Rename constrain name or index name.

When you change an index name, or a constrain name, and then, you want to sincronize the relational model with the data dictionary, the generated DLL(delta),
use drop index, and create index.
This will not work in certain scenarios like unique index name, due to the fact that you can not delete unique index.
It is posible that instead of making drop create index, just make a rename statement?
Thanks in advance.
DROP INDEX schema_name.index_name
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX shcema_name.new_index_name ON schema_name.table_name
ALTER TABLE schema_name.table_name
RENAME CONSTRAINT schema_name.index_name
TO shcema_name.new_index_name;

Thanks for your suggestion. In fact, we are already planning to include this in the next release of Data Modeler.

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  • Rename column name

    Can i rename column name of a table. If so how to do it????

    before 9i
    Renaming a column in table:
    This is possible by updating the "name" column of the col$. To reflect this
    change in the system views, run catalog.sql and catproc.sql.
    Here is an example:
    SQL> create table test(
    x number,
    y varchar2(10),
    z varchar2(10));
    SQL> insert into test values (12,'Child','BLUE');
    SQL> insert into test values (34,'Mens','BROWN');
    If you wanted to rename column "x" as column "x1" then do the following.
    The first step is to identify the object number for the table (as SYS):
    SQL> select obj# from obj$
    where name='TEST' and owner#=9;
    Now identify the column numbers for the table:
    SQL> select obj#, col#, name from col$ where obj#=58217;
    58217 1 X
    58217 2 Y
    58217 3 Z
    To change the name, a simple update statement will suffice:
    update col$ set name='X1'
    where obj#=58217 and col#=1;
    To reflect the change in system views, run catalog and catproc (unix) eg:
    svrmgr> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catalog
    svrmgr> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catproc
    Now when a describe of the table is done:
    SQL> desc test;
    Name Null ? Type
    Y VARCHAR2(10)
    Z VARCHAR2(10)
    Similarly, selecting from the table and querying views such as
    DBA_TAB_COLUMNS shows the new column name.
    NOTE: Before changing column names, drop any indexes,
    foreign keys and primary constraints that might be on
    the column. These can be re-created later.

  • How to rename column name of table?

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    The column have data.

    The following should work in 9i release 2 and above.
    SQL> create table mytable(col1 varchar2(2),
      2  col2 date);
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into mytable values('t1',sysdate);
    1 row created.
    SQL> select * from mytable;
    CO COL2
    t1 30-NOV-04
    1 row selected.
    SQL> desc mytable
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    COL1                                               VARCHAR2(2)
    COL2                                               DATE
    SQL> alter table mytable rename column col2 to mydate;
    Table altered.
    SQL> desc mytable
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    COL1                                               VARCHAR2(2)
    MYDATE                                             DATE
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    t1 30-NOV-04
    1 row selected.
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  • Rename Technical names

    Hello people,
    I would rename technical names of infosources, datasources...
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    - copy the infosource, with template the infosource to change.
    In the first one, i don't know if this table exists.
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    Can you help me to resolve this problem??
    Thank you  !!!

    You will have to create the transfer rules again - when you select a template - only the communication structure will get copied ..
    Also even if you do fins out the table where it is stored and get to change the same - the background values are GUIDS or 32 character strings and that would still not change and you would have all sorts of problems transporting the same.
    You would have to re create the transfer rules..
    Assign points if useful

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    This would be a question probably best asked of Apple Developer Support:

  • Rename coloum name

    Can i rename column name of a table. If so how to do it????

    You Can't direclty do that. However if u have Oracle8i Rel 1 or up, u can do the following:
    (1) alter table tablename drop column coulmnName;
    (2) alter table tablename add column (columName DataType(Size));

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    Try to read DBNEWID Utility<br>

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    Thank you,

    The simple answer is 'no.' But if you're really bent on it, Apple documents the process of creating a new user and integrating the old user's files. (updated 2005 so i assume the process has not changed)
    I believe this is targeted at OS X client, as a standalone. The process for an OpenDirectory account may differ.
    Also, there is a utility called ChangeShortName that supposedly automates this process at I haven't run it and I believe it's intended for standalone OS X clients -- I have no idea what it'd do on a server. I think it's one of those "run at your own risk" things.

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    The requested URL /Home.html was not found on this server.
    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
    I guess the renaming mixed up the other pages' links to the home page. How do I fix this? I don't know code, so I can't really go in and fix it that way. It seems like Iweb won't allow it either... help???

    Hi and welcome,
    with iWeb you don't need to rename any page to "index" as publishing already creates a page called "index".
    I guess you're publishing to a folder, the result of publishing is an index.html file and a folder named with the name you gave to the site in iWeb. You have to upload the folder and the index.html file.
    Pages should never be renamed after you publish as that breaks the whole structure of the website (all the links that refer to this page).
    Republish from iWeb and reupload (also don't name a page index in iWeb as that may conflict with iWeb already generating such files).

  • [svn:osmf:] 14057: PARB changes: renaming LayoutRendererProperties.mode, to layoutMode, and renaming order property to index.

