Remove event listener from loaded external swf

I have a main movie timeline that loads an external swf. When I unload the swf from the main timeline I get an error from this:  my_FLVPlybk.addEventListener(VideoEvent.COMPLETE, vidEnd);
is there any way to remove the event listener from the loaded swf from the main timeline?

if you're publishing for fp 10+, use unloadAndStop() applied to your swf's loader.  that has a fair chance of solving the problem.
if that fails, you should explicitly stop my_FLVPlybk.

Similar Messages

  • Can't remove event listener from Image

    I'm clearly missing something and would appreciate some help.  I'm trying to run an event handler when an Image completes loading,  then remove the handler so that it won't  run again should the image be reloaded later.
    The problem that I'm having is that the event handler simply wont' go away, despite calling removeEventListener on the Image object.
    The following example demonstrates the problem (the example doesn't actually do anything's just the shortest example to demonstrate the problem).  (To run the  app, you'll have to provide any ol' JPEG file named "myImage.jpg" in the "src" directory of your project).
    What I expect to happen is :
         1) on startup, the image loads and loadComplete() runs.
         2)  loadComplete removes the event Listener so that subsequent re-loads won't re-fire the handler.  I only want the handler to  run once.
         3) "loadComplete" shoudl  be displayed in the Debug console.
         4) A button click should display only "Changing  Image" in the Debug console
    What I get instead is that the loadComplete handler isn't  removed, and every  time I click the button, loadComplete runs when the image is re-loaded   (i.e., every button click results in both "Change Image" AND "loadComplete"  being displayed in the Debug console).
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">
        <mx:Image width="655" height="181" source="myImage.jpg" id="myImage" autoLoad="true" scaleContent="true" complete="loadComplete()" x="100" y="100"/>
        <mx:Button x="100" y="341" label="Button" click="click(event)"/>
                private function loadComplete():void
                    trace ("loadComplete");
                    myImage.removeEventListener("complete", loadComplete);
                private function click(evt:Event):void
                    trace ("Changing Image");
                    myImage.load("myImage.jpg");    //  Reload same image; it's just an example

    You can remove only event listeners that you added with the addEventListener() method in an ActionScript block. You cannot remove an event listener  that was defined in the MXML tag, even if it was registered using a call  to the addEventListener()method that was made inside a tag attribute.
    Check this page for reference.
    You can modify the code a bit a get it working
    <mx:Image width="655" height="181" id="myImage" scaleContent="true"
              x="100" y="100"
    private function myImage_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
    private function myImage_completeHandler(event:Event):void

  • Removing event listener from a button.

    I've added a "click" event listener to a button, but I'd like to remove it once the button is clicked, so it's not active/clickable any longer. Here's the basic code:
         //here I need to make this button not clickable any longer
    Thank you.

    one way...
         //here I need to make this button not clickable any longer
         // do smething here then unbind click handler
                sym.$('button').unbind( "click" );
    unbind documentation here.

  • AS3 pass variables-values from loaded external swf to parent swf

    I am working on an eLearning project that uses a main SWF (SWF1) and a second SWF (SWF2) with 2 quizzes in it. Published to AIR for Desktop and Android, SWF1 and SWF2 are packaged together in the AIR desktop or AIR APK exports.
    I can use a loader in SWF1 to call and run SWF2. What I am having difficulty with, need some help, is how to get the 2 scores from the 2 quizzes in SWF2 and load these values (each is a Number) back into SWF1. Once back in SWF1, they will be written to String and then displayed in a text box using textbox.text.
    While I've searched online and found examples for sending variables from parent to child SWF's, so far not able to find an understandable/useable AS3 script example for getting variables from child to parent SWF.
    Any help appreciated.
    Best Wishes,

