Reloading of WAR in WLS5.1

          Is there a way to reload the entire WAR file in WLS5.1, without
          shutting down WLS?
          Here, I have a web application deployed as a WAR. It is basically
          using the same concept as PetStore,
          with only one servlet and many helper classes. When there is an
          update of the WAR file, particularly
          changes to the helper classes, WLS5.1 does not seem to automatically
          reload the WAR.
          Problem is my servlet will not change. It is the helper classes
          that change often, and my application is
          expected to be running 24x7.
          I'm sure many of us have this problem. Answers, responses, suggestions
          are greatly welcome.

You must use WLS 6.0 to get reloading of WAR files...
          Leong Khiaw Pin wrote:
          > Is there a way to reload the entire WAR file in WLS5.1, without
          > shutting down WLS?
          > Here, I have a web application deployed as a WAR. It is basically
          > using the same concept as PetStore,
          > with only one servlet and many helper classes. When there is an
          > update of the WAR file, particularly
          > changes to the helper classes, WLS5.1 does not seem to automatically
          > reload the WAR.
          > Problem is my servlet will not change. It is the helper classes
          > that change often, and my application is
          > expected to be running 24x7.
          > I'm sure many of us have this problem. Answers, responses, suggestions
          > are greatly welcome.

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    What can I do for that??
    Sorry for my English, I come from France...
    Thanks for helping me ....

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    Here is a KB that discusses that error:
    KB18751 Error "Reload Software: 552" is displayed on the BlackBerry smartphone
    Hopefully it contains something useful! There also are multiple existing threads on this site that discuss that exact error...your review of those might prove useful, and a search of this site, using the error message or code, should reveal all applicable existing threads to you.
    Good luck and let us know!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • Reloading the .war--bug??

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    I am using the 'stage' option with the staging directory ./devManaged3/stage
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    In the WEB-INF/lib include only those jar files which are required by the web application and include the jar files with dependencies.

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              Try setting ProductionMode=false
              as startparameter.
              This should start WLS in Development Mode.
              If docu is right and everything works fine
              WLS should reload changed wars.
              If you use exploded apps.
              Try creating a File REDEPLOY and touch it to let WLS check for new class-files
              Guangjun Ma <[email protected]> wrote:
              >Mr/Ms Dimitri,
              >you wrote: when servlet's .class files in WEB-INF/classes change, servlets
              >are reloaded.
              >--Could you tell me what should I do to make it work? (sorry I'm new
              >to WL6.1)
              >BTW. I am playing WL6.1 with Jarkata Struts.

  • Deploying servlet on Tomcat using "ant install" not working. Please help.

    Hello. Normally I can find answers by using search, but I can't today for some reason. So please bare with me if this has been mentioned before. I will try to provide as much info as possible so that helping me isn't too much a chore. Thank you.
    I have downloaded and installed the JWSDP 1.3. and Tomcat is running. I am also using Ant 1.5.4 (previous installation - not one included with JWSDP) and modeled my build.xml file after the template provided here:
    When I run ant on my respository, everything builds fine. But when I run Ant with the install target, I get the following error:
    file:C:/owl/build.xml:366: Server returned HTTP response co
    de: 401 for URL: http://localhost:8080/manager/deploy?path=%2Fowl&war=file%3A%2F
    Here is line 366 build.xml:
    ...which is included in this block for the target "install":
    <target name="install" depends="compile"
    description="Install application to servlet container">
    <deploy url="${manager.url}"
    When I point my brower to the url located in the error verbose, I get the following:
    FAIL - Encountered exception java.lang.NullPointerException
    I am trying to get my environment set up correctly before I start spending time developing servlets, but I am getting tempted to just develop to servlets and "manually" installing/deploying them either by copying and pasting or by using the Tomcat manager. I would really like to do everything from Ant though if possible. Please help.

