Renaming offline computer account on AD as part of OSD

I am looking for an automated solution to a Windows 7 "rebuild" problem and here is the story:
We periodically have computer hard disk failures and the machines will be rebuilt on a new hard disk at the build center using the model-specific hardware "carcass". Once the hard disk is built, it will be sent over to the affected user and a field
engineer will swap the hard disks onsite and do the domain join work and anything else necessary so as to have the old computer name back.
To explain this further, say if the computer which had a hard disk failure is 123 (i.e. the computer name), we build a new Windows 7 machine on a new hard disk with the computer name as 123X. Once this machine is fully built, we need to delete the old 123
account from the AD and rename the newly built 123X to 123 (and do the domain re-join etc...).
However, the requirement is that the old 123 computer account should still stay in the domain for some time after the new machine is built (i.e. for data recovery/bit locker operations purposes if needed) which means we do not ideally want to delete the
old 123 computer account on the AD immediately, instead, we want to rename it as 123XY even though the old 123 computer is no longer physically active.
Is this technically possible? If so, can it be automated as part of SCCM OSD TS?
Hope I have not introduced too much of confusion. The problem has been reported by the build team and they have asked me to come up with an automated solution and I have tried to explain the problem above to the extent I have understood it. Currently what
they do is before deleting the computer account 123 from the AD, they back up its bitlocker recovery key information manually in order to use it later on should the need arise.
Thanks in advance.

Hi Garth,
Owing to the complexity it would have introduced into the build process to differently process new builds/rebuilds/hard disk replacement etc. we ended up ditching that option, instead went for a PowerShell scheduled task which runs every week and dumps the
bitlocker recovery info into a super-secret location :)
Below is the script if you are interested....
#Tweak the below line to point to the OU in your AD org where all the bitlockered computer objects reside
#It will run recursively against all sub-OUs.
$SearchBase = "ou=workstations,dc=contoso,dc=ad,dc=local";
#check if the output folder exists;Create it if it doesn't
If ((Test-Path -path "$(Split-Path $SCRIPT:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -parent)\Reports" -PathType Container) -eq $false) {
New-Item -path (Split-Path $SCRIPT:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -parent) -name 'Reports' -itemtype directory | Out-Null;
#set up the output csv name. An example output csv name will be BLR_15032015_Sunday.csv
$OutputCSV = "$(Split-Path $SCRIPT:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -parent)\Reports\BLR_$(Get-Date -format "ddMMyyyy")_$((Get-Date).DayOfWeek).csv"
Get-ADComputer -filter * -SearchBase $SearchBase -SearchScope Subtree -ResultSetSize $null -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Foreach-Object {
Get-ADObject -Filter 'ObjectClass -eq "msFVE-RecoveryInformation"' -SearchBase $_.DistinguishedName -Properties created,name,msFVE-RecoveryPassword -ResultSetSize $null -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
Select-Object @{Name="Computer Name";Expression={$Compname}},
@{Name="Date Added";Expression={$_.created}},
@{Name="Password ID";Expression={$ -match '\{.+\}' | Out-Null;($matches[0]).Trim();}},
@{Name="Recovery Password";Expression={$_."msFVE-RecoveryPassword"}}
} | Sort-Object -Property @{Expression="Computer Name";Descending=$false},@{Expression="Date Added";Descending=$true} | Export-CSV -force -Path $OutputCSV -NoTypeInformation
Probably not what you would have been hoping for but it has worked really well for us in the last 6 months and there has never been a lost bitlocker key related incidence escalated by the customer as we always have the backup reports to go back to.
Apologies, it was impolite of me not to update this thread clarifying what I ended up doing.

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    I don't see a duplicate record. I ended up renaming the computer account in order to get it out of the way. The other funny thing with this account is I can go in and delete attributes using the inspector and they come back also. I'm half tempted to export all my computer accounts and groups then demote the domain and recreate it and reimport the good accounts.
    I did a test with creating/deleting a user account. The user account would not delete until I changed its password type to crypt. There isn't a way to do something similar with a computer account?

  • How to rename computer account using Powershell 2.0

    For my Win7 deployment environment i need a script that can rename my workstation and it's Active Directory computer account.
    Is this possible using Powershell 2.0 included in Win7?

