Required Fonts for iMovie 11?

I work in graphic design so usually only have a minimal set of fonts activated on my computer, so that I can activate what I need when working on customer jobs and then de-activate them later--keeps me from having hundreds of fonts active.
However, this means that when I use iMovie, I'm not sure but what some of the fonts used in the various themes are inactive. Was wondering if anyone knows of a list of fonts that iMovie uses?
Thanks in advance.

Then you talk about "these 34 iMove fonts.
What I've found is that while there are 34 fonts in the application package, only 9 of them seem to be user accessible.
I've now edited my answer.
So it appears that any fonts that iMovie uses for its default themes and trailers are within the application itself. So your practice of moving system fonts in and out shouldn't be a problem for iMovie.

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    you can take an event and "consolidate events" and that (should) allow you to move the events from that project to the other harddrive (Back-up first!). For new projects, when you import the video, import it to the new HD. I'm not sure that the project can be stored on that HD, needs to be where the iMovie application is i think, BUT, the information in the project is minimal compared to the video footage, so you will free up LOTs of space on main HD by not storing the video footage there.

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    This bug is fixed in the After Effects CC (12.1) update:
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    You should heed the warning. Can't tell what the problem is. Might be the font somehow got corrupted.
    I would try the oft applied maintenance of deleting preferences and doing a permissions repair. To delete preferences, close iMovie and trash the file named found in User (the house icon)/Library/Preferences. Also, drag to your desk top the FontCollections file (NOT the Font Book) found in User (the house icon)/Library.
    Then do a permissions repair using the Disk Utility app found in HD/Applications/Utilities. In the left hand pane of the Disk Utility window select your hard drive icon and then click on repair permissions. Takes about 3 minutes to repair. Then relaunch iMovie and see if you still have the problem. iMovie will recreate the .plist file that you deleted, as well as the FontCollections file. After confirming that the FontCollections file has been replaced in User/Library, you can delete the one on your desk top.
    If you still have the problem, you might try clearing the troublesome font out of your system, and then reinstalling, following the directions for "Installing a font" in the Help menu. Skip trying to drag into the computer folder.
    I can't think of anything else to try right now.

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    Have a look at this:
    Also there is is an ebook:

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    One more thing. If you Mac cannot be upgraded to Mountain Lion, there is another option. You can go on Amazon or eBay and look for the iLife 11 Retail Package, which includes iMovie 11, along with all the other iLife Apps. You can install this on 10.6.3 and above. The downside is you can only upgrade it to iMovie 9.0.4 (I think). To upgrade to 9.0.8, you need at least Lion.

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    The free app MPEG Streamclip can be downloaded from the developer's site here:
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    I see Volume Licensing for programmes but not for fonts. Can anyone advise?
    Thanks in advance

    Our Volume Licening program provides for volume licensing of Font Folio 11.1 only.  You are correct that we don't license individual fonts via this program.
    However, we would be happy to quote you on a customized volume license for any specific fonts you want.  Please respond to me directly below, indicating the total number of users, information about your institution, as well as the specific typefaces and weights you have interest in.  I will see that the proper sales people respond to your query.
    Thanks for reaching out to us,
    Caleb Belohlavek
    Principal Product Manager • Type
    Adobe Systems Incorporated
    [email protected]

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    ''Kits47 [[#answer-701080|said]]''
    The only way I know its 12 pt. is that I copy into Word and check the font size there.
    Huge error number one, and probably cause of your problem in the first place.
    I would really like to see TBird use point size for fonts.
    Thunderbird uses HTML, HTML is expressed in pixels.
    In terms of not having Papyrus on you Linux box, I suppose that's you're choice.
    Licensing actually, not choice. The font is licensed and distributed by Microsoft. See for a list of products your recipient can install to get the font.
    In my outgoing email subject line I always specify that my reply is best viewed in HTML, full screen.
    HTML is the default for almost all mail so that does appear to be overkill. Full screen. Personally I would be just as likely to not read mail that required full screen. Mail gets about half a screen here.
    Most systems will automatically substitute fonts for ones not on that system, at least in Apple and PC systems. </blockquote>
    Papurus actually has a higher chance of being present on a Mac system than a windows one as Apple have distributed it with OSX since 2003.
    Anyway all of that is a little off topic. I wanted help with why TBird intermittently messes with font size and style when I cut and pasting email responses to people.
    As I said at the beginning. Do not use word. Word first converts to RTF then to HTML (All done internally) The resulting HTML is extremely complex and to put it bluntly pastes as a whole page from which Thunderbird must extract only the relevant parts. (inside the body tag) The end result is the program ends up confused about what goes where.
    And, if there is some reason why sometimes, again I stress sometimes, it will not let me use the font of my choice for text that has a hyperlink attached to it.
    If your pasting from Word the most obvious thing will be that the hyperlinked text will have it's own font tags another reason I suggest you use the program your in.
    * If you want it on paper use a word processor. It is what they are designed for
    * If you want it in email use the email program to actually write your mail.
    * If you want to guarantee the look on delivery send PDF attachments.

  • Adobe Illustrator CS4 Error: Error 1603. Error 1305.Error reading from file C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS4\Support Files\Required\Fonts\AdobeSongStd-Light.otf.  Verify that the file exists and that you can access it.  AdobeColorCommonSetRGB

    Iam trying to load illustator in my PC i get following error while loading Application CD 2
    Adobe Illustrator CS4
    Error 1603. Error 1305.Error reading from file C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS4\Support Files\Required\Fonts\AdobeSongStd-Light.otf. Verify that the file exists and that you can access it.
    Error 2.
    My serial no. [Removed by moderator]

    Download a copy an installer for CS4 from the links on this page:
    Other downloads

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    I only use my laptop for imovie video editing and storage of photos on iPhoto (no editing). My question is which which model should I buy? I'm happy with the 13 inch size, but also happy to go to 15 inch should the specs warrant it.  I'm also considering Final Cut Pro x in the future as I'm starting to look for more than imovie has to offer.
    Any suggestions or up specs required?

    Hi Glen,
    The obvious: 15" has conisderably more screen realestate to work with. It also has considerably more processing power than the 13" with a quad core i7 vs a dual core i5. Will the 13" work for now? Sure, but given that you keep your MBP for such a long time, the large speed difference is a huge factor to consider; it's useful life should be at least a year or two beyond the 13", and all the while you'll be enjoying the faster speed. You might also want to consider upgrading to 16GB of RAM. While that's a lot for now, in the future, as OSs and apps become more and more RAM hungry . . . . I think you can tell which one I'd recommend.

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