    I don't think this is at all correct:
    localWar="file://${build.home}"/>You've got to create a real WAR file - a JAR file with WEB-INF and all its minions inside it:
    That's the file you need to refer to there. You can manage that with Ant too, of course.
    Here's what my Ant build.xml looks like for Web apps (there's a file that follows):
    <project name="Tomcat Build Tasks" default="clean" basedir=".">
        <target name="init-props">
                <format property="touch.time" pattern="MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm aa" />
            <filterset id="ant.filters">
                <filter token="DATE" value="${TODAY}" />
                <filter token="TIME" value="${TSTAMP}" />
            <!-- Load in all the settings in the properties file -->
            <property file="" />
            <!-- Load in all Tomcat settings in the properties file -->
            <property file="" />
        <target name="prepare" depends="init-props">
            <mkdir dir="${war.classes}"/>
            <mkdir dir="${war.lib}"/>       
            <mkdir dir="${manifest}" />
        <target name="clean" depends="init-props" description="clean up temporary files">
            <delete file="${project}.war" />   
            <delete dir="${war.root}"/>
            <delete dir="${manifest}" />
        <target name="set-tomcat-classpath" depends="prepare">
            <path id="tomcat.class.path">                  
                <fileset dir="${tomcat.home}/bin">
                        <include name="**/*.jar" />
                <fileset dir="${tomcat.home}/shared/lib">
                        <include name="**/*.jar" />
                <fileset dir="${tomcat.home}/common/lib">
                        <include name="**/*.jar" />
                <fileset dir="${tomcat.home}/server/lib">
                        <include name="**/*.jar" />
                <fileset dir="${ant.home}/lib">
                        <include name="**/*.jar" />
        <target name="create" depends="set-tomcat-classpath" description="create the war file">
            <!-- All files at root level -->       
            <!-- Temporarily put the JSPs at root until you figure this out -->
            <copy todir="${war.root}">
                <fileset dir="${src.jsp}"/>
            <copy todir="${war.root}">
                <fileset dir="${src.html}" includes="*.html"/>
            <copy todir="${war.root}/css">
                <fileset dir="${src.css}"/>
            <copy todir="${war.root}/images">
                <fileset dir="${src.images}"/>
            <copy todir="${war.root}/js">
                <fileset dir="${src.js}"/>
            <!-- All files at the WEB-INF level and below -->       
            <copy todir="${war.web}">
                <fileset dir="${src.etc}" includes="web.xml"/>
            <!-- All files in the CLASSPATH lib -->
            <copy todir="${war.web}/lib">
                <fileset dir="${src.lib}" includes="**/*.jar" excludes="**/*-tests.jar, **/junit.jar"/>
            <!-- Put the dispatcher XML in WEB-INF/config -->
            <copy todir="${war.web}/config">
                <fileset dir="${src.etc}" includes="${project}-config.xml"/>
            <!-- Put XSL stylesheets in WEB-INF/xsl -->
            <copy todir="${war.web}/xsl">
                <fileset dir="${src.xsl}" includes="**/*.xsl"/>
            <!-- Put the project JAR file in WEB-INF/lib -->
            <copy todir="${war.web}/lib">
                <fileset dir="${deploy}" includes="**/${project}.jar"/>
            <!-- Create the manifest -->
            <buildnumber />
            <manifest file="${manifest}/">
                <attribute name="Implementation-Title"      value="${project}" />
                <attribute name="Built-By"                  value="${}"/>
                <attribute name="Build-Date"                value="${TODAY}" />
                <attribute name="Major-Version"             value="${major}" />
                <attribute name="Minor-Version"             value="${minor}" />
                <attribute name="Build-Number"              value="${build.number}" />
            <!-- Create the WAR file -->
            <jar jarfile="${project}.war"
                <fileset dir="${war.root}"/>
                <metainf dir="${src.etc}" includes="context.xml"/>
        <target name="create-tomcat-admin-tasks" depends="set-tomcat-classpath">
