Remove installed language package

Hi all,
I want to remove the imported language package, does anyone have any idea about it ?
Best Regards.

Why did you wanted to remove the lang pack??
This was not regular practice removing package, k but still
By removing the parameter from instance profile and restarting the server will make the lang not accessible.
To my knowledge you cannot remove the lang permanently frm system since this was special pack imported into system not a sort of plugin attached to system.

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    After installation of sap netweaver server I need to activate a new Europe language as default language ( DA) package?.
    I got the language pack on a DVD.
    I did :
    1.     /nSE38
    execute Program = RSCPINST -> click execute icon
    under Enter Languages -> add Denish (DA) 
    click SIMULATE button at top bar 
    simulate OK then I click ACTIVATE button on top bar.
    2.      /nSMLT
    Select from menu LANGUAGE -> CLASSIFY
    Language = Denish
    Supplementation Language = English 
    click SAVE disk icon
    highlight Denish then select LANGUAGE -> IMPORT PACKAGE
    Language = Denish
    Path = c:\language\DATA_UNITS\DA
    UnderDATA_UNITS  directory I have 2 file
         - DANW7011.PAT
         - PRODLABEL
    Which one should I use?
    The installation looking for a or .saru201D file.
    But there is nou201D .car or .saru201D file dere. Is it some help there?

    Can you please copy the .PAT files to <DIR_TRANS>/EPS/in directory and then try again?
    Also, let SMLT search this directory. A .SAR file is basically like an archive which has 2 files inside it: an .ATT file and a .PAT file. .PAT file contains the actual patch that is imported.
    Try and let me know.

  • How do you remove unwanted Language Packages.

    I have just had a very curious fault in my iWorks applications.
    The FONT name was in English but the FONT style was in Russian !!
    Checking the language preferences I found that Russian, Polish and turkish was active along with English (AUS). How this happened I have no idea.
    Because this seems to have been the cause of some significant problems I would like to remove all the excessive language packs (not just turn them off).
    Does anyone know how to do that.
    Many Thanks.

    Checking the language preferences I found that Russian, Polish and turkish was active along with English (AUS).
    If you only have English (AUS) on the list, and not English, that may be the cause of your problem. No app has an English (AUS) localization, so it could skip to something further down the list. Try putting English right below English (AUS).
    Most people have the 18 standard OS X languages on that list with no problems whatsoever. I would not recommend removing the localization files, as that may cause problems for some apps, or you may by error wind up removing something necessary for the OS to work right.

  • Maintainance tasks for language package installed

    Hi All,
    May I ask inputs regarding installing language package. Basically, below are my questions.
    - Are there any maintainance activities required following installation of a language package in the system?
    - Are there any annual support packs for language packages?
    - Say our ECC is EHP5 and we installed new language in our system, then we upgraded the same system to EHP6. Are there any activities that needs to be performed because of the upgrade even if the language is already installed in the system prior to the upgrade?
    - Do difference in language installed in the systems affect the copied xml file during upgrade? Meaning, say we have dev and QA ecc system. We created stack file for dev for the ehp6 upgrade. Using that stack xml, upgrade dev system. Then a decision is made to install new language in the system. Thus it is installed in upgrade dev, and not upgraded QA. Now, we copy the stack xml file use in dev to be converted for QA. Would there impact on the upgrade process?
    I would appreciate your inputs on the queries. Thanks.

    Hi Philip,
    - It depends on what you did exactly during this installation. Could you please list the steps taken?
    - There are no annual support packs. Language packages are shipped with every release of a new Support Package, with updates and corrections of the existing content (if any).
    - With SPs as with EhPs, you will need to reinstall the language files for your system. It is hopefully rather quick as a follow-up step (not saying that the initial language deployment is tedious and hard work, but... Well, yes, it is) if you have not performed any translation activities in your installation.
    - I don't think so since languages do not seem to be included in the stack (which would actually be counter-productive, dangerous and a dozen unnamable negative linguistic adjectives).
    Hope that helps!

