Render Dynamic PL/SQL region as PDF?

I would like to be able to render a Dynamic PL/SQL region as a PDF. Anybody have an idea how to do this or even if it can be done? This is not a report region.
Also any idea's on how I might do pagination in a dynamic PL/SQL region?
Any hope that a future version of APEX will accept lines from a PL/SQL function (including anonymous ones) as the source of a report region? It would need to preserve blank lines. Currently only select statements are valid for generating APEX reports.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Dave Venus

This is what is what debug mode puts out just before it issues the data not found error:
0.07: ...Process "create collection": PLSQL (ON_SUBMIT_BEFORE_COMPUTATION) -- -- Create Collections -- -- declare la_cks apex_application_global.vc_arr2; begin if apex_application.g_f19.count > 0 then -- wwv_flow.debug('count gt 0 for checksum'); la_cks := apex_application.g_f19; else
0.09: Encountered unhandled exception in process type PLSQL
0.09: Show ERROR page...
0.09: Performing rollback...
I was hoping that the wwv_flow.debug statements would help me figure out where the error was occurring, but they did not produce anything so I commented them out. One thing that might be useful is that when I am not in debug mode and I click the OK link after the Oracle error message, the repainted screen still has the checkboxes that have been marked so I am guessing the error handler can see the data that I put into the .g_fnn arrays within my pl/sql region code.
In other tabular forms within the same application, the create collection code starts the same way and I do not have any problems.
One of the tests I did this morning was to replace my reference to the fcs array with f19 just in case there was something special being done for checksums, but the change had no effect.

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    >> … to our apex environment (9.2)
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    SO, you want to print the output of the procedure in pdf format? If so, you can try apex Report Query feature. You can find a number of examples for the same in this forum and in the internet:
    Or, have a IR based on a collection; the collection based on a function returning query. And then, use the IR's generic download option to print reports.

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      (p_type in varchar2, p_icon in varchar2, p_class in varchar2, p_id in number, p_pid in number, p_name in varchar2)
    x varchar2(1000);
    y varchar2(2000);
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             src="/i/' || p_icon || '.gif" onClick="getTreeNode(this,''' || p_id || ''')" />
       <a class="' || p_class || '" href="f?p=' ||
       v('APP_ID') || ':1:' || v('APP_SESSION') || '::::P1_SELECTED_NODE:' || p_id || '">' || p_name ||
    -- Otherwise, just render the item
    if p_id = 5000 then
        select opt_path into x from e_navopts where opt_num = p_id and popt_num = p_pid
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            htp.prn('<li style="vertical-align:right;margin-left:15px;"><img src="/i/wwv_bullet.gif" style="padding-right:8px;"/><a
      class="' || p_class || '" href="'||x || v('APP_SESSION')|| '::::'||
      '">' || p_name ||'</a></span></li>');
    elsif  p_id = 3000 then
        select opt_path into x from e_navopts where opt_num = p_id and popt_num = p_pid
        and userid = v('APP_USER');
        select opt_params into y from e_navopts where opt_num = p_id and popt_num = p_pid
        and userid = v('APP_USER');
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      class="' || p_class || '" href="'||x || v('APP_SESSION')|| '::::'||
      '">' || p_name ||'</a></span></li>');
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      class="' || p_class || '" href="f?p=' || v('APP_ID') || ':1:' || v('APP_SESSION') ||
      '::::P1_SELECTED_NODE:' || p_id || '">' || p_name || '</a></span></li>');
        end if;
    end if;
    end render_branch;

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    Message was edited by:
    Edited for clarity.

    The apex_item (nee htmldb_item) functions take an index number as a parameter. So if you give the textarea function p_idx=>1, it creates item f01. If you give it p_idx=>2, it creates item f02, etc. In your after-submit code, access the package variable apex_application.g_fxx where xx is the index number you used.

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    Edited by: ILya Cyclone on Feb 18, 2011 2:26 PM

