ReRender after Validation issue

Hey everyone,
I'm having this problem with the way JSF is validating my form...First let me set up the way that my app works when no errors are in the form...
1) user enters the account number and hits Find
2) information goes to a method that has a stored procedure that returns the information related to the account number entered.
3) Form updates the address section with the information returned from the stored procedure.
4) User hit Save Button
Here is the problem:
1) User comes to the page and without entering anything clicks the Save/submit button.
2) Form returns with all of the required="true" fields flagged with error messages (As it is suppose to work).
3) user enters the account number and hits Find.
4) information goes to a method that has a stored procedure that returns the information related to the account number entered.
5) Form updates the address section of the page...*But only the fields that were flagged as required="true" come back with data*...The apartment number and Node fields which are not required="true" do not return anything.
Here is the code for the page:
          <h:form id="loadData">
               <rich:messages id="globalErrors" styleClass="errors"
                    globalOnly="true" />
               <a4j:outputPanel id="findAddressByAccountNumber">
                         <s:decorate id="dtAcctNbrDecoration" template="layout/edit.xhtml">
                              <ui:define name="label">Account Number:</ui:define>
                              <h:inputText id="dtAcctNbr" maxlength="8"
                                   <a4j:support event="onblur" reRender="dtAcctNbrDecoration"
                                        bypassUpdates="true" />
                         <a4j:commandButton value="FIND"
                              reRender="findAddressByAccountNumber, globalErrors" />
                    <s:decorate id="dtAddressDecoration" template="layout/edit.xhtml">
                         <ui:define name="label">Address:</ui:define>
                         <h:inputText id="dtAddress" required="true" size="36"
                              maxlength="36" value="#{disasterTracking.dtAddress}">
                              <a4j:support event="onblur" reRender="dtAddressDecoration"
                                   bypassUpdates="true" />
                    <s:decorate id="dtAptNbrDecoration" template="layout/edit.xhtml">
                         <ui:define name="label">Apartment Number:</ui:define>
                         <h:inputText id="dtAptNbr" size="10" maxlength="10"
                              <a4j:support event="onblur" reRender="dtAptNbrDecoration"
                                   bypassUpdates="true" />
                    <s:decorate id="dtCityDecoration" template="layout/edit.xhtml">
                         <ui:define name="label">City:</ui:define>
                         <h:inputText id="dtCity" required="true" size="25" maxlength="25"
                              <a4j:support event="onblur" reRender="dtCityDecoration"
                                   bypassUpdates="true" />
                    <s:decorate id="dtStateDecoration" template="layout/edit.xhtml">
                         <ui:define name="label">State:</ui:define>
                         <h:inputText id="dtState" required="true" size="2" maxlength="2"
                              <a4j:support event="onblur" reRender="dtStateDecoration"
                                   bypassUpdates="true" />
                    <s:decorate id="dtZipDecoration" template="layout/edit.xhtml">
                         <ui:define name="label">Zipcode:</ui:define>
                         <h:inputText id="dtZip" required="true" size="5" maxlength="5"
                              <a4j:support event="onblur" reRender="dtZipDecoration"
                                   bypassUpdates="true" />
                    <s:decorate id="dtNodeDecoration" template="layout/edit.xhtml">
                         <ui:define name="label">Node:</ui:define>
                         <h:inputText id="dtNode" size="5" maxlength="5"
                              <a4j:support event="onblur" reRender="dtNodeDecoration"
                                   bypassUpdates="true" />
               <h:commandButton id="save" value="Save"
                    rendered="#{!disasterTrackingHome.managed}" />
          </h:form>Is this an issue that anyone of you have ran into? Let me know if you know how to work around this issue...Also let me know if you need more information...Thank you for any help you can provide for me.
Thank you

Add a h:inputHidden component which saves the h:outputText value for the next request.

