Report With Multiple Radio Button ,How to reset the values of when selected

Reaching out to the experts here. I have a report which i created a radio group which saves the value rownum when the radio buton is selected to a hidden item based on an on click event. There are currently 3 radio button , i need to be able to "reset" the value of the other items when more than of the button are selected .I.E. There are 3 buttons, user clicks button one , but then decides they need to click button two , then realizes they really wanted to perform button 3 , I want to be able to "reset" the value of the 1st two hidden items so the only value populated is the 3rd hidden item. I am new to working with these features and scenarios so any and help would be appreciated.
Here is the report
SELECT APEX_ITEM.RADIOGROUP(1, ROWNUM, NULL,NULL,'onclick="javascript:$x(''P5_HIDDEN1'').value=' || ROWNUM|| '"') UPDATE_RECORD
,APEX_ITEM.RADIOGROUP(1, ROWNUM, NULL,NULL,'onclick="javascript:$x(''P5_HIDDEN2'').value=' || ROWNUM|| '"') DELETE_RECORD
,APEX_ITEM.RADIOGROUP(1, ROWNUM, NULL,NULL,'onclick="javascript:$x(''P5_HIDDEN3'').value=' || ROWNUM|| '"') SET_PRIMARY
,case when phone_type is not null then (select meaning from hr_lookups where lookup_type ='PHONE_TYPE' and pp.phone_type=lookup_code)
end as phone_type
from hr.per_all_people_f papf
,apps.hr_lookups hl
,apps.per_contact_relationships pcr
,apps.per_phones pp
,(select contact_person_id,primary_contact_flag
from apps.per_contact_relationships pcr
where pcr.person_id = :P5_PERSON_ID
and contact_type = 'EMRG') emrg
where pcr.contact_person_id in emrg.contact_person_id
and pcr.personal_flag='Y'
and contact_type <> 'EMRG'
and trunc(sysdate) between date_start and NVL(date_end,'31-DEC-4712')
and pcr.contact_type = hl.lookup_code
and hl.lookup_type='CONTACT'
and pcr.contact_person_id = papf.person_id
and trunc(sysdate) between papf.effective_start_date and papf.effective_end_date
and pcr.contact_person_id = pp.parent_id
and pp.phone_type in (select lookup_code from hr_lookups where lookup_type ='PHONE_TYPE')

Related thread here How to Pass values from SQL Report into TEXT ITEM ?

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    check your session state to see what value the select list has..
    From developer tools at bottom of running page, select session, then look for the value associated with your select list..
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    Public Class Form1
    Private Sub StickersBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
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    End Sub
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    End Sub
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    Catch ex As System.Exception
    End Try
    End Sub
    Private Sub RadioButton2_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles RadioButton2.CheckedChanged
    Catch ex As System.Exception
    End Try
    End Sub
    Private Sub RadioButton3_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles RadioButton3.CheckedChanged
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    End Try
    End Sub
    Private Sub RadioButton4_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles RadioButton4.CheckedChanged
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    End Try
    End Sub
    Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
    If RadioButton5.Checked = True Then
    If TextBox1.Text = "" Then
    Me.StickersBindingSource.Filter = "Width LIKE '" & TextBox1.Text & "%'"
    End If
    ElseIf RadioButton6.Checked = True Then
    If TextBox1.Text = "" Then
    Me.StickersBindingSource.Filter = "[Wood Type] LIKE '" & TextBox1.Text & "%'"
    End If
    ElseIf RadioButton5.Checked = False And RadioButton6.Checked = False Then
    MsgBox("Please Select a Search Criteria")
    End If
    End Sub
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    Catch ex As System.Exception
    End Try
    End Sub
    End Class

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    Not sure if this would be what you want but the Event Handler Widget would allow you to either display timed Success captions for a given number of seconds or execute advanced actions to SHOW or HIDE captions when users click the dots.  You can set preferences in the widget to Reset Success/Fail Criteria After Action to enable users to click on an object as many times as they want to repeat the action.  Set the Pausing preferences to permanently pause the slide until the user clicks another button to proceed to the next slide.
    If you want to try it out, download a free trial widget here.

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    Hello Larry,
    You can use a select list with submit and create a branch to the page you want to go to.
    Hope that helps.

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    I used push button but it can not refresh(reset) drill down cell
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    a : drill down value
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    any comments, thanks.

    first define the presentation variable for the required column prompt. ex: PV
    Then in report level set the filter for that column = @{PV}{customer office}. here u have to give default value as "customer office", so by default the report in dashboard will show customer office even though the user does not select any value from dashboard prompt.
    Mark If Helpful/correct.

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    please provide a solution for this...

    Hi Andrea,
    If you are using ADFBC, the easiest way is to drop the attribute(Say Name) from the data control palette as outputText component and add partialTriggers property of it to point to table id(to refresh the outputText whenever the row is selected in table)

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    A program is needed to get reference data from ABC database in ORACLE and update our reference tables with any changes in DEF database in SYBASE.
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    I have no idea on how to do
    2) Using your specific requirements, determine how to know if there is a "new row" or a "missing row" or a row , which has a different description
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    Sno Description
    1 Out Of Order
    2 Shipped
    3 Back Order
    Say Table B in Sybase looks like this
    Type Text
    1 Out/Order
    2 Shipped
    4 Not manufactured
    I have to see to that the rows present in Table A in oracle , should be same as rows in Table B in sybase
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    In the table example i gave , In the first row of Table B in Sybase , the Text is different from that of Description in Table A for that Sno "1"
    So we should update the description.
    Row 4 has Sno "4" which is not their in table A , so delete that row from table A.
    And In table A , Sno "3" row exists , so we should insert that record in table B.
    I know how to query the tables , and get the rows into Result Set ..after that how can i compare and take the steps to update , insert and delete?

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    Can anyone suggest me please....... its urgent

    just get this code empTable is the table binding
                    RowKeySet rks = new RowKeySetImpl(); 
                    CollectionModel model = (CollectionModel)empTable.getValue(); 
          RowKeySet selectedRowKeys = empTable.getSelectedRowKeys();
          if (selectedRowKeys != null)
                Iterator iter = selectedRowKeys.iterator();
                if (iter != null && iter.hasNext())
                  Object key = model.getRowKey(); 
        public void setEmpTable(RichTable empTable) {
            this.empTable = empTable;
        public RichTable getEmpTable() {
            return empTable;

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    Is it possible if so plz let me know

    Dear Venkat.
    You please try the following steps:
    1. Say the InfoObject is 0EMPLOYEE against which you have created the variable, which user is trying to select value against, when they execute the report.
    2. Goto RSA1-> InfoObject tab-> Select InfoObject 0EMPLOYEE.
    3. Selcet the following options:
       Query Execution Filter Val. Selectn  -  'Only Posted Value for Navigation'
       Filter Value Repr. At Query Exec. -      'Selector Box Without Values'
    Please let me know if there is any more issue. Feel free to raise further concern
    Sukdev K

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    There is an example here...

Maybe you are looking for