Remove authorization of forcefully accepting the MIC.

Dear All
While result recording if value entered is not equal to or in between the specified limit then MIC is rejected automatically. But there is an option to set it for processing and then forcefully accepting it. I want to remove this authorization, because if value of MIC is not in between the limits then the MIC should be rejected.. Plz suggest HOW?
Thanks in advance.

Plz guide,Is their any other way to accept the MIC with wrong value if i have disabled the Force tab. I mean if the MIC is showing rejected by system, user is not able to change the status to accept it at any cost.

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    If your Apple ID was changed from your old account, you may have to change it back to your old account to be able to sign out and then change it back after that is done. Take a look at the article below for more information. 
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    The first thing to do with a second-hand computer is to erase the internal drive and install a clean copy of OS X. You — not the previous owner — must do that. How you do it depends on the model, and on whether you already own another Mac. If you're not sure of the model, enter the serial number on this page. Then find the model on this page to see what OS version was originally installed.
    1. You don't own another Mac.
    If the machine shipped with OS X 10.4 or 10.5, you need a boxed and shrink-wrapped retail Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6) installation disc from the Apple Store or a reputable reseller — not from eBay or anything of the kind. If the machine has less than 1 GB of memory, you'll need to add more in order to install 10.6. Preferably, install as much memory as it can take, according to the technical specifications.
    If the machine shipped with OS X 10.6, you need the installation media that came with it: gray installation discs, or a USB flash drive for some MacBook Air models. For early MBA models, you may need a USB optical drive or Remote Disc. You should have received the media from the previous owner, but if you didn't, order replacements from Apple. A retail disc, or the gray discs from another model, will not work.
    To boot from an optical disc or a flash drive, insert it, then reboot and hold down the C key at the startup chime. Release the key when you see the gray Apple logo on the screen.
    If the machine shipped with OS X 10.7 or later, you don't need media. It should boot into Internet Recovery mode when you hold down the key combination option-command-R at the startup chime. Release the keys when you see a spinning globe.
    2. You do own another Mac.
    If you already own another Mac that was upgraded in the App Store to the version of OS X that you want to install, and if the new Mac is compatible with it, then you can install it. Use Recovery Disk Assistant to create a bootable USB device and boot the new Mac from it by holding down the C key at the startup chime. Alternatively, if you have a Time Machine backup of OS X 10.7.3 or later on an external hard drive (not a Time Capsule or other network device), you can boot from that by holding down the option key and selecting it from the row of icons that appears. Note that if your other Mac was never upgraded in the App Store, you can't use this method.
    Once booted in Recovery, launch Disk Utility and select the icon of the internal drive — not any of the volume icons nested beneath it. In the Partition tab, select the default options: a GUID partition table with one data volume in Mac OS Extended (Journaled) format. This operation will permanently remove all existing data on the drive.
    After partitioning, quit Disk Utility and run the OS X Installer. You will need the Apple ID and password that you used to upgrade. When the installation is done, the system will automatically reboot into the Setup Assistant, which will prompt you to transfer the data from another Mac, its backups, or from a Windows computer. If you have any data to transfer, this is usually the best time to do it.
    Then run Software Update and install all available system updates from Apple. To upgrade to a major version of OS X newer than 10.6, get it from the Mac App Store. Note that you can't keep an upgraded version that was installed by the previous owner. He or she can't legally transfer it to you, and without the Apple ID you won't be able to update it in Software Update or reinstall, if that becomes necessary. The same goes for any App Store products that the previous owner installed — you have to repurchase them.
    If the previous owner "accepted" the bundled iLife applications (iPhoto, iMovie, and Garage Band) in the App Store so that he or she could update them, then they're linked to that Apple ID and you won't be able to download them without buying them. Reportedly, Apple customer service has sometimes issued redemption codes for these apps to second owners who asked.
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    I updated the software on my iphone4 tonight and ran into this same endless loop - "itunes terms & conditions have been changed" - go to itunes, aceept - back to the "T&C have been changed message" with no ability to do anything in the app store until I accepted the new terms.
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    Hope this helps!!!

