Report to show salary increase based on rating

I want to get a report which will show the final rating of the appraisal for an employee and the salary increase which he has got for the given financial year. There will be only one appraisal cycle so there will be only one final rating which will be stored in the appraisal document only.
Can anyone please let me know how to go about with the report?
With Regards,
Kaustuv Goswami.

You have to develop a custom program.. the salary incr part is straightforwrd.. you can get it from Infotype 0008.. the Appraisal Ratings for OSA are stored in HRHAP_FINAL table but cannot be accessed will firts have to get the appraisal id for the appraisee(pernr) for the relevant Apprasial Template.. you can use the the function modules HRHAP_DOCUMENT_GET_LIST & 'HRHAP_DOCUMENT_GET_DETAIL' for that..
For Old Appraisals, you can use the function modules 'RHPA_APPRAISALS_SEARCH_ENGINE'  & 'RHPA_APPRAISAL_READ' and get the rating.

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    Try this query:
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    TABLES: vbak, vbap, wbrk, zsdsched,vbkd, fplt, fpla, tvlvt.
    TYPE-POOLS: slis.
    data: BEGIN OF gt_report occurs 0,
        vbeln LIKE vbak-vbeln,              "Sales Document
        posnr LIKE vbap-posnr,              "Item
        ernam LIKE vbak-ernam,              "Created by
        erdat LIKE vbak-erdat,              "Created on
        audat LIKE vbak-audat,              "Document Date
        vbtyp LIKE vbak-vbtyp,              "SD document category
        auart LIKE vbak-auart,              "Sales Document type
        vkorg LIKE vbak-vkorg,              "Sales Org
        vtweg LIKE vbak-vtweg,              "Distribution Channel
        spart LIKE vbak-spart,              "Division
        vkbur LIKE vbak-vkbur,              "Sales Office
        guebg LIKE vbak-guebg,              "Valid from date
        gueen LIKE vbak-gueen,              "Valid to date    kunnrt LIKE kna1-name1,             "Sold-to Name
       kunwet    LIKE kna1-name1,          "Ship-to Name
       kunnrt LIKE kna1-name1,             "Sold-to Name
       kunret    LIKE kna1-name1,          "Bill-to Name
        kunnr LIKE vbak-kunnr,              "Sold-to party
        kunnrt LIKE kna1-name1,             "Sold-to Name
        kvgr4 LIKE vbak-kvgr4,              "Territory
        matnr LIKE vbap-matnr,              "Material
        arktx LIKE vbap-arktx,              "Material Short Text
        charg LIKE vbap-charg,              "Batch
        matkl LIKE vbap-matkl,              "Material Group
        pstyv LIKE vbap-pstyv,              "Item Category
        zmeng LIKE vbap-zmeng,              "Target Quantity
        zieme LIKE vbap-zieme,              "Target Unit
        kdmat LIKE vbap-kdmat,              "Customer Material Number
        werks LIKE vbap-werks,              "Plant
        lgort LIKE vbap-lgort,              "Storage Location
        vstel LIKE vbap-vstel,              "Shipping Point
        route LIKE vbap-route,              "Route
        netpr LIKE vbap-netpr,              "Net Price
        kpein LIKE vbap-kpein,              "Condition Price Unit
        kmein LIKE vbap-kmein,              "Condition Unit
        shkzg LIKE vbap-shkzg,              "Returns Item
        oidrc LIKE vbap-oidrc,              "DRC Code
        kunwe LIKE vbap-oid_ship,           "Ship-to
        aufnr LIKE vbap-aufnr,              "Order Number
        vkaus LIKE vbap-vkaus,              "Usage
        kunwet    LIKE kna1-name1,          "Ship-to Name
        zzwprofid LIKE vbap-zzwprofid,      "Waste Profile ID
        kunre     LIKE wbrk-kunre,          "Bill-to
        kunret    LIKE kna1-name1,          "Bill-to Name
        addl_schd LIKE icon-id,             "Push Button For addl line
        datab     LIKE zsdsched-datab,      "Valid-From Date
        datbi     LIKE zsdsched-datbi,     "Valid To Date
        zschdfreq  LIKE zsdsched-zschdfreq, "Contract schedule frequency
        frequency  LIKE zsdsched-frequency, "Frequency
        monday    LIKE zsdsched-monday,     "Mondays
        tuesday   LIKE zsdsched-tuesday,    "Tuesdays
        wednesday  LIKE zsdsched-wednesday, "Wednesdays
        thursday  LIKE zsdsched-thursday,   "Thursdays
        friday    LIKE zsdsched-friday,     "Fridays
        saturday  LIKE zsdsched-saturday,   "Saturdays
        sunday    LIKE zsdsched-sunday,     "Sundays
        dzieme    LIKE zsdsched-dzieme,     "Target quantity UoM
        comments  LIKE zsdsched-comments,   "Comments
       END OF gt_report.
      data: Begin of gt_report1 occurs 0,
        fksaf     LIKE fplt-fksaf,
        afdat     LIKE fplt-afdat,
        fakwr     LIKE fplt-fakwr,
        fkdat     LIKE fplt-fkdat,
        nfdat     LIKE fplt-nfdat,
        fpart     LIKE fpla-fpart,
        bedat     LIKE fpla-bedat,
        endat     LIKE fpla-endat,
        horiz     LIKE fpla-horiz,
        bezei     LIKE tvlvt-bezei,
        vbeln     LIKE vbak-vbeln,
        erdat     LIKE vbak-erdat,
        ernam     LIKE vbak-ernam,
        guebg     LIKE vbak-guebg,
        gueen     LIKE vbak-gueen,
        auart     LIKE vbak-auart,
        kunnr     LIKE vbak-kunnr,
        kvgr4     LIKE vbak-kvgr4,
        vkbur     LIKE vbak-vkbur,
        vkorg     LIKE vbak-vkorg,
        vtweg     LIKE vbak-vtweg,
        vbtyp     LIKE vbak-vbtyp,
        name1     LIKE kna1-name1,
        pstyv     LIKE vbap-pstyv,
        matnr     LIKE vbap-matnr,
        werks     LIKE vbap-werks,
        oid_ship  LIKE vbap-oid_ship,
        kpein     LIKE vbap-kpein,
        kmein     LIKE vbap-kmein,
        netpr     LIKE vbap-netpr,
        kdmat     LIKE vbap-kdmat,
        posnr     LIKE vbap-posnr,
        matkl     LIKE vbap-matkl,
        aufnr     LIKE vbap-aufnr,
        vkaus     LIKE vbap-vkaus,
        route     LIKE vbap-route,
        kunre     LIKE wbrk-kunre,          "Bill-to
        kunwe LIKE vbap-oid_ship,           "Ship-to
        kunwet    LIKE kna1-name1,          "Ship-to Name
        kunnrt LIKE kna1-name1,             "Sold-to Name
        kunret    LIKE kna1-name1,          "Bill-to Name
        End of gt_report1.
    data: gs_report    LIKE LINE OF gt_report,
          gs_report1   LIKE LINE OF gt_report1,
          gt_sched     TYPE TABLE OF zsdsched,
          gt_sched_tmp TYPE TABLE OF zsdsched,
          gs_sched     TYPE zsdsched,
          gt_sel       LIKE gt_report OCCURS 0,
          gt_sel1      LIKE  gt_report1 OCCURS 0,