    I created a PowerShell script that, among other things, renames the computer.
    Function Rename-Computer ([string]$NewComputerName) {
    $comp = (gwmi win32_computersystem).Name.Trim()
    $ComputerInfo = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem
    Write-Host "Renaming computer...`n`tOld name: $comp`n`tNew name: $apnewname"
    #Start-Sleep (10)
    $ComputerInfo.rename($NewComputerName) | Out-Null
    After that you should reboot
    function RestartMachine{
    $os = gwmi win32_operatingsystem
    $os.psbase.Scope.Options.EnablePrivileges = $True
    Or better yet just use the `Restart-Computer` cmdlet built into PoSH.
    Now, the original post also said there was a need to rename the computer object n AD.  Below are two functions I use primarily for moving AD objects into their appropriate OU home.  While that doesn't immediately answer the question or solve the
    problem, I do believe you can rename the object you bind to using a very similar method.
    # This was created with the idea that machines would join the
    # domain automatically, into a predetermined OU. From there,
    # we would determine which OU the machine should be in, then
    # move it by calling this function.
    function MoveOU ($newOU) {
    $comp = (gwmi win32_computersystem).Name.Trim()
    $dumpOU = "CN=Computers,"
    # DC=dc,DC=net
    $root = [adsi]""
    $srcOU = [adsi]("LDAP://"+$dumpOU+$root.distinguishedName)
    $destOU = [adsi]("LDAP://OU=fixedOU,OU=testOU,"+$root.distinguishedName)
    $admin = [adsi]("LDAP://CN="+$comp+","+$srcOU.distinguishedName)
    #$admin.psbase | get-member | where-object {$_.Name -eq "MoveTo"}
    #System.Void MoveTo(DirectoryEntry newParent), System.Void MoveTo(DirectoryEntry newParent, String newName)
    Function Move-OU ($SiteDC, $newOU) {
    $computerName = (gwmi win32_computersystem).Name.Trim()
    $_computerType = "CN=Computer,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=dc,DC=net"
    $path = "LDAP://$SiteDC/DC=dc,DC=net"
    $domain = "domain"
    $user = "user"
    $pass = "password"
    $de = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry($path,"$domain\$user",$pass)
    $ds = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($de)
    $ds.Filter = "(&(ObjectCategory=computer)(samaccountname=$computerName$))"
    $res = $ds.FindAll()
    if ($res.count -gt 0) {
    # Machine has been found
    # Bind to the Computer Object in AD
    $oldComputerObject = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry($res[0].path,"$domain\$user",$pass)
    #$oldOU = $oldComputerObject.distinguishedName
    $oldOU = $oldComputerObject.Path
    Else {
    $strFilter = "(Name=$computerName)"
    $objDomain = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://$SiteDC/dc=dc,dc=net","$domain\$user",$pass)
    $objSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($objdomain)
    $objSearcher.SearchRoot = $objDomain
    $objSearcher.PageSize = 1000
    $objSearcher.Filter = $strFilter
    $objSearcher.SearchScope = "Subtree"
    $colPropList = "distinguishedName", "Name"
    foreach ($i in $colPropList){$objSearcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add($i) | Out-Null}
    $colResults = $objSearcher.FindAll()
    if($colResults.count -gt 0) {
    foreach($result in $colResults) { $target = $result.Properties }
    #$oldOU = $target.distinguishedname
    $oldOU = [string]$target.adspath
    Else {
    write-host "`tWARNING: Unable to locate $computername in AD; Cannot move to correct OU"
    ErrorLog "WARNING: Cannot move object $computername to correct OU; Not found in AD."
    $destOU = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://$SiteDC/$newOU","$domain\$user",$pass)
    /\/\o\/\/ who has been known to dabble in scripting a bit (;) has also covered this subject here.  I would copy & paste, but I highly recommend reading it to get a better understanding of what's going on.  Plus, there's LOADS of useful information
    on that site!

  • Can`t rename computer computer account is already exists

    We have domain on 2 DC`s(1 is GC and the 2nd is DC(Server 2008r2 ent)), Sometimes we need to replace old computers to the new ones. But they have to to be named like the old ones. So sometimes after removing old comuter from the AD, we still have an error
    message "Can`t rename, computer account is already exists" where else should we remove it????????