  • Terms of Payment in not installed language

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    Or maybe, there is a way to maintain the text-table TVZBT.
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    you can maintain entries in table TVZBT using transaction SM30 only if the "Data Browser/Table View Maint." value is set as Display/Maintenance allowed for the table (Check using transaction se11 --> Delivery and maintenance tab). You can change the value to "Display/Maintenance allowed" if you want to maintain entries using SM30. Make sure that you assign an authorization object so that the table entries can be added only by authorized persons.
    If the above option is not feasible
    Create a Z-table(Same as TVZBT) with fields Paymnet terms, language and description. Access this table through smartform to print the description in different language.
    Make sure that the Z-table is updated while creating/changing any payment terms. By this way you can maintain any languages.
    Hope this solves your issue.

  • Add language package SMLT

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    How implement new language pack in a productive client?
    Used RSTLAN_SUPPLEMENT_ONI for reset supplementation and copy translations?

    Go to SMLT -> select the Language
    highlight your selected language then select LANGUAGE  ->  IMPORT PACKAGE
    After that check the language consistency with the report: RSTLAN_LANGUAGE_CHECK
    If there is any Software unit affected import the Language from Support Packages:
    Check the following sap notes :
    Note 1309530 - Required adjustment for the report RSTLAN_LANGUAGE_CHECK
    Note 1366014 - RSTLAN_LANGUAGE_CHECK: Incorrect supplementation mode
    Note 1296028 - RSTLAN_LANGUAGE_CHECK

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    when im install the thai language , the software want to remove other language and i need to choose , but i can remove only the hebrew language.
    i want to remove the bulgarian, and there is no option to remove it..
    i hope there is a solution for this problem..
    there is a way to uninstall all the dictionary software and reinstall it with the language that i want to install ?

    Hi there!
    Regarding your concern in downloading a language package for your phone 5800 XpressMusic, actually it's possible you just have to open the diction ary application on your phone then once it prompts you Only English Language install, install other language? so press yes and it will direct you to the Nokia Website, but if you don't see it press Options inside the mobile dictionary and then look for Language and then you have there the selection download, same thing you'll be routed to the Nokia Website, just select the Language but make sure that the language is being used in your country because if your phone will not support it, you will not be able to use that language you downloaded.
    Hope tis' help!
    "If you think this post is helpful, please click on the green button"

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    How to overcome it?

    There is a known performance problem with certain SAPGUI patches in certain constellations:
    Note 1460669 - Performance problems in SAP GUI for Windows
    You may try to install the newest patches or downgrade to a patch that does not have that problem.

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    i've the same problem
    did you succeed in removing a language?

  • 5530 Mobile Dictionary Language Package Install Pr...

    My girlfriend is going to work in Brussels for several months, and you know, the official language in Brussels is Dutch. For the convenience of her daily life in Brussels, yesterday I tried to install the Dutch language package for the Mobile Dictionary in her Nokia 5530. Unfortunately, I failed.
    I tried step by step as following:
    1. Download the Dutch language package (Nokia_Mobile_Dictionary_nl.SIS) to my laptop from the official website of Nokia
    2. Copy the install file to memory card by usb cable.
    3. Start install in 5530, where the problem occured
        "Unable to open. File type not supported"
    I repeated the procedure above in my 5800, everything is OK.
    So now I am confused with this problem.
    If you can give me some advice, it will be greatly appreciated.

    It could be an issue with the file itself - try installing any other language to check if you still get a problem. If that works OK you'd have to contact Nokia and tell them of the issue.
    I'm not sure why a fault with the phone would cause particular error message, there have been issues with s60 5th edition phones in the past, but they didn't give the same error. Nonetheless, it might be worth backing up the phone content with PC Suite, reformatting with *#7370# then trying to install the language again before restoring the backup.
    For your information, Dutch isn't THE official language of Brussels, it's ONE OF the official languages of Brussels, the other being French. French is actually the most commonly spoken language in Brussels, and due to the large community of foreigners here to work in institutions like the EU, there are more people doing their day-to-day communications in English in Brussels than in Dutch. Nonetheless, some knowledge of one of the official languages is wise.