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    Back up all data.
    If Adobe Reader or Acrobat is installed, there should be a setting in its preferences such as Display PDF in Browser. I don't use those applications myself, so I can't be more precise. Deselect that setting, if it's selected. Otherwise do as follows.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it, the copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C):
    /Library/Internet Plug-ins
    In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder
    from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-G. Paste into the text box that opens (command-V), then press return.
    From the folder that opens, remove any items that have "Adobe" or “PDF” in the name. You may be prompted for your login password. Then quit and relaunch Safari, and test.
    The "Silverlight" web plugin distributed by Microsoft can also interfere with PDF display in Safari, so you may need to remove it as well, if it's present. The same goes for a plugin called "iGetter," and perhaps others.
    If you still have the issue, repeat with this line:
    ~/Library/Internet Plug-ins
    If you don’t like the results of this procedure, restore the items from the backup you made before you started. Relaunch Safari again.

  • How to view PDF documents because say you must launch adobe reader and accept the end user license

    I have a question about to display the PDF documents, could you tell me how can I display it?, I have this message that say before viewing PDF documents in this browser you must launch Adobe Reader and accept the End User License Agreement, then Quit and relaunch the browser

    I've got the same issue and I want to use Preview to read pdfs on Safari. At some point I had Acrobat Reader installed, but deleted it and everything associated with it. However no matter what, I get: "Before launching pdf documents in this browser you must launch Adobe Reader and accept the end user license agreement, then quit and relaunch the browser."
    This means I am forced to use Reader, when I don't want to. There seems no way to default to Preview to read pdfs on Safari, even after deleting Adobe Reader completely.
    Anyone have a clue how to fix this?

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    When I reinstall I Tunes, I get a message that the “Service ‘apple mobile device’ failed to start.”  Verify you have sufficient privileges to start system services.  I attempted to manually start the Apple Mobile Device service but get a pop up stating, “Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.”Unsure what I should try next. 

    For general advice see Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.
    The steps in the second box are a guide to removing everything related to iTunes and then rebuilding it, which is often a good starting point unless the symptoms indicate a more specific approach. Review the other boxes and the list of support documents further down page in case one of them applies.
    Your library should be unaffected by these steps but there is backup and recovery advice elsewhere in the user tip.
    The section Install missing components has advice on breaking down the iTunes installer into the individual .msi files which might prove useful if one component, such as Apple Mobile Device Support, won't install normally.
    In your case I suggest you start with a clean download of the setup file using the direct link. If reinstalling AMDS alone doesn't work try tearing everything down again.

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    Invalid Serial Number
    < Removed by Moderator >
    Invalid Serial Number. This is not a valid serial number. Please go back and re-enter your serial number.
    The serial number above is the serial number on the disk which I purchased some years ago.
    Can you please help?
    Message was edited by: Moderator

  • Before proceeding you must first launch adobe acrobat and accept the end user license agreement

    Our situation is as follows:
    - We have 300 + computers with both Acrobat Pro and Reader installed
    - When Acrobat and Reader are installed, and our users try to open a .pdf file using Internet Explorer, they are prompted to launch Acrobat and accept the EULA
    - If we uninstall Acrobat, Internet Explorer uses Reader to display the pdf.  If it is the first time the user has used Reader on that computer, they are prompted to accept the EULA for Reader, but the EULA is provided, right there.  The user doesn't have to close out of IE, open Acrobat, and then reopen IE.
    - When Acrobat is installed, if we uninstall and reinstall Reader, IE uses Reader to display the pdf
    - If we have uninstall and reinstall Acrobat, or if there is an update, IE uses Acrobat to display the pdf
    Yes, I know that the user can open Acrobat to accept the EULA, but the message still causes confusion for our users.  Always making sure that Reader is installed or updated after Acrobat isn't feasible to do on 300 + computers, nor is uninstalling and reinstalling Reader.
    Is there a way via Group Policy to force IE to use Reader instead of Acrobat?  I've looked at disabling the Adobe Reader addon in IE, but that causes the pdf to be downloaded instead of being displayed in the browser.  It's possible to disable IE addons via Group policy, but I can't pinpoint an Acrobat specific addon for displaying pdfs.
    Has anyone run into this situation before? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Hi D Sugden,
    There are two ways that you can attempt to do this.
    1.  Use the EULA_ACCEPT property at install time:
    Installation    9.0 & later    EULA_ACCEPT    YES prevents the EULA from appearing the first time the viewer is invoked. For 10.1.4, see the release notes.
    2.  Use APTEE after installation for the applications already installed
    4   Installation Workflows — Enterprise Administration Guide
    adobe_prtk --tool=Type1Exception --accept --serial=<serialNum> --responsecode=responseCode --leid=DriverLEID
    The corresponding EULA registry setting is:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\<version>\AdobeViewer\EULAAcceptedForBrowser.

