Regular Expressions find and replace

Hi ,
I have a question on using Regular Expressions in Java(java.util.regex).
Problem Description:
I have a string (say for example strHTML) which contains the whole HTML code of a webpage. I want to be able to search for all the image source tags and check whether they are absolute urls to the image source(for eg. <img src="" >) or relative(for eg. <img src="../images/logo.gif" >).
If they are realtive urls to the image path, then I wish to replace them with their absolute urls throughout the webpage(in this case inside string strHTML).
I have to do it inside a servlet and hence have to use java.
I tried . This is the code. It doesn't match and replace and goes inside an infinite loop i.e probably the pattern matches everything.
//Change all images to actual http addresses FOR example change src="../images/logo.gif" to src=""
          String ddurl="";
String strHTML=" < img src=\"../images/logo.gif\" alt=\"Google logo\">";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile ("(?i)src[\\s]*=[\\s]*[\"\']([./]*.*)[\"\']");
Matcher m = p.matcher (strHTML);
what is wrong in this?

Right, here's the full monte (whatever that means):import java.util.regex.*;
public class Test1
  public static void main(String[] args)
    String domain = "";
    String strHTML =
      " < img src=\"images/logo.gif\" alt=\"Google logo\">\n" +
      " <img alt=\"Google logo\" src=images/logo.gif >\n" +
      " <IMG SRC=\"/images/logo.gif\" alt=\"Google logo\">\n" +
      " <img alt=\"Google logo\" src=../images/logo.gif>\n" +
      " <img src= alt=\"Yahoo logo\">";
    String regex =
      "(<\\s*img.+?src\\s*=\\s*)   # Capture preliminaries in $1.  \n" +
      "(?:                         # First look for URL in quotes. \n" +
      "   ([\"\'])                 #   Capture open quote in $2.   \n" +
      "   (?!http:)                #   If it isn't absolute...     \n" +
      "   /?(.+?)                  #    ...capture URL in $3       \n" +
      "   \\2                      #   Match the closing quote     \n" +
      " |                          # Look for non-quoted URL.      \n" +
      "   (?!http:)                #   If it isn't absolute...     \n" +
      "   /?([^\\s>]+)             #    ...capture URL in $4       \n" +
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.COMMENTS);
    Matcher m = p.matcher(strHTML);
    StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer();
    while (m.find())
      String relURL = != null ? :;
      m.appendReplacement(sbuf, "$1\"" + domain + relURL + "\"");
}First off, observe that I'm using free-spacing (or "COMMENTS") mode to make the regex easier to read--all the whitespace and comments will be ignored by the Pattern compiler. I also used the CASE_INSENSITIVE flag instead of an embedded (?i), just to remove some clutter. By the way, your second (?i) was redundant; the first one would remain in effect until "turned off" with a (?-i). Another way to localize a flag's effect by using it within a non-capturing group, e.g., (?i:img).
As jaylogan said, the best way to filter out absolute URL's is by using a negative lookahead, and that's what I've done here. The problem of optional quotes I addressed by trying to match first with quotes, then without. The all-in-one approach might work with URL's, since they can't (AFAIK) contain whitespace anyway, but the alternation method can be used to match any attribute/value pair. It's also, I feel, easier to understand and maintain. Unfortunately, it also means that you can't use replaceAll(), since you have to determine which alternative matched before doing the replacement, but the long version is still pretty simple (especially when you can just copy it from the javadoc for the appendReplacement() method, as I did).

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    Hey there-  I have a question about regExp and the Find and Replace.  Basically I want to search a wildcard between a href tag, how would that look, because the code below does not work.
    countryLink = "<a href=\"\" target=\"_parent\">";
    countryLink = "([^"]*)";
    Thanks! Any help is appreciated!
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    Yes, I meant the <a> tag, but thank you for displaying the href attribute solution as well.  This solved my issue.  Thanks!  Thought I would display what I did with your code incase someone was interested in using this code to convert a javascript string to XML.
    query this:
    countryLink = "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">";
    add this to the Find box:
    countryLink = "<a href=\\"([-\w:/.?=&;]+)\\" target=\\"_parent\\">";
    add this to the Replace box:
    creates an output of this:

