Remove Corrupted Safe Sender

When using powershell (or OWA) to turn on junk email filtering I get the error:
[PS] C:\scripts>Set-MailboxJunkEmailConfiguration "first last" -enabled $true
Junk e-mail validation error. Value: [email protected]
I can't see this entry displayed in any senders list in Outlook or OWA (Safe Senders, Blocked Senders etc) so apparently it is a corrupted table entry somewhere.
Any ideas how to find and remove the entry from the list?

I would try moving the mailbox to another database ( that clean things up often)
or use mfcmapi and whack the junk mail rules.
Please Note: My Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.
Thanks.  I thought about moving the mailbox to see if that would work.  I'll try that first.  Thanks for the link to the MFCMape process.  I was looking for that. 

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    how do I add more email to safe sender ?

    Hello jdalsmith,
    If you are trying to add more email addresses to your "Allowed Senders" list in ePrintCenter you need to click the icon in your ePrintCenter account labeled "ePrint Settings". From here, click the button next to "Allowed Senders Only" if it is not already selected. All you need to do from here is type an email address in the blank text box and click the button "+ Add Email" and it should be displayed below in the list of Allowed Senders. Make sure you click "Save" to keep these settings after you have finished.
    If you need further assistance, feel free to reply to this post and I will try my best to find an answer for you.
    If I have solved your issue, please feel free to provide kudos and make sure you mark this thread as solution provided!
    Although I work for HP, my posts and replies are my own opinion and not those of HP.