    Let's try the following:
    - configure the other domain controller as a Global Catalog - this should be the case in a single-domain forest
    - force the garbage collection by following
    Check the list of deleted objects again afterwards.
    If this does not provide the resolution, restore the tombstone of one of the deleted computers (follow ),
    rename it , and delete it
    i`ve tried all of that except, configuring other Dc as GC, i ve found an article it
    says that nothing would happen if two DC`s will be GC`s, but it vad not been written that this article aplies to win2008r2 only to earliests OS`s, so i`m affraid if something wrong will happen if i will promote another DC to GC, or i`m wrong??!
    I couldn`t force garbage collection, but i`ve enabled log as you said, and it seems to be no trouble with it....
    about the restoring tombstone.... i ve stuck on the step when i should search the deleted object, because search result "getting 0 entries"
    The same thing is about the article that Sandesh Dubey had linked ""
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    Please people be patience with me, i really am need your help!

  • The security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship

    When I try to log on to my DC it says "The security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship". It won't let me log on. I installed another server server 2012r2  (its virtual )
    and I can get to ADSI edit. 
    I think what happened was I had a pc that could not connect without unplugging the network cable. So I found this fix 
    FIX: “The security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship”2032011
    I’ve seen a lot of solutions, or suggestions rather, with regard to the error in the title of this post.  In my experience, the problem can almost always be resolved without extra domain add/removes and reboots, which is the most prevalent solution I have
    seen around.  Usually, this issue is due to a mismatch between attributes of the computer account in Active Directory and those values on the system itself.  Here are the steps I take to fix this issue when it crops up:
    Open up Active Directory Users & Computers pointed to the domain the computer account resides in
    From the “View” pull-down menu, make sure that “Advanced Features” is checked
    Navigate to the part of your organizational unit (OU) structure where the computer account for this server resides
    Open the Properties for the computer object
    Choose the “Attribute Editor” tab on the Properties dialog box
    Check the Attributes dNSHostName & servicePrincipalName – anywhere that a fully qualified hostname is specified (e.g., make sure that the entry matches the hostname
    you have configured when you go here on your server: Start -> Computer -> Right-Click, Properties -> Change Settings (under “Computer name, domain… settings”) -> Full Computer Name
    As an example, for a fictitious W2K8 R2 server whose Full Computer Name is “”, these attribute/value pairs should be in Active Directory:
    Not reading it carefully I add a computer with the same name as the pc having the issue and followed the above. The problem is that I did not notice that the spn did not want the name of my server (serv1) but the name of the trouble
    dcdiag output
    PS C:\Users\administrator.TOM> dcdiag.exe
    Directory Server Diagnosis
    Performing initial setup:
       Trying to find home server...
       ***Error: DC3 is not a Directory Server.  Must specify /s:<Directory Server> or  /n:<Naming Context> or nothing to
       use the local machine.
       ERROR: Could not find home server.
    PS C:\Users\administrator.TOM> dcdiag.exe /s:DC2
    Directory Server Diagnosis
    Performing initial setup:
       * Identified AD Forest.
       Done gathering initial info.
    Doing initial required tests
       Testing server: Default-First-Site\DC2
          Starting test: Connectivity
             The host 9e0dca7a-d017-445a-b354-adee5ff53d48._msdcs.TOM could not be resolved to an IP address. Check the DN
             server, DHCP, server name, etc.
             Neither the the server name (DC2.TOM) nor the Guid DNS name (9e0dca7a-d017-445a-b354-adee5ff53d48._msdcs.TOM)
             could be resolved by DNS.  Check that the server is up and is registered correctly with the DNS server.
             Got error while checking LDAP and RPC connectivity. Please check your firewall settings.
             ......................... DC2 failed test Connectivity
    Doing primary tests
       Testing server: Default-First-Site\DC2
          Skipping all tests, because server DC2 is not responding to directory service requests.
       Running partition tests on : ForestDnsZones
          Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
             ......................... ForestDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom
          Starting test: CrossRefValidation
             ......................... ForestDnsZones passed test CrossRefValidation
       Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones
          Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
             ......................... DomainDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom
          Starting test: CrossRefValidation
             ......................... DomainDnsZones passed test CrossRefValidation
       Running partition tests on : Schema
          Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
             ......................... Schema passed test CheckSDRefDom
          Starting test: CrossRefValidation
             ......................... Schema passed test CrossRefValidation
       Running partition tests on : Configuration
          Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
             ......................... Configuration passed test CheckSDRefDom
          Starting test: CrossRefValidation
             ......................... Configuration passed test CrossRefValidation
       Running partition tests on : TOM
          Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
             ......................... TOM passed test CheckSDRefDom
          Starting test: CrossRefValidation
             ......................... TOM passed test CrossRefValidation
       Running enterprise tests on : TOM
          Starting test: LocatorCheck
             ......................... TOM passed test LocatorCheck
          Starting test: Intersite
             ......................... TOM passed test Intersite
    PS C:\Users\administrator.TOM> regsvr32 schmmgmt.dll
    PS C:\Users\administrator.TOM> netdig /fix
    netdig : The term 'netdig' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
    Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
    At line:1 char:1
    + netdig /fix
    + ~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (netdig:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
    PS C:\Users\administrator.TOM> Setup /PrepareSchema
    Setup : The term 'Setup' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check
    the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
    At line:1 char:1
    + Setup /PrepareSchema
    + ~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (Setup:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
    PS C:\Users\administrator.TOM> netdiag /test
    netdiag : The term 'netdiag' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
    Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
    At line:1 char:1
    + netdiag /test
    + ~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (netdiag:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
    PS C:\Users\administrator.TOM> nslooup
    nslooup : The term 'nslooup' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
    Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
    At line:1 char:1
    + nslooup
    + ~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (nslooup:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
    PS C:\Users\administrator.TOM>

