Remote mounting using "share" and "autofs"

I am trying to remotely mount a directory from a solaris machine to an IRIX machine.
I have shared the directory on the solaris machine by the "share" command.
On the client side(IRIX), i have configured the auto_master to have the mount point /othr for this directory.
/othr /etc/auto_othr -nosuid,nodev
and auto_othr contains the entry
umbd <hostname>:/nd/home
Still I am not seeing this directory (/othr/umbd) on the IRIX machine. Do I need to create the /othr manually or will autofs create the same ?
Do I need to execute any other command on the client side for this ?
Thanks in advance,

I have tried -o vers=3 and that works for me manually.
how do we make automount do the right thing?
snooping, I see that lnux uses NFS v3 to read Solaris exports
but solaris uses nfsv4 to read solaris exports.
Why doesn't Linux accept the NFSV4 Mounts?
# mkdir /L
# mount DDD.central:/perftools /L
nfs mount: mount: /L: Not owner
# mount -F nfs DDD.central:/perftools /L
nfs mount: mount: /L: Not owner
# mount -F nfs -o vers=3 DDD.central:/perftools /L
# ls -l /L
total 1840
drwxr-xr-x 3 500 500 4096 Nov 9 12:56 IperfUperf
-rw-r--r-- 1 500 500 931840 Nov 9 12:59 IperfUperf.tar
-rw-r--r-- 1 jf staff 0 Nov 1 13:16 john.test
-rw-r--r-- 1 jf staff 0 Nov 9 12:25 junk
-rw-r--r-- 1 jf staff 0 Nov 9 12:45 junk2
[root@DDD log]# yum search nfsv4
Loaded plugins: security
========================================================= Matched: nfsv4 =========================================================
libgssapi.i386 : Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface Library
libgssapi.x86_64 : Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface Library
libgssapi-devel.i386 : Development files for the gssapi library
libgssapi-devel.x86_64 : Development files for the gssapi library
nfs-utils-lib.i386 : Network File System Support Library
nfs-utils-lib.x86_64 : Network File System Support Library
nfs-utils-lib-devel.i386 : Development files for the nfs-utils-lib library
nfs-utils-lib-devel.x86_64 : Development files for the nfs-utils-lib library
nfs4-acl-tools.x86_64 : The nfs4 ACL tools
sblim-cmpi-nfsv4.x86_64 : SBLIM nfsv4 instrumentation
sblim-cmpi-nfsv4-test.x86_64 : SBLIM Nfsv4 Instrumentation Testcases
[root@DDD log]# yum list libgssapi.x86_64 nfs-utils-lib.x86_64 nfs4-acl-tools.x86_64
Loaded plugins: security
Installed Packages
libgssapi.x86_64 0.10-2 installed
nfs-utils-lib.x86_64 1.0.8-7.6.el5 installed
nfs4-acl-tools.x86_64 0.3.3-1.el5 installed

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    R00KIE wrote:
    You could use the "alternative" way of doing it, which is exemplified in the manual page: '
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    You can configure your AirPort Extreme for ARD using the AirPort Utility. ARD is one of the choices under Port Mapping.
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    My suggestion is to setup a RD Web Access server and make it available for your clients via proxy.
    Remote Desktop Web Access (RD Web Access)
    Jeremy Wu
    TechNet Community Support

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    I just tried to run your home page through the W3C validator and got this error:
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    If you made recent changes to your domain name (DNS) configuration, you may also want to check that your domain records are correct, or ask your hosting company to do so.
    Nancy O.

