Resetting admin password in system 9.3.1

We have installed system9.3.1 on windows machine and now the passwor for admin is not working. How can we reset or choose a new password?
Any idea is greatly appreciated. Other I have to reuser or reinstall.
My old password is not working it is giving authentication error. I tried to use config utility to reconfigure shared services and even then the same problem

I have reset the password to another password. After changing I was able to login with the new one. Suddenly it stoped with both old and new password.
Other users are able to login. only admin user id got struck. its giving authentication error against open ldap.
Any idea is really appreciated

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    Alan....try the following.....
    Reset Admin Password ..... using Terminal
    1. Type.... passw < return>
    2. It'll prompt for the...... “old password” <return>
    3. Type..... “new password” <return>
    4. Retype ...... “password” <return>
    Changing the password in this way has the same effect as changing through "System Preferences".
    Reset Admin Password .... using Single User Mode
    Hold down (command+S) at startup, you will be presented with a black screen containing a bunch of code... this is called....... Single-User Mode
    sudo passwd username <return> ... or ...
    /usr/bin/passwd username <return>
    Type your already existing ..... “old password” <return>
    Type in a new...... “password” and verify
    Type... reboot <return>

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    Usually the OEM install disc that comes with a particular computer model will not work with other models. However, you can give it a try. If you can get it to boot the Powerbook, then after the installer loads select Reset Admin Password from the File menu.

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    Forgot Your Account Password
    For Snow Leopard and earlier
         Mac OS X 10.6- If you forget your administrator password
    For Lion/Mountain Lion
        Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
         When the menubar appears select Terminal from the Utilities menu.
         Enter resetpassword at the prompt and press RETURN. Follow
         instructions in the dialog window that will appear.
         Or see Reset a Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Password and
         OS X Lion- Apple ID can be used to reset your user account password.
    If you are unable to boot from an installer DVD:
    (these will only work on Leopard or earlier)
      1. Boot to Safe Mode by restarting and after the chime press and hold down
          the COMMAND-S keys until a black screen with white type appears.
      2. At the prompt, type the following commands pressing return after each
          command line:
         /sbin/fsck -yf
         If you do not receive a "Filesystem OK" message then repeat this command
         until you do.  If after seven tries you still do not receive a "Filesystem OK"
         message, then the system is corrupted and needs to be reinstalled.
         mount -uw /
         cd /private/var/db/netinfo
         mv local.nidb local.old
         rm ../.AppleSetupDone
         shutdown -r now
    The second-to-last command above will cause OS X to think that the operating system is newly installed, and when the new owner starts up the computer it will send him/her to the startup wizard where he/she can start a new user without reinstalling.
    This last method does not actually change a password. It simply removes the user accounts and lets you create an initial admin account as if the computer were new out of the box.
    Reset Admin Password Using The Terminal
    You can reset the password by printing out (or writing down) and carefully following these steps.
    First, find the short name of the admin user on the machine. The easiest way of doing this is by looking at what the directory is called in the Users folder.
    Now, start in Single-user Mode. It should boot into a command line.
    Enter these exact lines. Press RETURN after each.
    mount -uw /
    ifconfig lo0 up
    cd /var/db/netinfo
    netinfod -s local
    Now you'll need that short name. Enter "passwd", a space, and the short name of the admin. For example, if the admin was rather prosaically called "imadmin", you would enter "passwd imadmin".
    The computer will now prompt you to change the password for "lmadmin" (or whatever the short name was). Go ahead and enter a new password.
    Now, enter:
    and the machine will reboot. The admin password should now be changed.

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    Forgot Your Account Password
    For Lion, Mountain Lion, or Mavericks
        Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
         When the menubar appears select Terminal from the Utilities menu.
         Enter resetpassword at the prompt and press RETURN. Follow
         instructions in the dialog window that will appear.
         Or see:
           Reset a Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Password
           OS X Mountain Lion- Reset a login password,
           OS X Mavericks- Solve password problems,
           OS X Lion- Apple ID can be used to reset your user account password.
    For Snow Leopard and earlier with installer DVD
         Mac OS X 10.6- If you forget your administrator password,
         OS X- Changing or resetting an account password (Snow Leopard and earlier).
    For Snow Leopard and earlier without installer DVD
        How to reset your Mac OS X password without an installer disc | MacYourself
        Reset OS X Password Without an OS X CD — Tech News and Analysis
        How To Create A New Administrator Account - Hack Mac

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    >> Using brtools you won't be able to change the password for database users like SYS and SYSTEM.
    Are you sure about this? I am sorry but it is not correct. You are able to change these passwords by using brtools
    Best regards,
    Orkun Gedik

