Relation entre les versions de LabVIEW

Je souhaiterai savoir si votre dernière version de LabVIEW (LabVIEW 2009 je crois) peut lire des VI de la version 7.1?
Si non, jusqu'à quelle version de LabVIEW les VIs d'une version 7.1 peuvent être lus?
Merci d'avance

Pour la 1ère question la réponse est Oui.
Pou la 2ème question: avec LV 7.1 tu peux lire que les Vis compilés avec la version 7.1 et antérieur, si version très ancienne il se peut que tu rencontre des problème de compatibilité

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  • Problème d'affichage des couleurs PANTONE solid Uncoated Différence entre les versions CS et CC ?

    Bonjour à tous,
    Je suis graphiste et travaille beaucoup en flexographie donc, sur illustrator et souvent avec des Pantones en U (PANTONE solid uncoated ou opaque non couché).
    Sur mon ancienne version CS, lorsque j'avais mes couleurs Pantone U à l'écran, celles-ci apparaissaient comme les teintes en C (PANTONE solid Coated, généralement utilisées en Offset), ors, depuis la version CC, les teintes en U apparaissent "fade" voir complètement différentes.
    L'affichage se fait mal et j'ai remarqué une chose : lorsque j'ai ma référence couleur sélectionnée (je prends comme exemple le Pantone 1797 U qui est un rouge vif) dans la fenêtre "couleur" (d'illustrator), sur les anciennes versions CS, à côté du carré de couleur il y avait le petit icône carré "CMJN" (qui est un carré divisé en 4 coul primaires) sauf que sur illustrator CC, il n'y a plus le petit icône "CMJN" mais l'icône "LAB" et effectivement, par défaut, la fenêtre couleur ne me propose plus l'équivalent CMJN mais LAB.
    Ceci à une incidence sur la couleur car hier, j'ai reçu un document sur lequel la référence Pantone apparaissait correctement avec l'icône CMJN dans ma fenêtre "couleur". En ouvrant mon nuancier, je me suis aperçu que seule cette nuance importée avait cette équivalence CMJN. Toutes les autres nuances en ton direct de mon nuancier étaient en équivalence LAB (je ne sais pas à partir de quel version le document reçu a été fait). Le plus surprenant, lorsque j'ouvre un nouveau document et que j'importe le graphisme reçu en P.1797 U (avec la bonne teinte d'affichage), ce graphisme se remet en couleur d'affichage "fade" et erronée.
    Avant avec la version CS : Pantone 1797 (en C ou en U) la conversion CMJN était : C0 M100 J100 N4 (ce qui est exact par rapport à un VRAI nuancier Pantone Color Bridge qui donne bien les bon % de CMJN
    Maintenant avec la version CC : Pantone 1797 U =  C13,52 - M80,34 - J59,29 - N1,31 (donc plus RIEN à voir avec la teinte d'origine) et en Pantone C idem : Pantone 1797 C =  C11,65 - M91,01 - J76,32 - N2,06 (là aussi, cette conversion est fausse).
    pour illustrer mes propos, j'ai fait des copies d'écran à partir du document reçu (avec Pantone 1797 U nickel) et (avec Pantone 1797 U actuel sur ma version CC) :
    ma fenêtre "couleur" à partir du document reçu (avec Pantone 1797 U nickel) :
    ma fenêtre "couleur" à partir d'un document créé sur mon ordi avec ma version CC avec le même ton direct prit sur mon nuancier PANTONE solid uncoated :
    On peut s'apercevoir que l'icône en couleur (en dessous de 100%) est sur le 1er en CMJN par défaut et sur la deuxième image en LAB (le carré avec un rond grisé indique que c'est un ton direct).
    Comment avoir PAR DÉFAUT l'équivalence en CMJN (comme sur la 1ere image) et non en LAB (voir 2ème image) ? Est-ce lié à la version CS ou CC ?
    Comment résoudre ce pb d'affichage ?
    Autres copies d'écran (avec un double clic sur ma couleur P.1797 U afin d'avoir les options), toujours à partir du document reçu et d'un document créé sur mon poste de travail :
    - Sur le document reçu, la couleur s'affiche correctement et les indications sont : une conversion CMJN par défaut dans la fenêtre d'option de couleur :
    VERSION OK avec couleur vive qui ressemble à la vraie teinte sur un nuancier Pantone papier.
    - Sur mon document (créé sur mon poste de travail), la couleur s'affiche mal et les indications sont : une conversion LAB par défaut dans la fenêtre d'option de couleur :
    et même si je passe en CMJN (dans le menu déroulant de l'option de nuance), le résultat est bien différent du document reçu. les pourcentages CMJN n'ont rien à voir avec la réalité ni avec les anciennes couleurs Pantone U :
    Ce problème est le même dans Photoshop et dans InDesign : Dans les attributs de couleur (toujours en prenant le Pantone 1797 U), dans les palettes couleurs ou option de ton direct, etc, l'équivalence est en LAB par défaut... alors qu'elle était en CMJN sur les anciennes versions.
    COMMENT RETROUVER CETTE ÉQUIVALENCE CMJN PAR DÉFAUT (dans la fenêtre couleur) à côté de la couleur Pantone choisie ???
    Je ne parle pas du petit menu déroulant qui propose une conversion de la couleur Pantone en CMJN, RVB ou LAB.    Je parle vraiment du mode de conversion par défaut en LAB (type info qui s'affiche sur la fenêtre "couleur" lorsqu'une couleur est sélectionnée)... POURQUOI CES INFOS SONT EN LAB PAR DÉFAUT ? J'aimerai avoir l'équivalent en CMJN comme sur les anciennes versions CS.
    Attention, je ne parle pas non plus de la fenêtre "options de tons directs" ou il y a normalement possibilité de "choisir les définitions de couleur pour les tons directs du fabricant".... j'ai cliqué sur "utiliser les valeurs CMJN des catalogues quadri du fabricant"... D'ailleurs, même en cliquant sur l'autre option (en LAB), cela ne change rien à mon soucis d'affichage et au fait que le logiciel propose par défaut une équivalence en LAB dans la fenêtre "couleur".
    Y-a-t-il un réglage à faire ou est-ce que la version CC est par défaut avec des infos "d'équivalence LAB" sur les couleurs ???
    Je désespère un peu... beaucoup, svp help ! Cela me pose des soucis avec les BAT envoyés aux clients qui ne retrouve pas leur couleurs... J'ai beau expliquer que la teinte Pantone choisie s'imprimera correctement, ils ont du mal à comprendre et cela devient difficile lorsque je dois convertir des illustrations CMJN en Pantone U, je dois vraiment me base sur le nuancier papier, je ne peux plus me fier aux couleurs d'écran... embêtant quand même. Heureusement j'ai un nuancier Pantone color Bridge qui me donne les équivalence mais...
    Merci d'avance si vous avez la réponse.
    Olivier T - Côté Graphic