          gt_vbpa  TYPE TABLE OF vbpa,
          gs_vbpa  TYPE vbpa,
          gv_auart TYPE auart,
          gv_counter TYPE i.
    **-- ALV variables
    DATA: ls_fieldcat     TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv,    "Field Catalog list
          gt_fieldcat     TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,  "Field Catalog
          ls_sort         TYPE slis_sortinfo_alv,    "Sorting list
          gt_sort         TYPE slis_t_sortinfo_alv,  "Sort
          gs_layout       TYPE slis_layout_alv,      "List Layout
          gs_variant      TYPE disvariant,           "Display Variant
          gv_repid        LIKE sy-repid,
          gv_save(1)           TYPE c,
          ls_fieldcat1     TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv,    "Field Catalog list
          gt_fieldcat1     TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,  "Field Catalog
          ls_sort1         TYPE slis_sortinfo_alv,    "Sorting list
          gt_sort1         TYPE slis_t_sortinfo_alv,  "Sort
          gs_layout1       TYPE slis_layout_alv,      "List Layout
          gs_variant1      TYPE disvariant,           "Display Variant
          gv_repid1        LIKE sy-repid,
          gv_exit(1)           TYPE c.
    CONSTANTS: gc_a     TYPE c VALUE 'A',
               gc_g     TYPE c VALUE 'G',
               gc_re(2) TYPE c VALUE 'RE'.
    Screen-control Variables
      tctrl_sched TYPE TABLEVIEW USING SCREEN 1010.     " Schedule lines.
    *& Report  ZSD_CONTRACT_LIST
    *& Created on: January 21, 2007
    *& Description: List of Contracts - ALV
    REPORT  zsd_contract_list_rental1.
    INCLUDE zsd_contract_list_t01_rental1.
    Selection Screen
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_vkorg FOR vbak-vkorg MEMORY ID vko,
                    s_vtweg FOR vbak-vtweg MEMORY ID vtw,
                    s_spart FOR vbak-spart MEMORY ID spa,
                    s_vkbur FOR vbak-vkbur MEMORY ID vkb.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_vbeln FOR vbak-vbeln,
                    s_erdat FOR vbak-erdat,
                    s_ernam FOR vbak-ernam,
                    s_guebg FOR vbak-guebg,
                    s_gueen FOR vbak-gueen,
                    s_auart FOR gv_auart MEMORY ID vta
                                         MATCHCODE OBJECT h_vakz,
                   s_fkarv FOR fplt-fkarv.
                    s_kunnr FOR vbak-kunnr,
                    s_kunwe FOR vbap-oid_ship,
                    s_kunre FOR wbrk-kunre.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_werks FOR vbap-werks MEMORY ID wrk,
                    s_lgort FOR vbap-lgort MEMORY ID lag,
                    s_vstel FOR vbap-vstel MEMORY ID vst,
                    s_route for vbap-route,
                    s_matnr FOR vbap-matnr.
    PARAMETERS:     p_varia TYPE disvariant-variant MEMORY ID wrk,
                    p_all   AS CHECKBOX DEFAULT 'X',
                    p_group AS CHECKBOX DEFAULT 'X',
                    p_rental AS CHECKBOX DEFAULT 'X'.
    Start of Selection
      PERFORM get_data.
    Display ALV
      IF gt_report[] IS INITIAL.
        MESSAGE s419(brain).
        PERFORM create_alv.
    AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST                                 *
      PERFORM f01_f4_variant CHANGING p_varia.
    *&      Form  get_data
    FORM get_data .
       select the appropriate rental data.
    IF  p_rental IS NOT INITIAL AND ( ( p_all IS INITIAL ) AND ( p_group IS INITIAL ) ).
    SELECT avbeln aerdat aernam aaudat avbtyp aauart a~vkorg
           avtweg aspart avkbur aguebg agueen akunnr a~kvgr4
           bpstyv bmatnr bwerks boid_ship bkpein bkmein
           bnetpr bkdmat bposnr bmatkl baufnr bvkaus b~route
           dbezei efkarv eafdat efakwr efkdat enfdat e~fksaf
           ffpart fbedat fendat fhoriz flodat ftndat b~oid_ship AS kunwe
         FROM vbak AS a
             INNER JOIN vbap AS b ON avbeln = bvbeln
            INNER JOIN vbpa as c ON avbeln = cvbeln
             INNER JOIN vbkd AS g ON avbeln = gvbeln
             INNER JOIN fplt AS e ON gfplnr = efplnr
             INNER JOIN fpla AS f ON efplnr = ffplnr
             INNER JOIN tvlvt AS d ON bvkaus = dabrvw
         WHERE a~vbeln IN s_vbeln
           AND a~erdat IN s_erdat
           AND a~vbtyp = gc_g
           AND a~ernam IN s_ernam
           AND a~vkorg IN s_vkorg
           AND a~vtweg IN s_vtweg
           AND a~spart IN s_spart
           AND a~vkbur IN s_vkbur
           AND a~guebg IN s_guebg
           AND a~gueen IN s_gueen
           AND a~auart IN s_auart
           AND a~kunnr IN s_kunnr
           AND b~oid_ship IN s_kunwe
           AND b~werks IN s_werks
           AND b~lgort IN s_lgort
           AND b~vstel IN s_vstel
           and b~route in s_route
           AND b~matnr IN s_matnr
           AND e~fkarv IN s_fkarv
           AND e~fksaf = 'A'
           OR  e~fksaf = 'B'.
        sort gt_sel1.
        IF NOT gt_sel1[] IS INITIAL.
      Get Bill-to Party's for Item Lines
        SELECT vbeln posnr parvw kunnr INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE gt_vbpa
            FROM vbpa
            FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_sel1
            WHERE vbeln = gt_sel1-vbeln
              AND parvw = gc_re.
    Loop through captured data for additional information
      LOOP AT gt_sel1 INTO gs_report1.
      Find the bill-to party
        READ TABLE gt_vbpa INTO gs_vbpa WITH KEY vbeln = gs_report1-vbeln
                                                 posnr = gs_report1-posnr
                                                 parvw = gc_re.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          READ TABLE gt_vbpa INTO gs_vbpa WITH KEY vbeln = gs_report1-vbeln
                                                   parvw = gc_re.
          CHECK sy-subrc = 0 AND gs_vbpa-kunnr IN s_kunre.
          CHECK gs_vbpa-kunnr IN s_kunre.
        gs_report1-kunre = gs_vbpa-kunnr.
    Get the Customer's Name
        gs_report1-kunnrt = zcl_kna1=>get_name1( itp_kunnr = gs_report1-kunnr ).
        gs_report1-kunwet = zcl_kna1=>get_name1( itp_kunnr = gs_report1-kunwe ).
        gs_report1-kunret = zcl_kna1=>get_name1( itp_kunnr = gs_report1-kunre ).
      Get the scheduling lines for the item line.
        CLEAR gv_counter.
        APPEND gs_report1 TO gt_report1.
    IF ( ( p_all IS NOT INITIAL ) OR ( p_group IS NOT INITIAL ) ) AND p_rental IS INITIAL.
      Select the appropriate contract data.
