Rename app on the store : possible or not

for legal reson I have to rename app :  not only the name that appear beside the icon on the phone but the app name on the store.
I upload new version and change the name in the descriptor file. But this appear to only change the name of app in the phone.
How to change the name in iTunes and the app store  ?
the ultimate solution is to unpublish but I am looking for an alternative

In iTunes Connect you have to go to your app and then click "Add Version" to submit details on an update.
Then click on the icon for "New Version" (if you aren't already on it).
At the very top of the page (up higher above the meta data section) there should be a "View Information" label with an edit button next to it. Click on that edit button.
In the form that pops-up you should be able to edit the name of you app.
Hope that helps.

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    I'm in the same boat as you -- except that I manage both a school lab (volunteer job) and macs in the enterprise (pay job).  What I think we need is the Education Volume Purchasing Program
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    I submitted the feedback below to
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    Feedback submitted:
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    That's just great, defend the app by insinuating that the purchasers are stupid.  To answer your question of what else one might need --
    1)  The portion of the title that is first presented to the user should make it clear that the app is not Microsoft Word 2010.
    2)  The icon should not contain the W in the blue box.
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    In the iBooks application on the Mac, there is a checkbox to sync highlights and notes across devices. 
    I don't see a similar setting in the iBooks app on my iPad.  It may require iBooks on the Mac as a mediator.
    Can I highlight text and make notes?
    Yes, iBooks includes built-in Highlight and Note features. Highlight any word or passage of text within a book. You can also create a Note from your highlighted selection. Review your Highlights and Notes by tapping the Table of Contents button and then tapping Bookmarks. Highlights and Notes appear in their own section under Bookmarks. 

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    If you do a search on the word "Microsoft" in the store, you will find several apps that are mostly purchased by people who confuse them with actual Microsoft products.  For example, we have "Microsoft(R) Word(R) 2010 -- mastering in 24h(TM)."  The reviews have been wiped, but when they existed, they were largely from people who were outraged because they thought they were getting the actual Microsoft Word, rather than merely a video course.  Additionally, there were a much smaller number of very short, promotional reviews.
    The price is high enough ($11.99) that it is easy for a purchaser to think they are getting the real thing.
    Furthermore, the way the title is formatted in iTunes, what you see is "Microsoft (R) Word(R) 2010 --".  Again, this makes it easy to mistake for the real thing.
    Then there is the app icon.  It contains a blue W in a box with one rounded corner.  Again, this is remarkably similar to the real Microsoft Word icon.
    The ratings of the app also tell the tale rather clearly.  Based on the distribution (which I reproduce below), it appears likely that some ratings are from people associated with the seller, and the others are from outraged purchasers:
    5 stars -- 50
    4 stars -- 13
    3 stars -- 18
    2 stars -- 8
    1 star -- 227
    It is impossible that Apple is unaware of this.  There is typically more than one app of this general nature among the 200 top grossing educational apps on the store.
    I find it shocking that this app is still on sale at all. 
    I wonder if any legal types could comment on the legality of having an app that so many people confuse with the real thing.

    That's just great, defend the app by insinuating that the purchasers are stupid.  To answer your question of what else one might need --
    1)  The portion of the title that is first presented to the user should make it clear that the app is not Microsoft Word 2010.
    2)  The icon should not contain the W in the blue box.
    Here, for example, we have a legitimate book on Microsoft Word, namely "Word 2010 for Dummies."  Notice that the images on the cover are totally different from Microsoft's icon. oks&ie=UTF8&qid=1336054960&sr=1-3

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    Message was edited by: dj-toonz

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