            <pathconvert targetos="windows" refid="tomcat.class.path" property="converted.class.path" />
            <echo message="CLASSPATH: ${converted.class.path}" />
            <taskdef name="install"     classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.InstallTask"     classpath="tomcat.class.path"/>
            <taskdef name="remove"      classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.RemoveTask"      classpath="tomcat.class.path"/>       
            <taskdef name="reload"      classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.ReloadTask"      classpath="tomcat.class.path"/>
            <taskdef name="deploy"      classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.DeployTask"      classpath="tomcat.class.path"/>       
            <taskdef name="undeploy"    classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.UndeployTask"    classpath="tomcat.class.path"/>       
            <taskdef name="start"       classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.StartTask"       classpath="tomcat.class.path"/>       
            <taskdef name="stop"        classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.StopTask"        classpath="tomcat.class.path"/>       
            <taskdef name="list"        classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.ListTask"        classpath="tomcat.class.path"/>       
            <taskdef name="resources"   classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.ResourcesTask"   classpath="tomcat.class.path"/>       
            <taskdef name="roles"       classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.RolesTask"       classpath="tomcat.class.path"/>
        <target name="install" depends="create-tomcat-admin-tasks" description="install the war file on Tomcat">
            <install    url="${tomcat.manager.url}"
                        war="file:/${basedir}/${project}.war" />
        <target name="remove" depends="create-tomcat-admin-tasks" description="remove the war file on Tomcat">
            <remove     url="${tomcat.manager.url}"
                        path="/${project}" />
        <target name="reload" depends="create-tomcat-admin-tasks" description="reload the war file on Tomcat">
            <reload     url="${tomcat.manager.url}"
                        path="/${project}" />
        <target name="deploy" depends="create-tomcat-admin-tasks" description="deploy the war file on Tomcat">
            <deploy    url="${tomcat.manager.url}"
                        war="file:/${basedir}/${project}.war" />
        <target name="undeploy" depends="create-tomcat-admin-tasks" description="undeploy the war file on Tomcat">
            <undeploy   url="${tomcat.manager.url}"
                        path="/${project}" />
        <target name="start" depends="create-tomcat-admin-tasks" description="start an application on Tomcat">
            <start      url="${tomcat.manager.url}"
        <target name="stop" depends="create-tomcat-admin-tasks" description="stop an application on Tomcat">
            <stop       url="${tomcat.manager.url}"
                        path="/${project}" />
        <target name="list" depends="create-tomcat-admin-tasks" description="list all applications running on Tomcat">
            <list       url="${tomcat.manager.url}"
        <target name="resources" depends="create-tomcat-admin-tasks" description="list all resources on Tomcat">
            <resources  url="${tomcat.manager.url}"
        <target name="data-sources" depends="create-tomcat-admin-tasks" description="list all data sources on Tomcat">
            <resources  url="${tomcat.manager.url}"
        <target name="roles" depends="create-tomcat-admin-tasks" description="list all user roles on Tomcat">
            <roles      url="${tomcat.manager.url}"
    # Properties file for setting up an Ant build.xml
    # Project specific items that change each time
    # Directory structure (these should never change)
    # Everything under src should come out of a repository
    # These are created and deleted by Ant each time
    # Required for proper use of XDoclet
    xdoclet.home = C:/Tools/xdoclet-1.2b3
    # Properties needed by Tomcat tasks
    ant.home =
    tomcat.home         =
    tomcat.manager.url  = http://localhost:8080/manager
    tomcat.username     =
    tomcat.password     = MOD

