REGEXP_REPLACE with multiple chr() replacements ...

I am trying to use the regexp_replace function to force the replacement of a group of special characters in a string. Is it possible in the function to have a mapping like replacing the following:
chr(150) with '-'
chr(132) with '"'
chr(146) with ''''
I know I can wrap a replace function to take of all the conditions but I was wondering if I could use a single regexp_replace function to do the same thing. Also, I has to go across a string containing cr, lf, .... ie multi-line.
Thanks In Advance,

Does this line throw an error
:NEW.Data := translate(, chr(145),'"');
or what is the error you get and btw: what is your db version?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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  • Find and replace with multiple files and with a watch folder

    I am trying to create a watch folder that uses red_menace script to:
    1. Have a folder that receives multiple xml files that run the script one by one.
    2. then move the files to an output folder.
    I tried modifying the set TheFIle to choose file -- the original text file to:
    with multiple selections allowed
    But that doesn't seem to work. I know i'm missing a step. Any help is much appreciated!
    The way i'd like to setup things is having an input folder on the desktop (or just have the application on the desktop and I can drag the files onto it), and let it do it's thing. Once it's done have it export the xml files into an output folder.
    Here's what i got so far:
    on open
    set TheFIle to choose file -- the original text file
    set TheFolder to ("Macintosh HD:Users:user1:Desktop:out") -- the folder for the output file
    set TheName to (GetUniqueName for TheFIle from TheFolder) -- the name for the output file
    set TheText to read TheFIle -- get the text to edit
    set Originals to {"KPCALDATE", "KPCALEVENT", "KPCALDAY", "KPCALBODY", "obituaries name", "" & return & "</cstyle></pstyle>" & return & "<pstyle name=\"obituaries text\"><cstyle>", "<pstyle name=\"obituaries text\"><cstyle name=\"Graphics Bold leadin\" font=\"ADV AGBook-Medium 2\">", "<pstyle name=\"Recipe Ingredients\"><cstyle>", " .com", " .net", " .org", " .edu", "www .", "www. ", "Ho- nolulu", "<pstyle name=\"kicker 12\"><cstyle allcaps=\"1\">fashion news</cstyle><cstyle allcaps=\"1\">" & return & "</cstyle></pstyle>" & return & "", "<component name=\"Headline 1\" type=\"Headline\">" & return & "<header>" & return & "<field name=\"Component name\" type=\"string\" value=\"Headline 1\"/>" & return & "<field name=\"Component type\" type=\"popup\" value=\"Headline\"/>" & return & "</header>" & return & "<body>" & return & "<pstyle name=\"hed STANDARD 36\"><cstyle>", "<pstyle name=\"obituaries text\"><cstyle allcaps=\"1\">", "<pstyle name=\"obituaries text\"><cstyle name=\"Graphics Bold leadin\">", "<pstyle name=\"tagline\"><cstyle>-", "-", "
    Per serving:", "<pstyle name=\"Titlebar - mini, red\"><cstyle allcaps=\"1\">NATION & World </cstyle><cstyle allcaps=\"1\">Report</cstyle><cstyle allcaps=\"1\">" & return & "</cstyle></pstyle>" & return & "", "</cstyle></pstyle>"} -- the terms that can be replaced
    set Replacements to {"subhed", "subhed", "subhed", "Normal", "obituaries text", ", ", "<pstyle name=\"obituaries text\"><cstyle name=\"Graphics Bold leadin\" font=\"ADV AGBook-Medium 2\">", "<pstyle name=\"Recipe Ingredients\"><cstyle>
    ", ".com", ".net", ".org", ".edu", "www.", "www.", "Honolulu", "", "<component name=\"Headline1\" type=\"Headline\">" & return & "<header>" & return & "<field name=\"Component name\" type=\"string\" value=\"Headline1\"/>" & return & "<field name=\"Component type\" type=\"popup\" value=\"Headline\"/>" & return & "</header>" & return & "<body>" & return & "<pstyle name=\"hed STANDARD 27\"><cstyle>", "<pstyle name=\"obituaries text\"><cstyle allcaps=\"1\">", "<pstyle name=\"obituaries text\"><cstyle name=\"Graphics Bold leadin\">", "<pstyle name=\"tagline\"><cstyle>—", " —", "
    Per serving:", "","" & return & "</cstyle></pstyle>"} -- the replacement terms
    repeat with AnItem from 1 to count Originals
    set TheText to (replaceText of TheText from (item AnItem of Originals) to (item AnItem of Replacements))
    end repeat
    try -- write a new output file
    tell application "Finder" to make new file at TheFolder with properties {name:TheName}
    set OpenFile to open for access (result as alias) with write permission
    write TheText to OpenFile starting at eof
    close access OpenFile
    on error errmess
    log errmess
    close access OpenFile
    end try
    end try
    end open
    to GetUniqueName for SomeFile from SomeFolder
    check if SomeFile exists in SomeFolder, creating a new unique name if needed
    parameters - SomeFile [mixed]: a source file path
    SomeFolder [mixed]: a folder to check
    returns [text]: a unique file name and extension
    set {Counter, Divider} to {"00", "_"}
    -- get the name and extension
    set {name:TheName, name extension:TheExtension} to info for file (SomeFile as text)
    if TheExtension is missing value then set TheExtension to ""
    set TheName to text 1 thru -((count TheExtension) + 2) of TheName
    set NewName to TheName & "." & TheExtension
    tell application "System Events" to tell (get name of files of folder (SomeFolder as text))
    repeat while it contains NewName
    set Counter to text 2 thru -1 of ((100 + Counter + 1) as text) -- leading zero
    set NewName to TheName & Divider & Counter & "." & TheExtension
    end repeat
    end tell
    return NewName
    end GetUniqueName
    to EditItems of SomeItems given Title:TheTitle, Prompt:ThePrompt
    displays a dialog for multiple item edit (note that a return is used between each edit item)
    for each of the items in SomeItems, a line containing it's text is placed in the edit box
    the number of items returned are padded or truncated to match the number of items in SomeItems
    parameters - SomeItems [list]: a list of text items to edit
    TheTitle [boolean/text]: use a default or the given dialog title
    ThePrompt [boolean/text]: use a default or the given prompt text
    returns [list]: a list of the edited items, or {} if error
    set {TheItems, TheInput, TheCount} to {{}, {}, (count SomeItems)}
    if TheCount is less than 1 then return {} -- error
    if ThePrompt is in {true, false} then -- "with" or "without" Prompt
    if ThePrompt then
    set ThePrompt to "Edit the following items:" & return -- default
    set ThePrompt to ""
    end if
    else -- fix up the given prompt a little
    set ThePrompt to ThePrompt & return
    end if
    if TheTitle is in {true, false} then if TheTitle then -- "with" or "without" Title
    set TheTitle to "Multiple Edit Dialog" -- default
    set TheTitle to ""
    end if
    set {TempTID, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, return}
    set {SomeItems, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {SomeItems as text, TempTID}
    set TheInput to paragraphs of text returned of (display dialog ThePrompt with title TheTitle default answer SomeItems)
    repeat with AnItem from 1 to TheCount -- pad/truncate entered items
    set the end of TheItems to (item AnItem of TheInput)
    on error
    set the end of TheItems to ""
    end try
    end repeat
    return TheItems
    end EditItems
    to replaceText of SomeText from OldItem to NewItem
    replace all occurances of OldItem with NewItem
    parameters - SomeText [text]: the text containing the item(s) to change
    OldItem [text]: the item to be replaced
    NewItem [text]: the item to replace with
    returns [text]: the text with the item(s) replaced
    set SomeText to SomeText as Unicode text -- TID's are case insensitive with Unicode text
    set {TempTID, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, OldItem}
    set {ItemList, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {text items of SomeText, NewItem}
    set {SomeText, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {ItemList as text, TempTID}
    return SomeText
    end replaceText
    Message was edited by: gamebreakers

