Resetting Auto-complete

Is there any way to reset autocomplete in safari without restoring because my friend has been typing in a different language using the English keyboard and it keeps suggesting foreign words to me.
Any help appreciated.

Forger It, I just worked it out!!
(Settings-General-Reset-Keyboard Dictionary)

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    Do you mean auto completion on an individual cell or auto completion of text?
    In the Inspector under Cells, Cell Format can be Automatic - this means that text entered like dates (4/10) are converted to dates: 4th October 2007.
    To reset on individual cells - select the cells and in the Inspector, Cells, Cell Format choose 'Automatic' from the drop down menu. When a date is entered it is formatted as a date, if afterwards you enter a basic number (10.1) in the cell it will be reformatted as a number.
    Message was edited by: N.P.

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    Go to Safari/Preferences - AutoFill
    Click where it says: Edit
    You can Remove All or edit which url's you don't want.

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    Ben Harris wrote:
    There has got to be a way to erase that autofill information.
    The only way I know how to clear it is not a good way. It would be *Reset Safari* which to me would be overkill. He would be better off not leaving any evidence to have to clear. Tell your friend to go to Safari in the menu bar. Now click *Private Browsing*. That will allow him to surf to his hearts content and nothing is saved to the autofill or other incriminating places:->
    This is what it says when you get ready to activate it.
    +When private browsing is turned on, webpages are not added to the history, items are automatically removed from the Downloads window, information isn't saved for AutoFill (including names and passwords), and searches are not added to the pop-up menu in the Google search box. Until you close the window, you can still click the Back and Forward buttons to return to webpages you have opened.+

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    I had the same issue. After reading this solution I started poking around in the Container folder and found that there was a symlink for AddressBook that was messed up which was causing the problem. In ~/Library/Containers/ Support I ran:
    $ cd ~/Library/Containers/\ Support
    $ ls -lh
    AddressBook -> ??/???7??ʪ?????VT???;??\G[?:??:??????T?_Ү??
    SyncServices -> ../../../../../Application Support/SyncServices
    iCloud -> ../../../../../Application Support/iCloud
    Seeing the aliases for SyncServices and iCloud, I guessed correctly that I just needed to recreate the AddressBook alias to point to the right place. So I just removed the alias for AddressBook, recreated it, restarted Mail, and it worked perfectly. (Note: I did the following to remove the alias, and recreate it. You should confirm what you are removing is an alias. You should also always make sure you have a backup.)
    $ cd ~/Library/Containers/\ Support
    $ rm AddressBook
    $ ln -s ../../../../../Application\ Support/AddressBook AddressBook
    Obviously, DrewSchatt's  original solution to this works as well, but this way you don't have to delete the whole folder, resetting your preferences and possibly delete something else important (only recreating the alias, not deleting any files or data).

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    Try a reset and see if it fixes the problem. You will not lose any data.
    Reset the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider if it appears on the screen - let go of the buttons. Let the iPad start up.

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    Symantec need to update their Firefox add-ons so that they are compatible with Firefox 4. They have indicated that for Norton 360 they plan to release an update to Norton 360 to support Firefox 4 in early May -
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    For details of how to find your profile folder see

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    Any thought?
    Ps: It was here since before 3.2 update and didn't get fix after the update.

    I have the same problem. Tried using the mouseover to the top-left corner and typing the command. Also invoking the superkey. When I start typing in everything freezes.
    Update: I did open applications using the gnome-terminal       $ application-name &
                  to start firefox with no problems.  Also did move away /.config/dconf and /.gconf .   Still the same.  When it freezes all I can do is a hardware reset. very strange     doing it in Linux, i tell you.
                 This isn't happening before I added any Online Accounts. Somebody has to rethink this much integration with the Cloud I think.
    Last edited by findingdonato (2011-10-01 23:06:23)

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    If you erase the iPad completely, (erase all content and settings) the addresses will go away, but they will return again as soon as you start sending emails again and entering text in the To: field. And you will have to set the iPad up all over again.
    If you reset all settings - they will not go away.
    Erasing the device is pretty radical and it is only a temporary fix anyway. The suggested email addresses window will always pop up when you start entering text into the To: field and there is no way to deactivate it.