  • Regular Expression Find and Replace with Wildcards

    For the world of me, I can't figure out the right way to do this.
    I basically have a list of last names, first names. I want the last name to have a different css style than the first name.
    So this is what I have now:
    <b>AAGAARD, TODD, S.</b><br>
    <b>AAMOT, KARI,</b> <br>
    <b>AARON, MARJORIE, C. </b> <br>
    and this is what I need to have:
    <span class="LastName">AAGAARD</span>  <span class="FirstName">, TODD, S. </span> <br />
    <span class="LastName">AAMOT</span> <span class="FirstName">, KARI,</span> <br/>
    <span class="LastName">AARON</span> <span class="FirstName">, MARJORIE, C.</span> <br/>
    Any ideas?

    Make a backup first.
    In the Find field use:
    In the Replace field use:
    <span class="LastName">$1</span> <span classs="FirstName">$2</span><br />
    Select Use regular expression. Light the blue touch paper, and click Replace All.

  • Find and Replace Issue Help Requested.

    Hi all. I've been digging around for a couple of days and
    can't seem to figure this one out. For starters, I have already
    looked at the Regular Expression syntax and tried the MS word
    clean-up option, but no luck. We have about 1,500 pages of content.
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    <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =
    "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
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    We are using the Find and Replace funtion in Dreamweaver to
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    or Microsoft or ?XML in them and then replace them with a null
    value. From what I can tell, the Find would have to use a wildcard
    because the advanced find features don't carry what I am looking
    for. Something like Find \<?xml * [<-wildcard] to \> to
    grab the entire tag. The Find tag command doesn't work because the
    tags I need aren't listed. Also, because the content is dynamic, I
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    the forums in about 4 years.

    sadamec1 wrote:
    > Well David, you Findmaster - it worked! (At least it
    found and highlighted the
    > code). Now, I need to dig through what you sent me and
    compare it against my
    > regular expression definitions to find out how to grab
    the rest of these
    > phrases. You're the best. Thank you!
    Glad that it did the trick. Just to help you understand what
    I did,
    there are two main sections, as follows:
    They are separated by a vertical pipe (|), so they simply act
    The first one searches for <?xml followed by anything
    except a closing
    bracket until it reaches the first closing bracket.
    The second one is more complex. It begins with this:
    This simply looks for an opening bracket followed by anything
    other than
    a closing bracket. What makes it more intelligent is the next
    This does a forward search for "class=Mso". It's then
    followed by this
    That finds anything except a closing bracket followed by a
    closing bracket.
    The bit that you need to experiment with is (?=...). It's
    called a "forward lookaround". The effect is that the second
    half of the
    regex finds <....class=Mso....>.
    David Powers
    Adobe Community Expert
    Author, "Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8" (friends of ED)

  • Find and Replace using Wildcards

    I am following the procedure outlined in Trent’s Blog: l
    This is fantastic stuff and will really help me.
    I have a few (but only a few) times had success.
    It says to “Use regular expression.”  What does that mean?  What is an “irregular expression?”  I have tried with the box checked and unchecked.  Usually with the box checked it will not Find my string.  I uncheck the box and it sometimes does.
    Link to
    At the moment all the Cases are identical.  I have not uploaded the .css to the site so the right-most formating is not properly displaying.  It does work when the .css is available.
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    <p class="type_X"><u>Joh. Heinrich Sch&ouml;m (1713-1785) <span  class="right-most">1.</span></u></p>
    and paste it into the Find box of F&R.  I then put my cursor above the line and it does not Find it, giving me the “Done.  Not found in current document.” response.  I uncheck the “Use regular expression” box and it will find it.
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    <p class="type_X">([^<]*)< p>
    <p class="type_X">[^”]*< p>
    and it will find the misc. lines, e.g. where the text is “Case #1”, but not the lines of interest, with Heinrich’s name.  With the box unchecked it Finds nothing.
    Really would appreciate help.  Thanks.

