Removing a Text Field?

Sorry, this is probably easy to do....but I just can't figure
it out!!!! How do I remove a text field I created with the
following code? Thanks!!!!!
function addConsultation(sLinkage:String):Void{
if(oOpenedConsultation[sLinkage]!=undefined) {
function loadConsultation():Void {
var nWidth:Number = mcDisplayBackground2._width;
var nHeight:Number = mcDisplayBackground2._height;
var nX:Number = mcDisplayBackground2._x;
var nY:Number = mcDisplayBackground2._y;
this.createTextField("tArticle", this.getNextHighestDepth(),
nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight);
tArticle.multiline = true;
tArticle.wordWrap = true;
tArticle.textColor = 0x000000;
tArticle.html = true;
tArticle.condenseWhite = true;
function loadData8():Void {
var lvLinksContent:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
lvLinksContent.onData = function(sHTMLData:String):Void {
tArticle.htmlText = sHTMLData;
var cssStyles2:TextField.StyleSheet = new
cssStyles2.onLoad = function():Void {
tLinks.styleSheet = this;
var nTopDepth8:Number;
var oOpenedLinks:Object = new Object();
mcConsultationButton.onRelease = function():Void {

is this code within a MC? then use _parent instead of _root.
the createTextField doesn't 'convert' a MC to a textfield -
it creates a textfield instance within the MC specified, in your
case here you've declared this.createTextfield - where ever the
scope of 'this' is is where the instance was constructed.
also make sure you remove the textfield before the
gotoAndPlay statement - although it should still fire.

Similar Messages

  • Remove text field from Array via for loop

    i have a problem to remove text fields added via for loop.
    That im doing is, via for loop im dynamically creating menu with 10 buttons.
    Each button contain, dynamically created, background (shape) and text field.
    And everything is fine.
    But when im try to remove text fields then i got this error:
    - Im using button to remove text fields - lang_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
    ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
              at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
              at Loading_Img_fla::MainTimeline/xmlLoaded()
    In the script bellow marked with red is what should remove text fields from an Array, instead giving me error.
    Here is my script
    // Create for loop
    for (var i:int = 0; i < 10; i++)
              for each (xml in listItems)
                        if (i == xml.attribute("Id"))
                                  // Add MovieClip to stage to hold the data
                                  lmHolder.x = 0;
                                  lmHolder.y = 0;
                                  // Create new MovieClip to hold buttons
                                  lmButtonsMCArray[i] = new MovieClip();
                                  lmButtonsMCArray[i].buttonMode = true;
                                  lmButtonsMCArray[i].mouseChildren = false;
                                  lmButtonsMCArray[i].x = 20;
                                  lmButtonsMCArray[i].y = 20 + btCount * buttonSpace;
                                  // Add each button MovieClip to lmHolder MovieClip
                                  // Create Background to buttons
                                  lmButtonsArray[i] = new Shape();
                                  lmButtonsArray[i].graphics.beginFill(lmBgColor0, 1);
                                  lmButtonsArray[i].graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 230, 85);
                                  lmButtonsArray[i].x = 0;
                                  lmButtonsArray[i].y = 0;
                                  // <<-- Add Background shape to the buttons MovieClips
                                  // Create a new array to preserve data from XML List
                                  lmNameArrayEG = new Array();
                                  lmNameArrayUS = new Array();
                                  // Create local variable to hold
                                  var lmTxtFieldContentUS:String;
                                  var lmTxtFieldContentEG:String;
                                  var lmTxtContent:String;
                                  // If clicked button is EG then make array with Arabic text
                                  // If clicked button is US then make array with English text
                                  if (footer.lang_btn.langState == "EG")
                                            for each (var leftMenuName:XML in egLanguageList)
                                            lmTxtFieldContentEG = lmNameArrayEG[i];
                                            lmTxtContent = lmTxtFieldContentEG;
                                            for each (var leftMenuNameUS:XML in usLanguageList)
                                            lmTxtFieldContentUS = lmNameArrayUS[i];
                                            lmTxtContent = lmTxtFieldContentUS;
                                  // Setup new text field each time script is executed
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i] = new TextField();
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].width = 110;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].border = false;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].wordWrap = true;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].multiline = true;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].selectable = false;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].embedFonts = true;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].text = lmTxtContent.toUpperCase();
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].x = 10;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].name = "lmTxtFieldName" + i;
                                  // <<-- Add Text fields to the Movie Clip
                                  // If clicked button is EG then set Arabic text format, and make array with Arabic text fields
                                  // If clicked button is US then set English text format, and make array with Egnlish text fields
                                  if (footer.lang_btn.langState == "EG")
                                            // Make array from text fields;
                                            // Make array from text fields;
                                  // If clicked button is EG then loop thrue the for loop and remove English text fields from array
                                  // If clicked button is EG then loop thrue the for loop and remove Arabic text fields from array
                                  if (footer.lang_btn.langState == "EG")
                                            for (var rNr_us:Number = 0; rNr_us < pushUsTFintoArray.length; rNr_us++)
                                                      //remove the text field array from the display
                                            //clear the array
                                            pushUsTFintoArray = [];
                                            for (var rNr_eg:Number = 0; rNr_eg < pushEgTFintoArray.length; rNr_eg++)
                                                      //remove the text field array from the display
                                            //clear the array
                                            pushEgTFintoArray = [];