      SELECT a~vbeln a~erdat a~ernam a~audat a~vbtyp a~auart a~vkorg
       a~vtweg a~spart a~vkbur a~guebg a~gueen a~kunnr a~kvgr4
       b~posnr b~matnr b~charg b~matkl b~arktx b~pstyv b~zmeng
       b~zieme b~kdmat b~werks b~lgort b~vstel b~netpr b~kpein
       b~kmein b~shkzg b~oid_extbol b~oid_miscdl b~oidrc b~oid_ship AS kunwe
       b~zzwprofid c~datbi c~datab b~route
      baufnr bvkaus d~bezei
         FROM vbak AS a
             INNER JOIN vbap AS b ON a~vbeln = b~vbeln
            INNER JOIN tvlvt AS d ON bvkaus = dabrvw
             LEFT OUTER JOIN zsdsched AS c ON b~vbeln = c~vbeln AND
                                   b~posnr = c~posnr
         WHERE a~vbeln IN s_vbeln
           AND a~erdat IN s_erdat
           AND a~vbtyp = gc_g
           AND a~ernam IN s_ernam
           AND a~vkorg IN s_vkorg
           AND a~vtweg IN s_vtweg
           AND a~spart IN s_spart
           AND a~vkbur IN s_vkbur
           AND a~guebg IN s_guebg
           AND a~gueen IN s_gueen
           AND a~auart IN s_auart
           AND a~kunnr IN s_kunnr
           AND b~oid_ship IN s_kunwe
           AND b~werks IN s_werks
           AND b~lgort IN s_lgort
           AND b~vstel IN s_vstel
           and b~route in s_route
           AND b~matnr IN s_matnr.
      SORT gt_sel.
      IF NOT gt_sel[] IS INITIAL.
      Get Bill-to Party's for Item Lines
        SELECT vbeln posnr parvw kunnr INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE gt_vbpa
            FROM vbpa
            FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_sel
            WHERE vbeln = gt_sel-vbeln
              AND parvw = gc_re.
      Select the remaining records from the ZSDSCHED Table.
    IF p_group IS NOT INITIAL.
        SELECT * FROM zsdsched
            INTO TABLE gt_sched
            FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_sel
            WHERE vbeln = gt_sel-vbeln
              AND posnr = gt_sel-posnr.
        SORT gt_sched.
    Loop through captured data for additional information
      LOOP AT gt_sel INTO gs_report.
      Find the bill-to party
        READ TABLE gt_vbpa INTO gs_vbpa WITH KEY vbeln = gs_report-vbeln
                                                 posnr = gs_report-posnr
                                                 parvw = gc_re.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          READ TABLE gt_vbpa INTO gs_vbpa WITH KEY vbeln = gs_report-vbeln
                                                   parvw = gc_re.
          CHECK sy-subrc = 0 AND gs_vbpa-kunnr IN s_kunre.
          CHECK gs_vbpa-kunnr IN s_kunre.
        gs_report-kunre = gs_vbpa-kunnr.
    Get the Customer's Name
        gs_report-kunnrt = zcl_kna1=>get_name1( itp_kunnr = gs_report-kunnr ).
        gs_report-kunwet = zcl_kna1=>get_name1( itp_kunnr = gs_report-kunwe ).
        gs_report-kunret = zcl_kna1=>get_name1( itp_kunnr = gs_report-kunre ).
      Get the scheduling lines for the item line.
        CLEAR gv_counter.
        IF NOT p_group IS INITIAL.
        If we are grouping the lines add the icon button.
          LOOP AT gt_sched INTO gs_sched WHERE vbeln = gs_report-vbeln
                                         AND posnr = gs_report-posnr.
            IF gv_counter > 0.
              gs_report-addl_schd = '@1E@'.
            MOVE-CORRESPONDING gs_sched TO gs_report.
            ADD 1 TO gv_counter.
        Otherwise get the rest of the schedule information
          READ TABLE gt_sched INTO gs_sched
            WITH KEY vbeln = gs_report-vbeln
                     posnr = gs_report-posnr
                     datbi = gs_report-datbi
                     datab = gs_report-datab.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            MOVE-CORRESPONDING gs_sched TO gs_report.
        APPEND gs_report TO gt_report.
    Remove any duplicates from the reporting table
    If Show all records is initial, delete non-scheduled lines (ex. Sub-items)
      IF p_all IS INITIAL.
        DELETE gt_report WHERE datbi = 0
                            AND datab = 0.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_data
    *&      Form  create_alv
    FORM create_alv .
    if ( ( p_all is not initial ) or ( p_group is not initial ) ) and p_rental is initial.
      PERFORM initialize_fieldcat USING gt_fieldcat[].
      PERFORM populate_layout CHANGING gs_layout
      PERFORM populate_sort   USING gt_sort[].
      PERFORM display_alv_report.
    if  p_rental is not initial and ( ( p_all is initial ) and ( p_group is initial ) ).
    PERFORM initialize_fieldcat1 USING gt_fieldcat1[].
    PERFORM populate_layout1 CHANGING gs_layout1
    PERFORM populate_sort1   USING gt_sort1[].
    PERFORM display_alv_report1.
    ENDFORM.                    " create_alv
    *&      Form  initialize_fieldcat
      Get and enhance the field catalog data
         -->L_FIELDCAT[]  text
    FORM initialize_fieldcat USING l_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv.
    IF p_rental IS NOT INITIAL .
          i_program_name         = 'ZSD_CONTRACT_LIST_RENTAL1'
          i_internal_tabname     = 'GT_REPORT1'
          i_inclname             = 'ZSD_CONTRACT_LIST_T01_RENTAL1'
          ct_fieldcat            = l_fieldcat
          inconsistent_interface = 1
          program_error          = 2
          OTHERS                 = 3.
    READ TABLE l_fieldcat INTO ls_fieldcat WITH KEY fieldname = 'VBELN'.
      ls_fieldcat-seltext_m = ls_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Contract'.
      ls_fieldcat-hotspot     = 'X'.
      MODIFY l_fieldcat FROM ls_fieldcat INDEX sy-tabix.
      READ TABLE l_fieldcat INTO ls_fieldcat WITH KEY fieldname = 'KUNNRT'.
      ls_fieldcat-seltext_s =
      ls_fieldcat-seltext_m = ls_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Sold-to Name'.
      MODIFY l_fieldcat FROM ls_fieldcat INDEX sy-tabix.
      READ TABLE l_fieldcat INTO ls_fieldcat WITH KEY fieldname = 'KUNWET'.
      ls_fieldcat-seltext_s =
      ls_fieldcat-seltext_m = ls_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Ship-to Name'.
      MODIFY l_fieldcat FROM ls_fieldcat INDEX sy-tabix.
      READ TABLE l_fieldcat INTO ls_fieldcat WITH KEY fieldname = 'KUNRET'.
      ls_fieldcat-seltext_s =
      ls_fieldcat-seltext_m = ls_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Bill-to Name'.
      MODIFY l_fieldcat FROM ls_fieldcat INDEX sy-tabix.
    READ TABLE l_fieldcat INTO ls_fieldcat WITH KEY fieldname = 'ADDL_SCHD'.
      IF NOT p_group IS INITIAL.
        ls_fieldcat-seltext_s = 'Schd'.