    Ok fixed. 
    At a elevated cmd prompt run ;
    C:\Users\administrator.TOM>setspn -x
    As you can see the DC serv1 had duplicate SPNs.
    Checking domain DC=TOM
    Processing entry 1
    HOST/serv1.TOM is registered on these accounts:
            CN=SERV1,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=TOM
    {14E52635-0A95-4a5c-BDB1-E0D0C703B6C8}/TOWN-HBWJ29ZOQC is registered on these ac
    {14E52635-0A95-4a5c-BDB1-E0D0C703B6C8}/town-hbwj29zoqc.TOM is registered on thes
    e accounts:
    RestrictedKrbHost/serv1 is registered on these accounts:
            CN=SERV1,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=TOM
    RestrictedKrbHost/serv1.TOM is registered on these accounts:
            CN=SERV1,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=TOM
    found 5 groups of duplicate SPNs.
    Went to the computers OU and changed computer c00049 to the correct SPN. Now I have a new issues, I'll start a new thread.

  • How do I share a computer account with a network account?

    So I've had my Macbook for about two years now, and up until now the only account I've had is the one I initially set up for myself. This year for school I had to set up my computer so that I could log into it via a network account. This required me to rename the computer, install an approved school antivirus (kinda unnecessary on a Mac, but whatever), and then set up a new account on my computer, which when connected to the college network, I would be able to log in to. So my problem is that even though I set up that new account as an administrator account, I cannot access any of the files on my original account. So when, for example, I want to run Parallels because the college's printer drivers are not Mac compatible and I want to be able to run the Virtual Machine I already have set up on my other account so that I can install them... It doesn't have access to that virtual machine. I can't find my original Window's OS disk, so I would much rather just port over the Virtual Machine I already have than to buy it again. Does anyone know how to access my original account from a network account?

    There are instructions for setting up home sharing on this page :
    If you want to copy your content onto another computer then see this page :

  • Move Computer Accounts from Computers container to OU

    I created a global security group called "IT Support", and I'd like to grant this group the permission to:
    1. Join computers to domain
    2. Move newly created (or already existing) computer accounts from the Computer container to a specific OU and sub-OUs
    3. Modify group memberships for computer accounts (new or existing)
    I can't seem to get this right...can someone help me complete this task correctly?  
    Windows Server 2008 R2 (domain and forest level).
    Users will be using RSAT for Win7 (x86).
    Thank you!

    I would like to start with a Wiki article that shows to delegate administration in Active Directory
    Delegation of administration in Active Directory:
    My answers to your questions are:
    Read that:
    Delegate moving user, group and computer accounts between Organizational Units in Active Directory:
    3. You can delegate that as a task on the target groups using Active Directory Delegation of Control Wizard:
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
    Get Active Directory User Last Logon
    Create an Active Directory test domain similar to the production one
    Management of test accounts in an Active Directory production domain - Part I
    Management of test accounts in an Active Directory production domain - Part II
    Management of test accounts in an Active Directory production domain - Part III
    Reset Active Directory user password

  • Binding to OD (10.5.2) adds Computer accounts with client realm names

    After applying “security Update 2008-002 v1.1 Server (leopard)” to a server running 10.5.2, clients were bumped from binding.
    When I re-bind to OD, 2 new entries show up in computer accounts, one is the FQDN,( e.g.,, the other is a Realm name (e.g. LKDC:SHA1.03344892C418CB16C250B59EAA7F93FEF79EF257.
    Not only that, but in the list of principles in the Kerberos database, 2 entries for each machine are added to each service (e.g.,
    afpserver/[email protected]
    afpserver/LKDC:[email protected] ABS.URI.EDU.
    Everything runs OK but I have to connect again to get AFP shares, but I cannot reconnect from the sidebar in finder, only from the Go menu, or a command.
    All names in the DNS and Reverse IP lookups Resolve OK.
    Has this happened to anyone else? I can fix the double entry in the computer accounts by just deleting the realm name, but I’m a bit worried about the double entry in the KDC.

