Require Table

Dear Guruji
We want to devlop one report in BIW.for that we want table detail for following matter.we are using Process order scenario
1.  Total BOM for FERT or HALB up to End level
2. Total work center use for that master recipe with time.
3 MIC for all the material which is use in BOM

The required tables;
Work Center
CRHD - Workcenter Header Data
CRCA - Workcenter Capacity Allocation
CRCO - Workcenter Cost Center Assignment
CRHH - Hierarchy Header
CRHS - Hierarchy Structure
CRTX - Workcenter Text
KAKO - Capacity Header
KAZY - Intervals of Capacity
Bill of Material
STPO - BOM Item Details
STPU - BOM Sub Items (designators)
STKO - BOM Header Details
MAST - BOM Group to Material
STZU - BOM History Records
STAS - BOM Item Selection
STPF - BOM Explosion Structure
QPMT - Master Inspection Characteristics Texts 
QPMK  - Inspection characteristic master
Hope it helps !!
Thanks !!

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    Hi, Samar
    for getting TDS the required table is WITH_ITEM where you will find the data related to TDS deduction. On the basis of Customers & Vendors.
    Surender Bhomia

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    Message no. OXT_MISC328
    Not all databases permit deletion of fields in existing tables. Deletion may be required when making changes. In this case, the table must be converted, and then it has the status Partially active. The extension is otherwise flagged as having errors.
    Take the tables that are to be converted from the log. Use the database utility to make the conversion. Conversion may require a lot of time and resources. Then repeat the transaction in the Easy Enhancement that led to this message.
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    Edited by: Nanda Kishore on Sep 2, 2009 8:16 AM

    Hi Kishore,
    Go to Database Utility (SE14) --> select the table names from you log and (in next screen) press button Activate & Adjust database and check that the Status becomes Active. Depending on the size of table , might take some minutes to activate this table.


    HI ALL,

    For Dependant requirements and Reservations , use table RESB
    For PIR  use Tables PBIM ,PBED
    For Sales order requirements use Table VBAP, VBEP
    krishna Mohan
    Edited by: Krishna Mohan N on Jan 24, 2008 11:06 AM

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    Primary Key - ( FileName, LastUpdatedBy,ApprovedBy)
    Constraint : FileName,lastUpdatedBy,ApprovedBy cannot be null. Default values for LastUpdatedBy, ApprovedBy, DisapprovedBy is NONE, and LogicallyDeleted is N.
    Note : User should not be allowed to create more that two records for same fileName.
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    Do i need to have table lock, then count row with a particular file name and if count >2 then commit else throw some exception. And if this is needs to be done than which method should be overridden to do that.

    To Shay : ( You can define a new method validation at the entity level to do the check for you. )
    From my post : - Where should that logic can be implemented in ADF BC and what logic ( anything different from what I mentioned in post ) ?
    If I am going to write validation in custom method at entity level, I think it is not handling the scenario properly. For example : Query for Count on fileName records is fired in validator method for two entities before the commit is happening for any of the two.
    Also What logic : do you agree with table lock logic requirement here ?
    To Santosh,
    I think you didn't got the scenario. It does not talk about two user doing normal edit on same record. Notice two facts mentioned in post :
    1. When a user selects a record to edit... he is not actually editing it. We create a copy of the row ( with FileName , LastUpdatedBy,ApprovedBy,LogicallyDeleted as readOnly and prepopulated with sameFileName as original record, UserId in LastUpdatedBy, NONE defaults for Approved by and Disapproved By , N default for LogicallyDeleted) launched in popup. Popup has two buttons ... save and cancel. On cancel we rollback transaction ( i.e. deletes the newly created copy ) and Save ... eventually commits the row.
    2. Not more two records should get created in table for same fileName. So two users trying to edit same record will eventually try to create the 3 records in database table. It should fail for 3rd one...
    What logic should be written ... Does it really need the table lock ? Etc

  • Dependent requirement table

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    I have run long term planning , in which table i can see the dependent requirements?
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    Try MDKP table or MDTB/MDRS
    Check in Database Table where MRP Run results are saved-Urgent
    Edited by: Jiaul Haque on Sep 6, 2010 11:07 AM

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    Could any one tell me in which table all the data situated. Means I need to cross check all data are uploaded correctly or not?
    Thanks In advance,

    I have tried as per above suggestion, But it is not showing uploaded value ( amount).
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    Since we need to cross check it ( uploaded amount within one single screen).