        ls_fieldcat-seltext_m = ls_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Additional Scheduling Lines'.
        ls_fieldcat-icon = 'X'.
        CLEAR: ls_fieldcat-key,
        ls_fieldcat-hotspot     = 'X'.
        MODIFY l_fieldcat FROM ls_fieldcat INDEX sy-tabix.
        DELETE l_fieldcat INDEX sy-tabix.
      READ TABLE l_fieldcat INTO ls_fieldcat WITH KEY fieldname = 'DATAB'.
      ls_fieldcat-seltext_s = 'Schd From'.
      ls_fieldcat-seltext_m = ls_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Sched. From Date'.
      CLEAR: ls_fieldcat-key.
      MODIFY l_fieldcat FROM ls_fieldcat INDEX sy-tabix.
      READ TABLE l_fieldcat INTO ls_fieldcat1 WITH KEY fieldname = 'DATBI'.
      ls_fieldcat-seltext_s = 'Schd To'.
      ls_fieldcat-seltext_m = ls_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Sched. To Date'.
      CLEAR: ls_fieldcat-key.
      MODIFY l_fieldcat FROM ls_fieldcat INDEX sy-tabix.
    IF p_rental IS INITIAL.
          i_program_name         = 'ZSD_CONTRACT_LIST_RENTAL1'
          i_internal_tabname     = 'GT_REPORT'
          i_inclname             = 'ZSD_CONTRACT_LIST_T01_RENTAL1'
          ct_fieldcat            = l_fieldcat
          inconsistent_interface = 1
          program_error          = 2
          OTHERS                 = 3.
      READ TABLE l_fieldcat INTO ls_fieldcat WITH KEY fieldname = 'VBELN'.
      ls_fieldcat-seltext_m = ls_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Contract'.
      ls_fieldcat-hotspot     = 'X'.
      MODIFY l_fieldcat FROM ls_fieldcat INDEX sy-tabix.
      READ TABLE l_fieldcat INTO ls_fieldcat WITH KEY fieldname = 'KUNNRT'.
      ls_fieldcat-seltext_s =
      ls_fieldcat-seltext_m = ls_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Sold-to Name'.
      MODIFY l_fieldcat FROM ls_fieldcat INDEX sy-tabix.
      READ TABLE l_fieldcat INTO ls_fieldcat WITH KEY fieldname = 'KUNWET'.
      ls_fieldcat-seltext_s =
      ls_fieldcat-seltext_m = ls_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Ship-to Name'.
      MODIFY l_fieldcat FROM ls_fieldcat INDEX sy-tabix.
      READ TABLE l_fieldcat INTO ls_fieldcat WITH KEY fieldname = 'KUNRET'.
      ls_fieldcat-seltext_s =
      ls_fieldcat-seltext_m = ls_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Bill-to Name'.
      MODIFY l_fieldcat FROM ls_fieldcat INDEX sy-tabix.
      READ TABLE l_fieldcat INTO ls_fieldcat WITH KEY fieldname = 'ADDL_SCHD'.
      IF NOT p_group IS INITIAL.
        ls_fieldcat-seltext_s = 'Schd'.
        ls_fieldcat-seltext_m = ls_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Additional Scheduling Lines'.
        ls_fieldcat-icon = 'X'.
        CLEAR: ls_fieldcat-key,
        ls_fieldcat-hotspot     = 'X'.
        MODIFY l_fieldcat FROM ls_fieldcat INDEX sy-tabix.
        DELETE l_fieldcat INDEX sy-tabix.
      READ TABLE l_fieldcat INTO ls_fieldcat WITH KEY fieldname = 'DATAB'.
      ls_fieldcat-seltext_s = 'Schd From'.
      ls_fieldcat-seltext_m = ls_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Sched. From Date'.
      CLEAR: ls_fieldcat-key.
      MODIFY l_fieldcat FROM ls_fieldcat INDEX sy-tabix.
      READ TABLE l_fieldcat INTO ls_fieldcat1 WITH KEY fieldname = 'DATBI'.
      ls_fieldcat-seltext_s = 'Schd To'.
      ls_fieldcat-seltext_m = ls_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Sched. To Date'.
      CLEAR: ls_fieldcat-key.
      MODIFY l_fieldcat FROM ls_fieldcat INDEX sy-tabix.
    ENDFORM.                    " initialize_fieldcat
    *&      Form  populate_layout
    FORM populate_layout CHANGING  gs_layout  TYPE slis_layout_alv
                                   gs_variant TYPE disvariant.
      gs_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
      gs_layout-allow_switch_to_list = 'X'.
      gs_layout-zebra                = 'X'.
      gs_variant-report = sy-repid.
    ENDFORM.                    " populate_layout
    *&      Form  populate_sort
         -->l_SORT[]  text
    FORM populate_sort USING l_sort TYPE slis_t_sortinfo_alv.
    ENDFORM.                    " populate_sort
    *&      Form  display_alv_report
    FORM display_alv_report .
      gv_repid = sy-repid.
    IF p_rental IS INITIAL.
        I_INTERFACE_CHECK              = ' '
        I_BYPASSING_BUFFER             =
        I_BUFFER_ACTIVE                = ' '
          i_callback_program              =  gv_repid
        I_CALLBACK_PF_STATUS_SET       = ' '
          i_callback_user_command        = 'USER_COMMAND'
          i_structure_name               =  'GT_REPORT'
          is_layout                      =   gs_layout
          it_fieldcat                     =  gt_fieldcat
        IT_EXCLUDING                   =
        IT_SPECIAL_GROUPS              =
          it_sort                        =  gt_sort
        IT_FILTER                      =
        IS_SEL_HIDE                    =
          i_default                      = 'X'
          i_save                         = gc_a
          is_variant                     = gs_variant
        IT_EVENTS                      =
        IT_EVENT_EXIT                  =
        IS_PRINT                       =
        IS_REPREP_ID                   =
        I_SCREEN_START_COLUMN          = 0
        I_SCREEN_START_LINE            = 0
        I_SCREEN_END_COLUMN            = 0
        I_SCREEN_END_LINE              = 0
        E_EXIT_CAUSED_BY_CALLER        =
        ES_EXIT_CAUSED_BY_USER         =
            t_outtab                       = gt_report
           program_error                  = 1
           OTHERS                         = 2
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    IF p_rental IS NOT INITIAL.
        I_INTERFACE_CHECK              = ' '
        I_BYPASSING_BUFFER             =
        I_BUFFER_ACTIVE                = ' '
          i_callback_program              =  gv_repid
        I_CALLBACK_PF_STATUS_SET       = ' '
          i_callback_user_command        = 'USER_COMMAND'
          i_structure_name               =  'GT_REPORT1'
          is_layout                      =   gs_layout
          it_fieldcat                     =  gt_fieldcat
        IT_EXCLUDING                   =
        IT_SPECIAL_GROUPS              =
          it_sort                        =  gt_sort
        IT_FILTER                      =
        IS_SEL_HIDE                    =
          i_default                      = 'X'
          i_save                         = gc_a
          is_variant                     = gs_variant
        IT_EVENTS                      =