  • I get a message saying: "Before proceeding you must first launch Adobe Acrobat and accept the End User License Agreement". HELP!!

    Hi i have an iMac with  10.9.3 and when i tried to open a PDF link or a PDF document in Safari 7.0.4  this message appears: "Before proceeding you must first launch Adobe Acrobat and accept the End User License Agreement".  What can i do to solve this?

    Back up all data before making any changes.
    Please take each of the following steps until the problem is resolved.
    Step 1
    If Adobe Reader or Acrobat is installed, and the problem is just that you can't print or save PDF's displayed in Safari, you may be able to do so by moving the cursor to the the bottom edge of the page, somewhere near the middle. A black toolbar should appear under the cursor. Click the printer or disk icon.
    Step 2
    There should be a setting in the preferences of the Adobe application such as Display PDF in Browser. I don't use those applications myself, so I can't be more precise. Deselect that setting, if it's selected.
    Step 3
    If you get a message such as ""Adobe Reader blocked for this website," then from the Safari menu bar, select
    Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Security
    and check the box marked
    Allow Plug-ins
    Then click
    Manage Website Settings...
    and make any required changes to the security settings for the Adobe PDF plugin.
    Step 4
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it, the copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C:
    /Library/Internet Plug-ins
    In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-G. Paste into the text box that opens by pressing command-V, then press return.
    From the folder that opens, move to the Trash any items that have "Adobe" or “PDF” in the name. You may be prompted for your login password. Then quit and relaunch Safari.
    Step 5
    The "Silverlight" web plugin distributed by Microsoft can interfere with PDF display in Safari, so you may need to remove it, if it's present. The same goes for a plugin called "iGetter," and perhaps others—I don't have a complete list. Don't remove Silverlight if you use the "Netflix" video-streaming service.
    Step 6
    Do as in Step 4 with this line:
    ~/Library/Internet Plug-ins
    If you don’t like the results of this procedure, restore the items from the backup you made before you started. Relaunch Safari.

  • Before viewing PDF documents in this browser you must launch Adobe Reader and accept the End User License Agreement, then Quit and relaunch the browser.

    Before viewing PDF documents in this browser you must launch Adobe Reader and accept the End User License Agreement, then Quit and relaunch the browser.
    I have tried to relaunch adobe but still keep getting same message. I can however download file and then open it with preview but would like to get this sorted!!

    Back up all data.
    If Adobe Reader or Acrobat is installed, there should be a setting in its preferences such as Display PDF in Browser. I don't use those applications myself, so I can't be more precise. Deselect that setting, if it's selected. Otherwise do as follows.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it, the copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C):
    /Library/Internet Plug-ins
    In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder
    from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-G. Paste into the text box that opens (command-V), then press return.
    From the folder that opens, remove any items that have "Adobe" or “PDF” in the name. You may be prompted for your login password. Then quit and relaunch Safari, and test.
    The "Silverlight" web plugin distributed by Microsoft can also interfere with PDF display in Safari, so you may need to remove it as well, if it's present. The same goes for a plugin called "iGetter," and perhaps others.
    If you still have the issue, repeat with this line:
    ~/Library/Internet Plug-ins
    If you don’t like the results of this procedure, restore the items from the backup you made before you started. Relaunch Safari again.

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