Reports Runtime Problem

Dear Members
I m using DS 9i with Os window 2000
my report run in paper layout but when I run the report in Web layout it return blank
same result return when I run the report from form menu item.
awaitng for your favorable response

May be related to this question ...
When I open an Oracle6i Reports Developer report in the Oracle Reports Builder 10g and run my Web layout, I get an empty Web page in my browser.

Similar Messages

  • Report viewer "Go To Next Page" button always load Page2 with Crystal Reports Runtime version 10.0.10. No problem with Crystal Reports Runtime version 10.0.5

    Report viewer "Go To Next Page" button always load Page2 with Crystal Reports Runtime version 10.0.10. No problem with Crystal Reports Runtime version 10.0.5.
    NOTE: I did not check other Crystal Runtime versions.
    Any solution?

    Visual Studio Premium 2012.
    It is a web application.
    It was working fine with Crystal Report version 13.0.5. Only change is uninstall Crystal Report version 13.0.5 and install Crystal Report version 13.0.10
    Entering page number works fine to view that page Request.Form parameters sample for that (change page from page 3 to page 5):
    __CRYSTALSTATEviewer:{"0":{"rptViewLabel":"Ana Rapor", "gpTreeCurrentExpandedPaths":{}, "vCtxt":"/wEXAwUVSXNMYXN0UGFnZU51bWJlcktub3duZwUOTGFzdFBhZ2VOdW1iZXICBQUKUGFnZU51bWJlcgIC", "pageNum":2}, "common":{"width":"100%", "Height":"100%", "enableDrillDown":true, "drillDownTarget":"_self", "printMode":"Pdf", "displayToolbar":true, "pageToTreeRatio":6, "pdfOCP":true, "promptingType":"html", 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    __CALLBACKPARAM:{"tb":"gototext", "text":"5"}
    Try to view New Page does not work. Request.Form parameters sample for that (try change page from page 2 to page 3):
    __CRYSTALSTATEviewer:{"0":{"rptViewLabel":"Ana Rapor", "gpTreeCurrentExpandedPaths":{}, "vCtxt":"/wEXAwUVSXNMYXN0UGFnZU51bWJlcktub3duZwUOTGFzdFBhZ2VOdW1iZXICBQUKUGFnZU51bWJlcgIC", "pageNum":2}, "common":{"width":"100%", "Height":"100%", "enableDrillDown":true, "drillDownTarget":"_self", "printMode":"Pdf", "displayToolbar":true, "pageToTreeRatio":6, "pdfOCP":true, "promptingType":"html", 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    text_viewer_toptoolbar_selectPg:2 / 5

  • Sub Report Performance problem

    Our current software configuration is Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (10.0.2531.0) where our data is housed. Our User Interface is Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (Visual Basic) and Microsoft .NET 3.5 SP1 platform.  We use Crystal Reports 2008 ( to do our reporting.
    We upgraded from Crystal Reports XI and our reports are taking a long time to render?... Is there any evidence of other companies experiencing this trouble? Are there any degraded performance issues when moving from XI to 2008?
    In some cases we utilizing a small simple sub report.
    Any help appreciated. Thanks.

    Hi Billy,
    Subreports in detail sections are never a good idea. Example, you have 100 records returned int he main report and if that field is your subreport link it causes the subreport to run 100 times. Your database is being queried 101 times.
    Also, the default time out for database is typically 1 minute, could be you need to verify your report and database so CR can "clean up" any wrong pointers.
    It's always better to do the data collection server side if and when possible, after all that's what they do best.
    Not much detail to go on so I can't say if it's a report design problem other than the above or not. It could be also that .NET takes time to load all of the CR assemblies so depending on how you have your app configured depends on the delay. If you load a dummy report when your starts up to pre-load CR runtime then subsequent reports will be much faster.
    Also check off all of the Verify Database options, you may be telling CR to verify each time which on big databases can cause a delay also.
    Thank you

  • Mix of different runtime problems on a mac.

