Rename drives

Is it possible to rename internal drives? I have two drives and would like to identify each one for the purposes of automated burning with Automator.

Right about now I am giving myself a dope-slap.
When I asked about naming drives it didn't even remotely occur to me that someone would think I was talking about hard drives.
Doh. . .
What I should have asked is. . .
Is it possible to rename internal CD/DVD burner (drives). I am trying to get Automator burn two different folders to two different burners concurrently.

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    Hello, Cameron.
    I think you could just rename the drive in Finder and then change the location of your iTunes library to it's location on the renamed drive.
    When iTunes cannot find your library on the drive with the old name, it will ask you to either create a new library or choose an existing library, so you will want to choose your existing library on your renamed disk.
    I hope this answers your question.
    Good luck!

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    I don't know if this applies, but I had a similar problem with a USB stick and the only way I found to prevent Spotlight from indexing the drive every time it was connected, was to create an empty file called .Spotlight-V100 in the root directory of the USB stick.
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    Here are the instructions to use Disk Utility for this:
    You can duplicate the current backups to a different disk via Disk Utility (in your Applications/Utilities folder). You cannot use the normal "drag & drop" with the Finder, as that won't copy their unusual structure properly.
    You can duplicate to a disk/partition of the same or larger size. You may be able to copy to a smaller one, but you might not. If the old (source) disk has ever been near full, the files may be scattered over it in a way that you can't duplicate them to a smaller disk/partition.
    Note that you must duplicate an entire disk/partition to another entire disk/partition -- you cannot copy only selected backups, or backups of selected items, or merge two or more sets of backups. And if you have other items on the disk, they will be copied also (this is a bad idea: see item 3 above).
    In addition, if your backups were made wirelessly, you cannot copy them to a directly-attached internal disk, or an external FireWire or USB disk, and continue making backups to that disk, or vice-versa. This is because backups made wirelessly are stored differently from those done directly.
    Here's how to copy the backups from one disk/partition to a different one:
    a. Turn TM off, via TM Preferences, and de-select the drive (select "none"), quit System Preferences.
    b. Be sure to format the new drive correctly. See item #5 Frequently Asked Questions post at the top of this forum. for detailed instructions.
    c. Connect both drives to your Mac, then open a Finder window. Make sure both partitions are shown in the sidebar (if not, from the Menubar select Preferences > Sidebar, and check the box to show +External disks+ in the sidebar). Leave the Finder window open.
    d. Start Disk Utility, select either partition (indented under the main drive line), and click the Restore tab.
    e. Drag the old partition to the Source box, and the new partition to the Destination box.
    f. Be sure to check the +Erase destination+ box, then the Restore button. This may, of course, take a long time.
    g. When the duplication is complete, note that DU has *changed the name* of the destination partition to be the same as the source. You do not want to leave it that way, so immediately rename one of the partitions. In the sidebar of the Finder window opened above, control-click (right-click) the one you want to rename. When done, look back at the Disk Utility display to be sure you renamed the right one, then quit Disk Utility.
    h. Go to Time Machine Preferences and select the new or renamed drive.

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    Sort of. My media was on multiple hard drives, some local, and actually some networked, and then I conolidated it to a single external hard drive. Renaming drives and moving files sounds like a recipe for disaster.
    When doing a consolidation, files are copied to a new location and the old ones are left untouched. Does iTunes create a backup database of the file locations before doing a consolidation? I could use the backup if that were the case, since everything still exists in the original locations.
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    Would the Previous iTunes Library.itl be of any use, or is that for another purpose?

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    Well you did far more work and possibly screwed up your pc for an easy fix. You can change the drive letter through the utility called "Computer Management"
    If you open windows exploder, you should see a "My Computer" listed in the left window. Rt click on that and select Manage from the context menu. In the left window you should see Disk Management. Here is the list of all drives and their letters. You know unless you added a drive that was already designated F then windows shouldn't rename drive letters without you manually changing it.
    When you say you deleted the whole itunes folder what do you mean? Did you delete C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\My Documents\My Music? If you cant recreate this folder, then my suggestion would be to use TweakUI to reset the My music folder in the windows OS.

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    Sort of. My media was on multiple hard drives, some local, and actually some networked, and then I conolidated it to a single external hard drive. Renaming drives and moving files sounds like a recipe for disaster.
    When doing a consolidation, files are copied to a new location and the old ones are left untouched. Does iTunes create a backup database of the file locations before doing a consolidation? I could use the backup if that were the case, since everything still exists in the original locations.
    I've recieved my replacement hard drive for the one that crashed and I may be able to copy everything back manually if I knew where it went. I looked inside the iTunes Music Library.xml to see if I could figure out the folder structure, but for some reason they all say they're located in the iTunes folder in My Documents. They're not, of course.
    Would the Previous iTunes Library.itl be of any use, or is that for another purpose?

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    You've opened up a bunch of questions on this board, not closed them, sometimes asked the same question twice -- what's going on?
    Could you please gather your thoughts, figure out what you want to do, and put it all together into a single question?
    And some of the answers to your questions are but a Google search away.
    Assuming Windows:
    c:\ren /?
    RENAME [drive:][path]filename1 filename2.
    REN [drive:][path]filename1 filename2.
    Note that you cannot specify a new drive or path for your destination file.
    Cameron Lackpour

  • Swapped hard drives, but now Aperture does not recognize library file

    I just swapped out my MBP hard drive for a larger one. I used SuperDuper to restore the small HD to the new, larger one from a third Firewire disk.
    Everything else is working fine, except that Aperture says that "The selected master image is either offline or not found. Please reconnect it and try again." every time I try to do anything meaningful with any file in my library.
    I have:
    -Repaired permissions on the new HD with Disk Utility
    -Tried several times moving the library file around to various places, telling Aperture where to find it each time, and restarting Aperture. Aperture finds the images okay, but I can't really do anything with them, as I get the above error message.
    -Renamed my new HD, going through the Aperture Prefs, and re-specifying where the library lives, and then repeating the process with the HD named yet again.
    Nothing seems to work for me. What else can I try?

