanesti in Afganistan deoarece avem deja acolo un contingent de rezerva ce se afla la dispozitia Secretarului General al NATO.</span>
<div class="actualitate_footer align_text">
<span>Miercuri, 2 aprilie 2008, 23:20
&icirc;n <a href="{color[{color:#ff0000{color}|]{color:#ff0000}"
title="Revista Presei | Radio TV">Revista Presei | Radio TV</a>
<div class="result_item">
7.<a class="result_title" href="{color}[{color:#ff0000}{color}|]{color:#ff0000} NATO este deja spectacolul unui singur om: Vladimir Putin</strong>
<span class="stire">Vladimir Putin n-a venit inca la Bucuresti, dar pare sa fi "furat" intreg spectacolul, vorba americanilor, cei care au anticipat aceasta situatie paradoxala inca de acum cateva luni. Bush, Basescu, Scheffer, analisti de politica externa, toti s-au raportat la presedintele rus si/sau i-au transmis mesaje in prima zi oficiala a evenimentului de la Bucuresti. Iar in saloanele unde au loc reuniunile oficiale, prezenta virtuala a lui Putin e aproape palpabila.</span>
<div class="actualitate_footer align_text">
<span>Miercuri, 2 aprilie 2008, 23:04
&icirc;n <a href="{color[{color:#ff0000{color}|]{color:#ff0000}"
title="Actualitate | Opinii">Actualitate | Opinii</a>
<div class="result_item">
8.<a class="result_title" href="{color}[{color:#ff0000}{color}|]{color:#ff0000} de Apel a grabit judecarea memoriului introdus de Rapid</strong>
<span class="stire">Joi, 3 aprilie, ora 14,00, comisia de apel a Federatiei romane de fotbal a convocat oficialii clubului Rapid pentru a judeca memoriul introdus impotriva deciziei de a pierde la masa verde derby-ul cu Steaua. </span>
<div class="actualitate_footer align_text">
<span>Miercuri, 2 aprilie 2008, 22:03
&icirc;n <a href="{color[{color:#ff0000{color}|]{color:#ff0000}"
title="Sport | Fotbal">Sport | Fotbal</a>
<div class="result_item">
9.<a class="result_title" href="{color}[{color:#ff0000}{color}|]{color:#ff0000} TV lansat de NATO</strong>
<span class="stire">Secretarul general al NATO, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, impreuna cu
premierul danez, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, au lansat un canal de
televiziune pe Internet care va transmite pe toata perioada summitului.</span>
<div class="actualitate_footer align_text">
<span>Miercuri, 2 aprilie 2008, 21:37
&icirc;n <a href="{color[{color:#ff0000{color}|]{color:#ff0000}"
title="Ultima ora">Ultima ora</a>
<div class="result_item">
10.<a class="result_title" href="{color}[{color:#ff0000}{color}|]{color:#ff0000} a elaborat un plan de actiuni in cazul in care Ucraina primeste invitatia de a adera la NATO</strong>
<span class="stire">Un inalt diplomat rus a declarat ca Moscova a elaborat planuri in cazul
in care Georgia si Ucraina vor primi invitatia sa adere la Planul de
actiuni al NATO (MAP), dar a refuzat sa dezvaluie continutul acestor
planuri, scrie agentia Utro.</span>
<div class="actualitate_footer align_text">
<span>Miercuri, 2 aprilie 2008, 20:44
&icirc;n <a href="{color[{color:#ff0000{color}|]{color:#ff0000}"
title="Actualitate | International">Actualitate | International</a>
<div class="result_item">
11.<a class="result_title" href="{color}[{color:#ff0000}{color}|]{color:#ff0000} se va intalni la Soci cu Medvedev</strong>
<span class="stire">Presedintele SUA, George Bush, care va sosi la Soci pentru intalnirea
cu din 6 aprilie cu seful statului rus, Vladimir Putin, se va intalni,
de asemenea, cu presedintele ales al Rusiei, Dmitri Medvedev, a anuntat
consilierul presidential al Rusiei, Serghei Prihodko, citat de</span>
<div class="actualitate_footer align_text">
<span>Miercuri, 2 aprilie 2008, 20:42