    I'm on a mac 10.3 and have no intentions of upgrading. When I try to start some demo's I get a lot of different errors, all as far as I can tell related to the JRE. I installed everything from the apple website:
    Java webstart 2.3.0 (modified the May 2007)
    Applet Launcher 1.4 (modified the May 2007)
    Here's 2 of them: I give the info I get from the console:
    1. An error occurred while launching/running the application.
    Title: jME (v0.11) Test [curve.TestBezierCurve]
    Vendor: jMonkeyEngine, LLC
    Category: Invalid Argument error
    The application has requested a version of the Java 2 platform (JRE) that is currently not locally installed. Java Web Start was unable to automatically download and install the requested version. The JRE version must be installed manually.
    launch file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jnlp spec="1.0+"
    <title>jME (v0.11) Test [curve.TestBezierCurve]</title>
    <vendor>jMonkeyEngine, LLC</vendor>
    <homepage href=""/>
    <icon href="jme_logo.jpg"/>
    <description>jME (0.11) JNLP Test - curve.TestBezierCurve</description>
    <description kind="short">jME Technology Preview</description>
    <j2se version="1.5+"/>
    <jar href="jmetest.jar" main="true"/>
    <jar href="jmetest-data.jar"/>
    <extension name="jme" href="" />
    <property key="java.library.path" value="." />
    <application-desc main-class="jmetest.curve.TestBezierCurve"/>
    JNLPException[category: Invalid Argument error : Exception: null : LaunchDesc: null ]
         at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.handleApplicationDesc(
         at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.handleLaunchFile(
    Java Web Start 1.4.2_12 Console, started Thu May 03 10:23:16 NZST 2007
    Java 2 Runtime Environment: Version 1.4.2_12 by Apple Computer, Inc.
    Example 2:
    An error occurred while launching/running the application.
    Title: Tower Of Hanoi
    Vendor: J�rgen Failenschmid
    Category: Launch File Error
    Unsupported JNLP version in launch file: 1.5+. Only version 1.0 is supported with this version. Please contact the application vendor to report this problem.
    launch file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <!-- Tower Of Hanoi Webstart Configuration -->
    <jnlp spec="1.5+"
    <title>Tower Of Hanoi</title>
    <vendor>J�rgen Failenschmid</vendor>
    <homepage href=""/>
    <description>Tower Of Hanoi</description>
    <description kind="short">Animated implementation of the Tower Of Hanoi puzzle using Java 3D.</description>
    <description kind="tooltip">Tower Of Hanoi</description>
    <!-- Gif or Jpeg: 64x64 during download; 32x32 as icon. Automatically resized. -->
    <icon href="icon.gif"/>
    <!-- Splash screen during launch -->
    <icon kind="splash" href="splash.jpg"/>
    <shortcut online="false">
    <menu submenu="Anycpu"/>
    Java 3D will not run with minimum security.
    Therefore, the application JARs have to be signed.
    <j2se version="1.5+"/>
    <jar href="toh.jar" main="true"/>
    <jar href="jars/commons-logging.jar"/>
    <jar href="jars/log4j.jar"/>
    <extension href=""/>
    <application-desc main-class="net.pacbell.jfai.toh.util.Launcher">
    JNLPException[category: Launch File Error : Exception: null : LaunchDesc:
    <jnlp spec="1.5+" codebase="" href="">
        <title>Tower Of Hanoi</title>
        <vendor>J�rgen Failenschmid</vendor>
        <homepage href=""/>
        <description>Tower Of Hanoi</description>
        <description kind="short">Animated implementation of the Tower Of Hanoi puzzle using Java 3D.</description>
        <description kind="one-line">Tower Of Hanoi</description>
        <description kind="tooltip">Tower Of Hanoi</description>
        <icon href="" kind="default"/>
        <icon href="" kind="splash"/>
        <j2se initial-heap-size="-1" max-heap-size="-1" version="1.5+"/>
        <jar href="" download="eager" main="true"/>
        <jar href="" download="eager" main="false"/>
        <jar href="" download="eager" main="false"/>
        <extension href=""/>
      <application-desc main-class="net.pacbell.jfai.toh.util.Launcher">
    </jnlp> ]
         at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.handleLaunchFile(
    Java Web Start 1.4.2_12 Console, started Thu May 03 10:17:25 NZST 2007
    Java 2 Runtime Environment: Version 1.4.2_12 by Apple Computer, Inc.
    Help greatly appreciated.