    jds zigzag wrote:
    It says to “Use regular expression.”  What does that mean?
    A regular expression is a pattern for matching text. It uses a combination of literal characters and special symbols or sequences of characters (technically called metacharacters or metasequences) to represent such things as the beginning and end of a line or any alphanumeric character. For example, \d represents any number (single digit), \d* represents zero or more numbers in sequence.
    I have written a tutorial series on using regular expressions in Dreamweaver here:
    I try using a wildcard (with the box checked), Finding: 
    <p class="type_X">([^<]*)< p>
    <p class="type_X">[^”]*< p>
    They're not wildcards, but regular expressions. The first part matches the literal characters <p class="type_X">. The next sections use metacharacters.
    ([^<]*) matches zero or more characters (and as many as possible) that don't include an opening angle bracket (<). The parentheses "capture" the value that's matched so it can be used in a replace sequence.
    [^"]* matches zero or more characters (and as many as possible) that don't include a double quote. There are no parentheses, so the value is not captured for reuse.
    The closing <p> matches those literal characters.
    Regular expressions are not easy, but they're extremely powerful, and a good skill to acquire.

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    Here is my latest regular expression with Perl.   I think it matches the spirit of the request in the original post.
    Note, this isn't as easy as you think.  You need to code up the complete set of html rules in you implementation. You need to allow for a certain amount of mal-formed html.
    perl -0660pe 's^<[sS][pP][aA][nN]\s+class="B01-K-ITAL"\s*>(.*?)</[sS][pP][aA][nN]>^<em>$1</em>^gs' i.html >|o.html
    input text
     <html> <head>...</head> <body>I'd like to be able to change something like this: <span class="B01-K-ITAL">#1 one line</span> I want to replace the open and close tags without changing or interfering with the text between the tags. I'm pretty sure I should use wildcards, but I can't figure out how to use them properly. <p>note, this isn't as easy as you think.  You need to code up the complete set of html rules in you implementation. You need to allow for a certain amount of mal-formed html.</p> <span class="B01-K-ITAL">#2 don't be greedy</span> <span class="B01-K-ITAL">$3 multiline text</span> <span class="B01-K-ITAL">#4 multiline tag. I believe html allow a carriage return in white space of tags</span> <span class="B01-K-ITAL">#5 split after the class tag. optional white space</span> <sPan class="B01-K-ITAL">#6 mixed case tag</Span> <p>no text #7</p><span class="B01-K-ITAL"></span> <!-- Apparently, this is valid --> <!--[if IE]> <div id="IEroot"> <![endif]--> <p id="IE">This browser is IE.</p> <p id="notIE">This browser is not IE.</p><!--[if IE]> </div> <![endif]--></body> </html>
    output text
     <html> <head>...</head> <body>I'd like to be able to change something like this: <em>#1 one line</em> I want to replace the open and close tags without changing or interfering with the text between the tags. I'm pretty sure I should use wildcards, but I can't figure out how to use them properly. <p>note, this isn't as easy as you think.  You need to code up the complete set of html rules in you implementation. You need to allow for a certain amount of mal-formed html.</p> <em>#2 don't be greedy</em> <em>$3 multiline text</em> <em>#4 multiline tag. I believe html allow a carriage return in white space of tags</em> <em>#5 split after the class tag. optional white space</em> <em>#6 mixed case tag</em> <p>no text #7</p><em></em> <!-- Apparently, this is valid --> <!--[if IE]> <div id="IEroot"> <![endif]--> <p id="IE">This browser is IE.</p> <p id="notIE">This browser is not IE.</p><!--[if IE]> </div> <![endif]--></body> </html>

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    In the textedit version on Snow leopard it was possible to search and replace within a peice of selected text only i.e. not the entire file. This was a very useful feature because you could select a paragraph and replace all occurences of word1 with word2 within that paragraph only! This feature appears to be missing from the mountain lion version of textedit (version 1.8). Or can anyone tell me how to do it ... ?