&icirc;n <a href="{color[{color:#ff0000{color}|]{color:#ff0000}"
title="Actualitate | International">Actualitate | International</a>
<div class="result_item">
12.<a class="result_title" href="{color}[{color:#ff0000}{color}|]{color:#ff0000}: Circulatie rutiera blocata pe un sens pe DN7</strong>
<span class="stire">Circulatia rutiera este blocata pe un sens la aceasta ora pe DN7, in
zona localitatii aradene Lipova, din cauza unui accident de circulatie.</span>
<div class="actualitate_footer align_text">
<span>Miercuri, 2 aprilie 2008, 20:41
&icirc;n <a href="{color[{color:#ff0000{color}|]{color:#ff0000}"
title="Ultima ora">Ultima ora</a>
<div class="result_item">
13.<a class="result_title" href="{color}[{color:#ff0000}{color}|]{color:#ff0000}: Federal Reserve President Ben Bernake to admit the peril of an economic recession</strong>
<span class="stire">President of the American Central Bank (FED) Ben Bernanke admitted on Wednesday that the US economy might enter into recession in the first half of the year, admitting that the situation got worse in the last couple of months.</span>
<div class="actualitate_footer align_text">
<span>Miercuri, 2 aprilie 2008, 20:31
&icirc;n <a href="{color[{color:#ff0000{color}|]{color:#ff0000}"
title="English | Business">English | Business</a>
<div class="result_item">
14.<a class="result_title" href="{color}[{color:#ff0000}{color}|]{color:#ff0000} delegatii oficiale sunt cazate la Hotel Hilton</strong>
<span class="stire">Delegatiile Germaniei, Georgiei, Poloniei, Canadei, Olandei, Estoniei,
Lituaniei si Azerbaidjanului sunt gazduite la Hotel Hilton, pe durata
summitului NATO.</span>
<div class="actualitate_footer align_text">
<span>Miercuri, 2 aprilie 2008, 20:06
&icirc;n <a href="{color[{color:#ff0000{color}|]{color:#ff0000}"
title="Ultima ora">Ultima ora</a>
<div class="result_item">
15.<a class="result_title" href="{color}[{color:#ff0000}{color}|]{color:#ff0000}: Ben Bernanke, seful FED, admite in premiera pericolul recesiunii economice</strong>
<span class="stire">Ben Bernanke, presedintele Bancii Centrale Americane - Federal Reserve,
a admis miercuri, in premiera, ca economia SUA ar putea intra in
recesiune in prima jumatate a anului, admitand inrautatirea situatiei
din ultimele doua luni. Bursa din New York a reactionat insa mai putin
dur decat s-au asteptat analistii pietelor financiare, socul
declaratiilor lui Bernanke fiind atenuat, cel putin la deschiderea
sedintei, de un raport care arata ca numarul locurilor de munca in
sectorul privat a crescut in martie cu 8.000.</span>
<div class="actualitate_footer align_text">
<span>Miercuri, 2 aprilie 2008, 19:51
&icirc;n <a href="{color[{color:#ff0000{color}|]{color:#ff0000}"
title="Economie | Finante & Banci">Economie | Finante & Banci</a>
<div class="result_item">
16.<a class="result_title" href="{color}[{color:#ff0000}{color}|]{color:#ff0000} pentru joi, 3 aprilie</strong>
<span class="stire">BERBECSefii ori partenerii va cam ocolesc si comportamentul lor nu va convine deloc, deoarece presupune schimbari pentru care nu vi se cere parerea. Visati la o marire de "salariu", cu toate ca nu este posibil.Sanatate &ndash; ?Bani &ndash;??Dragoste &ndash;???</span>
<div class="actualitate_footer align_text">
<span>Miercuri, 2 aprilie 2008, 19:12
&icirc;n <a href="{color[{color:#ff0000{color}|]{color:#ff0000}"
title="Life | Horoscop">Life | Horoscop</a>
<div class="result_item">
17.<a class="result_title" href="{color}[{color:#ff0000}{color}|]{color:#ff0000} atentat din SUA ar putea fi comis de teroristi blonzi cu ochi
<span class="stire">Urmatorul atentat din Statele Unite ar putea fi comis de teroristi