    You should contact Apple for this issue.

  • Crystal Report Runtime

    Dear Readers,
    First off, if I am writing this topic in the wrong forum, I appologize.
    Secondly,  I am out of ideas on how to troubleshoot my problem and have resorted to this community in hope that I could find a solution.
    We have a software that generates crytal reports.  I design these reports myself and have access to all of them if needed. 
    Recently we have upgraded that software in question, and crystal report runtine was also upgraded ( had to uninstall crystal report runtime and install the bundled one before installing the software). 
    The software i'm talking about is bundled with Crystal Report 2008 Runtime  SP2.   With this version, when i would send reports to be printed, they would always print sideways.   I contacted support and they said:
    "This is actually a crystal runtime issue. In order to fix this you need to download a newer crystal release, the 3.1 version does have the fix:
    The Runtime is found under the Utility Software type."
    I went and downloaded the suggested file and it has fixed the sideway priting problem.
    Here are the 2 remaining problems that support cannot give me an answer to solve this:
    1- When I click the Printer button in the Crystal Report object and I select our Windows Server 2008 Fax driver,  I can see  printing to crystal report pages 1 of 2, 2of 2 and then the fax menu shows up (where i select a recipient, etc)   after i click send, the fax isnt being sent out.     If i send the same crystal report to a PDF writer instead and i try to fax it,  no problems.
    2- We have a Datamax I-4208 thermal label printer.  When crystal report jobs are sent to the printer, all the data appears on the label...except the data is incredibly small, making it almost impossible to read.   If i open the .rpt file and send it to the label printer, then no issues.
    what should i check out for?
    Any ideas on how i can start trying to fix this?

    You have two questions so I suggest you post two threads.
    A quick suggestion for your 2nd question related to the label printer. Make sure you are not using the Dissociate Formatting Page Size and Printer Paper Size feature in the Crystal Report. This allows the engine to scale your report output and results in horrible printing for label printers. Also, we've done a bunch of updates to printing in the last fix packs so ensure you are on the latest fix pack (3.3).
    Crystal Reports 2008 Reference Page
    Crystal Reports 2008 Reference [original link is broken]

  • Deploying Crystal Reports runtime using merge module failed

    I am having a problem when deploying Crystal Reports using merge module runtime, included into MS Visual Studio web setup project, when installing my *.msi with CR runtime on a completely clean PC (with only MS Windows installed). Error: Failed to register one of the Crystal Reportsu2019 *.dll because it could not find Microsoft visual C++ runtime (msvcr71.dll was not in Windows\System32 folder)
    I am using Crystal Reports runtime merge modules, which I downloaded from here:
    I tried both (Crystal Reports 2008) and (Crystal Reports 2008 SP1)
    cr120 could not find msvcr71.dll, cr121 could not find msvcp80.dll.
    Steps to reproduce:
    -          In MS Visual Studio 2008 create a new empty Web Setup Project.
    -          Add Crystal Reports merge module CRRuntime_12_0.msm or CRRuntime_12_1.msm
    -          Build *.msi
    -          Try to install this *.msi on a completely clean PC. I tried it on Windows Server 2003 R2 SP3, which did not have msvcr71.dll or msvcp80.dll files in C:\Windows\System32 or in any other PATH folders.
    -          During installation there is an error u2013 failed to register one of the Crystal Reportsu2019 *.dll
    I am looking forward to hear from you.
    Thank you.

    I believe these threads have the answer for you:

  • Reports Runtime - Settings in Designer 9i

    When executing Reports Runtime, through Repository Reports (Designer 9i) and the program call the browser.
    I tried to alter General Settings, but it didn't advance
    I tried to alter registration variables and also without success.
    Did anybody already have similar problems?

    I've been working with Metalink folks on this issue, they have reported a new bug in Designer9i dealing with capturing report rdf files. And, I think they have narrowed it down the issue that if a report has a parameter form then the capturing will fail and generate that error. I just tested with some reports that have parameter form, yes, indeed they all FAILED. The bug is not published yet. So we will have to wait 'til they fix it.