  • Video with no sound

    I just got my video ipod a few days ago and took me a few hours to figure out how to get vidoes on to the ipod, now when i try to play it the video works but there is no sound to it! I have tryed everything I could think of but nothing is working, if anyone has a solution or advice it would be appreciated!

    I am also experiencing freezes with no sound. I was getting ****** off. I researched everywhere and found this post. I went ahead and Unistalled "updater 1.1".reinstalled the older version via pre-packaged cd 2005 10-12. I did everything fine. I restored old version and logged back into i-tunes and reloaded (Star Wars).I am still getting no sound after 2 mins of playing. I am lost now.
    I had the black 30 GB video b4 I exchanged it. I had no problems with all of my movies until I got the Black 60 GB and loaded up the Updater 1.1.
    I didnt install 1.1 on my 3 day old blk 30 GB. I need some more help please!
    Should I exchange it and stay CLEAR off 1.1 updater?

  • Migrate to Tomcat 6

    Soon I will be upgrading from Tomcat 4 to Tomcat 6.
    Can I reload my wars from Tomcat 4 into Tomcat 6?
    Does Tomcat 6.0.18 come with the jdbc drivers (mysql, oracle) and mail.jar or do I need to install them?
    Please advise any other info I should know before making the upgrade?

    Can I reload my wars from Tomcat 4 into Tomcat 6?Theoretically, yes. Tomcat has been written to be backwards compatible. If you keep your web.xml declared as it is currently, then it will treat it as a "Servlet2.3/JSP1.2" application.
    In practice: try it and see if it breaks or not.
    The only thing I can think of that might be even slightly different was a bug fix related to request.getRequestURI().
    The functionality of getRequestURI changed so you might have to replace references to getRequestURI with request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.forward.request_uri");
    Does Tomcat 6.0.18 come with the jdbc drivers (mysql, oracle) and mail.jar or do I need to install them?You need to install them
    I take it you would also be upgrading the underlying java version as well as the container?
    ie Java 1.4 to Java 5 or Java 6?
    Are you going to be upgrading these webapps for JSP2.0 using EL and JSTL or keeping them "as is"?

  • Zen Vision M Customer Supp

    i dropped my zen the other day and it seems to be stuck in recovery mode...when i try to format or reload firm ware i get a message that says "hard disk problem"...i do what your email support says to do which is try to reload the firmware...which doesnt work because the computer doesnt recognize the zen vision but the wierd thing is that the zen says its docked but no go with the computer...i tried clean disk but that does i was wondering if i could send it in and get it repaired (im aware id probably have to pay for repairs) but i was just wondering if that was a possibility and do i still go through basic returning process and how do i let them know i just want them to repair it and ill pay them

    As you are already in contact with support, simply reply that the suggested solutions were not effecti've and indicate that you wish to discuss out-of-warranty repairs/replacement.

  • Micro 6gb /install/firmware PLEASE I NEED HELP A

    I already have a 5gb micro working great on our 98se, bought a 6gb, computer wouldn't reconize using existing software, tryed to install software from 6gb, had errors, uninstalled and reinstalled, but won't find drivers for the 6gb. Someone told me to update drivers, I did , din't work, then told me to reload firm ware, on the micro. I did, but now how do you reload when the player cannot connect to usb port on computer?? Please help!!!!

    Hi, which operating system are you running?
    Please mark the post that solves your issue as "Accept as Solution".
    If my answer was helpful click the “Thumbs Up" on the left to say “Thanks”!
    I am not a HP employee.

  • Tomcat perm gen space

    When I reload my war file in tomcat about seven times it throws a PermGen space issue and is out of memory. What is the best way to diagnosis this problem to fix it? Thanks!

    There are various explanations for this issue. One is that usage of XML is the issue, the other one is class loading (from a comment in the JDK). You should check your application for both. It might help for future use.

  • When I bought mac it came with garage band had to cleanup computer so reloaded all soft ware now cant find garage band or reload windows xp

    when I bought mac it came with garage band had to cleanup computer so reloaded all soft ware now cant find garage band or reload windows xp

    richardfromdes plaines wrote:
    now cant find garage band
    reinstall it:
    (Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)

  • I have downloaded an addon in the game Mafia Wars,it works!Since then Firefox asks me evry 2 minutes :select addon source file.later on reload.

    firefox asks me evry time:select mwaddon source file.Why and how to do this?
    then Firefox asks me repeatantly upload your programme, MW???,Why??the addon works perfectly.I donot want to loose things.pls stop asking me too many times the same question.

    Please create a screenshot of the problem you're seeing by following the guide mentioned at [[How do I create a screenshot of my problem?]].
    Once you've done this, attach the saved screenshot file to your forum post by clicking the '''Browse...''' button below the ''Post your reply'' box. You really help us to visualize the problem.

  • Clarification needed on servlet class reloading

              I have a question about servlet reloading in WLS6.0
              Let's assume i have version 1.0 of a SomeServlet.class loaded in WLS.
              Client are accessing it currently.
              Now let's say i create version 1.1 of SomeServlet.class and i want to deploy it in WLS.
              I have the "servlet reloading" turned ON.
              So that means that version 1.1 will be immediately loaded by WLS right?
              Question: Will WLS first unload version1.0? If so, what happens to the clients who are using version 1.0?
              Will they get a ClassCastException? Or will they be abruptly switched from 1.0 to 1.1? Will they see any any error at all?
              PS: If i had deployed the servlet in a WAR file, will the same rules apply? In other words, if i replace the WAR file will a newer version, what will happen to the classes from the previous WAR file that are being used by clients.
              Is there a document explaining "how WLS reloads/hot-deploys servlets/ejb"? I understand that WLS6.0 uses a new "classloader architecture" that is different from WLS5.1.0. Some document to explain the differences would be helpful. Thanks.

