Replacing substrings in a string.

I have three strings.
String one
String two
String three
String one is a substring occuring somewhere in String three.
I want to replace String one occuring in String three with String two.
How can i do this.
Please help.

Hi ,
you cannot replace the String but you can get the replaced String
for more information see the following links, char), java.lang.String), java.lang.String)
API in String class is
1. String replace(char oldChar, char newChar)
2. String replaceAll(String regex, String replacement)
3. String replaceFirst(String regex, String replacement)
the above three API returns the result but the original string cannot be changed.
If you want to change the original string use StringBuffer instead of String. for more detail for StringBuffer is see the following link

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    I spent the time on this myself and don't know why I bothered asking, it was so simple. Here's what I did. First, a general-purpose function to replace any token in a string with values from a table:
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    In addition to Eric:
    Find "some search string", Replace "some replacement string " also replaces part of the string, not touching anything...
    But the GREP search has two advantages: First, if you define formatting in the Replace field (italics, superscript, a character style), only the 'search'/'replacement' part will be affected, rather than the entire found string (as in regular search).
    The second big advantage is you can use any regular GREP single character wildcard in the 'left' and 'right' (matching-but-not-marking) parts. A few useful examples: '\d' (digit), '\l' and '\u' (lowercase and uppercase), '.' (any character), or even '[a-f]' (lowercase 'a' to 'f'). The only limitation is that you cannot use the once, zero-or-more, or once-or-more modifiers -- the strings must have a fixed length. FYI, those three modifiers are, respectively, ?, *, and +.
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    please help me replcing it,

    DrClap wrote:
    It didn't work because that method takes a regular expression as its first parameter. (The API documentation does mention that fact.) The regular expression you passed it ("$1") ...The OP did escape the $, but &#92;&#92; get eaten by the forum software as a new-line char.
    @OP, the replaceFirst(...) returns a new String (and does not change the original String!), so you will have to do:
    String s = "<html>,,,,,,<body>,,,,,blah blah $1 blah blah .........</html>";
    s = s.replaceFirst("\\$1", "XYZ");

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    Could anyone hand me a solution to this problem?
    The end-goal - for now - would be to change the reference to a row-number in a lot of cells (number '4' in the pattern above should finally be replaced by 5, 6, 7, ...)

    Here's how to do that:
        tell application "Numbers" to tell front document to tell active sheet
            tell (first table whose selection range's class is range)
                set sr to selection range
                set f to text returned of (display dialog "Find this in selected cells in Numbers " default answer "" with title "Find-Replace Step 1" buttons {"Cancel", "Next"})
                if f = "" then return
                set r to text returned of (display dialog "Replace '" & f & "' with " default answer f with title "Find-Replace Step 2")
                set {f, r} to my escapeForSED(f, r) -- escape some chars, create back reference for sed
                set tc to count cells of sr
                tell sr to repeat with i from 1 to tc
                    tell (cell i) to try
                        set oVal to formula
                        if oVal is not missing value then set value to (my find_replace(oVal, f, r))
                    end try
                end repeat
            end tell
        end tell
    on error number n
        if n = -128 then return
        display dialog "Did you select cells?" buttons {"cancel"} with title "Oops!"
    end try
    on find_replace(t, f, r)
        do shell script "/usr/bin/sed 's~" & f & "~" & r & "~g' <<< " & (quoted form of t)
    end find_replace
    on escapeForSED(f, r)
        set tid to text item delimiters
        set text item delimiters to "*" -- the wildcard 
        set tc1 to count (text items of f)
        set tc2 to count (text items of r)
        set text item delimiters to tid
        if (tc1 - tc2) < 0 then
            display alert "The number of wildcard in the replacement string must be equal or less than the number of wildcard in the search string."
            error -128
        end if
        -- escape search string, and create back reference for each wildcard (the wildcard is a dot in sed) --> \\(.\\)
        set f to do shell script "/usr/bin/sed -e 's/[]~$.^|[]/\\\\&/g;s/\\*/\\\\(.\\\\)/g' <<<" & quoted form of f
        -- escape the replacement string, Perl replace wildcard by two backslash and an incremented integer, to get  the back reference --> \\1 \\2
        return {f, (do shell script "/usr/bin/sed -e 's/[]~$.^|[]/\\\\&/g' | /usr/bin/perl -pe '$n=1;s/\\*/\"\\\\\" . $n++/ge'<<<" & (quoted form of r))}
    end escapeForSED
    For what you want to do, you must have the wildcard in the same position in both string. --> find "Table 1::$*$3", replace "Table 1::$*$4"
    Important, you can use no wildcard in both (the search string and the replacement string) or you can use any wildcard in the search string with no wildcard in the replacement string).
    But, the number of wildcard in the replacement string must be equal or less than the number of wildcard in the search string.