  • AIM2-CUE Error Language package install

    Hi experts,
    I am having the following problem:
    Router 2851 with 124.24T IOS with CME 7.1.1
    Modules: AIM2-CUE ver. 7.1.2
    I need to install the Portuguese language pack and the command that i am using in the CUE CLI is:
    software install add url ftp://ftpserveripaddres/cue-vm-pt_PT-langpack.nmx.7.1.2.prt1 username cisco password cisco
    The result is this:
    WARNING:: This command will install the necessary software to
    WARNING:: complete a clean install.  It is recommended that a backup be done
    WARNING:: before installing software.
    Would you like to continue?[confirm]
    Downloading ftp cue-vm-pt_PT-langpack.nmx.7.1.2.prt1
    Bytes downloaded :  37419891
    Validating package signature ... done
    ERROR: Invalid package. Please verify if this is a valid package file.
    Can you please help me?
    Best regards,

    Cannot not install the language .prt file directly like that.
    Instead, install upgrade the language package .pkg, from there you will have a menu selection, and choose from there.

  • Cannot remove Korean Language Pack - Win 7 x64

    I am trying to upgrade to Windows 8 (not Win 8.1 for my key is only for Win 8).
    The problem is: I cannot proceed without removing all extra language packs.
    I have an extra Korean language pack installed (the original is english-US).
    I tried to uninstall by the UI, that is "Control Panel" > "Region and Language", etc...
    And also tried via command prompt: "lpksetup /u ko-KR /s"
    Does anyone knows who to delete / remove this language by other means?
    Rodrigo Queiroz

