Remote into Windows VNC on a different port using ARD3 Administrator

Hey everyone. I'm having trouble using Apple Remote Desktop 3 Administrator to control a Windows Computer running VNC. My main problem is we use a different port (other than 5900) for VNC sessions. Is there a way to change the port number for VNC sessions on ARD3 admin?

Take a look here:
Remote Desktop: How to specify a port number for a VNC client

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    Your best bet is to move the music on the Windows side since Leopard will be able to read and play the music from the mounted Windows drive (Leopard will not be able write anything to the Windows NTFS partition).
    In your case it won't work the other way around.
    Axel F.

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    Hey guys,
    I recently had a go at getting the built-in VNC server in Leopard (as part of remote management) up and running.
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    Have you giving the server a VNC password?
    System Preferences -> Sharing -> Remote Management -> Computer Settings -> VNC viewers may control screen with password: xxxxxxx
    What VNC client are you using on Windows. Not all VNC clients are created equal? I know about TightVNC (which has been reported to work), RealVNC, and UltraVNC are 3 that I've heard about.
    You can also install your own VNC server (in parallel using a different port or instead of the Mac OS X VNC). Vine Server (aka OSXvnc) has been used successfully for years. After all not all VNC servers are created equal either

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    - Rich

    I'm referring to what windows can do via Remote Desktop connection.
    You open up the RDC dialog box, enter an external IP address (if working remotely) or a server name if working internally and connect right to the machine. Ideally i want my users to be able to log into our terminal server and be able to use a program remotely. they will have to log on to this server with company credentials. Basically from a mac, connecting up to a Windows Server and remotely logging into it to perform tasks.
    I'm really just trying to find an easy way to do this for my user's with MAC's since it is not as straightforward as in windows. I cannot test anything out at home since i do not own a mac so i come to the community to see if you guys have had the same kind of situation before.
    ARD was the first peice of software that looked like it might fit my needs but if it doesn't is there anything out there? is it for free or for a cost? any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
    - Rich

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    is it possible to use windows RDP (terminal services) to remote into an apple server?

    corydchurch wrote:
    is it possible to use windows RDP (terminal services) to remote into an apple server?
    In the Windows world you can use RDP to remotely control a (Windows) server for administration purposes. You can also use RDP to connect to a Windows Terminal Server to run user applications on the server and multiple users can do this at the same time.
    It is not possible to use RDP to remotely control a Mac server for administration purposes. You can however use Screen Sharing or VNC (if enabled) or install some other software like TImbuktu Pro to allow the same sort of thing. None of these use the RDP protocol. If your are a mainly or all Mac environment you would use Screen Sharing (Apple's custom version of VNC). You can get Windows versions of VNC and Timbuktu Pro which would therefore allow a Windows machine to remote control the Mac server.
    It is however possible to buy and install a Mac Terminal server solution to allow multiple users to connect and run applications on the Mac server just like a Windows Terminal Server solution except as it is running on a Mac server it will allow running Mac applications rather than Windows applications. This is not for remote controlling the server. There are two such packages for the Mac these being AquaConnect and iRAPP. These can run their own proprietary protocol or they can also allow users to connect via the RDP protocol. This does therefore allow a Mac or Windows user to connect to the Mac Terminal Server and run Mac applications.

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    [INDENT]This problem happens because Windows only allows two remote terminal services connections when you are in administrative mode, and you’ve either got two people already on that server, or more likely, you’ve got a disconnected session that still thinks
    it is active.
    The problem with this error is that you have to actually get on the server console to fix the problem if the server isn’t in a domain. ([B]If you are in a domain, then just open Terminal Services Manager and log off or disconnect the sessions[/B])[/INDENT][/I]
    So it seems to suggest that all I have to do really is to run the  Terminal Services Manager but I cannot find it.
    This web site from [URL=""](click here)[/URL] says all I need to do is first execute "mstsc /
    admin" from the command line.  But, when I do that, I get a message when I try to remote to the server, that says this: "To log on to this remote console session, you must have administrative permissions on this computer".
    So, what now?  What do you suggest?

    Hi Bobby,
    Yes, it is by design. By default, Windows Server only accepts two concurrent administrative sessions (Administrative Mode). It means that only two administrators can work on the server at
    the same time.
    If you would like more concurrent sessions, you need to purchase RDS CALs, install Terminal Services related server roles with proper configurations on the server.
    Remote Desktop for Administration (server 2003)
    What Is Terminal Services?
    Terminal Services Configuration
    Purchase client access licenses
    Jeremy Wu
    TechNet Community Support

  • ARD won't save multiple computers with same IP and different port!