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    pstack: warning: librtld_db failed to initialize; symbols from shared libraries will not be available
    ----------------- lwp# 1 --------------------------------
    fe0c0e70 ???????? (0, 0, ffbff6e8, 0, 0, 3e8)
    ----------------- lwp# 4 --------------------------------
    fe0c0e70 ???????? (fd9fadb8, 1, fd9fad38, 0, 0, 1388)
    ----------------- lwp# 5 --------------------------------
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    ----------------- lwp# 6 --------------------------------
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    ----------------- lwp# 7 --------------------------------
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    ----------------- lwp# 9 --------------------------------
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    ----------------- lwp# 11 --------------------------------
    fe0c0144 ???????? (286b8, 66ee98, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    ----------------- lwp# 12 --------------------------------
    fe0c0144 ???????? (7c1390, 7af2e8, fc9fbc90, 1, 0, 0)
    ----------------- lwp# 13 --------------------------------
    fe0c1378 ???????? (88490, 88478, fa67fd30, 3b9ac800, 1d8dbc20, 16)
    ----------------- lwp# 14 --------------------------------
    fe0c1378 ???????? (8c150, 8c138, f1430, 0, 0, 0)
    ----------------- lwp# 15 --------------------------------
    fe0c1378 ???????? (8c2b8, 8c2a0, f1638, 0, 0, f9e7f8a4)
    ----------------- lwp# 16 --------------------------------
    fe0c1378 ???????? (87c20, 87c08, ff000000, ff000000, 0, 0)
    ----------------- lwp# 18 --------------------------------
    fe0c1378 ???????? (88a30, 88a18, f1a48, 0, 4b8110, f7a7fd50)
    ----------------- lwp# 19 --------------------------------
    fe0c1378 ???????? (88ac0, 88aa8, f1c50, 0, 4b8110, 0)
    fd194078 ???????? (88a60, 0, 8cd50, 4000, 4194, f1c50)
    fd2aac7c ???????? (fd5358a9, fd5c1238, f1c50, 12c1d0, 31a08c, fd267ed8)
    fd267f00 ???????? (f1c50, 13, 40, 0, 40, 1)
    fd2643e0 ???????? (f1c50, e3780000, 0, 0, fd2642ac, 1)
    fe0c00a0 ???????? (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    ----------------- lwp# 20 --------------------------------
    fe0c1378 ???????? (88ac0, 88aa8, edb50, 0, 4b8110, 0)
    fd194078 ???????? (88a60, 0, 8d020, 4000, 4194, edb50)
    fd2aac7c ???????? (fd5358a9, fd5c1238, edb50, 12cde8, 31a08c, fd267ed8)
    fd267f00 ???????? (edb50, 14, 40, 0, 40, 1)
    fd2643e0 ???????? (edb50, e3500000, 0, 0, fd2642ac, 1)
    fe0c00a0 ???????? (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    ----------------- lwp# 22 --------------------------------
    fe0c0e70 ???????? (e2d7f750, 0, e2d7f7b8, 0, 0, 0)
    fe061f24 ???????? (e2d7f750, fe0eba68, fe0eba68, 0, e2d7f7b8, 0)
    fe06229c ???????? (0, 0, 0, 0, e2d7f840, e2d7f840)
    fd10651c ???????? (0, ea60, 1, f7c160d0, c, 0)
    fd10633c ???????? (f2880, 0, ea60, 1, 4, 0)
    fd293258 ???????? (f2914, e2d7f9a8, 0, ea60, e8dfbf78, 0)
    f7c0b96c ???????? (e2d7fa2c, b8, 0, 3c, 0, 0)
    f7c05804 ???????? (e2d7faac, b7, 0, f7c16284, 8, e2d7f9c0)
    f7c05804 ???????? (e2d7fb24, f38212b8, 0, f7c160d0, 4, e2d7fa50)
    f7c05a8c ???????? (e2d7fb9c, 0, 0, f7c16420, 4, e2d7fac8)
    f7c0010c ???????? (e2d7fc28, e2d7fe90, a, f3821ca0, 4, e2d7fb40)
    fd15bcf8 ???????? (e2d7fe88, e2d7fcf0, e2d7fda8, f2880, f2880, e2d7fd00)
    fd24a3e4 ???????? (fd582000, ab7120, e2d7fd9c, e2d7fd98, e2d7fda8, f2880)
    fd25d5a8 ???????? (e2d7fe88, e2d7fe84, e2d7fe7c, e2d7fe74, e2d7fe6c, f2880)
    fd26e8f8 ???????? (f2880, f2880, 30298, ab7120, 31a08c, fd267ed8)
    fd267f00 ???????? (f2880, 16, 40, 0, 40, 1)
    fd2643e0 ???????? (f2880, e2d80000, 0, 0, fd2642ac, 1)
    fe0c00a0 ???????? (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    ----------------- lwp# 23 --------------------------------