    Follow up
    I used:
    sso_util to remove the KDC on clients and
    Kadmin to remove multiple entries in the KDC of the server.
    Broke the bind (or whatever you call it) and bind again, no second entry in either Workgroup Manager’s Computer Accounts and no multiple service principles on the server’s KDC.
    The following sight were helpful on this issue r/ x.html#startup
    I guess when I was installing Leopard LDAP I was using Tiger manuals and didn’t know about the “Back to My Mac” stuff.
    My mistake:,the other issue with the finder sidebar is something different see:
    Onward through the fog.

  • How do I transfer my ITunes Library from one computer account to another on the same computer?

    I use an outdated Mac OS X version 10.5.8 and since it is outdated, my web browsers like Safari and Google Chrome will no longer use Java or any other software that allows you to go on sites like youtube or any other sites (which is mostly everything) that use Java/Javascript. Anyway, i made another account on the SAME computer and Safari seems to be working fine on that computer account. My question is if I can transfer my WHOLE ENTIRE ITunes Library to my other computer account so I can use my ITunes on that account comfortably, like transfer music and what not. PLEASE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!! i have been dealing with this for years and have never seen anyone else with my same problem

    Move it to the /Users/Shared/ folder and then into the new account's home folder.

  • I can connect to DM if I log in under another computer user (guest user) but not my own computer account?

    I have tried a lot of installs/clean uninstalls of DM to get my Bold 9700 to connect with the Desktop Manager.  It did once a week ago but never did a proper sync?  Since then I've done a ton of reading and trying to get this darn thing to synch.
    I'm running Windows Vista SP2, Dell laptop and trying to use version 6.0 of Desktop Manager. The odd thing that I run into is that if I log on to my computer as a guest and open the Desktop Manager it recognizes the BB.  I'm almost thinking to move my outlook and all my settings there and delete my current windows account...  There has to be a setting on the computer system that is not allowing the connection on my current login.  If I can login as another user and get DM to work than that shows the USB connection is good and device manager drivers are working, other software is not the cause (firewalls, virus checkers etc.).  What computer setting am I missing???
    I've done a clean uninstall and reinstall of the software, I've done the hard reset on the BB,  I've done the new USB cable and different USB port.  Can you lead me through some other ideas or suggestions?  I'm at a lost and next to never post for help because most times I can find a resolution on these types of forums.  Haven't found anyone mentioning the fact of logging into another computer account to see that the BB is connected and recognized.  Completely stumped but in my defense I'm new to the Blackberry world and any suggestions are greatly appreciated!  If someone figures this out I will be sure to give a glowing review!!!

    iTunes menu Store > Sign out of iTunes Match the n Sign in to iTunes Match.
    but it wont let me do it from my actual user account on my macbook.
    Why not?
    What happens?

  • Mail Box open in Other computer\account

    Is there any way to know if my mail box is open in other computer\account ?
    for Example Goole . Last Account Activity
    Thank you

    In Exchange 2013, we can use
    Get-MailboxStatistics cmdlet to find Last Logon Time for a user with Exchange mailbox by the following command:
    Get-MailboxStatistics –Identity “user”
    Otherwise, please refer to the following link to get recent activity. The “Recent activity” page shows info about the activity in your Microsoft account, within the last 30 days. This includes any time that you signed in to your account, whether you used
    a web browser, your phone, an email app, a third-party app, or another method.
    Best Regrads.

  • I am logged into the same itunes account on two diffrent accounts on the same computer, there are diffrents songs on each of the itunes library how do i get the same songs on the librarys on the diffrent computer accounts?

    on the same computer on diffrent computer accounts i am logged into itunes using the same itunes account, but on the diffrent computer accounts the itunes librarys have diffrent songs because my sister will buy songs on her computer account and i buy them using itunes on my computer account. how do we make so that we have all of the same songs on both of the librarys without rebuying everything since its the same itunes account?

    Where is all of the music now?
    Just copy it all to the same computer.

