Reinstalling OS: How often?

I've had my iMac for about six months now.
I've been having some kernel panics for a few months. Mostly when the computer comes out of sleep mode. Nothing serious. Just annoying. And only every few weeks.
Apple had be clean some cache files and empty some folders on a few calls.
That hasn't helped any.
I was then told to reinstall 10.8.3 on top of itself.
I did so and now my computer seems to run FASTER than it ever has.
It reminds me of when I used to reinstall Windows on top of itself.
So. Is this EVER a bad thing to do? And if it speeds things up how often should one consider reinstalling?
Would love some expert advice. I'm new to Mac.

As Ralph Landry said there is no guidelines to reinstalling. Ideally you should not have to ever reinstall the OS but this is not a perfect world and things do happen. I work at a school where we have thousands of Macs, we reinstall the OS on the majority of them every summer. We this for many reasons, one is to clear out any users that will not need the machine any more (Not really your case), and two to make sure that the computer has a clean slate to start the new year. I personally only reinstall the OS when I notice certain things like kernel panics or if I keep getting the beach ball of death. It is best to try to figure out why the computer is going slow to help prevent it from happening again but sometimes that is just not possible.

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