Regular expressions with java.util.regex

Hello Guys,
I wrote last time this
* Uses split to break up a string of input separated by
* commas and/or whitespace.
* See:
* Change: I have slightly modified the source
import java.util.regex.*;
public class Splitter {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Create a pattern to match breaks
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[<>\\s]+");
// Split input with the pattern
String[] result =
p.split("<element attributname1 = \"attributwert1\" attributname2 = \"attributwert2\">");
for (int i=0; i<result.length; i++)
if (result.equals(""))
int res = result.length - 1;
System.out.println("\nStringlaenge: " + res);
I wonder, why I got an empty element in reult[0]. Have anyone an idea?
We'll come together next time
... �nhan Inay ([email protected])

What is wrong with this Pattern?
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^<[a-zA-Z0-9_\\"=]+[\\s]*$>");
This time i used following Split:
p.split("<element attributname1=\"attributwert1\" attributname2=\"attributwert2\">");
I've got a compilation error:
U:\qms_neu\htdocs\inay\Source\myWork\Regex-Samples>javac illegal start of expression
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^<[a-zA-Z0-9_\\"=]+[\\s]*$>");
^ illegal character: \92
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^<[a-zA-Z0-9_\\"=]+[\\s]*$>");
^ illegal character: \92
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^<[a-zA-Z0-9_\\"=]+[\\s]*$>");
^ unclosed string literal
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^<[a-zA-Z0-9_\\"=]+[\\s]*$>");
^ ')' expected
p.split("<element attributname1=\"attributwert1\" attributname2
^ unexpected type
required: variable
found : value
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^<[a-zA-Z0-9_\\"=]+[\\s]*$>");
^ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : variable result
location: class Splitter
for (int i=0; i<result.length; i++)
^ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : variable result
location: class Splitter
if (result.equals("")){
^ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : variable result
location: class Splitter
^ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : variable result
location: class Splitter
^ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : variable result
location: class Splitter
int res = result.length - 1;
11 errors

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    You're talking about a two-stage operation: find everything between those two words, then filter out anything that's less than five letters long. There's no single regex that will accomplish all that in one step.
    By the way, please use &#x7B;code} tags when you post source code.

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    There is another regex pack for java available from Apache Foundation Project. You can try it.
    Take a look at

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    Your replacement is swallowing the space before the uppercase character, and won't match at the beginning of the line.
    Also, it's unnecesarily verbose. String has a replaceAll method (that calls the same methods of Pattern and Matcher under the covers)sentence = s.replaceAll("(^| )([A-Z])", "$1#$2");Disclaimer: I'm no prome, sabre or u/a :-) That can probably be simplified.

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    Java supports RegularEpressions:

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    Thanks & Regards,
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  • "Stupid design of regular expression in java"

    I bet majority will stumble on this:
    String inputStr = "a,,b";
    String patternStr = ",";
    String[] fields = inputStr.split(patternStr);
    result: ["a", "", "c"]
    so if inputStr = ,,
    then result: ["","",""] ??
    If you think so, give yourself a treat.
    Now give yourself a bigger treat. cause
    the result is [""]
    Unbelievable about inconsistency of regular expression.
    It look so irregular.

    Take a look at the site which quote
    Perl is probably the most popular language to offer regular expression support. As such, it makes sense to put Java&#8217;s regex support in context by comparing it to that of Perl. The distinctions you should be aware of are highlighted in the sections that follow. Generally speaking, J2SE doesn&#8217;t include some Perl constructs, because Java is a full-featured programming language that offers sophisticated condition and logical paths of execution that are reasonable alternatives to the constructs offered by Perl."
    Since, Java doesn't offer means it is perl, why not fix the "weirdness" of perl is in this case ? let the split function work as intended.
    Check this out from Java almanac
    // Parse a comma-separated string
    String inputStr = "a,,b";
    String patternStr = ",";
    String[] fields = inputStr.split(patternStr);
    // ["a", "", "b"]
    // Parse a line whose separator is a comma followed by a space
    inputStr = "a, b, c,d";
    patternStr = ", ";
    fields = inputStr.split(patternStr, -1);
    // ["a", "b", "c,d"]
    // Parse a line with and's and or's
    inputStr = "a, b, and c";
    patternStr = "[, ]+(and|or)*[, ]*";
    fields = inputStr.split(patternStr, -1);
    // ["a", "b", "c"]
    Everything is mentions except to solve the common issue I have.
    The above will failed if any empty data within pipe. It is how you manage to detect the empty data that is relatively important because it screw up your program. And too code to do that increase your chance of program error.
    Sometimes we just accept thing but never question why there aren't better way.