    When you use the open or adding folder items to handlers, you need to add the parameters for the file items passed to them.
    I'll go ahead and post the applet/droplet version of my original script from the previous topic for reference:
    <pre style="
    font-family: Monaco, 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
    font-size: 10px;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 5px;
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    width: 720px; height: 340px;
    color: #000000;
    background-color: #FFEE80;
    overflow: auto;"
    title="this text can be pasted into the Script Editor">
    -- search and replace multiple items applet/droplet/folder action
    -- the terms to replace - edit as needed
    property EditableItems : {¬
    "one", ¬
    "two", ¬
    "three", ¬
    "four", ¬
    "five", ¬
    "six", ¬
    "seven", ¬
    "eight", ¬
    "nine", ¬
    "ten", ¬
    "eleven", ¬
    "twelve", ¬
    "thirteen", ¬
    "fourteen", ¬
    "fifteen", ¬
    "sixteen", ¬
    "seventeen", ¬
    "eighteen", ¬
    "nineteen", ¬
    -- the folder for the output file(s) - change as needed
    property TheFolder : (path to desktop)
    property LastEditItems : EditableItems
    on run
    the applet/droplet was double-clicked
    open (choose file with multiple selections allowed)
    end run
    on open TheItems
    items were dropped onto the applet/droplet
    parameters - TheItems [list]: a list of the items (aliases) dropped
    returns nothing
    repeat with AnItem in TheItems
    ReplaceMultipleItems from AnItem
    end repeat
    end open
    on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
    folder action - items were added to a folder
    parameters - this_folder [alias]: the folder added to
    these_items [list]: a list if items (aliases) added
    returns nothing
    repeat with AnItem in these_items
    ReplaceMultipleItems from AnItem
    end repeat
    end adding folder items to
    to ReplaceMultipleItems from SomeFile
    replace multiple text items in SomeFile
    parameters - SomeFile [alias]: the file to replace items in
    returns nothing
    set TheName to (GetUniqueName for SomeFile from TheFolder) -- the name for the output file
    set TheText to read SomeFile -- get the text to edit
    set Originals to (choose from list EditableItems default items LastEditItems with prompt "Select the terms to replace:" with multiple selections allowed) -- the specific terms to replace
    set LastEditItems to Originals
    set Replacements to (EditItems of Originals with Title given Prompt:"Edit the following replacement terms:") -- the replacement terms
    repeat with AnItem from 1 to count Originals
    set TheText to (ReplaceText of TheText from (item AnItem of Originals) to (item AnItem of Replacements))
    end repeat
    try -- write a new output file
    tell application "Finder" to make new file at TheFolder with properties {name:TheName}
    set OpenFile to open for access (result as alias) with write permission
    write TheText to OpenFile starting at eof
    close access OpenFile
    on error errmess
    log errmess
    close access OpenFile
    end try
    end try
    end ReplaceMultipleItems
    to GetUniqueName for SomeFile from SomeFolder
    check if SomeFile exists in SomeFolder, creating a new unique name if needed
    parameters - SomeFile [mixed]: a source file path
    SomeFolder [mixed]: a folder to check
    returns [text]: a unique file name and extension
    set {Counter, Divider} to {"00", "_"}
    -- get the name and extension
    set {name:TheName, name extension:TheExtension} to info for file (SomeFile as text)
    if TheExtension is in {missing value, ""} then
    set TheExtension to ""
    set TheExtension to "." & TheExtension
    end if
    set {NewName, TheExtension} to {TheName, (ChangeCase of TheExtension to "upper")}
    set TheName to text 1 thru -((count TheExtension) + 1) of TheName
    tell application "System Events" to tell (get name of files of folder (SomeFolder as text))
    repeat while it contains NewName
    set Counter to text 2 thru -1 of ((100 + Counter + 1) as text) -- leading zero
    set NewName to TheName & Divider & Counter & TheExtension
    end repeat
    end tell
    return NewName
    end GetUniqueName
    to EditItems of SomeItems given Title:TheTitle, Prompt:ThePrompt
    displays a dialog for multiple item edit (note that a return is used between each edit item)
      for each of the items in SomeItems, a line containing it's text is placed in the edit box
        the number of items returned are padded or truncated to match the number of items in SomeItems
    parameters - SomeItems [list]: a list of text items to edit
    TheTitle [boolean/text]: use a default or the given dialog title
    ThePrompt [boolean/text]: use a default or the given prompt text
    returns [list]: a list of the edited items, or {} if error
    set {TheItems, TheInput, TheCount} to {{}, {}, (count SomeItems)}
    if TheCount is less than 1 then return {} -- error
    if ThePrompt is in {true, false} then -- "with" or "without" Prompt
    if ThePrompt then
    set ThePrompt to "Edit the following items:" & return -- default
    set ThePrompt to ""
    end if
    else -- fix up the given prompt a little
    set ThePrompt to ThePrompt & return
    end if
    if TheTitle is in {true, false} then if TheTitle then -- "with" or "without" Title
    set TheTitle to "Multiple Edit Dialog" -- default
    set TheTitle to ""
    end if
    set {TempTID, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, return}
    set {SomeItems, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {SomeItems as text, TempTID}
    set TheInput to paragraphs of text returned of (display dialog ThePrompt with title TheTitle default answer SomeItems)
    repeat with AnItem from 1 to TheCount -- pad/truncate entered items
    set the end of TheItems to (item AnItem of TheInput)
    on error
    set the end of TheItems to ""
    end try
    end repeat
    return TheItems
    end EditItems
    to ReplaceText of SomeText from OldItem to NewItem
    replace all occurances of OldItem with NewItem
    parameters - SomeText [text]: the text containing the item(s) to change
    OldItem [text]: the item to be replaced
    NewItem [text]: the item to replace with
    returns [text]: the text with the item(s) replaced
    set SomeText to SomeText as text
    if SomeText contains OldItem then
    set {TempTID, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, OldItem}
    set {ItemList, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {text items of SomeText, NewItem}
    set {SomeText, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {ItemList as text, TempTID}
    on error ErrorMessage number ErrorNumber -- oops
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to TempTID
    error ErrorMessage number ErrorNumber
    end try
    end if
    return SomeText
    end ReplaceText
    to ChangeCase of SomeText to CaseType
    changes the case or capitalization of SomeText to the specified CaseType using Python
    parameters - SomeText [text]: the text to change
    CaseType [text]: the type of case desired:
    "upper" = all uppercase text
    "lower" = all lowercase text
    "title" = uppercase character at start of each word, otherwise lowercase
    "capitalize" = capitalize the first character of the text, otherwise lowercase
    returns [text]: the changed text 
    set SomeText to SomeText as text
    if CaseType is not in {"upper", "lower", "title", "capitalize"} then return SomeText
    return (do shell script "/usr/bin/python -c \"import sys; print unicode(sys.argv[1], 'utf8')." & CaseType & "().encode('utf8')\" " & quoted form of SomeText)
    end ChangeCase
    Edit: how does the choose from list dialog handle those big strings? I'm guessing not very well - is that why you avoided using them?
    Message was edited by: red_menace