    You won't get a no-data-found exception in a cursor loop like that. You can do something like this:declare
      l_found boolean := false;
      for c in (select 1 from dual where 1=2) loop
        htp.p('never print this');
        l_found := true;
      end loop;
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    This is the procedure:
    create or replace
    PROCEDURE uspGetProductDetailsMultiOrder
      v_DefinitionDBName IN VARCHAR2,
         v_CommonDBName IN VARCHAR2,
         v_Filter_FilledStatus IN VARCHAR2,
         v_Filter_Internal_Counterparty IN nvarchar2,
         v_Filter_NoteType IN nvarchar2,
         v_Filter_Exchange IN nvarchar2,
         v_Filter_Issuer IN nvarchar2,
         v_Filter_Product_Category  IN VARCHAR2,
         v_DateToFilter IN VARCHAR2,     
         v_Filter_FromDate IN VARCHAR2,
         v_Filter_ToDate IN VARCHAR2,
         v_Active_YN_Flag IN NVARCHAR2,
         v_Entity_ID IN NVARCHAR2,
         v_ErrorNumber  OUT NUMBER
       v_SelectSQL  nvarchar2(32767);
          v_Setting_Name  nvarchar2(32767);
       v_Default_Value  nvarchar2(32767);
       v_Config_Value  nvarchar2(32767);
       v_CCY_ID  NUMBER(10,0);
       v_CCY_Data  nvarchar2(32767);
       v_CCY_List  nvarchar2(32767);
       v_Seq_Id  NUMBER(10,0);
       SWV_Active_YN_Flag NVARCHAR2(1);
       SWV_VarStr long;--varchar2(4000);
        SWV_fnc_SplitString_Id_var1 NUMBER(10,0);
       SWV_fnc_SplitString_Id_var0 NUMBER(10,0);
      CURSOR RestrictTermsheetVisibilityByC 
       IS select CS.Setting_Name,Default_Value,Config_Value
       from Config_Settings CS   LEFT OUTER JOIN Entity_Config EC  ON EC.Setting_ID = CS.Setting_ID
       where EC.Entity_ID = v_Entity_ID AND Setting_Level = 'ENTITY';
       CURSOR Get_RestrictCCY_List_Cursor IS SELECT Id_1,Data_1 FROM table(fnc_SplitString(v_Config_Value,','));
       --CURSOR Get_RestrictCCY_List_Cursor IS SELECT Id,Data FROM imp;
       CURSOR GetRestrictTemplateListCursor 
      -- is select id,data from imp;
       IS SELECT Id_1,Data_1 FROM table(fnc_SplitString(v_Config_Value,',')) ;
         --Parikshit 18-Jul-2010, active YN flag param added in SP
    SWV_Active_YN_Flag := v_Active_YN_Flag;
       if SWV_Active_YN_Flag = ' '  then
          SWV_Active_YN_Flag := 'Y';
       end if;
       v_SelectSQL := ' ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Select ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  NM.Note_Master_Id, NM.Product_Name, NM.Template_ID, NM.Template_Sr_No, NM.Asset, NM.Exchange, NM.Type, NM.Currency';
         --SET @SelectSQL = @SelectSQL + ' , NM.Trade_Date, NM.Value_Date, NM.Valuation_Date, NM.Maturity_Date, NM.Tenor, NM.Strike_Price_Percentage, (case when (NM.Type like '' ELN%'' or NM.Type like ''RELN%'') THEN  NOP.Issue_Price Else NM.Customer_Price End) as Customer_Price, NM.Dealer_Price, (case when (NM.Type like '' ELN%'' or NM.Type like ''RELN%'') THEN  NOP.Customer_Yield Else NM.Customer_Yield End) as Customer_Yield,  NOP.Dealer_Cost_PA as Internal_Cost '
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , NM.Trade_Date, NM.Value_Date, NM.Valuation_Date, NM.Maturity_Date, NM.Tenor, NM.Strike_Price_Percentage, (case when (NM.PriceList_YN = ''Y'') THEN  NOP.Issue_Price Else NM.Customer_Price End) as Customer_Price, NM.Dealer_Price, (case when (NM.PriceList_YN = ''Y'') THEN  NOP.Customer_Yield Else NM.Customer_Yield End) as Customer_Yield,  NOP.Dealer_Cost_PA as Internal_Cost ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , NM.Minimum_Issue_Size, NM.Maximum_Issue_Size, NM.Minimum_Tolerence_Amount, NM.Maximum_Tolerence_Amount, NM.Trigger_Amount_Warning, nvl(NM.PerUnit_Equivalent_Amount,1) as PerUnit_Equivalent_Amount,  NM.Active_YN_Flag, NM.Verify_YN_Flag ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , NM.Tranche_YN_Flag, NM.Launch_Date, NM.Open_Date, NM.Close_Date, NM.PreHedged_YN, NM.Created_By, NM.Created_At,  NM.Verified_At, NM.Verified_By, NM.ISIN, NM.Issuer';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , NM.Product_Catagory as Product_Category, NM.Note_Issuer_Type as Issuer_Category, NM.Series_No as Series_No, NM.Minimum_Investment_Amount ';
         --Added by Parikshit on 14-Jun-2011, to remove the unwinding amounts from the total issue size
         --SET @SelectSQL = @SelectSQL + ' , NOP.LastTimeWhenProductModified,NOP.Nominal_Amount as Current_Issue_Size, NOP.Filled_Status, NM.Counterparty as Internal_Counterparty  '
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , NOP.LastTimeWhenProductModified,(NOP.Nominal_Amount - nvl(ND.Unwind_Amount,0) ) as Current_Issue_Size, NOP.Filled_Status, NM.Counterparty as Internal_Counterparty  ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ,T2.Confirmed_Amount, T2.Confirmed_Shares';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , T3.Live_Deals';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , BS.Net_Trade_Hedged, BS.Net_Trade_Outstanding, BS.Hedged_Nominal_BUY, BS.Hedged_Nominal_SELL, BS.Outstanding_Nominal_BUY, BS.Outstanding_Nominal_SELL   ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , ( case    When UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = ''Y'' Then ''Launched'' ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '              When ((NM.Maturity_Date IS  NOT NULL) AND to_date(NM.Maturity_Date) <= to_date(sysdate)) Then ''Matured''';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '              When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = ''N'' AND NM.Launch_Date IS NOT NULL)  Then ''Launched''';     
         --Ready to launch
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '              When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = ''N'' AND NM.Launch_Date  IS  NULL AND (T2.Confirmed_Amount >= NM.Minimum_Issue_Size) AND  to_date(Close_Date) > to_date(sysdate) ) Then ''Ready To Launch''';     
         --Ready to launch
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '              When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = ''N'' AND NM.Launch_Date  IS  NULL AND (T2.Confirmed_Amount >= (NM.Minimum_Issue_Size - NM.Minimum_Tolerence_Amount)) AND  to_date(Close_Date)= to_date(sysdate)    )  Then ''Ready To Launch''';     
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '              When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = ''N'' AND NM.Launch_Date  IS  NULL AND (T2.Confirmed_Amount >= (NM.Minimum_Issue_Size - NM.Minimum_Tolerence_Amount)) AND  to_date(Close_Date)< to_date(sysdate)    )  Then ''Ready To Launch''';     
         --Warning trigger reached
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '              When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = ''N'' AND NM.Launch_Date IS  NOT NULL AND (T2.Confirmed_Amount >= NM.Trigger_Amount_Warning ))  Then ''Warning Trigger Reached''';          
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '              Else ''Not Ready'' ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '              End)Launch_Status';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , NI.Issuer_Code';
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , (nvl(NOP.Nominal_Amount,0) - nvl(T2.Confirmed_Amount,0)) as Unconfirmed_Amount, NM.Upfront as Upfront,   case when UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = ''Y'' THEN 0 else (nvl(T2.Confirmed_Amount,0) - nvl(BS.Net_Trade_Hedged,0)) end as ReadyToHedge';
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' , NOP.Hard_Margin  as Margin_Amount, NM.YearBasis as YearBasis, NM.Note_Product_Rating as Equity_Risk_Score, AD.Equity_Asset_Class ';