        IT_EVENT_EXIT                  =
        IS_PRINT                       =
        IS_REPREP_ID                   =
        I_SCREEN_START_COLUMN          = 0
        I_SCREEN_START_LINE            = 0
        I_SCREEN_END_COLUMN            = 0
        I_SCREEN_END_LINE              = 0
        E_EXIT_CAUSED_BY_CALLER        =
        ES_EXIT_CAUSED_BY_USER         =
            t_outtab                       = GT_REPORT1
           program_error                  = 1
           OTHERS                         = 2
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM.                    " display_alv_report
    *&      Form  initialize_fieldcat1
      Get and enhance the field catalog data for rental fields
         -->L_FIELDCAT[]  text
    *FORM initialize_fieldcat1 USING l_fieldcat1 TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv.
    **if ***
         i_program_name         = 'ZSD_CONTRACT_LIST_rental1'
         i_internal_tabname     = 'GT_SEL1'
         i_inclname             = 'ZSD_CONTRACT_LIST_T01_rental1'
         ct_fieldcat            = l_fieldcat1
         inconsistent_interface = 1
         program_error          = 2
         OTHERS                 = 3.
         i_program_name         = 'ZSD_CONTRACT_LIST_rental1'
         i_internal_tabname     = 'GT_SEL1'
         i_inclname             = 'ZSD_CONTRACT_LIST_T01_rental1'
         ct_fieldcat            = l_fieldcat1
         inconsistent_interface = 1
         program_error          = 2
         OTHERS                 = 3.
    *ENDFORM.                    " initialize_fieldcat
    *&      Form  populate_layout
    *FORM populate_layout1 CHANGING  gs_layout1  TYPE slis_layout_alv
                                  gs_variant1 TYPE disvariant.
    gs_layout1-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
    gs_layout1-allow_switch_to_list = 'X'.
    gs_layout1-zebra                = 'X'.
    gs_variant1-report = sy-repid.
    *ENDFORM.                    " populate_layout
    ***&      Form  populate_sort
         -->l_SORT[]  text
    *FORM populate_sort1 USING l_sort TYPE slis_t_sortinfo_alv.
    *ENDFORM.                    " populate_sort
    ***&      Form  display_alv_report
    *FORM display_alv_report1 .
    gv_repid = sy-repid.
    if  p_rental is not initial and ( ( p_all is initial ) and ( p_group is initial ) ).
        I_INTERFACE_CHECK              = ' '
        I_BYPASSING_BUFFER             =
        I_BUFFER_ACTIVE                = ' '
         i_callback_program              =  gv_repid
        I_CALLBACK_PF_STATUS_SET       = ' '
         i_callback_user_command        = 'USER_COMMAND'
         i_structure_name               =  'gt_sel1'
         is_layout                      =   gs_layout1
         it_fieldcat                     =  gt_fieldcat1
        IT_EXCLUDING                   =
        IT_SPECIAL_GROUPS              =
         it_sort                        =  gt_sort1
        IT_FILTER                      =
        IS_SEL_HIDE                    =
         i_default                      = 'X'
         i_save                         = gc_a
         is_variant                     = gs_variant1
        IT_EVENTS                      =
        IT_EVENT_EXIT                  =
        IS_PRINT                       =
        IS_REPREP_ID                   =
        I_SCREEN_START_COLUMN          = 0
        I_SCREEN_START_LINE            = 0
        I_SCREEN_END_COLUMN            = 0
        I_SCREEN_END_LINE              = 0
        E_EXIT_CAUSED_BY_CALLER        =
        ES_EXIT_CAUSED_BY_USER         =
           t_outtab                       = gt_sel1
          program_error                  = 1
          OTHERS                         = 2
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
       MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
               WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    *ENDFORM.                    " display_alv_report
    *&      Form  f01_f4_variant
       Get the Layout variant for the user.
    FORM f01_f4_variant CHANGING c_variant TYPE disvariant-variant.
      DATA: ls_variant TYPE disvariant,
            l_exit     TYPE char1.
      ls_variant-report = sy-repid.
                is_variant          = ls_variant
                i_save              = 'A'
              it_default_fieldcat =
                e_exit              = l_exit
                es_variant          = ls_variant
                not_found = 2.
      IF sy-subrc = 2.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'S' NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
        IF l_exit EQ space.
          c_variant = ls_variant-variant.
    ENDFORM.                    " f01_f4_variant
          FORM USER_COMMAND                                          *
          --> R_UCOMM                                                *
          --> RS_SELFIELD                                            *
    FORM user_command USING r_ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm
                      rs_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
    Check function code
      CASE r_ucomm.
        WHEN '&IC1'.
          READ TABLE gt_report INTO gs_report INDEX rs_selfield-tabindex.
          CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
          CASE rs_selfield-fieldname.
            WHEN 'VBELN'.
          Set parameter ID for transaction screen field
              CHECK NOT gs_report-vbeln IS INITIAL.
              SET PARAMETER ID 'KTN' FIELD gs_report-vbeln.
            WHEN 'ADDL_SCHD'.
              CHECK NOT gs_report-addl_schd IS INITIAL.
              REFRESH gt_sched_tmp.
              LOOP AT gt_sched INTO gs_sched
                               WHERE vbeln = gs_report-vbeln
                                 AND posnr = gs_report-posnr.
                APPEND gs_sched TO gt_sched_tmp.
              CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
              CALL SCREEN '1010' STARTING AT 5 5.
    ENDFORM.                    "user_command
    *&      Module  STATUS_1010  OUTPUT
    MODULE status_1010 OUTPUT.
      SET PF-STATUS 'MAIN_1010'.
      SET TITLEBAR '1010' WITH gs_report-vbeln gs_report-posnr.
    ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_1010  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  USER_COMMAND_1010  INPUT
    MODULE user_command_1010 INPUT.
      CASE sy-ucomm.
        WHEN 'BACK' OR 'CANC'.
          LEAVE TO SCREEN 0.
    ENDMODULE.                 " USER_COMMAND_1010  INPUT