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    Hello all,
    Pardon my lack of appropriate terms, but I need some help. I recently upgraded from XCode 2.0 to XCode 2.2 and have noticed an anomoly in behavior.
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    [[myDictionary objectForKey: @"myArray"] count];
    After closing the inner brackets and trying to find the appropriate methods of NSArray (ie, I hit ESC to see my auto-complete options), XCode is obviously labeling this variable as "id" because it doesn't know what the objectForKey is going to retrieve. In XCode 2.0, I could do the following:
    [(NSArray *)[myDictionary objectForKey: @"myArray"] count];
    Doing this, XCode knew I was expecting an NSArray, and would auto-complete with only the NSArray methods. Now under XCode 2.2, the auto-complete seems confused by this type-casting, and does not list NSArray methods, and doesn't even list id methods, but instead lists what appears to be global and instance variables, not methods at all.
    It compiles properly and the app runs properly, so it seems only the auto-completion is confused. Does anyone know how to fix this back to XCode 2.0's style?
    (BTW, this was a simplified example, I often use the technique with custom classes)
    Thanks in advance.

    My settings appear to be correct. I even trashed the file and trashed the .mode file in my xcodeproj to reset everything and still no go.
    Code-sense settings:
    [X] Enable for all projects
    Editor Function Pop-Up:
    [X] Show Declarations
    [ ] Sort list alphabetically
    Code Completion:
    [X] Indicate when completions are available
    [X] Show arguments in pop-up list
    [X] Insert argument placeholders for completions
    Automatically Suggest: Never (I use ESC when I need suggestions)

  • Text-input component with auto-complete functionality for mobile

    Hey guys,
    I wonder if there is a text-input component with auto-complete functionality optimized for mobile development with AIR like the one that Android provides natively as you can see here and here
    At least I didn't find it in the latest SDK and I think such a component is pretty standard nowadays. Or did I simply overlook it?
    Thank you guys for any advice.

    Hi relaxtraja,
    thanks for your reply!
    I knew that there are a lot of auto-complete scripts on the web. What I was hoping was, that Adobe provides an officially supported auto-complete component optimized for mobile as part of the SDK (like in the Android SDK as I pointed out), but that doesn't seem to be the case. It's sad, because it's an essential part of modern UIs in mobile applications.
    I've already created an auto-complete component by myself based on Spark components and I will end up using it. But I will have to optimize it for mobile applications beforehands. I just think something this essential should be provided by the SDK.
    However, thanks for posting!

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    Have found the answer on Apple discussion and was able to delete it in my Address Book.

  • Tutorial Announcement :: How To Use Auto Complete Text Form Control ::

    Hello Everyone...
    Here in this tutorial we gonna to learn a new and amazing feature of (ADDT), we will learn how to use Adobe developer toolbox (ADDT) form controls.
    Form controls help you to add a fantastic features to your forms, that helps you to expand the form abilities and functionality...
    The Auto complete Text Field is an enhanced text field that dynamically completes what you type with matched values from a table. You can also select the values from a list.
    You can use the Auto complete Text Field in user registration forms, such as allowing users to select their country or city easier, Also in other forms that needs the user to pick one of many choices without any difficulties.
    To complete this tutorial you will need to install the following software and files:
    Adobe Dreamweaver Cs3
    Adobe Developer Toolbox (ADDT)
    Don't forget: to try out the Demo type the first three letters :A - B - C
    :: Go To Tutorials ::
    :: Go To Tutorials ::
    Best Regards
    Waleed Barakat
    Developer-Online Creator and programmer

    Heya Waleed,
    I use spry to create an autocomplete form that works great across browsers that have javascript enabled. You can store info in a database and parse the info to xml for a dynamic approach. Take a look at the filter examples in spry. l

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