    it looks like those tf's are children of  lmButtonsMCArray[i], not the current scope.  use:
    if (footer.lang_btn.langState == "EG")
                                            for (var rNr_us:Number = 0; rNr_us < pushUsTFintoArray.length; rNr_us++)
                                                      //remove the text field array from the display
                                            //clear the array
                                            pushUsTFintoArray = [];
                                            for (var rNr_eg:Number = 0; rNr_eg < pushEgTFintoArray.length; rNr_eg++)
                                                      //remove the text field array from the display
                                            //clear the array
                                            pushEgTFintoArray = [];

  • AS3: Text field boundaries

    I have 2 dynamic textfields (elderText, youngText) that I added a vertical scroll bar to and it works great.
    When I add and remove the text fields a few times (runtime) the line breaking of the textfields changes and the scrolling becomes horizontal (the textfield, not the scroll bar).
    I want to make sure the text will break properly and will not cross the field horizontal boundaries at all!!
    The problem started after I added the scroll bar:
    var bounds:Rectangle = new Rectangle(scrollMC.x, scrollMC.y, 0, 225);
    var scrolling:Boolean = false;
    function startScroll (e:Event):void {
        scrolling = true;
        scrollMC.startDrag (false,bounds); 
    function stopScroll (e:Event):void {
        scrolling = false;
        scrollMC.stopDrag ();
    scrollMC.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startScroll);
    stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopScroll);
    scrollMC.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterHandler);
    function enterHandler (e:Event = null):void {
        if (scrolling == true) {
            if (Boolean(getChildByName('elderText'))){
                elderText.scrollV = Math.round(((scrollMC.y - bounds.y)/225)*elderText.maxScrollV);
            if (Boolean(getChildByName('youngText'))){
                youngText.scrollV = Math.round(((scrollMC.y - bounds.y)/225)*youngText.maxScrollV);

    elderText.wordWrap = true;
    youngText.wordWrap = true;
    I added these lines and it solved the problem.
    Can I check if the text field is big enough to contain the whole text?
    In other words can I check if scroll bar is needed or not?
    Thanks for the help.

  • How do I add and remove text in a text field with a checkbox?

    How do I add and/or remove text in a text field with a checkbox?
    this is my script in the text box......
    event.value="Hello, this is my narrative. \r\n\nFamily: \r\n\n" + this get.Field("FirstName").value + " " + this.getField("LastName").value + was born on"=this.getField("DOB.value + "\r\n\n + this.getField("drpField").value + "\r\n\n" + this getField("Father").value
    The text box looks like this...
    Hello, this is my narrative.
    John Smith was born on 08/02/2000
    Boby Lou
    Jack Smith
    I need to add/or remove the father field (Jack Smith) & r/n/n with a check box.
    Does anyone know how to do this?