    I'm trying to access multiple computers over the internet behind a firewall with port forwarding.
    I can access each computer, but ARD won't save the IP address and port (in IP Address column of ARD 3.1) of multiple computers with the same IP address. It will only save ONE. I've tried 'add by address', adding a list for each computer or adding a list for all those computers. Nothing has worked. ARD will actually change the first computer's IP address to
    Example: Static IP address
    Computer 1 (public port 51 is forwarded to port 5900 on computer 1)
    Computer 2 (public port 52 is forwarded to port 5900 on computer 2)
    Computer 3 (public port 53 is forwarded to port 5900 on computer 3)
    Has Apple really overlooked this or am I missing something? Isn't this how most people would remotely manage multiple Macs offsite?

    ARD cannot do this as you're asking. If your
    workstations get their addresses from an NAT device
    rather than being "real", the ports also need to be
    forwarded in the router to the workstation's internal
    IP address. ARD uses port 3283 for the reporting and
    updating function, so if your Macs are getting their
    IP addresses through NAT, since you can only forward
    a port to a single workstation, you can only get
    reports, push package/files to etc. for a single
    ARD uses the VNC protocol for observation and
    control, though, and there are a range of IP
    addresses for that protocol, starting with 5900. ARD
    uses 5900 by default, so that port would be forwarded
    to the first workstation. You would, I believe, need
    to install VNC servers on the systems (since the ARD
    client cannot listen on any port other than 5900
    while VNC servers can be set for other ports such as
    5901, 5902, etc. You would then forward 5901 to the
    second workstation (and on to 5902, 5903, etc.). You
    can then use the following information:
    Remote Desktop 2: How to specify a port number
    for a VNC client
    to connect.
    The only other options are: 1) to run the ARD
    administrator on a workstation on the network, and
    then take control of that system from outside, either
    via VNC or another copy of ARD, or 2) set up a
    virtual private network (VPN) so that when you
    connect from outside, your admin system is officially
    part of the local network.
    Hope this helps.
    That definitely helps. I have ARD installed on my MBP and on a workstation on the LAN. I have used ARD from the MBP to control ARD on a workstation on the local network, but it can get a little tricky. I already have VNC setup on all the workstations. I used to use COTVNC prior to purchasing ARD 3.1.
    I guess what I'm really asking is...
    How do I add a list of workstations and save the settings (same IP address for each workstation with different ports?) to control/VNC via ARD?
    I simply want a list that shows each workstation, so I can control/VNC them using ARD offsite.
    Name: Computer 1 IP Address:
    Name: Computer 2 IP Address:
    Name: Computer 3 IP Address:
    I don't want to have to manually type in the IP address into ARD every time.
    Will ARD simply not add another computer to the list if it has the same IP address but different port number as a computer already on the list? I haven't been able to find a way to make ARD do this.

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    This is the post that got me set up- I too am running an older version at work vs. Yosemite. As soon as I followed is advice everything worked.
    Upgraded to Yosemite and can no longer remote into my work iMac through screen sharing- it is turned on in settings?
    I believe the location of the "Screen Sharing" app has changed, which explains why if you had it in the dock it has been replaced by a ?
    Don't forget you can launch screen sharing (once your VPN connection is up) by typing in the Safari destination slot vnc://remotemachinename:portnumber  (omit the :port number if you are using the default VNC port, 5900).  This should launch Screen Sharing and put its icon in the dock.  You can drag the Screen Sharing icon to the left of your dock and it will hopefully remain there after you exit Screen Sharing, or you can right-click on the icon when it's running and select Options->Show in Finder to find out its new location and drag its icon to the permanent entries in your dock.
    Hope this helps; worked for me.

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    Hello again all you helpful forum-goers!
    I'm having some difficulties with a Hypervisor system seeing the two Pickering 6 channel programmable resistor cards that are loaded into the PXI chassis.  When I boot into Windows mode, MAX sees them under the My System just fine.  When I then run the Hypervisor configuration software, I see them both listed, and have them assigned to the Real-Time OS.  However, when I then boot into Hypervisor mode, MAX does not see them under the Remote Systems -> Hypervisor Target -> Chassis (or anywhere else), and the drivers report not seeing any modules either when I debug my code running on the real-time system.
    Does anyone have any idea what setting or configuration I might have incorrect?  Is there any other information I can provide that would be relevant or useful to answer this question?  I'm not the main hardware guy, he just got married and so isn't available, so I'm out of my comfort zone.  ;-)  I write the software that runs on the system, though, so I'm not completely clueless.  I know we just replaced the controller in the main chassis with a faster one (unfortunately I don't have the number on hand, the simulator is down in the lab), but I also know we are using that same controller and Pickering card on a different simulator and it is working just fine.
    Any ideas?  I very much appreciate your time!
    Go to Solution.

