Remove content from Google

Dear Moderators,
Can you please remove these two posts from Google?
Re: sqlldr question - how do I skip the last record of a file when loading?

The best thing you can do is simply use the Google request methods for removing content.
If you believe that content breaches privacy and that's somehow urgent then request an urgent removal:
If it's not urgent then there's a link on that same page for requesting the same.
You've made posts on a public site on the internet, google has come along and copied that public content, which they are entitled to do. It's not really Oracle's concern if you decide that information should be removed. Of course, if you have posted personal details such as names, address, credit card details etc. then Oracle will be quite happy to edit/remove such details from their own forum (they have before, I know for a fact) and if that information is know to exist on Google then maybe Oracle will help out (Justin will be able to give a definitive answer) by requesting the removal from google if the appriopriate google cache links are given, but I don't think they are obliged to.
user8660878 wrote:
I don't see the need for this forum to be indexed anyway. It has an internal search function so all one has to do is get here and then look around.All forums (as well as any website) on the internet get indexed by search engines. That's what makes the search engines a powerful and popular method of finding information and is what the internet is all about (shame some of the people with questions don't use them first before posting ;) ). It would be poor to expect people to know whereabouts to find the forums on and then have to trawl about the forums once they do find them to try and find an answer to their question (the search facility on the forum is certainly not the best or easiest to use). Google and other search engines provide a great information sharing service.
I hesitate to come close to the forum during work hours in the event my employer decides the banter is more social than technical.Why banter? Nobody is making you. If you come to the forums and only post technically, even if it is just for you to ask questions and you don't get involved answering any, then your employer can check and see that you have only used the forums to further your knowledge or do a better job. In general, these forums are more technical discussions than banter, so I'd hardly refer to them as being social, although regulars here do get to know each other somewhat.

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    Disallow: /
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    Important  2.56 GB
    Sent Mail  1.8 GB
    Sent          767.4 MB
    Starred     482.4 MB
    Drafts      57.4 MB
    Trash       9.7 MB
    Junk e-mail  671 kb
    Bin              414 kb
    Spam      0
    Deleted Items   0
    Apple Mail To Do  0
    Priority 0
    Follow up  0
    Misc  0
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    If images, did you link them or did you embed them or how have you imported them? Describe your steps.

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        jwall421 Welcome to the VZW community! We'll be glad to answer your Verizon Cloud questions. As Weth stated below, if you have the More Everything plan you get 25gb of storage for free. What plan do you have?
    Follow us on Twitter

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    When you click on your device you are presented with the pages
    TV shows
    To remove Audiobooks depending on the type of Audiobook ie a series of mp3 files you will find under music and probably have to deselect the album name to remove it. I don't have any of these as I download from Audible or I use Audiobook Builder to stictch together mp3 files into m4b files. To find these Click on Books you will immediately see a section for books (in reality ebooks). Scroll down past that and you will see Audiobooks where you can select and deselect. Deselect the required Audiobooks and Click Sync

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    Ben Pleysier wrote:
    Be patient!
    For about 7 years!!!!!!!!!!!
    Once something is on the Internet, it remains so.  That is why people (mainly children) are always advised not to post anything that they may come to regret in a few years time when you are looking for jobs and your potential employer does a background search on you.

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    Welcome to the Forums!
    If you're using a Mac, you can save the maps a jpg images, then transfer them to your IPT using FileMarkMaker.
    Hope this helps...

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