REReplaceNoCase Find and append HREF Strings

I have an index.html file which I am reading via cffile.
I want to search all of the href string and append with a custom string. For example, the file will read a bunch and a href links ( <a href="">Google</a>,<a href="">Yahoo</a> etc). I want to be able to append all of the href with something like this (<a href="">Google</a>. I would really appreciate your help in advanced. Thank you.

Something like this should work at a basic level, assuming the HTML is valid:
<cfset newHTML = ReReplaceNoCase(html, "(href=[""'])([^""']+)([""'])", "\1\2\3", "ALL")>
It's using backreferences in the regex the parenthesis to group the parts of the match, which are then referred to as \1 \2 and \3 in the replacement string.

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    Windows PowerShell is a powerful command tool and we can use it for management and operations. In this article we introduce the detailed steps to use Windows PowerShell to find and replace test string in the
    shapes in Excel Object.
    Since the Excel.Application
    is available for representing the entire Microsoft Excel application, we can invoke the relevant Properties and Methods to help us to
    interact with Excel document.
    The figure below is an excel file:
    Figure 1.
    You can use the PowerShell script below to list the text in the shapes and replace the text string to “text”:
    $text = “text1”,”text2”,”text3”,”text3”
    = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
    $Excel.visible = $true
    = $"d:\shape.xlsx")      
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    = $Workbook.Worksheets.Item("shapes")       
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    # Get the textbox in the shape
    $sh.TextFrame.Characters().text = 
    #Change the value of the textbox in the shape one by one
    #Save workbook in excel
    #Close workbook in excel
    #Quit Excel
    Before invoking the methods and properties, we can use the cmdlet “Get-Member” to list the available methods.
    Besides, we can also find the documents about these methods and properties in MSDN:
    Workbook.Worksheets Property (Excel):
    Worksheet.Shapes Property:
    Shape.TextFrame Property:
    TextFrame.Characters Method (Excel):
    Characters.Text Property (Excel):
    After running the script above, we can see the changes in the figure below:
    Figure 2.
    Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    Thank you for the information, but does this thread really need to be stuck to the top of the forum?
    If there must be a sticky, I'd rather see a link to a page on the wiki that has links to all of these ForumFAQ posts.
    EDIT: I see this is no longer stuck to the top of the forum, thank you.
    Don't retire TechNet! -
    (Don't give up yet - 13,085+ strong and growing)

  • Find and Replace text string in HTML

    Opps... I hope this forum is not just for Outlook. My Html files reside on my hard-drive. I am looking for VBA code to open specified file names ####File.html and then find and replace text strings within the html for example "####Name" replaced
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    I drive the "####File.html" names and the find and replace text strings from an Excel sheet. I am an artist and this Sub would give me time to paint instead of find and replace text. Thank you!
    [email protected]

    Hello Phil,
    The current forum is for developers and Outlook related programming questions. That's why I'd suggest hiring anybody for developing the code for you. You may find freelancers, for example. Try googling for any freelance-related web sites and asking such
    questions there.
    If you decide to develop an Outlook macro on your own, the
    Getting Started with VBA in Outlook 2010 article is a good place to start from.

  • How to find and replace any string between " "

    Hi everyone,
    Here my sample
    String szTest;
    szTest = "Yellow banana";
    szTest = "Blue monkey";
    szTest = "Red mango";
    szTest is only needed when it's in testing progress. Now I want to put all of that in the /*comment*/ so the released program won't run those code any more (but still keep szTest so I can use it for future develop testing).
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    //String szTest; //Manual
    /*szTest = "Yellow banana";*/ //use find and replace
    /*szTest = "Blue monkey";*/ //use find and replace
    /*szTest = "Red mango";*/ //use find and replace
    I think I can do this with Regular expressions or Wildcards. But I don't know how to find and replace any string between " and ".
    Find: szTest = " ??Any string?? ";
    Replace with: /*szTest = " ??Any string?? ";*/
    Thanks for reading.

    Hi Nathan.j.Smith,
    Based on your issue, I suggest you can try the Joel's suggestion check your issue again. In addition, I find a MSDN document about how to use the Regex.Replace Method to match a regular expression pattern with a specified replacement string,
    maybe you will get some useful message.
    If the above suggestion still could not provide you, could you please tell me what language you use to create the program for finding and replace any string using regular expression so that we will find the correct programming develop forum to support this
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Is it possible to find and Replace a string inside a textfile using JSP?

    FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream("/opt/Abhishek/software/tomcat/webapps/AMS/listpass");
    DataInputStream in1 = new DataInputStream(fs);
    while (in1.available() !=0)
    String str1=in1.readLine();
    StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer(str1);
    String node=st1.nextToken();
    if (node.equals(sports))
    String pass=st1.nextToken();
    out.println ("<b>"+sports[i]+" <b>");
    out.println("**Your Required Password**");
    Hi ,
    I have a text file (named listpass in the above code) inside tomcat-webapps folder containing a node name and its password.You could see the path of the text file at the starting line of the code.The Scene behind the program is once the particular node is clicked the password is retreived for the user against the particular node.What i would need is to change the password in the text file once it is retreived. So i would need to find the password that is retreived recently and change that one with a randomnly generated new password in the text file.
    So can i do this?Is it possible to search for the string in the text file and replace that with a new one using JSP.For your note i am running all my HTML amd JSP inside the same folder where i have the text file in which the string has to be replaced .
    Could anyone give your comments on this please?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

    Nasty in so many ways.
    First off you shouldn't be doing stuff like this in a JSP. JSPs should just build HTML, use a Servlet and then pass data to a JSP for formatting.
    Web applications are multi-threaded, so you have to consider what happens if several of these transactions come in at the same time, each trying to change the same data file.
    It's not practical to amend text files in place, generally you have to create a new version of the file for each change because if the size of a password changes the subsequent bytes of the file would all need moving.
    Use a database. Databases are designed to deal with these issues and there are perfectly good free ones around like Derby, MySQL and H2.

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                        Is there any standard report or transaction provided by SAP which can be used to find a String in all the program in a package ? 
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    Any clue in this regard will be helpful.

    Vevek, you are searching for something very very destructive.. do you realize that?
    its better if you could explain us the requirement, by the way for a automated change you need to have INSERT REPORT called inside some program, so start searching that line if you can get it
    else, write a piece of code for it..

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    here is what i'm heading towards:
    class ReplaceString {
      BufferedReader in;
      BufferedReader os;
      public static void main(String args[]) {
        ReplaceString obj = new ReplaceString();
       void replace() {
         try {
           in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("a.txt");
           os = new BufferdWriter(new FileWriter("a.txt");
           //  read until end of file
           String currentLine = new String();
           while((currenLine=is.readLine()) != null) {
             //  if matching text then replace????
             if(currentLine.equals("Version 001") {
                // how to now replace the Version 001 with Version 002???
         }catch(IOException e) {
    }the above code i just typed so there might be errors, but looks ok to me, is there any way once i find the string i want to replace, to replace the string with another string. basically i want to replace all occurrences of the text "Version 001" with "Version 002"
    Thank you.

    Is it always true, as in your example, that the replacement is the same length as the existing string? If so, this one's easy.
    Is it also true that you don't need to worry about 16-bit chars? (Again, as in your example.) If you're using just ASCII characters, this gets easier still.
    1) Segregate the file I/O from the search/replace process.
    2) Main becomes:
    replace( "this", "that" );
    writeFile();Use a byte array buffer, defined in your main class. Fill it via the readFile() code. Use a RandomAccessFile, check its length() to allocate your byte array, then do a single read() to fill the buffer.
    A brute force search will certainly work: scan for the first search character, then check the rest for a match, replace if you've got a match and continue scanning. Alternative if your file's aren't too big: create a String from the byte array:
    // buffer is a byte array
    String s = new String( buffer );And use the String.replaceAll() to do the search/replace. Recover the buffer with:
    buffer = string.getBytes();A single write() and close() should handle the remaining work.

  • Find and replace value in Delimited String

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement, where i need to find and replace values in delimited string.
    For example, the string is "GL~1001~157747~FEB-13~CREDIT~A~N~USD~NULL~". The 4th column gives month and year. I need to replace it with previous month name. For example: "GL~1001~157747~JAN-13~CREDIT~A~N~USD~NULL~". I need to do same for last 12 months.
    I thought of first devide the values and store it in variable and then after replacing it with required value, join it back.
    I just wanted to know if there is any better way to do it?

    for example (Assumption: the abbreviated month is the first occurance of 3 consecutive alphabetic charachters)
    with testdata as (
    select 'GL~1001~157747~FEB-13~CREDIT~A~N~USD~NULL~' str from dual
    ,regexp_substr(str, '[[:alpha:]]{3}') part
    ,to_date('01'||regexp_substr(str, '[[:alpha:]]{3}')||'2013', 'DDMONYYYY') part_date
    ,replace (str
             ,regexp_substr(str, '[[:alpha:]]{3}')
             ,to_char(add_months(to_date('01'||regexp_substr(str, '[[:alpha:]]{3}')||'2013', 'DDMONYYYY'),-1),'MON')
    ) res
    from testdata
    with year included
    with testdata as (
    select 'GL~1001~157747~JAN-13~CREDIT~A~N~USD~NULL~' str from dual
    ,regexp_substr(str, '[[:alpha:]]{3}-\d{2}') part
    ,to_date(regexp_substr(str, '[[:alpha:]]{3}-\d{2}'), 'MON-YY') part_date
    ,replace (str
             ,regexp_substr(str, '[[:alpha:]]{3}-\d{2}')
             ,to_char(add_months(to_date(regexp_substr(str, '[[:alpha:]]{3}-\d{2}'), 'MON-YY'),-1),'MON-YY')
    ) res
    from testdata
    Message was edited by: chris227 year included