    fe0c0e70 ???????? (e1e7f750, 0, e1e7f7b8, 0, 0, 0)
    fe061f24 ???????? (e1e7f750, fe0eba68, fe0eba68, 0, e1e7f7b8, 0)
    fe06229c ???????? (0, 0, 0, 0, e1e7f840, e1e7f840)
    fd10651c ???????? (0, ea60, 1, f7c160d0, c, 0)
    fd10633c ???????? (f2c90, 0, ea60, 1, 4, 0)
    fd293258 ???????? (f2d24, e1e7f9a8, 0, ea60, e8e053b0, 0)
    f7c0b96c ???????? (e1e7fa2c, b8, 0, 3c, 0, 0)
    f7c05804 ???????? (e1e7faac, b7, 0, f7c16284, 8, e1e7f9c0)
    f7c05804 ???????? (e1e7fb24, f38212b8, 0, f7c160d0, 4, e1e7fa50)
    f7c05a8c ???????? (e1e7fb9c, 0, 0, f7c163d0, 4, e1e7fac8)
    f7c0010c ???????? (e1e7fc28, e1e7fe90, a, f3821ca0, 4, e1e7fb40)
    fd15bcf8 ???????? (e1e7fe88, e1e7fcf0, e1e7fda8, f2c90, f2c90, e1e7fd00)
    fd24a3e4 ???????? (fd582000, 8e3120, e1e7fd9c, e1e7fd98, e1e7fda8, f2c90)
    fd25d5a8 ???????? (e1e7fe88, e1e7fe84, e1e7fe7c, e1e7fe74, e1e7fe6c, f2c90)
    fd26e8f8 ???????? (f2c90, f2c90, 30608, 8e3120, 31a08c, fd267ed8)
    fd267f00 ???????? (f2c90, 17, 40, 0, 40, 1)
    fd2643e0 ???????? (f2c90, e1e80000, 0, 0, fd2642ac, 1)
    fe0c00a0 ???????? (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    ----------------- lwp# 76 --------------------------------
    fe0c1294 ???????? (6, 0, fe0a4ba8, ffffffff, fe0e8284, 6)
    fe040038 ???????? (0, 1, fe0b579c, a8350, fe0eb298, 0)
    fd499d98 ???????? (1, fd53ad22, e1d7f668, fd56f8a2, fd56f83a, 14)
    fd37d35c ???????? (e1d7f678, fd5d8b3c, fd53aaec, fd546bb3, fd53ab90, fd546b70)
    fd2f6fa4 ???????? (8f, 5000, 0, ff000000, 0, 48a284)
    fd2c0188 ???????? (8f, fd5c364c, 20361e8, e1d7f590, e1d7f568, 1)
    fd83e174 ???????? (203627c, e1d7f918, 8f, ffffffff, f7c162e4, 0)
    f7c0b96c ???????? (e1d7f994, b8, 0, f7c162a0, 0, e1d7f898)
    f7c05804 ???????? (e1d7fa2c, b8, 0, f7c16298, 4, e1d7f930)
    f7c05804 ???????? (e1d7faac, f38b3ba0, 0, f7c16298, 4, e1d7f9c8)
    f7c05a8c ???????? (e1d7fb24, f38212b8, 0, f7c16420, 8, e1d7fa48)
    f7c05a8c ???????? (e1d7fb9c, 0, 0, f7c163d0, 4, e1d7fac8)
    f7c0010c ???????? (e1d7fc28, e1d7fe90, a, f3821ca0, 4, e1d7fb40)
    fd15bcf8 ???????? (e1d7fe88, e1d7fcf0, e1d7fda8, 20361e8, 20361e8, e1d7fd00)
    fd24a3e4 ???????? (fd582000, ab6910, e1d7fd9c, e1d7fd98, e1d7fda8, 20361e8)
    fd25d5a8 ???????? (e1d7fe88, e1d7fe84, e1d7fe7c, e1d7fe74, e1d7fe6c, 20361e8)
    fd26e8f8 ???????? (20361e8, 20361e8, 309c8, ab6910, 31a08c, fd267ed8)
    fd267f00 ???????? (20361e8, 4c, 7f, 0, 7f, 1)
    fd2643e0 ???????? (20361e8, e1d80000, 0, 0, fd2642ac, 1)
    fe0c00a0 ???????? (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    ----------------- lwp# 25 --------------------------------
    fe0c0e70 ???????? (e1cfbc88, 1, e1cfbc08, 0, 0, 1388)
    fe05cf48 ???????? (e1cfbc88, 1, 1388, 10624c00, 0, 0)
    fedd8534 ???????? (e1cfbcf4, 1, e1cfbd24, e1cfbc88, 20, ffffffff)
    fedd9dd8 ???????? (30748, e1cfbe58, ffffffff, 12, 0, ffffffff)
    ff22a3ac ???????? (f42e8, e1cfbe58, ffffffff, ff000000, 0, 0)
    ff220fc0 ???????? (108de50, 7, 8, 0, 1000, ffffe800)
    ff106d68 ???????? (108de50, 78f110, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    fedddf2c ???????? (78f110, ff106d44, 400, fedf6a98, 0, fedf87dc)
    fe0c00a0 ???????? (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    ----------------- lwp# 26 --------------------------------
    fe0c0144 ???????? (262a0, 498f8, e1bfbd28, 1, 0, 0)
    fe0ba1d4 ???????? (262a0, 498f8, e1bfbd28, 0, 0, 0)
    fe0ba64c ???????? (262a0, 498f8, e1bfbd28, 0, 0, 0)
    fe0ba7e4 ???????? (262a0, 498f8, e1bfbeb8, ff000000, 0, 0)
    fe0ba8d8 ???????? (262a0, 498f8, e1bfbeb8, 0, 0, c350)
    fe0ba918 ???????? (262a0, 498f8, e1bfbeb8, 45d7155d, 0, 3618adb8)
    fedd79fc ???????? (26298, 2, 78faa0, 0, 3618adb8, 0)
    ff23b82c ???????? (2e58, 0, 0, ff2ef26c, ff2ef274, ff2ef260)
    fedddf2c ???????? (78faa0, ff23b498, 400, fedf6a98, 0, fedf87dc)
    fe0c00a0 ???????? (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