    There are multiple errors in your code...
    Use this code instead (adjust the name of the check-box):
    var msg = "Hello, this is my narrative. \r\n\nFamily: \r\n\n" + this get.Field("FirstName").value + " " + this.getField("LastName").value + was born on" + this.getField("DOB.value) + "\r\n\n" + this.getField("drpField").value;
    if (this.getField("FatherCheckBox").value!="Off")
         msg += "\r\n\n" + this getField("Father").value;
    event.value = msg;

  • How can I remove ASCII text from a field when I use it in a query

    How can I remove ASCII text from a field when I use it in a query?
    I am running a select statement on a table that appears to have ASCII text in some of the fields. If I use these fields in the where statement like the code below nothing returns:
    But the field looks empty if I do a straight select without the where clause. Additionally, one of the fields has text but appears to be padded out with ASCII text, which I need to strip out before I can use this field in a where or join statement. I have tried using a trim, ltrim, rtrim, to_char, nvl, decode and nothing works. When I use excel to run the same query it looks as if these ASCII fields are boxes.
    I have asked our DBA team to see what they can do to prevent these from going into the table, but in the mean time I still need to run this report.
    Do you have any suggestions?

    Can you provide an example? I've been trying (for
    example) "select translate(' test one', ascii(' '),
    'X') from dual" with no luck.
    Thank you.To replace space, you should query like this:
    select translate(' test one', chr(32), 'X') from dual instead of select translate(' test one', ascii(' '), 'X') from dual Thanks,
    Dharmesh Patel

  • Removing extra text after a certain point for a field

    Post Author: ralph.devlin
    CA Forum: Formula
    What we want to do is remove extra text, IE (PO12345.195) We would want to remove the .195 from the end of that data so that the groupings will group them correctly. How can I accomplish this. The defaul trim commands seem to only elimnate white space, I want to elimnate text up to a certain point. thanks

    Post Author: Charliy
    CA Forum: Formula
    You want to do an INSTR to locate the period, then a LEFT to only show the data before it.  Something like:
    IF INSTR({table.field},".") > 0 THEN LEFT({table.field},(INSTR({table.field},".") )-1) ELSE {table.field}
    I subtracted 1 because in your example above the period is in position 8 and you want the first 7 characters.

  • Remove blank spaces in a text field?

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    Edited by: Burton Roger on Feb 10, 2009 5:48 PM

    I have a need for monthly service desk reporting.
    Please provide data on single sheet.
    Thank you"
    I would like to shrink it down to -
    Hi, I have a need for monthly service desk reporting. Please provide data on single sheet. Thank you"

  • Removing pre filled responses in text field

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    Can you describe further what do you mean by prepopulates when you enter info? Do you mean an auto-completion like pre-population? Or does the field get prepopulated BEFORE you key in any values in the text field? Or do you mean the text field ignores what is being typed in, and pre-populates with a default value?

  • Remove custom field instead of default text field

    I need  migrate to SharePint 2013 from 2007.
    In SharePoint 2007 List include a custom field.
    Dont use the custom field again,
    I want remove custom field instead of default text field (remain metadata).
    How to do it ?

    Hi ,
    According to your description, my understanding is that you want to migrate SharePoint from 2007 to 2013 with managed metadata column. Is it right?
    If you need to migrate managed metadata columns, you also need to migrate the Managed Metadata Service application. however, when you use this method, only global terms are available but the local terms  are not available.
    So, if you used the local terms for the managed metadata column, I suggest you use a third party tool or manually re-create the column in the destination list.
    There are some articles about migrating managed columns, please take a look at:
    Best Regards,
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Changing the cursor position in an input text field and Removing leading numeric zeros

    Flash8 - AS2
    It's good to be back after all these years and thanks for the faithfull folks like kglad, Ned Murphy, Rothrock and all the others who give so much of themselves to make this forum a success!
    My Problem:
    I have an input text field that is named in the properties box as 'numberOfKids'.
    When the program is executed, and a delete or backspace is pressed the input textfield goes blank
    and any calculations that use 'numberOfKids' shows NaN.
    I have trapped the NaN and undefined so that a numeric 0 shows up instead of a blank.
    There are two problems:
    First problem:
      The cursor is to the left of the zero, so the first number inputted by the user is 10x larger than what they want.  0 becomes 10.
    Question:  How do I get the cursor to move to the right of the 0?
    Second Problem: 
      When I manually move the cursor to the right of the 0 and input a number, say 4, it shows up as 04.
    Question 2:  How do I delete the leading numeric zero in the input textfield?
    Thanks for the help.
    Here's the code I am using:
    calculateChildWeight = function () {
    if (isNaN(numberOfKids)) {
      numberOfKids = 0;
    if ((numberOfKids) == undefined) {
      numberOfKids = 0;
    if (numberOfKids>=0 && numberOfKids<=137) {
      numberOfKids = numberOfKids;
    } else {
      numberOfKids = 0;
    if (isNaN(adjustedChildWeight)) {
      adjustedChildWeight = 0;
    if ((adjustedChildWeight)=undefined) {
      adjustedChildWeight = 0;
    adjustedChildWeight = Number(numberOfKids*(-100));
    //numberOfKids.setSelection(numberOfKids.length, numberOfKids.length);
    //if (numberOfKids.length=2 && numberOfKids<10) {
      // remove the first character or leading zero
    //  numberOfKids = numberOfKids;