  • Forms & Reports Runtime 6i with XP with 8.1.7 Middleware, Forms install hangs.

    Here it goes!
    I work at a large corporation and we have random installer problems with Forms Runtime and Reports Runtime. We have an image that includes Oracle 8.1.7 TCP/IP and ODBC middleware installed on XP under an Active Directory environment. Our problem is, and it became wierd as the installs went on through the last few days... We started out by installing Forms Runtime and all the support files that are, by default, included, then exit the installer, then start an install of Reports Runtime, which worked fine, all was good and the software developed for us worked great. Did I mention we're deploying XP machines at 1.6 GHZ P4's? The next thing you know it, We could only install Forms Runtime but not Reports Runtime! The installer raises an error suggesting the orainst.exe failed.
    After some quik research that seemed to solve it, we found that the PATH in the XP registry was altered from EXPANDED_REG_SZ to REG_SZ. We would change it back to EXPANDED_REG_SZ, reboot, and then continue on.... Everything seemed to be solved.
    BUT THEN TODAY we cannot even do that. We get as far as installing the Forms Runtime and now 99% of the time we cannot install the Reports Runtime without raising the error of ORAINST.EXE.
    Once I changed only 1 entry in the registry called NLS_LANG to NA as type REG_SZ and it installed... I cannot repeat the problem, I tried.
    Is this a Rights problem? That's basically what I have boiled it down to. We are changing from an NT server environment to Active Directory and might be experiencing problems relating to rights.
    All I can say, is this is the strangest thing I've seen in my 20 years in IT! Nothing makes sense. I did find a couple clues such as using 256 color mode, DEFAULT_HOME should be the name, bvut everything was flawless for about 3 days and 25 installs... Things got worse as the days went by. HELP!!!

    Apparently this isn't a major concern with Oracle or the user community, as I'm still awaiting a solution to a similar problem, that is, in ability to install Developer and Designer 2000 with 9i already loaded on XP. Good luck.

  • Forms & reports runtimes

    Forgive me if this is the wrong discussion group. I am new to
    this area.
    I'm working on an existing application and the original Oracle
    cds have been lost. I need the following:
    1. forms runtime
    2. reports runtime
    3. whichever version of sql net client goes with (1) and (2).
    Does anyone know where I might download these?
    Many Thanks
    Ray Maas
    [email protected]

    Hey Ray,
    I had a similar problem a while back. I couldn't find any
    download sites for outdated software, so I eventually had to go
    to a bookstore and find an old book with the same evaluation
    version and pick out what I needed from it.
    Good luck,

  • Crystal Report Runtime start splwow64.exe on windows 64 OS

    We are using the Crystal Reports runtime in our application. We are utilizing the runtime through the COM interface. Recently a client of us installed our application on windows 2003 64-bit. Now whenever a report is created windows starts splwow64.exe. As i understand this is a process started by windows to ensure compatibility with 32-bit. Normally this process is released when the job is done. However in our case the proces is never released and remains exclusively locked. Other application on the same machine also need this splwow64 process and this is now causing a problem.
    When the other applications on the server start splwow64 first it released when the job is done. It is only when creating a report (pdf) using the CR-runtime, it is never released.
    Any help would be very much appriciated!

    Hi Ronald,
    XI is past it's end of life so nothing we can do to fix it now. Try CR XI R2 ( 11.5 ) with Service Pack 6, it has a better chance of working on 64 bit OS's.
    Go to this link: and download the trial version of CR XI R2 and use your XI keycode, then apply the patches which you can get to by clicking on the BusinessObjects tab above, then Downloads.
    Direct link to the Trial version:
    Searching on this dll it appears to be the 32 to 64 bit Thunking spooler that converts 32 bit print jobs into 64 bit jobs ( or the other way around ). CR only supports 32 bit runtime so it may be that your print driver has issues. If you can find one that is 32 bit only but works on 64 bit OS then that will likely resolve the issue.
    Otherwise I suggest you contact the printer manufacture and ask them how to make their 64 bit driver work with a 32 bit app.
    Thank you

  • Reports runtime standalone

    we are trying to see if there is an alternative way to execute a report on a client machine (other than deploying to an application server).
    Our dev. env. currently is Reports builder 6i (an we are deploying on an application server 9i
    A way to do that it would be to call from our java application the rwrun60 executable passing the reports parameters, but the problem is what has to be installed on a client machine? The full iDS, the reports designer, or just a subset (possibly only an executable). And which pkind of license is necessary for the client to have?
    Luca Mearelli

    Since you are running Reports 6i, you can install Reports Runtime only on a PC, via the Oracle installer.