    Unfortunately, we can't tell much from that pstack output because it doesn't include symbols:pstack: warning: librtld_db failed to initialize; symbols from shared libraries will not be availableI don't know pstack couldn't initialize librtld_db. How big is the core file? Is it possible that it was truncated due to a lack of disk space or ulimit? Did you run pstack on the same system that generated the core file?
    While I don't remember seeing a bug like this before, have you tried applying the latest service pack? For Web Server 6.1, that's 6.1SP7. Service packs contain important bug fixes.

  • DLL corrupted after sending it by mail

    I am writing external libriaries to account program.
    I am sending them by mail to customer, every time I send them by mail customer gets corrupted DLL. If I copy DLL to flash drive and then copy DLL to customer computer everything is fine, and DLL works. Can anyone explain me why DLL gets corrupted by sending
    them by mial? DropBox gives the same result, DLL gets corrupted.

    Still doesn't work, customer gets warning that DLL is corrupted. Any other ideas?
    Have the customer send back the .Dll you sent them in a reply email to the emial you sent them then verify it's size and hash against a know good .Dll copy of the .Dll in question. Also try the sent back .Dll on your end.
    Maybe your customer is clueless about what they are doing. Who knows.
    La vida loca

  • Files corrupting when sending email attachments from Mail & Thunderbird

    Hi All
    I'm hoping that someone will be able to help here as this problem is driving me crazy!
    Most if not all of my email attachments are corrupting when sending from Apple Mail and Thunderbird.  I'm also having issues with publishing files via FTP from Rapidweaver 5!  I have spoken to BT about the issue but they have tested the line and say everything is OK.
    The strange thing is, it's happening on my MacBook Pro (Mountain Lion) and my Mac Pro (Lion). The problem's also happen when I'm using a friends high speed internet connection so that only leaves the server. I'm really out of my depth with the server side of things though. I did have a reply from Servage (my hosting company) who said I may have been the subject of a hack and an upload script!! Not sure what this means or how to check if this is the case. One question though, would this corrupt email attachments as well as uploading to the server?
    Many thanks

    Further to the above:  I have now found that the same corruption happens when I email attachments and FTP from my PC laptop, so this rules out a computer issue.  I have also swapped wireless routers and exactly the same problem.  As mentioned above, I don't get the corruption when using another internet connection.
    Also, I have an iPhone which I've restored to factory default settings and when I take a photo with the phone and email it (using my home wireless network), the file corrupts, everytime.
    Using services such as YouSendIt and WeTransfer, gives the same problems!
    I'm desperate for help on this one and I'd even pay someone to resolve it!

  • Is it wise to allow AVG "Safe Send" 12.0.02163 to modfy firefox?

    Is AVG now taken over by a big company and maybe there'd be a better shareware company for virus security?

    I haven't heard of AVG being acquired by another company. ???
    I've also never heard of AVG "Safe Send". Could it be "Safe Search"?
    Anyway, it up to you whether you want your security software adding toolbars and other add-ons to Firefox. You can always disable those add-ons from inside Firefox if you find they are not useful or if they seem to make Firefox unstable.

  • Exchange Safe Sender & White/Black listing addresses and domains.

    Well, I posted this a while back and it got archived with no response. I'm pretty astounded how NOT ONE PERSON is even interested in this ability?!?! I'm still peeved having to launch another app to white/black-list senders.
    ...orig. message...
    In the Exchange world, the ability to setup one's "Safe Sender" list is pretty important. I'm not seeing any way for one to do any of the following for an Exchange account from within Apple Mail:
    * Add an address to one's Safe Sender's list (Exchange)
    * Whitelist/Blacklist an address or domain (Exchange)
    Any ideas out there folks?

    Are you able to add any other Address to safe sender in OWA? if not, Please try and post the the result.
    Is "trust e-mail from my Contacts" checked in Outlook or OWA? If so, uncheck it and try again.
    Did you use the below cmdlet and checked
    "set-mailbox [email protected] -MaxSafeSenders 5024"
    Mark as Answer/Helpful Post if it helps
    Naren Neelam, Messaging Consultant, ITBigBang (P) Ltd Www.ITBigBang.Com | Hire Us for Messaging Consulting

  • Ipad 16gb black-demo:  Problem is demo content are removed   so pls send solution

    Ipad 16gb black-demo
    SERIAL NO DM*******J8T
    Problem is demo content are removed
    so pls send solution
    <Edited By Host>

    This is a user-to-user technical support forum. You're not talking to Apple here. If you are an authorized reseller, you have ways of contacting Apple. Other contact information can be found using the Contact Us link at the bottom right of every page.

  • Removing Corrupt Back-ups in Time Machine

    I had a serious crash yesterday. While trying to install XCode the machine locked up and I had to reboot by turning it off using the power button. When I restarted I got the folder icon with the question mark. Rebooted using the installation disk and after restoring using the latest time machine back-up I successfully booted the machine, however, my user file, one of 3, would not open, giving the message that the File Vault pass word was not accepted due to an error. I reverted to an earlier back-up and fixed all the problems with minimal data loss. It seems that whatever corruption caused the problem was backed up on the late time machine back-ups.
    So, is it safe to simply delete those later back-ups? Time Machine really saved me here and I don't want to make a mistake by deleting something I shouldn't.