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    if ( !isset($_SERVER['SPI'])) {
    if (!isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) {
            echo("CRITICAL: we seem to be running outside of the norm.\n");
            header("Location: http://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."/");
            die("CRITICAL: Document root unavailable.\n");
    $request_method = $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"];
    if($request_method == "GET") {
            $query_vars = $_GET;
    elseif ($request_method == "POST") {
            $query_vars = $_POST;
    function customsort($a,$b) {
            // $a is array for form vars, $b is comma seperated case sensitive field order
            // this is case sensitive -- good idea to hrc that.
            $data = array();
            if ( strstr($b,',') == FALSE )  {
                    $b = $b.",";
            $ordering = split(',',$b);
            foreach ($ordering as $orderitem) {
                    if ( ($orderitem != null) && ($orderitem != "") ) {
                            if (isset($a[$orderitem])) {
                                    $data[$orderitem] = $a[$orderitem];
            foreach ($a as $key=>$val) {
                    $data[$key] = $a[$key];
            return $data;
    function xmlentities($string) {
            return str_replace ( array('&', '"', "'", '<', '>'), array('&amp;', '&quot;', '&apos;', '&lt;', '&gt;'), $string);
    $t = date("U");
    $formhomedir = preg_replace('/.*\/home\/content/','',$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
    $formhomedir = explode('/',$formhomedir);
    if (count($formhomedir) <= 4) {
    else {
            $formhome="/home/content/".$formhomedir[1]."/".$formhomedir[2]."/".$formhomedir[3]."/".$f ormhomedir[4]."/data/";
    $file_order = ".default";
    $file_format = ".text";
    $file_interval = ".15m";
    $field_order = "";
    if (isset($query_vars['form_order'])) {
            if ($query_vars['form_order'] != "alpha") {
                    $query_vars = customsort($query_vars,$field_order);
            else {
                    switch ($query_vars['form_order']) {
                            case "alpha":
    if (isset($query_vars['form_format'])) {
            switch ($query_vars['form_format']) {
                    case "csv":
                            $file_format = ".csv";
                    case "html":
                            $file_format = ".html";
                    case "xml":
                            $file_format = ".xml";
                    case "text":
                    case "default":
                            $file_format = ".text";
    if (isset($query_vars['form_delivery'])) {
            switch ($query_vars['form_delivery']) {
                    case "hourly":
                            $file_interval = ".60m";
                    case "hourly_digest":
                            $file_interval = ".60mc";
                    case "daily":
                            $file_interval = ".24h";
                    case "daily_digest":
                            $file_interval = ".24hc";
                    case "digest":
                            $file_interval = ".15mc";
                    case "default":
                            $file_interval = ".15m";
    $file = $formhome."form_".$t.$file_order.$file_format.$file_interval;
    $fp = fopen($file,"w");
    switch ($file_format) {
            case ".csv":
                    $csvkeys = "";
                    $csvvals= "";
                    $firsttime = "";
                    while (list ($key, $val) = each ($query_vars)) {
                            if ( ($key == "form_order") ||
                                    ($key == "form_format") ||
                                    ($key == "form_delivery") ||
                                    ($key == "redirect") ) {
                            else {
                                    if ($csvkeys != "") {
                                    $csvkeys = $csvkeys.$firsttime."'".$tmpkey."'";
                                    $csvvals = $csvvals.$firsttime."'".$tmpval."'";
            case ".html":
                    fputs($fp,"<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\">\n");
            case ".xml":
    while (list ($key, $val) = each ($query_vars)) {
            if ($key == "redirect") {
                    $landing_page = $val;
            if ( ($key == "form_order") ||
                    ($key == "form_format") ||
                    ($key == "form_delivery") ||
                    ($key == "redirect") ) {
            else {
                    switch ($file_format) {
                            case ".html":
                            case ".csv":
                                    // content is already output
                            case ".xml":
                            case ".text":
                                    fputs($fp,$key.": ".$val."\n");
    switch ($file_format) {
            case ".html":
            case ".xml":
    if ($landing_page != "") {
            header("Location: http://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."/$landing_page");
    else {
            header("Location: http://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."/");