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    The service connector is used by SAP to automatically open your systems for customer messages; it's not relevant in the scenario you describe.
    You can't use SAP's servers as a "stepping stone" to get to another customer's system.... you can directly link the two organizations by allowing the connections through both firewalls to specific saprouters at each end though:
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    HO Router (FXO card)
    Current configuration : 1718 bytes
    version 12.3
    service timestamps debug datetime msec
    service timestamps log datetime msec
    no service password-encryption
    hostname Router
    enable password cisco
    no aaa new-model
    resource policy
    mmi polling-interval 60
    no mmi auto-configure
    no mmi pvc
    mmi snmp-timeout 180
    voice-card 2
    voice-card 3
    ip subnet-zero
    ip cef
    no ip dhcp use vrf connected
    no ip domain lookup
    no ftp-server write-enable
    voice class codec 10
    interface FastEthernet0/0
     ip address
     speed auto
     h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr
    ip classless
    no ip http server
    voice-port 2/0
     output attenuation 0
     echo-cancel coverage 32
     no vad
     no comfort-noise
     timeouts interdigit 3
     timeouts call-disconnect 3
     connection plar opx 2001
     description Remote PSTN#:35296913
     music-threshold -70
    voice-port 2/1
     output attenuation 0
     echo-cancel coverage 32
     no vad
     no comfort-noise
     timeouts interdigit 3
     timeouts call-disconnect 3
     connection plar opx 2002
     description Remote PSTN#:35296914
     music-threshold -70
    voice-port 3/0
    voice-port 3/1
    dial-peer voice 2000 voip
     destination-pattern 200.
     no modem passthrough
     voice-class codec 10
     session target ipv4:
     incoming called-number .
     dtmf-relay cisco-rtp h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
     fax-relay ecm disable
     fax rate 7200
     fax nsf 000000
     no vad
    dial-peer voice 1321 pots
     description line 1
     destination-pattern 1321
     port 2/0
    dial-peer voice 1322 pots
     description line 2
     destination-pattern 1322
     port 2/1
    line con 0
     password cisco
    line aux 0
    line vty 0 4
     password cisco
    Remote Router (FXS Card):
    version 12.3
    service timestamps debug datetime msec
    service timestamps log datetime msec
    no service password-encryption
    hostname Router
    enable password cisco
    mmi polling-interval 60
    no mmi auto-configure
    no mmi pvc
    mmi snmp-timeout 180
    voice-card 2
    voice-card 3
    no aaa new-model
    ip subnet-zero
    ip cef
    no ip domain lookup
    no ftp-server write-enable
    voice class codec 10
    interface FastEthernet0/0
     ip address
     speed auto
     h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr
    interface Ethernet1/0
     no ip address
    ip classless
    no ip http server
    voice-port 2/0
     description PSTN#:
    voice-port 2/1
     description PSTN#:
    voice-port 3/0
    voice-port 3/1
    dial-peer voice 2001 pots
     description Remote
     destination-pattern 2001
     port 2/0
    dial-peer voice 2002 pots
     description Remote
     destination-pattern 2002
     port 2/1
    dial-peer voice 1320 voip
     destination-pattern 132.
     no modem passthrough
     voice-class codec 10
     session target ipv4:
     incoming called-number .
     dtmf-relay cisco-rtp h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
     fax-relay ecm disable
     fax rate 7200
     fax nsf 000000
     no vad
    line con 0
     password cisco
    line aux 0
    line vty 0 4
     password cisco

    In your voice class codec 10 there aren't any codecs declared.
    Add G.711 codec in this way:
    voice class codec 10
     codec preference 1 g711alaw
    If the fax communication fails again try to disable T.38 and try fax passthrough mode:
     no fax rate
     modem passthrough nse codec g711alaw
     fax protocol pass-through g711alaw

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    Thanks, Duncan

    By default it goes in your Movies folder.
    Users > (Account Name) > Movies > Shared Items.

  • Time it takes to transcode  72 minute sequence using SHARE option?

    I have a 72 minute sequence that I've currently exported to the iPod format using the SHARE function in FCP 7.
    I've left it overnight and currently it's going on over 12 hours and it's still not complete.
    Should it take this long?
    Some specs:
    Nested sequence
    Timecode Reader filter used
    MacBook Pro
    OS X 10.5.8 (not snow leopard)
    2.2ghz intel core 2 duo
    2GB memory

    The sequence was shot in HD - however, the sequence was rendered. Mind you that I haven't used any filters so there is minimal rendering involved.
    After 13 hours, I decided to stop it and am currently trying to export as Quicktime Conversion using the default settings. Currently it tells me the Estimated Time will be about 9 hours. And I'm a little nervous because it seems to be stuck on 11% for quite awhile!
    The thing is, the 72 minute sequence is nested. Within there are about 30 -40 sequences.
    I had about 15 sequences that totaled around 20 minutes that I converted to iPOD setting using SHARE and it maybe took about an hour. So I guess that's why I thought 13 hours and counting seemed wrong to me. As well, when I started up SHARE there was an indicator that said it would take about 6 hours, but when I checked on it this morning it disappeared.
    I have Timecode on the full 72 minute sequence because I'm handing off the project to a musician who needs it for reference which is why I haven't split up the sequence into separate clips.

  • E mails using share in 11

    I am trying to send a photo using Share and Email but I get to a final point and I am asked for a for verification how do I get this help if you can

    I’ve found it usually works best with web mail via Adobe after obtaining verification. I know some email services block bulk email completely and I’ve only tested it with Gmail which works fine. Should also work with other web mail e.g. Yahoo and Hotmail. Give it a try. Before you start it will help to check your internet security settings. If they are set to High, reduce the settings to Medium temporarily. Then follow these instructions.
    1. Log in to your mail provider on the web and add the following email to your address/contacts book.
    [email protected]
    2. Open Organizer and on the menu click:
    Edit >> Preferences >> Sharing
    3. Choose Adobe Email Service from the client dropdown menu.
    4. Add your name and email address to the fields provided and click OK
    5. Test the system (first use only)  by selecting a photo in organizer and choosing Share >> Photo Mail then click Next (Mac users should use attachments)
    6. Choose a contact then click  Next
    7. Click Next Step, then click Next - the sender verification dialog will open.
    8. Check you have spelt your email address correctly and hit the Resend E-Mail button.
    9. Go to your inbox (also check spam) and when the Adobe mailer message is received copy (Ctrl+C) the long verification code.
    10. Return to the verification dialog and paste it (Ctrl+V) into the Sender verification field and click OK. Wait for validation confirmation then click OK to continue

  • How to login to remote machine using SSH?