    Nevermind, the answer turned out to be that I did not have the drivers fully installed on the real-time system.  Apparently that caused it to not recognize the cards.  I never did figure out / remember exactly how to install the Pickering drivers on the real-time side, but fortunately I was able to just copy all the files that had "Pickering" in their name from the C:\ni-rt\system folder of the real-time file directory from another simulator to this one.  ;-)

  • Using different port number in RDP Client

    I was successfully able to change the RDP port for my windows server 2012 R2 following this:
    I am also able to RDP to from windows (XP, Windows , etc) default RDP client by providing <ipAddress>:<portNumber>.
    My issue is when I open my clients in front of others they can easily see the port number I am using for RDP. How can I change the settings in my RDP client so that I don't have to provide port number and it knows that it has to connect to this different
    port to RDP?

    Easiest way 
    Install Remote Desktop Connection Manager and configure the servername with portnumber (This is onetime configuration).
    Download RDConnection Manager from :
    You can save thie RDP shortcut icon for a respective server.
    Open RDP console,Click on show options,
    Enter the name of remote computer name with portnumber
    If required specify username, 
    Click on Save As,
    Save it on Desktop or as per your convenience.
    Whenever if you want to connect to the server, Just double click on RDP icon where you have saved. it will not show you portnumber, it will prompt for username / password.
    Manjunath Sullad

  • Users can only connect to RD farm website and cannot remote into terminal server , when connected via VPN

    I have a RD farm using 3 Win 2012 servers (1 broker and 2 session host), for internal use only, have not
    configured gateway for internet access.
    Users are able to connect to RD farm website and remote into terminal server, within office
    but can only connect to RD farm website and cannot remote into terminal server , when connected via VPN
    Its takes long time at securing connection and fails.

    Thank you for your posting in Windows Server Forum.
    First of all I would suggest you to configure RD gateway role on your server and pass all the connection through it because it’s a best practice to use RD Gateway in RDS Farm. 
    Apart from this, if you are not using RD Gateway then you must check that you have successfully forwarded port 3389 for RDS to access via VPN. Also check that you have made configuration under IIS Manager to enable Forms Authentication. Please check
    this link.
    In addition, please refer beneath article for additional details.
    1. How to Access Windows Remote Desktop Over the Internet
    2. Remote Desktop Services in Windows 2008 R2 – Part 3 – RD Web Access & RemoteApp
    (For reference)
    Hope it helps! 

  • NF750-G55 - Does not detect usb mouse (have to plugin after boot into Windows)

    Topic says it all...
    Mouse is Microsoft Habu, has been working in my old system just fine (ASUS M2N32-SLI DELUXE). The only usb items plugged in are the mouse and my Logitech G11 Keyboard.
    I just upgraded my old rig to what you see in my signature, my mouse will not get detected unless I replug it in after windows has started.
    During boot after initializing usb controller it says Found: 1 Keyboard and 1 Hub
    I have tried the following but with no successful results:
    PS2 Keyboard with mouse (mouse behaves the save)
    Mouse w/usb->ps2 adapter (mouse lights up but doesn't do anything in windows)
    Mouse plugged into every different port on the MOBO, D-Bracket, front panel usb or even into keyboard
    Different mouse (boot says Found: 1 Keyboard, 1 Mouse, 1 Hub) and this mouse works all the time
    USB Legacy On/Off inside bios
    I also have a USB powered hard drive ( that when plugged into the motherboard was making a beeping sound but I can't find any information on what that means (if anything)
    Any ideas?

    I just upgraded my old rig to what you see in my signature, my mouse will not get detected unless I replug it in after windows has started.
    I had a similar problem with a couple of different boards, but with a Razer Copperhead mouse. I ended up just buying a new mouse (PS/2 type).

  • Remote Desktop Windows 8.1

    hello, I am trying to use Remote Desktop to connect to a laptop that has Windows 8.1 with Bing. if I download the app from the windows app store, I can connect to another laptop ffrom the windows 8.1 laptop, but I cannot come into the windows 8.1 laptop
    from another. how can I remote into the laptop without the use of logmein or teamviewer?
    I allowed Remote Assistance, but it does not allow me to add users and select the security for the Remote Desktop.