    Still stuck. Can't get SWF2 to go back to SWF1 frame 2.
    SWF1, based on Kiran's AS file with the class AppEvent (class is not called in SWF1 until frame 2, and is called in SWF2 frame 9) loads SWF2 using:
    //SWF1, frame 2
    import flash.display.Loader;
    expB100.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, L1, false, 0, true);
    function L1(e:MouseEvent):void {
    loaderL1.load(new URLRequest("Hotspot13.swf"));
    loaderL1.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onChildLoaded);
    expB100.visible = false;
    function onChildLoaded(evt:Event)
        var child:DisplayObject = as DisplayObject;
        child.addEventListener(AppEvent.CHILD_DATA, getChildData);
    function getChildData(evt:AppEvent):void
        tTest.text = String(;
        tTest2.text = String(;
    I wonder if there is some confusion between MovieClip and DisplayObject when SWF2 tries to return to SWF1 frame 2, using MovieClip(parent.parent).gotoAndStop(2); and gets an error?:
    Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Stage@2f1ef71 to flash.display.MovieClip.
        at Hotspot13_fla::MainTimeline/onClick()[Hotspot13_fla.MainTimeline::frame9:124]
    Hotspot13 is SWF2; SWF2 frame 9 uses the following to try to return to SWF1 frame 2, causing the above error:
    function onClick(event:MouseEvent):void
        dispatchEvent(new AppEvent(AppEvent.CHILD_DATA,{var1:score1,var2:rbselectedT},true)); 
    Or maybe the file is imported in frame 1 when it should be imported in another later frame like SWF1 frame 2 where it is first used?
    Best Wishes,

  • Loading from library conflicts with loading external swf

    I'm very new to ActionScript, so this might be incredibly basic. However, I've Googled and read myself into a coma and I'm not finding a solution.
    I have a movie with 6 navigation buttons.  Four of them load external .swf slideshows, and they work fine - as each file loads, the previous one clears the stage, etc.  The other button that I currently have set up is loading, from the library, an image.  The problem I'm having is that the slideshows replace each other on the stage - they're not stacking, they're replacing - but when the user selects the button that loads the image, the image overlays the last-selected slideshow.  If the user selects the image first, the image is visible when two of the external files transition.  Because of that 6th button, which is not yet even started, it's not desirable to me to simply set up the single image as another external file; if it's at all possible, I need to be able to pull from a library file when I build that last button.
    What I'd like to do - because there is no logical order that the buttons should be selected in - is figure out how to tell every button to remove the image file on click.  I've tried using this in the four buttons that link to the slideshows, to deal with the image (that's the one called quoteImage):
         if(myLoader != null && contains(quoteImage)){
    which has the advantage of not giving me any errors, but doesn't actually fix my problem.  I've tried many, many other things, and I'm just really stumped on what exactly I need to do to make this work the way I want it to.  Based on the fact that the books and online resources I've been using don't really cover this specific example, I suspect it might be an incredibly idiot thing to do, but I'd really like it to work this way if that's possible.
    The code as it stands, with the global variables and the first two buttons (the next three are identical to the second button and the sixth button doesn't exist) looks like this:
    var myLoader:Loader=new Loader(); 
    var quoteImage:Bitmap;
    // Loads quoteImage from library
    btnQuotes.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showquote);
    function showquote(event:MouseEvent):void {
    var myBitmapDataObject:myBitmapData = new myBitmapData(500, 350);
    var quoteImage:Bitmap = new Bitmap(myBitmapDataObject);
    // Loads industrial.swf from external file
    btnIndustrial.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showindustrialcontent);
    function showindustrialcontent(event:MouseEvent):void {
    var myURL:URLRequest=new URLRequest("industrial.swf");
    Help is very much appreciated.

    I see now how to import and display a library class object
    var MovieClipClass:Class =
    var movieClip:Sprite = new MovieClipClass();
    But this seems to only work for SWF's published for AS3 Flash
    Player 9.
    I need to do the same for SWF's published with AS2 Flash
    Player 7.
    Any ideas?

  • Removing an event listener from buttons

    I´d like to know if it´s necessary to remove event listeners from buttons.
    I know it's good practice to remove event listeners when its use is over.
    But it´s necessary to remove event listeners for buttons as well?

    it's necessary if you want to ready your buttons for gc.