    In CS 6 may be, but not in my CC... Even if I click on CYMK, the color
    does not change and the equivalent is made in LAB by default (to see
    small icon LAB on the "color" window next to the 1797U which stays by
    default on LAB even if CMYK is marked) in " options of nuance ", the LAB
    is by default.
    Then, in " options of nuance ", if I make CMYK, here is the result
    openly (frankly) nobody, no ?
    I already had to try your system but it seems that CC does not want to
    give me of good colors Pantone U in the screen.
    Then, I know in the printing that my color will be printed well, no
    worries but this display of screen is too bad it's a pity!
    It is not a progress but that is the way it is it is CC !
    Bye & thank's a lot for all
    Le 24/02/2015 16:19, Ton Frederiks a écrit :
          Problème d'affichage des couleurs PANTONE solid Uncoated >
          Différence entre les versions CS et CC ?
    created by Ton Frederiks
    <> in /Illustrator/ -
    View the full discussion

  • Usb-6211 utilisable avec quelle version de Labview

    J'envisage d'acheter une carte USB-6211, mais je lis que l'on ne peut l'utiliser qu'à partir de LV 7.1.
    Or ma version favorite est LV 7.0, pourquoi ne pourrait-on pas l'utiliser avec LV 7.0 ?
    Résolu !
    Accéder à la solution.