    Hi !
    This report shows the schedule line items , group schedule line items and rental contact (billing plan) lines when particular checkbox is checked. The checkboxs p_all(non-schedule line) , p_group(group schedule line items) are working in my above alv report and showing  result but unfortunately when p_rental is checked it dosent give me result , it says  no data selected. This when checked has to show result based on a different set of selections as I have done, but its not shwoing me the result .
    Kindly help please.

  • Report to show all purchase orders for which invoice tolerence is greater than 3%?

    Hi Experts,
    Recently our company cofigured 3% tolerence limit for invoice.Now, I have got a requirement to create a report to show all the PO's for which the
    invoice tolerence limt is eq 3 %.Kindly anyone advise ,is there any table that stores the inovoice tolerence limit based on PO? How to achieve this requirement.
    Thanks in advance
    Thanks & Regards,

    I was wondering don't you have in your company MM consultant who suppose to give you the required tables name .

  • Report not show after submit query in parameter form

    Hi, anubody can help me with this
    report not show after click submit query button in parameter form

    To help you see what is happening, temporarily add DESNAME to your parameter screen. Make sure that DESNAME on the parameter screen has a value before you click the Submit Query button.
    If you are running the report with a local report service (running on your workstation), the value of desname should be the name of your default printer.
    If you are running the report on a network application server based report service you need to specify the name of a printer that is accessible to the server on which the report service is running. Make sure that it is specified in a way that the server can recognize it, e.g. \\printserver_01\HPLaserJ4210.
    Maybe this will help some.
    James K.

  • CJI5 commitment line item report not showing po gross value

    Dear All,
    system is showing only net value in CJI5 report, actaully gross value of po must be reflected in CJI5 report and this happening in all po's like material, service's etc. example is as follows.
    po net value: 1000
    st 10%: 100
    po gross value : 1100 (inclusive of all taxes, ed, disc. etc)
    what could be the reason for not showing po gross value in commitment line item report.
    Thanks & Regards,

    As far as i know the commitment report will never show you the value that is inclusive of taxes. It will only show the net value of the PO.
    I just tried a scenario in my system by creating a PO for a net value of 3000 GBP and based on the tax code i entered system calculated a tax of 525 GBP. However when i check CJI5 report it shows only 3000 GBP as commitment and not 3525 GBP. This is how the standard system behaves, i believe. You can cross check this in the table COOI. The COOI table also shows the net value of the PO and does not include the tax amount in commitment.

  • RAR5.3 - SoD Report Not Showing Full Risk Description

    In a Sandbox environment, I'm playing around with/testing a new ruleset. The environment has our Production ruleset and I've added some risks to this ruleset via file upload in Configuration. The risks look great. Both the description and detailed description got imported correctly. The rules generated perfectly for these new risks I uploaded. Everything related to the risk, the way the risk is built, the rules, looks perfect. When I run Risk Analysis on test users that I know have the risk, they show on the report just as expected. However, the risk "description" is essentially missing. For example, in Management Summary View, here is what Risk B001* looks like:
    B001:   Basis Development & System Administration
    I've bolded the Risk Description.
    However, here is what one of my new risks shows up like (F031, a risk we haven't put in production yet for various reasons):
    F031:   F031
    Medium Finance TEST_USER(TEST_USER) USSPCJH40_E3
    The Risk Description only says "F031." It still is hyperlinked so it still works, but I want to see the full Risk Description, obviously. When I look at the Risk in Rule Architect, both descriptions are there.
    I then extracted the Rules via Rule Export and looked in the VIRSA_CC_RISKT table - the F031 description is there!
    B001 (which looks fine) and F031 (which has the description missing) has entries in ALL of the same tables (unless there's a table that I'm not getting with the export?)
    Can anyone help me out? Has anyone experienced a similiar issue? Why would all my newly imported risks not show a Risk Description when running Risk Analysis?
    Thanks in advance!
    Jes Behrens
    Edited by: Jes Behrens on Feb 26, 2009 8:26 AM

    Hi !
    This report shows the schedule line items , group schedule line items and rental contact (billing plan) lines when particular checkbox is checked. The checkboxs p_all(non-schedule line) , p_group(group schedule line items) are working in my above alv report and showing  result but unfortunately when p_rental is checked it dosent give me result , it says  no data selected. This when checked has to show result based on a different set of selections as I have done, but its not shwoing me the result .
    Kindly help please.