    The new version will be loaded immediately into a new classloader.
              The old version will remain (in its old classloader) until there are no
              longer any references to it (which will happen when clients that were
              using the old version have completed their operations).
              Jeff Mathers wrote:
              > Did you ever get clarification on this point?
              > I am trying to figure out how to force WLS 6 to reload servlets following a
              > re-compile. Your message hinted at a way to do this. Can you fill me in?
              > Jeff Mathers
              > IT R&D
              > RWJPRI - Johnson & Johnson
              > "R" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              > news:[email protected]...
              > >
              > > I have a question about servlet reloading in WLS6.0
              > >
              > > Let's assume i have version 1.0 of a SomeServlet.class loaded in WLS.
              > > Client are accessing it currently.
              > > Now let's say i create version 1.1 of SomeServlet.class and i want to
              > deploy it in WLS.
              > > I have the "servlet reloading" turned ON.
              > > So that means that version 1.1 will be immediately loaded by WLS right?
              > >
              > > Question: Will WLS first unload version1.0? If so, what happens to the
              > clients who are using version 1.0?
              > > Will they get a ClassCastException? Or will they be abruptly switched from
              > 1.0 to 1.1? Will they see any any error at all?
              > >
              > > Thanks.
              > >
              > > PS: If i had deployed the servlet in a WAR file, will the same rules
              > apply? In other words, if i replace the WAR file will a newer version, what
              > will happen to the classes from the previous WAR file that are being used by
              > clients.
              > >
              > > Is there a document explaining "how WLS reloads/hot-deploys servlets/ejb"?
              > I understand that WLS6.0 uses a new "classloader architecture" that is
              > different from WLS5.1.0. Some document to explain the differences would be
              > helpful. Thanks.

  • Is there a way to add a single jar to an existing shared library (war)?

    Is there a way to add a single jar to an existing and already deployed shared library (war) in weblogic directly?
    Basically, instead of building and deploying the war each time a new jar should be added to the list of jars present in the war and deploy it in weblogic, is it possible to make the process more automatic and efficient by just adding the new jar to the existing deployed war (no matter if the consumers must be reloaded)?

    Extract the WAR file and rearchive with theJAR file included.

  • Deploying a WAR file containing .jsp and servlets (also uses JNI)