blonzi cu ochi albastri, antrenati in tabere din zona dintre Pakistan
si Afganistan, comenteaza Reuters.</span>
<div class="actualitate_footer align_text">
<span>Miercuri, 2 aprilie 2008, 19:10
&icirc;n <a href="{color[{color:#ff0000{color}|]{color:#ff0000}"
title="Ultima ora">Ultima ora</a>
<div class="result_item">
18.<a class="result_title" href="{color}[{color:#ff0000}{color}|]{color:#ff0000} Tai Chi ajuta la tratarea diabetului de tip 2</strong>
<span class="stire">12 saptamani de exercitii Tai Chi au fost suficiente pentru a pune pe
picioare sistemul imunitar al pacientilor, precum si pentru a le
normaliza nivelul glicemiei, au constatat doua studii separate.</span>
<div class="actualitate_footer align_text">
<span>Miercuri, 2 aprilie 2008, 19:05
&icirc;n <a href="{color[{color:#ff0000{color}|]{color:#ff0000}"
title="Life | Natural">Life | Natural</a>
<div class="result_item">
19.<a class="result_title" href="{color}[{color:#ff0000}{color}|]{color:#ff0000} propune modificarea conditiilor de listare si de mentinere a companiilor la bursa</strong>
<span class="stire">Bursa de Valori Bucuresti (BVB) va avea consultari cu principalii
actori ai pietei de capital cu privire la o noua modificare a Codului
Bursei. Potrivit unui comunicat al institutiei, propunerile de
modificare a Codului Bursei se refera la conditiilor pentru listarea si
mentinerea companiilor la prima si a doua categorie a BVB.</span>
<div class="actualitate_footer align_text">
<span>Miercuri, 2 aprilie 2008, 18:47
&icirc;n <a href="{color[{color:#ff0000{color}|]{color:#ff0000}"
title="Economie | Burse">Economie | Burse</a>
<div class="result_item">
20.<a class="result_title" href="{color}[{color:#ff0000}{color}|]{color:#ff0000}, e summit. Afara cu anarhistii !</strong>
<span class="stire">Esti anti-NATO? Anarhist te numesti. Vrei sa fie desfiintata Alianta si sa protestezi impotriva ei? Pofta-n cui ca ajungi la zdup, te salta mascatii si te duc la sectie. Ai la tine afise, vopsea, inscrisuri, bannere, carioca, spayuri? Ai incalcat legea. Porti un tricou inscriptionat cu anti? Esti suspect. Nimic nu trebuie sa strice linistea fortaretei in care se desfasoara summitul. Politia romana a fost lovita in plina figura mascata de fobia anarhismului. Protestatari, go home, Bucurestiul e de necucerit, chiar si de pe frontul de la Timpuri Noi. Liniste, e summit! Doar zelosenia ii poate veni de hac.</span>
<div class="actualitate_footer align_text">
<span>Miercuri, 2 aprilie 2008, 18:21
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title="Actualitate | Opinii">Actualitate | Opinii</a>
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    nguyenq87 wrote:
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    Hi agschin and welcome to the RH forums. The hhactivex.dll
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    Hello N.S.
    You can create a service file, like ZSERVICE.SRVC.  The parameters should be:
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    ~transaction ztransaction
    ~client  001
    ~login   username
    ~password  password
    ~language  EN
    The "~webgui 1" allows the ITS to use the Webgui to dynamically generate the page (no IAC needed.)
    The "~transaction" is the transaction code of your service.
    The "~client" is the client number.
    The "~login" is the username.
    The "~password" is the user's password.
    the "~language" is the language for the users.
    Note that the last four are required for automatic logon.  If end users use a variety of languages though the ~language can be prepended to the URL to support different languages.  (Leave it blank in the srvc file then.)