    Revision: 14057
    Revision: 14057
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-02-09 05:59:36 -0800 (Tue, 09 Feb 2010)
    Log Message:
    PARB changes: renaming LayoutRendererProperties.mode, to layoutMode, and renaming order property to index. Updating tests and client code accordingly.
    Modified Paths:

  • Unable to rename document name on ItemAdded event programmatically

    I have developed a Event Receiver on Item Added event basically to update the document name after document gets uploaded to SharePoint Library.
    I have developed below code but its getting failed at on Item.Update(); function call. Referred this
    MSDN Blog.
    public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)
                   SPListItem item = properties.ListItem;
                   string draftAuthor = item["Author"].ToString();
                   int index = draftAuthor.IndexOf("#");
                   string finalAuthor = draftAuthor.Substring(index+1, draftAuthor.Length-index-1);
                   updatedTitle = "My Dashboard- "+  finalAuthor;
                   item["Name"] = updatedTitle;
    item.Update(); // Getting failed here
                   item.File.CheckIn("File has been renamed");
               catch (Exception ex)
                   string error = "Error in event overriding : " + ex.ToString();
                   myLog.Source = "My Dashboard Extension";
                   myLog.WriteEntry(error, EventLogEntryType.Error, 4700);
    Getting below error
    Error in event overriding : Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: Invalid data has been used to update the list item. The field you are trying to update may be read only. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80020005): <nativehr>0x80020005</nativehr><nativestack></nativestack>Invalid
    data has been used to update the list item. The field you are trying to update may be read only.
    Please suggest me how can I make this piece of code work.
    Thanks !!!

    We should use the MoveTo method to rename the file name. The following code snippets for your reference.
    properties.ListItem["Title"] = properties.ListItem.File.Name;
    SPFile file = properties.ListItem.File;
    // Get the extension of the file. We need that later.
    string spfileExt = new FileInfo(file.Name).Extension;
    // Rename the file to the list item's ID and use the file extension to keep
    // that part of it intact.
    file.MoveTo(properties.ListItem.ParentList.RootFolder.Url +
    "/" + properties.ListItem["ID"] + spfileExt);
    // Commit the move.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Jason Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • Error occur while renaming zone name

    dear all,
    i have done following steps to rename but it is not changing
    1. halt or down the zone
    zoneadm -z zone23 halt
    2. viewed the current status of the zone
    zoneadm list -cv
    it is currently in istalled state
    3. zonecfg -z zone23
    4. set zonename=zone30
    but for step 4 i am getting following error
    set <property-name>=<property-value>
    For resource type ... there are property types ...:
    (global) zonepath
    (global) autoboot
    (global) pool
    fs dir, special, raw, type
    inherit-pkg-dir dir
    net address, physical
    device match
    rctl name, value
    attr name, type, value
    why i am getting above as output when i am trying to rename a halt zone using zonecfg.

    Hi Friend,
    Pls try this steps.
    Renaming zone orazone to oraprodzone
    Perform all of the below as root of global zone.
    First shutdown your orazone zone
    globalzone# zoneadm -z orazone halt
    globalzone# vi /etc/zones/index
    change orazone to oraprodzone
    globalzone# cd /etc/zones
    globalzone# mv orazone.xml oraprodzone.xml
    globalzone# vi oraprodzone.xml
    change orazone to oraprodzone
    globalzone# cd /zones
    -/zones is where I have stored all the zones
    globalzone# mv orazone oraprodzone
    -cd to your new zone (/zones/oraprodzone)and modify /etc/hosts, /etc/nodename, /etc/
    globalzone# cd /zones/oraprodzone/root/etc
    -boot new renaming zone
    globalzone# zoneadm -z oraprodzone boot

  • Renaming Column Names in a single shot in Requests

    Hi All,
    We are having one issue while trying to rename the column in the requests.
    We are having two presentation table "Fact Summary" and "Countries Dimension". Both of these tables contain one column "Country Description".
    Presently in all the reports we have developed till now, we used "Fact Summary"."Country Description".
    Now the users want us to replace "Fact Summary"."Country Description" with "Countries Dimension"."Country Description" and delete the "Country Description" from "Fact Summary" table.
    Approach we followed:
    Opened the Catalog Manager in Offline mode and used the XML Search and Replace option.
    With this option we are able to replace column names that are selected in a request but not those just used as filters(is prompted).
    Suppose we have one request with "States Dimension"."State" seleted and "Fact Summary"."Country Description" as filter, we are able to not able to replace "Fact Summary"."Country Description" with "Countries Dimension"."Country Description"
    Can anyone please help me...Is there any alternative solution for this?
    Thanks in Advance.....

    Nope, I don't have a solution for this. You must never model descriptive columns in a fact table. Even when you have descriptive columns or textual content in one of your fact table columns, you should model them as part of a logical dimension table. Let this be a good lesson.

  • Changed (renamed) device name in Intune app on iOS device. This change is not showing up in the admin portal, even after 24 hours

    I am trying to update a mobile devices names.  Initially, I changed the iOS device name (Settings->General->About->Name) and then I also renamed the device in the Intune app on the device.  Neither of these changes are propagating through
    to the admin portal, even after 24 hours.  Is there anything else I should be doing for this to work?
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    I'm seeing the same thing as Simon, I changed the iOS device name in both places on an iOS device and the name in the Intune console is still "iPhone" which is really unhelpful as I'm sure you can imagine.  Is there some other place
    that we should be going to rename devices so they are more easily identifiable in the Intune console?

  • Rename file name & format using ftp sender

    Hi all,
    This is regarding the renaming of file at sender file(FTP) communication channel and placeing the same file in the same folder.
    At FTP server at sender side (i.e.clients place) is in .txt format.But now .txt file has to rename and change into .sav foramt with below required name convention of file.
    client format is  :  SAP_Order.txt (Pervious file name).
    We need to change the file in to "SAP_Order_yyyymmddThhmmss.sav" format..
    How can i achieve this requirement?
    Can please suggests me solutions ASAP.
    Best Regards,

       if your requirement is to pick the  existing file in the FTP folder...and send as idoc to the target and place the renamed file to FTP folder...
    then its simple...
    use two receivers instead of one , one for point to target and other for sender itself... (second receiver  is for  changing  the file name format....)
    Hope the above understanding is correct...if not provide more details of your requirement...

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