    Deploying a WAR file containing .jsp and servlets (also uses JNI) on Windows 2000
    We had problems making it initially work on Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 Service Pack 1 because of lack of good iPlanet Web
    Server documentation on deploying such files.
    This is how we went about it:
    1) Make one of the servlet and JSP (must call another Java Class) web application (.war) examples work with iPlanet Web
    a) Go to your Web Server Administration to deploy the application using GUI Web Application Deploy.
    (We usually use command line, we experienced some issues with the GUI version, but maybe it is fixed in the new Web Server
    service packs)
    From browser, open http://yourserver:8888/
    Click on Select a Server:Manage
    Click on Virtual Server Class
    Click on https-yourserver
    Click on the Web Applications Tab
    Then, click on Deploy Web Application
    Enter the following -
    WAR File On: Local
    WAR File Path: C:\iPlanet\Servers\plugins\servlets\examples\web-apps\jakarta-examples\jarkarta-examples.war
    Application URI: /jakarta
    Installation Directory: c:\iPlanet\examples\jakarta-examples
    By clicking on OK it deployed the application.
    I can verify that it is deployed by selecting "Edit Web Applications" and I see the following entry:
    Edit     /jakarta     c:/iPlanet/examples/jakarta-examples
    Also, c:/iPlanet/examples/jakarta-examples should have the similar following directory structure ..
    - [images]
    - [jsp]
    - index.html
    - [servlets]
    - [META-INF]
    - [WEB-INF]
    - [classes]
    - [tlds]
    - web.xml
    - index.html
    I restarted the server and accessed it using the following URL from my IE browser:
    Then I clicked on the JSP Examples and tried some JSP examples.
    b) Alternatively, you can also deploy the same example from the command-line.
    Make sure C:\iPlanet\Servers\bin\https\httpadmin\bin\ is in your path
    wdeploy deploy      -u /jakarta
              -i yourserver
              -v https-yourserver
              -d c:\iplanet\examples\jakarta-examples
    Restart the web server (I don't think you have to restart, but .. might as well).
    2)Deploy your web-application
    My Foo.war has the following structure.
    You can use jar tf Foo.war to look at the file contents from command line (assuming you have JDK installed and the bin is
    in your PATH)
    - [META-INF]
    - [WEB-INF]
    - web.xml
    - [classes]
    - Bar.class
    - MoServlet.class
    - [lib]
    - ThirdParty.jar
    - [natlib]
    - extlib.dll
    - foo.jsp
    Here is our application scenario:
    foo.jsp uses a class call Bar (it is not in any package). The Bar java class uses classes from ThirdParty.jar. The
    ThirdParty.jar in turn uses JNI to load library extlib.dll. foo.jsp also calls /servlet/Mo as well.
    Now to deploy it, do the following:
    (a) Make sure that within foo.jsp, you import the Bar class ( I don't know why you have to do it, but if you don't you get
    JSP compile error).
    <%@page language="java" import="Bar" contentType="text/html"%>
    (b) Check web.xml (for Servlets)
    Within web.xml, make sure you have the following mappings:
    <servlet-name> MoLink </servlet-name>
    <servlet-class> MoServlet </servlet-class>
    <servlet-name> MoLink </servlet-name>
    <url-pattern> /servlet/Mo </url-pattern>
    (c) Deploy the application
    Using command line:
    wdeploy deploy      -u /foo
              -i yourserver
              -v https-yourserver
              -d c:\iplanet\examples\foo-dir
    (d) Change web-apps.xml file (for picking up ThirdParty.jar)
    It is located in
    You should see something similar to following after successful deployment.
    <web-app uri="/foo" dir="C:\iPlanet\examples\foo-dir" enable="true"/>
    Change it to look like following to pick up the ThirdParty.jar
    <web-app uri="/foo" dir="C:\iPlanet\examples\foo-dir" enable="true">
    <class-loader reload-interval="300"
    (e) Change jvm12.conf file (for JNI)
    It is located in
    Add or uncomment the following lines:
    #optional - just helps with instrumenting the jsp and servlet code
    #required for JNI
    # not sure if this is needed for iPlanet web server
    jvm.option=-Djava.library.path=C:/iPlanet/examples/foo-dir/natlib/ -Djava.compiler=NONE
    (f) Change magnus.conf file (for JNI)
    We HAD to change this file in order for ThirdParty.jar file to pick up the native C++ code using JNI. Apparently, the
    iPlanet Web Server doesn't pick the Environment Variable Path. Because when we had the directory containing the DLL just
    in Path, it didn't work.
    Change Extrapath directive:
    ExtraPath C:/iPlanet/Servers/bin/https/bin;${NSES_JRE_RUNTIME_LIBPATH}
    ExtraPath c:/iPlanet/examples/foo-dir/natlib;C:/iPlanet/Servers/bin/https/bin;${NSES_JRE_RUNTIME_LIBPATH}
    (g) Apply changes from the Web Server Administration Console and Restart the web server.
    You should be able to see the behaviour that you want from your application.
    Hope this was helpful!!!