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  , NM.Note_Product_Rating as Product_Rating,  NOP.PO_ID, AD.LotSize as Lot_Size, NM.Max_Orders_Per_Product as MAX_Orders, NOP.Order_Count as Current_Order_Count,  nvl(NM.Denomination_Ccy,NM.Currency) as Denomination_Ccy, NM.Note_Scheme_Type as Underlying_Type, NM.Note_Asset_Class as Asset_Class, NULL as Product_Created_YN, NULL as Product_Created_ID,  ( (case when NM.Note_Order_Type = '''' then N''Market'' else NM.Note_Order_Type end )  ) as  Order_Type, NOP.Spot_Price, NM.Note_Price_Link, NOP.Strike_Price, NVL(NM.C_Fixing_Frequency,''Atmaturity'') as Fixing_Frequency, NM.Document_Uploaded_YN, NM.Document_Uploaded_At, NM.Document_Uploaded_By, NM.Document_File_Name, NM.Document_File_Extension, NM.Document_File_Path, NM.CutOff_Time, NM.Soft_Tenor, NM.NM_Sn_Code_All, NULL as Note_Price_Source, AD.LongName, NVL(NM.Pricelist_YN,''N'') as Pricelist_YN, AD.AlternateIdentifierAlias as Underlying, NM.Note_Issuer_Date_Offset, NM.Counterparty as Note_Counter_Party, NULL as
    Note_Premium_PC  ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  , NI.Issuer_Name, IP.Issuer_Id, IP.Broad_Cash, IP.Odd_Cash, IP.Account_Note, IP.Rounding, IP.Decimal_Truncate, IP.Misc1 as Recidual_YN, NM.Note_Issuer_Type, NM.Target_Coupon, C_Fixing_Frequency as C_Fixing_Frequency, NM.Callable_Frequency as Callable_Frequency, NM.Strike_Price_Percentage as C_Note_Strike_PC, NM.NM_Airbag_PC as  Airbag_PC, C_Note_Barrier_PC as C_Note_Barrier_PC, TM.Template_Name, ''Product'' as Record_Type, NM.C_Settlement_Frequency, NM.Coupon_Frequency, NM.NM_Fixing_Source as Note_Fixing_Source, NM.Order_Entry_Type, (nvl(NM.Minimum_Issue_Size,0) - nvl(T2.Confirmed_Amount,0)) as Remaining_Launch_Amount, NM.C_Fixing_Start_Point, NM.C_Fixing_End_Point, NM.Order_Entry_Type, SC.Scheme_Alias, SC.Scheme_Name, CM.CM_ID, CM.CM_Name as Counterparty_Name, NM.NM_Other_Features as Other_Features, NM.Strike_Price_Percentage as Accrual_Strike, NM.NM_KnockIn as KnockIn, NM.NM_Airbag_Type, NM.NM_Put_strike as Put_Strike, NM.NM_Accrual_Strike,
    NM.NM_Counterparty_Upfront,  NM.Price_Updated_YN as Prices_Updated_YN, AD.Code as Asset_Name,NULL as KO_FREQ_TYPE, NM.Daily_Accumalation_Equities, NM.MaxNoAcc_days, NM.Guaranteed_Days, NM.Leverage_ratio, NM.NORM_IF, NM.NORM_PAIR, NM.NORM_FXRate ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' from ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_CommonDBName|| '.Note_Master NM  ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || 'Left Outer Join ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_CommonDBName||'.Issuer_Master NI ';
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' On NM.Issuer = (case when  ISNUMERIC(NM.Issuer) = 0  then  cast (NI.Issuer_Name as nvarchar2(25))  else  cast(NI.Issuer_Id as nvarchar2(25)) end )';     
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Left Outer Join ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_CommonDBName||'.Note_Order_Product NOP ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' On NOP.Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Left Outer Join ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_DefinitionDBName||'.AssetDef AD ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' On AD.Code = NM.Asset';
         v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND AD.TypeAsset  = substr(NM.Note_Asset_Class,1,2) ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Left Outer Join ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_CommonDBName||'.Issuer_Parameter IP ';
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' On NM.Issuer = (case when  ISNUMERIC(NM.Issuer) = 0  then  cast (IP.Issuer_Name as nvarchar2(25))  else  cast(IP.Issuer_Id as nvarchar2(25)) end )';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Left Outer Join ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_CommonDBName||'.Template_Master TM ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' On  TM.Template_Id =  NM.Template_ID ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Left Outer Join ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_CommonDBName||'.Scheme_Codes SC ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' On  SC.Scheme_Alias =  NM.Type';     
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Left Outer Join ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_CommonDBName||'.Counterparty_Master CM ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' On  CM.CM_ID =  NM.Counterparty';     
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Left Outer Join      ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ( ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Select Note_master_ID, sum(Nominal_Amt) as Unwind_Amount from ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || v_CommonDBName||'.Note_Deals ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' where Prematurity_Date IS NOT NULL';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND (UPPER(Deletion_Reason ) = ''PART REDEMPTION'' or UPPER(Deletion_Reason ) = ''FULL REDEMPTION'')';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Group by Note_master_ID ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ) ND ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' On  ND.Note_Master_ID =  NM.Note_Master_ID';
    if  (v_Filter_FilledStatus = ' ' OR UPPER(v_Filter_FilledStatus) = 'ALL' ) then
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ';
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND NOP.Filled_Status IN (' || v_Filter_FilledStatus  || ')';
       end if;                         
         --AND NOP.Internal_Counterparty = 'DEFAULT''
       if(SUBSTR(to_char(v_Filter_Internal_Counterparty),1,4000)= ' ')  then
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ';
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND NOP.Internal_Counterparty IN (' || v_Filter_Internal_Counterparty || ')';
       end if;                    
         --SET @SelectSQL = @SelectSQL + ' --Filter--'
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' LEFT OUTER JOIN ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' (';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '   select Note_Master_ID, sum(Nominal_Amount) As Confirmed_Amount, sum(No_Of_Shares)  As Confirmed_Shares  ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '   from '||v_CommonDBName||'.Note_Order_RM  ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '   Where substr(UPPER(Order_Status_Flag),1,6) = ''YYYYYY'' AND substr(substr(UPPER(Order_Status_Flag),1,7),-1,1) = ''N'' ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '   group by  Note_Master_ID';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ) T2';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ON T2.Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' LEFT OUTER JOIN';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' (';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '   Select ND.Note_Master_ID, sum(ND.Nominal_Amt) As Live_Deals ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '   from '||v_CommonDBName||'.Note_Deals ND  ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '   where ND.Active_YNFlag = ''Y'' ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '   group by  Note_Master_ID';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ) T3';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ON T3.Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  LEFT OUTER JOIN';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  (';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SELECT NH_Note_Master_ID,';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  (CAST(SUM(Hedged_Nominal_Buy) AS BINARY_FLOAT) -CAST(SUM(Hedged_Nominal_Sell) AS BINARY_FLOAT))  Net_Trade_Hedged,';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  (CAST(SUM(Outstanding_Nominal_BUY) AS BINARY_FLOAT) -CAST(SUM(Outstanding_Nominal_SELL) AS BINARY_FLOAT))  Net_Trade_Outstanding,';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SUM(Hedged_Nominal_BUY) AS Hedged_Nominal_BUY,';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SUM(Hedged_Nominal_SELL) AS Hedged_Nominal_SELL,';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SUM(Outstanding_Nominal_BUY) AS Outstanding_Nominal_BUY,';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SUM(Outstanding_Nominal_SELL) As Outstanding_Nominal_SELL';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  From';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  (';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SELECT NH_Note_Master_ID,';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SUM(NH_Hedged_Nominal) AS Hedged_Nominal_BUY, 0 AS Hedged_Nominal_SELL,';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SUM(NH_Outstanding_Nominal) AS Outstanding_Nominal_BUY, 0 AS Outstanding_Nominal_SELL';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  FROM '||v_CommonDBName||'.Note_Hedge  ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  WHERE NH_Direction = ''BUY'' ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  GROUP BY NH_Note_Master_ID';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  Union';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  SELECT NH_Note_Master_ID,';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  0 AS Hedged_Nominal_BUY, SUM(NH_Hedged_Nominal) AS Hedged_Nominal_SELL,';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  0 AS Outstanding_Nominal_BUY, SUM(NH_Outstanding_Nominal) AS Outstanding_Nominal_SELL';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  FROM '||v_CommonDBName||'.Note_Hedge  ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  WHERE NH_Direction = ''SELL''  ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  GROUP BY NH_Note_Master_ID';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  ) ';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  GROUP BY NH_Note_Master_ID';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  ) BS';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || '  ON BS.NH_Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID';
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Where NM.Verify_YN_Flag = ''Y'' ';
      v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND NM.Active_YN_Flag = ''' || SWV_Active_YN_Flag || '''';
       if(SUBSTR(to_char(v_Filter_NoteType),1,4000) = ' ' OR UPPER(v_Filter_NoteType) = 'ALL' ) then
               v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ';
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND NM.Type IN (' || v_Filter_NoteType  || ')';
       end if;     
    IF UPPER(v_Entity_ID) <> 'ALL'  then
          OPEN RestrictTermsheetVisibilityByC;
          FETCH RestrictTermsheetVisibilityByC INTO v_Setting_Name,v_Default_Value,v_Config_Value;
          WHILE RestrictTermsheetVisibilityByC%FOUND   LOOP
         --2) Convert comma separated ccy (CNY,HKD,USD) string to single quote ccy with comma separated Ccy ('CNY','HKD','USD') string
             if (UPPER(v_Setting_Name) = 'RESTRICT_TERMSHEET_VISIBILITY_BY_CCY')  then
                if v_Config_Value is not null  then
              SELECT COUNT(Id_1) INTO SWV_fnc_SplitString_Id_var0 FROM TABLE(fnc_SplitString(v_Config_Value,',')) ;
                   IF (SWV_fnc_SplitString_Id_var0 > 0)  then
                        --print 'Before Single  quote separated ccy : ' + '''' + @Config_Value + ''''
                      v_Seq_Id := 0;
                      OPEN Get_RestrictCCY_List_Cursor;
                      FETCH Get_RestrictCCY_List_Cursor
                      INTO v_CCY_ID,v_CCY_Data;
                      WHILE Get_RestrictCCY_List_Cursor%FOUND   LOOP
                         if v_Seq_Id = 0  then
                            v_CCY_List := '''' || v_CCY_Data || '''';
                            v_CCY_List := v_CCY_List || ',' || '''' || v_CCY_Data || '''';
                         end if;
                         v_Seq_Id := v_Seq_Id+1;
                         FETCH Get_RestrictCCY_List_Cursor INTO v_CCY_ID,v_CCY_Data;
                      END LOOP;
                      CLOSE Get_RestrictCCY_List_Cursor;
                        --print 'After Single quote ccy : ' + @CCY_List
                      v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND nvl(NM.Denomination_Ccy,NM.Currency) NOT IN (' || v_CCY_List   || ')';
                   end if;
                end if;
             end if;
    --3) Convert comma separated template (ELN,BELN,BELN_B) string to single quote template code with comma separated template ('ELN','BELN','BELN_B') string
             if (UPPER(v_Setting_Name) = 'RESTRICT_TERMSHEET_VISIBILITY_BY_SUBSCHEME')  then
                if v_Config_Value is not null then
          SELECT COUNT(Id_1) INTO SWV_fnc_SplitString_Id_var1 FROM TABLE(fnc_SplitString(v_Config_Value,',')) ;
                   IF (SWV_fnc_SplitString_Id_var1 > 0)  then
                      v_Seq_Id := 0;
                      OPEN GetRestrictTemplateListCursor;
                      FETCH GetRestrictTemplateListCursor
                      INTO v_CCY_ID,v_CCY_Data;
                      WHILE GetRestrictTemplateListCursor%FOUND 
                         if v_Seq_Id = 0  then
                            v_CCY_List := '''' || v_CCY_Data || '''';
                            v_CCY_List := v_CCY_List || ',' || '''' || v_CCY_Data || '''';
                         end if;
                         v_Seq_Id := v_Seq_Id+1;
                         FETCH GetRestrictTemplateListCursor INTO v_CCY_ID,v_CCY_Data;
                      END LOOP;
                      CLOSE GetRestrictTemplateListCursor;
                   --print 'After Single quote template code: ' + @CCY_List
                      v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND TM.Template_Code NOT IN (' || v_CCY_List   || ')';
                   end if;
                end if;
             end if;
             FETCH RestrictTermsheetVisibilityByC INTO v_Setting_Name,v_Default_Value,v_Config_Value;
          END LOOP;
          CLOSE RestrictTermsheetVisibilityByC;
       end if;
      if  (v_Filter_Exchange = ' ' OR UPPER(v_Filter_Exchange) = 'ALL')  then
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ';
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND NM.Exchange IN (' || v_Filter_Exchange  || ')';
       end if;                         
         --SET @SelectSQL = @SelectSQL + ' --AND NM.Issuer = 4'
      if  (v_Filter_Issuer = ' ' OR UPPER(v_Filter_Issuer) = 'ALL') then
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ';
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND NM.Issuer IN (' || v_Filter_Issuer  || ')';
       end if;     
          if  v_Filter_Product_Category    = ' '  then
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ';
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND UPPER(NM.Note_Issuer_Type) IN (''' || v_Filter_Product_Category  || ''')';
       end if;          
       if UPPER(v_DateToFilter) = 'NA'  then
          v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' ';
          if UPPER(v_DateToFilter) = 'CLOSE_DATE'  then
             v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND to_char( '|| v_DateToFilter || ') >= to_date(''' || v_Filter_ToDate ||  ''');
                             -- AND convert(smalldatetime,''' || v_Filter_ToDate || ''',106) ';
             v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' AND to_char(''' || v_DateToFilter || ''') BETWEEN to_date(''' || v_Filter_FromDate ||  ''') AND to_date(''' || v_Filter_ToDate || ''') ';
          end if;
       end if;
       v_SelectSQL := v_SelectSQL || ' Order by NM.Product_Name';
       SWV_VarStr := v_SelectSQL;
       IF SQLCODE <> 0  then
       end if;
       IF SQL%rowcount > 0  then
       end if;     --Commit Transaction
       v_ErrorNumber := SQLCODE;
       << ERROR_HANDLER >> v_ErrorNumber := SQLCODE;
       SWV_TRANCOUNT := 0;     --Rollback Transaction
    END;Please suggest something. Thanks
    Edited by: BluShadow on 30-Nov-2011 11:00
    added {noformat}{noformat} tags for formatting of code.  Please read {message:id=9360002} to learn to do this yourself in future.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

