Req: My folders access via PC suite

Can Nokia please add access to the "my folders" folder via PC Suite for the N80 as it is for other phones.

When you open the contacts in PC Suite, it actually open an extended Windows Explorer view and in that window, when you have the contacts folder highlighted, if you press F5 it should update the list of contacts visible. Also there is a small button with phone and arrow, if you press that, it updtes the list.
I did not quite get the comment about editing contacts without resyncing, pressing the F5 actually causes a sync between the phone and PC view and if you then open a contact and edit, when oyu press save, again it resyncs the editied contact to phone.
Unless you save the contact to your PC somewhere, but then obiviously the cahges are not in your phone.

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    Thanks in advance

    I'm not sure you can access them via PC-Suite.
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    I found a situation where your error message appears. It is the case when the nokia is connected using the data transfer mode and simultaneously the OneTouch Application is started. Then the device is not recognized by the modem software. The PC Suite mode is required for the OneTouch Application.
    In my situation I think I already saw all of the possible error messages described in the documentation during the various experiments.
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  • Contacts not shown in messages sent via PC Suite

    Hi all,
    OS : Windows XP SP2
    Connectivity : USB CA 101
    Handset : Nokia N 82
    Handset details : V 30.0.019
    Issue : If i send any message from my phone, in sent folder the contact person's name will display whereas for the messages sent via pc suite's communication centre, in sent folders only numbers are displayed despite the contacts are stored in the phone, same contacts' name will displayed if a message is sent via phone??? Is it an issue? Known bug from PC Suite ???

    there may be differencies between phone models here (S60 devices or S40 devices, you have S40). Also if I recall right, it used to be so that some older versions of PC Suite did not save the PC sent sms's to phone.
    However, with my N95 the messages are saved. So make sure you have the latest Pc Suite and then try again. If it fails, then it might be that message saving is not supported with S40 phones (Anyone having a S40 phone could verify this)

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    Open the Users folder on the internal drive, drag all of the other home folders to the desktop, and then move the files inside to the desired locations.

  • TC with Access via User Accounts

    Hi all folks,
    I start using a new TC (2TB with 7.5.1) with access via User Accounts switched on, but it confuses me a little. In general I'm interesting in storing some more data to the TC, also I'm interesting in using seperate folder/mountpoints.
    I add some User Accounts (I used the short names from my Mac, for example lutz, test, work, gast and admin) and every User can logon/connect to the TC, with a User Folder and a "Data" Folder, but admin can't connect to the User Folder.
    All the time I try to logon/connect with the admin User, I can mount the "Data" Folder, but I can't mount the "admin" Folder (but the folder is shown).
    In the Mac Syslog I find,
    NetworkNode::handleMountCallBack returned -6602
    I got a box with,
    The operation cannot be completed because the original item for "admin" cannot be found.
    And in the TC Syslog I find,
    Syslog Protocol 6 - All Information
    Nov 18 00:16:54 Gewichtung: 5 AFP login OK from [email protected].
    Nov 18 00:16:57 Gewichtung: 5 AFP session from [email protected] closing.
    Nov 18 00:16:58 Gewichtung: 5 AFP login OK from [email protected].
    Nov 18 00:18:03 Gewichtung: 3 No Address for NTP server
    I got folders like this, "lutz" and "Data" and both are empty.
    From the admin Point of view the "Data" Folder looks like this and the "admin" folder can't connect too.
    My question, is "admin" an TC internal User too?
    What's the reason I can't mount the "admin" Folder and why I got a complete view to the TC filesystem with the "admin" User only?
    It's nice to see this, but what's the reason!
    How to add some more Shared folder for data exchange?!
    Any idea what's happend,
    thanks for any help, I can't find any information about this behavior,
    The password from the User Account definitions are ignored for the "admin" user, the TC Password is used all the time.
    I read "", too.

    Hi all folks,
    anyone who spend some time to add an User Account named "admin" to a TC and try to logon/connect to the TC with this user.
    If someone try to do this, don't use the same password for "admin" and the TC itself, but try to logon/connect with "admin" to the TC with the defined passwords, both. I can connect "admin" to the TC with the TC password only, not with the password defined via User Account.
    Thanks for any help,

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    If you want to try downloading manually plenty of posts by ovikovi or myself upon how to apply data to (16) folders 0 -9 and a - f in either E:\cities\diskcache or F:\cities\diskcache as appropriate:SouthAfrica
    Happy to have helped forum with a Support Ratio = 42.5

  • Web-UI error message "Access via 'NULL' object reference not possible"