  • Accounts can only be part of one Family at a time.

    I just upgraded my Mac Book Pro to Yosemite and get the following error when trying to start up Family Sharing
    {my appleID} "is used for sharing purchases in another Family. Accounts can only be part of one Family at a time."  I'm not sure what that means or how to fix it.  I'm only part of one family!  I get the same error message trying to start up Family Sharing on my iPhone and iPad.

    Hello Bill,
    Did you find a way to resolve this problem?
    I have the same issue...

  • Can't create computer account in Workgroup Manager

    Hi everybody !.
    I am installing a new Xserve with Mac OS X Server 10.5.6 and I am having some trouble with computer accounts in Workgroup Manager.
    I have a couple of PCs with Windows XP that I have added to the Windows domain created by Mac OS X Server with no problem,and they do appear in my computer account list, with the name PC_NameX$.
    My Xserve also appears in this list with the name ServerName.DomainName$
    But my iMacs (with Mac OS X 10.4.11) are not listed. When I try to create their accounts, I write their names and their MAC address but when I push the button "Save", Workgroup Manager says that I can't create this account because there is a computer with that name and that MAC address yet.
    I can't find a solution for this problem by myself. Could anybody give some advices to solve it ?.
    Many thanks.

    Hi Mabel,
    In my computer list appears my Windows computer names (followed by a "$" symbol, i.e., name$) and my Xserve name followed by domain name and a "$" symbol, i.e, name.domain$. Finally, there is a Guest account I added a few days ago (without "$" symbol).
    No iMac is listed here. When I try to add them manually, I write "Name", "Short Name" and "Ethernet ID" fields, and when I push "Save" button, I get this message:
    "The name you have chosen conflicts with a name assigned to another computer. You can’t assign the name “Pollux” to two different computers. Remember that names are not case-sensitive when checking for conflicts." (Pollux is the name I gave to one of the iMacs).
    If I change this name and use another one, but I don't change "Ethernet ID" and then push "Save", the message is:
    "The ethernet address you have chosen conflicts with an ethernet address assigned to another computer. You can’t assign the ethernet address “00:17:f2:d3:38:95” to two different computers."
    So, It seems that WGM knows Name and Ethernet ID from this iMac because it does not let me type them again, but I have not typed this information before nor the iMacs are listed in computer list.
    This is what I don't understand.
    I have have read chapter 6 "Setting Up Computers and Computer Groups", the one that starts on page 105, from top to bottom. I have not found a single clue that helps me solving this problem. Here explains the procedure when everything is working properly.
    Finally, another piece from the puzzle. There is an iMac, that always connects to Directory with Airport interface. I have tried to add this iMac, manually. Well, I get the name conflict message, the Ethernet ID conflict message (with its airport id) and... an Ethernet ID message when I type its Ethernet ID. It seems Directory knows this Ethernet ID even, it has never been used to connect to it.
    Is there some detail I am missing ???.
    Kind regards.

  • Despite everything, Firefox won't open on my computer account, but will on others.

    I had installed the new firefox 28, after which it all seemed good. But when I later went back onto my computer firefox would not open despite the amount of times I clicked it. I tried 'safety mode' as well. Neither open anything and doesn't appear in task manager. However, firefox options opens. But there's nothing useful on there.
    Firefox works on the other computer accounts, just not mine.
    I've restarted the computer numerous times and I've tried uninstalling and installing it. Nothing.
    And nothing has come up on an AVG scan.
    Help would be appreciated, thanks.

    Do a clean reinstall and delete the Firefox program folder before (re)installing a fresh copy of the current Firefox release.
    Download a fresh Firefox copy and save the file to the desktop.
    *Firefox 28:
    If possible uninstall your current Firefox version to cleanup the Windows registry and settings in security software.
    *Do NOT remove "personal data" when you uninstall your current Firefox version, because this will remove all profile folders and you lose personal data like bookmarks and passwords including data in profiles created by other Firefox versions.
    Remove the Firefox program folder before installing that newly downloaded copy of the Firefox installer.
    *(32 bit Windows) "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\"
    *(64 bit Windows) "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\"
    *It is important to delete the Firefox program folder to remove all the files and make sure that there are no problems with files that were leftover after uninstalling.
    Your bookmarks and other personal data are stored in the Firefox profile folder and won't be affected by an uninstall and (re)install, but make sure that "remove personal data" is NOT selected when you uninstall Firefox.
    If you keep having problems then also create a new profile.

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