    Thanks Rothrock for being so  patient.
    I'm lost!
    I go back to a brand new flash file to try and implement the textfields as a stand alone test document.  I have lost the concept I think.
    I created on the stage of a blank .fla file  4 text fields, 2 input and 2 dynamic.  I gave them an instance name in the properties box.  I use this instance name.text to find the value of the field.  I use the parseInt to put that value into a numeric variable for calculation.  The results are put to the appropriate textfield.
    All seems to work except one of my input text fields.   I use the value of this field  to calculate:
    revisedValue = parseInt(numberOfKids.text);
    revisedValue = revisedValue*(-100);
    The problem now is that if the numberic '2' is inputted into numberOfKids, numberOfKids.text shows up as 200 and a trace shows up as '2NaN'.
    Flash is logical and consistant, I must conform to it but I'm in the dark.
    (( Concerning the forum:  If I click on helpful, which your posts have been in directing me, does that blank out the possibility of selecting the correct answer in the future???))

  • How to remove the automatically generated text fields from the InfoSet

    I followed the procedure by SAP help.
    Automatically generated text fields are marked with a 'T' on the icon in the InfoSet. You can remove the automatically generated text fields from the InfoSet in the initial screen of the InfoSet maintenance under Further Functions -> Delete Text Fields. Cancel the DataSource creation on the next screen and delete the text fields in the InfoSet maintenance transaction.
    I know that there is an option "No automatic text recognition" when I create a new InfoSet, however, I couldn't find out how to change an existed InfoSet. I checked menu Goto->Global Properties, but that option is disabled. Is there a way to remove text fields from an existed InfoSet?

    In the initial screen (when you enter transaction code SQ02) type your infoset name and goto menu: Infoset -> More functions -> Delete text fields. this will delete all text fields.
    I hope this helps to resolve the issue.

  • Removing Text Fields

    I have several informational text objects on a form. When the user has completed the form I would like to be able to remove the text objects prior to their saving the form. I have a button that they will click that will run the App.execMenuItem("SaveAs"). Can I add script prior to this action to remove the text objects. I've given them all a distinctive name beginning with cmt.

    CraigB my goal is to be able to search a phrase containing two or more words. And as i wrote here before: Trriger is firing every 500ms and it takes information from field and query (like filter [adding ||'%']) with it my table. But its impossible to write word and after that a space (so its also impossible to write "Jeff[space]") because every time timer is triggering, Oracle Forms is leaving the field we are talking about, and trims it from spaces.
    Jeff Long 1
    Jeff Short 2
    Mark Spencer 3
    Karol Kowalski 4
    Jeff S
    ^ This should filter table with:= "Jeff S||%" and it does (im using ||% concatenation later in script) BUT only when u write in search field "Jeff_S" (using _ not space) or u write "Jeff S" fast enough (<500ms) to avoid TRIGGER: when timer expired, because when it catches u in a moment that your search Field looks like "Jeff " (with space at the end) it trims last space from search field and it is impossible to search Jeff with specified surname ;)
    is it clear now? :) sorry 4my english ;P
    Edited by: lapa on 2011-09-01 07:32

  • How to remove labels from text fields?

    Hey Everyone!
    I am having troubles with forms in Dreamweaver CC.
    I insert a text field in a form but the text field automatically comes with a label.
    How do i stop this?

