Rename webgui-service and access from iview ??

Hi all,
I have a question concerning the integration of ITS in an iview. We have EP6 running with integration of some webgui-functionalities. Everything works fine so far, but we need to do some modifications and this is where some questions pop up:
1. when a backend system (ITS) is configured in the EP-system landscape the ITS-hostname and ITS-path (always "/scripts/wgate" ?) have to be defined. Where is the ITS-service (usually "webgui" defined ? I didn't finf any reference to the ITS-service in the system configuration.
Is is correct that the "guitype" and resulting from this the service "webgui" is defined in the iview creation/editing where guitype is set to "WebGui" fro ITS-backend handling ?
2. now the main question: is it possible to change/rename the ITS service ? Example: I want to use an ITS-service "ZTEST" instead of "WEBGUI".
Background is we need to run 1 ITS instance with different services (one service for each backend).
Has anyone done something similar ?
Thanks a lot
Stefan Hester

after doing some research and some "trial and error" we came to the conclusion that it is NOT possible to specify a different ITS service in the iViews.
- the iView SAP transaction is fixed to ITS service 'webgui'
- we did some tests with the URL iView and this might be a possible solution, but only as long as you only use for example one function user for the backend transaction. SSO is not possible with URL iView. And this is what we need. So we leave things alone from here...
Thanks anyway. Seems that we have to live with this not-really-optimal-feature.

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    thanks for the response Jay,
    i havent done that, what settings is needed to change?
    this is my fms.ini
    # fms.ini contains substitution variables for Flash Media Server          #
    # configuration files. Lines beginning with '#' are considered comments.  #
    # A substitution variable is in the form <name>=<value>. Everything up to #
    # the first '=' is considered the name of the substitution variable, and  #
    # everything after the first '=' is considered the substitution value. If #
    # you want a substitution variable to have leading or trailing spaces,    #
    # enclose the value around double quotes. For example, foo=" bar "        #
    # This section contains configurable parameters in Server.xml #
    # Username for server admin
    # For example:
    # Password for server admin
    # For example:
    # IP address and port Flash Media Admin Server should listen on
    # For example:
    # User id in which to run the process (Linux Only)
    # For example:
    #    SERVER.PROCESS_UID = 500
    # Group id in which to run the process (Linux Only)
    # For example:
    #    SERVER.PROCESS_GID = 500
    # License key for Flash Media Server
    # For example:
    # LIVE_DIR denotes the full path of sample "Live" application's
    # folder for storing any live stream recorded by server. 
    # For example:
    #    LIVE_DIR = <FMS_Installation_Dir>\applications\live
    LIVE_DIR = C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flash Media Server 4\applications\live
    # VOD_COMMON_DIR denotes the full path of sample "VOD" application's
    # folder for storing onDemand and Progressive Download .flv/.mp3 files.
    # File stored in this folder can be streamed and are also PD-able.
    # Note : If you are using the default installation of Apache as a webserver,
    # and if you modify VOD_COMMON_DIR, please change the document root
    # accordingly in httpd.conf.
    # For example:
    #    VOD_COMMON_DIR = <FMS_Installation_Dir>\webroot\vod
    VOD_COMMON_DIR = C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flash Media Server 4\webroot\vod
    # VOD_DIR denotes the full path of sample "VOD" application's
    # folder for storing onDemand only .flv/.mp3 files. Files stored in
    # this folder are not PD-able
    # For example:
    #    VOD_DIR = <FMS_Installation_Dir>\applications\vod\media
    VOD_DIR = C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flash Media Server 4\applications\vod\media
    # The maximum size of the FLV cache, in megabytes.
    # The default is 500MB.
    # Whether to start and stop the included HTTP server along
    # with FMS.
    # This section contains configurable parameters in Adaptor.xml #
    # IP address and port(s) Flash Media Server should listen on
    # For example:
    #    ADAPTOR.HOSTPORT = :1935,80
    ADAPTOR.HOSTPORT = :1935,8000
    # IP (address and) port that Flash Media Server should proxy
    # unknown HTTP requests to. Leave empty to disable proxying.
    # With no address, specifies a localhost port.
    # For example:
    HTTPPROXY.HOST = :8134
    # This section contains configurable parameters in Vhost.xml #
    # Application directory for the virtual host
    # For example:
    #    VHOST.APPSDIR = C:\myapps
    VHOST.APPSDIR = C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flash Media Server 4\applications
    # This section contains configurable parameters in Application.xml #
    # List of semi-colon delimited paths in which to search for script to load
    # For example:
    #    APP.JS_SCRIPTLIBPATH = C:\scripts;C:\Program Files\Foo\scripts
    APP.JS_SCRIPTLIBPATH = C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flash Media Server 4\scriptlib
    # This section contains configurable parameters in Logger.xml #
    # This section contains configurable parameters in Users.xml #
    # Enable or disable using HTTP requests to execute admin commands.   
    # Set to "true" to enable, otherwise it will be disabled.  The          
    # actual commands permitted for server admin and virtual host admin  
    # users can be set in Users.xml.                                      

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    Thanks again for the advice.
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    Thank you again.