  • Loading external swf  not complete

    Hi, I'm trying to load external swf (with more than one frame and actionscript 3 on every frame - I used there "timeline" coding) from my main swf.
    code for loading external swf into main swf:
    var loader01:Loader;
    function openGame1(evt:Event):void
    loader01 = new Loader();
    var requestSWF01:URLRequest = new URLRequest("game01.swf");
    loader01.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, processHandler);
    loader01.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, initHandler);
    loader01.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, errorHandler);
    function processHandler(evt:ProgressEvent):void
    var stav:Number=loaded/total;
    loaded_txt.text=(Math.round(stav*100))+" %";
    function initHandler(evt:Event):void{
    function errorHandler(evt:IOErrorEvent):void
         trace ("Error: " + evt.text);
    I found out that this works only for loading swf, which has only one frame (and all actionscript on that frame)... It seems that if there are more frames, than it will not load complete swf (hmm maybe it is caused, because not all objects on frames are export in first frame). Preloading starts but after for example 20 % the event.INIT is fired and the external swf starts to play (and crashes..).
    You can see this here  If you click on the blue building on the left with blinking text "Start hry" you will see what happens - preloading is not completed and after clicking on first floor btn, the swf crashes...
    Please is there a solution for this kind of problem?  Any help or pointing is welcome.
    regards Boris

    just curious, is the file you want to load the swf into set up exactly the same way with the same stage size, fps, and layers?

  • Loaded external swfs with transitions

    I need help getting my loaded swf files to play the "out" transition before the next movie loads. I have a main swf with 5 buttons (movie clips) that load external swf onto the stage.
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.display.SimpleButton;
        import flash.display.Loader;
        public class V2 extends MovieClip
            private var sections_array:Array;
            private var section_buttons_array:Array;
            private var loader:Loader;
            private var sectionHolder  : MovieClip;
            private var swf:String;
            private var currentSection:int=0;
            private var nextSection:int;
            private var id:int=0;
            private var homeLoc = "./swfs/home.swf";
            public function V2()
            private function init():void
                sectionHolder = new MovieClip();
                sectionHolder.x = 37;
                sectionHolder.y = 42;
                addChild( sectionHolder );
                sections_array = new Array('./swfs/section1.swf',
                section_buttons_array = new Array(btn1,btn2,btn3,btn4,btn5);
            private function addMenuListener():void
                for(var i:int=0;i < section_buttons_array.length;i++)
                    section_buttons_array[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,loadSectionHand ler);
            private function loadHome():void
                var request:URLRequest=new URLRequest(swf);
                loader=new Loader();
            private function changeSection(m:MouseEvent):void
            private function loadSectionHandler(evt:MouseEvent)
                id =;
            private function loadSection(n:int):void
                var request:URLRequest=new URLRequest(swf);
            private function initListeners(dispatcher:IEventDispatcher):void
            private function removeListeners(dispatcher:IEventDispatcher):void
            private function start(event:Event):void
            private function atLoading(event:ProgressEvent):void
                var n:uint=(event.bytesLoaded/event.bytesTotal)*100;
               private function completed(event:Event):void
            private function stopAll():void
                for(var i:int=0;i < section_buttons_array.length;i++)
            private function addMenuEvents():void
                for(var i:int=0;i < section_buttons_array.length;i++)
            private function setOver(evt:MouseEvent):void
            private function setOut(evt:MouseEvent):void
            private function setDown(evt:MouseEvent):void
            private function setUp(evt:MouseEvent):void
            private function checkState(n:int):void
                for(var i:int=0;i < section_buttons_array.length;i++)
            private function removeSWF(e:Event):void
                removeEventListener("removeMe", removeSWF);
                var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(swf);
            private function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void
            targetID =;
            addEventListener("removeMe", removeSWF);
            private function removeSWF(e:Event):void
            removeEventListener("removeMe", removeSWF);
    The loaded swf has a stop() an intro animation and on the last frame have.
    dispatchEvent(new Event("removeMe", true));

    your isse begins here ..
    you use the same loader to not only load files but you are tyring to use it to target the movieClip you also want to play.
    The issue is loader.  The loader can only reference one load at a time.. otherwise you screw up your listeners and the ability to unload files properly.
    You should load all files in Your current system as its own variable so that while one loads you can still control a movie.
    So what type of end transitions do your files have?
    What exactly with this seems like youre getting an issue.. looking at it looks alright aside from the fact that some methods are not used at all by your class

  • Dynamic plug-ins: How to dispatch MediaFactoryEvent.PLUGIN_LOAD after loading external swf

    I'm creating a dynamic OSMF plugin. That plugin needs to load external SWF file before sending the PLUGIN_LOAD event to the player.
    How can I override the dispatch of the PLUGIN_LOAD event on my MyCustomPluginPluginInfo custom class ?
    If it's not possible, the solution is to create a new MediaElement within my MyCustomPluginPluginInfo:
    var mediaElement:MediaElement = mediaFactory.createMediaElement( new URLResource(null) ); //the resource is null at this point
    On the player side I add that line when the plugin is loaded successfully:
    //Add listener on Media Element creation
    mediaFactory.addEventListener(MediaFactoryEvent.MEDIA_ELEMENT_CREATE, onMediaElementCreate);
    Is it a god solution or not ?
    Is there another way to do that ?
    Thanks !