    Having 46 people view a post without replying is not unusual. Some people look at a question to see if it's something they'd like to know the answer to, and then come back  when it has eventually been answered.
    I'm not sure if you need to escape forward slashes in Dreamweaver's Find and Replace dialog box, but I normally do because both JavaScript and PHP normally use forward slashes as delimiters to mark the beginning and end of the regex like this:
    var pattern = /[A-Z]{4}/; // JavaScript
    $pattern = '/[A-Z]{4}/';   // PHP
    When a forward slash appears inside the regex, you need to escape it with a backslash to avoid confusion with the closing delimiter.
    As you have worked out, a capturing group is created by wrapping part of the regex in parentheses.
    If you want to match exactly 38 characters, you can use [\S\s]{38}. That includes spaces, newline characters, symbols, everything.
    If you're trying to find everything between two tags, you can do this:
    The closing tag is captured as $1 and everything up to the next opening tag is captured as $2.
    Learning regular expressions is not easy. I don't claim to be an expert, but I enjoy the challenge of trying to solve them. If you're interested in regular expressions, there are several books published by O'Reilly. "Mastering Regular Expressions" is the ultimate authority, but it's a difficult read (not because it's badly written, but because of the complexity of the subject). "Regular Expressions Cookbook" is very good. There's also a new "Introducing Regular Expressions", but I haven't read it.

  • Enabling tabbing to controls on DW CS 4 Mac in Find and Replace

    I have used Dreamweaver on Windows for many years. I'm now working on the Mac.
    I have configured OS X Leopard for improved keyboard access to UI controls. This allows me to tab to dropdown (or popup) menu and use the keyboard to quickly select menu items. I realize this is a personal preference but personally I'm more productive this way. This setting affects the OS and appears to work in many applications. It doesn't appear to work in Dreamweaver CS4.
    I work on one PHP project that has hundreds of files. I routinely need to use Find and Replace to search in "Selected Files in Site" but often need to only search in "Current Document", so I'm routinely switching between these options. I'm also routinely toggle the "Use regular expression" option. On Windows I could change these settings without having to use the mouse. I could quickly tab (or shift-tab) from the "Find:" and "Replace:" text boxes to the "Find In:" and "Search:"  Dropdown Menus or the various "Options:" checkboxes, but find that one the Mac I have to use the mouse to change the dropdowns and checkboxes.
    Have I missed a Dreamweaver setting or a magic keyboard shortcut that would enable full keyboard access to DW's Find and Replace and other Dialogs?

    "A Better Finder Rename" is great for batch file renaming.
    Renamer4mac may be all you need.
    Best check out VersionTracker. In fact everybody should have this site bookmarked and visited daily.

  • The Regular Expression anchors, "^" and "$" do not work for me in Dreamweaver

    I am using the Find and Replace feature of Dreamweaver 8 and especially the "Use Regular Expressions" setting.  But I have never been able to make the Regular Expression anchors "^" and "$" work at all.  This are supposed to fix a match at the beginning or ending of a line or input.  But if I search even something as elementary as "^ ", or " $", it can't seem to find them.
    Am I missing something?  Can somebody give me an example of this working?
    Any and all tips or clues would be appreciated.

    Welcome to Apple Discussions and Mac Computing
    Definitely an E-bay issue. The coding on the page is not Safari-friendly. Firefox, as you discovered, in this instance is the better choice.

  • How to do this find and replace?

    I have been trying to figure out the regex for this find and replace (I thought it would be easy!), but my frustration is getting the better of me and any help would be greatly appreciated.  I'm trying to do two find and replaces:
    1) In the first, I'd like to find:
    where XXXX are always four letters (uppercase) and I want to store the four letters as a variable ($1) to use in the replace
    I'd like to replace this with a bunch of javascript and in the middle of the script, I'd place the variable referencing these four letters (<script type="text/javascript">var blah = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("http://$"blahblah</script></head>
    2) The second find is similar:
    where once again X are 8 letters in uppercase following the close of the html tag (this has resulted from previous find and replaces and now I'm trying to correct things)
    I simply want to delete these letters in this case (so will leave the replace blank).
    Any help is greatly appreciated!  Thank you