  • Rounding up salary increase

    HRMS application
    windows 2003
    Under Self service Manager/My employee informatuion/salary increased amount and anulized salary field need to be rounded up.
    If salary is increased to $500, it is showing up as $499.99 and same with anualized salary.
    How do I fix this problem?
    New to apps.
    immediate Help is appreciated.

    Any help on this please.
    Please give me some direction on what to do and how to do.
    I will work with oracle from there.
    Any help on this please.
    I need to resolve this.

  • Generate or modify a workflow report to show Document ID

    How can I modify or generate a workflow report that shows the Document ID? The 2 standard workflow reports (Activity Duration Report and Cancellation and Error Report) do not show the Document ID.
    Thank you in advance for your kind guidance.

    Hi Ogaitnas,
    According to your description, my understanding is that you want to add Document ID into workflow report.
    By default, there are only 2 standard workflow reports. Per my knowledge, there is not an OOB way to generate another workflow report based on Document ID. As a workaround, you can add a ‘Log to History List’ action to the workflow, and log the Document
    ID. Or, you can look up the Document ID into Email, then send email.
    I hope this helps.
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Report Builder showing duplicate data

    Hi everyone!
    When adding sub reports to my table, it now duplicates/repeats the data many times.
    why is this happening and how do I stop it?
    Thanks :)

    Hi Allana,
    When I directly insert a subreport without any parameters to a details row cell, I can easily reproduce this issue in my environment. Generally, if we want to avoid this issue, we must design a parameterized report (for example, a report that shows the details
    for a specific customer) as the subreport. For more details, please refer to the following steps:
    Create a parameter, then add a filter based on the parameter to filter the data in the subreport.
    In the main report, insert the subreport with the corresponding parameter values.
    Then we can filter the subreport based on the parameter values to eliminate the duplicate data. Besides, we can also add a group in the main report to avoid the duplicate data in main report.
    Tutorial: Adding Parameters to a Report (SSRS)
    Add a Subreport and Parameters (Report Builder and SSRS)
    If there are any other questions, please feel free to ask.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • BI Report is showing two rows for a single record

    Dear Experts
    This is Raja
    I am Facing one issue in BI Report,
    I have created report based on a Infocube which is getting data from two DSO. one is Standard [ Billing Condition Data]and another one is ZDSO[Targets}. these two requests go in the Infocube
    1. Budget- zdbudget [DSO]
    2.Actuals -0sd_o06 [DSO]
    I need to make report  Like this :For a specific period
    Material    Sold to party    Actual   Budget/Target     Variance    Actual YTD  Budget YTD
    M100        S100                 21         30                         10               21                  30
    here budget{ Budget DSO} values i am getting Material wise sold to party is not coming through file. But for Actual values sold to party is coming, that's why my report is showing like this..
    Material    Sold to party    Actual   Budget/Target     Variance    Actual YTD  Budget YTD
    M100        S100                 21                                      10               21                 
                                      30                       -30                                        30
    Since the sold to party is not available in Budget DSO in the report For Every Material it's showing Two Rows.
    How can bring this in to one Line..Like EX:1
    Please give Valuable Suggestions..

    Say the data is like this.
    Material Sold to Party Act Bud
    M1          S1               100   0
    M1          #                    0    50
    M1          S2               200   0
    And you want to see like below.
    Material Sold to Party Act Bud
    M1          S1               100   50
    M1          S2               200   50
    If this is your requirement, let the sold to party be in Rows.
    In columns, for budget, create a local selection, drag budget kf, sold to party (restrict this by # and right click and choose constant selection). This makes the budget kf independent of what is coming in the rows and always shows data corresponding to sold to party #. Hope this is clear.

  • Report Viewer shows incorrect data when viewing pages from last to first

    Post Author: Fmorales
    CA Forum: .NET
    I've made a huge report with Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005, and sometimes the Report Viewer show data with errors.
    If I see all pages of my report in order, 1 first, then 2nd, 3, 4... until the last one.... The report is always correct.
    If I see all pages in reverse order, 1 first (shown by default), then last one, then last one-1.... until 2nd.. All years show incorrect, except first one... 
    In an outer section, for every year, there is a final row which shows summarize calculated data. The error consists in that every value of the row is 0.
    It seems that Crystal Report calculates while showing, that's good.. but... Why does it ignore the data before when I see directly the last page?? It forces me to see all pages one by one in ascendant order to ensure data is correct.. I must fix that error.
    The way I calculate data in the problematic summarize row is a bit complicated, but I'll try... Let's focus in one only column (the other ones are similar). The summarize value is a formula which simply show a global value :
    CurrencyVar margenActual;
    which is being increasing or decreasing along the group:
    CurrencyVar actual:=actual+CurrentFieldValue; 
    if {PresupPeriodifMesesAux_DS.TIPO} = 'PAGOS' then         CurrencyVar margenActual:=margenActual-CurrentFieldValueelse    CurrencyVar margenActual:=margenActual+CurrentFieldValue;
    It is placed in the backgrond property of a CrossTab cell in a hidden pre-section... Well.. I know it's a bit complicated, but I have to do that way because it was the only trick I found to make a summarize file before printing data summarized (that's why the line "CurrencyVar actual:=actual+CurrentFieldValue;" appeared in formula). So I also wanted to use this formula to acummulate "margenActual".
    In the inner section I reset the actual value (this value always go fine):
    CurrencyVar actual:=0; 
    Before end of year I reset the margenActual value:
    CurrencyVar margenActual:=0; 
    I've tried multiple combinations (using WhileReadingRecords instead WhilePrintingRecords) but data is incorrect or I cannot get rid of visualization page's problem....
    Any idea?
    Thanks a lot

    Originally posted by:
    If you were previously using <mxXML> you WERE using
    So remove that tag, create an instance variable of the same
    name, typed as xml, and in your result handler, do as VarioPegged
    suggests, though I would cast/convert to xml first:
    companies = XML(event.result);
    trace(companies.toXMLString()); to look at your xml
    var xlCompanies:XMLList =; //all such
    expressions return XMLList, never XML
    trace(xmlCompanies.length()); //
    Ok so the ID of the mxXML was being interpreted as an E4X
    variable at compile time?
    I tried changing the name of the ID of the HTTPService call
    from "marketData" to "MDATA" and assigning the variable marketData
    to the result of the HTTPService query, which if I understand you
    correctly should basically make everything work as it was before,
    but it seems to be a problem.
    when I try to run it puts an exclamation point on this line
    <toolbox:TreeMap id="treeMap" width="1200" height="800"
    labelField="@cname" weightField="@amount"
    That code refers to a SWC file. Apparently it wants
    marketData to be a data provider. If I change the dataProvider
    reference above to "MDATA" (the ID of the HTTPService) the App
    compiles, but I get two errors at runtime:
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of
    a null object reference.
    ReferenceError: Error #1081: Property @age1 not found on
    mx.rpc.http.mxml.HTTPService and there is no default value.
    What should I change this reference to? It won't compile if I
    use the variable I made for the e4x results and it is reading
    gibberish if I have it read directly from the

  • Show BLOB icon based on file type?