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    [2013-06-12 21:52:15,554 IST] [INFO ] [.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [fatwire.logging.cs.install] READURL successful ReadURL for element OpenMarket/Xcelerate/Installation/AddACL?name=xceleditor&command=addacl&COMMANDNAME=READURL&USERNAME=ContentServer&permission=63&PASSWORD=<user password>&
    [2013-06-12 21:52:15,566 IST] [INFO ] [.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [fatwire.logging.cs.install] READURL successful ReadURL for element OpenMarket/Xcelerate/Installation/AddACL?name=xceladmin&command=addacl&COMMANDNAME=READURL&USERNAME=ContentServer&permission=127&PASSWORD=<user password>&
    [2013-06-12 21:52:15,578 IST] [INFO ] [.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [fatwire.logging.cs.install] READURL successful ReadURL for element OpenMarket/Xcelerate/Installation/AddACL?name=xcelpublish&command=addacl&COMMANDNAME=READURL&USERNAME=ContentServer&permission=63&PASSWORD=<user password>&
    [2013-06-12 21:52:15,590 IST] [INFO ] [.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [fatwire.logging.cs.install] READURL successful ReadURL for element OpenMarket/Xcelerate/Installation/AddACL?name=Visitor&command=addacl&COMMANDNAME=READURL&USERNAME=ContentServer&permission=63&PASSWORD=<user password>&
    [2013-06-12 21:52:15,602 IST] [INFO ] [.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [fatwire.logging.cs.install] READURL successful ReadURL for element OpenMarket/Xcelerate/Installation/AddACL?name=VisitorAdmin&command=addacl&COMMANDNAME=READURL&USERNAME=ContentServer&permission=127&PASSWORD=<user password>&
    [2013-06-12 21:52:15,614 IST] [INFO ] [.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [fatwire.logging.cs.install] READURL successful ReadURL for element OpenMarket/Xcelerate/Installation/AddACL?name=RemoteClient&command=addacl&COMMANDNAME=READURL&USERNAME=ContentServer&permission=127&PASSWORD=<user password>&
    [2013-06-12 21:52:15,627 IST] [INFO ] [.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [fatwire.logging.cs.install] READURL successful ReadURL for element OpenMarket/Xcelerate/Installation/AddACL?name=WSUser&command=addacl&COMMANDNAME=READURL&USERNAME=ContentServer&permission=1&PASSWORD=<user password>&
    [2013-06-12 21:52:15,639 IST] [INFO ] [.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [fatwire.logging.cs.install] READURL successful ReadURL for element OpenMarket/Xcelerate/Installation/AddACL?name=WSEditor&command=addacl&COMMANDNAME=READURL&USERNAME=ContentServer&permission=63&PASSWORD=<user password>&
    [2013-06-12 21:52:15,652 IST] [INFO ] [.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [fatwire.logging.cs.install] READURL successful ReadURL for element OpenMarket/Xcelerate/Installation/AddACL?name=WSAdmin&command=addacl&COMMANDNAME=READURL&USERNAME=ContentServer&permission=127&PASSWORD=<user password>&
    [2013-06-12 21:52:15,663 IST] [ERROR] [.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [fatwire.logging.cs.xcelerate] Error: com.openmarket.xcelerate.commands.EventManagerDispatcher: Install: com.openmarket.basic.interfaces.AssetException: Error: errno=-22 on call to catalog manager for table 'CSEvents'
    [2013-06-12 21:52:15,664 IST] [INFO ] [.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [fatwire.logging.cs.xml] Installation Error in Basic/Install: errno -22 from EVENTMANAGER.INSTALL: Error: com.openmarket.xcelerate.commands.EventManagerDispatcher: Install: com.openmarket.basic.interfaces.AssetException: Error: errno=-22 on call to catalog manager for table 'CSEvents'
    [2013-06-12 21:52:15,666 IST] [INFO ] [.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [fatwire.logging.cs.install] READURL successful ReadURL for element OpenMarket/Xcelerate/Installation/Basic/Install?editacl=xceleditor&adminacl=xceladmin&COMMANDNAME=READURL&upgrade-log=C:/owcSites/oracle/webcenter/sites/logs/sites.log&USERNAME=ContentServer&upgradefrom=<user password>&
    [2013-06-12 21:52:15,681 IST] [ERROR] [.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [fatwire.logging.cs.xcelerate] Error: com.openmarket.xcelerate.commands.ObjectPublishManagerDispatcher: Install: com.openmarket.basic.interfaces.AssetException: Error: errno=-22 on call to catalog manager for table 'ObjectPublish'
    [2013-06-12 21:52:15,682 IST] [ERROR] [.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [fatwire.logging.cs.xcelerate] Error: com.openmarket.xcelerate.commands.DistributionListDispatcher: Install: com.openmarket.basic.interfaces.AssetException: Error: errno=-22 on call to catalog manager for table 'DistributionList'