    Connecting to the database sample_adf_finiq_common.
    Select NM.Note_Master_Id, NM.Product_Name, NM.Template_ID, NM.Template_Sr_No, NM.Asset, NM.Exchange, NM.Type, NM.Currency , NM.Trade_Date, NM.Value_Date, NM.Valuation_Date, NM.Maturity_Date, NM.Tenor, NM.Strike_Price_Percentage, (case when (NM.PriceList_YN = 'Y') THEN NOP.Issue_Price Else NM.Customer_Price End) as Customer_Price, NM.Dealer_Price, (case when (NM.PriceList_YN = 'Y') THEN NOP.Customer_Yield Else NM.Customer_Yield End) as Customer_Yield, NOP.Dealer_Cost_PA as Internal_Cost , NM.Minimum_Issue_Size, NM.Maximum_Issue_Size, NM.Minimum_Tolerence_Amount, NM.Maximum_Tolerence_Amount, NM.Trigger_Amount_Warning, nvl(NM.PerUnit_Equivalent_Amount,1) as PerUnit_Equivalent_Amount, NM.Active_YN_Flag, NM.Verify_YN_Flag , NM.Tranche_YN_Flag, NM.Launch_Date, NM.Open_Date, NM.Close_Date, NM.PreHedged_YN, NM.Created_By, NM.Created_At, NM.Verified_At, NM.Verified_By, NM.ISIN, NM.Issuer , NM.Product_Catagory as Product_Category, NM.Note_Issuer_Type as Issuer_Category, NM.Series_No as Series_No, NM.Minimum_Investment_Amount , NOP.LastTimeWhenProductModified,(NOP.Nominal_Amount - nvl(ND.Unwind_Amount,0) ) as Current_Issue_Size, NOP.Filled_Status, NM.Counterparty as Internal_Counterparty ,T2.Confirmed_Amount, T2.Confirmed_Shares , T3.Live_Deals , BS.Net_Trade_Hedged, BS.Net_Trade_Outstanding, BS.Hedged_Nominal_BUY, BS.Hedged_Nominal_SELL, BS.Outstanding_Nominal_BUY, BS.Outstanding_Nominal_SELL , ( case When UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = 'Y' Then 'Launched' When ((NM.Maturity_Date IS NOT NULL) AND to_date(NM.Maturity_Date) <= to_date(sysdate)) Then 'Matured' When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = 'N' AND NM.Launch_Date IS NOT NULL) Then 'Launched' When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = 'N' AND NM.Launch_Date IS NULL AND (T2.Confirmed_Amount >= NM.Minimum_Issue_Size) AND to_date(Close_Date) > to_date(sysdate) ) Then 'Ready To Launch' When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = 'N' AND NM.Launch_Date IS NULL AND (T2.Confirmed_Amount >= (NM.Minimum_Issue_Size - NM.Minimum_Tolerence_Amount)) AND to_date(Close_Date)= to_date(sysdate) ) Then 'Ready To Launch' When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = 'N' AND NM.Launch_Date IS NULL AND (T2.Confirmed_Amount >= (NM.Minimum_Issue_Size - NM.Minimum_Tolerence_Amount)) AND to_date(Close_Date)< to_date(sysdate) ) Then 'Ready To Launch' When (UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = 'N' AND NM.Launch_Date IS NOT NULL AND (T2.Confirmed_Amount >= NM.Trigger_Amount_Warning )) Then 'Warning Trigger Reached' Else 'Not Ready' End)Launch_Status , NI.Issuer_Code , (nvl(NOP.Nominal_Amount,0) - nvl(T2.Confirmed_Amount,0)) as Unconfirmed_Amount, NM.Upfront as Upfront, case when UPPER(NM.PreHedged_YN) = 'Y' THEN 0 else (nvl(T2.Confirmed_Amount,0) - nvl(BS.Net_Trade_Hedged,0)) end as ReadyToHedge , NOP.Hard_Margin as Margin_Amount, NM.YearBasis as YearBasis, NM.Note_Product_Rating as Equity_Risk_Score, AD.Equity_Asset_Class , NM.Note_Product_Rating as Product_Rating, NOP.PO_ID, AD.LotSize as Lot_Size, NM.Max_Orders_Per_Product as MAX_Orders, NOP.Order_Count as Current_Order_Count, nvl(NM.Denomination_Ccy,NM.Currency) as Denomination_Ccy, NM.Note_Scheme_Type as Underlying_Type, NM.Note_Asset_Class as Asset_Class, NULL as Product_Created_YN, NULL as Product_Created_ID, ( (case when NM.Note_Order_Type = '' then N'Market' else NM.Note_Order_Type end ) ) as Order_Type, NOP.Spot_Price, NM.Note_Price_Link, NOP.Strike_Price, NVL(NM.C_Fixing_Frequency,'Atmaturity') as Fixing_Frequency, NM.Document_Uploaded_YN, NM.Document_Uploaded_At, NM.Document_Uploaded_By, NM.Document_File_Name, NM.Document_File_Extension, NM.Document_File_Path, NM.CutOff_Time, NM.Soft_Tenor, NM.NM_Sn_Code_All, NULL as Note_Price_Source, AD.LongName, NVL(NM.Pricelist_YN,'N') as Pricelist_YN, AD.AlternateIdentifierAlias as Underlying, NM.Note_Issuer_Date_Offset, NM.Counterparty as Note_Counter_Party, NULL as
