Replacing HTML characters

I'll keep this short and simple. Here's what I'm trying to
qInfo.instructions is used to populate a HTML cfformitem, so
I want to replace all the <,>,and &. The above line is
the first of three replacenocase statements and is throwing an
'Invalid CFML construct' error. What do I need to do

Try the HtmlEditFormat function built into ColdFusion. 744272

Similar Messages

  • [svn] 3590: Replace invalid html characters

    Revision: 3590
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-10-13 07:29:43 -0700 (Mon, 13 Oct 2008)
    Log Message:
    Replace invalid html characters
    Checkin Test Passed: Yes
    QA: No
    Doc: No
    Modified Paths:

    Try the HtmlEditFormat function built into ColdFusion. 744272

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    Crystal HTML interpreter is very limited and has been same for years, so it seems unlikley it will chnage any time soon.
    As its a specific character that is failing use a replace formul to remove the long dash html and replace with a short dash html which I guess Crystal will recognise.
    Replace(yourfield, 'longdashhtml', 'shortdashhtml')

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    There are also a number of open source or shareware programs, such as TidyHTML, that clean-up and parse existing HTML. Check out Sourceforge or
    - Saish

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    Edited by: Christian Ropposch on Apr 8, 2009 1:39 PM
    Edited by: Christian Ropposch on Apr 8, 2009 1:40 PM

    Hi Christian R.!
    If I understood right then you are using APEX. HTP and HTF are included with Oracle and APEX. You don't need the Application Server.

  • How to replace special characters in string.

    I want to replace special characters such as , or ; with any other character or " ".I find out there is no such function is java for this.There is only replace() but it accepts only chars.If anybody know how to do this?.

    I want to replace special characters such as , or ;
    with any other character or " ".I find out there is no
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    but it accepts only chars.If anybody know how to do
    Thanks,Can't you just do the following?
    public class Test
         public static void main(String[] args)
         String testString = "Hi, there?";
         System.out.println(testString.replace(',',' '));

  • Looking for, and replace special characters

    I am quite new to AppleScript and can't figure this out. Any help would be appreciated.
    I have received several (a lot of) folders containing images with some strange characters in the file names. The images has to go to web, and I want to replace those characters with some that are web friendly. The characters in question is some Swedish A's and O's (Ä, ä, Ö, ö) and one that looks like the Apple Command symbol. (I was told this one is a combination of a and e).
    Then, I would like to replace all spaces between the words in the file names with an underscore.
    In addition, all image file names start with capitals and I would like to replace these as well.
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Here's a modified version of the standard script:
    tell application "Finder" to set the source_folder to (folder of the front window) as alias
    on error -- no open folder windows
    set the source_folder to path to desktop folder as alias
    end try
    display dialog "Search and replace in:" buttons {"File Names", "Folder Names", "Both"} default button 3
    set the search_parameter to the button returned of the result
    display dialog "Enter text to find in the item names:" default answer "" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button 2
    set the search_string to the text returned of the result
    if the search_string is not "" then exit repeat
    end repeat
    display dialog "Enter replacement text:" default answer "" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button 2
    set the replacement_string to the text returned of the result
    if the replacement_string contains ":" then
    display dialog "A file or folder name cannot contain a colon (:)." buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button 2
    else if the replacement_string contains "/" then
    display dialog "A file or folder name cannot contain a forward slash (/)." buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button 2
    exit repeat
    end if
    end repeat
    display dialog "Replace “" & the search_string & "” with “" & the replacement_string & "” in every item name?" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button 2
    tell application "Finder"
    set the item_list to every item of entire contents of source_folder
    tell me
    set item_list to reverse of the item_list
    end tell
    set source_folder to source_folder as string
    repeat with i from 1 to number of items in the item_list
    set the_name to name of item i of the item_list
    set this_item to item i of the item_list
    set this_info to properties of this_item
    set the current_name to the_name
    set change_flag to false
    repeat with this_char from 1 to (count items of search_string)
    if the current_name contains item this_char of (search_string) then
    if the search_parameter is "Folder Names" and ¬
    folder of this_info is true then
    set the change_flag to true
    else if the search_parameter is "File Names" and ¬
    folder of this_info is false then
    set the change_flag to true
    else if the search_parameter is "Both" then
    set the change_flag to true
    end if
    if the change_flag is true then
    set this_item to item i of the item_list
    -- replace target string using delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the item this_char of search_string
    set the textitemlist to every text item of the current_name
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the item this_char of replacement_string
    set the newitemname to the textitemlist as string
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    set the current_name to newitemname
    end if
    end if
    end repeat
    my setitem_name(thisitem, current_name)
    end repeat
    end tell
    beep 2
    on setitem_name(thisitem, newitemname)
    tell application "Finder"
    set the parentcontainerpath to (get the container of this_item) as text
    if not (exists item (the parentcontainerpath & newitemname)) then
    set the name of this_item to newitemname
    return this_item
    on error the error_message number the error_number
    if the error_number is -59 then
    set the error_message to "This name contains improper characters, such as a colon (:)."
    else --the suggested name is too long
    set the error_message to error_message -- "The name is more than 31 characters long."
    end if
    tell me to display dialog the error_message default answer newitemname buttons {"Cancel", "Skip", "OK"} default button 3
    copy the result as list to {newitemname, button_pressed}
    if the button_pressed is "Skip" then return 0
    my setitem_name(thisitem, newitemname)
    end try
    else --the name already exists
    tell me to display dialog "This name is already taken, please rename." default answer newitemname buttons {"Cancel", "Skip", "OK"} default button 3
    copy the result as list to {newitemname, button_pressed}
    if the button_pressed is "Skip" then return 0
    my setitem_name(thisitem, newitemname)
    end if
    end tell
    end setitemname
    This script variant works by accepting a source string in the form "AB" and desired string "CD". When run, ABCA will become CDCC with the sample strings.