  • How to replace special characters in string.

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    I want to replace special characters such as , or ;
    with any other character or " ".I find out there is no
    such function is java for this.There is only replace()
    but it accepts only chars.If anybody know how to do
    Thanks,Can't you just do the following?
    public class Test
         public static void main(String[] args)
         String testString = "Hi, there?";
         System.out.println(testString.replace(',',' '));

  • Replace the text numbers string in a txt file using C++.. Help Me..

    Read a Document and replace the text numbers in a txt file using c++..
    For ex: 
    Before Document: 
    hai hello my daily salary is two thousand and five and your salary is five billion. my age is 
    After Document: 
    hai hello my daily salary is # and your salary is #. my age is #. 
    All the text numbers and i put the # symbol.. 
    I am trying this code: 
    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    ifstream myfile_in ("input.txt");
    ofstream myfile_out ("output.txt");
    string line;
    void find_and_replace( string &source, string find, string replace ) {
    size_t j;
    for ( ; (j = source.find( find )) != string::npos ; ) {
    source.replace( j, find.length(), replace );
    myfile_out << source <<endl;
    cout << source << endl;
    int main () {
    if (myfile_in.is_open())
    int i = 0,j;
    //string strcomma ;
    // string strspace ;
    while (! myfile_in.eof() )
    getline (myfile_in,line);
    string strcomma= "two";
    string strspace = "#";
    find_and_replace( line , strcomma , strspace );
    else cout << "Unable to open file(s) ";
    return 0;
    Please help me.. Give me the correct code..

    Open the file as a RandomAccessFile. Check its length. Declare a byte array as big as its length and do a single read to get the file into RAM.
    Is this a simple text file (bytes)? No problem. If it's really 16-bit chars, use java.nio to first wrap the byte array as a ByteBuffer and then view the ByteBuffer as a CharBuffer.
    Then you're ready for search/replace. Do it as you would in any other language. Be sure to use System.arraycopy() to shove your bytes right (replace bigger than search) or left (replace smaller than search).
    When done, a single write() to the RandomAccessFile will put it all back. As you search/replace, keep track of size. If the final file is smaller than the original, use a setLength() to the new size to avoid extraneous data at the end.

  • How count the number of substrings in a string

    Hi all,
    I wonder if someone can help me and point out where I'm going wrong.
    I want to count the number of substring starting with 'd' and ending with 'e' in a string supplied by a user.
    currently my code is only counting the number of 'd' and 'e' characters in the string.
        public static void main (String [] args)
             Scanner input = new Scanner (;
             String mstring;// string variable that the user will enter
             int i = 0; // upstep variable
             int count = 0; // int variable to count the number of substrings
             System.out.print("Enter a string: ");
             mstring = input.nextLine();
             while (i != mstring.length())
                       else if (mstring.charAt(i)=='e'){count++;}
             System.out.println("The total d e substrings is " + count);
    }For example if the user enters adbedeaadffe the total number of substrings should be 5 but I'm getting 6 as the program is just counting the number of times it comes across 'd' and 'e'
    Can anyone shed some light on this for me thanks.

    Hi all I had a good few replies to this question but they seem to have been removed from the system for some reason.
    I've changed my code slightly and it works but only for one round of the guard.
                   Scanner input = new Scanner (
             String mstring;// main string variable that the user will enter
             int i = 0;  // upstep variable
             int count = 0; // int variable to count the number of substrings
         System.out.print("Enter a string: ");
             mstring = input.nextLine();
             int y =mstring.length();
             while (i != mstring.length() && y !=0)
             if (mstring.charAt(i) == 'd' && mstring.charAt(y-1)=='e'){count = count+1;}
             System.out.println("The total a b substrings is " + (count));The above code will only print out one substring of adbedeaadffe but that is not what I need, I need to be able to print out all of the substrings.
    Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong.
    Thanks in advance

  • Replace characters in a string

    I need to replace all occurrences of control characters except space,newline,tabs in a string . I can give a replace statement for each of these characters but I want to avoid this by making use of regular expressions. Can anyone help me in this regard.
    I tried using the following replace statements with regular expression, but i am not getting the required results:
    replace all occurrences of REGEX '[[:cntrl:]]' in lv_char with space replacement count lv_count_r.
    ---> this replaces even the spaces
    replace all occurrences of REGEX '[[:cntrl:]][^[:space:]]' in lv_char with space replacement count lv_count_r.
    --> this replaced even some alpha numeric characters
    Thanks and Regards,

    is there anyway to do this without using regular
    expressions.. regular expressions are the last
    solution for me..Remember that you can never really replace the characters of a String. Strings are immutable. Once created they cannot change.