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    To resolved this issue i tried below trouble shooting:
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    if you Unable to print from Outlook 2013 without receiving the "Printer not ready" message (32/64 Win 7 Pro).
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    I hope it works for you, good luck in your quest!
    Tzuri Ben Ezra | My Certifications A Plus, MCP, MCSA, MCITP | FaceBook:
    Tzuri FaceBook

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    The point here is that your Portal server is on a different domain, so you have to configure the logon ticket issuer (portal) to generate logon ticket for multiple domains.
    Best regards

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    thanks, I can get the data from SAP R/3 to crystal report.
    but still dont know how to do the second question mentioned in previous message:
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    Thank you.

    Here is the online help for the subject.
    Also refer to the following weblog.

  • How to set default value for html:file in struts

                   i am working on an application using struts situation is i am using the
    <html:file property="" /> to allow the user to upload file. but i need that a default file should be set so that even if the user donot click browse ie                the user wish to upload that default file the default file get uploaded on page submition.     Is it possible to set any default value for html:file ...if yes plz provide any suggestion or links how to achieve this.     thanks in advance

  • WebDynpro proxy page with Webdynpro iView and SAP Gui for html iView

    I have a requirement to have a page that has at the top of it a webdynpro for java iView screen with several links that when pressed pop-up various data pulled from the back-end. This part is fine and presents no problem. Beneath this the requirement calls for a SAP Gui for HTML iView to be displayed. Which is no problem either. The problem occurs when one of the links in the java webdynpro application at the top of the screen is pressed it causes the SAP Gui for HTML portion to refresh and come back to the beginning. So for example you first navigate to this screen and you go into the sap gui for html portion and drill into 2 or 3 screens in the sap gui for html transaction. If you then press one of the webdynpro links the sap gui for html (which is a separate iView) refreshes and you are taken back to the initial screen. This only occurs when using a web dynpro proxy page. If I use a standard page the SAP Gi for html does not refresh. Unfortunately there are other things not mentioned here that require us to use the webdynpro proxy page.
    Any help is greatly appreciated,

    Use System admin -> System Config and find your system in the PCD (under portal content). Right click and open -> permissions. Find a user or group or role and give it the end user permission. I'd suggest the group Everyone.

  • Report painter report in portal - Excel output in SAP GUI for HTML

    Dear sirs,
    I need your expertize. I would like to let my users display (Excel in place)/ save the result of my report painter reports into MS Excel. I have found notes 499262 a 314568, but didn´t understand the message (or there is no message:)). Does that mean I cannot use Excel in place together with Report painter and SAP GUI for HTML?
    Second question: is there a place (user exit in generated code? I don´t even know what I am looking for) to get the data provided by the report painter engine and send the retrieved data to some custom function (to be able to call the Adobe form, to save it as a text file or any option how to manipulate the resulting data...?).
    thank you for your time and effort,
    regards Otto

    Hi Otto,
    You can send print the report to the spool and then use RSTXPDFT4 program to convert this spool to PDF file. Alternatively, you can export the spool to spreadsheet or ASCII file via SP01 transaction.
    Additinally, I'm not aware of unability to use Excel output with SAP GUI interface.

  • Problem while printing from SAP GUI for HTML

    We are trying to print a delivery confirmation from the portal using SAP GUI for HTML. We have followed note 771683 to do this. However we are facing the following problems:
    1) The print action(PDF creation) is not triggered until the user performs some action
    2) the PDF that is created is corrupted(does not open)
    In order to correct this we tried to implement note 957292. However, the changes to the object FRONTEND_PRINTPOLL_FRONT_REQUEST.HTM mentioned in this note created problems. So we decided to do the changes to this object manually. But we see that the SAP note doesn't contain any information on changes that should be implemented for this object.
    Is the note 957292 only way to solve the printing(PDF) problem? If not, how can we trigger the automatic creation of the PDF and remove the error from the PDF file?
    If yes, any idea what is causing the problem during the note implementation?
    We are on NW2004s - EP7.0 SP10
    ITS 7.0
    Thanks in advance.

    configure printer in SPAD  , no setting for JAVA GUI
    check note
    605467:SAPscript/Smart Forms: Print preview in SAP GUI for Java
    634158      SAPscript/Smart Forms: Print preview in SAP GUI for Java (2)
    1024624 SAPscript/Smart Forms: Print preview in SAP GUI for Java (3)       

  • Change standard SAP GUI for HTML theme to portal theme

    Dear Experts,
    I have created transaction code for SAP GUI HTML for  a custom report program developed in SE38.
    We have created a URL iView in Websphere enterprise portal. The Transaction executing well and there are no issues.
    But the SAP GUI HTML uses SAP Standard theme. I wanted to change the input field background color which is similar to our portal theme.
    Please let me know , how to change the theme of the standard SAP GUI for HTML.
    Thanks in advance.
    any solution will be greatly appreciated.
    Best regards,

    Hi Sushil,
    Could you please elaborate in detail with steps.
    Thanks for your help .. Greatly appreciated...
    Best regards,

  • RoboHelp for HTML 9 - Problem with viewing .chm file on 64bit machine

    I am working with RoboHelp for HTML 9 on a 32 bit machine. Recently, we encountered problems when viewing a .chm file on a 64 bit machine. The TOC was fine, but the topics did not appear, only error message "Navigation of this web page cancelled". My compilation settings did not change since the last compilation some months ago. What happens?

    Generally, I've only ever seen the need to ensure the CHM is unblocked if it has been downloaded from the web. I could see where it could possibly occur if one moved the CHM from a network drive to a local drive, but I'm skeptical that would be required in that case.
    Cheers... Rick

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