  • JSF keeps displaying old values after Validation Phase fails

    Hi all,
    I would like to ask some help in understanding a particular behaviour that JSF shows when Validation Phase fails.
    I'm using:
    - Tomcat 7.0.2
    - JSF 1.2_12
    - RichFaces 3.3.3
    Problem description.
    I wrote a form with 4 input fields: an inputText and 3 selectOneMenu. The inputText is required while the selectOneMenus don't require any validation.
    Attached to the first selectOneMenu (row 32), is an a4j:support tag so that, whenever the change event is fired, the list of items of the second
    and the third selectOneMenu (row 44 and 58) are correctly filled (note that the mandatory of the inputText is ignored thanks to the ajaxSingle attribute).
    In particular, after loading the two lists of items, the actionListener forces the value of the second and the third selectOneMenu to null.
    This mechanism seems to work fine until I submit the whole form without filling the input text: as expected, JSF validation fails but if I change the value of
    the first selectOneMenu again (causing a new submit), the page keeps displaying the values specified before JSF validation failed for the second and the third
    selectOneMenu (note that the actionListener is still called and the values of the second and the third selectOneMenu are still forced to null).
    Since I'm using a simple PhaseListener, I noticed the following: before JSF validation fails, every time I change the value of the first selectOneMenu, JSF life
    cycle always calls the get method for the second and the third selectOneMenu during the Render Response Phase. In this way, JSF is able to "see" that
    those values have been set to null during the Invoke Application Phase.
    After validation fails, JSF stops calling those getters when I change the value of the first selectOneMenu.
    I hope my explanation was clear enough, thanks a lot for your help.
    Web Page
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
    <html xmlns=""
      <title>Prove Rich</title>
      <h2>Prove Rich</h2>
      <a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true">
        <h:messages style="color:red" />
         Input required: <h:inputText value="#{provaProbReplyBean.inputRequired}" required="true" />
           <h:outputText value="Scegli il canale:" />
           <h:selectOneMenu value="#{provaProbReplyBean.canale}">
            <f:selectItem itemLabel="--" itemValue="" />
            <f:selectItem itemLabel="Profamily" itemValue="Profamily" />
            <f:selectItem itemLabel="Captive" itemValue="Captive" />
            <a4j:support event="onchange" action="#{provaProbReplyBean.caricaProcBanche}"
                                  ajaxSingle="true" reRender="procedure, banche" />
           <h:outputText value="Scegli la procedura:" />
           <h:selectOneMenu id="procedure" value="#{provaProbReplyBean.procedura}">
            <f:selectItem itemLabel="--" itemValue="" />
            <f:selectItems value="#{provaProbReplyBean.procedureList}" />
            <!-- immediately save the current value -->
            <a4j:support event="onchange" ajaxSingle="true" />
           <h:outputText value="Scegli la banca:" />
           <h:selectOneMenu id="banche" value="#{provaProbReplyBean.banca}">
            <f:selectItem itemLabel="--" itemValue="" />
            <f:selectItems value="#{provaProbReplyBean.bancheList}" />
            <!-- immediately save the current value -->
            <a4j:support event="onchange" ajaxSingle="true" />
      <p><h:commandButton value="Submit" /></p>
    public class ProvaProbReply {
         private String inputRequired;
         private String canale;
         private String procedura;
         private String banca;
         private Map<String, List<SelectItem>> canaliProc = new HashMap<String, List<SelectItem>>();
         private Map<String, List<SelectItem>> canaliBanche = new HashMap<String, List<SelectItem>>();
         private List<SelectItem> procedureList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
         private List<SelectItem> bancheList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
         public ProvaProbReply() {
              List<SelectItem> l = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
              l.add(new SelectItem("Cessione del quinto"));
              l.add(new SelectItem("Credito al consumo"));
              l.add(new SelectItem("Mutui"));
              canaliProc.put("Profamily", l);
              l = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
              l.add(new SelectItem("Credito al consumo"));
              canaliProc.put("Captive", l);
              l = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
              canaliBanche.put("Profamily", l);
              l = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
              l.add(new SelectItem("BDL"));
              l.add(new SelectItem("BM"));
              l.add(new SelectItem("BPM"));
              l.add(new SelectItem("CRA"));
              canaliBanche.put("Captive", l);
         public String getInputRequired() {
              return inputRequired;
         public void setInputRequired(String ir) {
              inputRequired = ir;
         public String getCanale() {
              return canale;
         public void setCanale(String c) {
              canale = c;
         public String getProcedura() {
              System.out.println("\ngetProcedura called\n");
              return procedura;
         public void setProcedura(String p) {
              procedura = p;
         public String getBanca() {
              System.out.println("\ngetBanca called\n");
              return banca;
         public void setBanca(String b) {
              banca = b;
         public List<SelectItem> getProcedureList() {
              return procedureList;
         public List<SelectItem> getBancheList() {
              return bancheList;
         public String caricaProcBanche() {
              System.out.println("\nListener called\n");
              if(canale != null && !canale.equals("")) {
              System.out.println("BEFORE setting:\n");
              System.out.println("\nProcedura: "+procedura+"\n");
              System.out.println("Banca: "+banca+"\n");
              procedura = null;
              banca = null;
              System.out.println("\n\n\nAFTER setting:\n");
              System.out.println("\nProcedura: "+procedura+"\n");
              System.out.println("Banca: "+banca+"\n");
              return "";
    }Edited by: 869000 on 28-giu-2011 14.05