    Having 46 people view a post without replying is not unusual. Some people look at a question to see if it's something they'd like to know the answer to, and then come back  when it has eventually been answered.
    I'm not sure if you need to escape forward slashes in Dreamweaver's Find and Replace dialog box, but I normally do because both JavaScript and PHP normally use forward slashes as delimiters to mark the beginning and end of the regex like this:
    var pattern = /[A-Z]{4}/; // JavaScript
    $pattern = '/[A-Z]{4}/';   // PHP
    When a forward slash appears inside the regex, you need to escape it with a backslash to avoid confusion with the closing delimiter.
    As you have worked out, a capturing group is created by wrapping part of the regex in parentheses.
    If you want to match exactly 38 characters, you can use [\S\s]{38}. That includes spaces, newline characters, symbols, everything.
    If you're trying to find everything between two tags, you can do this:
    The closing tag is captured as $1 and everything up to the next opening tag is captured as $2.
    Learning regular expressions is not easy. I don't claim to be an expert, but I enjoy the challenge of trying to solve them. If you're interested in regular expressions, there are several books published by O'Reilly. "Mastering Regular Expressions" is the ultimate authority, but it's a difficult read (not because it's badly written, but because of the complexity of the subject). "Regular Expressions Cookbook" is very good. There's also a new "Introducing Regular Expressions", but I haven't read it.

  • Find and replace using wildcard

    I've inserted table content using Insert/Table Objects/Insert Tabular Data in DWCS3 and want to remove unwanted code from the table insert.
    <td width=156 valign=top style='width:117.0pt;border-top:none;border-left:
      none;border-bottom:solid windowtext 1.0pt;border-right:solid windowtext 1.0pt;
      mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;
      mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;background:#FF8A50;padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt'><p class=MsoNormal><span style='mso-bookmark:CurrentPosition'><span
    The text between "width" and "Arial'" varies but these two start and end words are the same in each instance to be replaced - how can I find and replace using a regular expression wildcard?  Have researched on web but not come across answer yet.  I thought it might be simple and hopefully it is and I'm just having a shocker. Is it something like Find:  "<td [^"]*> and Replace with: "<td>"?  Am I close?
    I'd appreciate anyone's help and thankyou in advance for your time.

    You might be able to sort this out with Commands > Clean Up Word HTML.
    However, the following regular expression should also do what you're looking for (make a backup first). Put this in the Find field:
    Put this in the Replace field:
    Select "Use regular expression".

  • How to find and replace any string between " "

    Hi everyone,
    Here my sample
    String szTest;
    szTest = "Yellow banana";
    szTest = "Blue monkey";
    szTest = "Red mango";
    szTest is only needed when it's in testing progress. Now I want to put all of that in the /*comment*/ so the released program won't run those code any more (but still keep szTest so I can use it for future develop testing).
    So Here what I want after using the Find and Replace Box:
    //String szTest; //Manual
    /*szTest = "Yellow banana";*/ //use find and replace
    /*szTest = "Blue monkey";*/ //use find and replace
    /*szTest = "Red mango";*/ //use find and replace
    I think I can do this with Regular expressions or Wildcards. But I don't know how to find and replace any string between " and ".
    Find: szTest = " ??Any string?? ";
    Replace with: /*szTest = " ??Any string?? ";*/
    Thanks for reading.

    Hi Nathan.j.Smith,
    Based on your issue, I suggest you can try the Joel's suggestion check your issue again. In addition, I find a MSDN document about how to use the Regex.Replace Method to match a regular expression pattern with a specified replacement string,
    maybe you will get some useful message.
    If the above suggestion still could not provide you, could you please tell me what language you use to create the program for finding and replace any string using regular expression so that we will find the correct programming develop forum to support this
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Help with find and replace regex

    I have a page listing about 50 services that have named
    anchors to a
    glossary page. Something like this:
    <a href="/glossary.html#Blogging">Blogging</a>
    And what I need is to have the glossary open in a new window.
    So how
    do I write a regex that will give me:
    <a href="/glossary.html#Blogging"
    Thanks for any help