    This will be my last attempt.
    This is the uninstall error message:
    The "Setup" windows event log displays the following message:
    <Event xmlns="">
    <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Servicing" Guid="{BD12F3B8-FC40-4A61-A307-B7A013A069C1}" />
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2014-03-17T15:22:28.110690200Z" />
    <Correlation />
    <Execution ProcessID="1180" ThreadID="2208" />
    <Security UserID="S-1-5-18" />
    <CbsPackageChangeState xmlns="">
    <PackageIdentifier>SP1 Language Pack</PackageIdentifier>
    And this is the CBS.log while uninstalling:
    2014-03-17 11:49:32, Error CSI 00000fac@2014/3/17:14:49:32.896 (F) d:\win7sp1_gdr\base\wcp\sil\merged\ntu\ntsystem.cpp(703): Error STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED originated in function WorkAroundBackupIntentForFilesystem expression: TmpStatus
    2014-03-17 12:00:29, Error CSI 00000fad (F) STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED #4656311# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::DirectFileSystemProvider::SysCreateFile(flags = 0, handle = {provider=NULL, handle=0}, da = (FILE_GENERIC_READ|FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES|FILE_WRITE_EA|FILE_APPEND_DATA|FILE_WRITE_DATA), oa = @0x1c9d8c8->OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES {s:48; rd:NULL; on:[83]"\SystemRoot\WinSxS\Temp\PendingRenames\e88f5439ed41cf01fa0300009c04641b.desktop.ini"; a:(OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE); sd:@0x10475880}, iosb = @0x1c9d910, as = 524 (0x000000000000020c), fa = 0x00000027, sa = (FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE|FILE_SHARE_DELETE), cd = FILE_OPEN_IF, co = (FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE|FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT|0x00004000), eab = NULL, eal = 0, disp = (null))
    2014-03-17 12:00:29, Error CSI 00000fae@2014/3/17:15:00:29.486 (F) d:\win7sp1_gdr\base\wcp\sil\merged\ntu\ntsystem.cpp(2062): Error STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED originated in function Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::DirectFileSystemProvider::SysCreateFile expression: (null)
    2014-03-17 12:11:46, Error CSI 00000faf (F) STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED #4656310# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::CIniFile_IRtlIniFileTearoff::Commit(...)[gle=0xd0000022]
    2014-03-17 12:11:46, Error CSI 00000fb0 (F) STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED #4628031# from PrimitiveInstaller::CCoordinator::FinalizeChanges(...)[gle=0xd0000022]
    2014-03-17 12:11:46, Error CSI 00000fb1 (F) STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED #4353012# from CCSDirectTransaction::PerformChangeAnalysis(...)[gle=0xd0000022]
    2014-03-17 12:11:46, Error CSI 00000fb2 (F) STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED #4353011# from CCSDirectTransaction::PrepareForCommit(...)[gle=0xd0000022]
    2014-03-17 12:11:46, Error CSI 00000fb3 (F) STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED #4353010# from CCSDirectTransaction::GenerateComponentChangeList(...)[gle=0xd0000022]
    2014-03-17 12:11:46, Error CSI 00000fb4 (F) STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED #4353009# from Windows::COM::CPendingTransaction::ExtractInformationFromRtlTransaction(...)[gle=0xd0000022]
    2014-03-17 12:11:46, Error CSI 00000fb5 (F) HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) #1492897# from Windows::COM::CPendingTransaction::IStorePendingTransaction_Analyze(...)[gle=0x80070005]
    2014-03-17 12:11:46, Error CSI 00000fb6 (F) HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) #1471382# from Windows::ServicingAPI::CCSITransaction::ICSITransaction_Commit(Flags = 47 (0x0000002f), pSink = NULL, disp = 0, coldpatching = FALSE)[gle=0x80070005]
    2014-03-17 12:11:46, Error CSI 00000fb7 (F) HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) #1471381# 3808619413 us from Windows::ServicingAPI::CCSITransaction_ICSITransaction::Commit(flags = 0x0000002f, pSink = NULL, disp = 0)
    2014-03-17 12:11:46, Info CBS Setting ExecuteState key to: ExecuteStateNone
    2014-03-17 12:11:46, Info CBS Setting RollbackFailed flag to 0