  • Find and Replace Japanese characters in pdf file on iPhone

    Hi eveybody !
    I want to find and replace Japanese characters in pdf on iPhone.
    I using zlib to deflate stream - endstream block and extract text.It's work fine with latin-text.
    But when i work with japanese characters , I don't know how to do it ?
    I decode a sample japanese pdf file, and I know that each Japanese characters are performances as hex string : "<01b7><0e230a23>..."
    But i don't know how to convert Japanese characters to the hex string like that.
    Can evrybody help me?

    Searching is the same process as extracting - since it's about turning page content into something understandable.  So that still remains what you need to learn/understand - of course, referring back to all the previous sections about font formats, etc.
    Replacing in PDF is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT for two reasons - subset fonts and explicit glyph positioning.  Have you determine (conceptually, if nothing else) how you plan to addresses these two issues?
    PDF doesn't do UTF8 for page content - so don't worry about that.

  • Regular expressions-how to replace [ and ] characters from a string

    my input String is "sdf938 [98033]". Now from this given string, i would like to replace the characters occurring within square brackets to empty string, including the square brackets too.
    my output String needs to be "sdf938" in this case.. How should I do it using regular expressions? I tried several possible combinations but didn't get the expected results.


  • Replacing 'special' characters

    Hi all,
    I was wondering if thers is a function module, class (method) or whatever (codepage translation) to convert 'special' characters like:
    è, é, ë, ï, etc with respectively e, e, e, i?
    More generally speaking we need to convert all characters (whether it be Unicode, Latin-1, etc.) to plain text containing only the letters of the alphabet from a-z and A-Z.
    Kind regards,

    @ Rainer,
    both thanks a lot for your relevant replies which are quite helpful. And I do think that we still needs some sort of intermediate table to hold at least some characters to be translated/converted into plain text.
    @ Gautham,
    I'm currently testing this function module with several codepages (parameter INTER_CP) beside the default codepage 1146. For characters like ë and ï this is definitely the way to go, but when using some characters that are really out there like ¥ŖßÞu0152u03A9u03C6, we still seem to be needing an intermediate table to replace these characters.
    But again, some very helpful answers.
    P.S. Although both answers are potentially worth 10 pts, It only seems fair to give you both the credit you deserve.

  • Replace multiple characters to single character

    Hi friends,
    I would like to replace multiple characters in a string to a single character. The character may be a pipe (|) or a tilde (~).
    For example "|||asdf||123|xyz||" should be changed to "asdf|123|xyz".
    I use Oracle 11g2.
    Thanks in advance!