    Parceque la version de LabVIEW est liée à la version des drivers (DAQmx) pour piloter votre matériel.
    La dernière version compatible de DAQmx avec LabVIEW 7.0 est la version 8.1 comme montré sur cette page :
    Compatibilité entre les versions de LabVIEW et du driver NI-DAQ (Windows)
    Et dans la version 8.1 de DAQmx, le périphérique USB-6211 n'est pas encore supporté (et ne devait pas exister à la sortie de ce driver).
    Da Helmut

  • Relation entre deux "display"

    je suis en train de créer un programme sous labview qui effectue un traitement de l'image.
    je voudrais pouvoir suivre chaque étape du traitement en mettant une image.
    Cependant, lorsque je met deux display, les résultat sont identiques, les images sont identiques...
    Y a t il une relation entre les display??
    Merci d'avance pour les réponses qu'il y aura...
    Message Edité par barnabee le 01-09-2008 03:23 AM

    Bonjour Amaury,
    Si tu veux poster sur ce forum, il va falloir reposter ton problème en anglais. Sinon tu peux poster en français sur le forum français:
    Quelque soit la méthode que tu vas choisir, pourrais-tu joindre ton VI afin que l'on puisse t'aider.
    NI France

  • Bonjour, j'utilise photoshop depuis 14 ans. Dans les versions précédentes à CC, il y avait une application simple d'emploi, créer galerie web. c'était simple d'utilisation. J'ai essayé par Bridge, mais impossible de trouver la sortie nécessaire. Que faire

    il n'y a plus de fonction "créer dossier web" sur le CC. Par Bridge, impossible aussi, la sortie nécessaire ne s'affiche pas.

    In CS 6 may be, but not in my CC... Even if I click on CYMK, the color
    does not change and the equivalent is made in LAB by default (to see
    small icon LAB on the "color" window next to the 1797U which stays by
    default on LAB even if CMYK is marked) in " options of nuance ", the LAB
    is by default.
    Then, in " options of nuance ", if I make CMYK, here is the result
    openly (frankly) nobody, no ?
    I already had to try your system but it seems that CC does not want to
    give me of good colors Pantone U in the screen.
    Then, I know in the printing that my color will be printed well, no
    worries but this display of screen is too bad it's a pity!
    It is not a progress but that is the way it is it is CC !
    Bye & thank's a lot for all
    Le 24/02/2015 16:19, Ton Frederiks a écrit :
          Problème d'affichage des couleurs PANTONE solid Uncoated >
          Différence entre les versions CS et CC ?
    created by Ton Frederiks
    <> in /Illustrator/ -
    View the full discussion

  • How to install Spectral Measurements and Modulation Toolkits for multiple versions of Labview

    I installed NI-RFSG, NI-RFSA, the Spectral Measurements Toolkit, and the Modulation Toolkit.  I have both LabVIEW 7.1 and 8.0 installed on my system.  I developed an application in LV 8.0 and now I need to revert it to LV 7.1.  The problem I am having is that add-on toolkits seem to only have been installed for LV 8.0 because there are several missing VIs and controls when I try to open the LV 7.1 version.  I tried re-installing the toolkits, but this is not fixing the problem.  How can I get the installer to install the toolkits for both versions of LabVIEW?
    Thanks for your help,
    Go to Solution.