  • Creating Profile type report that hold fields with multiple values

    Really hoping someone can please help me out as I am very new to Crystal Reports.
    We use Maximizer CRM and we have been in need of some custom reports to rule out risk for regulators. I contacted Max and they suggested the only possible way is to create through Crystal. Its been almost one month already and I still cannot for the likes of me get this report operating properly. I have been inside and out on all sorts of forums, posted topics but no luck! So I will give it one more attempt in hopes that one of you geniuses can show me the way.
    In Maximizer CRM there is date, numeric, alphanumric and table. Our table fields items can be set to either single value or multi-value. So in crystal i did a default join of Client.tbl and the user-defined fields from view and joined the client id and contact number from all the view fields to client table. See Image:
    and I have dragged all the relevant fields in rows (in details section) rather then columns because we would be reporting on more then 1 record at a time. My problem is - If there is a table with multiple items selected (values), the records triple in count and it will show the same record over and over with just single field value changing at a time.
    The formula field you see in the image is from when I posted a discussion and Abhilash assisted me by providing the formulas I should add:
    1) Create a formula with this code and place this on the Details Section:
    stringvar s := s + {field_with_multiple_values} + ", ";
    2) Next, move all the fields (except the formula field above) from the Details section to the Report Footer
    3) Create a formula with this code and place this on the Report Footer. This field would replace the existing field that contains multiple values:
    stringvar s;
    Left(s, len(s)-2);
    This method is not working out for this type of report. When I add the formula Crystal is still counting my 2 records as 5 records but I can only view it as a single record and the multi-field has all the values for both records and displaying as a single record. See image:
    Can anyone please assist and advise where I am going wrong?