    Note_Premium_PC , NI.Issuer_Name, IP.Issuer_Id, IP.Broad_Cash, IP.Odd_Cash, IP.Account_Note, IP.Rounding, IP.Decimal_Truncate, IP.Misc1 as Recidual_YN, NM.Note_Issuer_Type, NM.Target_Coupon, C_Fixing_Frequency as C_Fixing_Frequency, NM.Callable_Frequency as Callable_Frequency, NM.Strike_Price_Percentage as C_Note_Strike_PC, NM.NM_Airbag_PC as Airbag_PC, C_Note_Barrier_PC as C_Note_Barrier_PC, TM.Template_Name, 'Product' as Record_Type, NM.C_Settlement_Frequency, NM.Coupon_Frequency, NM.NM_Fixing_Source as Note_Fixing_Source, NM.Order_Entry_Type, (nvl(NM.Minimum_Issue_Size,0) - nvl(T2.Confirmed_Amount,0)) as Remaining_Launch_Amount, NM.C_Fixing_Start_Point, NM.C_Fixing_End_Point, NM.Order_Entry_Type, SC.Scheme_Alias, SC.Scheme_Name, CM.CM_ID, CM.CM_Name as Counterparty_Name, NM.NM_Other_Features as Other_Features, NM.Strike_Price_Percentage as Accrual_Strike, NM.NM_KnockIn as KnockIn, NM.NM_Airbag_Type, NM.NM_Put_strike as Put_Strike, NM.NM_Accrual_Strike,
    NM.NM_Counterparty_Upfront, NM.Price_Updated_YN as Prices_Updated_YN, AD.Code as Asset_Name,NULL as KO_FREQ_TYPE, NM.Daily_Accumalation_Equities, NM.MaxNoAcc_days, NM.Guaranteed_Days, NM.Leverage_ratio, NM.NORM_IF, NM.NORM_PAIR, NM.NORM_FXRate from Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Note_Master NM Left Outer Join Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Issuer_Master NI On NM.Issuer = (case when ISNUMERIC(NM.Issuer) = 0 then cast (NI.Issuer_Name as nvarchar2(25)) else cast(NI.Issuer_Id as nvarchar2(25)) end ) Left Outer Join Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Note_Order_Product NOP On NOP.Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID Left Outer Join Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.AssetDef AD On AD.Code = NM.Asset AND AD.TypeAsset = substr(NM.Note_Asset_Class,1,2) Left Outer Join Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Issuer_Parameter IP On NM.Issuer = (case when ISNUMERIC(NM.Issuer) = 0 then cast (IP.Issuer_Name as nvarchar2(25)) else cast(IP.Issuer_Id as nvarchar2(25)) end ) Left Outer Join Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Template_Master TM On TM.Template_Id = NM.Template_ID Left Outer Join Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Scheme_Codes SC On SC.Scheme_Alias = NM.Type Left Outer Join Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Counterparty_Master CM On CM.CM_ID = NM.Counterparty Left Outer Join      ( Select Note_master_ID, sum(Nominal_Amt) as Unwind_Amount from Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Note_Deals where Prematurity_Date IS NOT NULL AND (UPPER(Deletion_Reason ) = 'PART REDEMPTION' or UPPER(Deletion_Reason ) = 'FULL REDEMPTION') Group by Note_master_ID ) ND On ND.Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID AND NOP.Internal_Counterparty IN (1) LEFT OUTER JOIN ( select Note_Master_ID, sum(Nominal_Amount) As Confirmed_Amount, sum(No_Of_Shares) As Confirmed_Shares from Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Note_Order_RM Where substr(UPPER(Order_Status_Flag),1,6) = 'YYYYYY' AND substr(substr(UPPER(Order_Status_Flag),1,7),-1,1) = 'N' group by Note_Master_ID ) T2 ON T2.Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN ( Select ND.Note_Master_ID, sum(ND.Nominal_Amt) As Live_Deals from Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Note_Deals ND where ND.Active_YNFlag = 'Y' group by Note_Master_ID ) T3 ON T3.Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT NH_Note_Master_ID, (CAST(SUM(Hedged_Nominal_Buy) AS BINARY_FLOAT) -CAST(SUM(Hedged_Nominal_Sell) AS BINARY_FLOAT)) Net_Trade_Hedged, (CAST(SUM(Outstanding_Nominal_BUY) AS BINARY_FLOAT) -CAST(SUM(Outstanding_Nominal_SELL) AS BINARY_FLOAT)) Net_Trade_Outstanding, SUM(Hedged_Nominal_BUY) AS Hedged_Nominal_BUY, SUM(Hedged_Nominal_SELL) AS Hedged_Nominal_SELL, SUM(Outstanding_Nominal_BUY) AS Outstanding_Nominal_BUY, SUM(Outstanding_Nominal_SELL) As Outstanding_Nominal_SELL From ( SELECT NH_Note_Master_ID, SUM(NH_Hedged_Nominal) AS Hedged_Nominal_BUY, 0 AS Hedged_Nominal_SELL, SUM(NH_Outstanding_Nominal) AS Outstanding_Nominal_BUY, 0 AS Outstanding_Nominal_SELL FROM Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Note_Hedge WHERE NH_Direction = 'BUY' GROUP BY NH_Note_Master_ID Union SELECT NH_Note_Master_ID, 0 AS Hedged_Nominal_BUY, SUM(NH_Hedged_Nominal) AS Hedged_Nominal_SELL, 0 AS Outstanding_Nominal_BUY, SUM(NH_Outstanding_Nominal) AS Outstanding_Nominal_SELL FROM Sample_ADF_finiq_Common.Note_Hedge WHERE NH_Direction = 'SELL' GROUP BY NH_Note_Master_ID ) GROUP BY NH_Note_Master_ID ) BS ON BS.NH_Note_Master_ID = NM.Note_Master_ID Where NM.Verify_YN_Flag = 'Y' AND NM.Active_YN_Flag = 'Y' AND UPPER(NM.Note_Issuer_Type) IN ('Internal') AND to_char('16-oct-11') BETWEEN to_date('15-oct-11') AND to_date('17-oct-11') Order by NM.Product_Name
    Process exited.
    Disconnecting from the database sample_adf_finiq_common.
    here v_errornumber=0 is the output when i run it in oracle sql developer.