    Hello Cherie,
    it's a know issue. You can read it in the modulation toolkit readme :
    Two Versions of LabVIEW Installed
    The installer supports installation of the Modulation Toolkit into a single
    version of LabVIEW; installation of the Toolkit into multiple separate
    installations of LabVIEW (for instance LabVIEW 7.0 and LabVIEW 7.1 installed
    on the same PC and in separate directories) is not supported or recommended.
    An unsupported means of doing so though involves manually copying files from
    one LabVIEW installation to another. To do so, you can install the
    Modulation Toolkit to the home directory of one LabVIEW installation, and
    then manually copy the installed files to the other LabVIEW installation.
    The following list includes pertinent directories and files. Copy all files
    from these directories, including any subdirectories, using the equivalent
    relative paths to the LabVIEW home directory for the target.
    <LabVIEW Home>\vi.lib\AddOns\Modulation\*.*
    <LabVIEW Home>\vi.lib\AddOns\NISML\*.*
    <LabVIEW Home>\examples\Modulation\*.*
    <LabVIEW Home>\resource\objmgr\NIMTAttribs.rc
    <LabVIEW Home>\resource\objmgr\NIMTAttribs.rch
    <LabVIEW Home>\help\lvmod.txt
    <LabVIEW Home>\help\lvmod.chm
    <LabVIEW Home>\help\lvdmt.txt
    <LabVIEW Home>\help\lvdmt.chm
    Note that this listing does not include all installed files. Also, copying
    files in this manner is not equivalent to a full installation into the
    alternative version of LabVIEW. Most notably error text unique to the
    Modulation Toolkit will not be updated and the Example Finder listings will
    not show the Modulation Toolkit examples.
    "CherieC" <[email protected]> a écrit dans le message de news:
    [email protected]...
    >I installed NI-RFSG, NI-RFSA, the Spectral Measurements Toolkit, and the
    >Modulation Toolkit.&nbsp; I have both LabVIEW 7.1 and 8.0 installed on my
    >system.&nbsp; I developed an application in LV 8.0 and now I need to revert
    >it to LV 7.1.&nbsp; The problem I am having is that add-on toolkits seem to
    >only have been installed for LV 8.0 because there are several missing VIs
    >and controls when I try to open the LV 7.1 version.&nbsp; I tried
    >re-installing the toolkits, but this is not fixing the problem.&nbsp; How
    >can I get the installer to install the toolkits for both versions of
    > &nbsp;
    > Thanks for your help,
    > Cherie

  • Please help suggestions for solving built-only compiler error: 'The VI is not executable. The full development version of LabView is required tofix this error.'

    We have develoepd a software tool and build it on regular basis. It currently runs error free when compiled in the editor, but when we built it and run the executable stand alone we get the error.
    'The VI is not executable. The full development version of LabView is required tofix this error.' plus a broeken error.
    This menas an compiler error that is not present in the editor but in the stand alone version. We tried to identify errors as suggested in several posts in this forum, but so far unsuccesfull.
    As the editor and its compiler do not see the error  and are running fine and the stand alone version just syas 'find the error in the editor' in this case LabView is of no help.
    Can anyone suggest a sensible or 'good practice ' way of searching for the source of this error?
    Our project  comprises hundreds of Vis over several libraries.

    Thanks Craig for all your suggestions.
    We seem to have located the problem in a new vi just added to the package causing conflicts by using the same vi names as other vis already present in the package. Excluding this vi removed the error.
    It seems related to a conflict by having two vis with the same name, which was mentioned by LabView and interactively resolved when running the main vi from the editor. When successfully building the main vi the builder did not mention this conflict and reported a successful build, but when trying to run the executable it gave the cryptic error. The error caused us problems because there was no hint for the cause, just the suggestion to solve this in the editor, while at the same time in the editor the VI was running fine.
    We will post about this in detail after we have positively proven that this actually was the case.
    The .net version issue was already checked.
    Performance was the same on all machines we tested on including the dev machine.
    Debugging was tried nut did not help as the vi could not run (broken arrow). We assumed that debugging only helps in running faulty functioning vi''s. We did not check for broken arrows in sub-vis (after connecting), that could have helped, although our application has hundreds of our own vis.
    In relation to your remark: 
    'Are you using many classes? Have you verified that the proper access scopes are set for functions calling those vis?'
    Could you elaborate on setting access scopes. We were not aware of this option in LabView, although we realize this is a basic element of the underlying c code.

  • Inf in "Relative Time" formatted constant crashes LabVIEW

    Stumbled on interesting crash behavior in LV2012: I have a DBL constant on the BD of a VI that is used to represent a timeout constant, so I set the Display Format to "Relative Time". Originally, it was set to 90:00 (ninety minutes), but for testing purposes, I tried changing it to "Inf" (no timeout). It immediately crashed LV.
    Tried again in a new VI. Just add a DBL constant, set the format to relative time, then try to set the value to Inf. It crashes consistently.
    I can probably work around it, but it's worth noting (and opening a CAR?). Can anyone confirm this behavior?