  • Reset admin password - SJSWS 7u8

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    [root@server bin]# ./wadm reset-admin-password --user admin --host localhost --port 8989
    Please enter admin-password>
    Please enter admin-password again>
    CLI103 Command 'reset-admin-password' failed. :: netscape.ldap.LDAPRebindI've not been able to find any matches to the 'netscape.ldap.LDAPRebind' error, and don't know why it's talking about ldap in the first place (as SJSWS isn't attached to any LDAP).
    The local machine (RHEL5.5, Linux x86_64, amd64 SJSWS install) does use LDAP for authentication, but it shouldn't be trying to touch that.
    I can't find any further log entries for the failed password change either.
    This is the administration console, with one other node hanging off of it.
    [root@server bin]# . ../lib/wsenv ; $WS_JAVA/bin/java -version
    java version "1.6.0_19"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_19-b04)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 16.2-b04, mixed mode)Any ideas would be welcome ;)

    Unfortunately you've run into a known problem - 6914493.
    Edit $(INSTALL_ROOT)/bin/wadm and add ${classpath_prefix}/ldapjdk.jar to the classpath variable and try re-running the command.

  • How do i reset admin password. no disc but system automativally logs me in as administrator and can access root user mode

    I recenly got this macbook, MA&00LL/A, max OS X, V:10.4.11, 2GHz IntelCore 2 duo, 2GHz, When I power up it automatically logs me on as administrator but prompts for password when I try to access/change certain features.  I got the macbook from my cousin who has forgot password and has lost disc.  I can access root user mode but as iam unfamiliar with apple I am hesitant to delete anything without making things worse. Is their anyway I can reset this admin password without the disc or simply delete this user and reconfigure system as myself as administrator. step by step instructions would be appreciated at this stage till i familiarize myself more.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  If it came down to buying a disc, how much roughly do these cost???  thanks again

    If you don't have your install disks you can get the 10.4 gray disks by calling Apple Store Customer Service at 1-800-676-2775 They can send them to you for about $16 per disk plus S & H. Just give them your serial number and they'll know which ones you need.
    To find your serial number go to the Apple in the upper left corner and select About This Mac, then click on More Info, the System Profiler will then come up. The Serial Number (System) is down near the bottom of the Hardware Overview list.
    If you don't have your install disc handy,then follow these steps
    1. Start up in single-user mode (hold Command-S as thecomputer starts up).
    2. Type: mount -uw /
    3. Press Return.
    4. Type this: passwd (user's short name) Replace "(user's shortname)" with the short name of the user account whose password you wish to reset. If you are not sure what the account name is, you can get a list of usernames by typing: ls /Users
    5. Press Return.
    6. Enter a new user password.
    7. Press Return.
    8. Type: reboot
    9. Press Return.

  • AirPort won't auto connect after resetting admin password

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    Try the following, in order, until (hopefully) resolved:
    1a. Delete Preferred Network(s)
    System Preferences > Network > AirPort > Advanced > AirPort tab
    Under "Preferred Networks," delete the network(s) you regularly use from the list.
    1b. Delete AirPort Keychain Entries
    Launch the "Keychain Access" application located in Applications/Utilties.
    Click on the "Kind" filter at the top, and look for any "AirPort network password" entries...and delete them.
    1c. Add Preferred Network(s)
    System Preferences > Network > AirPort > Advanced > AirPort tab
    Add the preferred network(s) using the "+" button.
    Restart or log out then back in.
    2. Move System Configuration Files
    (Note: You will have to reestablish your network connections settings.)
    Go to /Library/Preferences
    Move the SystemConfiguration folder to the desktop.
    Restart your Mac. (Note: OS X will rebuild the files that are now sitting on your desktop. If this doesn't resolve the issue, you can move the folder back to it's original location.)

  • Unable to reset admin password

    Hope to get some help as this is driving me crazy.
    I purchased a used iMac. It has the latest V. of Snow Leopard installed. Wanted to install Mavericks but it won't accept the Admin password. (There was none) I booted from the original Snow Leopard disk and made a password. Should have done it, but it still wouldn't accept it. Went back and reset the firmware password also. Still won't accept it.
    Next I tried to reset from System Pref's > Accounts but it also wants the password. Oddly enough, after setting the new password the computer requires it for startup and does accept it there. Why would it recognize the password for startup but nowhere else.
    Now, a new problem popped up; I can't boot up with the Snow Leopard original installation disk either by depressing the "C" key, or holding down "Options". The C key does nothing and the computer simply starts and asks for the password, then goes on to complete the opening. The option key brings up a gray screen with the symbol of a lock and a text entry space below that with an arrow pointing to the right. It doesn't allow anything to be entered however, and it's necessary to shut down the computer by holding in the start button as there is no other way to get out of it.
    The internal superdrive works properly, and I also tried an external superdrive which works fine. The disk shows up on my desktop just fine so the drives are working, but beyond that nothing can happen as it asks for a password I seem not to have.
    I've run completely out of ideas and none of the usual suggestions here are in the least bit useful. If you have any ideas please don't just repeat the stuff Apple suggests as none work. I evidently need some way to start from scratch that doesn't require the password at all.