    Hi Endy,
    Remote Assistance is different from Remote Desktop.Here is a link for reference :
    What is the difference between Remote Desktop Connection and Windows Remote Assistance?(Win 8.1 share the same situation)
    "but I cannot come into the windows 8.1 laptop from another"
    Have you got any errors or warnings ?
    To use remote desktop,please ensure you have enable "Allow remote connections to this computer" .
    Usually ,we use the built-in application to perform a remote desktop connection.Just run "mstsc" to open the application .Then input the name of the destination machine or the IP adress and the user name that you use in that machine .We can add the
    user account just as Acreed02 said .
    If there is any antivirus software ,please trun off it and the firewall temporarily to have a check .The connection session may be blocked .If that is the issue ,we may need to configure the firewall .Here is a link for reference:
    Allow Remote Desktop connections from outside your home network
    Best regards

  • HP Remoted Into PC Issue

    I have a Desktop Pavilion
    Product #: QW728AA#ABA
    I called into support a few days ago to find out if my computer needed a special card to use a  modem.  I was told the my warranty was up and reached wrong dept and was transferred (warranty was up 6/5/2013) the person asked to remote into mt PC insisting that they where unable to help with issue without doing so.  Then said that in would need to pay 49.99 to fix problrms with my PC.  I explained that I was not calling about a problem with the PC just had question about if I needed a card for wireless Internet and that computer was working fine.  The Person English was very poor and they pulled up several screen on my pc and highlighter some drivers on my PC and advised that they need to be fixed and again tried to sell my the 49.99 then the 14.99 for 11 months.  Upon refusing since I was not having any problems with my PC the person said I would need a card but that it did not matter because I need to have my PC fixed again insisting that I need this one year service plan.  When I refused the person hung-up and stayed removed into my PC.  The computer after several min restarted.  I called back and was told not to worry that once restarted the remote access is over.  Now my PC is acting up and I keep getting internet explorer errors and other issue.  I called back into support and they where unable to find out who I talked to or see record of the call.  (I called back to same number) and again tried to sell me the service plan.  I think the the original person I talked to perhapss due to the language barrier though I all ready had a service plan and did something that was not suppose to be done to my PC.  They realized the issue and hung-up.  I spent 3 hours today trying to talk to support or get a manger on the line about this issue and then only thin I get is transfer to another dept and another rep.  I talked to 13 people the last one suggested that I call back latter and hopefully get router to a different remote center durning a diffrent time of day.   I need to have Support see what was done to my PC while they were remoted into the PC and fix whatever the rep did.  I do not think that and will not pay $49.99 and enter into a service plan when there was not a problem with my PC.  I could get into more detaiuls as to the screeens they pulled up with tec support if someone would be able to help.   I just need my computer to go back to the way it w before touched it.  Is there a number I can call to get assistance or talk to a manger about the issue and get it fixed?
    Amy B.

    May I ask why you allowed remote access?
    That only happens if you click OK when the request to connect from the other PC is made.
    Best regards,
    I will ask to have this looked into.
    ****Please click on Accept As Solution if a suggestion solves your problem. It helps others facing the same problem to find a solution easily****
    2015 Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience Consumer

  • TS1741 I am having difficulty connecting my Remote App on iPad to iTunes. It used to work fine, but with latest iTunes and latest Remote, I can't get it to work. iTunes should open a 'pop up' window to add 4 digit code, but nothing happens. Any clues plea

    Would appreciate in connecting Remote App on iPad to iTunes. It used to work find, before iTunes 11.0 - but now pop up window to input  4 digit code does not appear. Any ideas how to prompt window to open on iMac? Remote App works OK, but says that Home Sharing is not Turned On, although it is. Both devices are logged into my profile account.

    You no longer need the 4 digit code in iTunes 11.
    iTunes (10.0.1 or later)
    Open iTunes on your Mac or PC.
    iTunes 11 or newer: Turn on Home Sharing in iTunes by going to File > Home Sharing> Turn on Home Sharing.
    iTunes 10.7 or older: Turn on Home Sharing in iTunes by going to Advanced > Turn on Home Sharing.
    Connect iPhone, iPad or iPod touch to a Wi-Fi network that is connected to the local network that your Mac or PC is also connected to.
    Open the Remote app (software version 2.0 or later) on your mobile device.
    Turn on Home Sharing in the Remote Settings screen. Make sure to sign into the same Home Sharing account you used to sign in to from iTunes on your computer.
    Once Home sharing is enabled for both your computer and your mobile device, Remote app will be be able to view and control audio and video playback in your iTunes library.

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