Remote mobil me icon from menubar

With iCloud there is no reason to keep the mobil me synch icon in the menu bar. It isn't clear how to remove it. The mobil me preference panel shows that synch is now done through iCloud and doesn't have the check box to remove the synch icon.

Hold down CMD and drag it off the menubar.

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    I had the 'Mobile Me' icon appear in the menu bar, I think I just clicked and dragged it away and it did the little 'poof' animation and disappeared.
    Have you got a pocketmac selection in System Preferences which you can then turn off the icon. Or perhaps there was a way to turn the icon on or off from within pocketmac's preferences. Which will have gone when you removed the application. You could try loading it again and seeing if there is anything in the preferences to disable the menu icon.
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    Hi Svans,
    On my machine when I go into Finder > Preferences > Sidebar
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    Hi austinmac14,
    So the steps listed bellow assume some things. They assume that the Airport Extreme Router your configuring is connected directly to the internet connection. And that the Airport Extreme is the only router between your computers and the internet.
    That means we're talking about say a DSL modem plugged directly into the Airport Extreme, or a cable modem. in ether case, this assumes that said modem, is not acting as an internet router.
    If your modem has multiple ethernet ports on it, or has a little antenna sticking out of it, then your modem is probable also a router, and these steps listed bellow will probable not work.
    Also these steps are so one person, can connect to one computer at your work.
    Open Airport Utility:
    go to the dock
    Click on the finder
    go to the menu bar
    Click on the "Go" menu
    Chose "Utilities" from the "Go" Menu
    double Click on "AirPort Utility"
    Access the Base Station:
    Double Click on your Airport Extreme BaseStation that is your internet connection router.
    a new window should pop up with your Airport Base Station as the Window Name
    Configure Static Address for the computer you want to connect to via ARD:
    Click on the internet Icon from the toolbar
    Click on the "DHCP" tab
    For "DHCP Reservations:"  Click on the "+" button
    For the "Description" put "ARD"
    For "Reserve Address by:"  set "DHCP Client ID"
    Click the "Continue" button
    For "DHCP Client ID:" set "ARD"
    write down the number in "IPv4" address field
    Click the "Done" Button
    Configure routing to ARD computer:
    Click on the "Advanced" icon from the tool bar.
    Click on the "Port Mapping" tab
    Click on the "+" button
    for "Service:" Chose "Apple Remote Desktop"
    for "Private IP Address:" copy the exact IP address you wrote down in step "3. 8)"
    Click the "Continue" button
    Click the "Done" button
    Click the "+" button
    For the pulldown menu "Service:" Chose "Remote Apple Events"
    for "Private IP Address:" copy the exact IP address you wrote down in step "3. 8."
    Click the "Continue" button
    Click the "Done" button
    Click the "+" button
    For the pulldown menu "Service:" Chose "Remote Login - SSH"
    for "Private IP Address:" copy the exact IP address you wrote down in step "3. 8."
    Click the "Continue" button
    Click the "Done" button
    Click the "Update" button.
    wait for the Airport Extreme to update, and for your computer to reconnect to the airport extreme. (make sure you can load and browse websites.)
    Configure the ARD computer to use the correct IP address:
    Go to the computer you want to be able to remotely connect to
    On that computer, Go to the menu bar
    Chose the "Apple" menu bar
    Chose "System Preferences…"
    Click on the "Show All" button
    Click on the "Network" icon
    For the active network connection, (the connection on the left side with the green dot), click on it
    Clock on the "Advanced…" button
    Click on the "TCP/IP" tab
    for the "DHCP Cient ID: field put "ARD".
    Click the "OK" button
    Click the "Apply" buttonNOTE: Under "Status" you should see "(connection name) is connected to (airport base station name) and has the IP address (IP address)." the "(IP address)" address displayed should match the IP address you wrote down in step "3. 8."
    Find out what your public internet IP address is.
    On the computer you wish to connect to over the internet, goto
    when the web page loads, you should see "IP Information:" fallow by a number like, write down what ever number it is.
    At this point you should be able to connect to the computer remotely
    connect to the internet from another location.
    open Apple Remote Desktop
    go to the file menu
    chose connect to computer using ip address
    set the address to the address to the IP address you wrote down for step 6. 2.
    use the same password as you used to connect to the computer at work using ARD.
    So here the catch. If your router gets reset... well then your going to have to configure it again. Also all the same rules you have to connect to the computer at work, also apply to connecting to the computer from over the local network. That means your computer need to be on or sleeping. And if it's sleeping it need to be configure to wake for network access.
    Also some network connections change.  When it comes to internet connections, some connections are static IP, while other connections are DHCP. If your connection is static... great! if it's DHCP, your address may change. If it dose.. well then your ability to connect will break. And then you'd have to do step 6 & 7 again.
    Of corse there are ways around this. But that's kind of another conversation.
    Some internet locations may block your ability to connect to your computer at work. This is very common at schools, and companies. Basically any place that tries to control your ability to browse the internet, may block remote access to computers; because a remote computer would completely by pass their web filter.
    ALSO there is an easier option. As far as setup. There are programs designed to make remotely accessing your mac as easy as possible. For instance there is LogMeIn or Slack. With both of these programs, it's simple. make sure your computer is always on. Then install the software. Create an account with the service. And then you can connect to the computer almost any where by going to their website.
    This option requires no router configuration. It handles DHCP. It's designed to work in as many locations as possible.

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    I was able to remove it. (Should have done a little research on the Samsung site first.)
    Stupid way to remove, but you need to use the installation program.... just to remove the icon from the desktop.
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    thanks in advance.

    Right click on the icon in the dock and select auto-quit. After you do that the printer driver will auto quit after each print.

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    To troubleshoot your "No SIM" issue, I would advise you to follow these steps :

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    Tap and hold any icon for a couple of seconds. They'll all start to wobble. Tap and drag the one you want to move to the side of the screen and the next screen will appear; drop the icon on whatever screen you want it on.
    You can also do it quicker in iTunes - connect the phone and click the Apps tab in the main window. You'll see a picture of your phone with the apps laid out. Just click and drag

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    You have to assign the favicon yourself to the desktop shortcut (right-click the shortcut: Properties) after you have dragged the link to the desktop.
    You can usually find the favicon in Tools >Page Info > Media and save the icon there.
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    This is a feature of firefox, although it may have been removed from firefox 4beta ( at least in default set up, no idea why). The appearance of the RSS icon within the location bar is intended to inform that RSS feeds are available from the site in use. You may note that this firefox forum we are using has such an icon displaying in the location bar, that is because feeds are available allowing you to track the threads, no doubt something similar happens with the SMF forum you mention.
    If it is possible to remove the RSS icon from the location bar it will certainly not be straightforward, other than by upgrading to 4beta, and that is available now, and may be run whilst the stable version firefox 3.6 is still installed on your computer. (iirc there is an add-on available to add the rss icon to Fx4)
    If a post answers your enquiry, you may wish to use the button alongside it to mark it as solved.
    * for more about Firefox 4Beta and its download [ click this]

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    Have you tried SMC and PRAM resets?

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