    [2013-06-12 21:52:15,682 IST] [ERROR] [.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [fatwire.logging.cs.xcelerate] Error: com.openmarket.xcelerate.commands.ApprovedAssetsDispatcher: Install: com.openmarket.basic.interfaces.AssetException: Error: errno=-22 on call to catalog manager for table 'ApprovedAssets'
    [2013-06-12 21:52:15,683 IST] [ERROR] [.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [fatwire.logging.cs.xcelerate] Error: com.openmarket.xcelerate.commands.AssetExportTargetManagerDispatcher: Install: com.openmarket.basic.interfaces.AssetException: Error: errno=-22 on call to catalog manager for table 'AssetExportData'
    [2013-06-12 21:52:15,684 IST] [ERROR] [.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [fatwire.logging.cs.xcelerate] Error: com.openmarket.xcelerate.commands.AssetDefaultTemplateManagerDispatcher: Install: com.openmarket.basic.interfaces.AssetException: Error: errno=-22 on call to catalog manager for table 'AssetDefaultTemplate'
    [2013-06-12 21:52:15,684 IST] [ERROR] [.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [fatwire.logging.cs.xcelerate] Error: com.openmarket.xcelerate.commands.AssetPublishListDispatcher: Install: com.openmarket.basic.interfaces.AssetException: Error: errno=-22 on call to catalog manager for table 'AssetPublishList'
    [2013-06-12 21:52:15,685 IST] [ERROR] [.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [fatwire.logging.cs.framework] error: errno -22 on attempt to create table
    [2013-06-12 21:52:15,686 IST] [ERROR] [.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [fatwire.logging.cs.xcelerate] Error: com.openmarket.xcelerate.commands.SessionTableDispatcher: Install: com.openmarket.basic.interfaces.AssetException: Error: errno=-22 on call to catalog manager for table 'PubSession'
    [2013-06-12 21:52:15,687 IST] [ERROR] [.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [fatwire.logging.cs.xcelerate] Error: com.openmarket.xcelerate.commands.PubTargetManagerDispatcher: Install: com.openmarket.basic.interfaces.AssetException: Error: errno=-22 on call to catalog manager for table 'PubTarget'
    [2013-06-12 21:52:15,688 IST] [ERROR] [.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [fatwire.logging.cs.framework] error: errno -22 on attempt to create table
    [2013-06-12 21:52:15,698 IST] [ERROR] [.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [fatwire.logging.cs.xcelerate] Error: com.openmarket.xcelerate.commands.EmbeddedReferenceTableDispatcher: Install: com.openmarket.basic.interfaces.AssetException: Error: errno=-22 on call to catalog manager for table 'EmbeddedReference'
    [2013-06-12 21:52:15,699 IST] [INFO ] [.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [fatwire.logging.cs.xml] Xcelerate Installation Error in Publish/Install: errno -22 from APPROVEDASSETS.INSTALL: Error: com.openmarket.xcelerate.commands.ApprovedAssetsDispatcher: Install: com.openmarket.basic.interfaces.AssetException: Error: errno=-22 on call to catalog manager for table 'ApprovedAssets' errno -22 from ASSETTARGETMANAGER.INSTALL: Error: com.openmarket.xcelerate.commands.AssetExportTargetManagerDispatcher: Install: com.openmarket.basic.interfaces.AssetException: Error: errno=-22 on call to catalog manager for table 'AssetExportData' errno -22 from ASSETTEMPLATEMANAGER.INSTALL: Error: com.openmarket.xcelerate.commands.AssetDefaultTemplateManagerDispatcher: Install: com.openmarket.basic.interfaces.AssetException: Error: errno=-22 on call to catalog manager for table 'AssetDefaultTemplate' errno -22 from ASSETPUBLISHLIST.INSTALL: Error: com.openmarket.xcelerate.commands.AssetPublishListDispatcher: Install: com.openmarket.basic.interfaces.AssetException: Error: errno=-22 on call to catalog manager for table 'AssetPublishList' errno -22 from DELIVERYTYPE.INSTALL: Error: com.openmarket.xcelerate.commands.AssetPublishListDispatcher: Install: com.openmarket.basic.interfaces.AssetException: Error: errno=-22 on call to catalog manager for table 'AssetPublishList' errno -22 from SESSIONMANAGER.INSTALL: Error: com.openmarket.xcelerate.commands.SessionTableDispatcher: Install: com.openmarket.basic.interfaces.AssetException: Error: errno=-22 on call to catalog manager for table 'PubSession' errno -22 from PUBTARGETMANAGER.INSTALL errno -22 from PUBCONTEXT.INSTALL errno -22 from EMBEDDEDREFERENCETABLE.INSTALL: Error: com.openmarket.xcelerate.commands.EmbeddedReferenceTableDispatcher: Install: com.openmarket.basic.interfaces.AssetException: Error: errno=-22 on call to catalog manager for table 'EmbeddedReference'
    [2013-06-12 21:52:15,699 IST] [ERROR] [.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [fatwire.logging.cs.install] READURLProblem in CallElement. Error number=-22
    Can some one help me in identifying the issue.