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    file in the Web Service Task Editor (General tab). The HTTP Connection is pointing to a URL that has had a successful test connection in the HTTP Connection Manager.
    However, the Input tab dropdown menus for selecting Service and Method are blank. I'm not getting any errors about the WSDL file itself. It looks to be well-formed and valid. I'm not sure why SSIS isn't detecting the services and methods from the WSDL document.
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    similar post that makes me think this is indeed the case. 
    The WSDL was accessed with account credentials, so I've redacted identifying information in the code below:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <wsdl:definitions name="Service" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:error="http://www.[redacted].com/error" xmlns:co="http://www.[redacted].com/co" xmlns:srv="http://www.[redacted].com/srv" xmlns:tns="http://www.[redacted].com/tns" targetNamespace="http://www.[redacted].com/tns">
    <xsd:import namespace="http://www.[redacted].com/XMLSchema/1" schemaLocation="1.xsd"/>
    <xsd:import namespace="http://www.[redacted].com/XMLSchema/2" schemaLocation="2.xsd"/>
    <xsd:import namespace="http://www.[redacted].com/XMLSchema/3" schemaLocation="3.xsd"/>
    <wsdl:message name="ServiceRequestMessage">
    <wsdl:part name="Body" element="srv:ServiceRequest"/>
    <wsdl:part name="security" element="co:security"/>
    <wsdl:message name="ServiceResponseMessage">
    <wsdl:part name="Body" element="srv:ServiceResponse"/>
    <wsdl:message name="ServiceErrorMessage">
    <wsdl:part name="ServiceError" element="error:Errors"/>
    <wsdl:portType name="ServicePortType">
    <wsdl:operation name="ProcessService">
    <wsdl:input name="ServiceRequest" message="tns:ServiceRequestMessage"/>
    <wsdl:output name="ServiceResponse" message="tns:ServiceResponseMessage"/>
    <wsdl:fault name="ServiceError" message="tns:ServiceErrorMessage"/>
    <wsdl:binding name="ServiceBinding" type="tns:ServicePortType">
    <soap:binding transport=""/>
    <wsdl:operation name="ProcessService">
    <soap:operation soapAction="http://soap.[redacted].com/binding" style="document"/>
    <wsdl:input name="ServiceRequest">
    <soap:body parts="Body" use="literal"/>
    <soap:header message="tns:ServiceRequestMessage" part="security" use="literal">
    <soap:headerfault message="tns:ServiceErrorMessage" part="ServiceError" use="literal"/>
    <wsdl:output name="ServiceResponse">
    <soap:body parts="Body" use="literal"/>
    <wsdl:fault name="ServiceError">
    <soap:fault name="ServiceError" use="literal"/>
    <wsdl:service name="ServiceService">
    <wsdl:port name="ServicePort" binding="tns:ServiceBinding">
    <soap:address location="https://ws.[redacted].com/service"/>
    Is there anything in this WSDL that SSIS does not support? Or am I just missing something simple? Thanks.

    Hi, you may want to walk through the following threads:
    Regards, Leo

  • Error while executing webgui service

    Hi All,
    I have created a R/3 system(system object, system alias) in portal and maintained the ITS properties. When i am testing the connection for the ITS its working fine. When i am trying to execute the servie "webgui" in R/3 system by using the T-code SICF i am getting the following error. Can you please help me out in this regard.
    Error when processing your request
    What has happened?
    The URL was not called due to an error.
    The following error text was processed in the system DEV : Template interpretation cancelled, syntax error.
    The error occurred on the application server ECCDEV_DEV_00 and in the work process 0 .
    The termination type was: RABAX_STATE
    The ABAP call stack was:
    What can I do?
    If the termination type was RABAX_STATE, then you can find more information on the cause of the termination in the system DEV in transaction ST22.
    If the termination type was ABORT_MESSAGE_STATE, then you can find more information on the cause of the termination on the application server ECCDEV_DEV_00 in transaction SM21.
    If the termination type was ERROR_MESSAGE_STATE, then you can search for more information in the trace file for the work process 0 in transaction ST11 on the application server ECCDEV_DEV_00 . In some situations, you may also need to analyze the trace files of other work processes.
    If you do not yet have a user ID, contact your system administrator.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Good day,
    You may have issues with your ITS configuration. Try the following:
    1.) Run T-CODE SIAC_PUBLISH_ALL_INTERNAL. This will republish all templates.
    2.) Go to sap/bc/gui activate the complete node.
    3.) Go to sap/bc/icf activate the complete node.
    4.) Go to sap/bc/ping activate the complete node.
    5.) Go to sap/public/bc activate the complete node.
    6.) Select the WebGui Service and inspect that the Handler List has a handler defined e.g.CL_HTTP_EXT_ITS (if not enter this and save).
    Re-test the service.

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    Help me

    Hello Taj,
    The current forum is for developers. I'd suggest asking non-programming questions on the
    Outlook IT Pro Discussions forum instead.
    Anyway, you need to correct the new filepath in the profile settings. Go to the Control Panel applet and look for the Mail shortcut.

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