    CAR 375872 discussed in this thread has been fixed in LabVIEW 2013. For a more complete list of bugs fixed in LabVIEW 2013, check the LabVIEW 2013 Bug Fixes. You can download an evaluation copy of LabVIEW 2013 at or if you have an earlier version of LabVIEW installed and an active SSP subscription, you will be able to download the latest version of LabVIEW through NI Update Service.
    Jeff Peacock
    Product Support Engineer | LabVIEW R&D | National Instruments

  • Could there be independent VI paths for different versions of LabVIEW?

    When jumping between different versions of LabVIEW (6.1, 7.1, 8.5) it is annoying that the current path for one becomes the current path for the other. 
    If I am working with LV 7.1 in a folder dedicated to 7.1 VI's, and then open LV 8.5, I don't want 8.5 to go to that 7.1 folder by default.  Alternately. if I was working in LV 8.5, closed it out, and then I click on a 7.1 VI, I don't want it to open in LV 8.5. 
    I've tried changing the path options in each version of LabVIEW, but that doesn't seem to help.  Is there any way of isolating these folder paths from one another?  One of our newer LV guys accidently opened some 7.1 code in 8.5.1 and then saved it.  Luckily, I had archived code to return to, but it could have been a disaster.
    Thanks for any ideas,

    You're actually asking two different questions.
    The first question has to do with which version of LabVIEW gets launched when you double-click a file. This is an operating system thing. The one that gets launched is the last one that got used. (Your first question will be: can this be changed? Answer: Change the operating system. Or, play around with the registry each time you quit out LabVIEW.)
    The second question has to do with search paths. These are independent. However, a VI will contain information about its subVIs in terms of where to find them. This is not a function of LabVIEW, as it is a function of the VI. Thus, it will make no difference which version of LabVIEW you use to open the VI. You can, if you wish, modify the search paths that LabVIEW uses to find VIs for each version of LabVIEW from the Tools->Options menu. However, this will not eliminate the problem, and your best bet is to keep those backups frequent.

  • Identifying and Converting from an older version of LabVIEW

    I have an old .vi program that I am trying to access and run now. I don't know what version of LabView it was written in but I do know it came off of a Windows 95 computer.
    Any Suggestions?
    Will Huntley
    Go to Solution.

    You said "trying to". Does that mean you've been unsuccessful? On what OS are you trying to run it?
    When you open an old VI in a newer version of LabVIEW, if the VI isn't too old, then it will open. If you close the VI you'll get a dialog asking you to save it. The "explain changes" will tell you the version of LabVIEW used to write the VI.
    If you cannot open the VI because it's too old, and your LabVIEW is too new (e.g., opening a LabVIEW 5.x VI with LV2011), then you can post a request in the Version Conversion board. If the code is really old (e.g., LabVIEW 3.x or earlier), chances are you will not be able to get it upconverted since versions that old require a special toolkit from NI that is not publicly available.
    EDIT: Duplicate answer. Was creating my response while Dennis posted his.

  • I recieve the following error when running an executable ("This VI is not Executable. The full development version of Labview is required to fix the errors"

    I recieve the following error when trying to build and run a labview executable. I am able to build the executable but when trying to run the executable, a pop up window comes up asking the user to select a dll. (please see screen shot attached). Once the DLL is selected, I get the error that This VI is not Executable. The full development version of Labview is required to fix the errors. (please see screen shot attached). I have also attached a snapshot of the project window.
    I have the professional development system
    I can run the main VI
    all the required DLL's are in the dependencies section of the project window.
    I am trying to find the root cause of this error but to no avail. can anyone give me a clue to what i am missing here. Any suggestions on where i should look to find the problem ?
    Thanks in advance to all labview users for your help
    project window.PNG ‏36 KB

    other PNG
    Broken Arrow on EXE.PNG ‏179 KB

  • Multiple versions of labview on 1 computer

    I have just purchased LV 8.2 and am about to install it on my computer.  The old version of LV I currently have on my computer is 7.1.  Can I run both versions on the same computer or is it beneficial to take off LV 7.1 first before installing the new 8.2.  Any opinions?
    Pentium 4, 3.6GHz, 2 GB Ram, Labview 8.5, Windows XP, PXI-5122, PCI-6259, PCI-6115

    You can certainly run both versions on the same computer.  I have 6.1, 7.1, 8.0, and 8.20 installed on this machine and I regularly have more than one version open at the same time.
    However, Paulo is very correct by saying that toolkits typically only install for one version of LabVIEW and that you need to be careful not to open your VIs in the wrong version of LabVIEW.  If you were to open and save a LabVIEW 7.1 VI in 8.20 you would be unable to open it again in 7.1.
    Matt, great links - I'm going to repeat that first one here in clickable form:
    Installing Toolkits for Use with Multiple Versions of LabVIEW
    Simon H
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Is there a way to programmatically tell what version of LabVIEW a VI is compiled in?