    Hi Jared,
    Thanks for taking down memory lane that is Maximizer.  Nice to see their table structure hasn't been simplified in the last 20 years.
    If I understand what's happening, you should only see 2 records and not 5.  That means your joins are creating duplicate records.  For now I'm going to skip over trying to optimize your query because I still have bad dreams of linking Maximizer tables.
    There are a couple of ways to work around the duplicates, one is to create a group and instead of having your formula in the Detail section, put it in the Group Header.  The question is what would you create your group on that would get you a unique record?
    If you know where the duplicates are coming from, create a Record Selection Formula that will remove the duplicates.
    There is also the menu option Database | Select Distinct Records.  I've never really had success with this one but there's no harm in giving it a shot.
    I would have you try and find which table or combination of tables is generating the duplicates but that requires playing with your links.  Normally I'd start by adding one table at a time and dropping one field onto the report.  If it doesn't repeat then add another table and field and repeat until you get your duplicates.  Once you know where they are coming from then you can either drop that table from your query or create a selection formula that removes the duplicates.
    Good luck,

  • Sending UTL_SMTP mail with Multiple attachment

    My Environment ----> Oracle Database 11g r1 on Windows 2003 Server (64Bit).
    The below script i used for sending mail with single attachment now i am trying to send mail with multiple attachment please tell me how to achieve this
    /*LOB operation related varriables */
    l_buffer RAW(54);
    l_amount BINARY_INTEGER := 54;
    l_pos INTEGER := 1;
    l_blob BLOB := EMPTY_BLOB;
    l_blob_len INTEGER;
    v_amount INTEGER;
    /*UTL_SMTP related varriavles. */
    v_connection_handle UTL_SMTP.CONNECTION;
    v_from_email_address VARCHAR2(30) := '[email protected]';
    v_to_email_address VARCHAR2(30) := '[email protected]';
    v_smtp_host VARCHAR2(30) := 'MAIL.EXPORT.COM'; --My mail server, replace it with yours.
    v_subject VARCHAR2(30) := 'MULTIPLE Attachment Test';
    l_message VARCHAR2(200) := 'TEST Mail for Multiple Attachment';
    /* This send_header procedure is written in the documentation */
    PROCEDURE send_header(pi_name IN VARCHAR2, pi_header IN VARCHAR2) AS
    pi_name || ': ' || pi_header || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    /*Preparing the LOB from file for attachment. */
    DBMS_LOB.OPEN(v_src_loc, DBMS_LOB.LOB_READONLY); --Read the file
    DBMS_LOB.CREATETEMPORARY(l_blob, TRUE); --Create temporary LOB to store the file.
    v_amount := DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(v_src_loc); --Amount to store.
    DBMS_LOB.LOADFROMFILE(l_blob, v_src_loc, v_amount); -- Loading from file into temporary LOB
    l_blob_len := DBMS_LOB.getlength(l_blob);
    /*UTL_SMTP related coding. */
    v_connection_handle := UTL_SMTP.OPEN_CONNECTION(host => v_smtp_host);
    UTL_SMTP.HELO(v_connection_handle, v_smtp_host);
    UTL_SMTP.MAIL(v_connection_handle, v_from_email_address);
    UTL_SMTP.RCPT(v_connection_handle, v_to_email_address);
    send_header('From', '"Sender"');
    send_header('To', '"Recipient"');
    send_header('Subject', v_subject);
    --MIME header.
    'MIME-Version: 1.0' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; ' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    ' boundary= "' || 'SAUBHIK.SECBOUND' || '"' ||
    UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(v_connection_handle, UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    -- Mail Body
    'Content-Type: text/plain;' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    ' charset=US-ASCII' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(v_connection_handle, UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(v_connection_handle, l_message || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(v_connection_handle, UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    -- Mail Attachment
    'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' ||
    'Content-Disposition: attachment; ' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    ' filename="' || 'export.log' || '"' || --My filename
    'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(v_connection_handle, UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    /* Writing the BLOL in chunks */
    WHILE l_pos < l_blob_len LOOP
    DBMS_LOB.READ(l_blob, l_amount, l_pos, l_buffer);
    UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(v_connection_handle, UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    l_buffer := NULL;
    l_pos := l_pos + l_amount;
    UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(v_connection_handle, UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    -- Close Email
    '--' || 'SAUBHIK.SECBOUND' || '--' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    UTL_TCP.CRLF || '.' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    Thank you