    Sounds like the previous owner enabled a firmware password. Power the machine down, remove one or more RAM modules, restart, and that should allow you to boot with the install disc. Once up an running, replace the removed RAM modules.

  • How to reset admin password in os x yosemite?

    I just bought my macbook pro 3 days ago and I forgot what's my admin password
    Maybe im just too excited to set it up that i forgot what my admin password is. I can access my laptop completely im just having problems with installing downloaded apps, also with changing setting on System Preferences.
    Please heeelppp!

    OS X 10.7 Lion, 10.8 Mountain Lion, 10.9 Mavericks and 10.10 Yosemite
    Reset Password
    Start the computer,then press and hold down command and R keys to start into recovery partition.
    When you see the Apple logo, release the keys.
    Wait until  OS X Utilities window shows up.
    Move the mouse to the menubar at the top and click "Utilities", then select "Terminal"
    from the drop down.
    Terminal window will appear.
    Type in   resetpassword   and press enter on the keyboard.
    Leave the Terminal window open.
    Reset Password Utility window will open with Macintosh HD selected.
    Select the user account from the popup menu box under “Select user account”.
    Enter a new password.
    Reenter the new password for the user.
    Enter a hint.
    Click the "Save" button.
    Click  in the menubar and select Restart.
    Log in.
    If Keychain dialog box appears, select “Create New Keychain”.

  • Can't reset Admin Password

    bought computer ibook g4 for wife who forgot admin password. I believe it's
    the password I was asked before I could install additional software. I followed
    reset instructions: 1) insert 10.4.2 install disk 2) restart computer
    3) hold down "c" key when startup sounds, release when wheel spinning
    at this point "installer" should appear where I would click Utilities and
    reset password. Instead, the disk loads, where I tried clicking applications>
    utilities>reset password and get message "you cannot reset password this way"
    As you might gather by reading this email, I am a novice. Any advise before I
    pay Apple to reset my password? Thanks so much!

    are you able to boot from the CD? What do you mean by "the disk loads"?
    How many accounts do you have on this computer? If only one, I assume that you have it set up for automatic login.
    If everything else fails and you don't mind creating a new account on this computer, then follow this procedure
    Restart holding command+s
    type: /sbin/mount -uaw
    type: rm /var/db/.applesetupdone
    type: reboot
    This will delete the file that is created the first time you turn on your computer and you get the "Welcome" movie. It won't do anything to what is already in your account, it'll just create a new admin account (you'll be able to choose a an admin password at that point). When you create the new admin account, make sure that you choose a login and shortname DIFFERENT than those of the account you've forgotten the password of.
    Then you just need to log onto that new account, go to System preferences, select Accounts, select your wife's account and you'll be able to reset the password from there.
    Good luck. Let me know how it goes.

  • Resetting admin password using another admin password

    How do I reset an admin password on the imac from another user who is also an admin?

    Hello, Keugantic. 
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities. 
    Here are the steps that will walk you through changing an admin account password using another admin account. 
    Resetting a user's password using an administrator account
    Important: Passwords for administrator accounts should not be blank.
    Log in with an administrator account. Tip: If you don't know the password of any administrator accounts, see "Resetting the original administrator account password" below.
    From the Apple menu choose System Preferences.
    From the View menu choose Users & Groups.
    Click the lock button if it appears locked; enter the administrator password.
    Select the name of the user whose password you want to change.
    Click the Reset Password button or the Change Password button.
    Enter a new password in both the New Password and Verify fields, and add a Password Hint if desired.
    Click the Reset Password button or the Change Password button.
    OS X: Changing or resetting an account password
    Jason H. 

  • How do you reset Admin password (when not logged in as Admin)??

    Here's my predicament. I set up 3 accounts on our laptop - one for me and my wife (Standard accounts) and a House Account as the only Admin. Now, I don't remember the password for the House Account, which serves as the Admin.
    I am trying to load new software, but it request administrative privileges. To make matters worse, when I try to install the MAC OSX startup disk (like the help manual says you should to reset the admin password), before my computer will restart the startup disk, it asks me for the Admin password. Because I am not logged in as the Admin, I can't even restart the computer when prompted by the startup and install the OS again.
    Any suggestions or help with this issue?

    Did you create an Open Firmware password as well? If not then just insert the OS X Installer Disc into the optical drive and restart the computer. After the chime press and hold down the 'C' key until the spinning gear appears below the dark gray Apple logo.

  • How to reset admin password osx 10.9.5

    need to reset my password for mac book pro can't find a hint...

    Resetting User Password in Lion, Mountain Lion & Mavericks
    Boot into your Recovery Partition by holding down the Command and R keys whilst booting.
    When the Recovery screen appears, go to the Utilities menu and open Terminal.
    In Terminal, type:
    ...a small app will open and allow you to choose the user for whom you want to change the password. If you are the admin, be certain that you choose your admin user. Type in your new password twice and give yourself a good hint. Click OK (or Done or whatever) and reboot, enjoying the use of your new, hopefully memorable, password.
    Good luck,

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