Rented video don't play on ipad (download not finished)

i started a download but it get interrupted. i am not able to continue and finish the download. the system tells me to go to "download" but i cant find it on the ipad. need help. thanks tom

Okay ... better report the problem via the email form at the bottom of the following FAQ (if you haven't already reported the issue to the iTunes Store):
In the meantime, checking on another possible local cause of the problems. Do you have any third-party add-ons/plugins intalled on that PC?
Troubleshooting issues with 3rd-party iTunes add-ons

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    To start with you should only have to specify your short iWeb URL in order to reach your pages. The problem with using the longer page URLs is that you are likely to change these (and with them, the URL), whereas the short iWeb URL will always lead to your default start page.
    Try that. Goes to your pages just fine.
    As far as your video goes, there are some pages in your blog that aren't even there anymore for whatever reason. It also seems that on some pages, your movie files are no longer present. Have you been picking through the sitefolder possibly?
    For starters, I would strive to keep a single format for your movies. You want them to be able to be played while they are downloading, so I recommend enabling what is called "fast start" in your movies. Don't know what this is? No problem. I'm about to give you a one click kind of fix for your video files.
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    Let me know!

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    There was a short version expressly for people who weren't bothered to read a myriad of text.
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    Log in to the Developer forum. You will find instructions on how to install the lastest beta. Your problem is the beta you have installed has expired. All of them did on October 5; you will find hundreds of threads discussing this. If you have a beta it is assumed that you will continue as a beta tester, so a simple update using iTunes will not work.
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    We need to detail the quesion as below:
    For the local video, (wmv, avi, flv) which is saved in PPT/PPTX data file, we just make sure that the host machine installed the proper video codec package and the video in PPT would play well.
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    Tony Chen
    TechNet Community Support

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    Two possible reasons:
    1. Not enough space
    2. Slow internet

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    What model G4 do you have & how much RAM? Any Mac with a processor speed below 1.25GHz will usually have sync problems between video & audio. A low amount of RAM can also cause the slowness. The stock video card is also a contributor.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Podcast videos don't play on Apple TV2

    I have had this issue for awhile and can't find a solution so I am hoping that someone can give me some ideas on what is going on and how to fix this issue.
    I have an Apple TV2 and a MBP running Lion. This issue also cropped up when I was running Snow Leopard. When I select podcast videos to play them the sound is fine but the video doesn't play. It stays stuck on the introductory frame. I can play it on my MBP but it doesn't play on my Apple TV. The latest episode was trying to play the extras that came with the movie, Rio. Could hear the sound just fine but the video didn't play. Very frustrating! And it appears to only be the video podcasts, not videos I shot with my camera nor movies or tv shows, just video podcasts. Any ideas anyone??? I am stumped. Thanks for the help, Judy

    There is an easy fix for you.
    1) Select the video / podcast / etc that is not working properly for Apple TV
    2) In iTunes select Advanced -> Create iPad or Apple TV Version
    iTunes will make an optimized copy ready to stream to your Apple TV.

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