  • Report Using PL/SQL Region

    I have bit experiment create custom reports using PL/SQL region
    I would like have from you tips and ideas how enhance this.
    Because I'm not so good with SQL,
    I really appreciate if you have tips enhance performance for query used for cursor.
        /* Report query */
        l_sql := '
          SELECT * FROM(
            SELECT a.*, row_number() OVER (ORDER BY '
            || l_sort_col
            || ' '
            || l_sort_ord
            || ') rn, COUNT(1) over() mrn
            FROM(' || l_sql || ') a
          ) WHERE rn BETWEEN ' || l_start_row || ' AND ' || l_last_row
        ; Regards,

    Hi Jari
    I'm guessing you're trying to do paginated grid data or somewthing similar? You could try something like this...
        l_sql := 'SELECT * '||
               'FROM ('||
                      'SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS(n) */ '||
                              'a.*, ROWNUM rnum '||
                       'FROM ('||l_sql||' '||
                              'ORDER BY '||l_sort||' '||l_dir||') a '||
                       'WHERE ROWNUM <= '||l_max_row||') '||
               'WHERE rnum >= '||l_start;The variables would be initialized in the procedure as follows...
        l_max_row := p_start + p_limit;
        l_start   := p_start + 1;
        l_sort    := NVL(p_sort,'1');
        l_dir     := NVL(p_dir, 'ASC');My application process would be called something like follows, to spit out a JSON object...
      munky_extjs.grid_json(p_app_id => wwv_flow.g_x01,
                        p_app_page_id => wwv_flow.g_x02,
                        p_region_id => TO_NUMBER(wwv_flow.g_x03),
                        p_start => NVL(wwv_flow.g_x04,0),
                        p_limit => NVL(wwv_flow.g_x05,10),
                        p_sort => wwv_flow.g_x06,
                        p_dir => wwv_flow.g_x07);
    END;I think your use of analytics in the inner query may be slowing you down if you have a lot of data?