    1. Are you using referenced or managed Masters?
    2. If using referenced Masters, have you tried reconnecting them via File>Manage Referenced Files...? What happens if you right-click on a thumbnails and pick 'Show in Finder'?
    3. If using managed Masters, have you done a Spotlight search inside the Library package (right-click on it in the Finder and choose 'Show Package Contents') to see if the master files are still in there?
    Moving the Library and/or renaming drives isn't going to help without finding out exactly where Aperture thinks the files should be.

  • Disk Utility -- order of internal hard drives in drive list?

    I just upgraded my Mac Pro with two additional hard drives, installed in Bay 2 and Bay 3. Both drives are the same, Western Digital 250GB model WD2500KS. The stock drive is a 250GB Seagate.
    My question is in regards to the order in which the drives appear in the list of drives (left-column) of Disk Utility. In other Macs I've owned, the drive installed into the first, or "main" internal drive bay would show up at the top of the list, with subsequent drives ordered below.
    On my Mac Pro, with the drives installed as described above, the WD drive installed in Bay 2 shows up first in the list (at the top), then the Seagate (Bay 1) second, then the WD drive in Bay 3 third.
    Now admittedly, this is not really an issue, as the drives work fine and I can manage them in Disk Utility without problems. I'm just curious as to why they are lining up out of the usual "order"? Is there a way to rearrange them in the list? I'd actually prefer to have my startup drive (Bay 1) listed first, with the other two BELOW that drive. Is there a preference file I can alter, or some other way of manually ordering them?
    I tried zapping PRAM, which did not help. I also tried uninstalling the drive in Bay 2 and then reinstalling it. This actually worked temporarily. When I rebooted, the Bay 2 (WD) drive showed up in the list below the Bay 1 drive (Seagate) as desired. But upon another restart, it showed up at the top of the list again! Strange behavior.
    Any thoughts?
    I am running Tiger 10.4.10 on a Mac Pro 2.66 GHz Quad.

    I've tried playing around with renaming drives (and partitions), and changing the Finder's view options with respect to the order in which drives are listed (either by name or otherwise), but it doesn't have any effect on the ordering of drives in Disk Utility. Seems like it's a separate deal. I think it does have something to do with which physical drive is seen first by the computer as it boots up (pretty much what was said in the first response), and the order in which disk ID's are assigned. Again, the strange thing is that sometimes it does list the Seagate (Bay 1) first, followed by Bay 2 and 3. But usually not. Most of the time, it lists the drive in Bay 2 (and its respective partitions) first, and then Bay 1 with its partitions, then Bay 3. Odd.
    If you have any other ideas I'm all ears!

  • Naming my hard drive!

    Not a 10.6 query exactly but I've used Boot Camp to create a 100GB Windows XP partition. On my Mac screen I see 'Macintosh HD' then I have the hard disk logo called 'Untitled' I must have missed the label option but how do I change the name? Thanks. PS. Snow Leopard rocks! Just my screen looks like it's upgraded to ultra high definition!

    if you formatted your bootcamp drive NTFS it's not writable from OS X without extra software which is why you can't rename it. boot into windows and rename drive C from there.

  • EFI-Update MBP Late 2008

    Hi everybody,
    I'm experiencing problems with the EFI-Update for MBP, late 2008. It does not work at all, I've retried this several times and my Laptop just gets a grey Background, the bar at the top stays, I can move the mouse and click on the "apple" - but that's it.
    To get my Laptop back to life I had to hold the powerbutton and restart. The same happens now when I just want to shutdown my Laptop, grey background etc.
    Does anybody else experience the same? How will this be fixed?

    Ok.. I figured it out! Last night I made many discoveries about my MacBook pro 15" late 2008 model. First off I thought the sucker died with the 3 bad tone beeps. However this turned out to be a bad memory dimm (modual) which I learned on another thread. By proccess of elmination I figured out which dim this was. So this more than likley than anything else has to do with my Kernel panics in the past (Not Lion and Not EFI).
    Secondly I looked around more threads because I was supiscous the EFi update was failing because I had my setup with a Master Boot Record partitioning scheme. As it turns out the EFI updates can only be applied if you have a GPT partitioning scheme. Therefore I had to erase / format and lose my Windows partition just for an update (This is not ideal at all).
    So first I backed up to TimeMachine then I erased and then reloaded LION on the newley formated GPT drive via TimeMachine. Once back up I applied the EFI 2.8 Firmware update and it installed perfectly.
    This definatley needs to be documented better than having to search discussions thread. Secondly the only reason I was using MBR in the first place was because it was difficult to setup the Windows 7 install on the GPT partition. One Windows 7 doesnt like and 2 Mac OSX with disk util can easily mess it up. If you make any change renaming drives... anything in Windows 7 on in Computer Management / Disk management you will hose your Windows machine. This is because the pointer to the Windows 7 OS gets lost in the GPT as it gets modified incorrectly.
    So in my mind Apple is poorly supporting dual booting (Boot Camp). This is unsat as it was originally heavily advertised with bootcamp.
    Oh well I guess I will hit virtual box and get more memory via this new EFI update.

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