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    How can I use it?
    bevin ye

    The 1.3 core API doesn't support regular expressions. Hint: There's an item "Since:" in the JavaDoc of most classes that indicates the version it was initially available. If you look it up in the JavaDoc of java.util.regex.Pattern you'll notice that it's value is 1.4.
    But there are several third party libraries that implement regular expressions, 'though I've not used them extensivly, so I can't tell you which one's the most usefull.

  • Perl Regular expression to java Regular Expression

    HI all,
    How can i write java Regular expression for the below Perl Code
    where data.html is my original Html file
    and data2.html is output file.
    open(FPR, "data.html") || die("Could not open data file");
    while ($line=<FPR>) {
    $content .= $line;
    open(FPR, ">data2.html") || die("Could not open data2 file");
    # clean white spaces
    $content =~ s/[\n\r\0 ]//g;
    # divide data by td
    while ($content=~ m/$rxp/g)
    print FPR "\n".$1."\t".$2."\t".$3."\t".$4."\t".$5."\t".$6."\t".$7."\t".$8."\t";
    print FPR "<br>";
    can you help in this regard

    I am able to retrive only one row in this format from data.html file
    But i need the output in this format
    <fontface='Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif'size='2'>SB     <fontface='Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif'size='2'>USAirways     <fontface='Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif'size='2'>MIA     <fontface='Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif'size='2'>LGW     <fontface='Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif'size='2'>USAirways     <fontface='Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif'size='2'>LGW     <fontface='Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif'size='2'>MIA          <br>
    <fontface='Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif'size='2'>CS     <fontface='Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif'size='2'>USAirways     <fontface='Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif'size='2'>MIA     <fontface='Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif'size='2'>LON     <fontface='Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif'size='2'>USAirways     <fontface='Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif'size='2'>LON     <fontface='Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif'size='2'>MIA          <br>
    How can i rewrite the code to achive this.
    Here is my java code
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.regex.*;
    public class parseHTML {
    public static void main(String[] args)
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("C:\\data.html"));
    PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("C:\\data1.html"));
    String aLine = null;
    String abc=null;
    String pattern1 ="<tr.+?><td.+?>(.+?)</.+?td><td.+?>(.+?)</.+?td><td.+?>(.+?)</.+?td><td.+?>(.+?)</.+?td><td.+?>(.+?)</.+?td><td.+?>(.+?)</.+?td><td.+?>(.+?)</.+?td><td.+?>(.+?)</.+?td><td.+?>(.+?)</.+?td><td.+?>(.+?)</.+?td><td.+?>(.+?)</.+?td>++";
    Pattern p1 = Pattern.compile(pattern1);
    while((aLine = in.readLine()) != null)
    abc=aLine.replaceAll("(\n|\t|\r)","").replaceAll(" ","");
    Matcher m1 = p1.matcher(abc);
    System.out.println("the value is....";
    catch(IOException exception)

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    Does anyone of you know a good source or a tutorial for using regular expressions in java.
    I just want to look at some examples....

    thanks a lot... i have one more query
    Boundary matchers
    ^      The beginning of a line
    $      The end of a line
    \b      A word boundary
    \B      A non-word boundary
    \A      The beginning of the input
    \G      The end of the previous match
    \Z      The end of the input but for the final terminator, if any
    \z      The end of the input
    if i want to use the $ for comparing with string(text) then how can i use it.
    Eg if it is $120 i got a hit
    but if its other than that if should not hit.

  • WHERE to find [b]java.util.regex.*[\b] package?

    Does anyone know where to obtain a copy of the java.util.regex.* package (separate package)? This is a new package included in version 1.4.0.

    Does anyone know where to obtain a copy of the
    java.util.regex.* package (separate package)?
    This is a new package included in version 1.4.0.Simple:
    Go to your java sdk directory
    $ jar xvf src.jar
    $ cd java/util/regex
    $ javac
    $ javac
    $ javac
    $ javac
    $ cd ../../..
    $ jar cvf regex.jar java/util/regex/*.class
    et voila; how difficult can that be ? There is no native, JVM depending stuff in there, although I did not check for dependencies on other new stuff inside the jdk.
    I'm also unaware if this isn't illegal under the agreement with Sun.

Maybe you are looking for

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