    2014-03-17 12:11:46, Info CBS Clearing HangDetect value
    2014-03-17 12:11:46, Info CBS Saved last global progress. Current: 0, Limit: 1, ExecuteState: ExecuteStateNone
    2014-03-17 12:11:46, Info CBS Exec: Restoring driver operations because of a CSI commit failure.
    2014-03-17 12:11:46, Error CBS Exec: Failed to pend CSI transaction because transactions cannot be merged: 0. [HRESULT = 0x80070005 - E_ACCESSDENIED]
    2014-03-17 12:11:46, Info CSI 00000fb8@2014/3/17:15:11:46.356 CSI Transaction @0x6a2b4b0 destroyed
    2014-03-17 12:11:46, Info CBS Perf: InstallUninstallChain complete.
    2014-03-17 12:11:46, Info CBS Failed to execute execution chain. [HRESULT = 0x80070005 - E_ACCESSDENIED]
    2014-03-17 12:11:46, Error CBS Failed to process single phase execution. [HRESULT = 0x80070005 - E_ACCESSDENIED]
    2014-03-17 12:11:46, Info CBS WER: Generating failure report for package: Microsoft-Windows-Client-Refresh-LanguagePack-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~ko-KR~6.1.7601.17514, status: 0x80070005, failure source: Execute, start state: Installed, target state: Absent, client id: lpksetup
    2014-03-17 12:11:46, Info CBS Failed to query DisableWerReporting flag. Assuming not set... [HRESULT = 0x80070002 - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND]
    2014-03-17 12:11:46, Info CBS Failed to add %windir%\winsxs\pending.xml to WER report because it is missing. Continuing without it...
    2014-03-17 12:11:46, Info CBS Failed to add %windir%\winsxs\pending.xml.bad to WER report because it is missing. Continuing without it...
    2014-03-17 12:22:27, Info CBS Reboot mark refs: 0
    2014-03-17 12:22:27, Info CBS SQM: Reporting package change for package: Microsoft-Windows-Client-Refresh-LanguagePack-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~ko-KR~6.1.7601.17514, current: Installed, pending: Default, start: Installed, applicable: Installed, target: Absent, limit: Absent, hotpatch status: DisabledBecauseNoHotpatchPackagesInitiated, status: 0x0, failure source: Execute, reboot required: False, client id: lpksetup, initiated offline: False, execution sequence: 1720, first merged sequence: 1720
    2014-03-17 12:22:27, Info CBS SQM: Upload requested for report: PackageChangeBegin_Microsoft-Windows-Client-Refresh-LanguagePack-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~ko-KR~6.1.7601.17514, session id: 142859, sample type: Standard
    2014-03-17 12:22:27, Info CBS SQM: Ignoring upload request because the sample type is not enabled: Standard
    2014-03-17 12:22:27, Info CBS SQM: Reporting package change completion for package: Microsoft-Windows-Client-Refresh-LanguagePack-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~ko-KR~6.1.7601.17514, current: Installed, original: Installed, target: Absent, status: 0x80070005, failure source: Execute, failure details: "(null)", client id: lpksetup, initiated offline: False, execution sequence: 1720, first merged sequence: 1720
    2014-03-17 12:22:27, Info CBS SQM: execute time performance datapoint is invalid. [HRESULT = 0x80070490 - ERROR_NOT_FOUND]
    2014-03-17 12:22:27, Info CBS SQM: Upload requested for report: PackageChangeEnd_Microsoft-Windows-Client-Refresh-LanguagePack-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~ko-KR~6.1.7601.17514, session id: 142862, sample type: Standard
    2014-03-17 12:22:27, Info CBS SQM: Ignoring upload request because the sample type is not enabled: Standard
    2014-03-17 12:22:27, Info CBS Enabling LKG boot option
    2014-03-17 12:22:27, Info CBS Exec: End: nested restore point - complete.
    2014-03-17 12:22:27, Info CBS Restored system sleep block state: 0x80000000
    2014-03-17 12:22:28, Info CBS Exec: Processing complete. Session: 30360044_3010381984, Package: Microsoft-Windows-Client-Refresh-LanguagePack-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~ko-KR~6.1.7601.17514 [HRESULT = 0x80070005 - E_ACCESSDENIED]
    2014-03-17 12:22:28, Error CBS Failed to perform operation. [HRESULT = 0x80070005 - E_ACCESSDENIED]
    2014-03-17 12:22:28, Info CBS Session: 30360044_3010381984 finalized. Reboot required: no [HRESULT = 0x80070005 - E_ACCESSDENIED]
    Any help is welcome.
    Rodrigo Queiroz