    errno -22 means " Table already exists."
    This could occur if:
    - The install had failed before during the 2nd stage (i.e. some tables were created previously) and you did not drop the schema before re-install.
    - The database user you are using has access to more than 1 WCS schemas and thought the tables exist already.
    1. Make sure the db user is set up as per the Configuring Supporting Software document ( )
    2. If the second stage of the install fails, you must drop the database tables, undeploy the WebCenter Sites application, delete the WebCenter Sites file structure, and re-install WebCenter Sites. ( )

  • Required Table fields

    please tell me the table for Purchase Order No. with Material number, description, vendor code and last PO Price...

    for purchase order no and material you can use EKPO table for material description use MAKT

  • Require Table names

    Can anyone tell me in which table vendor, invoice, Payment details are stored in SRM?
    Thanks and Regards
    Sireesha R

    You can simply use the FM "BBP_PD_INV_GETDETAIL" to get the invoice details.Also all the vendor details (vendors which are replicated from R/3 to SRM ) is stored in table "BBP_VENMAP".
    All the tables related info can be seen in trascn "BBP_PD".
    Pls reward points for useful answers.

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    I am searching for a table which containing the following all fields can anybody help me if you know
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    further if u want
    se11->datatype-> enter ur field name -> click where used list button (3rdbutton from left)-> check table fields-> press enter...

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    - Ganga

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    Your help will be really appreciated. Pls let me know.
    - Ganga

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