    Hi Saubhik
    Thanks for your reply, below script i used to send mail with multiple attachments, plsql code is executing without any error messages and i am also able to receive mail with the multiple attachment.
    i used your code which u posted in OTN then i changed little bit as per my need, output is ok.but the problem is if i want to add one more file then i have to add more varaiables in the code. i want to make the code which i can add more attachments without adding more varaiables i don't know the way to do this. can u please give me some hints.
    Thanks for your help
    Script Used:
    /*LOB operation related varriables01 */
    l_buffer RAW(54);
    l_amount BINARY_INTEGER := 54;
    l_pos INTEGER := 1;
    l_blob BLOB := EMPTY_BLOB;
    l_blob_len INTEGER;
    v_amount INTEGER;
    /*LOB operation related varriables02 */
    l_buffer2 RAW(54);
    l_amount2 BINARY_INTEGER := 54;
    l_pos2 INTEGER := 1;
    l_blob2 BLOB := EMPTY_BLOB;
    l_blob_len2 INTEGER;
    v_amount2 INTEGER;
    /*UTL_SMTP related varriavles. */
    v_connection_handle UTL_SMTP.CONNECTION;
    v_from_email_address VARCHAR2(30) := '[email protected]';
    v_to_email_address VARCHAR2(30) := '[email protected]';
    v_smtp_host VARCHAR2(30) := 'MAIL.EXPORT.COM'; --My mail server, replace it with yours.
    v_subject VARCHAR2(30) := 'MULTIPLE Attachment Test';
    l_message VARCHAR2(200) := 'TEST Mail for Multiple Attachment';
    /* This send_header procedure is written in the documentation */
    PROCEDURE send_header(pi_name IN VARCHAR2, pi_header IN VARCHAR2) AS
    pi_name || ': ' || pi_header || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    /*Preparing the LOB from file for attachment01. */
    DBMS_LOB.OPEN(v_src_loc, DBMS_LOB.LOB_READONLY); --Read the file
    DBMS_LOB.CREATETEMPORARY(l_blob, TRUE); --Create temporary LOB to store the file.
    v_amount := DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(v_src_loc); --Amount to store.
    DBMS_LOB.LOADFROMFILE(l_blob, v_src_loc, v_amount); -- Loading from file into temporary LOB
    l_blob_len := DBMS_LOB.getlength(l_blob);
    /*Preparing the LOB from file for attachment02. */
    DBMS_LOB.OPEN(v_src_loc2, DBMS_LOB.LOB_READONLY); --Read the file
    DBMS_LOB.CREATETEMPORARY(l_blob2, TRUE); --Create temporary LOB to store the file.
    v_amount2 := DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(v_src_loc2); --Amount to store.
    DBMS_LOB.LOADFROMFILE(l_blob2, v_src_loc2, v_amount2); -- Loading from file into temporary LOB
    l_blob_len2 := DBMS_LOB.getlength(l_blob2);
    /*UTL_SMTP related coding. */
    v_connection_handle := UTL_SMTP.OPEN_CONNECTION(host => v_smtp_host);
    UTL_SMTP.HELO(v_connection_handle, v_smtp_host);
    UTL_SMTP.MAIL(v_connection_handle, v_from_email_address);
    UTL_SMTP.RCPT(v_connection_handle, v_to_email_address);
    send_header('From', '"Sender"');
    send_header('To', '"Recipient"');
    send_header('Subject', v_subject);
    --MIME header.
    'MIME-Version: 1.0' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; ' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    ' boundary= "' || 'SAUBHIK.SECBOUND' || '"' ||
    UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(v_connection_handle, UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    -- Mail Body
    'Content-Type: text/plain;' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    ' charset=US-ASCII' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(v_connection_handle, UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(v_connection_handle, l_message || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(v_connection_handle, UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    -- Mail Attachment01
    'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' ||
    'Content-Disposition: attachment; ' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    ' filename="' || 'export.log' || '"' || --My filename
    'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(v_connection_handle, UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    /* Writing the BLOL in chunks */
    WHILE l_pos < l_blob_len LOOP
    DBMS_LOB.READ(l_blob, l_amount, l_pos, l_buffer);
    UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(v_connection_handle, UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    l_buffer := NULL;
    l_pos := l_pos + l_amount;
    UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(v_connection_handle, UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    -- Mail Attachment02
    'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' ||
    'Content-Disposition: attachment; ' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    ' filename="' || 'export1.log' || '"' || --My filename
    'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(v_connection_handle, UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    /* Writing the BLOL in chunks */
    WHILE l_pos2 < l_blob_len2 LOOP
    DBMS_LOB.READ(l_blob2, l_amount2, l_pos2, l_buffer2);
    UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(v_connection_handle, UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    l_buffer2 := NULL;
    l_pos2 := l_pos2 + l_amount2;
    UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(v_connection_handle, UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    -- Close Email
    '--' || 'SAUBHIK.SECBOUND' || '--' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    UTL_TCP.CRLF || '.' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Edited by: SHAN2009 on May 11, 2011 1:05 PM

  • SQLPLUS: define variable with multiple lines

    Hi All,
    I need define a varaible with multiple lines as following:
    define schema_name = 'aaa',
    select * from tb_test where sName in &schema_name;
    However, it seems SQLPLUS dose not like the way I define the variable. What I want to do is to select * from tb_test where sName in ('aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'). I would like to use multiple lines in the define.  Any suggestion?

    If the substitution variable contains special characters, such as spaces or single-quotes, then enclosed the whole value in double-quotes, like this:
    DEFINE  schema_list = "'aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'"
    If you really need linefeeds in the value, then you might have to use COLUMN ... NEW_VALUE (or OLD_VALUE) to set the value.  For example:
    COLUMN schema_list_col NEW_VALUE schema_list
    SELECT  '''aaa'', ' || CHR (10)
         || '''bbb'', ' || CHR (10)
         || '''ccc'''     AS schema_list_col
    FROM    dual;

  • How to call stored procedure with multiple parameters in an HTML expression

    Hi, Guys:
    Can you show me an example to call stored procedure with multiple parameters in an HTML expression? I need to rewrite a procedure to display multiple pictures of one person stored in database by clicking button.
    The orginal HTML expression is :
    <img src="#OWNER#.dl_sor_image?p_offender_id=#OFFENDER_ID#" width="75" height="75">which calls a procedure as:
    procedure dl_sor_image (p_offender_id IN NUMBER)now I rewrite it as:
    PROCEDURE Sor_Display_Current_Image(p_n_Offender_id IN NUMBER, p_n_image_Count in number)could anyone tell me the format for the html expression to pass multiple parameters?
    Thanks a lot.