    I'm not sure you can do it through loadPlugin stage due to an swf loader is used in factory on that moment.
    As for loading an extra swf "per instance" way I'd rather do it using an element LoadTrait than try to bypass the standard factory way.

  • Loading External SWF - Problem

    Using MovieClipLoader I want to load external SWFs - and it
    is working fine
    if external swf doesn't have anything outside it's stage,
    otherwise it shows
    everything - that's the problem.
    For example, external swf's stage dimensions are 100x150, but
    it has some
    timeline animation (some objects scrolling through the stage,
    some bouncing
    text animation that sometimes goes off-stage, etc..).
    So when I load this external movie (banner.swf), I can see
    all these objects
    that were bouncing outside this 100x150 area (the stage of
    banner). Even
    more - the size of loaded movie is larger than 100x150px
    (because of these
    off-stage objects that are now visible). This way I'm getting
    problems, too.
    var mcl:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
    mcl.loadClip("banner.swf", holder);
    holder._x = Stage.width/2 - holder._width/2;
    holder._y = Stage.height/2 - holder._height/2;
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi kglad,
    Does doing that takes only into account width and height of the stage, or also considers off stage items (as in the initial question)?
    I am also looking at this issue and we can't have all the content providers modify their pre-existing flash applications to be displayed in the appropiate scale. We are looking to any of the following:
    find a way to get adobe air/flash to not consider the off stage elements on the width/height we set to the movie.
    find a way to get the stage size from the external movie and use that to auto calculate the resize needed.
    any other alternative that allows to have the same end result, which is loading up the external content at the size we specify and displaying well. We can actually hide content outside the stage, but we still need to know the appropiate scale / size to apply to the movie so what's visible matches the are where we want to show the content.

  • Loading External SWF and setting variables

    Hello Everyone.
    I'm sure you are all a where of the FlashVars attribute for
    Flash embeds which holds variables for SWF's when they are
    rendered. I'm attempting to load an External SWF dynamically
    from within my own SWF and need to provide it with the values
    normally stored in the FlashVars. For the example below I
    wait until the External SWF is completely loaded using the
    onLoadInit event from moviecliploader and then i attempt to
    set the required variables that the loaded SWF needs. This works
    great in test and debug mode (ie. Test Movie and Debug Movie
    from the Control menu), but when i publish my FLA to SWF and run
    the SWF the variables will NOT get set in the loaded External SWF.
    From my readings ive people have mentioned that the player is only
    able to access Methods of an External SWF. If this is the case then
    how do they expect people to set the FlashVars of dynamically
    loaded SWFs? I investigated the loadVariables procedure as well and
    had the same results in test mode and was wasn't reliable because
    of timing issues.
    The sample source is below... if anyone has any ideas or has
    come across this issue before, I would really appreciate some
    Thank you in advance for your time.
    var loader_mc:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
    var mclListener:Object = new Object();
    mclListener.onLoadProgress = function(target_mc:MovieClip,
    numBytesLoaded:Number, numBytesTotal:Number) {
    mclListener.onLoadComplete = function(target_mc:MovieClip) {
    mclListener.onLoadInit = function(target_mc:MovieClip) {
    target_mc._root.param1 = "value1";
    _level0.container_mc.param1 = "value1";
    container_mc._lockroot = true;
    loader_mc.loadClip("somecoolflash.swf", container_mc);

    I've tried that as well and it behaves the same as onLoadInit
    ... Works when i test but doesnt when i publish to a swf. I think
    this is security related and the flash player just cant write to a
    loaded swf and set variables.