    Thanks Brendon.
    It's Regular Expression; an optioin in the find and replace
    I've got to replace 50 of these anchors, each different.
    <a href="/glossary.html#Blogging">Blogging</a>
    <a href="/glossary.html#yadayada">yadayada</a>
    to make them each open in a new window.
    <a href="/glossary.html#Blogging"
    On Thu, 18 Oct 2007 14:40:46 +1300, "Brendon"
    <[email protected]>
    >Whats a regex?
    >Why not just do a Find and Replace? Specify the current
    local site, and
    >voila. Make sure you spell target correctly though ;-)
    ><> wrote in message
    >news:[email protected]..
    >> Hello.
    >> I have a page listing about 50 services that have
    named anchors to a
    >> glossary page. Something like this:
    >> <a
    >> And what I need is to have the glossary open in a
    new window. So how
    >> do I write a regex that will give me:
    >> <a href="/glossary.html#Blogging"
    >> Thanks for any help
    >> Lance

  • Find and replace advanced help

    Firstly thank you for reading.  I come here as a last resort to see if there's a solution to a problem I have.
    Basically I need to rename several thousand images in a blog backup that is being transfered to a new host.  The format of the images are as follow
    <img alt="Revlon-pedi-egg" border="0"  src="images/6a00d8341c873353ef011572419566970b-800wi.jpg"  />
    where each of the several thousand images has a unique alt tag and a unique image name
    What I want dreamweaver to find the alt tag then replace the image name, so that the above image would become
    <img alt="Revlon-pedi-egg" border="0"  src="images/Revlon-pedi-egg..jpg" />
    I have used replace expressions before as well as (.*) etc but I just can't seem to get this one to work.
    Is this possible and if so would someone be kind enough to give me some pointers?

    Test this in several pages first.
    In Dreamweaver Find and Replace, select the following options:
    Find in: Current Document
    Search: Source Code
    <img alt="([^"]+)(".*?)src="images\/[^.]+
    <img alt="$1$2src="images/$1
    Select Use regular expression.
    Once you are confident that it's making the correct changes, you can then do it for an entire folder or the whole of the current site.
    This assumes that all your image tags use double quotes around attribute values as shown in your original post.

  • Find and Replace multiple line PHP comment

    Greeting everyone!
    Hopefully this question is asked in the right place.
    I have about 300 php files that have multiple line PHP
    comment that start with /* and end with this */. I want to remove
    all the comments since I am trying to reduce the file size as much
    as possible. The comments are no longer needed and I have tried
    many different configureation in the dreamweaver find and replace,
    but for the life of me I cannot seem to get it to work. I even
    tried useing regular expressions, but the astrick * is a wild card
    the the code tags contain an astrick.
    Is it possible to do this in dreamweaver, or will I need to
    hand edit every page?
    Thank for help

    I am not sure of the exact syntax but open the find replace
    function on a page and play with find syntax search feature from
    the drop down menu . If I am not mistaken you should be able to to
    search from the beginning of a comment tag to the end of one and
    grab whats in between. From the help file
    Use the Find And Replace dialog box to search for text or
    tags in a document, and to replace the found material with other
    text or tags.
    Select Edit > Find And Replace.
    In the Search pop‑up menu, select Specific Tag.
    Select a specific tag or [any tag] from the pop‑up menu
    next to the Search pop‑up menu, or type a tag name in the
    text box.
    (Optional.) Limit the search with one of the following tag
    With Attribute Specifies an attribute that must be in the tag
    for it to match. You can specify a particular value for the
    attribute or select [any value].
    Without Attribute Selects an attribute that must not be in
    the tag for it to match. For example, select this option to search
    for all img tags with no alt attribute.
    Containing Specifies text or a tag that must be contained
    within the original tag for it to match. For example, in the code
    <b><font size="4">heading 1</font></b>, the
    font tag is contained within the b tag.
    Not Containing Specifies text or a tag that must not be
    contained within the original tag for it to match.
    Inside Tag Specifies a tag that the target tag must be
    contained in for it to match.
    Not Inside Tag Specifies a tag that the target tag must not
    be contained in for it to match.
    (Optional.) To limit the search further, click the Plus (+)
    button and repeat step 3.
    If you didn’t apply any tag modifiers in steps 3 and 4,
    then click the Minus (-) button to remove the tag modifiers
    pop‑up menu.
    If you want to perform an action when the tag is found (such
    as removing or replacing the tag), select the action from the
    Action pop‑up menu and, if applicable, specify any additional
    information necessary to perform the action.

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