    Thanks for your help! Your question is what I am trying hard now. Current procedure can only display one picture per person, however, I am supposed to write a new procedure which displays multiple pictures for one person. When user click a button on report, APEX should call this procedure and returns next picture of the same person. The table is SOR_image. However, I rewrite the HTML expression as follows to test to display the second image.
    <img src="#OWNER#.Sor_Display_Current_Image?p_n_Offender_id=#OFFENDER_ID#&p_n_image_Count=2" width="75" height="75"> The procedure code is complied OK as follows:
    create or replace
    PROCEDURE Sor_Display_Current_Image(p_n_Offender_id IN NUMBER, p_n_image_Count in number) AS
        v_mime_type VARCHAR2(48);
        v_length NUMBER;
        v_name VARCHAR2(2000);
        v_image BLOB;
        v_counter number:=0;
        cursor cur_All_Images_of_Offender is
          SELECT 'IMAGE/JPEG' mime_type, dbms_lob.getlength(image) as image_length, image
          FROM sor_image
          WHERE offender_id = p_n_Offender_id;
        rec_Image_of_Offender cur_All_Images_of_Offender%ROWTYPE;
        open cur_All_Images_of_Offender;
          fetch cur_All_Images_of_Offender into rec_Image_of_Offender;
          if (v_counter=p_n_image_Count) then
            owa_util.mime_header(nvl(rec_Image_of_Offender.mime_type, 'application/octet'), FALSE);
            htp.p('Content-length: '||rec_Image_of_Offender.image_length);
            wpg_docload.download_file (rec_Image_of_Offender.image);
          end if;
          exit when ((cur_All_Images_of_Offender%NOTFOUND) or (v_counter>=p_n_image_Count));
        end loop;
        close cur_All_Images_of_Offender;
    END Sor_Display_Current_Image; The procedure just open a cursor to fetch the images belong to the same person, and use wpg_docload.download_file function to display the image specified. But it never works. It is strange because even I use exactly same code as before but change procedure name, Oracle APEX cannot display an image. Is this due to anything such as make file configuration in APEX?

  • Open a PDF file in illustrator with multiple pages CS6

    Hi all,
    Maybe someone could tell me if this feature is already available...
    I really need to use this feature... maybe someone has a Idea? i need to translate and edit a PDF file that was original designed by our factory... they had hired a company to make the documentation but the company did go bankrupt so we can't get the original files en need the edit the compressed PDF File...
    I Hope someone could help me...

    16 PDF Files with 4 pages Each..
    don’t know what kind of text it is…
    about image quality… if there is a method to editing of the PDF ..  then I could Replace the Images …
    Van: Monika Gause [email protected]
    Verzonden: woensdag 22 augustus 2012 13:31
    Aan: AcidusW01
    Onderwerp: Open a PDF file in illustrator with multiple pages CS6
    Re: Open a PDF file in illustrator with multiple pages CS6
    created by Monika Gause <>  in Illustrator - View the full discussion <

  • Create View table with multiple table

    I want to create View table with relation with multiple tables.
    for ex
    table 1
    table 2
    table 3
    want to create view table where i can see the sum (mrnqty), sum(issqty),sum(retqty) group by mrnno

    WITH t1 AS
    (SELECT mrnno,
                      SUM(mrnqty) sum1
    FROM table_1
    GROUP BY mrnno),
    t2 AS
    (SELECT mrnno,
                      SUM(issqty) sum2
    FROM table_2
    GROUP BY mrnno),
    (SELECT mrnno,
                      SUM(retqty) sum3
    FROM table_3
    GROUP BY mrnno)
    SELECT mrnno,
    FROM t1,t2,t3
    WHERE t1.mrnno = t2.mrnno
    AND       t1.mrnno = t3.mrnnoCheers
    Don't forget to mark replies helpful or correct ;)

  • [OIM] Automate AD provisioning with multiple custom rules.

    I am working on setting up provisioning automation and I'm very confused about the best way to do it.
    I need to have OIM do the following when creating an Active Directory Account
    If the user is an employee put them in container X
    if they are a contractor put them in container Y
    If they are a warehouse worker, do not give them an account
    If they are in NY, give them an account with group A
    if they are in Denver, give them group B
    and so on
    So I need to have multiple rules checked and for certain fields to get certain things based on which rules are true. Do I need separate groups and Access policies for each rule?
    Is there a way to make one collection of rules with multiple outcomes leading to multiple mappings?
    Edited by: rkimball on Jul 27, 2010 4:19 PM