    Hello M:
    I would be guessing if I suggested what would happen….
    However, if you decide to delete some of your Time Machine backups, do it INSIDE Time Machine. This is a slow process (one at a time), but it is the safe way of removing old backups.

  • Missing Ringtone When Syncing with iTunes - How do I remove Corrupt Ringtones from my iPhone?

    PLEASE HELP!  I've been having trouble with a ringtone I purchased a few months back. Everything was fine, until a month ago when i synced my phone with iTunes, and my ringtone suddenly disappeared.  I have tried several times to sync / resync my phone again and again, and the ringtone is not there.  It is in my iTunes library under Tones, and it plays when I double-click on it.  But for some reason it won't sync over to my phone.  I've been in contact with Apple Support over email and they have put the ringtone back on my account twice, and both times I have been able to download it back directly to my iPhone.  But it's the same story all over again when I sync with iTunes... the ringtone just disappears, even when I checked "Sync Tones".
    Interestingly enough, when I take a look at my iPhone in iTunes, under Tones, there are 4 instances of the ringtone, all of them have an error icon next to them, as shown in the screenshot below:
    I've tried to NOT sync ringtones, but this list still appears.  For some reason I cannot delete these corrupt ringtones from my phone.
    In my library, the ringtones appear fine, and play fine when I double-click on them.  I don't know why there are 2 of them though.
    Please help!  I've been at this for a month and cannot find a solution!  I've re-bought the ringtone twice, but everytime I sync, it disppears all over again.  I think removing the corrupt ringtones from the iPhone may solve the issue.  Once I remove the corrupt files, I can start from scratch since the ones in my library play fine.  But the problem is I don't know how to remove the corrupt files from my phone.  Please help!
    iPhone 4 version 5.1.1
    iTunes v10.6.3
    MacBook Pro OS X 10.7.4

    See Here for
    iTunes Customer Service Contact

  • File extensions become corrupted when sending attachments in Mail

    Since I upgraded to Leopard the file extensions on attachments that I send in Mail are corrupted in transit. The problem is not irremediable: .doc may change to .doc00 or .docis or something like that. The recipient can delete the extra characters when saving or opening the attachment, and the file is intact. But this is a bit of a bore, as I have to send attachments all the time. It doesn't matter whether I send from my iMac G5 or my MacBookPro, and it doesn't matter whether the recipient has a Mac or a PC.
    Any collective wisdom out there?
    Many thanks,

    Some people have found that not having accented characters or spaces in the file name cures it. The bug has been reported.

  • Remove authentication in sender soap adapter pi 7.1

    Did anyone manged to remove authentication in PI 7.1 sender soap adapter?
    I have updated file web.xml in the file
    and now I want to deploy it,but I dont have any sda in the folder

    hi Shai,
    just something to try in case:
    you don't need any java parameters of SOAP sender
    you can try approach from Stefan:
    and then:
    1. in SICF copy the engine service to a new one
    2. put the credentials for this new service inside SICF
    then you will have sender SOAP adapter without a password right?
    I didn't try it but I guess it would work without
    crashing the whole original SOAP sender adapter by
    making changes into web.xml
    Michal Krawczyk

  • Remove Corrupted Sharepoint SQL Reporting Services

    I had my sharepoint 2013 foundation with sharepoint-SQL reporting services integrated removed from my server 2012. And I removed my sharepoint folders and regedit files for sharepoint manually to ensure complete uninstallation of sharepoint from my server.
    But now I did a reisntall of sharepoint and it works completely fine, but when I tried to install the reporting services again I cant as it says it is already installed but the service is not listed in my sharepoint Services list and when i tried removing
    the reporting service using the SQL installer from control panel it exits with an error
    Action required:
    Use the following information to resolve the error, and then, try to uninstall this feature again.
    Feature failure reason:
    An error occurred during the setup process of the feature.
    Error details:
    § Error installing SQL Server Reporting Services
    There was an error attempting to remove the configuration of the product which prevents any other action from occuring.  The current configuration of the product is being cancelled as a result.
    Error code: 25012
    Log file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20150220_144131\sql_rsshp_Cpu64_1.log
    Visit to get help on troubleshooting.
    § Error installing SQL Server Reporting Services
    Install-SPRSServiceProxy : The term 'Install-SPRSServiceProxy' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.At
    line:1 char:35+ & {$DebugPreference = 'Continue'; Install-SPRSServiceProxy -uninstall}+                                  
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (Install-SPRSServiceProxy:String) [], CommandNotFoundException    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
    Error code: 0x80131500
    Visit to get help on troubleshooting

    Install the sharepoint reporting services add-in to the exact same drive where you installed it before using the MSSQL installation file, now uninstall the add-in and the reporting service feature from the control panel. This will remove the corrupted
    files completely and now do a fresh installation

  • Removing corrupt environment without losing database data?