  • Loading external swf files in a swf - Error#1009

    I have been having trouble using a swf file within a swf file.   The external swf files all work as expected.  However when used within another swf file I get the standard TypeError #1009 for some of my swfs.   The external swf files are mainly actionscript 3 files.  A typical swf file will have an object (or objects) in the library which has an export for ActionScipt property enabled and an addEventListener(Event.ENTERFRAME, somefunction).   About four years ago when I had to do some work with AS2 I seemed to get around a similar issue with the _lockroot method but this is no longer part of AS3. I have searched various forums and note that I am not the only one with this issue but did not find any relevant solutions.   If anyone could give me any ideas on how to get around this it would be appreciated.

    I have added a download to rapidshare and its link is:
    Download link:
    The main file Training01.fla has been set up with links to download several swf's.   The links that do not work properly are those labelled :  Module6 and Module 8.   The first Module 6 connects to a function that is a variation of how I was trying to load external swfs using Application Domain, while Module 8 is a link to a swf that uses and external class.  Module 8 is supposed to load with rotating stars, while Module 6 loads the same file as the link called Module 1.   As soon as I use the two links Module 6 or Module 8 the whole lot ceases to work properly.  I did also follow through the examples on the Adobe site.  The examples for Module 6 and Module 8 are tutorials I have used from the Internet as part of my training from the site but they replicate the type of work we have been doing with respect to using ActionScript3.
    Re my background, at this stage I am self-taught using tutorials on the web and whatever books I can lay my hands on here.  There is no structured training available where I live as there is insufficient demand and no books available on Flash or ActionScript at the local book stores or libraries so the books are ones I have ordered via the Internet.  The one I am currently using apart from Adobe Classroom in a Book Flash CS4 is O'Reilly's Learning ActionScript 3.0 a Beginners Guide.
    The other problem I have been trying to solve and still researching is why one loses sound in the flash player when playing flv files, if the user has selected or restarted a video (or videos) many times eg 25 to 30 times as we create video training files and serve them to the user within the flash environment using Flash Player 9 and IE6.

  • I want to load external swf in movieclip and next external swf should load Automatically

    I want to load external swf in movieclip and next external swf should load Automatically when current swf is finished in AS3.
    How can we can check total frame and current frame of imported swf in a movie clip.
    any help will be appreciated
    Jatin Dembla

    in as3 you use the loader class (not movieclips) to load external swfs.
    you can use an Event.COMPLETE event listener (applied to the loader's contentLoaderInfo property) to check when loading is complete and start the next swf loading.
    you can use the loader's content property (caste as a movieclip) to determine info (including totalFrames) about the loaded swf's main timelnie (once loading is initialized, for the totalFrames, or complete, for some other properties like height and width).
    var loader:Loader=new Loader();
    loader.load(new URLRequest("swf1.swf"));
    var loadedSWF:MovieClip;
    function loadcompleteF(e:Event):void{

  • Unable to load external swf which has runtime sharing with another swf.

    I am getting issues on loading external swf say "importer.swf" file into another swf file say "loader.swf" for second time like
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable testSymbol is not defined. VerifyError: Error #1014: Class testClass could not be found.
    at global$init()
    In the external swf "importer.swf", i am trying to import the symbol "testSymbol" from another swf file say "exporter.swf", which exports through runtime sharing option for the symbols.
    I am having some buttons in loader.swf file and on each button click i am loading different swf files into the loader.swf after unloading the previous one.
    I am able to load and unload different swf files but unable to load the importer.swf file which is sharing symbols from external swf and that too for the second time i.e., when i click the button twice.
    When trying to debug with flash debugger, all the other swf files are being unloaded before loading of another swf but the swf which is sharing symbols/classes with another swf is not getting unloaded.
    Output when i am trying to load two files example and importer files into loader.swf file on two different button clicks. On first button click example.swf is loaded. On second button click , example.swf is unloaded and importer.swf is loaded which is successful. On first button click again importer.swf is unloaded and example.swf is loaded. On second button click again, example.swf is unloaded and importer.swf is loaded, here i am getting issues shown above.
    Attemping to launch and connect to Player using URL D:\runtime issue\loader.swf
    [SWF] D:\runtime issue\ loader.swf - 8181 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] D:\runtime issue\example.swf - 441708 bytes after decompression
    [UnloadSWF] D:\runtime issue\example.swf
    [SWF] D:\runtime issue\importer.swf - 1920 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] D:\runtime issue\importer.swf - 441708 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] D:\runtime issue\ example.swf - 441708 bytes after decompression
    [UnloadSWF] D:\runtime issue\ example.swf
    [SWF] D:\runtime issue\importer.swf - 1920 bytes after decompression
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable xxxxxx is not defined.
    Debug session terminated.
    Code i am using
    b1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, b1Clicked);
    b2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, b2Clicked);
    var ldr:Loader;
    function b2Clicked(e:MouseEvent)
        if(ldr != null)
        ldr = new Loader();
        ldr.load(new URLRequest("importer.swf"));
    function b1Clicked(e:MouseEvent)
        if(ldr != null)
        ldr = new Loader();
        ldr.load(new URLRequest("example.swf"));
    If i try to open the swf using IE, i am not getting any issues at all. But i need to open this loader.swf in a air application. Also when i use loaderContext for the loader instance i am able to get rid of this issue but i cant use it in my application.
    So, please help me in resolving this issue.