    And I get that!
    But say I insert a text field.
    It is preceded by a label saying "Text Field 1:"
    But I already have written what the text field is supposed to do!
    And when I go in front of the label and press backspace, it doesn't wanna get deleted; not until I have to select the text and delete it!
    So you see a large part of my time is getting wasted in formatting the page and i can't give my full attention to the php code I want to write as I get frustrated because of this!
    So if you could help me get rid of the labels for good ; it'll be amazing!

  • How to get data from list of values (LOV) to be displayed in a text field ?

    Hi guys,
    I am very new to Oracle APEX so please spare me if it is a silly question. How can I get the selected values from a set of list of values (LOV) displayed in a text field (or text area or so) ? Fox example, in my form I create 4 items: STATE, COUNTY, STREET, ZIPCODE and all of them are LOV (list of values). I also create 2 buttons (ADD & REMOVE). Then I create a test field (or text area name SELECTED RECORD). Now here is what I want to do with my form:
    When I set the values for all 4 fields, I will click on the ADD button then I want those values be displayed in the text field.
    For example, if the selected values are:
    STATE = Alabama
    COUNTY = Abbeville
    STREET= 1 Street
    ZIPCODE = 36310
    And the ADD button is pressed. Then in the text field I want it displays like this:
    Alabama,Abbeville,1 Street,36310
    If I choose other values and click ADD again, a new line will be added into the text fields (text area). If I click the REMOVE button, then it will clear those two line in the text field.
    Would it be possible to do it? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    If you can live with the page being submitted and refreshed, make your ADD button do a submit with a request value of ADD and make your REMOVE button do a submit with a request value of REMOVE.
    Then create two computations (one firing with a condition of Request = ADD and the other firing with a condition of Request = REMOVE).
    In the ADD one, concatenate the values together into the text area (most likely a PL/SQL computation wiill be what you want). In the REMOVE one, set it to null with a PL/SQL computation.
    If you want it done without submitting the page, make the buttons each do a redirect to a URL but instead you will have to write two short javascript functions in the page HTML header to manipulate the field values. Each button would call each javascript function in an onclick event.

  • How to create a pdf/a-1b with a text field

    hello, I'm trying to execute a very simple task: create a pdf/a-1b containig a text field.
    using Acrobat XI pro, I created a simple pdf form with 1 form field of type text , then tried to save as pdf/A-1b. The pdf is saved but the form field is removed from resulting pdf.
    Here in detail the steps I made:
    0) configure adobe pdf printer to save as pdf/A-1b
    1) creat a test.txt with notepad
    2) print using acrobat pdf printer
    3) open the generated pdf with Acrobat XI
    4) in 'Standards' panel I see that pdf conform
    5) now go to 'Tools\Modules' and 'Modify'
    6) add a textbox field
    7) exit from 'Modify' mode and save
    8) in 'Standards' panel I see that pdf doesn't conform.
    9) I opened the preflight tool and see two errors
         a) "XMP property for a page object not predefined and no extension schema present".
         page reports the following Trigger values:
         - Extension schema is present in XMP: is not true
         - Property exists in PDF/A Standard: is not true
         b) Form field does not have an appearance dictionary
         page reports the following Trigger values:
         - Form field has an appearance dictionary: is not true
    I'm quite new to Acrobat: simply downloaded the Actobat XI evaluation version, created the file and added the text field. No special settings nor other configurations was applied,
    I'm wondering if someone else was able to reproduce this behavior.
    thank you for any comment

    First, about invalidating the PDF/A. I was told, but never had this confirmed nor tested, that editing a PDF/A will automatically cause the PDF/A status to be deleted from the file. This is because Acrobat does not know about the compatibility of every edit with every current (and future) PDF subset standard, so it is safest just to remove the indicator - if you turn off Adobe's PDF/A view mode which will prevent editing anyway.
    Now, you have a problem with the signatures. Possibly a very big one. Your description "2) fill the text field with some annotations and then sign the signature field 3) save the pdf" is a little too separated. At the time a file is signed it is saved, the hash calculated, and written to the file. So signing and saving are just one action. Yet an unsigned digital signature needs, it seems to me, no appearance.
    I think the solution is a simple one. Sign it, but not with a signature field. If it is PDF/A when you start it is probably PDF/A when you finish. Signature fields seem a distraction and obstacle to the important thing, signing.

Maybe you are looking for

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