  • Find a specific character in an input string and getting the string after if

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    i need to find if the character string has # in it,, if yes pick all the numbers after # .
    in the above example, i need output as 1234 and 235
    and if any non numeric values after # set a flag
    please help me in this.

    Hi Abhishek,
    This can be done in BODS using below settings in file format (only if your source is flat file):
    Below is the source file data :
    By using this file format setting, you should be able to get all the numbers in one column which you can use futher and you can verify this columns data by using "is_valid_int", not null function in BODS.
    I think it should give you solution.

  • Find and print illegal character in a string using regexp

    I have the following simple regexp that checks for illegal characters in a string:
    String regexp = ".*([\\[\\];]+|@).*"; // illegal: [ ] ; @
    String input = "Testing [ 123";
    System.out.println(Pattern.matches(regexp, input));How can I find and print the character that is invalid??
    I've tried using the Matcher class togheter with Pattern but cant get it to work. :(
    Like this:
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexp);
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input);
    int matchedChar = matcher.end();
    if (matchedChar < input.length()) {
        String illegalCharFound = String.valueOf(input.charAt(matcher.end()));
    }What am I doing wrong?

    1. You call lookingAt(), but you don't check its return value, so you don't know if the regex actually matched.
    2. matcher.end() returns the index of the character following whatever was matched, assuming there was a match (if there wasn't, it will throw an exception). So either it will point to a legal character, or you'll get a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException because an illegal character was found at the end of the input. The start() method would be a better choice, but...
    3. Your regex can match multiple consecutive square brackets or semicolons (and why not put the at-sign in the character class, too?), but you're acting like it can only match one character. Even if there is only one character, group(1) is an easier way to extract it. Also, if there are more than one (non-consecutive) illegal characters, your regex will only find the last one. That's because the first dot-star initially gobbles up the whole input, then backtracks only as far as it has to to satisfy the rest of the regex. If your goal is to provide feedback to whoever supplied the input, it's going to be pretty confusing feedback. You should probably use the find() method in a loop to pick out all the illegal characters so you can report them properly.

  • String find and replace

    I am trying to do the equivalent of a find and replace in a String object.
    I want to be able to replace text in a String with a java variable so as an example, this is a line of the text file. The text has to be stored in an outside file and read in...
    <b><center>Users name is #username#</center></b>
    I have this String stored in, lets say, outputString and have the username stored in usernameString. I want to do something like:
    String usernameString = "bob";
    if ( //found the reference #username# in outputString ) {
         //replace #username# with usernameString;
    }So I end up with:
    <b><center>Users name is Bob</center></b>
    I have looked at the methods in String and it is possible to do this if I do a lot of complicated coding using Char[] arrays or index counts etc.
    Does anyone have any idea how to do this easily?
    Many Thanks

    Use the StringBuffer class:
    String usernameString = "bob";
    if(outputString.indexOf("#username#") > -1) {
        outputString = new StringBuffer(outputString).replace(outputString.indexOf("#username#"),

  • Regular Expression + Find and Replace

    Hey there-  I have a question about regExp and the Find and Replace.  Basically I want to search a wildcard between a href tag, how would that look, because the code below does not work.
    countryLink = "<a href=\"\" target=\"_parent\">";
    countryLink = "([^"]*)";
    Thanks! Any help is appreciated!
    Also, how do i add code blocks to this forum?

    Yes, I meant the <a> tag, but thank you for displaying the href attribute solution as well.  This solved my issue.  Thanks!  Thought I would display what I did with your code incase someone was interested in using this code to convert a javascript string to XML.
    query this:
    countryLink = "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">";
    add this to the Find box:
    countryLink = "<a href=\\"([-\w:/.?=&;]+)\\" target=\\"_parent\\">";
    add this to the Replace box:
    creates an output of this:

  • Replace last delimeter with "and" in a string in SSRS

    I want to replace last delimeter (comma) with and 
    in a string in SSRS 2008 R2.
    if there are more than one unit, and the Area of the units are different, then the area of each must must be listed separated by commas and ‘and’ before the last one.
    Input string- Hi,Hello,HRU,
    Desired output- Hi,Hello and 
    how can I achieve this (and
    before last word) ?
    (suggest in SSRS or even in SQL)