    OK, I'm using Berkeley DB 4.3.28, Java API with no transactions or concurrency. We have several environments with multiple databases under them. Occasionally the environment gets corrupted. The original coder didn't understand this had to be coded for, so I'm trying to fix that.
    Normally, all database environments are opened with the following settings:
    setPanicHandler(new EmsPanicHandler(prefix));
    I've recreated the environment corruption and used the following code to remove and recreate the environment (as suggested here:
              EnvironmentConfig env_config = new EmsEnvironmentConfig("CleanEnvironment");
                    env_config.setPanicHandler(new MyPanicHandler());
              Environment m_env_handle = null;
            try {
                 File m_file = new File(environment);
                 if (!m_file.exists())
                      System.err.println("Environment "+environment+" does not exist. Skipping");
                 System.out.println("Attempting to remove environment "+environment+" with recovery enabled");
                  //m_env_handle = new Environment(m_file, env_config);
                 Environment.remove(m_file, true, env_config);
                 System.out.println("Attempting to recreate environment");
                 m_env_handle = new Environment(m_file, env_config);
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                System.err.println("Exception trying to recover environment "+environment+": "+t.getLocalizedMessage());
                 if (m_env_handle != null)
                      System.out.println("Closing environment "+environment);
                      try {
                           System.out.println("Environment "+environment+" closed successfully");
                      catch (Exception e)
                           System.err.println("Exception trying to close environment "+environment+": "+e.getLocalizedMessage());
            }This removes and recreates the environment without giving me an error message and apparently without touching any of the underlying databases.
    Unfortunately, when I try using a database in the environment again, I can open the environment, but I get this error when trying to open the database:
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid argument
            at com.sleepycat.db.internal.db_javaJNI.Db_open(Native Method)
            at com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseConfig.openDatabase(
            at com.sleepycat.db.Environment.openDatabase(
            at com.nmss.db.berkeleydb.Name_Address_Map.retrieveAddress(
            at com.nmss.framework.inventory.Command.add(
            at com.nmss.framework.inventory.Command.processArgs(
            at com.nmss.framework.inventory.Command.<init>(
            at com.nmss.framework.inventory.Command.main( Environment config is the same one I posted at the start of the message:
    setPanicHandler(new MyPanicHandler(prefix));
    The Database config is:
    DatabaseConfig db_config = new DatabaseConfig();
    Can anyone tell why I would be getting this error? Or does removing the environment simply invalidate any database files that were underneath it?
    db_verify used against the database returns 0.
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

    So the latest - I totally removed my old databases and rebuilt my app, with the following environment config:
            setPanicHandler(new EmsPanicHandler(prefix));
            setAllowCreate(true);Now I am getting the error:
    /var/tmp: no base system shared memory ID specified
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid argument
            at com.sleepycat.db.internal.db_javaJNI.DbEnv_open(Native Method)
            at com.sleepycat.db.EnvironmentConfig.openEnvironment(
            at com.sleepycat.db.Environment.<init>(
            at com.nmss.db.berkeleydb.LogHandler.getEnvironment(
            at com.nmss.util.LogHandlerImpl.publish(
            at java.util.logging.Logger.log(
            at java.util.logging.Logger.doLog(
            at java.util.logging.Logger.logp(
            at com.nmss.util.Logger.log(
            at com.nmss.framework.inventory.Command.add(
            at com.nmss.framework.inventory.Command.processArgs(
            at com.nmss.framework.inventory.Command.<init>(
            at com.nmss.framework.inventory.Command.main(

  • Removing corrupt messages in Apple Mail

    I have 6 identical messages in Apple Mail dating from 2006. I cannot delete them or move them. I've been told it is due to the messages being corrupted. OK. How do I get rid of them?

    Not certain, but this can fix myriad Mail problems...
    Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup),  it will try to repair your Disk Directory while the spinning radian is happening, so let it go, run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, then move this folder & file to the Desktop.
    Move this Folder to the Desktop...
    Move this file to the Desktop...
    /Users/YourUserName/Library/Mail/Envelope Index
    If that doesn't do it and you can afford to redo all your Rules, try these & reboot...
    Note, in 10.5 & up /Users/YourUserName/Library/Caches/Mail/ may or may not exist.

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