  • Replacing characters in a string

    I have an application where a user can enter information into a webform. I'm using JSP, but of course the backend there is a Java function also.
    I am trying to write a function which will replace when the user hits enter with a <br> (break tag).
    Right now it's a complicated, messy loop to look at each character and it has many flaws.
    Is there a "replace" function that will do this for me?
    However, I don't think in a webpage form it transfers the \n end of line characters.

    Nope compiler error
    symbol : method replaceAll (java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
    location: class java.lang.String
    return (txt.replaceAll("\n","<br>"));

  • Problem in replacing characters of a string ?

    Hello everybody,
    I want to replace a few characters with their corresponding unicode codepoint values.
    I have a userdefined method that gets the unicode codepoint value for a character.
    1. I want to know how to replace the characters and have the replaced string after the comparision is over in the for loop in my main.
    Currently , i am able to replace , but i am not able to have the replacements done in a single variable.
    The output of the code is
    But i want the output i require is,
    Please offer some help in this regard
    class Read1
         public static void main(String s[])
             String rp,snd;
             String tmp="ename";
             for(int i=0;i<tmp.length();i++)
    public static String replace(String source, String pattern, String replace)
         if (source!=null)
             final int len = pattern.length();
             StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
             int found = -1;
             int start = 0;
             while( (found = source.indexOf(pattern, start) ) != -1)
                 sb.append(source.substring(start, found));
                 start = found + len;
             return sb.toString();
         else return "";
    ...,Any help in this regard would be useful

    This manual replacement thingy reminds me of quite an old technique, when
    64KB of memory was considered enough for 20 users (at the same time that is!)
    Suppose you have a buffer of, say, n characters. Starting at location i, a region
    of chars have to be swapped with bytes starting at location j >= i+l_i; the lengths
    of the two regions are l_i and l_j respectively.
    Suppose the following method is available:public void reverse(char[] buffer, int f, int l_f) {
       for (int t= f+l_f; --t > f; f++) {
          char tmp=buffer[f]; buffer[f]= buffer[t]; buffer[t]= tmp;
    }i.e. the above method reverses a region of characters, starting at position f
    with length l_f. Given this simple method, the original problem can be solved
    using the following simple sequence:reverse(buffer, i, j+l_j);
    reverse(buffer, i, l_j);
    reverse(buffer, i+l_j, j-i-l_i);
    reverse(buffer, j+l_j-l_i, l_i);Of course, when replacing characters we don't need the last reversal.
    kind regards,
    Jos (dinosaurus)

  • Replacing a char with string in a string buffer.

    Hi all,
    I have a huge xml file. Need to search for the following characters: ^ & | \ and replace each character with \T\ \F\ \B\ \C\ respectively.
    i.e. ^ must be replaced with \T\
    & must be replaced with \F\
    I see that it can be done in case of String using replaceAll() but have no clue about achieving using the stringbuffer??
    Any help is higly appeciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi all,
    I have a huge xml file. Need to search for the
    following characters: ^ & | \ and replace each
    character with \T\ \F\ \B\ \C\ respectively.
    i.e. ^ must be replaced with \T\
    & must be replaced with \F\
    I see that it can be done in case of String using
    replaceAll() but have no clue about achieving using
    the stringbuffer??
    Any help is higly appeciated.
    Thanks in the solution for your problem:
    example code as follows,
         StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer("your xml content");           
                String xmlString = stringBuffer.toString();
                char[]  xmlCharArray =  new char[];
                xmlString.getChars(0, xmlString.length()-1, xmlCharArray, 0);
               StringBuffer alteredXmlBuf = new StringBuffer();
                for(int i=0; i<xmlCharArray.length; i++){
                               if( xmlCharArray[i] == '^'){
                                      alteredXmlBuf.append(" \\T\\") ;
                               }else if(xmlCharArray[i] == '&'){
                                      alteredXmlBuf.append(" \\F\\") ;
                               }else if(xmlCharArray[i] == '|'){
                                      alteredXmlBuf.append(" \\B\\") ;
                               }else if(xmlCharArray[i] == '\'){
                                      alteredXmlBuf.append(" \\C\\") ;
                               }else {
    now alteredXmlBuf StringBuffer object contains your solution.

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