    Great question but unfortunately there is no straight answer.
    Exactly what you can and should do varies depends on what tradeoffs you are ready to make in your configuration. It is very hard to give a condensed and straight answer that covers all possible configurations and gives you an overview of pros and cons.
    I wrote up a paper on this a while ago that discusses this issue at quite some length. I am posting the excerpt that discusses this specific point below but it really helps if you have the rest of the context in the document.
    Feel free to contact me through linked if you want a copy of the doc.
    Hope this helps
    Role based group memberships
    In some cases you have a requirement that users who fit a certain profile should be given a certain target system role. One common example would be that employees should be added to the employee group and contractors should be added to the contractor group. OIM supports this scenario through the rule, group and access policy system.
    A rule lets you specify that a user that fits a certain profile (i.e. whose userType attribute on the user form is “employee”) should become a member of a certain group. The group membership in turn triggers execution of an access policy. The policy specifies that the user should be given a certain resource object with specific configuration of process form and child form. This in turn can trigger a target system group membership update.
    This works great as long as the specifications for the rules are simple and doesn’t require usage of wildcards. If you have more advanced requirements, i.e. users with department 6200-6500 excluding 6345 should go in this group, you will end up with a lot of rules (299 to be exact). Likewise if you have more advanced requirements around what target system memberships should be given you end up with a lot of access policies. Even if you manage to implement this you can easily end up in a management nightmare with hundreds or even thousands of rules, groups and access policies.
    Another weakness is that access policies can only be used to grant one instance of a specific resource object to a specific user. This is often a crippling limitation.
    One way to escape the limitations of the rules is to use entity adapters attached on insert and update on the user form. This makes it possible to replace large number of explicit rules with a single logical expression. The downside is that the business logic is now defined in code rather than configuration. You could of course write code that loads configuration from a text file, a lookup table or an XML file but that only takes you so far.
    Likewise you can replace the access policies with entity adapters that gives out ROs according to business rules defined in the code. Eliminates some of the limitations but makes the system harder to implement and manage.

  • LYNC 2010 with Multiple Sites and Pools

    We have LYNC 2010 Enterprise Pool in North America with 5 Front End servers, 2 Edge Servers. No Director servers deployed. We want to enable Dial-In Conferencing feature for all users across the Globe (to avoid 3<sup>rd</sup> party conferencing
    cost…) and proposing 2 additional pools ( one in EMEA and another in APAC regions). I am looking for best practices to deploy multiple pools on multiple central sites.
    Do we need to deploy Director Servers? (Microsoft recommend Director, however is this mandatory for multiple pools?)
    How can we handle Simple URLs and DNS entries in multiple Edge pools (edge pool in each frontend pool)?
    Do we need to publish different ISA firewall rules for simple URLs and mobility?
    As we are not planning to replace PBX now, and only looking to provide dial-in Conferencing Bridge with SIP trunking, what is the best practice to provide site resilience in case one central site is down?
    Thanks in advance for your help…

    1. This is a recommendation and it's not mandatory even with multiples pools. The only point if you don't deploy director is that for the first connection, all sig wil go through one pool (the one behind the srv and dns record) and after this pool redirect
    the user to the good one (and also do the authentification) .Also director is made to avoid this type of load on one pool (connection from other pool and from edge authentification), but still not mandatory.
    2.Simple URL point only on one entry (or pool of RP) somewhere in the world (after there are some unofficial workaround) but don't forget that behind that there is the external web service URL (for each pool) and also an edge association to one pool. And
    the user is really using thoses URL and svc (edge associated to the pool as the ext web url)
    For the external web svc & edge association, you can create a local edge pool closer to your internal pool so for those user the media will be closer and don't go trhough the world. (exemple you add one emea pool, the media that come from internet goes
    through the emea edge and emea RP handling Lync external web services). But the simple urls still point to your main edge/RP pool.
    3. Like point before, not mandatory, recommendation if you don't want your media going around the world and coming back. Be carefull the association is still fixed (depending of the user's pool parameter), so if the user travel still using original edge/rp
    4. You can create multiple trunk with lync so have backup in case of one is no more working. After this is hard to say what is the best, this is depending of your infrastructure.

  • Creating Select List with multiple columns

    I want to create a select list with multiple columns. I followed the demo application model described in the by Denes Kubicek (Currently my reference for APEX !!)
    The code is as follows:
    v_cropid VARCHAR2 (400);
    v_fcode VARCHAR2 (400);
    v_product VARCHAR2 (400);
    v_var VARCHAR2 (400);
    v_fname VARCHAR2 (400);
    v_acres VARCHAR2 (400);
    v_style_start VARCHAR2 (400);
    v_style_end VARCHAR2 (400);
    v_return VARCHAR2 (400);
    FOR c IN (select "CROP"."CROPID" as "CROP ID",
         "CROP"."FIELDCODE" as "FIELD CODE",
         "CROP"."SIZEINACRES" as "ACRES"
    from     "FIELD" "FIELD",
         "CROP" "CROP"
    and     "CROP"."FIELDID"="FIELD"."FIELDID")
    v_cropid := TO_CHAR (c.'CROP ID', 'FML999G999G999G999G990');
    v_fcode := c.'FIELD CODE';
    v_product := c.'PRODUCT';
    v_var := c.'VARIETY';
    v_fname :=c.'FIELD NAME';
    v_acres :=c.'ACRES';
    FOR i IN 1 .. 12 - LENGTH (c."CROP ID")
    v_cropid := v_cropid || ' ';
    FOR i IN 1 .. 12 - LENGTH (c.'FIELD CODE')
    v_fcode := v_fcode || ' ';
    FOR i IN 1 .. 12 - LENGTH (c.'PRODUCT')
    v_product := v_product || ' ';
    FOR i IN 1 .. 12 - LENGTH (c.'VARIETY')
    v_var := v_var || ' ';
    FOR i IN 1 .. 12 - LENGTH (c.'FIELD NAME')
    v_fname := v_fname || ' ';
    FOR i IN 1 .. 12 - LENGTH (c.'ACRES')
    v_acres := v_acres || ' ';
    v_return := v_cropid || v_fcode || v_product || v_var || v_fname || v_acres;
    RETURN v_return;
    I created this anonymous Pl/SQL function at a application level ..Then I followed up to create a select list with a function inside. However I could not create select list with the command suggested in the demo which is
    select getcrops(cropid) d, cropid r from crop;
    APEX (2.1) returns a error message. What am I missing ? Should the function be called from somewhere else after creating a regular select list..? Where the functions (Pl/SQL) should be ideally stored for application level access..? and for across application level access ? How can I check the function works good. Help is appreciated.