  • Connecting a report region and a PL/SQL region

    I have created a report region whith pagination that only show 1 row at a time. I can then navigate backwards and forwards through this recordset. The first reportcolum in this recordset contains a number.
    I have also, on the same page, created a PL/SQL procedure region. What I want is to use the number from the SQL region as an input to the PL/SQL region. So when I navigate through the report (Using the pagination arrows), the PL/SQL region is in sync with the record I'm currently seeing in the report.
    Is this possible or do I have to try something different?

    Hi Trond,
    If you only want to show one record in your first region, it might be best to work with page items, retrieve one record at a time and use that data as the source for your page items. It's easier to implement and easier to reference those values in your second region. Reports are great if you have more then one record.
    Having said that, there are ways to implement it the way you outlined it in your posting. Granted it's not very elegant but it serves its purpose. You could write your own PL/SQL package, use this to set a global to the current row's primary key value and reference that global in your second region.
    Create your package as follows:
    create or replace package md_sample as
    g_pk_value number;
    function set_value(p_value number) return number;
    create or replace package body md_sample as
    function set_value(p_value in number) return number is
    g_pk_value := p_value;
    return 1;
    Now you need to make sure that your report calls this package appropriately. Calling this as part of your SQL statement won't work properly as it would also be called for records not currently shown on your page. A better way would be to use it for a PL/SQL expression within your report template definition. Pick a custom report template for your report and edit that template. Scroll down to the condition for the first column template and pick “Use Based on PL/SQL Expression”. Then type in the following expression (this is based on a select deptno, dname, loc from dept report):
    After that you'll be able to reference the global md_sample.g_pk_value. You could e.g. use this as the source for page items shown in your second region.
    Hope this helps,

  • Applying a Template to a Dynamic PL/SQL Report

    I have an application in which there are several reports, all based on the wizard and using standard templates.
    One of my reports, however is a Dynamic PL/SQL Report, using htp.print statements to create the output.
    I'm not quite sure, how I can specify that I want to use the same template as the rest of my reports, so as to maintain the look and feel of the whole application.
    Can someone tell me how this is done, or where I can read about it?
    Thank you.

    I have a table with two columns I want to display. The columns aren't wide but there are 15 or 20 rows. What I would like is that after 10 rows the report starts another set of colums beside the first ones. The standard report continues on down so you have to scroll down to see the bottom. I'm not sure if my explanation is clear so instead of:
    1 info1
    2 info2
    3 info3
    4 info4
    5 info5
    6 info6
    I want:
    1 info1 4 info4
    2 info2 5 info5
    3 info3 6 info6
    Not being too picky, it could also be:
    1 info1 2 info2
    3 info3 4 info4
    5 info5 6 info6
    I don't see a way of doing this with standard reporting so a PL/SQL report seems to be the way to go (which works fine except for the formatting). Sorry if I've just missed it in the options. I'd prefer to do it using standard HTMLDB

  • Sorry-duplicate thread,since problem in forumby5.45pm pl/sql region in apex

    Hi All,
    From sqlworkshop,
    I have created a view like
    (select a.siteid siteid,a.bpaadd_0 bpaadd_0,a.bpanum_0 bpanum_0,
    case when a.bpaaddlig_0 = '' then '-' else a.bpaaddlig_0 end address1,
    case when a.bpaaddlig_1 = '' then '-' else a.bpaaddlig_1 end address2,
    case when a.bpaaddlig_2 = '' then '-' else a.bpaaddlig_2 end address3,
    case when a.bpades_0 = '' then '-' else a.bpades_0 end place,
    case when a.cty_0 = '' then '-' else a.cty_0 end city,
    case when a.poscod_0 = '' then '-' else a.poscod_0 end pincode,
    case when b.cntnam_0 = '' then '-' else b.cntnam_0 end contactname,
    case when b.fax_0 = '' then '-' else b.fax_0 end fax,
    case when b.MOBTEL_0 = '' then '-' else b.MOBTEL_0 end mobile,
    case when b.TEL_0 = '' then '-' else b.TEL_0 end phone,
    case when b.web_0 = '' then '-' else b.web_0 end website,
    c.zinvcty_0 zcity,c.bpainv_0 bpainv_0,c.bpcnum_0 bpcnum_0
    from lbcreport.bpaddress@info a, b ,lbcreport.bpcustomer@info c
    where (a.bpanum_0=b.bpanum_0) and (a.cty_0 = c.zinvcty_0) and (a.siteid = c.siteid))
    but when i execute select * from vw_sub_cl_add1
    the case is not working. '-' is not getting displayed for null values even i tried nvl function it is not working
    when i use this view in apex for pl/sql region to display in the form of table .
    The problem is, when there is no value in the columns the table is not showing row and column in a proper manner.
    could any one help to overcome it.
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: srikavi on Sep 10, 2008 10:42 AM

    1. The problem with null values is a template problem. Using Firefox and Web Developer Toolbar extension / CSS / View Style Information, you can find out which css class your report is referencing. Open the corresponding css file and add the following to the css class:
    It will show the borders for null values after that.
    2. b.fax_0 = '' is not correct. It should be b.fax_0 IS NULL.
    3. You can also try to use the built in property for showing NULL values as in the report attributes.
    Denes Kubicek

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