    Your example seems to indicate you wish to substitute "and" for the second to last delimiter and ".." for the last. Is that the ask? Will there actually be a trailing delimiter on the input string?
    This can be done several ways: In the dataset, in an expression, using custom code.
    The approach for the dataset and expression are similar, just the language is different. Dataset will usually deliver better performance since the source is often a more powerful server (in the case of a SQL dataset).
    In an SSRS expression it might look like this:
    =Left(Fields!InputString.Value,InStrRev(Fields!InputString.Value,",")-1)+" and "+Right(Fields!InputString.Value,Len(Fields!InputString.Value)-InStrRev(Fields!InputString.Value,","))
    This assumes the input string is actually a field from your dataset but it could be anything. The Left piece gets the string that occurs before the last comma without the comma, then append " and ", then the Right expression gets everything after the last
    comma and appends it. If you will have a trailing delimiter, you could substitute the following formula anywhere you see Fields!InputString.Value:
    =Replace(Trim(Replace(Fields!InputString.Value,","," "))," ",",")
    Because Trim in an SSRS expression only trims leading and trailing spaces, the delimiters must be converted to a space. So this only works if there are no spaces in the original string. If the input is "Hi,Hello,How are you," the result of this formula will
    be "Hi,Hello,How,are,you" because the spaces between How, are and you will get replaced by ",". To handle embedded spaces makes the expression more complex. Assuming the input string is "Hi,Hello,How are you,":
    =Replace(Replace(Trim(Replace(Replace(Fields!InputString.Value," ","|"),","," "))," ",","),"|"," ")
    This expression uses 2 more replace statements. The innermost statement substitues "|" for the embedded spaces so they don't get replace with ",". You should use a character that you are sure will not appear in the string otherwise. Or use a sequence of
    characters like "|^|" that you are sure won't appear if any one character may possibly appear. The outermost Replace restores the "|" characters back to spaces.
    A code solution may be easier. Just wrap the below in a simple function:
    return str.Trim(",".ToCharArray()).Substring(0, str.Trim(",".ToCharArray()).LastIndexOf(",") - 1) + " and " + str.Trim(",".ToCharArray()).Substring(str.Trim(",".ToCharArray()).LastIndexOf(",") + 1);
    This is the VB.Net equivalent of the expressions above.
    "You will find a fortune, though it will not be the one you seek." -
    Blind Seer, O Brother Where Art Thou
    Please Mark posts as answers or helpful so that others may find the fortune they seek.

  • Query engine : Can not find DSN in Connection String

    Opearating System Windows 7 Professional(32-bit).
    I am using Application, which is developed : Visual basic 6.0(32-bit), Report Writer : Crystal Report 9.2.693(32-bit) and database: Oracle
    ODBC Data source : System DSN created and Connection established (Based on Driver : CR ORACLE ODBC Driver 4.10 (cror818.dll))
    In windows 7 environment Data Base connectivity and data fetching also wroking fine.
    My problem is while running reports it display error as "Query engine : Can not find DSN in Connection String"
    I want run time reports.
    For your kind information, at the same time in Windows XP Professional there is no problem found and working fine.
    Kindly help me.
    Thanks and regards,

    Crystal Reports 9.x is not supported on Win 7. See the following wiki:
    - Ludek

  • What is diff b/w Include Structure and Append Structure at Database Level

    Hi Experts,
    Could you please let me know what is the main difference between .Include Structure and .Append Structure at SE11?
    Thanks in advance and for good answer will give good points.

    1. Append Structures
    Append structures can only be assigned to a single table.
    Append structures are created in the custome rnamespace ( ZZ or YY)
    In case of new versions of the standard table during upgrade, the append structures are automatically appended to the new version of the standard table
    Append structures can not be used with cluster and pool tables
    Append structures are created in transaction SE11. Display the standard table fields and press the Append structure button.
    When you press the button, SAP sugests a name for the new append structure. After you has accepted the name,
    a screen will be shown where you can enter the new fields.
    Remember to activate.
    2. Customizing Includes
    Some of the SAP standard tables contains special include statements called Customizing includes. In contrast to Append structures,
    Note that customizing includes are created by SAP, but the customer supply the fields for the include.
    Customizing includes begin with CI_ and is part of the customer namespace
    One Customizing include can be inserted into more than one table.
    You can find Customizing includes in SE11 under structures.
    Try to take a look at table RKPF which uses the Customizing include CI_COBL (In an IDES system). Next try to add a field to CI_COBL, and activate it. If you go back to table RKPF you will se that your new field has been added.
    Ferry Lianto

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