  • Dear Apple Support,  Good day to you. This is to report the problem i encountered when i updated my Ipad mini to the new IOS 8.1..  After the update my Ipad restart and after that it appears a picture that need to connect to itunes and need  to resto

    Dear Apple Support,
    Good day to you.
    This is to report the problem i encountered when i updated my Ipad mini to the new IOS 8.1..
    After the update my Ipad restart and after that it appears a picture that need to connect to itunes and need  to restore. So i connect it to itunes and wait to restore my ipad mini because it is not opening.
    After restoring it my ipad is now opening and it is like new that i need to set up again.
    I set up again until i reach the apple id and password.
    I put my below apple ID and password to unlock my ipad but it didn't work. The message i receive is "the apple ID cannot be used to unlock this Ipad.
    What will I do? Please help.
    Thank you
    Sent from my iPhone
    Begin forwarded message:
    From: Apple <[email protected]***>
    Date: October 9, 2013 at 11:53:53 PM GMT+4
    To: ****
    Subject: Your Apple ID was used to sign in to iCloud and iMessage on an iPad mini 
    Dear Leslie J.,
    Your Apple ID was used to sign in to iCloud and iMessage on an iPad mini named “Leslie Joye's iPad”.
    If you have not recently set up an iPad with your Apple ID, then you should change your Apple ID password. Learn more.
    Apple Support
    <Email Edited By Host>

    1. It is never a good idea to include personal info like your email address or Apple ID in a post on an open forum.
    2. The email you received DOES NOT say your Apple ID cannot be used to unlock this iPad. The email informs you that your Apple ID was used to unlock an iPad. Fortunately the iPad is yours. The message confirms that. If your Apple ID was used to unlock an iPad that was not yours your would then know to change your password. Since the iPad is yours you do not need to change your password.
    Is your iPad working?

  • How can I report a problem with downloading?

    I purchased a rather long album and halfway through downloading it gave me the message, "We could not complete your istore request. The network connection timed out. Error 8003." The only guidance it offers is to check the network connection. Nothing wrong there. Now I can get into the store and the balance of the album no longer shows up under downloads, just old stuff that really shouldn't even be there. I went into my account, and under purchase history clicked onto "Report a problem." All I got out of that is the same page minus the report a problem button.
    I'm frankly sick of this iphone and all the problems I've encountered with their upgrade failures, but this disappearig report a problem just tells me they really don't want to hear from you and no one is minding the store.
    Any other places to report a problem? Or advice onto how to get the missing songs?
    Thanks., I've just spent the last 1-1/2 hours on this board and going back and forth in the istore and am very frustrated.

    Click here and fill out the form for assistance.

  • HT5429 How long after you report a problem does it take for the fix to be picked up in maps?

    How long after you report a problem does it take for the fix to be picked up in maps? The street I live on is misspelled. It's shown as one word, but it should be two words. Maps cannot find the address when it is spelled correctly, so I have it purposely misspelled it as one word in my contacts, which helps for the most part, however it still tries to place my home on an entirely different street all together. Fortunately this new random street is at least close to where I live. When I used to spell my street correctly with two words, maps would try to send me to the next town over. So it kind of works, as long as I misspell my street, and ignore the fact that it is showing where I live to be a couple of streets down from where I actually live. I live in Connecticut - not in the most populated of areas, but not in the middle of nowhere either. Amazingly enough Google Maps will correctly find my address whether it's spelled with one words or two words. Google Maps also shows my apartment complex, which Apple Maps does not. I really wish Apple would just do a quick pass of the area to fix these issues. I’ve reported the problem several times, months ago. How long will it take for there to be a fix? I keep trying to use the Apple ecosystem, but Google is clearly the better solution for me.