    Still really one column.
    If they need to be independent then you've got to have three selection lists.

  • Applescript list with multiple selections

    Hello guys, i have h big problem...
    i was trying the multiple selections part by the command list, but if i select 2- and more it does nothing (i'm using if x is y then *linebreake* else if ...)
    so i tried another way script:
    tell application "Finder"
      --get folders of me--
              set a to get name of folders of folder "Contents:Resources:Versionen" of (path to me) --in this folder i got folders named  {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"}--
              set b to choose from list a with prompt "Choose your Minecraft Version!" with multiple selections allowed
      --next step--
      count b
              set c to result
              repeat c times        --with this part i wanted to handle every selected folder as an individual to duplicate it somewere else
                        set ab to b * -1
      duplicate folder ab to folder (choose folder)
              end repeat
    end tell
    thanks for helping me

    The following script (tested under OS X 10.8.2) should do what you are asking for:
    tell application "Finder"
        set theSourceFolder to folder "Contents:Resources:Versionen" of (path to me)
        set theFolderNames to get name of folders of theSourceFolder
        set theChosenNames to choose from list theFolderNames with prompt "Choose your Minecraft Version!" with multiple selections allowed
        if result is false then return
        set theDestinationFolder to choose folder
        repeat with thisName in theChosenNames
            duplicate folder thisName of theSourceFolder to theDestinationFolder with replacing
        end repeat
    end tell
    Message was edited by: Pierre L.

  • ERM Role Export with multiple languages

    Hi All,
    I have an issues where role download program /VIRSA/RE_DNLDROLES exports the roles with all text languages included (if the role was maintained in multiple languages).
    Then when I mass import the roles into ERM (AC 5.3 SP10), the upload program gives an "unknown error." After several hours of testing I figured out that that eliminating all but one of the multiple role language texts in main role file will allow the roles to be uploaded sucessfully.
    It seems that the function module /VIRSA/RE_BAPI_DOWNLOAD_ROLES should be changed to include a language parameter.
    Anybody ever have this problem?
    Thanks, Dylan

    Hi All,
    I found a workaround for this issue, I'm posting it for posterity then will close this post within a couple of days. I would appreciate to know if anyone has run into this issue too, it can't just be me?!
    First, the download of the main role text file from /VIRSA/RE_DNLDROLES stores the file as ANSI text type. At least that is how my Windows PC opens it. IF the role was maintained in mulitple languages with special language characters like ü, ô, ê, é, è, à, ò, ä, ö, then GRC AC 5.3 SP10 ERM gives me an "unknown error" when trying to do the mass import. To fix this issue, simply save the file as text type "UTF-8" or anything but ANSI. The ANSI seems to work fine for plain english.
    Second, roles with multiple language versions get all the languages squished together in the long description. I had one role with a Japanese, English, German, French and Italian long description BUT each maintained in it's own language. During the upload, all were imported into ERM and grouped together in one ugly text.
    I fixed this (although not ideally) by modifying Function Module /VIRSA/RE_BAPI_DOWNLOAD_ROLES used during the download:
    The code change is as follows:
                                                            "#EC CI_GENBUFF
    *{   REPLACE        SIDKxxx
          in r_agr_name.
           in r_agr_name
           and spras eq 'E'.   "download only English
    *}   REPLACE
    Then, the 1000+ roles uploaded successfully without issues.
    I realized after that OSS Note 1260773 covers explains this similarly.

  • FileNotFoundException with multiple keywords

    With multiple keywords 'pi_keyword=account and manager', my program generates: But the url works fine in IE address box. In addition, if only single keyword
    'pi_keyword=account ', my program works no problem. Any solution? Thanks.
    The following is my program:
    URL url = new URL(str);
    URLConnection connection = (URLConnection) url.openConnection();
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
    The fullurl is: and account&pi_location=British Columbia

    I think whitespace isn't allowed in the keyword values, what do you get if you replace space with '+'?
    That is: "pi_keyword=account+and+manager" and "pi_location=British+Columbia"

  • Format with multiple column

    Post Author: vman
    CA Forum: General
    I am working a report that has had the details section format with multiple columns selected.  I want to change the report and remove the check box, but it is grayed out.  How can I get the report details section back to default without the detail size constraints?

    Post Author: rcoleman
    CA Forum: General
    Bearing in mind that I'm a relative newbie to the report writing/Crystal world...the only thing I can think of is that maybe the report was written using an older version of Crystal and this option wasn't available. Another possibility, if it's a sub-report, you might try making a copy of the sub-report saving it with the same name, deleting the old sub-report, replacing it with the copy you made. I know that has worked for me when I've had problems with the re-import when opening is greyed out.

Maybe you are looking for