    I got my answer. I had to append the photo url to the 'movie' value of the javascript embed method. Like this:
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
          'codebase', ',0,0,0',
          'width', '550',
          'height', '400',
          'src', 'lesson2',
          'quality', 'high',
          'pluginspage', '',
          'align', 'middle',
          'play', 'true',
          'loop', 'true',
          'scale', 'showall',
          'wmode', 'window',
          'devicefont', 'false',
          'id', 'lesson2',
          'bgcolor', '#ffffff',
          'name', 'lesson2',
          'menu', 'true',
          'allowFullScreen', 'false',
          'movie', 'lesson2?photo=',
          'salign', ''
          ); //end AC code

  • Bring loaded external swf to the front

    I am now implementing to create a website using side scrolling platform game approach. Since the player/actor (character that moves according to keyborad events) should always be at the top layer, I am having difficulties to get my loaded swf on top of the player. I am currently using Flash cs6 (as3).
    Basically, in my main stage, there are 3 layers. 1 for actionscript, the scond one for player and lastly for background.
    Layer player contains player mc and background mc.
    Background mc contains visual and collisions layers.
    Anything that got to do with visual, i have to put it in visual layer.
    In visual layer i have backgroundcontainer mc
    So, as i put the button in the backgroundcontainer mc to call the external swf, the loaded external swf appears in the container.
    (I am using load/unload snippet code to call the external swf)
    I want the external swf to appear on top of the player.
    for (var fl_ChildIndex_2:int = 0;
            fl_ChildIndex_2 < this.numChildren;
        this.getChildAt(fl_ChildIndex_2).addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToBringToFront_2);
    function fl_ClickToBringToFront_2(event:MouseEvent):void
        this.addChild(event.currentTarget as DisplayObject);
    Any help would greatly appreciated 

    If you want an object to move atop all others you can just use addChild(thatobject), where thatobject is the item you want to move atop anything else.  I don't know what object(s) your loop is attempting to act on, but it appears to be trying to change the index of all child objects rather than just one.

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    I want to display a table with data from a database table called PERSON, so I'm using af:table tag. The PERSON table has the next fields: PERSON_CODE PERSON_NAME PERSON_COD_STATE The field PERSON_STATE is a foreign key to other table called PERSON_ST

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    When I connect my I-pod classic it automatically says its connected in the Classics window, but does not appear in I-Tunes. I have tried removing the old I tunes program and re-installing the newest version, I have done the toggle the hold button res

  • BH-100 headset (bluetooth) compatible with PC?

    Hi! I want to know if my BH-100 headset (bluetooth) is compatible with my PC (at least like a microphone)? I've have just bought a new bluetooth USB adapter for my PC. It recognizes my headset but I don't see services available for my headset.... Tha

  • Deleting photos will not work, and my iPhone crashes

    Please help! Every time I attempt to delete a single or multiple photos, the "Photos" app crashes and takes me back to the home screen. If I check to see the results of the action, the photo(s) has not been deleted yet. I need to delete these photos

  • Oracle 10g RAC on Solaris Node Eviction

    Been having periodic node eviction on my server. I've found several threads regarding RAC node reboots but nothing specific.. In my case, the node eviction warning appears to be "immediate" [cssd(9530)]CRS-1612:node mbdmb2 (0) at 50% heartbeat fatal,