    I'm thinking this has to do with the fact that the UIComponents use the localValue after validation fails. This prevents the values from being overwritten when re-rendering the page, i.e. the inputs keep the value set by the user.
    The solution is to manipulate the components directly during the AJAX request when the first pull down is changed. Use the binding attribute to place them into your bean and clear the value directly. That way it will not matter that the expression is not evaluated.

  • Digital Signature Validation Issue

    Hi All,
    I have a problem with my digital signature fields. Whenever the user digitally signs the form, there is a message that says that the form is "Signed and all signatures are valid, but with unsigned changes after the last signature". When I open the signature panel (in Adobe Reader or in the Preview PDF tab of Livecycle) the form indicates that a bunch of fields located on the Master Page were deleted and then added (see below). Does anyone know what is causing this or how to fix it?

    I'm having the same issue as well. In addition to the additions/deletions to the master pages, the signature panel indicates that a field on the title page of my form was filled in after validation. I ran a temporary script on the signature field's postSign event, using Acrobat's signatureGetModifications() method, to narrow down where the updates are occurring, and it seems that they're taking place either at the same time the signature is validated or just after. The form is set to automatically preserve scripting changes when it is saved; switching to "manual" doesn't help. Turning field locking on/off doesn't work, either. Once the form has been saved and reopened, though, the problem disappears and the signature validates correctly.
    UPDATE 30 DEC 14: The master pages that are being "modified" have separate content areas for navigation buttons; it's these CAs, and their associated subforms and buttons, that Acrobat reports as being modified. I tried commenting out the scripts on the buttons' click events without success.
    UPDATE 15 APR 15: I've compared the preSign version of the XML for the field that's being modified with the postSign version and found that the XML is somehow being modified by the act of signing the document. To clarify: I need to fill in a date field on my form to indicate when the form is closed out. I have the signature field's preSign set up to add the current date to the date field. The preSign XML includes <value> and <date> tags, which are missing from the postSign version. Why would applying a signature modify the form's XML?

  • Purchase order message Re-determination after goods issue is posted

    We have a requirement to trigger special function message type (which creates a flat file) in a purchase order when goods issue for all items are posted. We have created a requirement routine for message type to check if goods issue is posted for all line items. Goods issue is posted using BAPI which uses transaction MIGO. When goods issue is posted, we want output to be triggered in purchase order. Requirement is working fine but is there any way to trigger output automatically without going to PO?
    After goods issue is posted, if we go into purchase order using ME22N then we see output proposed or if we make any changes in PO then output is proposed. This will not happen in real life though.
    Any suggestion will be highly appreciated. Thanks.

    You can create a new output message record in NAST using RV_MESSAGE_UPDATE:
            msg_kappl = 'EF'
            msg_objky = w_objky
            msg_xnast = itab_nast
            msg_ynast = itab_nast_old
            no_update = 1
            OTHERS    = 2.
    Once the record is created, you may submit the program RSNAST00 to output the message.

  • How to prevent changes qty. reservation after goods issue

    Dear Expert,
    Is there a way to prevent user change their reservation qty. after goods issue?
    Example :
    Reservation No 32XXXXX item 01 requirement.qty = 5 PC
    Goods issue                                                            = 5 PC
    After GI, user change qty of reservation to            = 3 PC
    and Save it
    Best regards,
    Dedy W

    You can delete respective Reservation Item with MB22 t-code.
    With this deletion indicator, you can manually earmark an item for subsequent deletion (if, for example, you do not expect any further movements in respect of this item or prevent any changes in the reservation). The actual deletion process is then performed by a reorganization program (MBVR).