    Without regexp
    with testdata as (
        select '||asdf||||123|xyz|' str from dual union all
        select 'asdf|123|||||||xyz||||' from dual union all
        select '||||||asdf|||123||||||xyz||||||' from dual
    trim (both '|' from
        replace (
            replace (
                replace (str,'|','|'||chr(0))
    ) str
    from testdata
    with regexp
    with testdata as (
        select '||asdf||||123|xyz|' str from dual union all
        select 'asdf|123|||||||xyz||||' from dual union all
        select '||||||asdf|||123||||||xyz||||||' from dual
    trim (both '|' from
        regexp_replace (
    ) str
    from testdata
    Message was edited by: chris227 regexp added

  • HTML characters display incorrectly in Firefox

    Special HTML characters like ∠ and ← and ∝ (etc.) do not display as they should in Firefox on my Mac.
    I messed with Font Book earlier today, and though I don't think I made any fatal changes, I think that might have caused this problem (though certain symbols like ♥ had never shown up correctly).
    However, all of these characters display perfectly in Safari. See:
    How might I fix this?

    Well, I just launched Firefox and opened this page in it. The angle, arrow and whatevertheotherthing is all displayed correctly, the heart however showed up in Firefox as a perpendicular line.
    I'm using Firefox, with the default font set to Geneva.

  • Find/Replace nonprinting characters

    Is it possible to find and replace nonprinting characters in Pages? In particular, I want to replace all "hard" paragraph marks (i.e., return key) with newlines (shift-return), thus combining everything into the same paragraph for formatting purposes.
    I can't seem to paste any of these into the F&R window. I've tried a couple of things like ^r and \r, but it's not happening. Hitting the return key, of course, confirms the find, rather than placing the character in the box.
    Can anyone help? This is something I need to do fairly regularly.

    Hi Jeff,
    Select a paragraph mark.
    Menu > Edit > Find > Use Selection for Find
    Menu > Edit > Find > Find...

  • Replace encoded characters in URL

    Hi gurus,
    I have the following requirement and I don't know how to solve it in the best way.
    I have a Z transaction for uploading a local file. This file contains URL's and after upload, there are stored in SAP.
    I need to check this URL and replace encoded characters with corresponding codes, for example: space -> %20
    How can I do this? I've been looking for a solution, but I haven't found anything usefull yet.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks a lot!

    Have a look at class CL_HTTP_UTILITY. There are some methods which looks promising.
    The method ESCAPE_URL is waht you needed.
    pass UNESCAPED = '!default.jspa?messageID=11060123'
    output = HTTP%3a%2f%2fFORUMS%2eSDN%2eSAP%2eCOM%2fEDIT%21DEFAULT%2eJSPA%3fMESSAGEID%3d11060123
    & for vice versa use UNESCAPE_URL
    Edited by: Keshav.T on Feb 7, 2012 2:23 PM

  • Vbscript to rename files and replace special characters

    Dear Exprt,
    would you please help to add addtional requirement for rename and replace special characters for file
    by the below script i can re name.
    strAnswer = InputBox("Please enter folder location to rename files:", _
        "File rename")
        strfilenm = InputBox("Enter name:", _
        "Rename Files")
    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Sub visitFolder(folderVar)
        For Each fileToRename In folderVar.Files
            fileToRename.Name = strfilenm & fileToRename.Name
        For Each folderToVisit In folderVar.SubFolders
    End Sub
    If FSO.FolderExists(strAnswer) Then
    End If
    [email protected]

    Thx would you please look below what wrong in its run  nothing happend no error
    strAnswer = InputBox("Please enter folder location to rename files:", _
        strfilenm = InputBox("Enter name:", _
        "Rename Files")
    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set regEx = New RegExp
    'Your pattern here
    Select Case tmpChar
    Case "&"
    changeTo = " and "
    Case "/"
    changeTo = "_"
    Case Else
    changeTo = " "
    End Select
    regEx.Pattern = tmpChar 
    Sub visitFolder(folderVar)
        For Each fileToRename In folderVar.Files
            fileToRename.Name = strfilenm & fileToRename.Name 
            fileToRename.Name = regEx.Replace(fileToRename.Name, tmpChar)
        For Each folderToVisit In folderVar.SubFolders
    End Sub
    [email protected]

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