    Deploying a WAR file containing .jsp and servlets (also uses JNI) on Windows 2000
    We had problems making it initially work on Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 Service Pack 1 because of lack of good iPlanet Web
    Server documentation on deploying such files.
    This is how we went about it:
    1) Make one of the servlet and JSP (must call another Java Class) web application (.war) examples work with iPlanet Web
    a) Go to your Web Server Administration to deploy the application using GUI Web Application Deploy.
    (We usually use command line, we experienced some issues with the GUI version, but maybe it is fixed in the new Web Server
    service packs)
    From browser, open http://yourserver:8888/
    Click on Select a Server:Manage
    Click on Virtual Server Class
    Click on https-yourserver
    Click on the Web Applications Tab
    Then, click on Deploy Web Application
    Enter the following -
    WAR File On: Local
    WAR File Path: C:\iPlanet\Servers\plugins\servlets\examples\web-apps\jakarta-examples\jarkarta-examples.war
    Application URI: /jakarta
    Installation Directory: c:\iPlanet\examples\jakarta-examples
    By clicking on OK it deployed the application.
    I can verify that it is deployed by selecting "Edit Web Applications" and I see the following entry:
    Edit     /jakarta     c:/iPlanet/examples/jakarta-examples
    Also, c:/iPlanet/examples/jakarta-examples should have the similar following directory structure ..
    - [images]
    - [jsp]
    - index.html
    - [servlets]
    - [META-INF]
    - [WEB-INF]
    - [classes]
    - [tlds]
    - web.xml
    - index.html
    I restarted the server and accessed it using the following URL from my IE browser:
    Then I clicked on the JSP Examples and tried some JSP examples.
    b) Alternatively, you can also deploy the same example from the command-line.
    Make sure C:\iPlanet\Servers\bin\https\httpadmin\bin\ is in your path
    wdeploy deploy      -u /jakarta
              -i yourserver
              -v https-yourserver
              -d c:\iplanet\examples\jakarta-examples
    Restart the web server (I don't think you have to restart, but .. might as well).
    2)Deploy your web-application
    My Foo.war has the following structure.
    You can use jar tf Foo.war to look at the file contents from command line (assuming you have JDK installed and the bin is
    in your PATH)
    - [META-INF]
    - [WEB-INF]
    - web.xml
    - [classes]
    - Bar.class
    - MoServlet.class
    - [lib]
    - ThirdParty.jar
    - [natlib]
    - extlib.dll
    - foo.jsp
    Here is our application scenario:
    foo.jsp uses a class call Bar (it is not in any package). The Bar java class uses classes from ThirdParty.jar. The
    ThirdParty.jar in turn uses JNI to load library extlib.dll. foo.jsp also calls /servlet/Mo as well.
    Now to deploy it, do the following:
    (a) Make sure that within foo.jsp, you import the Bar class ( I don't know why you have to do it, but if you don't you get
    JSP compile error).
    <%@page language="java" import="Bar" contentType="text/html"%>
    (b) Check web.xml (for Servlets)
    Within web.xml, make sure you have the following mappings:
    <servlet-name> MoLink </servlet-name>
    <servlet-class> MoServlet </servlet-class>
    <servlet-name> MoLink </servlet-name>
    <url-pattern> /servlet/Mo </url-pattern>
    (c) Deploy the application
    Using command line:
    wdeploy deploy      -u /foo
              -i yourserver
              -v https-yourserver
              -d c:\iplanet\examples\foo-dir
    (d) Change web-apps.xml file (for picking up ThirdParty.jar)
    It is located in
    You should see something similar to following after successful deployment.
    <web-app uri="/foo" dir="C:\iPlanet\examples\foo-dir" enable="true"/>
    Change it to look like following to pick up the ThirdParty.jar
    <web-app uri="/foo" dir="C:\iPlanet\examples\foo-dir" enable="true">
    <class-loader reload-interval="300"
    (e) Change jvm12.conf file (for JNI)
    It is located in
    Add or uncomment the following lines:
    #optional - just helps with instrumenting the jsp and servlet code
    #required for JNI
    # not sure if this is needed for iPlanet web server
    jvm.option=-Djava.library.path=C:/iPlanet/examples/foo-dir/natlib/ -Djava.compiler=NONE
    (f) Change magnus.conf file (for JNI)
    We HAD to change this file in order for ThirdParty.jar file to pick up the native C++ code using JNI. Apparently, the
    iPlanet Web Server doesn't pick the Environment Variable Path. Because when we had the directory containing the DLL just
    in Path, it didn't work.
    Change Extrapath directive:
    ExtraPath C:/iPlanet/Servers/bin/https/bin;${NSES_JRE_RUNTIME_LIBPATH}
    ExtraPath c:/iPlanet/examples/foo-dir/natlib;C:/iPlanet/Servers/bin/https/bin;${NSES_JRE_RUNTIME_LIBPATH}
    (g) Apply changes from the Web Server Administration Console and Restart the web server.
    You should be able to see the behaviour that you want from your application.
    Hope this was helpful!!!

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