    I have a requirement where in I am required to connect to a remote machine using SSH and execute some commands, say a tail -100 on some file over there and pull back output data from the remote machine.
    I know we can use sockets to connect to remote machines and Runtime.exec to execute external commands. But I am unable to tie together the two of these to achieve whatever I want to do.
    Is it possible to somehow connect w/o using a custom server socket? The problem is that there is no concrete list of servers to connect to. It will be decided by the user. So I will not be able to install a server socket on each and every machine.
    Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks a lot.
    With regards,

    I am writing a java program that will try to use a SSH client to connect to a remote machine. I do not want to log into every single remote machine to moitor stuff over there.
    My plan goes like this:
    Have a web application that can connect to a DB for all information regarding remote servers to be monitored.
    Based on user selection of a particular server, use data from the DB to connect to the particular remote server and pull in some data.
    Hope I am clear enough now. Thanks a lot.

  • How to share an autofs mounted drive between users?

    Hi all,
    I've spent a frustrating (albeit informative) couple of days trying to share my ITunes library between two users on the same MacBook Pro. I've managed to share the iTunes library files themselves by placing the iTune.xml in the /Users/Shared folder and creating aliases in each user's /Users/username/Music folder. However, it's getting the iTunes library to recognise the remote media location thats the problem. All the iTunes media files are on a Synology DiskStation NAS which I am trying to mount in such a way that it can be seen the same way - regardless of which user is logged in.
    Firstly, I tried mounting the DiskStation/itunes folder and placing a link to the mount in each user's Login Items, but that never seems to give me a persistent mount.
    Secondly, I tried creating an /etc/auto_afp file to specify the mount location and using the /etc/auto_master file to mount the Diskstation/itunes folder to /Users/Shared/itunes.  This works great - but only for the first user to log in. When I look at the permissions for the mounted share that this creates I see that it is owned by 'User1'. When User2 logs in they cant access the share due to a lack of permissions, so when they start up the shared iTunes it complains that it cant see any of the media files!
    Does anyone know  a way to create a mount using autofs that can be mounted by multiple users and give all of them the permission to read/write to it?

    Niel's instructions don't cover you 100%.  You want to keep things on a different drive and there won't be a "shared" folder there. That's only on your main drive.  You also have to migrate media and/or your library to a different drive using a special process or you will end up breaking all your music links.
    You need to clearly state what you want to share.  You can share just media or you can share your whole library structure.  Sharing only media is safest but if you share a common media pool you will all have to keep each other appraised of additions (and deletions, because those too will affect everybody) from the pool.  You have to be pretty trusting and coordinated on this.  Alternatively you can make it so others can copy your media but you will each have your own copy of the file so if somebody else wants to change the name on a track it doesn't do it to the copy you use too.  Of course this takes up the most space but is the safest.  Which migration procedure to do will depend upon your answers to this section.
    Finally, I hope you have a backup plan implemented on this.  Nobody will be happy when that external drive fails and it all disappears.

  • Cannot mount NFS shares using the Finder

    Hello all!
    I have a directory structure on a OpenSuse NFS Server which I like to browse/read using my MAC OSX 10.5.6. It works like a joy when I am mounting the NFS share on the command line using "sudo":
    sudo mount -o resvport nfshost:/full/path/NFS/share /My/mount/point
    However, this is kind of unconvenient as I need to start Terminal and sudo always asks me for the root password. I would appreciate to mount the NFS share just as I mount afp shares using the Finder. But the NFS share is neither searchable using the Finder nor does it show up in the list of host in the side bar of the Finder.
    Does anyone has an idea how to solve that? Thx for your information!

    The problem is most likely that your NFS server requires that connections come from reserved ports but you can't connect that way from the Finder GUI.
    Your example:
    sudo mount -o resvport nfshost:/full/path/NFS/share /My/mount/point
    shows that you need to use "-o resvport" and that you need to do the mount as root. (This is because the networking stack requires you to be root to get a reserved port.) When you try to mount it via the Finder, you can't specify any mount options like "-o resvport" and even if you could the mount would fail because the Finder isn't running as root.
    My first suggestion would be to change the configuration of your server to not require clients to use reserved ports for the NFS protocol. Unfortunately, Linux chooses to call that option "insecure" even though requiring the use of reserved ports (using "secure") doesn't actually make NFS more secure.
    Alternatively, you could configure the mount to be performed by something that does do the mount as root - e.g. automount/autofs. You can do this by configuring the mount on Directory Utility's "Mounts" section... you'll want to add "resvport" to the "Advanced mount options" field.

Maybe you are looking for