    Is there a way to tell programmatically what version of LabVIEW a VI is compiled in?
    LabVIEW seems to know.  If you click on "List Unsaved Changes", it (sometimes?) tells you the version of LabVIEW that the VI is already saved under (i.e., 8.0 instead of 8.0.1).  So if LabVIEW knows, maybe they've provided a way for us lower-echelon folks (i.e., customers) to know too, eh?
    Is there a way to get this from, say, VI Properties (i.e., Property Node gets passed a ref to a VI & I select the right property name)?  I couldn't find any property name that has "version" or anything like that, but maybe what I'm looking for is using terms that are so different than what I'm expecting that I just can't tell.
    Or by some other method?  (I gvimmed a few .vi files, and see some stuff that looks like I *could* get the version by parsing/searching the file itself, but parsing the binary might give pretty unreliable results.)

    Just dro a proerty node on the diagram and select property: "Application...Version number" and display the resulting string output.
    Message Edited by altenbach on 07-02-2006 11:33 AM
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    version.png ‏9 KB

  • Can NI-PSP be used to communicate between machines developed with different versions of LabVIEW?

    Hi all,
    A customer has a large PC application developed with LabVIEW 2010 SP1.
    They would like to add extend their system with a cRIO-9075. According to this document ( ), the minimum supported version of LabVIEW (with Scan Engine support) is LV 2011.
    To minimize risks, it is preferred that we don't upgrade LabVIEW for the main application, which is atively being used in production.
    I was thinking of developing the cRIO software in a newer version of LabVIEW (say, LV 2013 SP1), and using shared variables only to communicate between the PC and the cRIO.
    Is this a viable option? Does it matter if the PC and the cRIO have different versions of the LV runtime?

    It shouldn't matter, but then with shared variables you can never know for sure -- there are so many things that can make them break.
    You might be money ahead to write the comm using TCP/IP. You know that will work.
    Certified Professional Instructor
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    LabVIEW Champion
    "... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

  • Is it possible to open a VI using an older version of LabVIEW, and if so how?

    As stated in the title.  I have installed all the run-times from lv6 to lv8.6, but cannot open any VIs that have been compiled in a more recent version of LabVIEW.  We run (on different computers) lv5, lv6.1, and lv8.5.  Upgrading some of the older machines is not possible since they cannot handle the required OS.
    Is there any way to open a VI created/compiled in a higher version of LabVIEW?  This is proving to be a major sticking point with us and our ability to transfer VIs between computers.
    Never say "Oops." Always say "Ah, interesting!"

    Hi James,
    I was able to use VI server to invoke LV 6.1 VI's using LV 7.0 without issue.
    After discovering this and mentioning it in a post somewhere, Rolf Kalbermatter indicated that was expected. and I should not be suprised.
    Vi Server may help you.
    James Mamakos wrote:
    Is there a separate place for me to post VIs to be converted?  What's a ballpark figure for the maximum file size i could put on to be converted?
    Do you know if the LabVIEW developers can/will create a way to overcome this problem rather than having to convert a VI through all the intermediate versions?
    To the best of knowledge NO.
    For each versino of LV there isw code included that runs behind the scenes when you open a VI from an earleir version which replaces old functions with the new versions. This is called Mutation code. To accomplish its task it has to know everything that changed between version X and Y. Since it is possible to baby step the versions up and the number of user that jump multiple major versions is small, I don't think any effort will go into that work.
    THe largest attachment I have managed to upload was 3 or 4 Meg.
    Just trying to help,
    Message Edited by Ben on 04-28-2009 08:58 AM
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

Maybe you are looking for

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