  • I tried updating iTunes to version 11.1.1, but installation fails each time even when I did it manually as was suggested.  The message I receive is: "The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package.  This may indicate a problem"

    I tried updating iTunes to version 11.1.1, but installation fails each time even when I did it manually as was suggested.  The message I receive is: "The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package.  This may indicate a problem with this package.  The error code is 2324."

    Hi hongkongpom,
    Just wanted to say that after posting the problem, I had a chat with an iTunes' Tech Support, her name is Rebekah.  My problem was resolved after that.  Will list the chat history below in hopes that it may help you as well.
    Good luck!
    Chat Transcript
    Friday, October 4, 2013 05:55 AM
    Duration: 81 minutes 28 seconds
    Welcome to AppleCare chat support. Please give me a moment to look over your information.
    Hi, Samia! My name is Rebekah. If we get disconnected, please chat us back. the case number from the initial email we sent you. This gives the next advisor you chat with immediate access to your case history.
    Could you please confirm your serial number? I want to be sure we provide the best service possible for you, Samia!
    Sure, it's 8L8395UY2C5
    My problem is with iTunes.
    Thanks for that confirmation. Just a heads up, this is iOS Tech Support. We do support iPod touches, iPads, and iPhones, but not the iPod classic. But no worries! I can get you in touch with a phone Advisor who can get you in touch with the department that specializes in iPod classics and would be able to better assist you. Would that be OK?
    I wasn't able to install the new version of iTunes (version 11.1.1). The installation keeps failing. The they suggested the I install it manually and that failed too. I will attach the message I received.
    I don't have a problem with iPod.
    Just iTunes
    No problem! We can certainly troubleshoot iTunes as much as possible. It may come to the point that you may have to transferred, but we can do as much as possible during this chat!
    Thanks for the screenshot. It is a bit small so I am unable to fully see the message that you are receiving. What is the error message you are receiving?
    This is the message I received in case you weren't able to open the attachment: "The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 2324."
    Thanks for that info!
    What version of Windows (XP, Vista, 7) do you have?
    Windows 7
    Windows 7 Home Premium
    Thanks for that confirmation. I do apologize for the delay, Samia. I am researching this error code now. You mentioned trying to install iTunes manually. To be sure I am on the same page, what steps did you take to do that?
    Well when the indsatalltion failed I was given instructions to select Download Only from Tools and then install manually. When I did it, I window popped up with the following items: - AppleApplicationSupport
    - AppleMobileDeviceSupport64
    - Bonjour64
    I selected Repair in all of them instead of Remove and all worked but iTunes64
    That's when I received the message that I sent you earlier.
    By the way, this is the fir st time something like this occured. I never had problems with installation before.
    I completely understand what you're saying. Since that Repair did not resolve the issue, our best option is to uninstall iTunes and its components and redownload it. To do this, we will follow the steps in this article: Removing and reinstalling iTunes and other software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
    First, we will want to quit iTunes and/or Apple Software Update if those are open at this time.
    Rebekah, the instructions you gave says, "For Windows XP, follow these steps to remove and reinstall iTunes and other software components for Windows XP."
    I closed all applications
    Also, my iTunes doesn't open anymore after the new failed installation.
    The section that says "For Windows XP…" is in case we opened up the wrong article, as we have the one for Windows Vista, 7, or 8. There is a link to click ("these steps") in those directions that would take us to the article for uninstalling on a Windows XP.
    So no worries! We have the right article!
    On the computer, we will want to click on Start > Control Panel. In Control Panel, we will click the "Uninstall a program" link.
    I thought so after doing a little exploration.
    Alright, we'll want to select iTunes from the list of currently installed programs. Then we will click Uninstall. When asked if you would like to remove iTunes, let's click Yes.
    After the uninstallation is complete, we don't want to restart your computer if you're prompted.
    Then if you see other iTunes entries on the list, we'll want to remove them the same way.
    Then we will remove all instances of Apple Software Update the same way you removed iTunes.
    Okay, but do I have to remoce iCloud as well?
    Rebekah, I received the same error message again when uninstalling
    We actually do not need to remove iCloud. After the Apple Software Update, we will want to remove all instances of Apple Mobile Device Support
    How strange! Are you able to click past that and allow the process to continue or has it stopped it completely?
    I am unable to uninstall iTunes either
    Stopped completely
    I treied clicking Repair
    Alright, after trying the Repair option, let's see if it will allow us to continue uninstalling or not.
    I tried that but unfortunately, it isn't working. I still get that same message with error code 2324.
    This error code is not something that I am finding in my sources, Samia. So there is a chance that it is being caused with the Windows computer itself. However, I did find a link that may be able to help with uninstalling iTunes from Windows' support site:
    Rebekah, you're a genius! It worked! iTunes is no longer there. What next?
    Awesome! I'm glad that worked!
    To be sure I am on the same page, what was the last component we uninstalled?
    Shall I remove the Apple Application Support, Apple Mobile Device Support, and Apple Software Update
    That is correct! However, we do want to uninstall it in the order I mentioned above. So Apple Software Update first, Apple Mobile Device Support next, and then Apple Mobile Device Support.
    Got it, but is the second one to uninstall Apple Mobile Device Support OR Apple pplication Support?
    The second one is Apple Mobile Device Support.
    The Application Support will be the last component we uninstall.
    Thanks! I'm on it.
    Done! ll 3 are gone, well 4 with iTunes. Now what?
    Awesome! Also, I just noticed that I accidentally typed Apple Mobile Device Support twice, I do apologize for any confusion! Now we will remove all instances of Bonjour and then remove all instances of Apple Application Support.
    There was only 1 instance with Bonjour. I don't know what the instances are for Apple Application Support
    Yes, Bonjour is often only listed once. Is the Apple Application Support listed at all?
    Since I removed it
    Oh, perfect! If it was removed, we should be set!
    We have removed iTunes and its components now! From here, our next step is to restart the computer. Then once you reboot, you can redownload iTunes from
    That should allow you to download iTunes!
    Shall I downloaad the latest vesion?
    You will want to first restart the computer as shown in the article. That will ensure that this process goes smoothly and that everything was removed correctly! Then you can try downloading iTunes again.
    Okay, thanks Rebekah!
    You're very welcome! I'm glad I could help! And of course if you have any issue after the reboot and download, you can always chat us back, as chat is open 24 hours! You will just need to give your case number and the next Advisor would have all my notes!
    Thanks again for all your help, for I couldn't have managed with out it. Have a nice day!
    You're very welcome! I know how important iTunes is and I'm glad we could get you on a path to resolution!
    I hope you have a lovely day!
    It's been a pleasure speaking with you! Thanks for chatting with us Samia. If you don't have any more questions, select End Chat from the upper left corner of the chat window.
    Will do, thanks.