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    From the, I found this topic
    but in the document it asked to go to SM59 to check the ESH_APPL_WS_TEMPLATEENGINE destination.  But we don't have that destination setup in all our systems.
    Here is the complete error message:
    Error when processing your request
    What has happened?
    The URL http://crm-dev.staff.copa:8000/sap/bc/bsp/sap/crm_ui_frame/ was not called due to an error.
    ■The following error text was processed in the system CD1 : Access via 'NULL' object reference not possible.
    ■The error occurred on the application server CRM-DEV_CD1_00 and in the work process 0 .
    ■The termination type was: RABAX_STATE
    ■The ABAP call stack was:
    Method: PROCESS_NAV_QUEUE of program CL_BSP_WD_VIEW_MANAGER========CP
    Method: DO_INIT of program CL_BSP_CTRL_ADAPTER===========CP
    Method: GET_PAGE_CONTEXT_CURRENT of program CL_BSP_CONTEXT================CP
    Method: ON_REQUEST_ENTER of program CL_BSP_RUNTIME================CP
    Method: ON_REQUEST of program CL_BSP_RUNTIME================CP
    What can I do?
    ■If the termination type was RABAX_STATE, then you can find more information on the cause of the termination in the system CD1 in transaction ST22.
    ■If the termination type was ABORT_MESSAGE_STATE, then you can find more information on the cause of the termination on the application server CRM-DEV_CD1_00 in transaction SM21.

    Hi Michael,
    Refer to the link below and check the procedure.

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    You're saying that when you click on the  iCloud preference pane button it sends you to the defunct MMe
    rather than giving you this?
    Is your profile up to date, i.e. are your running 10.7.5?  Make sure you click on the iCloud button and not the MMe button.

  • The following error text was processed in the system IDS : Access via 'NULL' object reference not possible.

    Hi all ,
    Im getting the below error , actually recently i created my own custom table zstudent, later i wrote select query to fetch data from the same and dump at internal table and then bind this to the table node.
    But im getting below error, even i removed the select query still same error is occuring.
    Error when processing your request
      What has happened?
    The URL http://********00.***** was not called due to an error.
    The following error text was processed in the system IDS : Access via 'NULL' object reference not possible.
    The error occurred on the application server axsids00_IDS_00 and in the work process 0 .
    The termination type was: RABAX_STATE
    The ABAP call stack was:
    Method: WDDOINIT of program /1BCWDY/YUSM2Q74A826Y0JY1I4V==CP
    Method: INIT_CONTROLLER of program CL_WDR_CONTROLLER=============CP
    Method: INIT_CONTROLLER of program CL_WDR_COMPONENT==============CP
    Method: INIT of program CL_WDR_CONTROLLER=============CP
    Method: INIT of program CL_WDR_CLIENT_COMPONENT=======CP
    Method: INIT of program CL_WDR_CLIENT_APPLICATION=====CP
    Method: IF_WDR_RUNTIME~CREATE of program CL_WDR_MAIN_TASK==============CP

    Thanks Rama,
    Acutally i accidentally commented the lo_nd_student = wd_context ....etc
    this line was commented .
    i have one small requirement to fetch data from local customised table and fill the same to internal table and bind that to table node.
    my table node is student having attributes as name , city and number , all are of type strings.
    now i created one custom table zstudent having ID - char of length 10,
    name of type string
    city of type string
    num of type string
    i have inserted records
    but when i use select query to fill data from this zstudent to my internal table of type lt_student type wd_this->elements_student ,
    im getting same above error.

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    I am trying to get a remote panel application to "run when opened" when is accessed via Internet explorer. I have multiple remote panel licenses on the server and the VI is Re-entrant. The application works well except for this issue. Having the VI "Run When Opened" via IE is very important to the user. As is, when IE opens, the user must click on the panel image once to get the VI's attention and then again on the start arrow to run the program. Is there any way around this or a way to simplify the process?
    Go to Solution.

    This is actually the intended operation of remote front panels, however, we can simplify the operation to meet closer with what your customer wants.  Basically, if you were to always have your program run in somewhat of an idle state, you can use the Application Control>>Property node for 'RemotePanel.ConnToClients' property to determine when a user is connected and run the proccess of the program as soon as a connection is detected.  When no connection is detected you could have the program run in an idle state.  The attached screenshot shows a general way to do this.  Have a good evening!
    idle state.JPG ‏45 KB

  • Getting error "Access via null" when running the web dynpro application

    Hi experts,
    I am getting the below error while executing my web dynpro application
    500 SAP Internal Server Error
    ERROR: Access via 'NULL' object reference not possible. (termination: RABAX_STATE)
    I am getting the error only when I am calling a method create manufacturer from my web dynpro program. If i comment this code my application works fine
    CALL METHOD wd_this->mo_ch_instance->create_manufacturer
        gi_manufacturer = ls_manufacturer
        lv_message      = lv_status
    i have created a attribute mo_ch_instance of type YSRM70CL_CH_SW_MD  where YSRM70CL_CH_SW_MD is the class which has the create_manufacturer method that i am using in my code.
    Kindly let me know whats the issue.

    if   wd_this->mo_ch_instance is not initial.
    CALL METHOD wd_this->mo_ch_instance->create_manufacturer
    gi_manufacturer = ls_manufacturer
    lv_message = lv_status
    Check wether you have created the object for that class r not.