  • Using Tabs in Generated Pages - Validation Issue

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    to make the form less cluttered.
    The problem we're having now is that whenever a user wants to
    view the items on a tab (that is not currently the selected one),
    a validation issue is thrown saying that all the mandatory fields need to be entered first.
    Is there a way to avoid this message and postpone the validation until the
    user clicks on the "Save" button?

    I am sorry, in the release we switch off server-side model validation on a partial page request.
    It is not possible to switch off the client-side validation, because the only way to do this, is by setting immediate=true on the tabs. However, with this setting JSF will skip the Model Update phase, which means that any changes you made to the tab region you are going to leave by clicking another tab, would be lost.
    The only alternative is by creatign a custom templates and generating the required items with showRequired="true" instead of required="true" which means required items are never checked client-side.
    Steven Davelaar,
    JHeadstart Team.

  • After validation want to state maintain of h:outputText /

    I have some fields with validation,
    after validation want to state maintain of <h:outputText />
    <h:outputText id="form_title" value="#{viewCDBean.form_title}"/>
    <h:outputText id="output1" value="Title"/><h:inputTextarea id="cd_title" value="#{viewCDBean.cd_title}" rows="2" cols="40" required="true"></h:inputTextarea><h:message for="cd_title" style="color:red"/>

    Add a h:inputHidden component which saves the h:outputText value for the next request.

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    For eg: I got critical alert when I have shutdown the DB.But I didn't get clear alert even I have started my DB and is up running.
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    Please help me in troubleshooting the issue....
    Thanks in advance.............

    Bullitt wrote:
    there email address is [email protected]
    Thank you... I will give that a go...

  • Different style to InputText box after validation fails in JSF 1.0

    Hi, In JSF 1.0, I would like to change the style to the inputText box after validation fails. Pls kindly advise.

    You may find this article useful: [].
    That said, if you're using JSF 1.0, you can (and should) always upgrade to at least 1.1_02. It is available at [].

  • [svn] 3457: Accepting patch SDK-17038 by Brian Telintelo to fix an incorrect validation issue in ComboBox .

    Revision: 3457
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-10-02 13:45:35 -0700 (Thu, 02 Oct 2008)
    Log Message:
    Accepting patch SDK-17038 by Brian Telintelo to fix an incorrect validation issue in ComboBox.
    Checkintests: Pass
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

  • Computation after Validation -  possible?

    I there any way to set that computation is triggered after validation.
    I have status field that is set as Draft when users submit form computation changes its value to Submitted.
    The problem is that I have also few fields that should be present before form is submitted.
    What happens is that because status has been changed to submitted, my button disappears also (its condition is to show when status field is Draft only).
    Any suggestions.

    Any process on submit (after computations and validations) is equal to a computation on submit. Only the process point is different. There is no computation after validation.
    Denes Kubicek

  • User able to execute Tcode after validity of role is over

    Dear all,
    we have given a temporary access to the transaction MR21  to the user for one day but the user was able to use this transaction after validity of role is over.  screen in SU01 shows the role is already expired to her.Is this due to bug or incomplete maintenance nodes in the role

    Hi ,
    Use SUIM make sure that the user does not have that transaction in any other role in his profiles
    second find the role which has the transaction for him .
    Delete that specific role/roles
    Then run  SUPC and PFUD if its a development box or talk to basis  if your project policy is to run this as background job.
    If all the above steps were already done then use ST01(trace) to find what is allowing the user to succeed with the transaction and disable that object.

  • Maintenance Order - disallowing deleting reservation after material issue

    Dear ALL,
    How to resrict deletion of reservation in maintenance order after material issue done partially / completely.
    Currently system is allowing to delete the reservation in maintenance order.
    Please guide.
    Prashant Salvi

          In Tcode O04C for Version 00000000 , Application Area CN , Msg No : 750 , mention as Error message ..
    If the above does not work then use user exit CNEX0039 : Check Whether Component can be Deleted

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