    I have a report which shows BLOB file types as thumbnails. You click on the icon and the file pops up in its own window. This is all based on the How-To docs for APEX on OTN. That said, when the blob is an image, the icon shows up as a small preview of that image. However when the blob is something else, say a word document, it shows up as blank. You can still click on it, but the thumbnail is blank.
    This code call the image:
    img title="Click to pop up large image" src="#OWNER#.download_my_file?p_file=#ID2##NAME#" width="57" height="75"
    Does anyone have an clever ideas as to how I would display the Word icon if it is a word document or the Excel icon if it is an excel document. TIA.

    Here is your missing part...showing icons code...
    SELECT '< a href="apex_util.count_click?p_url=#OWNER#.get_doc?p=' || doc_id || '&p_cat=DOCS&p_id=' || doc_id || '&p_user=' || :app_user || '&p_workspace=' || apex_custom_auth.get_security_group_id || '" >< img src="' || decode(mime_type,   'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text',   '#APP_IMAGES#icodt.GIF',   'application/',   '#APP_IMAGES#ICXLS.GIF',   'application/msword',   '#APP_IMAGES#ICDOC.GIF',   'application/pdf',   '#APP_IMAGES#icpdf.GIF',   'application/',   '#APP_IMAGES#ICPPT.GIF',   'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet',   '#APP_IMAGES#iccalc.GIF',   'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation',   '#APP_IMAGES#icodp.GIF',   'text/plain',   '#APP_IMAGES#ICTXT.GIF',   'application/x-zip-compressed',   '#APP_IMAGES#ICZIP.GIF',   '#APP_IMAGES#ICGEN.GIF') || '" width="16" height="16" border="0" / >< /a >' "Type",
      '< a href="#" onclick="doc_menu(this); return false" class="repmenu" id="' || doc_id || '" >' || name || '< /a >' "name",
    FROM doclib_documents
    WHERE revision_of = 0
    AND deleted_as_of = to_date('04-22-2004',   'MM-DD-YYYY')P.S:
    Change "< " to "<" and " >" to ">"...because otherwise code would not be seen on forum...
    Message was edited by:

  • Report not showing terminated empoyees payroll results

    Hi there,
    I have coded a report that shows customized payroll data for a group of employees, delimited by two dates. The user found a problem when an employee is terminated on a given month but his termination is processed the next month (vacations, etc). Say the employee quits October 27, the payroll is run on November 10 and the report is run for November 1 - November 30: I wont see his payroll results because the employee does not belong to a particular organizational unit in november.
    This is my main code:
    GET pernr.
      sapid = pernr-pernr.
    * CREATE AND POPULATE PAYROLL OBJECT                         RRV100807
      CREATE OBJECT pay.
      CALL METHOD pay->read_result IMPORTING list = mylist.
    * ELIMINATE OLD RECORDS                                      RRV100807
      LOOP AT mylist INTO wa_mylist WHERE SRTZA <> 'A'.
        DELETE TABLE mylist FROM wa_mylist.
    * PROCESS PAYROLL FOR THE DESIRED ENTRIES                    RRV100807
      CALL METHOD pay->write_result EXPORTING list = mylist.
    GET payroll.
      LOOP AT payroll-inter-wpbp INTO wa_wpbp WHERE orgeh IN PNPOBJID.
        itab_rt = payroll-inter-rt.
        PERFORM get_wt_amounts.
    GET pernr LATE.
      IF wa_result-otsal <> 0
         OR wa_result-regsal <> 0
         OR wa_result-teller <> 0
         OR wa_result-other <> 0.
        PERFORM get_data.
    Basically, the GET PERNR (get personnel record) is never executed because the employee does not belong to the org unit. Is there any way to gather employee records in one interval and payroll results in another? I assume they both use PNBEGDA and PNENDDA at this point.
    What I want is to retrieve payroll information based on the screen dates (BEGDA and ENDDA) and the employee data based on the payroll periods that were run during those dates.

    Instead of using the standard selection screen field for choosing org units, you could create a custom selection screen field for the org unit.  So the org unit would not affect the initial GET PERNR selection.  Then in your code (after the GET PERNR) you could check for the org unit, with an additional condition to check the employee's previous org unit if he is terminated.  There is also more than one way to get payroll results.  We often use this in our reports:
    FORM get_payroll_results.
      CLEAR results_present.
            persnr          = pernr-pernr
            in_rgdir        = rgdir
            no_record_found = 1
            OTHERS          = 2.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    Get cumulative monthly results
        Store only active payroll results.
          DELETE rgdir WHERE srtza NE 'A'.                "Active
        Delete all the payroll results not from the requested year
          DELETE rgdir WHERE paydt0(4) NE p_mdate0(4). "Reporting Year
        Delete any payroll results after the requested balance date
          DELETE rgdir WHERE paydt > p_mdate.
        Delete voided payroll data.
          DELETE rgdir WHERE voidr NE space.              "Voided
        Sort so the first record is the last for the requested year.
          SORT rgdir BY paydt DESCENDING fpend DESCENDING.
          LOOP AT rgdir INTO ws_rgdir
            WHERE paydt > beg_date.
            seqnr = ws_rgdir-seqnr.
                clusterid                    = 'RU'
                employeenumber               = pernr-pernr
                sequencenumber               = seqnr
                payroll_result               = result
                illegal_isocode_or_clusterid = 1
                error_generating_import      = 2
                import_mismatch_error        = 3
                subpool_dir_full             = 4
                no_read_authority            = 5
                no_record_found              = 6
                versions_do_not_match        = 7
                error_reading_archive        = 8
                error_reading_relid          = 9
                OTHERS                       = 10.
            LOOP AT result-inter-rt INTO wa_rt
              WHERE lgart = wa_wagetype.
                  ADD ws_betrg TO ws_total.
    This allows you to specify by date, wagetype, pay period, etc. which payroll results you wnat to include.  I hope this helps.
    - April King

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