  • Access via 'NULL' object reference not possible   - GET_RANGE_TABLE_OF_SEL_

    Hi Guru's,
       i am new for WebDynpro programming.I am trying to use select-options tutorial.
    System showing select options and table binding on screen when i test the application.
    I have using search button to get the value which user will i/p.for that onaction method created, i have writen the code to get the values which user will input.
    Method  given below is of componentcontroler
    method wddoinit .
      data: lt_range_table type ref to data,
            rt_range_table type ref to data,
            read_only type abap_bool,
            lt_range_table1 type ref to data.
      data: lr_componentcontroller type ref to ig_componentcontroller,
            l_ref_cmp_usage type ref to if_wd_component_usage.
    create the used component
      l_ref_cmp_usage = wd_this->wd_cpuse_select_options( ).
      if l_ref_cmp_usage->has_active_component( ) is initial.
        l_ref_cmp_usage->create_component( ).
      wd_this->m_wd_select_options = wd_this->wd_cpifc_select_options( ).
      wd_this->m_handler = wd_this->m_wd_select_options->init_selection_screen( ).
                              i_display_btn_cancel  = abap_false
                              i_display_btn_check   = abap_false
                              i_display_btn_reset   = abap_false
                              i_display_btn_execute = abap_false ).
      lt_range_table = wd_this->m_handler->create_range_table( i_typename = 'S_CARR_ID' ).
      wd_this->m_handler->add_selection_field( i_id = 'CARRID'
      it_result = lt_range_table i_read_only = read_only ).
      call method wd_this->m_handler->add_horizontal_divider
          i_id = 'LINE'.
    Method  given below is of VIEW.
    Retrieve the data from the select option
    Assign it to a field symbol
                           WHERE CARRID IN <FS_CARRID>.
    while executing appln. error is trigger on line given below
    Err: The following error text was processed in the system BCD : Access via 'NULL' object reference not possible.
    please help me out on this issue.
    Thanks and Regards
    Vinayak Sapkal

    hi ,
    The attribute M_HANDLER is an attirbute of component controller (as told by your post) and so you cannot access it as you have done it.
    You will have to access it as .
    Try doing it.
    Or else , if you have created a similar attribute in your view itself , then it is "INITIAL" and hence you are getting the dump.
    You will have to assign the view attribute "M_HANDLER" with the value of your component controller attribute "M_HANDLER" ,because all the initializations are done in WDDOINIT of comp controller and on component controller atribute "M_HANDLER".

  • BSP css & mime objects not found when accessed via iView in the Portal

    A locally developed BSP Application has defined it's own CSS and MIME objects.
    This works well when accessed via the Integrated ITS in ECC6.
    However, when we access this the BSP application from an iView in a Portal (NW04S), the css and MIME objects do not appear to be loaded.
    What are we missing?

    Hi Doug,
      have you found out the reason for this issue, i encountered the same problem when i access the HCM_LEARNING bsp, would you  please give some addvice if you have any idea?

  • Remote TC access via port forwarding

    I have been trying to setup my network for remote TC access via port forwarding. Here's my setup:
    Verizon FiOS router (main router, dhcp & nat) -> connected to TC set in bridge mode with a static IP
    I can remotely access the TC using Back to my Mac with no problems, and of course locally on the home network via Wifi.
    Since the TC has to connect in bridge mode, port forwarding is done on the FiOS router.
    If I set a port forwarding rule in the FiOS router TCP,UDP (any) to port 548, it works. However I want to use a specific connection port
    so others can't connect unless they know the forwarded port. BTW, I have remote disk sharing set with Use Device Password.
    So here's what works:
    FiOS Router (TCP any -> 548, UDP any ->548)
    What doesn't work:
    FiOS router (TCP 8990 -> 548, UDP 8990 -> 548).
    Is there any additional setting required for specific port forwarding to work?

    You're my hero!
    I also have my TC in Bridge Mode to my Verizon FIOS Router.  I used to be able to access my TC remotely, but since I upgraded my router (MI424WR GigE), I had forgotten some port forwarding rules I must have established in my old router.  Once I re-created these two port forwarding rules (just like yours), I can remote access my TC (with TC password) again.
    In addition, I have a static host name aliased to my dynamic IP address through (I have the free version, which I don't think is available anymore, but there are other free providers out there) for easier remote access.
    Regarding, Secure Share Disks: with TC password vs a disk password. Is one more secure than the other?

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