  • Windows 8.1 Install Language Packs Offline

    I am looking for some kind of documentation or guide on creating a language pack package, and adding it to the task sequence for deploying Windows 8.1.  I have the language pack Cab file, and a custom HTA for creating a variable that I know works, but
    I cannot get the language pack to actually install.  I read another post that suggested the location in the task sequence to put the "Install Language Packs offline" just before the "Setup Windows and ConfigMgr" but it is not working.
     The task sequence does complete successfully, but the LP is not installed.  I have a base Windows 8.1 Pro customized image.  I am using SCCM 2012 R2 with MDT 2013.  
    The package only contains the Cab file, and doesn't have any programs associated with it.  
    Any help is appreciated.

    Hi Tyler,
    Please have a look at the blog below that deploying Windows 7 language packs with SCCM OSD. It creates a custom XML file that knows to load the language pack.
    Note: Microsoft provides third-party contact information to help you find
    technical support. This contact information may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this third-party contact information.
    Best Regards,

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 16385: -removed the utilities package target since it' s not used any longer - at least what is contained in this target.

    Revision: 16385
    Revision: 16385
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-06-01 13:32:35 -0700 (Tue, 01 Jun 2010)
    Log Message:
    -removed the utilities package target since it's not used any longer - at least what is contained in this target.  I believe this was a leftover from flex 2 days.
    -fix up the packaging targets to ensure they are being properly built.  I removed depends="temp-clean" and inserted antcall target="temp-clean" because a target gets executed only once, even when more than one target depends on it. 
    QE notes:
    Doc notes: no
    Bugs: no
    Reviewer: Guarav
    Tests run: no
    Is noteworthy for integration: no
    Modified Paths:
    -This messages says (at least some) CC 2014 programs use NEW plugins
    -so do not uninstall the older CC programs if you use plugins in your programs until you are sure you have plugins that work in CC2014
    If you are sure you don't need the old CC programs
    - to install or uninstall

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