    Apple does not do the GIS data for maps. That comes from 3rd party vendors like Tom Tom. I have read it takes some time to update map data. The only thing you can do is report it.
    Not to belittle your complaint, but on my end it is Apple that is clearly better. When looking at my house in Google, the satellite photo is more than 4 years old, and the Apple one is much newer. I can tell because of the condition of my home and the neighbor's. They had an above ground pool which was removed 4 years ago and it shows on the Google Map. I had remodeling and roof work done to my home that started 3 years ago and Apple's satellite view showed this work done, which took over a year to complete. I live in the middle of a block in a rural town. Both Apple and Google split the block into 100 parts and put my home close to the beginning of the block instead of where it actually sits. I've reported it to both Google and Apple and no one has changed. Just one of those things. But, keep your chin up, it will get corrected eventually.

  • Interactive report performance problem over database link - Oracle Gateway

    Hello all;
    This is regarding a thread Interactive report performance problem over database link that was posted by Samo.
    The issue that I am facing is when I use Oracle function like (apex_item.check_box) the query slow down by 45 seconds.
    query like this: (due to sensitivity issue, I can not disclose real table name)
    SELECT apex_item.checkbox(1,b.col3)
    , a.col1
    , a.col2
    FROM table_one a
    , table_two b
    WHERE a.col3 = 12345
    AND a.col4 = 100
    AND b.col5 = a.col5
    table_one and table_two are remote tables (non-oracle) which are connected using Oracle Gateway.
    Now if I run above queries without apex_item.checkbox function the query return or response is less than a second but if I have apex_item.checkbox then the query run more than 30 seconds. I have resolved the issues by creating a collection but it’s not a good practice.
    I would like to get ideas from people how to resolve or speed-up the query?
    Any idea how to use sub-factoring for the above scenario? Or others method (creating view or materialized view are not an option).
    Thank you.
    Shaun S.

    Hi Shaun
    Okay, I have a million questions (could you tell me if both tables are from the same remote source, it looks like they're possibly not?), but let's just try some things first.
    By now you should understand the idea of what I termed 'sub-factoring' in a previous post. This is to do with using the WITH blah AS (SELECT... syntax. Now in most circumstances this 'materialises' the results of the inner select statement. This means that we 'get' the results then do something with them afterwards. It's a handy trick when dealing with remote sites as sometimes you want the remote database to do the work. The reason that I ask you to use the MATERIALIZE hint for testing is just to force this, in 99.99% of cases this can be removed later. Using the WITH statement is also handled differently to inline view like SELECT * FROM (SELECT... but the same result can be mimicked with a NO_MERGE hint.
    Looking at your case I would be interested to see what the explain plan and results would be for something like the following two statements (sorry - you're going have to check them, it's late!)
    WITH a AS
    FROM table_one),
    b AS
    FROM table_two),
    sourceqry AS
    (SELECT  b.col3 x
           , a.col1 y
           , a.col2 z
    FROM table_one a
        , table_two b
    WHERE a.col3 = 12345
    AND   a.col4 = 100
    AND   b.col5 = a.col5)
    SELECT apex_item.checkbox(1,x), y , z
    FROM sourceqry
    WITH a AS
    FROM table_one),
    b AS
    FROM table_two)
    SELECT  apex_item.checkbox(1,x), y , z
    FROM table_one a
        , table_two b
    WHERE a.col3 = 12345
    AND   a.col4 = 100
    AND   b.col5 = a.col5If the remote tables are at the same site, then you should have the same results. If they aren't you should get the same results but different to the original query.
    We aren't being told the real cardinality of the inners select here so the explain plan is distorted (this is normal for queries on remote and especially non-oracle sites). This hinders tuning normally but I don't think this is your problem at all. How many distinct values do you normally get of the column aliased 'x' and how many rows are normally returned in total? Also how are you testing response times, in APEX, SQL Developer, Toad SQLplus etc?
    Sorry for all the questions but it helps to answer the question, if I can.
    Don't forget to mark replies helpful or correct ;)

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